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Consumer behav|or ls JefloeJ os tbe bebovlot tbot coosomet Jlsploy lo seotcbloq fot potcbosloq osloq
evolootloq ooJ Jlsposloq of ptoJocts ooJ setvlces tbot tbey expect wlll sotlsfy tbelt oeeJs Consumer
behavlor focuses on how lndlvldual consumers and famllles or households make declslons Lo spend Lhelr
avallable resources (Llme money efforL) on consumpLlonrelaLed lLems 1haL lncludes whaL Lhey buy
why Lhey buy lL when Lhey buy lL where Lhey buy lL how ofLen Lhey use lL how Lhey evaluaLe lL afLer
purchase Lhe lmpacL of such evaluaLlons on fuLure purchases and how Lhey dlspose of lL
Whlle all consumers are unlque neverLheless one of Lhe mosL lmporLanL consLanLs among all of us
desplLe our dlfferences ls LhaL we are all consumers We use or consume on a regular basls food
cloLhlng shelLer LransporLaLlon educaLlon equlpmenL vacaLlons necesslLles luxurles servlces and
even ldeas As consumers we play vlLal role ln Lhe healLh of economylocal naLlonal and lnLernaLlonal
1he purchase declslons we make affecL Lhe demand for baslc raw maLerlals for LransporLaLlons for
producLlon for banklng Lhey affecL Lhe employmenL of workers and developmenL of resources Lhe
success of some lndusLrles and Lhe fallure of oLhers ln order Lo succeed ln any buslness and especlally
ln Loday's dynamlc and rapldly evolvlng markeLplace markeLers need Lo know everyLhlng Lhey can
abouL consumers whaL Lhey wanL whaL Lhey Lhlnk how Lhey work and how Lhey spend Lhelr lelsure
Llme 1hey need Lo undersLand Lhe personal and group lnfluences LhaL affecL consumer declslons and
how Lhese declslons are made And ln Lhese days of ever wldenlng medla cholces Lhey need Lo noL
only ldenLlfy Lhelr LargeL audlences buL Lhey need Lo know where and how Lo reach Lhem
ln shorL Consumer behavlor ls Lhe sLudy of when why how and where people do or do noL buy a
producL lL blends elemenLs from psychology soclology soclal anLhropology and economlcs lL aLLempLs
Lo undersLand Lhe buyer declslon maklng process boLh lndlvldually and ln groups lL sLudles
characLerlsLlcs of lndlvldual consumers such as demographlcs and behavloral varlables ln an aLLempL Lo
undersLand peoples wanLs lL also Lrles Lo assess lnfluences on Lhe consumer from groups such as
famlly frlends reference groups and socleLy ln general
CusLomer behavlor sLudy ls based on consumer buylng behavlor wlLh Lhe cusLomer playlng Lhe Lhree
dlsLlncL roles of user payer and buyer 8elaLlonshlp markeLlng ls an lnfluenLlal asseL for cusLomer
behavlor analysls as lL has a keen lnLeresL ln Lhe redlscovery of Lhe Lrue meanlng of markeLlng Lhrough
Lhe reafflrmaLlon of Lhe lmporLance of Lhe cusLomer or buyer A greaLer lmporLance ls also placed on
consumer reLenLlon cusLomer relaLlonshlp managemenL personallzaLlon cusLomlzaLlon and oneLo
one markeLlng Soclal funcLlons can be caLegorlzed lnLo soclal cholce and welfare funcLlons
ln Lhe broadesL sense Lhe Lerm coosomet bebovlot descrlbes Lwo dlfferenL klnds of consumlng enLlLles
Lhe personal consumer and Lhe organlzaLlonal consumer 1he ersona| consumer buys goods and
servlces for hls or her own use for Lhe use of household or as a glfL for a frlend ln each of Lhese
conLexLs Lhe producLs are boughL for flnal use by lndlvlduals who are referred Lo as end users or
ulLlmaLe consumers 1he second caLegory of consumerLhe organ|zat|ona| consumer lncludes proflL
and noLforproflL buslnesses governmenL agencles (local sLaLe and naLlonal) and lnsLlLuLlons (eg
schools hosplLals and prlsons) all of whlch musL buy producLs equlpmenL and servlces ln order Lo run
Lhelr organlzaLlons
1o undersLand boLh consumers' unsaLlsfled as well as Lhelr unrecognlzed needs lL ls ofLen lmporLanL for
companles Lo conLlnuously conducL markeLlng research sLudles Lo monlLor consumers' needs and
preferences wlLh respecL Lo Lhe producLs and servlces LhaL Lhey currenLly markeL and Lhose Lhey would
probably wlsh Lo develop ln Lhe fuLure ln dolng so markeLers have Lended Lo dlscover LhaL consumers
are hlghly complex lndlvlduals sub[ecL Lo a varleLy of psychologlcal and soclal needs qulLe aparL from
Lhelr more baslc funcLlonal needs 1hey also dlscovered LhaL Lhe needs and prlorlLles of dlfferenL
consumer segmenLs dlffer dramaLlcally and Lhe ob[ecLlve of a company should be Lo LargeL dlfferenL
producLs and servlces Lo dlfferenL markeL segmenLs ln order Lo beLLer saLlsfy Lhelr dlfferenL needs
Agaln Lo accompllsh Lhls Lask Lhe company musL know ln deLall whaL producL wlll saLlsfy dlfferenL
markeL segmenLs 1hey have Lo sLudy consumers and Lhelr consumpLlon ln depLh ln Lhls conLexL
consumer research represenLs Lhe process and Lools Lo sLudy consumer behavlor

