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A Thinker's Note Book













BUDDtflST Kondy


S0CIETY Sri Lanka




H£rrnit.KC, Kandy)









"/ .hall n.vlIT ". obI. ID cO"'P~' m,. b;Oi'''~h''ibut Idnoon •• luMIJ.th. p.fSump' lion !Odo ••;!orlhis"",uldomo"n"olh.!I.0..0" ,"o"~, no on~ ",;11 '~irrk 4,1: Non Bool<, § ~~B

THUS a l3ubclhi., monk. the bte v.nenbl. !;l'aQ.mcli. tho .uthorof,h.folloMngpag .... ,.,ro'e;non.ofhilnot. book •. "ndind.ferencetoliliwi.h.onlyaf ... barer.<;t. of hi. life ",ill b. ginn b.r •• just for ·id.ntify;oS' bim, E.en for luch b.. ~ identification b. would hardly h~ve c«ed: ""ilmyambitionloaUa;nloob.cu,i'Y··(§1Si "'" .1&0§339). Tho •• who knew him af! aware Ihlt thKe wo,d. ",e.en.ithe,·fal ... mOOuty·noranyo,herpooturing. Thoushthe prt.enlpublicat;on.cemltogocounl.rto hi, 'ambition', he might not ha •• mind.d a circulation of hi, idul ~rt.r hi. death as this J~fi bim uninvolv.d and unencumbored. Hence the Editor .• Broth.r·i".Qrdorof th •• uthof.feltthatlherichotoreof,hough', •• d,"nd thouihl fruitl found in th ••• pag.... hould b. mad. IC<." ible.Olom •• ppreciati"ernd.n. .. atl ... t",ithintbe m<>d.n nnge Df.p.;".t£publ'c.I'on.

O.bert Moore (.stb~ author w,. known;n by lif.) wa. bomontht,s,hofJune, '90S in Engl.nd. H~ llradulled a, Collegt, Oxford, and during tht Se~ond World \Var h. o.rved as.n .rrny staff.officerin holy. It"" •• at th.ttimc.byrrading.nItalianbookooBuddhi.m,'halbis intetl'"' in th .. Tudtioll' wO$ roused. Thi. book - Th" Doctrin" of Awalc~ning by E,·ol. _ wn later t... ".lll.d into Enltl;.bby.f,i.nda.ndftliowoffk~T.H .. oldl\t.lIloo. who,n '94B'ccomp.nicdO,berIMooretoS,iLonh. In 19i9bulhrtceiv.d Nevi"" Ordin.tion •• Duddhi.tmonk •• •• the hl~nd Hermitage. DodanduWlI: Bnd in 1950 'he Hiah.rO,dlnationa.Bbikkhu •. alth.V.jiro,om.mona"ery. Colqnlbo. O.berl Meom, ouraulhor. rocoivtdth"monn.ti. nnmeofNdQumoli •• nd'hi, friend Ih.t ofl'liiq.vln. 30th "lul'Oed,con 10 Iht1,I.ndHermit,ge(an,.londmon."or)' ,;tu.ttd in • I.goon of South Sri Lanka). wh.,eth.v.n~r.ble Na~~moli .pent almost hi, ~nti .. monk lire of " yeu •. Only VCty ,,,.Iy h. I~f' the Quietude of tho I.land H.rmi\IIl •.• nditw .. ono~.ofthe.e rare occnton •. on • .....lking lour und."ahll ",ith the &ooio, monk of Ih~ Htfmitlge. thu he .uddcnly pas .. d away on 8th Marcb '960, Ihrough hnrl f.ilme (""ronaty thromho.i.), He bid nOlyelcompletedhi'SSlh)'c"t. Hisdeathtookpllceata lonely littl. villagc. Veheragam. nu, Maho. Tbouah ht ... medwbeinvigorou.bulth.hi •• ndwillnolha,·ecome unupec.ed \0 him at hi. Not< Beoh .bow (i~O<I), and, wi.hout dO)lbl,i,found him inwardly prep ... d (ij,5S5.SS0).


Peronn.1 remini.cence. of his lay life h.vebeen p\!blishedbyM.u,;c.C .. diff,i" •• hortHticleO.bntMo" ••• A ChUB.''', Sketch (in Vi... kha Puj~. IQ68: pub!. by Tbe Duddhi., .o.II<>eio\;on Thailand, Bangkok), A .lend .. of memo,i.1 pamphlet w.. i.,ued in '960 by th. Buddhi.t Publication Soc,iety. Kandy. SriL.nka.

The au,hor'l own ,c.nty contribution 10 f,i. biogtiphy i. conla;n~d in •• ;n~l.. no"'in thi,book(h67),

WI"" ""•• known of the monk lifeofth. ,.,;:n.t3bJ. R;iQamoli to a wide' public in Sri Lanka .nd~btoad,"'nh;5 nut'tanding'chol.,lywork;n lt3nsl.tingf,om the oriflinal Pali into fucid Engli.h,o",.of,h£maotdi/licuftlul,of Th ... vid.Buddhi.m, Th",£lrnn.f.,ion.,li".d.t,h •• nd of tlii. "olum., wore ,..,m",b~f" .~h;.v~menl. ;n quantity Of well no I" q""lily. Some more unfini.h~U work of that nature "'oo fOllnd .mcng hi. papars, "nd he mi~ht h"'e «_'mpl~ted it;" y~.rs to come. Hi. "3n.l~tion. ,howed the higl,e'l$,ond.,dofc",,,rul.nde,hic.lochol·'r,hip.nda k•• n ~nd .ubtle mind, phH<>wphically t.. inod. Hi. wMk i.n thi£ nold i, ~lasting contrihution to Buddhi.t ",udi ••. It was chuoet.,iltie of him that he had limi,~d hi. pub!ic~'ion"othot.cholarlyfiofd,sothathi'''public;mog.'· ",0, that of.n abl. scholar and an e~emplarymonJe. which Jer, him onough ofhi.cheri.bed·obocurity·. v'r}·r."'kn''''.or.''.''&u.p~ctw,tho""o'h"'fac.'.of hi. rich and ptofound mind. which in'h.pr.,en'vofum~ appear in ."ch an os'nnilhing v.. ;.,)·, lind ~v.n con,ent.ofth .. cp.gudono,exhau",hoemrro"'''lloof hilOknowlodll., hi. int.'o.,~ ~nd hi. <:al>-'Or" ...


Y.'.lh"rcw~, •• \lIfolh.r·la)·N" ofh;"nind('nd .. ill not'h.d"p<:"'J.",ithoutwhieh'h~pi'tur.ofh;lp.r'M.lity .~ pre'o"lOd by this boo~ and in hi •• ehol.rl)" werk would hi< intomplde and .'·on mi.l .. ding, Th ••• olh.r f.. turu of hi. chonctor. howevcr,manif .. ",d ,hom.e!vuunfy;n hi. W'Y of life .nd in hi. h.llilL:>n rel.don,hip'. From hi,

"ne~!.nting!y cnli.tie wodd-~i.w u ,pp ••• ing in hi. Note Boou-u"d~~.iv.d by tho d.~.ption. and •• If-dttcptiono oflif •• ndofo"ro",nm;nd.-.rud.r.ouldpos.ib!yg~in th.impr ... "'nof.bu.hifno.cynicch!U~c, .. ",ilh"r .. hor conl.mp'uou. vi.... of m.nkind. Bul Ihi. would be vuy f~r from 'he d,,~p humanity and f'iendly compo,ur" of hi. n.tun, which mode hi •• ~lf-dr.cinll ,diun •• ,.it! ",ore uMbl,u.;ve. He h.d • n.'" ..... .fflnity with ,h~ Buddha·. 1 de'~chm.ot ~s ",.11 .. wi,h Hi, cO!Dp ,iona •• ou,Jo.>l)k. In .. hi. det.chm.nl .nd r.,;cence h. w ... "o,··forbiddingly .loof'.butq"it ... lax.dandn'lunl. Hi.f,i."d!;nn .... d comp ... ion ..,OJ UrlUIIUm.n ... 1and und<m<>nllra.i,·., bu. of a .;mpl. humon Wilemt!>. Hi. qui ••• nd friendly smile ...in be unfurge<tllble .0 hi, cemp~nion.. T~o"Q~ net ef .n ·out_going· "atu~, he " ... 31w3Y. willing to help ",h." oppro.ohed, ilndhe W ... 110quite.kilfulin pr>lC.ioalt .. ko. Though he ur~ly took the i"i,i .. i,·c in con,·c,,",ien .nd dl.ou.siQns, he w .. quit. willing to ~p•• k and di,cu •• ", longth when 'pok&n 10 in ~ wotLhwhile manner: .nd whenevcr.ued heg ..ve.o the younger mo .. h help and gllidonte i"th.irstudi ... The.implicityandfrugalityof.l3uddh'u monk·. life came quhe natural to him. A.hehim.e1f ...rotc '0 a fri.nd. he h.d found grnthappine" in tu. ... ", life u ~ meek (.. e Maurice c..rdiff. Lc.). In the Buddb,·, Tuching on ... Ii,y and mon'5 oituauonin il. he found ever_fresh i",plr.tion for hi. own .hough., and the Budclh~·. praotic.l p~.h to d"li"~,"nce being .he ool",ion of the hum.n p~di •• m.m. wno ~heguiding ""d cl;rectin8 force ;nhi.inn.elif •.

Whenaf.erthed ••• hof.hevc"er.tbleK';ill-lnomoli,hc Edilorlookedthrough.hepo"humoU5po.pen.hcfoundt ..·o linlenolebooks.thecontcntaofwbicb fi!1lh. bulk or thc

pr ... "t volumo, As on. of these noto book. wu badly bound a"d nur di.inlOgr,uion and p.ncil writioil in it would han b.camci1lqiblesoon .• type"writt.n eopyof .lrno.tlh •• nt;r .. canICn1.Snfth~twDbooko .. aomad.bylh" Editor,~ ... tforlhe •• hof pre .. rv.uonand for peru •• 1 by a f.... f,icnd •. M,tI ... r .. ,.d.tth.tforlOm. yt .... wb ... in'luirie.made from knowl.dg""ble friend. abroad mad. it irnp'obableth ... publi.he,cauld be fnMd for. book of Ihal nolu, •. Bu, finalJy the Editor dec;ded 10 prepare Ihe bookforprintin, ... privatepublication,lndh •• dded olher repre.ent";v. mate,i.1 t.ken from Ibe poothumoul p'p<:rs. It h.,dlyne.d.menL;ooingthuIhetitle o(lhisvolum. wa'oM Riven toil by· the au,hor who prob,blydid Dol think ofhavinll' th.,,, Dote boohpubli.hed •• they we,e, bUI puh.PI! of u,ing .ome of the idoa, inothc,w,i!ing' Thcnumb.dnsof'heaphori.",.andolhorpi.cuw .. done by th{Editor for f.cili ....ting reference. P~'..,n"! d,~um_ .t~<:n, however, did nOlaUow the Edi,o' to odd on lnd~x to <he b9"k.,

The fer •• ! Ho,rnitago, Koody. Sri Lonka. Aprilt97l.

Nyanaponika Bud,J/,i.tMDnk

Uilo<'. Prefoce

(§it-t17) The Second Note BOok ._ (§§11S·SS2) 2~

ADDENDA CknfuL Notelon NOIuon


Not" Booh

and loo.e lea~u) _. (§§S53-583)'

PhiJosopby Dbomma Budil.bi_ of PbilosophinJ Thought



•. (§§603-631) .'. (§§6}2-638) _. (§!i639-616) • (§§611-678)

Ontology."d Aftermatb

Quntionlnised MISCeLLANEA:

Poorm; TaJI; Story; Dia!ogu .. ; Wordo; To·dall F.lIatiei and Half:Truth.; lmp,~ •• iolfl; C.ritide. From The Louero 10 Ihe Nener.bl. ~8.JI;.vrr. (Frogmeot)

E .. eD.ti.ol ReI.uoD. in'Db.erving








I. Civilisation i.lh~ arl of living in contact pc,..on. with the minimum 'ofjliseomfo,·L. 2. A th"ught fOT thi,1).mode,ian ju.!ic~ i, itju" i.n·t it I

with other (1945)

Ag'" tbe \ro"ble with ('946)

3. For .very man killed by m.n for \h~ $~k~ of facu. t....ntyorm"re"'.lokiJI.dforth~sahofopinjon_ (1946) 4. Wo~m.look out of the eye.ofth."~rYTichandall tbeplatilude. about th.m a,!, Irue. ('946) (L.t~".ddi'io":) And tbe pClOr-how poot they a,..,!

5. Iwuth. futu,"and~h.lIbelhep .. t-l.malim"_1... ,~verl .. tingN"w.io.hott!haveno.nd.fO!ongl ha~ noduution,. 6, If I insi._, Qn having only'beautybefor.me I k""w only horrorwiHbe belti_ndme. tneceforel.b.Unotcla,el<;> , IUrn round. ('9~7) oa;;e



~"id IQ b'~ ,[iv;"e-


8, Thefi,'e •• n ••• offerus!i\>edilferenlw.y.of,hu\dny outrealit;o. Wb.tjsjntuiliopKIldwh.td"".i,pe,c~i".? (I<)H)

9. A. dectricity is made up of po.itive ond negati,,~ CU"tnt-Ie;. human lif. a 'Y".'" of auroClion and r~pul.ion. _ Turn off tb~ ruH~"t if you ",.nl qui.t.Y••. hu, ",h~", il th~ switch? 10. P<••• nt.daypolicics,.ly[or.h<:irpo""erlo,s.lyon ."effic;tntb;,tte<yofquick-f"insslog.ns. {Mar. 54) II. An un.uccessful lie <"nHie's &"<<< f,,lon~.ubv."".ndseduc.,il .. with I<"th. hut a (l-b'·54)

i. nc,hin~ lbo, do .. I.po{<"inuu. Old ('947)

13. L••
h.h ...

himwhodimh"hc'piri.u;,ll.dd., ""undheadbef",ehclooksd"wninlotncp

14. How ..... knu.1

mlk. lure .. t. (1949) is it I h..v~ .he SI.e"gth \0 Clrry my own ('94g) , •• ny ('949)

IS. 1ti.inth.comp.nyofoth ..... 'h •• on.c.nhc lon.ly.f"r,henon.·,pet<"nali'yi.fcn:.dopenlytotrylo .~p'enwh .. ;1".""°1. ipdi,·iduoli.y i..

,¢. If on~ cauld ."ntinu. ,h~ c.lming preCUt .f,u ev.~·thingh .. falleD<.lmoncmigh.en •• rlh.lookinggl ... world. . (r9~?) '7. Am<>ng~h.inh.hilant.or Nnpl£.'hercnre,hose who >to indin~d '0 <uhhr"l,e ule .... nd.d.felmiti •• "n Ih.i. Wi., whi~h IIi'~ycli.pl~y while bogging, ia ordcr tn induce other. Ing;,·. ,hem mooey. Among the inh.bi"n" "fa muc~ wide, "ea the,e ate ~h".., who "Ulli~... "let ... and d.fo,mi.iuofthem;nd "'hich ,heydi'pl.y,incoml"'ny. ;n ordc<loinciu",olherslogivelhemauentlon. (Sop. 19~9)

,8. The.o.~~l\ed.ev.ntolcue.of\h. ,p.c1Tum'ogctl1.r go lo md,~ up whu;, known~. 1,~hl_",h.t.;<1 other wo,do. the ",i~nti.u"y i. no more lhon mere {ractional b.nd in lh. whole of electro·m.~"etic wavu-tbe only ,c<;uQnof th .... "'~·nnll.whi~h the ,·,... "1..,,,.., can directly gnop. 1nd •• d e.ch colou' i•• ~p.,ienced •• a p>rticu\;lr limitation "f light; lighlil..,lf.ppearo,o",". putk"l~r limitation of ,11. el""tTo·"",gn.tic w.".·ronl: •. So would lb. f,,, ... ,~~ sum to b. Ii"" "(l<i'dfic Iimil~uon' of ,h. infi"'Ler.ve .xclu,ive way. of .cr~c"inll off. pf ~h"uioll oul lb. re~t. In f.ct. ,h. '·OOI.r world'·. e. ~,,(lwn ,h'(lUllh 'h •• ~n'.I .... m.,obeconditlopedby-.h.!l ono ... y our kn"",I.<llle of I, ""pond. on-th~ \lmiling ond .ifting qu,Il'·io~ofcur 6.c,"'s •• _ Bymeon.of.if,ing.nclexcludina, fc'mcouldbe .. id,cbeerca(e~fromChno •• ,,,J'hu. ourfivo '."5""." the &>orne time fil'" c'.'I"n and waY' of being: p",,;.lIy blind. We ll,'". ~. il ..·cr~. in a c.thod,oJ wlib ""n,d windows .. ·hose, 10 us, ",.gni6""nt c"lcurp.uun.letinali,deofth.lighlwhichlhelu".h«ls inditc,imin.lelyou18i<ie. ('<)47) (L<lte,addilion:) Bu' ,he ·',un·' would ,hrn .'and for ella". in Que simile and how would lha, b• ...,on81




19. If! hod a child whu could l.ay ,,,himl ··My child:· \ could U}·.··youue h.,. in lhi. world boCllu... "r my"wnpl ••• u,e.noincon,;nence, I ".ncffcr)"ounothina boll~' th~n become anolher ·l;'ll~ mm,· like my.~lfwhom il i. \he l""'"nt falihio"ro' politid,m •• nd (h"lil;"'Qidoli?,, enma .... ndc"plQi'.ndignorea •• nindividuttl. If you .uec.ed in ·i,nprovin~' your po,;.i"" Ihi. con onl), b •• , 'he ox~.e"foth~ ... and wiHjncre~""i" inot.bil1,y. If )·OU' "",ition d.,~,iont .. it will "'" ~I )·0'" o ..'n ~~p."~.. In. f.wyuntlm')'''U",m, ..n doubt, be r~p'3ting Ih .. e vory ('<)49)


'D. Huyen it wHere {it; •• "ppoud) ...~ may enjDY whot Dth.. ptople cDn.id~, ougbt to .njoy. {19~&Ap.}


~1. Hillary io banes da"bed cI..y of opinion.

and plump.edoul

witb lh. (19~9)

~•. born!

The "'ave,


die on the ,ho<.-",hn •• re they (Amalfi-Sop.194S)

'3. For a long time-oyer many }·.U. ind.ed-lh. '''n'''pherecontinucd to echo the cl,nging ofevH tim •• as muhiludeafdlupanthem. 24. Some.~y"lon •• h.. gon.upi"th,wDrld." Othors .. y"thowQ.ldis",p"d"down." W~"' ho. h.pp.nod ID Jon ... ? (1949)

~s. Virt". i. perhaps CDy""ly di,likod .,much •• i,i. boc.u •• il enl.il. ref".iag froquEnllywha.oth.rpwpl. want on,,'o do (1'148)
2~. One i., 30 it "'''., on tho 20.h.,o.ey of. b",ning houte, and from the window th" •• i•• narrow plank leadinc ac'o., lh •• " ••• 10 the halcony of •.D-app ••• ntly- .. f. buildinS npP".ile. (Th. BuildingOpp<><ite u·hoseblind. u. ~l.... y. dnwn. wh_ chimn~)"'n."u .make. whn ... doo .. n~.~. o~n. "'hue nn light i••• cn .1 ni~h •• alwu! which tber. It.. b~n one', f""luent ~~< al",.y" inc~ndu.ivup.culadoD.) To.,.y;.tob,hurneflforc.".in. Oy,"omp<ing th~ pl.nk o~e wj\l pmh'bly r.II-.,ill ont know. one will h,ve to ",.Ik th., planko. burn. (1948. Nov,) 27. Th. journey through lire i. finge'ed by oisn posts indicatinH .nul.; who.e bridg"s are fO\Jnd. on .J[pIDr~t;on. 10 h.v. hf:en h.eache<l by Aood~or wan. (1949) (Lal~r .ddi<io11:) Tho De'" "autostra .. en" h,Yeno ,isnpn.ts.

