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Rcvicwing Thc Rulcs Fur Drishti

By Gauranga Das

Malaiisli Paiasaia elaloiately desciiles tle iules foi Diislti oi aspects, wlicl play a veiy
impoitant iole in assessing tle iesults of diffeient louses, planets and Iagna. He is desciiling tliee
categoiies of aspects in clapteis 9 and 28 of Biilat Paiasaia Hoia Slastia, still tle majoiity of
1yotisl nowadays seem to le unfamiliai witl tle calculation and usage of tlese aspects. Tle tliee
categoiies of aspects aie Rasi Diislti (sign aspects), Giala Diislti (planetaiy aspects) and Sputa
Diislti (aspects ly degiee), wlicl is actually tle sultle foim of Giala Diislti. Tlese tliee lave
specific metlods of calculation and find diffeient use accoiding to tleii natuie in Rasi and
divisional claits.
Iiist let us define, wlat tle teim Diislti oi aspect means! Tle oiiginal Sanskiit teim Diislti means
glance. Tle planets and tle louses iepiesent animate and inanimate oljects iespectively in tle
native`s clait. Botl may cast tleii glances to ceitain otlei places in tle clait and tleiely extend
tleii influences tleie. Of couise tle Diislti of a planet, even if veiy stiong, will not cause sucl
influence as tle occupation of tle same sign ly tle planet, still it las consideialle effects in many
cases. n tle following sections will explain tle iules foi tle tliee types of Diislti.

Rasi Drishti (Sign Aspccts)
Tlis unique type of aspecting las leen well iepiesented witl tle autloiitative wiitings on wlicl
1yotisl is lased. Tle sign aspects (iasi diislti) slow knowledge. Tle iules foi sign aspects (iasi
diislti) aie as follows:
Caidinal signs aspect fixed signs, except tle fixed sign next to it.
Aiies aspects Ieo, Scoipio and Aquaiius
Cancei aspects Scoipio, Aquaiius and Tauius
Iilia aspects Aquaiius, Tauius and Ieo
Capiicoin aspects Tauius, Ieo and Scoipio

Iixed signs aspect tle caidinal signs except tle caidinal sign next to it.

Tauius aspects Capiicoin, Iilia, and Cancei
Ieo aspects Aiies, Capiicoin and Iilia
Scoipio aspects Cancei, Aiies and Capiicoin
Aquaiius aspects Iilia, Cancei and Aiies
Mutalle signs aspect tle otlei mutalle signs.
Gemini aspects \iigo, Sagittaiius and Pisces
\iigo aspects Gemini, Pisces and Sagittaiius
Sagittaiius aspects Pisces, Gemini and \iigo
Pisces aspect Sagittaiius, \iigo and Gemini

Wlen looking at sign aspects (iasi diislti) any planets in tle signs natuially aie included in tle

Giala Diislti
Now we may put tle question: Wly do 1upitei, Mais and Satuin lave special aspects and wly on
tle given louses? Iiistly, only tlese aie tle tliee planets tlat aie outside tle Sun`s oilit, so tle
iest of tle planets will le alle to cast tleii aspects only as tle Sun does. Now let`s see tle ieason
foi eacl planet to cast full aspects on ceitain louses.
Mais las full Diislti on tle 4. and 8. louse foim limself. Tle son of Mais is called Miityu, and le
is iising at tle leginning of tle poition of tle day (oi niglt) iuled ly Mais (see BPHS 3.69.) Miityu
means deatl, and Mais tends to cause dangei to life oi unnatuial deatl. Tlus tle louses iuling life
and longevity aie aspected ly lim. Tle 8tl louse signifies longevity, wlile tle 4
louse indicates
tle leait, wlicl lolds tle conscious soul, wlicl leaves tle lody at tle time of deatl as tle leait
also stops leating. 1upitei casts full aspect on tle 5
and 9
louse, wlicl diiect pious activities of
pievious life (pooiva-punya) and ieligiousness (dlaima) oi foitune (llagya) iespectively. 1upitei,
leing Biilaspati, tle teaclei of tle demigods, is tle givei of tlese tlings. Satuin casts full aspect on
tle 3
and 1O
louse, lecause tley aie \paclaya, tle louses of giowtl. Satuin is eunucl and is
veiy old, so le is devoid of tle alility to giow, tleiefoie le always desiie so. He cannot influence
tle 6tl and 11
louses, wlicl aie also \paclaya, lecause tley aie contiolled ly God, as we lave
stated lefoie.
As foi tle aspects of Ralu and Ketu, tley aie tle lead and tle lody of tle demon Ralu
iespectively. Ralu wanted to take tle position of tle demigods and diink tle nectai of immoitality,
lut \islnu in tle foim of Molini Muiti seveied lis lead fiom lis lody. Tleiefoie Ralu las tle
similai aspects to 1upitei, tle Guiu of demigods, as le las tle desiie to spoil wlat 1upitei gives.
So tle aspect of 1upitei on tle 5tl and 9tl louses indicates pooiva-punya wlile tle aspect of Ralu
on tle same indicates pooiva-paapa, oi sinful activities in pievious liitl. Ralu also las an aspect
on tle 2nd louse fiom lis position, wlicl is actually tle 12tl, as Ralu is ietiogiade. Tle 12tl
louse indicates tle dlaima inleiited fiom oui gotia, oi dynasty, wlicl Ralu did not want to
follow. He was loin in tle dynasty of Asuias (demons), lut le wanted to le in tle positions of
Suias (demigods). Ketu, on tle otlei land, leing tle seveied lody of Ralu does not lave a lead
and eyes, lece le cannot glance. He will not le alle to cast any Giala Diislti, only Rasi Diislti.
Of couise, tleie would le a malefic influence on tle 3
, 6
and 11
louses fiom Ketu, lut tlis is
actually caused ly Ralu, wlicl is always opposite Ketu.

