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Test #2 Study guide: Kirk Goolsby The lectures have been almost entirely based on the chapters assigned.

The material on the exam will come entirely from the reading and the lectures. A variety of topics was covered. The following is a list of the main topics of which you should have a good understanding. Make sure you have a firm knowledge of the vocabulary (i.e. the bold-face terms in the book). This list may contain some omissions and thus must not be considered a definitive list of the information covered during this semester. . Cell & structures Cell-simplest living structure vs. Viruses (not cells) Microscopes- characteristics of, and limitations of (Light, SEM, TEM) Magnification & Resolution- definitions Robert Hooke Cytology & Biochemistry-definitions Cell Fractionation-basic understanding Size limitations of cells- understand why they are all small Prokaryote & Eukaryote structure (know the basic characteristics/structures, where they are found and their basic functionsas covered in lecture) Nucleus & Nucleoid, chromatin Plasma Membrane, cell wall, ER, Golgi.. Cytosol MicrovilliEtc. Three types of fibers Integrins... Desmosomes, Gap Junctions, Tight Junctions.. etc..etc.. .Cellular respiration Anabolism/Catabolism Autotrophs/Heterotrophs (Producers/Consumers) Reduction & Oxidation reaction redox Anaerobic fermentation (Lactic Acid, Ethanol) ATP/ADP, NADH/NAD, FADH/FAD Anaerobic respiration (brief) Aerobic Respiration (in detail): C6H12O6 + O2 CO2 + H2O Glycolysis (in cytoplasm): Glucose 2Pyruvate, 2 NADH, 2ATP (net) Intermediate step (Crosses into Mitochondria): 2Pyruvate 2acetyl CoA, CO2, NADH Krebs Cycle (Matrix): 2Acetyl CoA enter 2 cycles, produces 6 NADH, 2 FADH2, 2 ATP, 4CO2 Electron Transport (in inner Mitochondrial membrane)details Proteins and Fats and entry into Respiration Comparison between Mitochondria and Bacteria Photosynthesis Photoautotrophs/chemoautotrophs Physical properties of light 7 electromagnetic spectrum Absorbtion, reflection, transmission Types of pigments chlorophyll A,B,C, etc.. Structure of Chloroplasts C2O + H2O O2 + Sugar (actually G3P) + H2O Light Reactions (light dependent) & Calvin Cycle (light independent) Where do the steps occur?

Photosystem I & Photosystem II (how do they work and how do they differ in action) Non-cyclic electron flow and cyclic electron flow (trace the path of electrons) ATP/ADP, NADPH/NADP, G3P (sugar used to synthesize Glucose and others) Photorespiration C4 Pathway (C4 Plants) CAM plants (CAM pathway) Mitosis Cell division: mitosis & cytokenesis Function: reproduction, growth & repair DNA (know details about it) Genome Chromosomes (Autosome/Sex) Chromatin, Somatic Cells, Karyotype, Gametes, Genes, other vocabulary Duplicate Chromosomes (from Chromatids), Centromere Mitotic Cell Cycle (M,G1 S, G2 & G0) Mitotic Phases (know details regarding each) Pro, Meta., Ana, telo Mitotic Spindle, kinetochore Cytokenesis (Plant/Animals) Cell cycle controls & check points Cyclin, Cdks (e.g. MPF) Signals: external & internal Prokaryote division: Binary Fission (also Mutation, transformation, Transduction, Conjugation) Mitosis evolution from Prokaryote to Eukaryote DNA & DNA replication Roselind Franklin, Watson & Crick Structure of DNA Origins of Replication Replication of DNA (know the details & each enzyme involved) 53, Anti parellel configuration and leading and lagging strands Proof-reading & repairs Mutagens (e.g.) Telomeres, Telomere problem, and Telomere repair (telomerase) Gene expression DNA RNA Codon A.A. 1 Gene=1 Polypeptide Nucleic Acid language (DNA,RNA) / Amino Acid language Know steps, structures, enzymes (& machinery) and sequence of Transcription, Editing, Translation (but only that information that was covered in class) Transcription Initiation Elongation Termination Editing (in Eukaryotes) Introns, Exons, Sliceosomes..etc. Translation

Initiation Elongation Termination Different Types of RNA and where used Anti-CODONs tRNA structure/function Ribosomes structure/function Protein folding: Chaperonin, & Endomembrane system Polyribosomes (massive production) Prokaryoptic Protein Production Mutations and different types (Frame-shift, Point mutations, silent, mis-sense.) -causes of them --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You may also want to review the slides shown in class (see my website: http://www.nvcc.edu/home/kgoolsby/BIO101/BIO101.htm). Some points covered may be under-represented on this review sheet and vise versa.

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