~8. I~ i•• pring. 3. ,up come, back north .g.in. oncl, obediently, nu' con,. th. bri~ht le." ... In 'umm .. 'hey ",iJl "'.~ry and d.rhn·under hil ay.; in .o,umn. &S he rc""" lomh. ht abondon$ thorn ,h.m.d,'n: worn ou' 'hoy will die lnd f.ll '0 th. ground. Obu""ing he. o,,'n pe~uli~f di.ciplinn tho moon watches mono,onoooly throosh. ou'th •• ea... n.; ..·."ing.nd"'.n;ng.hei .. or;:copi.d"'ith h.II.lf-only when shei$ fuUdo h"rthf •• up .... ions ro" •• 1 thr~e ph .... of the bound! .... nnui oh. moot f.e! w."hing.1I thi. for 00 long



~8a. The N.d ... only "pan lh.".3


.Iid •• by doy ond night in,onI (Turin by th. Po,Moy '948)

~9. A function of Oft-of mntempoI1l'y '''-;1 to nplore,tolend'<'Qu13 ever funh .. inlo,h. wild.rpe.lor und.i",.d .di.conJ. The ~d".nc.·gu .. d i. in conlinuous touch wilhthe enemy, lightingth.. unnomed, cap,uring,he formlesa. Some,in, .. potrol. fall into .n~my hand" then. f.om lhei, pri..,n tllmps whe<e IDiIdn... ruiu, ,hey "nd back r.por1&."'m.of ...hich..,.mha!fin'f:l!ililibl~. ('9H) 30 ..... rti •• r.mindtrand, to some dog,,,, illum;natu, Inm1 pri.onc~1I il •• ,,·cs a. a .cr""n.d ",indow...hi<;h I.,! in a little li~htrrom which I infor ,h •• xi.lOnc. of ,he hrtght ou"id. wodd_ \V.re I II' go ond liv" out there, art, the ocreen.d ...indow.wouldnolonger •• 've.n~puri'<'.e ~"Il (194~ (L~t.r .ddil'ion:) But how do I anYlhingtoli"eonoul,hu,,? lnow th~t.


]1. To,ay"Thepoliliciaooha".f.iled,thephilolSOphers hlyefaiJed ... JigionhLlifailedo,isoutofdole,.c;""

•• h..

(.iled.ndilno,,;jbalilw •• thoughtto ",," .• nd '" ona.e "ot the.e all W~J'I of .. ying that ....... "" ... lveo, have f.ilod 1 Tb. Gov •. Tr~ •• ury h•• no reven". u"lu$ tb. pc:opl.wotl:lndaretaxed(howh", ,elgvi.dandro"e"ue opcnt i.lno\he. ques:ion). Unl ",e putoomuhing in 0"" bonk >("COunt t rem,i". empty. And·oo with rc!igioni ito helpfulneos d~p<nd. upon what w. put into it and continue tu into it. We mayopendwi..,ly er footi.hty th,reaftor ...... flu all, doe. not .ach temmunityge' th. Gcvt.i,d.,erveaorlhereligionitdc.etve.,ond.oon? (jan.t95°)


3" C.rbin wkter cre.tU,", delight in .dorning lb~ir .h~lI.with otb",.hdl"p·.,llble;',leave", oft.olhey will.tid. on'!1Qth.rlivinR cre",UrIl w;,hout t'egard tc it. pt.fe«nc •• ortQ,hepolitionitcli.lik ... 10 Ibe building or.y.,.m, ef r.btion.hip, among hum.n" onem"yof'<nse".omeonehuildinlO hi. leh .. " • ofthins·_hi''''l"cl\ologica!hou.~.or.h.her ... itwe ..,_ Ihe pem>n.olity of a"OlnU. That oth .. pcrlOn~lity may. on occuion,oer.amlndk;ckagain.tfindinKhim",tf ".~d •• a b,ick tobuild.noth .. '. bou ••• a.ile,o lo..... p out ,be rain from .ooth.,'. ,oam, a bmnze ornom.nt on .no.hera ehimn.y piece. mer. Qpe"'''Uy if h. h•• ""en .tuck on up.idedown outofdi.ug~rd. for hi. [•• lioKI. or 1o pi •• ,. theu.theticoemeoflh.fi,stn.m.d. Th,tyouue.hrick in my hou",. or lh •• jamolle in you'l i,IOlllely. m.tlcrof ,i.", Ix>int. once th. building procu. h... ot in (19H) JJ. Philooollhi re to expHi~,,"e n. map. are to tbe cou"triel,lbey r.pr "I. Tbey .h""ld h.lp one to find one', ",ay ahout, hut ev"" in Ihilrespcc\uchi. "0 mOT. th." symbolic. Philo,ophi .. blveo"ornomentalvllue, '00, ju", .. m~p. h.v~; a"d tbe loiter are ofte ... 1.gol'1\ when

fromed and hunt on the w.Hs of ,,,,,ms-u_cd thu. lh~y """e qui,,, ..nothtr P'1rpOO"_ The pfell; .. t .re mo.tly tho.e drown 10 fancy on Ih bui.of h."",,yond 'ho."which are oul of date. ('9~6)

34. Aparty",uonc.gi".nlo,,·hichCha,ilyw .. in ..;Ie<! uaeue.lofhonou._ Hmnveru.h"h.donlylh",agsof hum;litYlownt.nd CiUIle'0 the frent door nn (oot. ah. w •• turned IWI)" by Ih. footman ",hen .h ... ked tn b. adm;lIcd. Nobodynol;ced.howuno\lhe,c. (M.y 1950)
3S. Wh.n"du'y··( .. w-itn"objecti"cgood.ndevil".nd ulher.uch oonc<vt.) ar. broughl into. di.cUloion. bew.,,,J Mostly it i. " meRna getti"g you to w",k for .om~ on • •:1 •• '. benefit withoutre·paying}·ou for it. "jo"",o"o\doinghi,dutyby.odety,·'wu.lJymtana: "ltbinkifJones ",ero ..odo '0 and '0 in.t •• d of ",ha, h. i. doing. I .hould btn"fit. If you h~lpm. to per$w.de him we ,h.lI beth henefit" (April "}so)


]6. The food rOiling in my gut. prov;d". mt with th. en •• gy 10 ploy th. b•• psichord 37. Th. huma"i"'ri.n n •• d. on oppr .... d proletariot Th. minilttrint aniel liVe" by .ufferin~. Meelme .. cnl~ .h;nu forth wh<:n.bu •• dbythBngry. (MI'. 50) 38. Wh"l'.nonorplac~or'h;ns h .. ben. filed 'Mhor ,h.n luff~,~d by ""mm.rec ond r~la,io". with me? But h.. "nyllneinlhe;, .. n, .. tvero:shd.uch a qu •• lionl 11 con onlyb~conduoiv.tod.pr ••• ion or compl.,,~ncy-.nu then i~ no conolu.;v. ~n."''''. ("ndoted; '9501) 39. Whotdo .. on"""yloonowbab .. lo.t.lIh •• ve. valued-to. cripple-to One ...ho knows b. mu .. d,. within 0 bri.r"",;od1 ('950)

40 W,odOTingindesertwp]ace,there.refoundm.ny Iro",,'3nd ,raoksfrom ,,·hidIwe deduce the mo'om.nt$of herce.and Sod. and SO ,,·cwu,'. hi.t"ry. Ye.w .. eo>U' vi.ion to b<:come. li,tl~ durer "'e might diocovcr th., .11 tb""c'l'1Icltsa.eme.ely"",deby ounelou du.inS our own urller wand~rins.. (Mar. 11HO) ~" Onc con judgep"0plc's naturemor ... liably by the thty " .. , their immediat~ "",sociatu .hln by the r.tling,lh"yvoice toworrl.hum"nityin gono.ol. (,0."8.50) 4" rorsomeonewhowoulcllll«:toge'oo' but canool, the n."t be.1 thing i. 10 te"chothers howwdnoo. -(Tho full. i",.,tien b •• boen <:'nc~l1.d:) orm.ke 'piritu.l progru.. (Aug. so) 43. Ililimpos,;bl.topl •• ,ecv"'1body,.h.y.ay. And "",ha' is perhop. why S.inu who ,hould b<:,one .uppal", good ~nough plu.., ~,·.rybod~, are _I,,·ay. de_d. For ,hon only ,h" .1«:1.'on is J.ft3nd~veryon.;.frulomake of ,ho'"",ha1 he. in p<rson.liku. and ,h. Saints d" n"t appe., toconfulc.uch opinion (Aug. 50)



44. The ,.c,,!!nition cr int (.ndnoloolyofauint) r«tuir •• ,,,,,o.hings:u,nlh in'.hould he hddto b<:hlve within cert.in p, •• c,ibed limits of I>o,],ovio",. ~nd ,h., pcople.houldhav.th .... illanrlc.paci'yto,.cogni, •• uch. b.ho.v;our. (Aug. 501 ~S. If you owe one a debt of gratitude, o. in Ih. c''''' of .ny oth~. kind ofdeot, it i. b~,\ •• to a OV'lid him until you c.n pay;tcfl". (1950) 46. Tho •• who •• , them""l" •• a final sool .ocrtd~mlyb.unconocio".ly-d",.dth •• l1ainm<:n,orit. (Aug. 50)

47. Much of wbat i. ".n,tcd .,I.ue i•• o .... rl.d, Dol' .. a d.d.,...tion of ",h...tth •• peakerknowobulfll,ht< "".deronceai.inotdoubtiDtho bopt Ihat tho oppooito prupo';lion may be tb.r.by.""luded. (Nov. 50) 41. You ""ill aover m•• t~ith ...... intby,",.lkini'ound the ,",orld look;"1: for "n,,; but you m.y do.o if you oit inoneploce.ade<>n,idulhemallu. (Nov. so) 49. ~::~in;n 00. may ,u'poel .hat people whom ono oom•• im..



hi. hcu.~ for hi, 'I"'c",c\e' which are Ril Ih. I;m~ ~n biB n",,". Butifht take. th<:m off to leok lh~m. ht c.n.not aeethemfor.hort.ighted"e... (Nov. so) SO. Suppooe boredom i. a baculai", tolibtrationin.ignificant, and so ofteo overlook";. No one whe h.... not known ita hiBh" d.~."" no d.im to h.,·.livtd. Not the Rel •• ive Boredom of 101lll "'ai,ing .t junctiDIlS for nil .... y conneclion. on the way 10 v;.it {"end.-or Ih. ruhlyacc.ptedwo.k-entl""ithacqua'nlanceo-.h.r.v,.""inB of. dull hook. In ouch Rela,i,·.Boredcm the "wa.l;ngof_tim .... f•• lin~ only h.ightUl.Otheenjoymtnt oflhcoming •• capc. th •• nticipation of which .... t.in.ulm •• n""hil •. Awolute Bor.dom i. rath .. the pain ofn,uou. it i. the lou of on", livelihOod a,forth. pioni,twht>lcle. hi. h~nd •• tbe unsoti.ble deoi •• for what ",eknow",.hl u. lick, il i. tbe Gr<>at Drouiht, Ih. "C •• n.J phy.i~ for theoick.ouJ". the Oark Night of th'O: oul after the dimbing· S of Mount Ca.mel. iti.thepillarofoah.lhc.xil. f,om th.lond ...hichi.nonlore, the Sin againot lhe Hal) Cbo.t, Ihebreak,upofp.tt<:,no,tb<:borrortbal""ailSaloneintbe


ni8hl, Ihe eotry into the-de.erl wbert O•• th mock. by urving on,. one'.d~ily food and ane Clnnol bon but to k.,"p th. darknus af one'. own.hadow before one for the "cry brigbm ... of the ligbt .b.t r." .. 1o the un;~.rsal emptin.... Do not "y to turn bock now - he,. in the de.ertpe,hap. 'M'" a,e doorll o""n~;nlh.cool wood. they ore ovugrown, and in th. bu.ydd .. th.y have buill oVo<them. (Mat. so) 5" p.Uialiv ••. Such .bough" .bout death .. , 'The 'end of it ail', 'Tbo •• wbom Ihe gC>d.lovo die youn~', '. mudfut ,.1.3,,,' Ole.; then .uch .m.lI dividend. fromth. b.nkrup( utat. u: 010,1011 am allV~Y' bu.y, you .ee), h.lpingoth.n(berm.I •• rnin~holV.oh.tponl8.lfortbem), art ("it Mips"), collect;on., Fit~,ovi., Mon, Martr. ond P.rn .... , Vi. Margu"a.Bioom,bury .nd the Pho.nntty, drink, Ir."el, kindn."" 10 aU .~c.pt Ih. human .oimol>, kindn"Slohum.n8nn~doe.notknowpe,...,n.lIy, politico, utopi .. , , •• chinS wha, one would like 'n, but conno!, practlu. ('950) 52. In.helongrunmostly onei. not measu .. d (ei.her by olher.or by on ••• lf) .nmuch byont'.b ... taotion. or by one', lVont(though the l.tter arc ,ho mo,e likdyof ,h. t",n to bo ,emo..,ber.d). It i. ta,n<t,heav",r.go level <)f.noneh~.don.andon.'. goner., teM' "nd tend.noit. ~"d, .... y. of ructing,thecnmp,.."fono'smood •• ndth" omolion,I, mo"I, ethical. .es,hetic.t ood productive ,~n&. 'hat count, that con,o, all nne'. 'hnu~ht. and act., One C,1n.I .... yo try to 1.'p-'ogruI .. h.ighl~(~nd Ihereby ri.k coming down to urlh more huoily), But what dOSl"'rat. wo,k";"n try and displ.ce;n anydiroction th.dudweight of noe', av~ra!le conduct. (19So)

53, Sameti", •• it 10 rnnre difficult 10 .in .h~n 1o be VirIUOU.;though.bility,odouUt .. dounoten.ur.gr .. 'no•• ,in.bi!i.ylodoe'th.ri,onoofth,ign.o{m.dio<tily. rn«. 50) H. F,omth.,8Ihtolh •• othC.nluryi. "'· ••• II.OO .. t th.thu",a",hnughthadatl .. ,tcomeoulo{.h.d .. kwood. or ",odie ..lllupe.nt;,;on, (;redulil~ and ob,cuun,i.m. imo Ih. lun.hin. o{d •• r tbinl:ing whore ,h. dry br.ez •• of .c.p,icl,,,, blow unhind.rod. >Fdl ,h. " ... Ind 1,,-.1 tb. bill.lh ••• tillob!;curolh.vi.w; 1.1 ,h. wind. dri,·. off Ih. m;,,' _Ihoy uid, flu< now thaI much of thi. work h., b•• n .ccompli.h.d it i. beginning I" b. r.lIlh",lItr. i, no.h.d.in.U'h •••. R.tplainsofperp.,u.lp.rchinl ...ind and .un.~in •.• nd Ihrough this desert no fioodin& Nil. flow._ Th ... If" those who .•• c ly, would lik•. if 'h.), could. 10 reconstruct the dim, haunl.d wood.b.for. th.ydieoflhi"l. (MaT. so) 55. \Vh,., peopl~ rel.te their oymplom. to m. I think of trH' and of th~ cows ,ho<unoab.beiri.chy back. on the bark of Iho•• tre~l. 56. ,...oludly •• em. to he mu.ly a nome fOT Ih. ~oor I ,,,,.y,h>tl .. d.oUIOr.dol •• c,,noeintoold.ge. (j.n.5') S7. We have.ppaUtilly.o drink the win. ofl'leao"r. oul of\ht CliP ofp.in-.nd t-ha Cup remn;l\s (Dte. Sol 58. 59. Relillion i, ,h. organi;,ation of:op•. Hol'~ is killed by allOinm'nl, (Oct. 51) 001'1. B)

60. Th~ world i. !ik. • :>00 ...·hue .he ..... nO ;p.ctalOIl, only,nim.l. inCalos-some <>1'1 mo". 'hoir "",n ca~u from ;n,id. and 10m. time. Ih.y play .t b~;ni IpeCI",on. {Oct. 5')

6., P..op!~a,~of'.n agg«"S.ive!yuotrtivein proponion to,htirin ..·.rddoubts.boul.hetruthoflh.irhop ••• Hor~ foar!.nd •• tr~ngth.o~nyto.h.d.f.nceorlbehop'" .u.peeted 10 "" iU<UOt)I, 5')


6•. W.nduing.cr=.ci.y.... lkingofl.nquit ... lon•• down tl.. k allq•. through unf,equ.nt.d di"rlcts on<l d~boudoing .uddenly onto ",oin thareushf.,c' ",'h«~ for .,pelloufollo"·slh",,,.in.trum.i •• dopte<! by " sroup "hI'- h.o come whore lVe come [com, w~nl"O go where we wonl '0 lIa". Fo. u wblIe it i. true but Ihe side .trcc .. in ono of'h.m fh'" "'on1on\, Il, •• mhunlovedan. So, as 'here i. "0 <MehinG "P wilh ,heSleup, ,he,. is no mo•• ", •• on '0 'o,um,o lh. main ... '''''''h.nte nJ ••• wayfrom ;, ..... mo,e.llcf···· .. mor. Ihoroughf., Whe.".h.lIweb.c .lc.pinllloniSill,l . AodIh",.odd "nwunl" .. ofey .. in lon.I}·.n.yf .... ()o.-1aY5')

"r. th.,". P.u••

""d ,b.

6J. Wh~n one brings 9tH (In. ono', r.vou,;~.p ' do~es with ,h. cliche, .. [ can n~ver und.m.nd ...hy :', it i. dilc<>ne,rlinll ... heosomeone knOW.,h. oolul;on ond on. i, mod. ta und.",,,,nd ii, for 3monl.II>'op huh •• n remov.d. a domesl;. my".ry d.b"n .. d, I painted window .ho ...n'ob."m ... pi«.o!""'llin\h~rnlion.lj.il. When on.a.k'(nol .... nting.n .n ..... ') in .ome """lie .uburh • .. [ wand.r whal ;. ,ound ,h. bend?". il ••• m. po.,ibl. Ihnt 'here ",i~h' be" r~TSOI\cn p.l"ce Of " ,·"Itn"o th.rf. or 'he b'ck to hell, yo, people Mf m<><tlyQnl}'tOO 'n~jO\1' I~ .how yO\! how homoge".av. "nd , •• peel,ble ,h •• ubu.bi.. (M.ys')


."i ..