Morketinq stroteqy
All markeLlng sLraLegy ls bullL on S1 SegmenLaLlon 1argeLlng and oslLlonlng A company dlscovers
dlfferenL needs and groups ln Lhe markeLplace LargeLs Lhose needs and groups LhaL lL can saLlsfy ln a
superlor way and Lhen poslLlons lLs offerlng so LhaL Lhe LargeL markeL recognlzes Lhe companys
dlsLlncLlve offerlng and lmage lf a company does a poor [ob of poslLlonlng Lhe markeL wlll be confused
as Lo whaL Lo expecL lf a company does an excellenL [ob of poslLlonlng Lhen lL can work ouL Lhe resL of
lLs markeLlng plannlng and dlfferenLlaLlon from lLs poslLlonlng sLraLegy
9osltlooloq ls Lhe acL of deslgnlng Lhe companys offerlng and lmage Lo occupy a dlsLlncLlve place ln Lhe
mlnd of Lhe LargeL markeL 1he end resulL of poslLlonlng ls Lhe successful creaLlon of a cusLomerfocused
value proposlLlon a cogenL reason why Lhe LargeL markeL should buy Lhe producL PerLz ls LhoughL of as
Lhe worlds largesL auLorenLal agency CocaCola as Lhe worlds largesL sofLdrlnk company and orsche
as one of Lhe worlds besL sporLs cars 1hese brands own Lhese poslLlons and lL would be hard for a
compeLlLor Lo clalm Lhem
MA8kL1 1A8CL1lnC
Motket totqetloq ls a broad Lerm LhaL ls used Lo descrlbe Lhe process of ldenLlfylng groups of consumers
who are hlghly llkely Lo purchase a speclflc good or servlce 1here are several dlfferenL approaches Lo
Lhls process wlLh some of Lhem allowlng for a broad culLlvaLlon of a markeL whlle oLhers are focused
more on ldenLlfylng markeLs LhaL are small buL somewhaL lucraLlve 8uslnesses of all slzes engage are
some form of Lhls markeLlng essenLlal as parL of Lhelr efforLs Lo secure and malnLaln cusLomers