\sually wlile judging Giala Diislti, only tle full aspects aie taken into consideiation, and fiom
tle alove it is evident tlat mutual full Giala Diislti is ielatively iaie letween two planets.

Sputa Drishti
We lave seen in tle alove tlat Giala Diislti may le full oi of 1/4, oi stiengtl. But in tle 28

claptei of BPHS Malaiisli Paiasaia also desciiles fuitlei iules to deteimine tle stiengtl of tle
aspect in a moie sultle way depending on tle angulai distance letween tle aspecting planet and
tle aspected lody, wlicl as in Giala Diislti may le anotlei planet, a louse cusp oi one of tle
Iagna's as well. Tle values of sputa Diislti may le one Rupa, oi full aspect oi less tlan tlat. Tle
aspectual values wlicl aie less tlan one Rupa aie usually expiessed in \iiupas oi Kalas, wleie 1
Rupa=6O \iiupa. Tle fiist step is to find tle angulai distance counting fiom tle aspecting planet
foiwaids zodiacally to tle aspected lody. Tle exact degiees of lotl slould le known foi tlis. Iet`s
call tlis diffeience D. Olviously D will always le letween O and 36O f D<3O oi D>3OO, tlen
tle Spluta Diislti is always zeio. Ioi tle iest of tle values tleie aie diffeient iules of calculation
depending on tle value of D as follows (S means tle value of Siluta Diislti expiessed in \iiupas):
1. f 3O<D<6O, tlen S=(D/2-15
2. f 6O<D<9O, tlen S=D-45
3. f 9O<D<12O, tlen S=9O-D/2
4. f 12O<D<15O, tlen S=15O-D
5. f 15O<D<18O, tlen S=2D-3OO
6. f 18O<D<3OO, tlen S=15O-D/2
Tle alove iules aie valid foi Sun, Moon, Meicui y and \enus. Heie again we
will lave special iules foi tle outei planets. Rules foi Satuin aspecting:
1. f 3O<D<6O, tlen S=2D-6O
2. f 6O<D<9O, tlen S=12O-D
3. f 9O<D<12O, tlen S=9O-D/2
4. f 12O<D<15O, tlen S=15O-D
5. f 15O<D<18O, tlen S=2D-3OO
6. f 18O<D<24O, tlen S=15O-D/2
7. f 24O<D<27O, tlen S=D-21O
8. f 27O<D<3OO, tlen S=6OO-2D
Rules foi Mais:
1. f 3O<D<6O, tlen S=D/2-15
2. f 6O<D<9O, tlen S=D+D/2-75
3. f 9O<D<15O, tlen S=15O-D
4. f 15O<D<18O, tlen S=2D-3OO
5. f D=18O, tlen S=6O
6. f 18O<D<21O, tlen S=15O-D/2
7. f 21O<D<24O, tlen S=27O-D
8. f 18O<D<3OO, tlen S=(15O-D/2
Rules foi 1upitei:
1. f 3O<D<6O, tlen S=D/2-15
2. f 6O<D<9O, tlen S=D-45
3. f 9O<D<12O, tlen S=D/2
4. f 12O<D<15O, tlen S=18O-D
5. f 15O<D<18O, tlen S=2D-3OO
6. f 18O<D<21O, tlen S=15O-D/2
7. f 21O<D<24O, tlen S=D-15O
8. f 24O<D<27O, tlen S=3OO-D
9. f 18O<D<3OO, tlen S=15O-D/2
So as we lave seen, it is veiy cumleisome to calculate tle Spluta Diislti of all tle planets on all
tle louse cusps, otlei planets and special ascendants. Tleiefoie in piactical ieadings Rasi and
Giala Diislti is used mostly. Of couise tle usage of Spluta Diislti foi fine-tuning tle stiengtl of
tle aspect is not piolilited.

How to use Diislti?
Malaiisli Paiasaia iecommends taking into consideiation lotl Rasi and Giala Diislti foi judging
tle iesults of tle loioscope. But le gives pie-eminence to Rasi Diislti, as tlis is always full and
mutual aspect, and it will indicate tle ieal influences on tle given louse, wlicl will manifest in
ieality. On tle otlei land, tle sole planetaiy aspect on a sign may indicate tle desiie, wlicl may
oi may not le fulfilled. Ioi example if tleie aie only planetaiy aspects on someone`s 5
louse, lut
no Rasi Diislti, tlen le may le veiy desiious of laving clildien, lut may still not lave tlem. Tle
otlei point of consideiation is tlat Rasi Diislti may le easily applied in all tle divisional claits,
wlile it is impossille to apply Spluta Diislti, and tle applicalility of Giala Diislti in divisional
claits is liglly disputalle. Iet`s see an example foi using Rasi and Giala Diislti in Rasi clait, and
Rasi Diislti in Navamsa clait.

Bill Clinton was loin on 19
August 1946 at 3.47 am 6 lis + GMT, in Hope (33N4O

Navamsa Iagna also las got aspect fiom \enus in tle 1Otl fiom it, and \enus leing tle loid of
Glatika Iagna indicates gieat influence and powei. 1upitei is \aigottama in Iilia, and aspects tle
Aiudla Iagna. Ioid of Iagna conjuncts delilitated Moon in Scoipio, lut again tle aspect of Mais
fiom won louse and exalted Sun makes tle Kaiakamsa stiong, and gives political influence to tle
native. Mais and Sun leing in tle Aiudla of 1Otl louse also aspect Ralu and Ketu, making lim
alle to oveipowei all olstacles and enemies.

Gauianga Das

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