6~, L~, u5 J.fin. rdigion 30 the O'R.nizalion of hop< in ,ueh ...;"" Ih., all hopes .. ~ ., .. nsed .1 [es,Itt hop .. •ubor<linated'oOD •• upr"",.h"pe ...hich;.or."ch'na'UJe

,ho', ",bite it '<:~ms =Ii""ble, il caMet I'e 'ru\iud no"', In communism the "r.ding .wayoe Ih... "",,, .nd in Ihe old religion. "hu"",," .nd "the life 10 com~" Ole like ~ rainbow (;, has ~ "ca.ure hidd~n.t ito b:o •• l,cle.tly vilible. but movtsaway •• rou ~ppro>ch. Inf.ct,h. '·cryt .... n<~ i, unre.liubi!hy nnw. A. far as the aveulilc man i. conccrn<d, Ih~ , 1'7';";00 ,h~ ~n~l aim mUM cxiJlc""" w;IhouI hope hieh ia ~h"oned a. fillile de.p.i. and ~ horrible li"i~1I d.,.lh. V•• scalcely ony One ash him""lf why he dr.g. hi. he.vy lo.d ofhop".",und. (Oct. 51)


Gs, Uke Ih~ dr'1P or ink in the ~Iul or w:.t(i' and rhc dfO~ ~f ",.. ~r in t.h 1;1 ... or i~k. A~ ~"il dcor Joe" 1101 p"rify hi. repUl.""" witlt <one Good '<'1, bu. (he \,;'tuou. m,n ruin. hi! "pul",ion by on~ b.d action. So ""il ,,~uld seem mo'" Ihan good. OclJ lhal (h~ wt).ld ;. Ml ,,'oroelhon it i., (Apr. 5')


A man went '0 a th"'.tr£, but ..,hrn ht thought il w •• tim .. to I.a~ h. found that· the re,l audie"e~ waS "I •• ",h .. " and he w.s P"" of a .ho,",' cont.inin~ tlte "i~cc Ite h.d com. IcC Pi!0".50)



67. Charity .nd" p"lyofo,borvirtu~.w.nt foe. trip toheo~~o. Th.ygo\ hungry and wo'" .crv.-d in " C11(" ",i,h ombro.i •• nd neOlar. Now lh~ vlnue. I,ve "" 'I'"d.l die". Cli.ri,y loo"~d at berplate"nd •• id, "I mu .. b"."'ed wi,h ~<)v."Y or I sb.11 stat\·e. RUI ,here ,. nonc Itc,"". Lovo ooi<l h. ".cOod .~p"ra\ion. '11"". woolod """,IIM. P~I,enCe "'Dn,~d .dven;ity. HumllilY Db",. •. cl •. , .tc. "Com ....... id Cit.dty, "\V~ .n.U .11 stu'" here .. we e.n', get ou, '1'001.1 di.I~"_ The c!hers 0Sle." ""d thEY r.tu.ned 10 urth ",hEr~ .he,e w'" plentiful .uppll' of .peei.1 food fo, ~"ch. {Nov. 50)

6S. Pursuit of ,h. "f~scjn.,in~·· diff.rooco of people l•• d. 10 the di,e<>".'Yorlh.··.pp.Uins" •• men.~,ofp.opl •. "ral~in.'ing" one .I",·a).. hopu to m •• t the mar •• Uou. ""eson who win be "",dicaUy diff.r.M". and .ventually ono:'. ,,,,,eh establishes the f~ct thot p.ople arc bUlllillhtv.ri.tionson th •• hum.n them. ond iti, ".ppallin!l·· to find tbatth.narcb was,implyafligh,f,om ,he mono,oo)' (Nov. sr)



69. So;. mu~hcanb.done by teach... who,c.no,hc" do for t •• ch.n?

for oth ... -but (lIpr.pJ

70. Gr •• k .nd Roman p.son thought i.lik. ,h. dry • li!lll,Cir noo" b"'w-.n dark nigilL.l;, Early Chri~\i~n 'hought it lik. a burning(') lire in a va" m"""I ••• night. Th. Ram,n C"holic Church today i. li),o • gal' lit >Ire.' .1 mid· ...i,lI.r du.~ in a fOllY city. (Oct. 5') 71. funnyn"wmanrcl"im,ohO\·.,h.koy'o unlock ,h ••• cr ... of the univ .. se-hut whNe are thos~ wh" will .ho ...,byu.mpl .... ·h.,.i.th.kcybol.fnr,h.i,hyl ro«. 5') 7" Eumpehubo>.nlU hcrlips. .... duyhi .. ory ...i'h".or.upon (l\hYSt) urg .. <00$\1)' P'Y (Mol' 52)

73. Th •• v... go. m.n·s compul$il'e him "oQugh w.~c. to live on.

i~. 1",.llce' i. like ,nc dry I"nrl-hyit •• lf,wilhnut ,he uindr .... nf.omth~ ••• ,iti.lik •• b.rr.n d••• tt. Fe.ling or .mo,inn. i. like Ih. nco~n-by i.. elf .1",. d... n of ",.v... The}' may cooperot ••• where W."orn Euml'" m.~" Ih. Atl.ntic, or thoy m.y remoin .laof .nd ;ndiIT.ronl ",on,h •• hQt.. ofthSah.",. IS')






76. "11 lbue 'hi~g .. o~~ get. auached to ore co,,,;n,,allyloulng One down by chaogiogor dying nr geuing d.,.troyod,orifi, •• ..m.not.i.,.b.causconch .. oncsclf Id 'hem down h}' onc""lf changing or f.llina ikk or dying. (Mu·52i i~•. \Vhu dou onc lid from compony? Two ,hinll' .pp.r.ncly. fi, .. ly more ",bl" and ccrtain condition, of ]ivinlllh.nm'n" "",",'Llule<! can g.t by him •• lr(m",tly m'n die. by .I.rv'Iion 0' ,om.,hing ifon'irely i,ol., .. l). •nd ,.condly" c.tt,in .hoh_upofid.>.I ...hichj,brou~hl .h~tllby ';Gnlo;flming tno"ef,om ·'o1>l,ido··(otherl'eople) in.diffe,.mord.". Ih.n one i•• bl, '0 think up rot 0".... 1[. That would Icern 1o be Ill. Bu' ooc li.. to poy through the no$(! f".lhue. (M.l' 5') 77. The "".uly of ,he world ..,mnim •• noms to hons nhouli,likelh •• h."".f.nci.dinlhep.lecoilaof".pour exh.l~dby. ",iddenon 3 otiUaulumncv.ninR. (Moy S~) i8. There .... never .ny tim. when Ih ",oualily of phy.icallnfanlS waf a. 10"''' now.-ycl with p.e ... nl_d.y cnlhusi .. m for ,hlowing away hath .... '.r. morlalilY ~monl: m.laph",ic.lli.bi .. wo. probably n ....... o high (May 5J)


~r":'::·d~~. I~~~:
C"ping i.\h.


]foneh.ioolauained.ny.upcrio",yo".r,h. i:i~~p~~;~~ dl~:;. ~:e~.;en:.~~~:


I•• td .. ""rale.U.m

p•• , •• lf_ju"ir'C.lion ("p'.S2]

80. Ilh .. be.ndiocov.~dlh'llb.Aow.rinl.ndfruil;ng of plan'" d.""odl upn",bc,iShlproporlion.l1eog,hof

niShl .oday-and.o '00 on. miSh •• ay tnatforarn,n'. pcroonolity 10 f\.,,,·u and frw. Lh~r~ i. n •• d"d Ih. righl proportion I>o" .... on Ihe d~yljgh. of r.~.on .nd Ihe nigh. orematio". (Apr. 52) 8., Though we Me "ften willingly ""hort.d by mo,.1 biotoSi".tod.5pi..,lbep;o:rasili.morcu(~oo •• udmi.tlctoe and t.ope",orm •. the unprog .... i,·.~nd ",.ction.ryoutlook uf kiog ..... b., I.mp shell. and dub mo .. , ,he.nti.""i.1 venomenOU'M.$ of ono."" and nettl ••• lh ~ont.mp'uou, and ho.til ••• du$;O<>or.upho,hia"-a,,d cacli, yet i, would &«m ,h,lnawro, with.n h.r ,u'hl .. sn.... i, ",o,~ 101""nl he.t Ih.n they. (lIpToS') 80. A d.~d dog ",•• hed up on ,h~ lake 'hoTC; a lorl:e ",.'er li,nrd (the kind ",h"", .kin is marl. ;,1\p h~ndb.~. and ,ho .. 1 pUl~ it. h.,d into ,h" mourh, l>eT", n II,. I~.th •• like j .. min bud., pull, out the rofl 'on~ue and gulp. il do",,,. It £queez.. up to th~ .hould." throua-h '~n'" in Ih.th,oal."d gorg •• itselfo",heroUinggut.in,id£. White fraGr.n' Ilo",u. raU from th •• hoJe tru. above. (lip. 5~) 8J. 1 ollould lik. to be sure th.t th~ri w •• lomeone I had me, or had known. ",ho "'.'. on babn<:e.betteroff for th~ .cq".int~nc •. But how know ,hio)


84, I .lIould lik~ to bt re •• o".bly 'confid~m of dl'ing quiellywi,hou\r.mor..,fo.wh., wu done b.dly "rwlong, reg.rdingi'a. <h. ,,,"ultof !funesl milt.kes: and withoul reBrufor .. ~ylhing",.lll.f<b.hind (Mar. p) 8~.. Will lb. Beh.v:iouri,1 vj~w of Ihe mind One day ,eom .. quainl ~. Co,rna,' description or lhe ",e>rld ... rn. Ie> u,1 (july S~)

8;. Nobody. 1 think, b..l. ~i;I~:tIly •• id '·The Kingdom of h.1I i. withi" you·· _p~rh~p. b.,,~u.~ it II ~ obvinmly true ,h •• i, dOM nol ne.d •• ying. The on\~ new f'e.or .ho idu of h~ll (,h. Ch<jsl;~n one .nyWllY) .dd. 10 the hor,ort .h .. ftom (ime ,im~ make .heir .ppt~.. nc~ in Ih .... orld.i.tI,~,of",·"rI .. tingn ... - ...·hich .ho .... nolhing but m.n·s Yirnlicti\·~n.'.. ('951)


8b. Under tho bu.hes in \h~ du,k • land r.il-no' fuui"venorunrri."dly. No.. lyd''''.ed inopb ... ub(du.d <olour&\u u,u,l ",i.h il$ kind; .hi, ono in d~,k J"'Y with ~t he.d and p'n", ov~r.i".d .honk! .nd '<>t •. Prudent. ~.. v•• nd judicious; middl.·cI ... , unafr.id .• kil. Cully ~voi,lin~ II,. inappropria,e and th~ e~~~~.r'l.d.th. oimpl •. qu,kcr_like humility. lit!l~ ",udi.dl Nou.e for ··~rt·· -".~ .he hug~. shapele •• bu' '0 •• cvirubl. nut . • nd thecompl.c.nl d~light in it! ··'Mg·· ""hich.o " .. rly r.nmbl ... hecri .. of. d)·ingpis. (l\h,. So)



S7. Are not tho.., tropical boc.kworm. tba. d,ili l1"<>I.IRh Ih. pages f,om co.u 1o coverwiscr,han".·c.-beu.rDff inknD· .. inr.<>nlyhow'onlbook!.Ihanwe ,,·hoknowonly how 10 r •• d ,h.m 1 \\'~ re.d ~nd m;ork -they ;I\".o<dly dige.' (:'\0)·5') SB. When all ane·s ..sooci.«, l.. veon.bchind.on.ha,aholidayone bother \,,,"~l1i,,g ~a n·a,. for 0 holiday ."d •• I("·i.h"u,,nt (..... p.


88,. Th~t\Vonppoo.dth'''T;c.ofth ...cn""e"fn10"kh,d -the p." f,1I f,o", grace, 'k pr .. entd" ...·nw.,d drive .0 the .aroid ~"clamong the worm, ;n ,lime .~d d.,h ... and ~I\"opy.-o' !h. up"""rd de.cl<>pm.nt from the ;n$;pid .i",pli~ily of ~tuh. ",i,h tTiumph.lp,,,gr ... up Iht~uSh ,h. hopoful pr ... n. 10 tb. gnlden wond~ .. of Ih. future superm~1\ (or) ,uperdivin •.

If. m~n believe. lhe f"sthe can die lik. h. wbo gOllhi •• bip.ndcB,goin,oportboforethtwintcrg.lu le,in, If h~ b.li." •• th. ,,",,(md he ean die like a mon "'~o il >cn. '0 • concentralion camp ond .us hit> brideca,ritdofftbedaybe[orehisweddinll (M.y 5.) ~9· Let u.$Oy I have oome from Camden Town. I a", inO.ford 5, for h.t{an hou, I""kingfo,a.hoptobuy. ,oY.Ddth.D 1 have to goon toa ,oom in Lamb.th, \Vb •• hu illo dowi,hmeifOJ<for,;SI1"C" il. beginning" in th.Buckoand Oxon countryside and ifi ... prog, ... nlt. ward, t,od. on 10 ,h. blank walls of 'he B.nk or En~tand?

,h. race

Wh'l actuat ,·.tuoorbe .. ingh •• thcptogro",of through [u'urt:cen,uri •• -e,'enifitwerttrue_ '0. mortal wi,h. bundrei!y".n· life .pan? I. thi. whot lhoyoff.rfor •• tenow •• immul1olitl" (,I.'loy S~) ge, Wh.nwea<cyounglh"noi'~ofRon.r.lconvcc .. tion .eoms much ,he moO! fun. \Vhen grow up ,,"" di""o,'cc 'he pcssibili.i •• "r the '~I,,·a·'ctc. In ma.urity the menQIOIIue h~bit..,1S il. But now lo.t ,""'"; •• h ~honce 'e inve"iR~le .h~ rich dop,h of .h •• Heno< ...h.n 'he monoles",,; •• u.pended. (Moyp)



9'· If J mo" bdieve in ",m«hing, 10, m. bd.;"" in ',he n.~1 world-nol inlhi,dea,h's .me,h,mb.r. For if ,hi, world i, good .nd true then de",h m".t b.horrible -and i, i, Iheonly .hingtha.i. certain, ('9~g) 9l. l\1.nh"solbor.d with pro,,,.ting him •• tfbdore god. h. new indulg .. hi. need for .clf.prOOlrotion by doing le.o ,h" "ale ~r to the materi.1 world of th. r,"e .en .... w""hippu,g them. ,c<ordi"g to hi, "0'" cr..ro ••• hi. omnipotent ",o.ler. Men like to ..." .. hip .m'Sler

b.c.u.e Ihi'lIiv •• them .uthority otberoinlh"M_.I.,:sn.me. 9).

to exerci •• powu over (I\UK.52) (Aug, s.l

The ,O/utest words are tho,e not .pohn.

9~, Thep ... i.fuIJofpeoplewhoh."em.depol1enlou. and men.cing uttcr>nc"" for ...hieh tbey h.". cbimed tbe .u.horilr 0(1I..d· They do the same now but cl.im .h. autbority or 'he people and th~ ... te. (Sop. 5') 94" "Th.t il m~re esc.pism" they oay_bul if Ihey ,,<1<1.,,1), 0 belie,', there re"lIy w •• nn "c'p<:,ue 1 we to suppo,.they woulil not toke ill (Sop. 52)

We' ••

');. The b.ro of on.', pri,,,"",elhepeopl ... oundon. -.,,<11, too, am. b.rin eacb of their p,i,on" Much of th~ 'h~lr' we give nch other i, JUSt ceme"! 10 fiK th" b,,, ",,,r. firmly. (S'P.5') 96.1e_nno\s ••

",hyiti.b.tter that the",ue m"re~opl. in the world at • given lime (is Bel"'n full ~tlU thon T,-;,nan d. Culih.!); th'l Ih~ tr~nd o( ~volu,ion n"ds must ~oincid. with thediroclion I or any ont would like i, to b. lakins, nor Ihat itago.l (if any) is mine or thdrs. 97. What .hould, ...... g. tiger.boullO comp.",iohlle man Jo ""II" .....,. a . eat poisoncdme.t? (OCI.52)

Orwho~'benwal!;ingb"'ide. detp "nd d.ngerous river, .n(l "n.bl~ te. swim, a m.n drowni"B ill Ih" middl" or th~ ,,,ift current 1 Ought on" wolk b.. id. ouch rive .. l



98. The ,,,icu ofjungl. th.h3nd.ofidiotchild,en.



nut .. in (OCt, sz)

99. Wonhip of an anthropomorphic gQd i. merdy a form of nJrci .. i.m ~nd "'ouhip of the "tot. i. Ihe .,m" only more ofa dose.up (0<: •. ,.) 100. Autumn hush in .n..Engli.h August. T .. n,p~l.ncy. lon~lines., ,m;i!J dis,ant niUne .. of (d~p""inG) .ummer, ho'_y.'·n ••• of (ccming) ",int... (Nov, 52)

..,~"d •.