A motket seqmeot ls a subseL of a markeL made up of people or organlzaLlons wlLh one or more
characLerlsLlcs LhaL cause Lhem Lo demand slmllar producL and/or servlces based on quallLles of Lhose
producLs such as prlce or funcLlon A Lrue markeL segmenL meeLs all of Lhe followlng crlLerla lL ls dlsLlncL
from oLher segmenLs (dlfferenL segmenLs have dlfferenL needs) lL ls homogeneous wlLhln Lhe segmenL
(exhlblLs common needs) lL responds slmllarly Lo a markeL sLlmulus and lL can be reached by a markeL
lnLervenLlon 1he Lerm ls also used when consumers wlLh ldenLlcal producL and/or servlce needs are
dlvlded up lnLo groups so Lhey can be charged dlfferenL amounLs for Lhe servlces 1he people ln a glven
segmenL are supposed Lo be slmllar ln Lerms of crlLerla by whlch Lhey are segmenLed and dlfferenL from
oLher segmenLs ln Lerms of Lhese crlLerla 1hese can be broadly vlewed as poslLlve and negaLlve
appllcaLlons of Lhe same ldea spllLLlng up Lhe markeL lnLo smaller groups
O Cender
O rlce
O lnLeresLs
O ocaLlon
O 8ellglon

As consumers each of us has a vasL number of aLLlLudes Loward producLs servlces adverLlsemenLs
dlrecL mall Lhe lnLerneL and Lhe reLall sLores Whenever we are asked wheLher we llke or dlsllke a
producL (omega waLch) a servlce (klngflsher alrllnes) a parLlcular reLaller (blg bazaar) a speclflc dlrecL
markeLer (wwwamazoncom) or an adverLlslng Lheme (PS8C 1he World's local 8ank") we are belng
asked Lo express our aLLlLudes SLlll furLher when lL comes Lo a parLlcular producL and an adverLlsemenL
for LhaL producL (or for LhaL maLLer any oLher markeLlng relaLed messages for Lhe producL) lL ls qulLe
posslble for a consumer Lo have a dlfferenL aLLlLude Loward Lhe producL (eg dlsllklng lL") Lhan Lhe
aLLlLude Loward Lhe ad for Lhe producL (eg llklng lL")
WlLhln Lhe conLexL of consumer behavlor an appreclaLlon of prevalllng consumer aLLlLudes has
conslderable sLraLeglc merlL
1o geL aL Lhe hearL of whaL ls drlvlng consumer's behavlor ottltoJe teseotcb has been used Lo answer a
wlde range of sLraLeglc markeLlng quesLlons lor example aLLlLude research ls frequenLly underLaken Lo
deLermlne wheLher consumers wlll accepL a proposed a new producL ldea Lo gauge why a flrm's LargeL
audlence has noL reacLed more favorably Lo lLs new promoLlonal Lheme or Lo learn how LargeL
cusLomers are llkely Lo reacL Lo a proposed change ln Lhe flrm's packaglng deslgn 1o lllusLraLe ma[or
aLhleLlc shoe markeLers such as nlke or 8eebok frequenLly conducL research among LargeL consumers of
Lhe dlfferenL funcLlonal Lypes of aLhleLlc fooLwear producLs LhaL Lhey markeL 1hey seek aLLlLudes of
LargeL consumer wlLh respecL Lo slze flL comforL and fashlon elemenLs of Lhelr fooLwear as well as LesL
reacLlons Lo Lhelr laLesL adverLlslng and oLher markeLlng messages deslgned Lo form and change
consumer aLLlLudes All Lhese markeLlng acLlvlLles are relaLed Lo lmporLanL Lask of lmpacLlng consumer's
ln consumer behavlor conLexL oo att|tude ls o leotoeJ pteJlsposltloo to bebove lo o cooslsteotly
fovotoble ot oofovotoble woy wltb tespect to o qlveo object
1PL A11l1uuL C8!LC1"
1he word ob[ecL ln Lhe deflnlLlon should be lnLerpreLed broadly Lo lnclude speclflc consumpLlon or
markeLlngrelaLed concepLs such as producL producL caLegory brand servlce possesslons producL
use causes or lssues people adverLlsemenL lnLerneL slLe prlce medlum or reLaller
ln conducLlng aLLlLude research we Lend Lo be 'ob[ecL' speclflc lor example lf we were lnLeresLed ln
learnlng consumer's aLLlLudes Lowards 2 ma[or brands of cordless Lelephones our ob[ecL mlghL lnclude
anasonlc and 8eeLle
A11l1uuLS A8L A LA8nLu 8LulSCSl1lCn
1here ls general agreemenL LhaL aLLlLude ls learned 1hls means Lhose aLLlLudes relevanL Lo purchase
behavlor are formed as a resulL of dlrecL experlence wlLh Lhe producL wordofmouLh lnformaLlon
acqulred from oLhers or exposure Lo mass medla adverLlslng Lhe lnLerneL and varlous forms of dlrecL
markeLlng (eg a reLaller's caLalogue)
A11l1uuLS PAvL CCnSlS1LnC?
ALLlLudes are relaLlvely conslsLenL wlLh Lhe behavlor Lhey reflecL Powever desplLe Lhelr conslsLency
aLLlLudes are noL necessarlly permanenL Lhey do change We expecL consumer's behavlor Lo correspond
wlLh Lhelr aLLlLudes lor example lf a Mexlcan consumer reporLed preferrlng !apanese over korean
auLomoblles we would expecL LhaL Lhe lndlvldual would be more llkely Lo buy a !apanese brand when
hls currenL vehlcle needed Lo be replaced
A11l1uuLS CCCu8 Wl1Pln A Sl1uA1lCn
lL ls noL lmmedlaLely evldenL from our deflnlLlon LhaL aLLlLudes occur wlLhln and are affecLed by Lhe
slLuaLlon Pere sltootloo means evenLs or clrcumsLances LhaL aL a parLlcular polnL ln Llme lnfluence Lhe
relaLlonshlp beLween aLLlLude and behavlor A speclflc slLuaLlon can cause consumers Lo behave ln ways
seemlngly lnconslsLenL wlLh Lhelr aLLlLudes leL us assume LhaL MargareL purchases a dlfferenL brand of
sunLan loLlon cream each Llme she runs low AlLhough her brandswlLchlng behavlor may seem Lo reflecL
a negaLlve aLLlLude or dlssaLlsfacLlon wlLh brands she Lrles lL acLually may be lnfluenced by a speclflc
slLuaLlon for example her wlsh Lo economlze 1hus she wlll buy whaLever ls Lhe leasL expenslve brand
and lL ls noL a maLLer of a negaLlve aLLlLude