101. When I hon to make up my mind, I am forced, like Mark Twain. to think I muot h:w" • gre.t dnl of mind for i, '0 uke so long to m.ke i. up. Bm when I give lon\.o,," even ~ little piece of n,y mind. r •• em to h.ve nOI cno\)~h left for myself (j.n.53} 10>', Th~ puten\i.li.i", ,iw,tion "', iI' were, i•• wcn,b r"llor liller. \\-'hcn we ~ay "a choic. h,. been mode", we ",~ ;n<i•• 11 stating that th.,. off.pring having m.tu"d, one of them h•• overcome ,h~ ",h.rs ond, in order.o be able ,,, .xpr~ .. i",df;n tho .,r •• m of .c!U~liIY. '" ge' cho""n. ;thuh.d '01:.111 them and devourth.ir .ul;l".nu. For ifonuOD~cboic.h •• ~.nm.d •• !lo,her potenli.1 cho;~••• r~ i,,,,,,i.vahly 10>1. nut 10 .u"p<ud ehoi"" would he 10 ,u'Jl"Dd ,h. How of hecoming. And .0 ,hi,.,.nnib.li.mRem.eooonlial'0 b.>com;ng. Oan, 53) 103. Wh.lbor<s",.i.th,,,,hen,verllooku.ny,hing J om precluded for just amounl of tim. from I""kins at .nythi,,~ d<e (J.n, 53)

"r "n~



'04· Th. inv.ding dun •• in th. d.'<r,.nd

platitude •• hal bury.hc "'"..


like ,.nd (j.n, 53)

105, On'" physical body lin. i".id",h~ p,ol.ctionof it •• kin;.ndone·omenL>1 body."i, wer •. liv•• in.ide ,b. prolec,ion ofi",.kin of fixed concept •. Jua\.,ont', physicol body heaves .~rth .bou. w;lh •• pod., 8"'''''

vog.tabluandcDok,i, •• lIrneol.ofphy,icalfood.ooo"o·, mO"TOI ody h •• w. id.as around. grow. not;on. ~nd took. b ;I•• lfment.lmul.ofdefinitions.purp", ... ndaim.""nich hop it going. U.n. n) Then tho,. i. the lava.ory .id. of,h,.imil •. 106. E'erni,y i•• Snit. concep' which i. p.'h.p .... ·ny Blak. said thaI ".tunily il in lovowith .ho production. of.imo·'. Th ... oppos;,ion. live on Ihe bo,den,";'''''MO. half beyond Ihe hor;;:on of one'. expui.ncc and thoy depend "f the foci Iho, I om ,1. and h.ve"n hot,,,,,n 10 myr..I<;lof.KP.,imce .• ndth.l.I,.roh •• ,ob.lb.yond toil. O.n, 53) Th;. age i. the age of "pring c1canin~",.",pT'ing .fler.pring,a"d,hefurnitur.g.".h.hbicr,ndlh.bhi", and h.. 10 b. ,.pl.""d, and th. wall. got filth}' .nd h.v~ 10 h. rep.inl~rl •• nd ,h~ ,il •• rail off .nd h.ve 10 b. pUI hack .• nd .h. nwn ... grow oldancl .. e.ucc •• d.dby.h.i, h.'n. and Ih. hou.. bll. doom .nd h•• 10 henbuilt •• nd the .,ale coll.p ... ."d hu to be reformed. and Iheworld economic ,y".rn S.uoul of dat.aDdh ... obe .. mcd.ll~d, and ,h. world oource.of.upply dry up.nd D.'" onU hn. lobe found. and Ihe.un cool. down and tho: sobr .}·.Iem ge .. d ng.d [, i. the "prOll'."" which keep. you wh.. ey<>uaro,.nd,hewnole thing i••• plll'0ing by hop • • ndf.ar,dang1ing.h.irc."ot.anclcnckinglh.irwhip •. 00n·53) '0&. Life nnd 'the world ~nd ono•• lf Vall t~ulology.



no'hj,,~ bH' • (lOll, 5J)

109. There or. thru ...oy. of ruling low, or lovd. of r.,;gue(and Iheyc,nallbppen'loncoj:phy.ic.l,for which on. taku rut and I<>nico: "'tntal, fCT which cne

cn,nlles on •• cnvironmen(and h.bil.:and.piri,u.l(whicll i. p.,h.p, <oml>a,robJe ,,,. "'h'l IheJ." lu:vivioQ inh.bi'~nl ef.ne •• i.b.inQbJo"edoutby .. nd_inmodtrn~.rJ"n"". a "dill,I.""d pet~n" _ migh' f~.I). fer whiej, nne ,ok .. time. In.1I ,hr<c ".. e< One hopu ,h. ,.m.d)' will be .ff«:,ive. (jon. 53) lie. Th, •• kinds or (><'OJ>lo: Th"..., who "'em nicer when .b •• n, th.n wh~n p,,,,,,n'. Ih. opposile kind. and 11>0$< who ar. equal p' ••~nl or abo."I. (Jan. ~l) II t. Do~m••• ", lik•• to .ust,in ... gging und~, • ... nding.13U1 •• ,hc)'holdon.upIOloo,h.yholdoneb.ck. (jon. 53) ",. One m.y distinguish ., I... , rLV. Jar.'. in the menulocean: (oj ,h. public .">lum of con","u,uc"cd ' ... ooinS ."d •• muchof Ih•• motions •• i$eommunic.ble o,con,·.ni.nt 10 cOlnmunicatt. (2) the bed'oom loyer. p,iv.,~ 10 couples. (l) the tvidont personally p,;vote I.}'u. priv ... ,oone •• lf bc"~".eia<ommunic3hle or ;n~onven;.n. ,Ocommunic .... (~}thclo ..·c'P<"on311.r<,h.JfGlim" .. d, halfillre"ed. incommunicable. (S),h •• uppo~ ""ncono. c;ou,d.pthi'postula"dino,d.r,o.xpJ.inincQn.;.,cnci ... -Jihphlo~i.\oltl


"3 b,.h,

One. life i. Ii.... jaunt in.ca. "mninQ W;,houl' dOOln • long hilllow.,d~ a eh •• m. ], m.h.li"le

difference ",ho dri ••• il. for in any .il~mp' turn i, <<.lund up hill ;n own mom~ntum will ""uturn i, ."d .~nd " 'oHinQ down low .. d.'the •• tn~ aby... Skilful dri~ing only ..... rlt the o,·onu",. Um.53) "i. A man', lifo i. tile 3 day's journey '",,·cll.d ",."",a,d. and r3~inll ~I"... y. 'he .... y One h .. oome. 10 th.morning Iho: field of experience isbrigh".in\plcand d.""ling, Sh.dow. are Lh,o",n by the oun ('<1m ,hings already PO" ond known and they need no inl~rpr.,inll_ and ,h.r. i.no!hing to hindu f.noring <he fU'Uf" Su, aftor,"iclclaythe.ung .... hud.nd ,h.t. begin to f.11 int" \h. [,.Id of vi,ion .hadow. of thin~. befo,. ore ..,en, 'Otne of which .an b. r.<o~ni".d ••• imilu to thing. alrc.<.\y known, bu, o,ho .. "<II, And now ,h. l'uI",. journey d.pond. nn how these .h,dows aro inlupr"t~d before the lhillS" "hi"h ".,1 ,h~", ",.."coun'et.d. And •• ,be day dra",. on 'he shado"",,, ~et longu ~nd more ;nlric"e. And m~an,,·hil •. a. wh~n looking bock from" car ,nnUing d"w". long:a ..enuenf"""sth.,,,rellipp;ng by. Ih~ treu .PP""' '0 ge' '~pidly sm.I:., ao Ihey 'eeed •. but distant hill. Ixh;nd in Ih. h..dg,cund. tbough r.c.dinr t"", •• em, by con,rast wilh Ih~ shrinkinG "CU. 10 be g.\\;ngl"su.nd la'lI.r. Uan.53)




"5. Ir p.opl.', li_,-e. were ,dequ.t. ,hrr~ would b~ no ne.d for lhum to go hu",ing outside th~m.oIL' •• and Ih.iT ",rr,o"ndin~sby ,."ling no"<I,, 1I0iQS to d"em,., ("",boll ,Quiche •• ,,(1 other forms of hero w,,,~hip "ncl ,'ic.,i~ul life_ At di!1erent tim •• "tl[·<lisco"ICn,.d poor,l. h.". admirod king •• nd .r"'tocraq. man in tho .lre~t and ~~~::,";h:Og",:~,ct~~:~~ cl:~o:i.~~~'~~·f:r:~~~:~~~ .. in •. ,he •• ",hocountry. th.ciW"hi,,,,·orJd,

th~ olh.r world, the \Vest End, lh~ E.. t End, round Ihe cornu. hum.ni.m, •• ',mi.m, ",Iilude. ccmpony-bu. nev« ... 1. .. a mon i, him •• lf ncw. (Apr. S' -Jan. 53) ,,6. Whyar.,he rich rich? nec'usc occidy., it conOl'tu •."iu ..lf.hycons<n'ing,,,.heir.u,u.,i.inf.ct P.yinll ,hem .... ge. for th. qual;t'" il .. ccanite. ('he ...isdamcrfcllyof.oci.,yafsod"ingi.nol", i.sue he,..,). But thi. being.o the rkh lit"" d.im inITin.;e ...orth ncl b .. edonthe.oc:;.tyonlllhichth.ir.",u,d.p.nd ••• nd tho)' f,noy they have ;nd.pendent ownership of Iheir ..... !th. Forgetting th£ir po.ilion i. support.d by society ,hey bully it. For, while .ociely Seem, 10 like il but 101", it h,m. ,nd ,.nd. them. But in;o cluing il ~.em. 10 be puni.hing them far i.......n ,tupidity "nd deMei.n_ o .i•• -after ...hieb il p,y,olhen; tab.rich.ond.othis (Feb,52) "7. \Vb.1 moved un,cellulor amo.b .. 1o .",alg.male Ih.m",I"". into multicellular unilS like h)'d,a.nd volvox? And multicollular unit. in.c ooci.tie.o of units like Ihe Portuguetc ",on of .... r? \V •• it bo.wom? And in d,. ' .. n.ilion.l.tag~did.heyli,·einl"" ••• oci.,ie.lihspcng .. or like ",emit." or like And Cdmeic .. 11.hem.elves .0th,l .. occi>Lion fot th.ir liwlihood? And dicl thoy evolv •• nle.noofcommunic.tion by which .h.y~xch.ng.d e"ptri.n •• '. b"ih up o body of knowledge, and dominat~d noh o.her, .hu. excreling' p.ychologic.l Slu. in which they lot ".pped iMO no"', e"",rg~nl' compleX unit. from which ,h no long.r an •• capo. except by the de.th of ,b. unil hich .••• impl.c.lI.th.y had no n.,.uily to Imo... ? An ."",.b.'. d ... h i. In •• eident. not a ,,« .. ,ily, but 10 a compl.x unit dnlb com .. boUt ••• n acciden' 3nd al' nlOCe ily. Ar • ....,h.adinltowardlnew ..


.morgo", <0"'1'1.",1;" which willl'!edute a ne~' .01.rllonl kind of d."lhl U., 10 now il h •• beon an in.lan"noQ~' .ff.ir hUI m;Hhl ,.... o~1 invent ~ kind ..·hieb b"'-A 'nl "Iivioe dnth"! (Ocl. S~)
! ,8. What i. tho mattH with roifyini ~m. (T.go .. •• UI"'l:Qpl~ for in.tanc~)? Doe. i, r~il on Ih. high.", 1"'01 beo.un il ...... mn the oe« •• i<y (Ih ... riHh'n ·) of .ufforinS ..... i'houtwhi<hthcvin,,~ .•• y.orun!elfl.h vice. coll.p..,' for wont OfaO)'lhing l05<r\"el No one n.. d Jony (h., .ulT~rin& will b~ J~8"",.<l if Ihc ,i.l helpod, and if pri.ot'lcn holr "ach o,he, (d'Ollr.h'Pllciy"I ""n', b.h."iour indio.ltS ,l1i. iolution i" Ie" .irnpl~ In"" it .pp~or. "" the .Ulf,c~l, bu' are we' to "~<>pl •• th~ "hima'e principle ,hat Iho cli.... c <>I'ghl '0 be m.in"l,,~d Of' ,h., ,here "'"r bo.ick10 ,e,w-,h.,.ll fJ':oploouwh,tob. kept in prioo" tl,", the)' m.y [i.~d e.eh u,n",.· n~lp; or, on ,he c<>n"~,)·, .,~ "'C '0 .dol" ,h. p,j"ciplc ,hal ..·hil~ i, i. ~oa<t to h<lp it i~ b.,,~c 10 ~"'. tho di ..... ood re,no,'e the n~co... it}" fo, prison •.• 0 ,h .. help will no longo' be n.c~.'~ary. AdvDC'''~ <>f ,h~ formrr principle allain.' th~ btlor .re in f.e, arguing that ~II phy.ician. on<.l,u'8""'" .hould .Iop their "'o,k .nd b~<omc nuu" i,,"e.d (j~n. 5~)


"9. There .. ~ ,ho.c ",1\0 lih dj.(,n< p<n_ff;end. whom \h'~y h"'~l\', mnt brlt~' than nejghbour:s ,,·hQn, tho)' hove. (jon.!i) 120. J",\ ~S one can h~rO\<l;C"IY .""'ed bo~ m,uu .• " OM c.n ,,,.ngo dT.ctivoly ifnpri,nn. o,he' pi«c.of '00. which Uon.53)

Th.,c •• ,m to be tbr~e rn.inltind'ofintQxic,ma or "opialu". Th~ pb~.icol Ofles, and feligion. and polil.iC$.


Th. form« kind i.ju,'a, populor a. evu. but the I•• t .eom, 10 Ik ou;ting tho .econd (philo.oph,l' ond .... lh. o prot.pl .nd pTllcti"". el~. are .ub,um.d under One of Ihe tOItH ""0 mo .. I),). Tn~ ordinary man absolute!}' nud. one of tbe Ihree 10 .cr<en from him the vLsion ofth. (utili,y oflif. and the wodd. O.n.53) .... II is nthu rnor~ usu.! in ,h .... tim •• form.oto b. be',..yed by 'heir countr'" Ihan for them lobellay Ih<ircountri~ .... hich;'whYlh.r. "r •• o many 'displaced petlon". (Aprilol) 12J.lntb.irhigbchillyp.l.c<.inh Inef" •• ofh.tlto.,.nnthen, ... onthcyn •• d

If I.hero "'~'" no h ••• on ror il.$ wlt"l" weight ".' pr ... down onltoll.thcfiresnflodlwouldcxp.nd.uclco,-,I down, and it. ;oh.bi""'5 would h"·.nnlhing to h.r. and envy ony mar •. The .... 'd.ns of 1..11 would b. oul of job. di.pl'ced penon~. -and the inn.bilan" Df n~l1 would h •• ~ none 10 look .fle' tn.", (11.1.). 53) ,,~, Th~ p... i. lh. nlSp.t of tho uU:n. dig~.t.d and u~reted future. Like ,,~ •• ",.II·'001.d in their own decayed I~.v ••• "'~ fnli, bo.t when d.eply root~d in ouc O"'''p»l. (M.y 53) "5· Lirtl. tim. on the

w.,·., ofth

boat~ of thought go f,.hing •• mor;on..

f'om lime to (j.n. SJ)

"7· rnt.rpret.li,·t pt"'tplion IiI< ......... ",·ound.

thcughl~ """I. On • bare nnsoty m of blue·bollr .. on .n open (j.n.H)

uB. Ther"i.no One can be ju.' finandally.

nttd 10 wear one'. deeds like medal •. •• much mentolly nouveau·riche as O.n.53)

"9. One of the mOlt r~arhhle f.c~ of ,hi. i. Ihc n.gliilible direc' ",,1"1100al power which ocicnli ... hn. ;n ,hecon .. ol of tbe world', a!Joi,•. The marvell"". means ,hey .0 .ucc ••• fully produc. are al ....y. uJed by non_.ci.n,i.t •• gain" .. homthe-.cieoutts th~m.selv.. ..,em '0 be pawed .... nde~.npurposele ••. Wh.'c!cve,.h.ep Ihoy.,.. Uuly 53) 'lO. II i•. "ot memory ,hat j, ,he ·po,ili,·.~ .chj.~.m.nl but 'fo,gcuillS" II i. not .trange that we remembe, 00 m.ny th;og.-wh., i•• Irange i. th., We COn forget any,hing' ;, i. "!":ing. and it i. an achi.vWlenl. The moment. of happine •• in thi. world or~ .chi.,etl by (C<ln iou.ly or not) blol1ing out ,h~ di"i,t .. bl .. imp .... •• • ion. and m.morie. when ag •• uble one' are p'."'l"1t. (Au!!. n) The world mass ofJiea coch oth~. '0 bccom~ true. t3" or




aU.t,uggling ,,·ilh (OcL.53) th.nchampioned (Nov. ~~)


How much b.ucr to be n.gl"oted by the wrong people.

t33. \Vhile Co"tin.~\al Europoon ThouHht f.,·ou," Qr•• t phil",ophiool.yst.rn.b"ihup.c"ordinBtonpln,,"nd foundedo". cenlr.lpurpose, Engli,h Litouuiu],a. r.voured lh~ prootic.L,ho <mpi,ical_bodie. ofp'''ioll), <ouldin"Led tec:hniqu •• for Jiving and 'hin~ing. I""vinll Ih. cen\.-.I purp"'. ofHf. un,t.'ed_o. ",melhing .Imo£, indKon, 10 inquir.into. Tha, pu<pm;c h .. bern h.lfins,incth·.ly ref .... d ( ... h.n no"" .. ;')· a'ose) 10 tb. Church ~nd Ih.

Oi.in~ Right of King •. ,h~ individu.1 con"";.nce <lr a mon «h~ inntr "oice), the Caun~ of n~lure iprag",,, .nd n.lural .el.~tion). public opinion. the ".Ui.lic,1 a.erag •• •he Grea. ~htb.m21id.n. g~nes-.ctu&lIy these ar. no more ' ....n p.iotM panek on a ••• I.,,! cu.on. (0. which there ••• m.ny key., but "'hkh has "n lock. (No •. 53) tHo Th.world of what i'lh ... , i. [If:'l'el,,"lly h."nled by ...hat il nal ,h.re-wh.1 i. not. hut might b•. the,., what cauld nat, but ought be. th~'e. (Nov. HI


(P,,,,,it nolr;tj;.

Who. i. there 1 No an,wer.)

Truth i. lik. ,h. black h'''"ground behind fh. ,t.r.lh.couse it;, ungro'pablel. neauty i,lik.th.beam th.1 goe. aut from ..... clt light-bec.un it Goe. oul from the lubjec' ond illurnin'le. lome objecU. leaving otlt~.. in dukne •• -.nd il has no dr.cI an Ihe bl.d b,dq:round behind Iho .I.r.. (Nov. 51) ,}6. .bro»d. Curiuu< th.1 I .eem '0 fed n'O$< al home WMn (NOV.5J)

'37. I h.ve a working principle_which ODmel;m.,.. p.r.ly ... mony "fmy irnpul,e.o loaction-rhu i,i. "."rong (i.e. willl •• d only to failure to .tt.in wha! one .'poe,") -'0 IOh any ~ction ,1>01i. in.pi<ed or .ugguled by or h•• a. i.. princip,1 motive. appo,ition IQ (Ih., i. d.,ire '0 .nuborprovohof im\>r•.,) ,,,m.on. d ... (0' eVen in ;t. n,o"i"M"I,.n.eperhapsl one ofd,e el.m"nt>n .. dedto avoid di"ppojnrment ""en,,· 10 b~ac,ion '''hn [~r r••• ono whioh 'r~ "u ,igill :mg-I.... 10 peroon,1 '~f"om."t or di"!lreem.n" (Nov. 53) Pencil noto: I.up_ao.) (In brief, dnn·,.01 ""lof'p;I.I_





.:;8. Harmony iHu.run.ted ,by con.(iOu,nUli caliU a .hadow of di.h.,mony. PoW<ecil\umin.,.d by con.dou •• fie" a .hadow of imp"t;,nc~. Non.b~ing illutninM<d by conocio".n ••• c" ... a shadow of being... (Nov, 53)


'39. Sa,"e tim~ this century, I Via. ,old. ihe Hnu,~. of P.rli~tnent, o. ,he domin.anl gov.rning body~of the Church of Engbnd, .".oted thot Anglican> " •• d not b.li.". in H.II. I hIve often wondor.d wh., h.pp~ned in lh. A.n~lic.n Howen .f'er th.t. HBve lhe hf",'~nly pob.ce. (orc!oud.),which_h.d tiHthen conveni.ntly ",,"med by """,ui b.aling_they an so high up-from ,h •• ,.rn.1 firaofli.1I nOw pu< outhy man. be.ngrowing K",dually cold (like Londoninthee • .ty ",o"'hoof tlN7 ",hen there Won. bli"""d ond no co.I)? And.o 'he ....ngli"n Huven must n'ow be frozen quit. stiff, ~od no one tin gd ;nlo or out of it. And ,II tbe b.d j1fOpto. lik. lhe good. have tob. ,.bo,n on earth ng,;n Um.n _.fter.1I they mu.t b<: reborn somewhere, and if ,here i, 00 'H~1I or H.avon any mare, wh~,· .t•• 1 ....ncl ,h.t • willth.nobvio".jygOQnror.v.r.ndevcr., ..\J"t~nperh.p. the Il,;ti,h Parli.men, re.O\.bli.hubeli~( in l-Idl. (Doc. SJ)


'40. Religion according to Ma,,, i. on opine fortbe m ..... ; but M.r"b.ing more up to date ,hao ,he old roligion, .IIiv.. them morphia instead. O~n. 54)

l4!. Foots.,~ the nno 'hing I do nol b.lie,·. in (ony w.y Ih.re i. no o •• d). J h."", ";miucdly. 10 "d •• 1 with f,eto" (oo h.. ~ lUnati." with hi. h~nucin.licn.); hUI th.t i, no reaSOn ~I.n Ih.t ! .hould beli"'e in Ih.m (liktlh" Iu"otic). A. N. \Vhit.hud, the great moth.mOli";.,, (who, I ful, ...... P'ot.'la"IA,dtbi,hop""",q"'),or,r"opI>t31, 10 ""ubbam facia" ... 'he 1.11 .uthotity, with a .Oft of uncluou''''orohip, Inlhi.h.u.mplifi ••. tlhink,.di ..... ofthomodornmind"h.,end.ncy,cindulg.inm"(,H;hilli<: o'ai.',ofp",.lr.tionb.r"relhewhipofil$ own contra. dietQ'y •• n.c up.ri.nc.-.nolh~r kind of flight frem ,m•• oIf lDec.53) t41. J me! n d.ddy_Iong,legs lod.y, bUI not 'I"il. Ih. kind on. i. uoed 10. ThouyhiuboJy.ndwing,w.'.lhc o,di".,y,i"".nd.h'pe,i" leg. ",.re. ful! J']ong, thin ll>C'eo"on, with • bU"'Iue cu,ve, 3nd do,h.Jin bJ.ckand-whil •. b.nded footban ""'kiog.. It ",'" li~e en. of ,ho .. t'",u,u in Dali', Tempt.,ion of 51. An,hony. A pro<!uCIofnotur.l •• lec,ion I Non""noe, Mad. by. C'.alor 'hen? au, why not U)e ,hi,d p..... ibj]i'y. lh., ill family h.d .I .... yo be.n ;nl~,,,, .. d in beinjt differ.nl, .nd h.d worked it all oul Ibcm..,lv •• ? "L.,,,,.howlh.m" I.an hur 'hem •• yiCH. "Now, duling, you mull dl> lih ,hi. alway" .nd se' your children to, too.". " (j.n. 5~)

Th •• un .. 1'5 no ,hado",.. Th,b.du", '~.no ,un. I ,e. the ,I,.dow .nd lhe '\In-whu


(.ton'Si) (feb, 57) m.? (Junes8)

tH tflBal' in lh. morning 'I b.1;.". in God'.nd in ,h •• ,'.ning 'I do nol b.li.vo in God', I;\m unity. '0 my ""liol and renounce my 'on.i,'.ney, but p,n •• ve my f,.edom. If I keep '0 one a.. ~rLion, r 1m true Ie my

beli~f .nd pte •• ,.,.. my consistency. bu' fr •• dom. To be f.. e i. to be ·untrue·.

renounce my (jon. H)

'45. I\. holf_"u,h i. mm~ eff~Cli".-mor. deadly .... y. lhe mo .. lIsl-,han a lie. because the .lemen. o{lruth convinces and wi.h Ihe help of Ih,. convic.ion the fal•• element iO.. deeper. (J.n.54) (L..,.. "ddi,iQn,) Wb~, i•• h.lf_trulh ~ Whal il Trulh?

146.lnthc,q,h"cn(u,y,herew«'lheintcrcl.p""d.nt l coordin" .. Ofl·di",enlional sp.c •.• od ,h.Tcwo"ime. ~nd there wer. ,.onociou, ob",rv.r •. In the 20lh thor. aro the int<fdep.nd~nl 4 coordiriat., of d,,, _p.ee_ ,imo continI''''''', and th.,,, aTe the con.ciou. ob.crver •. \Villit"ned.ybe,oonth.t,hero,.eonly ;nlud'p"nd~nt 5 cQordin., •• ofthcap.ce-time·con,;nuum.ob •• r".d· hy·.omc·conleiou."e ... and no unrel.ted .xt"" lyiNI' around I 11 I.em. unarguabl. that any event n.e".~it.t .. • polition in J_dimen.ion.l.p.ce •• t" moment in tim •• from an df.clive·volitional <:<m.dr",. ,"'ndpOinl. Th. h. mu,! 110 togethe<. and failing .ny One of the 5 ,herei. (birof ulifidalob.ttacti.on) nothing to 1,lk.hout It oil.



·I\.h·. I],.)' .oy. 'but what about «<ord. token of ""hich nobody"" •• "".tohing? Tha, provtl that thinghapp.nind.p.ndenllyor.nob.erv.r·. Actually it prov .. nOlninQ "fthe kind. ltonly "i.e•• fundame"t,l .'poe< Olcon'ciulI' expeTi.nee: th.,itny 8h·.n.xpni~nc. <.on.i... ortw" .I.m.n,,-whati. _clu.lIy .0" •• d.I •.IUI "Y .• "d wh .. i. "interpreted from" ,hal ·ba,i •• e".um· If 1, ••• ".~. shill my ;nd do not ..,. the tre •• and open my ")'.' .nd ••• Ihe I<e•. I .. y,ha' the "ee ·w .. rh... • when my ~Y" were shut. but ;1 ·w.. Ih~r. unob.Ofv~d·. Ifothe< poople with ey•• april or ""ith c.menl.



1~11me il ..... Ihut, or preduce ~ pholoW.. ph ef ii, ."he time my eye. were Mut, thi. i•• imply ~ n..... upc:ri.nce which, by infucnce, I reI.,. to th~ ey",open ."ptri.n<~ of Ih. ".e, ~nd which I bmld into the 'eyea·,hul.".e_ .lill·lher.' <oncep', A tree ,hal '1. ,h.r. unob"''''cd canna. inherenlly b., !rnm"n olhtr Ih,n by inrtre",i~1 knowledge, and Ih~\ is ;p ... facio on • difT.rtn, I.~el '0 knowledg. or 'he dire«..,.p~rien".or'.yu.op.n."", obo.",.d'experience. N"o=ounto( ....iln ... ".orr.co,d. of a meth,nic,1 nalure .IT~CI Ihi. principle", .11. They ar~ ,i",ply fuuh.r 'dir.CI-O}""•. op,'n·QbscrVed' <"pori.nco> which the mind m •••• U~. Qf '0 ."'cnlithon 1.. inftrential (1',"",ccndenlalinlhetxi,tenli.Ii;'I .. n,e,p.rh'I'")oOnCcpl, (Feb. 54)


147. Who,i80ntgoin& 10 do il",h.'ci.ntiO!'pr"duoc 3 'ntw' and ""porio, r.pecinofm.n ?-,upl!,iQ, in wh.,.~ op;"ionl-!\"d (which is r.ally fri~hl.ninll) ;(,hoy find the m.. n. 10 avoid th. in."il~bi!ityo( death? {feb. 54)

q8. Ho", mu~h of ..,h.. I think or lay or do ari •.,. oUlof.grecmo:ruwi,h,otappo.incnto,whOlnthcrptople "'yntdo, and i. n01'(J<Im.nto".? (Feb.s.) 149· [fyou u. not mnl.tofth. f•• lllhey ",il! b.,at you do ...." ",ilh opinio" •. l(you.r.nO'maolucflh~void Ihey will b .. , you down with (r.b. ~H)


'SO. On. is coo,"n,ly .n~oun\"rin~ 'he limitodn ... or u"i"~nolpri"cipl".,'I.o'h.,,,,,ondfl'in.~,,ofArup'incipl ••. (1'"b,S4) !51, There i. no .realion_only <o",,'e,.icnofmallu over whir.h ,he mind donn •• n_ d'nc~, (March 54) '~2. Ju", .. a fiock of g.e.e i. led l>y • ~."der, '0, it would .e.m, il is. fleck or proper ~e.. e ,b., i. I.d by p,op1G·nd., {)..[orchH}

15J. Thor".,etwor6oson.ford;.lik;ngpcopl«w.n,inc to ~et ~".~y from their ooc;iety): b.c~u"'_ tbey Ixh~"e objection.bly, .nd bee.u .. they.m.ke one objec.ion~bly on"",If. Theopposile bo!d.good 100. BUl,he." ;sno'~h""io"r' wh." one is alone ()'by 5~)


tH. I, i.no'. i, ••em. '0 me, po .. ihle '0 duw , di'li,,~,ion b~'wun ~ h., ;. ><.b£olu•• ly "~,,," and whot i. ".b.'<;Ilut~ly (,,'galton {.nd ,~vivcd OllO'n)", Th~n what i. ,,"erty rorp:~ltCll ~nJ b., I.ft no never h.. hocnl ()rCQ""" hec.".e it i•• ccm".cl;e'io".n),wa)'. (hl,y H!


'Sl. Cut! ""d dots tbMw oome li~l" Q" ~".'. ,ol",ion ,om!>« •. Th"y.r. both c••• ntially con,cio,,' "f<;l.b.,. "nd their heh,v;Q!Jr;' all inB]].nc~d by ,h.,. The)' bo,], ....lu.0Ih ... ·opiniondc.pcr.'ely'lJoughp.ahobl)·11U!)· .... uld no, .dmit II. But th~r~ is .n e'.ell';'! o dill'erence bc''''.en ,h.",. A d"l! .... ,h., ;15 w~lf~,c d~l"'nd. "n",herA' Sond opin"''' nf'l. $<I i, ... .. I"finda\l,"'h ~ •• Ihll opinion i•. it Ixcom<:. dom""r.i<.,.d by ,,)'in~ 'aoell i,.. lf.,o.eTve. and ""i,;' css""ti.lly guided .ndh.ml"'r~d by ,h. "onc~p' of du,y. I.. fund."",ntol .nxi",}, i. Ih~' i\ ",;[1 1>.". r.iled ta inte,p,et wh" othero wanl ,,(il and Ihu, Ih~ym.y <~n"'1uently.I:i,,,donil •• ,,.el.&I. A do"', .en •• afdiiOnity i. ~uite •• cotldory_ A dog "f'en "ro1oQI,c. The "aoOO" dev« <Inc ;~ oansei~"II~u, .• "d "ornUI. Tile "bad" .(upici dQg i. rc•• nlful ~"d clmn,ily ~'~'B~. Dogs dOMlmindb.ing"ulg'Illyd.y .. Dog,or"jolly, ill"pec' Pckitlu"" k"<lw .1I1hi~, whkh m.y "., , rcos"n ..,1<)' lhey ~'" not lik. <Jlh", do~ •.


A cat ••• urn .. that i,~ we1f,,~ eon b. h"ered by o,h.u' Rood opiniqn. h l;lcdi~. ho'" ,hot llood opinion an bio ernIe<! and expioi'ed. It p'~tcnd. '0 hfcomc dome.,ir;t.,.d by hU)'lng an;,·s opinion ",irk IfS,"",.tic

R.uu)'. Yel ",hil~ it ,<,ullly no on. bUI itulfo"d kno",. il. il put. across • ' .• rylucc.llf,,1 lin. ofmak •. beli.,clboul .. ,viccinc.lchioll mico, ole. Bot no CI' .... l!tnde0< bart«or apolagi;>.e. !t;.gui<l.dby ; ... ~d.i.n_ <y. BUlili •• lway.c<mcemed.houtwh •• h.r.h.;mpr ... ion il w.nl,tocrut.ha. been pu,acroUluccu.fully ."d.c i.ilcon".nLlyc<m.cioulofitso'llln .ppeannco and of •..., Inxiou •• houli •. lti.h.unledhyth.r ... ofh.;ng ••• n. not ... froud, which it i. no., bu. in 10m. light ...hieb ",ouldbeinco.np"lihlewithils own good opinion cfit •• lf .nrl unde'min.ilOcar.r"lIy ",.i",.incd •• lf.conf,d.nce and compo.ure. Boio!! ignominou.ly cho.. d i. for it much wQr ,bon b.ing killed, .nd digni'yi.valu.d .. high., thon !ir•. The ··good" d",·cr cat i, .kilful .nd .I.g.,,'. Th. "b.d·' ,tupid c., i,dumsy and ditty. CaulreonlyvuJgor (.ndhowl) "' night. Perhaps $iamue a.U know all this 'CHI. which may be • ,"aseD why th~y u< ~ lert of fdin~ P~kin .. ~. c..1. ue cosy but .l""r. To ,.r., 10 deg ••• '·he'· and.e cat. as ......... i. v~ry mi.ludinR. And ca .. are not··calty"·.[x,ut?ch olh, ... The,. is .noth., point cfdiff<Teoco, a dcgi,not


only co"""'ned to disco'·" il> hum.n patroll', opinio" nfit.ndlo·'&ervi"tb ..t;b".i,i •• I,oinlCr •• ,tdth.t olh .. dOS_ .hould know'about thi •.• "d it ilal.o inlu.st.d' ie e(herdcg"behayio"r.nd~,"onl\i'i .. , ··Sm.nmeand I ",ill ,mell y<>u··. To a cat, on the 0110" hInd, o.h~r c.t •• re altogether in .cddental f'''ore of ;10 world ("'JOY.'· opo.rl-by d.y. at 1... 01), and unl ••• ~cli,'oIy in Ih. woy, they fonn ws.olutdy no p.,lcfit.lif •. Soa dog mly 110aboul a. en. ofa g<o"p or a pack .jlh", a.. l.. d.. or led; bul no' 00 a cat. Uun.54)

156. C.n on" w"nd.~u. the pietu," "fconry.ion man prnentl. He cho,u alhl$henold of p.ace tb"doye,. ,ingularly quarre!.om. ""d di~ag,e .. bly.elfi.hand gludy bj,d,&lI.nyon. who h~, k.pt tu"I •• will know. He t.\<OB thebe.·, honoy, moclr..themfolbeing··bu.y··,.ndp<>i ••• an'". mindleo •. .....,.baruc&l. v,«iol.dllo",ing. hag·riddon anti,"bi. id"..lofthrif, (June H) '51. Catholic Rock of .... dnor I find pun. more important 'han facto. The Church, aa}·a Joyce, wa.founded up<>n a pun (th. re,.r). BUlth.at nport, there is hardly .nything think ,h., hu not a double m•• n;ng. (Jun. 54) that blind u, and <lUI ea'" ,hat (june H)

158. It i. our .y .. dur.nu..

L.t u. de6ne suicide as a ·'h.lf-d .. ,h·'-\h. de.,h of Ih. objecl wbile ,h •• ubject li,·.,. or "k._ve". an .. "erne choke. lh. TO'Ult of the ex'remi,yof conllic'. Imelledu,li,m or ra,ionalism kill. obj~c( culling i, up with "n31ysis, "nd '0. in lb. eX\rcrn~, whll left i£ p.rfectyi.icnlcdpetfcctd .. kne ... Nothingcon nell'" Ih •• ye and there i. nDlh;ng left for il'o .u'·,ne Uy;ng dcotn Dfthe subject:'





F.i\hkiU.th •• "bjocthYTO[u •• II.<>,.keaoccunt of the general;'y of experience and ".trends.nd cenlU_ dictions. The lignl off.itb i,f<x:u .. edcn one OIpecl cnly, wb.,."er;t may be, ,ill tb. eye is burrilou,;'ndblind.d No,h,ng,sldturullum;naled in tha,objec' butth ... i. no ~ye left 10 ,e. il-·'Ih. living d.atb of ch( objec'." Actually bo,b OX' • ru,.. imply •• df_contradiclion. • BUllheyuenotequ.1. Forifwetalte the ',"0 ,endrnci •• •hort of thciT ex".m .. -Ih. eye thol bas outgrown il.

object Ind the object.tha, has cutgrownitleye-thefiut .yo..,bjtctrel.t;oogiv""u.h~og.r.ndth.,.condnau.u UuneH) 160. II i. certai<IlywmnS tony p>in ."dplea&untue .qu.la"doppo';te. For '''ppole I am ,itting ruling D.ith.r.l~'nalway.(.oloDga.·thenuvel",.runctioninH·) b•• ur. "fcausing p";n by nicking" pin in,,, my•• lr. aut the "me do.. nel apply w ple .. ure'I.1l Suppe •• wedi,ringui.h (~) "'enl.1 unple;.ur. and (0) menlnlpleo.uJ"e.' (prov;.ion.llv) mere nr 10', op[l<>Sit ••. and (e) phy.ical p.in .Pod (J) phy.icoi wh.t' . W.II.c.rto.inkindsofexcitom"nlori.ingfromtouch(very provision_I). Tb. u.u.1 combiMtion. (th. obvious one.) are (~) (~) ond (0) (d). 'he other ''''0 (~l (d) ODd (b) (e) .110 O""~r (unnoticedl as.ay guilt and •• dil"'.m~.ochi.rn. The combinations {~pre..-nt) (a p."1 and (&p'tJlcnl) {bp .. ,) areob.iou •. Tb.""rnbin~tions{~ p'eten') (bpast) .• DothH fo,m of guilt and {b p,es~nt) (~ p.S\) ...•.. ~tc. etc. The i. th>t this an.ly.i. which i. no. c.rri.dru.nou~h 3nd i. not 'C<:U""I~.i. enough \0 show ,hit Ih. pleasure. p.in,itu.,ioni.not .. "lIth •• imple matter it i. '''pp"""d tobo. (julys+)




lot. H.lluoin.linn J t.ke '0 b. m•• ,n;"glc,". unl ••• applied to "flve·,en.,'· .xp.ricn~.. And on th~1 b•• i. , ~""ept (pro tem) Wh~tely C.rington·, d~,~,iption of ·h,lJucinalion·and·lI~nu;n,u'p"ri.ncC"",~iveniD"M.uc, M;ndandMeoning··-i .••• ·genuin.cxpor;ence· i. DOt di"ingui.h.blc. if .naly.ed. from a 'completely org.niU!d hallucinotion·. To mo" .. 1 im.gu the term ·h.llucination· i,in'pp);c.ble:i\ c.n only signify 6ve'Rns. ex~rieo"" il not prop<"riy orgonized. Ouly 3~)

,62. He livn in _ room bung witb luminous cur,o;n. by wbo,s~ lumino.ity be i. able to •• f:: he hi. immediate lurroundings, and h" .. .,. the c"rtainl them.elvesmoving and agitated, •• though by the impac< or bodi.s IM:hind th.rn-butwith'her.i.jngDrthe~urtuin.theIei.nothin8 hutrlaIkne"'. (1ul)" 54) ,63. Cl ... icd lrog~dy (according to Ari.totle) i. pl.y~d upon\hef .. ling."runglM:'w«n,hcoppo.i'nnfpity.nd te<tor. Exi.",nl;.Ii.m ••• m~ .0 ",. 'he axis choicena"sea (wi,h the premi", that a man;. rorced choo •• , 10 uerci.e hi. f'ced<>m)



,64. If.ny 'prog,eso· i. to be mode, it i. by conti",,_ vigilone<: over .ell and by con';nu(>u. ,"· ..~arni"atio" off.c," (Sept. 54)