lnkACLS ln A11l1uuL lC8MA1lCn
Whlle aLLlLude ls deflned as a menLal predlsposlLlonfavorable or unfavorable poslLlve or negaLlve
Loward a person concepL producL brand servlce or an ldea bellefs are menLal sLaLemenLs LhaL may be
concerned wlLh any faceL of llferellglon naLlon producL or brand values on Lhe oLher hand are an
lndlvldual's convlcLlons abouL hls mode of llvlng ln a speclal culLural seLLlng values polnL ouL Lo Lhe
lndlvldual how he should seL and accompllsh hls own goals ln llfe 8uylng producLs and servlces ls one of
Lhe ma[or acLlvlLles of an lndlvldual's llfe and hence ldenLlfylng and dlsLlngulshlng beLween hls bellefs
aLLlLudes and values are lmporLanL from markeLer's vlewpolnL

|terature rev|ew

bellef ls deflned as Lhe knowledge LhaL a consumer has abouL ob[ecLs Lhelr aLLrlbuLes and Lhelr
1ypes of bellefs
O ob[ecLaLLrlbuLe bellefs
O aLLrlbuLebeneflL bellefs
O ob[ecLbeneflL bellefs
A persons aLLlLude abouL an ob[ecL can be a funcLlon of Lhe bellefs LhaL a person holds wlLh regard Lhe
aLLlLudlnal ob[ecL buL can also be a funcLlon of Lhe lmporLance of Lhe lndlvldual aLLrlbuLes abouL whlch a
person has bellefs
roducLs people companles and Lhlngs abouL whlch people hold bellefs and aLLlLudes
ALLrlbuLes are characLerlsLlcs or feaLures Lhan an ob[ecL mlghL or mlghL noL have or possess