,65. All gove.nmenlS are a symp,om or a uoivusal di,,,.,e, the ne.d ,obegovorned; all go"",,,rnenll are b.d, Ind.omeace very b.d (Sep'.H) ,(,6. With the ,pre.ding of th NE A.i.n t";o;o" and Ih. Am.ric.n m.dhou,e in tbi. cen,ur~'. :and h.lf th~rc will.coo 1M: no 'hird choice left. Th." 11Ic:r<:"'illbe'hc q,",stion 10 decide (th.deci.io"pt'rh.p.nol in one·. OVIn hands .Itogeth.r) wh~tbu il i. betler 10 1M: an inmale or • wacdu-An inmate in America? A warder in Asia, or vice vero.l (Oct. H) ,67. A.,o r.ilh: 10 moke. princil)lewo,k, U,M is. 10 provei,by r •• ult.- ... y 10 swim ou. of depth for th.finltime-requirulbsolute faith ,h.t the p.-.ct;ce learned will p",,,,rvt 00. from drowninll. (Oct. 54) Then J con only pr• .."ve my r.ith by not lurning \Os ...im. (juness)


,68. Th. OlIt.I).ding nfknowl.d,," toDd. tn show th.t i, il not ponible to •• y nfaDY p'inciple ·Tni. i. alwa) .• ri~ht· or or any generali..ation ·Thi. ;. al",.ys Irue'thouihone cln saY·illootly· or 'virtually every tim ... • {Oct. 54) 16<). When I J>Ut5ue the concept ofG<>d. the symbol with whichtheth...,logial.Y'tem. int.rpro< tht My.tic Experience. I r""l,,-,ifl ...erepurtulng.rainbow. Iou, a. it "'~". the beckoning r,iohow invitin~ the mind to obtointhet.nllibl.uperionceoflouchingsomtthing. But whcn I wllk tow",d. i, through Ih. nino unUh flowering

pursue the r.inb<lw 1 .h.1l go on ~£ll;ng ...cl. If I turn round no rainbow i. v;s.ible (,I "~-S4) 'iO. Overtly ...anting to be of u•• to othus Ic .. cely distingui.h.bl. from covertly ... ntingoth lufTerand nnd <me·aholp. ' .. m. ... to

~'~~.~I :~~ h:e:.~~,: ~~~rndv::~h:~~


'7t. Hnnn must be rather lilr. • mweum ",h.~out • p.. t love·. and hn)l<e', f~ntui.s Ue froun and .tored ..... y behindgl .... untouchabl •• in an eirpaeched ef the dampn ... nf Ihe ,uff.ring ~nd cb~nge ,h .. lent th.m the illu.ion of life and ... tit~. Every,hing we create for nur.~lve. in thi, world we mentally kill and .Io,e .w.y in lw~v~n. (D.c. 51)

17~· W •• urv;ve in .• narro ... hiftingterritnry between ih. dulln·n. ofnrder th., d,ivu lhe m;nd on tnword. the nau.nting ,.f.,y or~bsolut.lixity. and On th. othu band the excilement of disorder Ih., it toward. the VO,tillinn".u,rillnfbeing.mD,her.dby.ntropy. (D.c. H)



'73. Th~ ..", of p~n;on who p,ovide' .n ....ers to uoa", ...crabl. que.tions. oo:7~'Ug~t :' b:l~!":O'hr;:u:~ :~:~~::.~

unquutionable (Nov. 5~) _


,.thor in Ihe fad thnt one i. for~.d by the nature of experience to boli.ve 0' di.believe (whieh i. only a mode of belief). Th.oclopu".u~k .. mu ... tickto,omelhins (Dec. 54) r75. Whil".'·e,yinfe,"nce"iU.m.cksor i. no fact 001 ;nr.Clod with infe,.nee. 176. A little chao. in Ihe materiali .. drop of oil in. m"chine (act. the,. (D£C.54)


o,dor i.lil. a (O~c. 54)


'77. Though vi.ion 10 much domin .... our world. we nenrthel" .. do 001 qult. it ""d.lwaY"eeklocDnfi,m by louch; but .... .n we toucb IIOmelhingweJookto.o. h wh.t it -, .. •. {Dec. 54)


178. ··The fiv• ..,n ... are MIOriou,ly unrelj,bl."lh.y .. y; bul th.yal .... y. put theory \ouperiment.lt.,I. '79. Today·, trile theught-.o m.nypeopl';h"v~ .. id tb., the world i•• p,i,cn. bUI I can nevtr find ou\ (or C.,la;1I .... o i•• uppond 10 be in.ide ~nd who cUllid. h (Dec. H) 180. Any a••• uion Ihat can be made can be con".dict.d. It i. only by on app.al mad. to the empirical world (of prob.bility, ofthini!s aod event,) th.,one.idecoove e~tabli.hed ag.inot the eth.r. AU .yllcgiotic proof resis on initial , •• umptionl from empirical ob •• ,,"a,ion or ubilnLry ..... ";on. Wher" no appoal 1<>empiricism •• pawbl" (os in met.physics) it i. impo .. ibl. to •• tabli.b ooesideofaconaadictionagain"lheothcr(unl ••• on.

count5 .st.bli,hment to hi: .~erci." of force .nd violence and phy.ical eliminationofphysic.1 opponent.). Uuly6o) ,81. hi.a ke toc<>tnprorni.., ",iihtheD.viland not with man. The ahemative. i•• nangry man with comprollli •• d priociplu. (jan. 55) lh. ju.tas,h.word "llo.,ing··.ignir. ••• til6.hnplut • complex I~a.' a liquid volum. with a ourface againn 'g:".o". volume and • ..,lid (oroily).ntityto 008ton the sutface bdween Ihe two volum •• : .0 .. peri.nce .1way •. even" il •• impl .... impli.s " complex_. manifold .ubjecli"dyorganizcclinoragninot. manifold objectively "'8.ni •• d with. surface dividing Ihom. the ourr.ecbeing indescribable in term. or either man;folcl excepl., 'not' or·ncthing·. (J.n.55)



,83· Doingcn.'.dutycon,i.i.;ndoins a,eluPpo$ed'odo.


•• the majority (feb.H)

F.ith.eetrut 10 hi: ,he."hp,crivecoun'.rpartof Truth. wbich i.objeClin. Speo.kingint •• m.of'lhin,.' they ducribe "he .ame thing' from OPRO.i,•• jd~.: bur I I.ke 'thinH' to be menl31 construe," out of the weherof th·s·nn,.d31. (M.rchSS) ,8s ..... b,olul~ Tru,h would hi: incompatible with lif. A. "b.olut~ ligbt would hi: wjth vi.ion. (Moteh 55) ,86, The philosoph.,', function .cem. LObe to .ubo_ titUt. for Ihe experiential '.Im~.t· "nd 'mo.tly· the wo.ds 'entirely' and ·.Iway,'. upon which the fiction of tbe 'ab.cluto· g.ow. • (Jan. 55) ,87. M.rvdous!yatvariance-th.'wob .. icdoct.ine. of today: Evolution and Equalily of M.o. If man is

evolving bow can all mon belimullin~aully of pr<>iren and ortht.~v£r ..ge). ,SB. Poverty look. bright ,h,aUih


(Worship (Mardi 55)


gb .. e•• Ind (lIug.54)

r8<). I have 1l1way. Edt doubtful ab<:>ut tqo,. people who try to ~el one 10 Give up one', awn bunkum and ae«pl !hoi, d~buokum in.!.ld. (Much 55) '9"!'. The lubject il ultimuely at the m~rcy of the objectiv.eworld, oiheu can kill me ...itbout.ny.p" .. ibil;ty of m)' being .ure of preventing ,b~m: but I <:ann~t eVer ~llI ~H oth .. howevu much I might w~nt 10•• uppo,i,," that I did. Iexi.ttherofarebec.u •• elnorsdonotbothor 10 ble. me out, bUI the conve .. e cannctn..s.id"f "the,', (Ma,chss) '9'. 1'he conventionol attilude cf '''riau." p""ple to puns (!he Utr.qui.llc Device) i. hestility: how ',,-.nionol (iii,) b •• been ,hown by lome.loyce. P.th.pswh.nlhe J>lychoJQgy o~ Wellern phil9-"ophy h",~.f:n wp.'ked OUt ~ liltl. mote" m.y .how why th~re II (h.. ho.tihly. For th .. pun reveal. an inherent duplidlY in Ihe workinll' of conl.;ou.ne .. which Ih. C<lovf:ntio....1 We.tern mOlllisti. 10lh lo~dmi,. (March ss) 19Z. II i. usu.l \0 r~g~rd thought.nd action •• having Iwo b~.ic mDde", .. alon and impul.e (£I' ometion fe.eling). There U. also a tendency 10 sct nne .g.;n.1 the oth.~ ."d to .. gue £In Ib.lio .. ,,{'be ...b"i.nOI wilh uS i•• g.inot UI' in this d".l;"",. Bu<,hc"''''ca\lcaoltbU.,uchba.ic mod .. : ..... Dn. impul..,OUldobs!orval'On. Theoverlookini of obu~.io!l (which i. the bui. motive of the lrue .dcnti.twho hu no ,hoorel; •• 1 nrmot:ll ""e'<>grind)i.,


it .oom. \0 m~,'o .bsolut. block in the WlY ofboh.ving bidyo, neutrally or seeing dearly. Fo, Ih .. eisno!hing $0 unru.onabl~ ",noooli.m carried to ulrem.s, and impul .. !leI>: boU.d down in slush. But how "'-0 a lad ob •• rver ever hop" 10 get whu he wann Or oven begin to know ...!tat he wantsi' The double conception of •• tionllity/.motionality ri•• to .,uel confu.ion5[i'J None i. e"e' qui,. pureerquile ,b.ent. but one "su.lIy domin.teo.nd uploitstheother.


Th.word·Truth·h •• ~differ.n\ r.r.ront[otlh •• e Ihru type.: con.'Sl.ncy for the",d<>n.lilt,corro.pond~nc. of id .. "nd the ob,.'v~d for ,h. ob,o,,,.r. peel"",. c.,·!~inty or beoUly for Ih. emol'on.li.t. Th. fir" tends to·injecl·th.objecti ... intothe.ubj.c!"ndth.I05lto 'project' th •• ubjective onto the object. (Moreb ssi


t~l' l'.:urci,., l'ute"<ry,totement;nthisbookintolhe {(>.m ·if .... th.,,', ifnol already 00 .. aled. Wh~re ,h. ';f' i. not .xplic;l. find it.-But ho... difficuitl_But • ho", "ecessary] Oune 55) t9~· TheiO\;c con,,"mp]~tion snm. to be ;n,.parable f,om,j'sgui •• doorci .. i.om. Ad .. i,aV.d.nta\.i .. to •• c.pc f,om thlt by p<>stul.ling ~b",lut~ unity and absolute los. of the jndi.idu~1 in th • ..,hole. But in ord.r to 160", p.,"on~1 idel1tity and at the •• me t;m ••• "eth. whole that oppa ••• it. the Ad.aLta Vedanta che~t •. Both Chr;stinn .nd oth.rth.i.m and Advait. Ved.nto"eh,,,nlcclbyth .p~ct'. of Nothing" ... whioh they •• "not co"., with aune ss) t95· Import.nt to ~ dear and 'UlMus in one. C6tcgoriuand type •• but to romemb.rth.t no living p... on i...... typ" fo<thal i. impo .. iblefromlhevoryf.ctlh,t he i. living. and 00 both inconstant and will, infinite

quoli\iel. So oocompromiscu·j,tb.yI'"O, bul alway. com· "",mi ••• , SOme I.,·d with ind;",duil p"""n.. (july 55) We .I;d .h;. uI .h~ rk"il abo".; hul Iypl'l Ih( O.~il


'96. Science', di5likc of f~ilh i, "b..,eM'o Mirod .. arc obscene.o ""i.OI;"~,



.nd mOrt alo,ming "gio"s undumi,,~ being

7.:~:~r. i:::~I~;~I1~~:~
~:r::.:~~:I~~:1 'U'" A, lun •• 1 .noilie, day b1•• ds 10 d.~th.

It i. an e,ror 10 confound

the olaceno

wi,h th.


ofob.ocenilY ,h.1 Ih, .. len 10 !Jun. 5;) or <lew for IliB de,cenl \June H) (jul)' 55)

Ig7, The morning weep' ,,[cv"ning. 198.

199. \Vhil.the m".n.:Ji5ts~hout progr ••• ,he phr_id,u '.Y Ih.t Ihe lun will cool down .ornet;m. ,nd ,h. earth wiUbo:comtuninh.bitablethroughcold.ndd3tk. (jun_55] 200. Th. hnuI oo;on leU whalyau dOlhe I"•• ! Cln IOU",hat ~n~ ~,~; for by }'OUr doing )'ou chans~ ~nd "" are no mort whot you were. \Jun. 55) H. is ,omctimes insincere for God'. snke. (june OS)



The d.. parotene •• (lrs.par"tion Th. d.'pu"en._" ofasoociu,icn.


alit I do no, .. eany exaotcppo"ituin lnewo!ld' therei.oJway •• a,n.lit,lccorne,ofcomplon n~utr.19'OWld whue .he spiel ~nd \"'i_'0'5 can nd ~o and do 'hdr fecund work. (july 5S)


20J. The e... nce of c"nvers;nm th,ow;n8d;'~i'.'IOYOU,oppo.it.humb gethirnlopulth""'on,andvice"e,,"

rno.lly con,i,ts in ... ndlfyin!!to (Junen)

'04· 0 poverty ,h.thlillhts ·th.~ont/(orrn.kinl!·br..d IQr .. dth.h.nd/lhatwritulhchequetopaylhetu! that (undSlhc co.tof all the for adol.. "enl educalion/ ....... nddol •• {tho.lk.. p.dul .. Crorn.tarvinl). Jun. 55)


205· Puc,1 provide. ilIl o"ample "r.n inltll.dual boot co;>nllrud.d in which to "ail OUI on Ihe .... of fevor and poin in order 10 look for ~ port on" f'''cied further .hore, Palcol', boat wu a boat for one; bUI hi'I)lon ha•• ~r".d the .dher~nt, of tho greal .y.tem. as In in.pir.tion to lIong up and build pn..on.hipl. W.thinkwoh.v.aClually .un many boal. wrecked, f.r mor~ ".ni,h. bUI non. reach Iheoth.r.h"re Oun.56) zo6. If! dec1uc on my authority olone I ..andsmoll chlnu ofconvinciogth"",-whysbou!dlheych""..,to be my mental,l,v.II !fldttl.rconyoutauthotitya!one or you 0" mine, Of we on OUI'S logether, the",i.like ...i.. nol much ch.nce ofconvindnR them. But jf! oryou"r wedeclarconhi,oulhorilythe.ituationilquit •• lt ... d: for il i. an invjtoliontotliem lobe like me or you or u. and ror.1I of us equally to be hi, montol.l.v., "nd.o deb othe,,' ,I •• cs. it i. lhe ,arne wh~ther "h'" itlh. e~pound~r of" religion n political dogm.,; .. for "us", or whether f<i. him ··h." i. God or nature or the .\ate. The ,truclure i, ••• enti.lllthe ,arne [July 55) 107· PI... u!'C and pain '.em 10 be opp".iteo in thi sensith.lcr""" .... andit'tumr"n.rar.opposit ... [July 55)

2~_ S<>cial <tform~'. always .p.. k ill Univ~~s.b-.nd uni~e"",t.ar*f.l""ht<;&uuallourliv .. ar .. p~rticular. • OulySS) 209. I might di* in (the fim That hunch wao wrong. (,~.,8) 110. It i. mOil diffioult halfo!) nltu,.l. '9S7. {Aug. 55) It i. mo.t

to be

211. Authoritative people hor. me: hut wm.t bo, .. me even more ac~ 'ho .. $warTI\$ of lillIe people who love authorily .nd. in virtue of whom ,he authority of the authoritative can be exucised. (Aug. SSt

~12.. 0\1 •• huu oome public prcferMc •• with a" Icqu.intance. One .h~r.s mimy public .nd .om~ privlte priduandpr.r.r.ncuwithafri.nd. ODe sm.••• thou II1d 'olDe private hltos and .hames with an intimat •. (AUB· 5S) 213. Those who l ... dpublicreligiou.liveshone.tlyc.n have ne> in.imale.. {Au!:". 55) ~14. The Indian mi"d beinK brouKkt up i~ an .tmo.· ph ... of ,ropical .morphou. jun~!e. exp"_""" itself in po.lt.m., which r.p •• l. The European mind, ~ing brought up in an atmospher£ of open, on!nly·p.tI.'n~d vi"u. experien"""itse!finthing.,r~gud.d •• individu.Is.{lIug·SS) "5. Wh.~" I laugh .h~ll I think or.ll th ... peopl. in tht "'Iodd .hudd~1inB at that '1I0ment in d~atbl When 1 am dying _hall I thiok of all the p.~opl... th.e world .hudderingotthotmorru:ntinl.ughtu? (lIuS.H)


.,6. Which i, more field ",ith cultivated ~top.?


hart p!ough~d field? • or a fi,ld fun Cof w.~d.l (Stp. HI

~17. 1\, pre •• ot, the \"." opposite inluprela,ion. of hi,tol')' .rc: fir.t th. d ... i""l, which d,..eribt. events in ,orm. ,,(,h. d•• d. of men (kinlls, s.nu~l., .tc.), .odth. M.rxi.n_Hcgdi.". which des<:ribee evenl. in term. of ,'rum. ""d currents, in which indi.idual men .. t! "nws ,"i'hou\p.rson.l;nllu.n.~. Th .. eluveb .. nl"m •• Uempt. '0 rejuvenate ,h. old theory (e.g. d. c,uvey's 'Searchlight onEurope'Jbydeocribinc.Y.nI5uth.d~.of,..c .... nd (nun!.liu: bUI,h. 'nul, i. more\y" v,,;ely of (<lund no "e", princ;plecomp.u,bl. to .hat in (~) i. involved. In (1) prindpl.,. Ue •• c~ndory to ,b. m~n nod it;, this (""hi,.h .terns from (;r<.~phOlo.ophy) ""hiohh"l'rodoced \h. [",monism of EllTope. or which the Chrini,,, Church h •• dOM it. but to claim ih. all,h""hip, r"lIolyooo"lIl>. In (~) men or. Auoord;n","d principlu. In I,) lh~ followinK i, p" .. ;ble (lb. UI'-lo-"and.,d to.,): indi"idu.l men can be "" ........ 1 by applienionof the prineiple which i. 'e""ndaf)"o ,h. individu.l. and .lIth""ewhop ... lh. 'ell ar•• n righl. no m'Uer "'hat Ih. numbor. In (1) the oppo.i,.i.po •• ible(lhc· ... h~·wiH-sund.th •. pru.ure·,esl); Ihc.c ..... un bepu, on ,i!! lhe numberf.ll. 1o 10 mn"y .nd lb. WUk •• , muol f.n OUI. no m'UeT ",h~t lhe level of.h.irst."d.rd. {,)i"hcba.i.cf.Kurity; (2).h.b •• i~ of.evolution. (SeP.5S)



lI8. Religion. a& ",veral .• ",.n, discrel. (0' portly d;oc •• t.). mUlu.Il~·I",gelyincomp"ibl" and wholly onl,so •• ni.,iccreedaln.bul.eof,,,I •• hcldlor,.,h.rL>ymel,,pny,ic •. which Bo.t in an i"d.fin;te cou.'ic void of h"ngty "nd hostile trit;c~l .narthy-a 00" of angry m'smo in who,e m... tho .oligio". hot' """den ••• nd on which Ihey surrep,itiou,ly feod and ~xorele. (5~p. 55)






admiration IOct;5s1

220. 'Things" are no. ',jnllle' like draught., bu. 'twofold' 1st len.) like dominoes-.hry have (~. lea.•') values "r aspect> O. componeifU always, eVen if {u in .. 'doubl.') the twofoldnu. i. 'he nmr; ~nd Ihen thty have b.ck.. (Oct. ss)


111. Wh.tevt.

i. will bew"".

(Oct. 55)

2U. In the end you will alway, gel ",h.1 you w'nl, thoul:hyou m.yhavc 10 wail vuylong: hUllimei,very lonH. And if you in .. hur,y, you m.yha,·. fO'Iotten th.1 you .... nted it when it comes; .nd if )'OU "'.nl wh., i. contradictory, you will still ll~t It, bu, you will be unhapp¥ and uns.ti.nod. And itis.hevctyh.td •• tthinll in the world to di""over'50mdhing uncotl1radictory to (Oc" H)


223. TheviTfu ..... nonlrb<:diningui.h.dfromnolhing (o,negMion).s.in$t.b.ckg,oundo(.he r.'p«ti,'c vice$. And SO .bey ~,. only relative and only a me.n.-and lhe .(!onve"ei.just •• volid (Oct.5S) 224. People len<l'e> fall i~to twe m.in type.: those dominated by r... ling and th"... domin"l~d b)' int.ll",,1. {I! i. a common net;on thn wom.n boleng '0 the (o,m.r and men 10 the 1.,1•• ). The forme, b.ing guided by feeling, u.. intellecl •••• uoo.dinatcmnnltojusli(yth. impulsive f..,ling, .nd.o 'end '0 be inten$i",e~llogicaHy, lelf.contradictory .nd .daptabl •. Tho •• domin.t,d by in~lJ~ct tend to u•• the subordinated f~.ling "" " [Dean$ Ie>ju.tifychoice Quided by logic.l form.'i$m. ond,o.hey tood 10 be amhio.l.n. 10 thing. and persons, being mor. in•• rested in prindplu .han iu,hings. Ju.t •• th.fonnrr try and convince othe .. and t.h=..,lveo Ihatlheir;mpul,;v. choice i,rightby i."l~.ed logicalafium.nt. 10 clothel.'ter

by tryini t!) for<:e "'~t th~ir line of ~ri""1tnt upon otheu and thems.lv....

hid led to (Oct. H)

ns· Logical exercise.: Suppo •• "'. ogr" t!>at it is mor.lly "",ong lor you to rob me. And ..... hall probably ogl"« that .ight i.th.oppoaiteof ...ronll. Th.n.in«my n:>bbingyou i.tb.opposit. of you. robhinll' me, it mu.t be motally right for me to 'ob you. (Oct. H)
n'6. Philosophy in thi. period '''em. mo~t afro_id.of lulip,i,m. Ju.tthro4gh \hal f.... r.co"pl~<!""i'h BnUnw11t,ng .cc.ptanco 'If an '.i,her-o' .ituatinn. i, h.. embraced Imreli",v.dly mi."'!.tic ooj.hui,m, of which the American b.h.vio",j,t$ u. the rna" €xtrome example. BUI the one i.ju.t •• much.·"e,c,y•• th.oth.f. (D.c. 55) n7· Whon !c"';d.r "otn", people" I am driven \0 th.conc!u';onth.tinth •• e vi.ible bodiu, th ... vi,ible ~nd audibl. word, of th.i ... their m~t.ri.1 .CU, I am mer.ly ... ing, it «n.e!ion of part ofmy •• lfnnt no,mllly ~i.;bl. to "' •. I canol see my r~c. without a look;OK·gl '-limilarly •• I can', 'U certain .ideo-the ""rceptiveappan.tu,-ofmycbaracterunl ... nn.ct.don ,h. "reA.ct'ng mater;.l rurf.ct" which ".n"rhe. p"ro" .... prestnt •. The poli.h.d .urf.ce of.looking_gl ... ,.n.cto my oth.,wi.., invisihle face: another p... cn·,bc<lyorop .. ch or.cto r.fl.et.(.erv .... ·.proj.cting.er •• nfor) part.cf my peroon.lityoth.rwi,.invi.ibl. t.. mo. What o,her pobple'lp~r.on.1itie.·"uUy ... " I h.v".b<t>lut.ly no w.y of knowing anymor.th.n a .cientist h•• of knowing what malt.r "rtllly i.··. (jan. 56)


""e'., •

nS. The proc ••• of life off.r~ Iwo prin~ip.1 dive,g~nt Jim., (,) involve~ .cc~ptmc~ of (and placing for.moot of) "Ihi~ ""orld" (i"~I,,din8 Hu",,, and H• "'}lith are



only pbnes ofilJ. aod (a) nnuncialion ofil. (I) off",. multiplicity.nd ;oleniity of (Knsery) ItXperi.oO!eulhe l\;ghe,t;oll!eorywithclmiceinpractice. Surv;".I;nvolvu comptomi •• compmmise.bet_en " i. nsotl Wit to pmtect thechoiee madoot logd. rid of roopon.ibility for it by a 'utr,"d .. to a llave_m",'er.ituatiol1. [l1teNtllofg'uler or I.... nltchy .upervene. Oan.55)


ug. Thel"wesllovelofcon.dou.lifei,likeclay.and GI.yoft~n .. icko. Man mu.t enler in croltivtly to enjoy. Hi, first level ofcr.ative.Djoyment i. n.tun (.un.eta and ~Il th.t). Then crutive fri""d.hip. on tbe l.vo! of acqu.intallce. Mu~b bigher come.cro.tive Qr pl.llie art. tbon th di.coverY <If bow to make friend.. Abott.ct. (ma.h.nuli". and .uch music a. Barh or Banok) and !ut of al1 nothinll;. NOlhing i. the summit-the mo."insofconlcicu.life. (Und.,.d) ~JO. Thete i. notbing in thought. they"Y. not ..hi_ mOldy derived from the five I·on•••. So (01). one m;ght add in Ih~t cao-e. tbere is nothing in arcbiteClule no' u!timatelydcrivod ftom mud. ~31. A mOn a~ts on tbe (lacit) ulumplion Ih., hilac," will hove .ff~t.inc£tt.in.phere.andpOli"Olhe .. ; th.irr .. uh.",illl.l .. b. evaluatod in >om. liahto but not olh.ro. E~ample' a Ihi.f di.counts 1M eValUalion of hi. Ictinlbecourt.nda"adultererthatofhi.actinll,. PfO,enceo(,b.,pou.e-""wilhrobirth. (j.n.55)


"3" The better i can 1011wha1 you do the lea. J can leU whal you "to: for by yom doing you h~ve changed .nd are no more what ~·o,! were Now if ld •• di"" ...hii'l'oulto.whonlhati.done, what you are not bul were that. Frnm ",hat you wert

to what you ar~ i. gained by doing. By doing th.p ... ,ntand,ortnolwMtyouwere. yO\) .rc will be deocribtd (lnvinu. of ~ou, doing, 0<" wil!bto,wOfe).

you deny ",hat you what you aan.5s1

~ll, One <end. to have a double ilondard: (.) whall ChODH, ~nd (~) wball ".tim •• e .0 be public choice (.,'.rage cho'ce), Bolharee .. entu.J;ntber:onduclor.ffalro.hut nee."v. emphasis of the l.tte. gives 3 vulg.r «ommen_ plaEe. qUdqUODqU') lone tnallone'.thoughlloncl doings, 00n·55)· ~:H. 60L.hh.ll nnd lov. .ymboli •• d by {".-.h. ·fi,.. of htll', Ole.. and S\. John of 'h.Cro ... ·liviogf:l.m. of Love'. for e~~n'ple. (Jan. 56) I dui,.-I .' 3. J duj,. do,,'t know what_Ang>! ,h.t{nol h.ro. not now)'" an id.al •• I;ud;deal


I d•• i•• ,hi. {here. now)=ar

4. Now thue .. em to be "nl~ 1"'0 way. of ,.uting a laved thing when confronted wi.h it: •.ither an,,.,.n un;to with it, .. y.... I;. (in wruch cue one huannih,lated it. and so 10.1;0) ". one.<an contemplate il and .0 m"n'3in ono·. love un .. ti.fied. in which cau: the outlook i$perpolua.lunS3,i.fi.dn"".(lhro\tgh.opu,ni"n)or.upervening lxlredom{due to <:hongt in onenlfor tho objecl) turnins m.y.b. 10 h.teo. 'Ofo'S_lIing,. (Jan. 56) "~I"rn.J l~""" .nd "s_W.s.lo\"o".re both equivocltions, .ndut",qui,m._th",anun.t.bl •• \.to~.nrcm.;n unch.nged el.,n.Jly or ,ha, •• Jf c.nbe.limin.led Indlov. r ... ined. (I con .. 1 my •• lfb.r"r. or .rtor yourodf. but th.1 is not t.o say tbol I p' •• ~rve or annihilue mY'elf b.:for. the world.) (Jan. 56)

2J6. • etllnl

Concealment i. conce.lm.n,

il .onceolment from on .... Jf.

from oth.r" for • (Feb. 56)

'37. Delinition of • PERSON ••• fully·organized continuou.rocaldi.turbance in ,he objeclive r.eld of anolher pe .... ,,; ,hw 3 person i•• l.... y.obj.ctiv.of n.C.lli,y (my 'penon' being T objKtivi,ed). (On re.ding F,W, Myen' Humon Pm"""lily, vo!.ii,p. 457f) (f.b,,6) ~l8. Tbr •• ~h.r.ot.ri.\ic> of any ""pe,ien •• (however .impl., 0' .implifi.d): i, i. complex nnd in~\>mpl.,. 'nd ambivolcnt, (Feb. 56) 'J'}. I do not balieve io facts, (The p .. t n r.C(U8),

11 i. axiomalic that tn be con.ciou. i. to be.li~v. in aom.thing, though on. m'y not b. ac,u.lIy awar. of what (I b.li.". in the nu;t future mom.nl). Only • fact). Fic,ion> produce .ithe.goodorhad: >om.fictionl con'radict fnclll ~nd produ.~ bad. s.,m~fictiotU ,nn.cend f.ctsandproducegoocl. (vicc""rnj ~~o. "man'. body i. struclurally .imply ~ hQllow ring. A hollow ring dong.ted ;nl~ a hollow e~!ind.,. wilh the inn., pOlion further 1.ng\h~ncd .nd coBed: and "bo,'~ In. uppe, orifice th.r. bulges a head and between 'he uppor and lowHo,ificesthe!imb. ,tick out. The world p, .... in In1.!1portion. through therioll.helpedinby.pD<>" ~nd gulping ~nd oul by pres.ure and papu. (M~tch 56) 2~J. If it i•• gro~d by a thiest th.t God hal" wit! and what He will. is .b..,lutely good, th.t h. unno, will evil, :and if it ;. claimed that God mad. man with froe will, Iktion.can 1>. believed in (,h. futur.il not

th~n il mu.t follow that ttI~n·. fr~.dottl of will;1 fre.domto differ from 111..will of God (othe"",;,. he hu no frudam). in whicb eu. it m.""" .imply Ihal he hal b.en Binn by God 111.. abmly to cboo .. eviL In luch a pielu.e man . • p~nllik.acltiJd 1.Ii:.bulup alon.;n • hou •• with a boxofmllch .. and..,.".gunpowde,byhi.falher. (April S6)
24a. Wh.", would I be land wh~t would happen to me). if r could .e. 0..11 <cund me .nd .bo .... nd b.low.t once? (]uneS6)

th:4!~.I~tS::~~ i;'~~'t":~~: ;~::~ ~:;i~~ ~~:;:ci:;i~1' will d•• l with it. And the biologi&t .. o.p.lbytb.verb.l. nick of identifying 'survival of th~ (m.\"ph~ljcal) rae.' withlhe'lurvi ... lofthe(.:ti5ting)ind;vidu.!', (jun. 56). 244, In.bililytobeg.n ..... lor.mbi ... I.nt wh.nll.n ..... lityo,.mbi ... lencoilneed.di •• verybit •• b.dn inability too. pr«isewhetept •• ci.ion iln""d.d. (Marclls6) ~4S' Only too o£t." I ,..,m ,funeral. 10 ... m),.. Jf .. a joke U (lun.s6)

246. Knowledge inherently deni .. knowledge bOlh of the kno .... ' ('the e)'~ canno, s.e i\!elf') a"d of ,h. kno~n ('appear.e .. known ,uggUt ,h. I",nleend.n'thing.i,!_ ;t..,lf'). (}l.In.56)


a~;,e .: ~·::r;~~~::e;n~d;:a~~!I··'!~

lell in 0, keep. out wh~t one i. aware of (tnrouih the d •• valle-eithe. by .dmiring or·cond.mninlill. On. i. the wires (Iha, On. nevet nOlie.. at 011).and tht)' coo.titute onc'.behaviour!oward.th,hing!,iev.d. Th. world II .ieved by m.is tRn,fonned by ,~t .i.v''!Il. UU!'..56}


248 Bar~ act. linller on after their jUllificltion. have Ib<:e" forKOUtn or discr~dit£d. Motive. jUlt mental auo~ 56)
l4Q. God mode in RUln'l imall" i. anthropomorphic.. To ,real .nim.~ IS mUl i. to regard them anlhropomor_ phic.lIy. But ... ho truts men anthropomorphically 1 (AUS·56)


~50. God lUY' the de,·il hil kup u. good landlord 'p~Ylhi.b.ilifftoSri"dhi.te"a.ot •. orperhop ••• Mu .. clini i. I.id to htlve .ecretly paid the anti·f •• cilt exile. in P~ri. in order tojuotify Ih. OVRII. (Sop. 56)
251. HGod r".lly made m.n ar.volationoflh.divinenalur.l ~52. II

in his


i"'"lIe, wbol (Sep.S(,j

i. in order 10 ju.tify the world thnt IIlyo"ha h., 10 be m.de to live happilye"u aftuandlvlnh .. to be m.de mad; for if it were the other .... y round. the whole f.rce oftb. world wouldb •• hownup forth.f"ce ;t;., Mityai •• nuaggcrattdlyordinaryman,blind.nd Qpinion.~td. Fat!"'rZo.sima worshipped human ouR"crins in him as R... kolnikoff wor.hipped it in tht pro.olilute Sonia, who il aX~Kg.rat~dly ordinary woman In lome w.yo: blind and 'enlimen"'l. (Sop. 56)


a$3, No thing hu. monopoly of anyone qURlity. NOlhingthnti,d .. crih.ble hu a monopoly of "ny of Ihe term. by which II i, d •• cribed. Only n.meo .r •• omelim~. monopoli .. of Ihing.. (Sop. 56) ZH, Someti"'e .fter.pe, h.d produc.d ",on (;fthat i. "0), men at an early .toge in their <"olulion ~volved 'Iangulge. BUI grammariano •• em 10 be 00 ..."ent •• to ,beactu.llyonlyhi.loricaL Howe" ••• that h.,nolpr.v.n.ted them from.ppropriating what tho-ydid nOI invent,

and I.yin~ obey


their 1.",. ,for other ape.'

off.pring to (Scp.;6.j

~5S. Th~ chirping honoy.ounbird. thrO\lgh the crUn«>n whiskers ofth

'ipping syrup !lining briaht hyb;scwe •. (5.P·56)

256. To hav~ .. en everything to the .nd ofth~world and in oneoelfwith on~'& craving • .,iIl intact and w havc fO'golten how to fo,gH-.ha, would .dtquat.ly dntfib. h.lI,nodoubl. {S.p'56) ~~7· R.m.mber hllpp.n.cl how 10 do thing •. but forgd whot haa (S.p.56)

258. No .landpo;nt whale.'.' i•••(eai~jo.ta ,.hellion against;t. I\ny r.b.nion to be oucc ••• (ul, mu", d."roy the ".ndpoint ag.;nst which il i. ,eb.lIing, 'Dd ... oon a. thll happen., it mu" eith., di.integrate or become itldf. atandpoint. (501'.56) 258 •. Sd.n""i. prOper1Y3 stat. "f.nQuiring, recordine and '''planation. Md.ri.~.m i. propedy a ... '. ofr.ith in ,h•• "Iern.l claiming to be gnooi •• ither actual or imminent or •..... 1 but un.ochi.".ble'. (501'. 56) '59· Whuwezrenotatallinter.51.dihmlY be ",b.t (50<1'.56)

. '59"· ReMon h .. ito.he.rt. h •• rt (withackl\()wl.dgementeto

which i. inaccessible to the l'osc"lj. (Stp, 56) '.'gnnlO' m .... (Sop. 56)

2~o. Th. middle c1... :or th •• "d.1

,61. M.tte. i•• mytbinvenledto •• ti,fythe.molion.l ne.d. of the "'auri.li." Mylh i•• mattor jnvent.d 10 u.d.fy the rational o.ed. "fthe .pirilualin. (ScP.56)

262. Th. ma'e one reflects On th" qu •• tion 'Wht;. this I', th" mo,eabs\IId,it.eem" butyetnev."o.b,u.d as tbe soti.faction provid.d by ~ny of the poI.ible (Sep·S6) 263. _1'!loodultimatelymoIl' Will Good ultimauJy triumph _ Ye •. Manichaoi.m. Othuw'." po.... rful th.n ovor Evil? Evill of

one falll

into the dualism

_Thcnildoing.viljus,ifiableifagr.atetgood c.nb<."pecledtore.ult? -\'el. Otherwi.e . itwouldbeirnp.nUiblotojullify any ~ood action: for it i. not po•• ibl" in Ihi, impe<f<!ct wodd '0 act in. way that i. entirely f•• " from .ny evil at all. -Then, in principle, .ince good i. ultimately gr •• terth.n.vil,th.g.ntett.vilin.hi .... orldi.j".,ili.d ifil i. dan" in 'h" name of the g.".u.t good I If that principle holds good, 'h.n1he .... "o'bingoo .. ick.d, horrible.nd un.peilible thaI I am noljultifi.d in doins ·rorthe.okeof,hegood"1 (0<: •. 56) 26 •. -10 the "'arId, Ih~ univer •• , Ii,,;te or infini,~1 say it i. finite.