Mu/tittribute ttitude Mode/
lL ls a maLhemaLlcal represenLaLlon of Lhe unconsclous process consumers go Lhrough ln evaluaLlng Lhe
overall cognlLlve componenL of an aLLlLude Loward a parLlcular ob[ecL
Its e|ements |nc|ude
O 8ellefs abouL an ob[ecL's aLLrlbuLes
O ldeal performance levels for each aLLrlbuLe
O 8elaLlve lmporLance aLLached Lo each aLLrlbuLe
ishbeins Mu/tiottribute 1heory
llshbeln's model argues LhaL consumers' aLLlLudes Lowards a brand derlve from Lhelr bellefs abouL Lhe
aLLrlbuLes of Lhe brand and Lhelr evaluaLlons of Lhose aLLrlbuLes
1hree facLors lnfluence aLLlLude formaLlon
O SallenL aLLrlbuLes for an ob[ecL/producL
O LxLenL Lo whlch consumer belleves producL conLalns Lhese sallenL aLLrlbuLes
O lmporLance of Lhe aLLrlbuLe Lo Lhe consumer


O 1o sLudy and undersLand how soclal medla ls lmpacLlng consumer behavlor for a parLlcular markeL

O 1o sLudy Lhe dlfferences ln eLhnocenLrlsm amongsL lndlan consumers 1o sLudy relaLlonshlp beLween
eLhnocenLrlsm and demographlc and psychographlc varlables lf lL exlsLs
esearch methodo|ogy

MarkeL research ls Lhe process of sysLemaLlc gaLherlng recordlng and analyzlng of daLa abouL
cusLomers compeLlLors and Lhe markeL MarkeL research can help creaLe a buslness plan launch a new
producL or servlce flne Lune exlsLlng producLs and servlces expand lnLo new markeLs eLc lL can be used
Lo deLermlne whlch porLlon of Lhe populaLlon wlll purchase Lhe producL/servlce based on varlables llke
age gender locaLlon and lncome level lL can be found ouL whaL markeL characLerlsLlcs your LargeL
markeL has WlLh markeL research companles can learn more abouL currenL and poLenLlal cusLomers
1he purpose of markeL research ls Lo help companles make beLLer buslness declslons abouL Lhe
developmenL and markeLlng of new producLs MarkeL research represenLs Lhe volce of Lhe consumer ln
a company
Def|n|ng the research rob|em
ueflnlng Lhe problem ls Lhe slngle mosL lmporLanL sLep ln Lhe markeL research process A clear
sLaLemenL of Lhe problem ls a key Lo a good research A flrm may spend hundreds or Lhousands of
dollars dolng markeL research buL lf lL has noL correcLly ldenLlfled Lhe problem Lhose dollars are
wasLed ln our case lL ls obvlous LhaL Lhe problem here ls seLLlng up a buslness 8uL even lf Lhls ls clear
you sLlll need Lo know whaL exacLly you need Lo know Lo make Lhe new buslness a success and whaL
speclflc relaLed Lo Lhe producL ls dlfflculL Lo flnd ouL roblems LhaL may be encounLered are lL ls
unknown whaL poLenLlal markeLs Lhere are whaL cusLomer groups are lnLeresLed ln your producLs who
Lhe compeLlLors are? AfLer formulaLlng your problem you need Lo formulaLe your research quesLlons
WhaL quesLlons need Lo be answered and whlch posslble subquesLlons do you have
Clear ob[ecLlves can lead Lo clear resulLs An example of Lhls ls a slLuaLlon aL Camaro/llreblrd AuLo
manufacLurers are someLlmes crlLlclzed for creaLlng expenslve vehlcles wlLh unwanLed feaLures and
Lechnologles LhaL do noL meeL Lhe needs of Lhe LargeL markeL 1o avold Lhls Lrap englneerlng Leam of
Lhls company Lurned Lo markeL research Lo evaluaLe how changes ln performance and fuel economy
would affecL sales volume and cusLomer saLlsfacLlon lL Lurned ouL LhaL cusLomers were wllllng Lo pay
more for greaLer performance lf Lhe car also offered slmulLaneous lncreases ln fuel economy
Se|ect|ng and estab||sh|ng research des|gn
Lvery research pro[ecL and every buslness ls dlfferenL SLlll Lhere are enough commonallLles among
research pro[ecLs Lo caLegorlze Lhem by research meLhods and procedures used Lo collecL and analyze
daLa 1here are Lhree Lypes of research deslgn malnly
- LxploraLory research deslgn
- uescrlpLlve research
- Causal research
uescrlpLlve research refers Lo a seL of meLhods and procedures LhaL descrlbe markeLlng varlables
uescrlpLlve sLudles porLray Lhese varlables by answerlng who whaL why and how quesLlons 1hese
Lypes of research sLudles may descrlbe such Lhlngs as consumers' aLLlLudes lnLenLlons and behavlors
or Lhe number of compeLlLors and Lhelr sLraLegles
Causal research deslgn ls conducLed by conLrolllng varlous facLors Lo deLermlne whlch facLor ls causlng
Lhe problem lL allows you Lo lsolaLe causes and effecLs 8y changlng one facLor say prlce you can
monlLor lLs effecLs on a key consequence such as sales AlLhough causal research can glve you a hlgh
level of undersLandlng of Lhe varlable you are sLudylng Lhe deslgns ofLen requlre experlmenLs LhaL are
complex and expenslve
Ident|fy |nformat|on tyes and sources
1here are Lwo Lypes of lnformaLlon avallable Lo a markeL researcher prlmary daLa and secondary daLa
rlmary daLa ls orlglnal lnformaLlon gaLhered for a speclflc purpose Secondary daLa refers Lo
lnformaLlon LhaL already exlsLs somewhere and has been collecLed for some oLher purpose 8oLh Lypes
of research have a number of acLlvlLles and meLhods of conducLlng assoclaLed wlLh Lhem Secondary
research ls usually fasLer and less expenslve Lo obLaln Lhan prlmary research CaLherlng secondary
research may be as slmple as maklng a Lrlp Lo a local llbrary or buslness lnformaLlon cenLer or browslng
Lhe lnLerneL 1here ls already a loL of sLaLlsLlcs abouL dlfferenL buslnesses LhaL can be used for Lhls
research We have used prlmary daLa collecLed by quesLlonnalre fllled by respondenLs and secondary
daLa ls used by uslng dlfferenL books and Lhe lnLerneL
Co||ect|ng and ana|yz|ng data
uaLa collecLlon was done by lnLervlewers who were Leam members of Lhls group 1hls was by collecLlng
fleld daLa for prlmary daLa A quesLlonnalre (see appendlx) was used Lo collecL Lhe prlmary daLa
uaLa analysls ls needed Lo glve Lhe raw daLa any meanlng 1he flrsL sLep ln analyzlng Lhe daLa was
cleanlng Lhe daLa 1hls ls Lhe process of checklng Lhe raw daLa Lo verlfy LhaL Lhe daLa has been correcLly
enLered lnLo Lhe flles from Lhe daLa collecLlon form AfLer LhaL Lhe daLa have Lo be coded 1hls ls Lhe
process of asslgnlng all response caLegorles a numerlcal value lor example worsL 1 besL 3 AfLer
LhaL Lhe daLa can be LabulaLed whlch refers Lo Lhe acLual counLlng of Lhe number of observaLlons LhaL
fall ln Lo each posslble response caLegory

ormu|ate f|nd|ngs
AfLer analyzlng Lhe daLa we make flndlngs based on Lhls daLa Cnce Lhe flndlngs abouL Lhe LargeL
markeL compeLlLlon and envlronmenL are flnlshed we presenL lL ln an organlzed manner ln Lhls case
reporL Lhe flndlngs ln Lhe markeL analysls secLlon of your buslness plan

lor example here Lhls Lable clearly shows LhaL consumer aLLlLude Lowards 'MaruLl' ls much favorable
Lhan Lhelr aLLlLude Lowards 'SanLro'


Pere are Lhe observaLlons
1he LoLal sample slze ls 46uell and Sony lapLops are used by 23 people each Slmllarly MaruLl Wagon 8
and Pyundal SanLro are used by 24 and 22 people respecLlvely 1hls daLa ls furLher caLegorlzed as per
dlfferenL crlLerla
Accord|ng to age
uSL uL (23) uSL SCn? (23) uSL MA8u1l (24) uSL SAn18C (22)
LSS 1PAn 30
16 9 11 14
MC8L 1PAn 30
7 14 13 8

Accord|ng to gender
MAL 14 12 14 12
lLMAL 9 11 10 10

Accord|ng to occuat|on
LMC?Lu 12 14 14 12
S1uuLn1 9 9 9 9
2 0 1 1

Accord|ng to |ncome
13 AkPS 8 9 7 9
MC8L 1PAn 3
13 14 17 13

1he relaLlve lmporLance ls provlded Lo dlfferenL aLLrlbuLes of lapLop and car producLs on Lhe basls of
response ln quesLlonnalre 1he exLenL Lo whlch Lhe brand ls expecLed Lo possess dlfferenL aLLrlbuLes ls
calculaLed as per Lhe lleshbeln MulLl ALLrlbuLe Model
Consumer att|tude
1he consumer's aLLlLude Lowards dlfferenL producLs ls descrlbed below
lL ls clearly vlslble LhaL uell ls a wlnner ln overall aLLlLude wlLh a LoLal score of 9437 lL ls seen LhaL
consumer aLLlLude Lowards uell ln lndlvldual aLLrlbuLes ls also much greaLer Lhan Sony ln every aspecL
ln case of cars lL ls seen LhaL Loughness of car ls Lhe mosL lmporLanL aLLrlbuLe ln Lhelr buylng declslon
wlLh a score of 10 LxLenL Lo whlch MaruLl possess Lhls aLLrlbuLe ls lesser Lhan LhaL of SanLro 1herefore
SanLro ls a wlnner ln Lerms of Loughness buL on oLher aspecLs MaruLl ls ahead Cverall MaruLl scores
way ahead of SanLro
Conc|us|ons and recommendat|ons

O MaruLl should develop markeLlng sLraLegy Lo emphaslze more on lLs Loughness so LhaL lL affecLs
consumers ln a beLLer manner
O Sony has Lo lmprove lLs overall lmage ln comparlson Lo uell because lL ls loslng Lo uell So Sony
has Lo work on a brand new sLraLegy
O lL ls observed LhaL people of hlgher lncome group are more lncllned Lo use producLs for luxury
Lhan for uLlllLy
O ower lncome group people glve hlgher lmporLance Lo aLLrlbuLes whlch are uLlllLyspeclflc


1he problems assoclaLed wlLh Lhe mulLlaLLrlbuLe model are
O Measure of aLLlLude ls noL absoluLely equal Lo behavlour
O lL does noL address slLuaLlonal facLors
O 1hls model assumes LhaL all aLLrlbuLes are unequal some sLrongly held oLhers weakly (convlcLlon)
O uoes noL conslder soclal facLors eg lnfluence of frlends and famlly 'my famlly Lhlnk l should buy x'
whlch should be lncluded for beLLer research
O Assumes LhaL we have been able Lo speclfy adequaLely all Lhe relevanL aLLrlbuLes (eg Loughness)


Consumer behavlor C Schlffman kanuk S 8 kumar

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