-W.ll."j, i~; fora.denti,,' •• yei.th. hal. in th. end of the univ.r •• tbrough which he laok. "nd .observ •• it. Can he .ee through the holetheoth.rw.y? (OCI·56) 265. Up till Ih. 19th conlU<"jI medicine wa. luoh that tho •• i" n•• do(m.di""lu ... unenth.d, in .ffect, (D1"'" _,...,it lUI"') only a choiet of diff.reM grad •• of qu~cko to

t, •• t them: and no", .• imihrly. thot.in need ofpolitiCliI t<utment h~"e, in effect (as p"rh.p' may be te.n I.ter), only a choice ofdiif«eDt grad •• "fqu'ek'io Utili them. (OCI. 56) .66. M.,.lphilosophyofl'erl for bulging emotion.. m.t,phy.ico·loaical.l3ys (Nov. 56)

267. I.«m 10 have liv...:! my life in Ihr •• mode" up tilltheoutbreakofwuin'939I iCved it in a very pl .... nt and m.inly Ir,,"c.ful rock.pool. The financill ;n,«mity beilinnins in 1937 and the outbreak "rwor;n '939 silted tltepoolup. '9J9"948woo livi!<l;nth.mid,t of Hi.tory Ant; .• irota'ft voluntee, gunner to G. S. O. Ill, J. B. in c....,rt •• and.f,erw.rd$A,.i.t.Jlth,.dofthel.l.B.C.ltnli." ""ction M BUib Hou... From then on it hu been lived, Rlon ob •• rve •• withdrawn ,rod watching (Nov, 56) 268. 1 .h.lI never 0. .bl.tocompe but lot no ene cl.e ha¥c the pr""umptien Wl)uldamaunttetbeft. 00"" .60;. -(I) (z) (3) werry, 00 en. willtbink •• my biography: '0 de w; ror Ibi. of it. (Nov_ 57)

Wh~t I abhor = wblt What What


1 might be.


_ wbat r am oot. •• ad wh.\·j·.m-not

I $m uo .... a'~ of _ what I am.

_ But aren't what.j.might·b tlte .3me? _In my ."itude. one "'.y, y." (~ee 276)

'he di[fcrenco lie. ia m •• nd (Nov. 56)

z7e. Thelrag.dyofEuropei.thalith .. valuedCb,ist·. ~rucilixioa above hi, kaching. 10 acto Europe tend. to the development of an earthly p.udi ...... hitb the clim.t.

ond lh~ 8~ography f.vours, Th., h .. been re~liz«'l undt< th.Rom.noandinmoc!rinCurnpothough not recognized. Living u they do in their e3t1hly p.~di.e of m ... ,i.1 (ple.sur .. L Europeansue fundamentally ond hopeleslly bored. Suh,coOlciousiyth.ylongfor.hein$Ocuri,y,tho injustice, the blood, tortu'" and kining of which th.i • • arthly par.di ...... i.h itl legality .tarv~.thtm. Ii.nc,,\h~ nost.lgic yurninK over the lortur~ ofth. crucifixion, of ma'lyrs, of blood .port', and.., on, Uni,·.rnllov.ond 1ib.r.li,m ,em.in .tmole inklloclu.l ide"!., but i, il M.rx with hi. doctrine b.s.d on viol.nco: and h.,". who h~. grippod the 20th Century eortbly p",~di•• , jult ,h. Church', pre.cntation of Chri.t on the C'o", (i .•. ,h. crudflKion, n"too much the 'uching) gripped 'h~ imperiol Romon utlhly porod,,". Christ !Ought net only lovcbut •• id brill" no~ p.ace but a .... ",d .... .' Love;1 perhap. a good bowl to stor< hatc in.



India much mOl< nearly repr .. "n .. hdl on ~",\h or ~, but that pan of hell called limbo. Sulfoc.~ins heat. famine •. ov.rcrowding.pover1y,corTUplion,di$n~,10r\u"" anorehy and la"d~,s inj ..... ico are 3J) on hand_in , ohort aufferjngancljn,.curity-",e'heb"c~groundfc, i.l,~d. ordvili, ...tio~ oont.in~d in it. OSthejungl. i. to 'he vill'&e. (The oppo.it. to the ordered Europea;, b,nd •• ope b,ck grou~d w;.h ito onarchic city slum.). Ther. is no need to yenrn for h.11 in India. It i. (here '0 b~ 'Con before onc·. eye •. Th. Bone,"1 b3ckgrou~d ofch"". p.ovo.ua tendency tQ id... li2e ,,"1m, "nily,no,hingn ••• , low. <q",ni. mity and h~".nl~,"nes.: all lho.e qu.litie. (ho( ;1 il most difficult to com. by. The Buddha I;v~d n c.lm .nd ul1.~enlful life for So yean and there arc no Buddhiot m.rtyu, and no Hindu m.<1','u. for the m.tter of th~t.. ... (0«. 56?)


211. IlBir~ .. ion, they .. y, has whatever hu ~.n outlawed can be in-Iaw.d


(luLl. d; hut ..... 0lo;n. (Jan. 57}

27" Fo,tho •• to ....bnmd •• nlin ... i$n.xttolodlin .... •o.pin •• smouldkRert.o •• intlin.... O.n·51)' 173. Predet.rmination hang, cnwh.therth •••• of mind (ye, un~i.cover.d but discoverable), or wbether mind;lth.facultyoflawun.ubjectlo;tol,wl. Psychology (und.rth.;nAuenceofcyk,neticsji,lik.lyIOb •• b,orb«! ;ntophy.;c •. whicb""iUh.ye to cr•• t. a 'peciald"p.rtment for it: but bow do the Jaw, come \0 h.? lind how Ue thoy •• cogni~ed I U,,\y 57) l74. Winl •• England' •• ad "nshining.un •. (JulYS7)'


275. All is holy fo.him who ha. it '0. AUl,unholy (0' him who hu it.... AU ill conflict for him who has it .... (M>rch 57) - Tbe h.ve-not, •• em wi...., Ih.n the h.avu. Oul)' 57) 276. "Wh.t be fully


I am unawa,. i, no' lO be.

of i. what

I am": Ih.n to (M .. ch 57)

277. Wh.I",,",on. i.con.ciou.of i. ip'~fo<IQ •• ""od b.st (d. King LUI: 'The wora' i. not 10 long .. We Can .. y: ,hi. i. the worstl) (March 57) ~78. God', kitchen, whe,. hi. d.,il Do fry th.sou],hi, Fi.h.rn... i, to 110cn .. cooks (Marcn57) lam. ".long a. I (Much 17)

279. To b. damned ~m d.mn.d. lSO.


The pun qu .. tions; when folk "un, they pokefuo at the holine.lof.heoyllog;."'c IS. Socnt .. ila m.n ...• Bu. what [{mon is a "un 1 (llpril 57)

O~I. Mathematic.(thebiSheTkind)b.inllMtirelym.ntal ('mathematid.nl du n<>tknnw Whd they are talking .boll'·). h .. purged ;!sotf oCpun_haunting. and introducuth.rn only voluntorily .. in the Diff~rtntial Calculus (I very rarifW!.nd Ib.t" ... pun-but non.thetel!" pun that ruiIU the di,c •• te witb the continuClU5). (I\pr;I57)


1\ ,muSdi,rour,

•• nuglyp.ddedwithju.,;Ac.tionl. (JuneS7)

08l· The wOTld b .. heenllov.m.d by Ie';ou, poopl. (ora lon~ lime, and wh .. an a:dv.Tti •• menl il ;.fo,d,.i, method. I (jun. 57) .84. SUlpoct thoot who prize warmth -theyprobahlyh.veiceneedle.inth.irown. in olh.r.· h"'I$ ]jun.5?)

~S5· If the choice ",ould lie m,lwoe" bunkum Ind d.bunkum, J would .h"",. the former. (June 57) Debunkum ;1 muely Devi!". Bunku", (Moy 59) ~86. How tMY nced IlMpl •• to Iwab the;r..,rt .87· The nud forth.;nupliubl".nd Tot.! ellpHc.bili,y tb. id •• of b.ckward nc ••• nd guiltycon,cien<:<:. with I (juI157) for. mir.du i. a .ymptom of lonKing offcarofth totally explic"bl~. totally denie. freedom. (July 57) (July 57)

288. Re.llyilwould,eemth"t,h".nti_n;hil;.t,domol. to keep nihili,m alive tban tnenihiJi.",.

28Q. The philo,ophic.l Ab.olute-in ;IIi variou.forms. Hegeli.n, V.d,nta. Yogicira, .tc., .'C.-;~ l<>a;ic'lly only a tiol.d "uph.mi,m for notbingo .... hence Ih. inherent andvtH"dnihililmofalll\bsoluu.toy.tem •. Thedifficuhy

.l",.y. Ii•• in tho f>ot that Iny .U.mpl to sho", Ihat the Ab.olute i. nol nothingn.ss by adducing a cat.gory or qu~I;ly, "u"'e"", m".plIy.ic;u, d •• troy. ill .bs"lulon ... , Ind ...;<"(>UI.ucb adducing Ibere;. no di$linRui.hing lru, pos.ul •• ro Ab.olute from nothingn .. s, Eventhe .. senion that a po.\ula'ro Aho.olute is po.iti,'e fo1» it of its .b.01ul<:n.... (Aug. 51) ''10, Jfone elect. for. p""ilive VlIlue.s supreme choice one ;. n.",,~,",ily cotnmiu.d to .... r to maint,in th.tchoice of to t,.. chery tcit:fornolinglev.lue,nce, ju.tice, ~u.lity, elc .. etc.-i. immune from thrut "f di.placement by on. or more of th. oth.'a,lnd in th.m •• lv•• th.y ar. incomp •• ibleinl"Cf'Ortion ".they.r • • 'eh logic.til·pursued ""d purifiodtoth.ir furth ... extremn. '0 whichever I n.il my b.nner to I am commiHed to def.nd th.tag.in>lallo<heroand.g.;notnihili.m-the attitude th .. s.yo 'no' to all-when 'he p, ... ure mou~15 and war condition •• ak. over: or .1... h... i.lreochoryor fO!lletting. Wh>lilth.·blocl:i" the unconcinul·th.tmakes .ht 'con,ciou" e....1u~.e e><p.:rience in t~rm$ of 'positive' Ind 'negative'? (Aug. 57) The dilfer.nc. b.:tween •• x and d.ath-killing or b.ingkiU.d-"".m.tob."n.ofd.g .... ndd ••• ilcnly. Th. sexual act i. bo.h a killing and being killed $ubj.c_ liv.ly .~d objecti,'.ly. Bul .. a dying into a life, ".wlif. i. incomplete to 'he ~x'ent thot the su".1 act.s .n.ctofdy;ngi.incomple\c. [tisnb.inllr.bornwithoul 10 .. "f memory. Th • ..,n •• "f lihr>\;on Iht follow. i. comparable to. brief .h,dow·back of th. 'innocence' of .h. ntw childhood tho. follow. aft .. th. profound ... ct ofdyi"lI. The d.taiJo in wh,ch Ih •• o '"",mode. of the .. m •• ct differ.hould b. tabulatabl.. (Aug. 57)





~9l. A, lfl •• ~,p.ychol<>gic.lIy.p •• kLnc,""I.penOQ i. bo,h.~io"r, ,ha, i. in ,h~ In",' ~aguoly gonoral .on.e. BUlI!!Ortp."iculorly-lhup<:roonwhou.lhu.p.ycho!ogic.Uybehaviour,i.,onwlogic.lIy,lh.lxhoy;our,halh. ,. uno""are of, h. u.haun,edby,h.b.h.v;ou,b.di •• • pprov .. ofandh.ilnollb"beh.yiou"h;.tb •• pproy .. of. Nul. 'r;plepe.i,ion.


B, BUl b"", can you .. y th>!? Ofcou he U ,h. bl:h.yiou, he ~pprov .. of 100, o,."mt()fil 'u 1 1. When I do ,o">elhing lapp'o\'eof, .nd I dooom.lim •• , lhal il me, i.n'l il? When 1 •• y '""hat ((ik •• b~ul my.e!f i. thi.', if ,h., ion', me, who i, i,? Wh~' i. ill A, No, it by contrail, .. yeu dinpprove()f, ue unaware cf, actively approve iti. no,youpr.ci •• lybeco" •• yo,,"OI;c. il"'.T., app ... ntlyby contt"I"'ith ",h.1 buIaclu.Jlyby ccntru' Wilh whal yeu It i. preciuly because yeu noti.t iland of ii, 'h~r.by objeo'if~ing iI, 'hat it ;. (Au~, 57)

'93. Th. Ire~blt wilh theist.. and alhei.1O .lik~;.lh'l tho~ are both ti.d 10 oPP",it< .ide. of tn. sime POSI, ("'''8,57) '94. He>'" hluch more frightening fl.,h i. ,h,n bon~.1 Who would nol prefer to be haunt.d by •• ke(.loJ1 Ihon by bon,l ... fl .. h 1 ("'u~. 57) 295. Every •• 1 i•• n.ctoffcTllelling-forgeuinlloome c\>n5tituenl .. ale and compo.jn, .om.".w one, (Aug. 57) ]96. Th. mOil pe";ti". 'hing in ,h. whel. """rid i. p.in-and Ih.~ both bo,gin with 'p'. Uu!y 59)

197. The Philo,opbeu of the System. Of" like hOll•• maid" They.",,,,,ptheuntidin ... o(\h<!world unduth. carpoland pre'ltlId ;,i,o"lh.re (Aug_ 5,) 298, To ge. oot of Ih puddl. of muddle one h .. to learn lObe pr",,''', Togdoutofthepri..,nofpnci.ion one has 10 lumto!undlelhesugge.tive, ,henon_commitlal, ,heilenenl,wi,houII.Uingb.c):.in,olhepuddle. (A"g.57) ~9Q, Th~ necessity of food, and Ihe jn£$c.pable arbi_ !ruin ... nr birth, .going and d,ath must "ever be fOlgonen: any pbilo,ophy th.tdo ••• oi.only afoiry_t.le (Sop. 57) JOO. 19nor"ncemustn.vorb" lo.tlishlof( •• lacKof kno ...l~g., hidd.nn,... in probability, Or f".seuing, or ".n>cend"nc.,Ofuncut;ojnly~I.Hoisenberg), Any.y,t.m tba,expl.i""exi.,enc.withoulitdoesnotupl.ini,. (Sep,n) ]01, J 'hink wha, I instinctively SO much diolik.;n.o muck <>froliSious wri,ing is_n<>t it.smix.ureoftherational Indi".tion.l; f,,<tb.twauld b. oO(Ilor~lh.n true 10 lif", bUI_it.,endeneytomaketh.irr.tion.lro.p.ct.ble(whkh mootly i',i. not) and to pre",n! it u if it were ro1.[oo.l· '[nd.od it i. <0 b.cau,"" it mu.t h •• C>, how C<luld it bo otb.rwile' (which il I,h~ .. bitrary 'mull' palmed ~ff .. tb. ,".,onable 'b"".u.o'). (Aug, 57) 3Qto. The ,free way between the lonely Ivory Tower on 'he one hand ond the teeming Criminal Lunatic Aoy1um on ,he olh.r is rathu narrOw, and much <>fth., rathe, n.rrow (,ee _y i~ blocked by the Puty Chid. on the one.ideaodth"po:<ly thie"".on tb.other. (Aug. 57)

"'ll~O~:~ ruleoand then ju.t to de.id~ wheth .. '0 k""p Or break. rule-but.o af,.n 'hor •• 'e non •• nd 10 hav.'0 ac, wilhoutandmok!n.won(.;ond ,h •• e ar. alway. ,lipping Out ofd.te. (Aug, 57) lO., How d"". the body come 10 be .pp,.hended •• m body? Why do.. itno'f.ll~p.T\ ioto the sun .nd theh ... d, ,herm.h, ,he t •• ,.d and Ih.tgu.h.d? (Sop. 57) 303. Somelimu th.re i. Ih. imp •• uion Ih., ,h. wodd coosist. only of vomit. and "".,.m.OI., .nd wh., i. in betw •• n (SoP"i)

e~e';~~~~ ;~!a~:~ ':t~':h: :d'~ ::I~ ~'t~:: w.

30~. Th. following example i. ~,h.p. Wpit.l of Ih• • ,biuedn"". of alterna,ives in ,h. world in ",hieh On. ui" •. Iti •• n·inva,iahl. ,ul.' and ch.ucI.ri.tic oflh. world ,hat ,ize Ind dill.nee are •• ood.t.d.n I on.-w.y dir<Clion: ;,~, ',hinRt' Qel o"'all ... s th. dj"anct. from m. 'ncrea ••• Incl la'ger •• i, dimini.hu{though this ".pp•• rs"in"ext.,n.llogical".p ••• only •• ".uhlending ,,(.ngl .. "). Tbi,isre;n{orcedbytbetmaUer-morc_di".nt thing.·'passi"gbehind"and"beinghiddonhy",belugern~uer ihings. Thil i. reprennt.d in pictu,,,, by th vanithing points of pe,.putive. BUT there i. nO reuon why the oppo<itc IhQuld not be th • .0.... why my w"rld .hould not be inv .... ly organi""d and "gd,ing I.'g~'" be alw.y,~,,,,,ci.ledwi\h inoreosinsdi,un". and the omoll.r_ n .. rer thing. hidinK ,h. lorger_fu<ther one~. II jUll ion', lo.pparently. (Sep·S6) 'n the purely .ubjectivevie" nelbing;1 neuer Or further (which i•• logic-spalial wnl""':' b••• d on body.k,n ••• tbni ..)hulanlyvi .... llyrm.ll .. o,llI,get .• u'ally


fainter." loudec, tangibly touchable kin ••• thHia.


mo ••

o. I... (SeP.57)

30,. No du«iption of u;>1enco i, "complete". Fora "complete" one will alw.y. have ~noth .. (0' more Ih.n one other) .It.rnalive d"criplion ~10(l "complete" wbich will in part coincide with th. first .nd in part cont •• diet ;t. Any .yotom therefore i•• ]waYI ladting .om.thing (i .•. I;oeking"O"), (Sop. H) 30.6. To ui.t(or to oDn-uist) is tc be rel.ted: but the •• Iotion i. not •• impledu.lity.but.dual;ty(o.",ore) in the object .g.intt the s"bjeet. Basically "pauiv." change in Ihi, tripl~ relation i, whot is c.Hed "ch.nge·in. the·obj.d' (T om .cl.d upon. but t"helot.dupon [ re,isr, conlOQuenlly Ih. as.nt eh.n~ •• , whil'l I do nol). "/loti"" ch.ng." in this triple .. 1.lion i. whot il .an.d "cb"'ge.in.lh •.• ubject·· (-in.",.: I acl upon and th~acl.dup",; ""i.I •. conKqu.ntly I chong .... hil. theobjectdoo. not). Inui,tenet, h" ...~vec, the r.v.". {or. combination ,,(both) i.wh"I.ctu,lly npl"Knro•• ince .. r ....... my •• lf" objectified: in the fir" i".tanc •• ~ .1.0 "acled upon" ond cb.nged •• nrlconv .... lyin,b ••• cDnd. (SeP·S7)
3D7.lnlhepU ••• lo;:i""l.obj«ti'·e,lbereis;nfinil.n,," andinfinit. «gr ... tc nothing. ",ithaninfmit.numb.rof ,"ni.h;n~.poin," in the distance. In th. pure.subj.ctive vi.wlh ... i••l.... y.anhori""n (and no ;nfinit.n ... ), with only one vani,bing.po;nl. namel)" ",yoeJf. (StP.5·7)

308. Wh.n ..... re.pe.k'nll or phy,ir:s (e.ped.llyor nucl •• tphy.ic.o).ili.import.nltorem.mber,hatth.,.,m. ··large-scal." and "",,",II·scal." " ••• ubjectivdy.pe.i.in~. imprope •. Fcrlh.lO·call.d ".m,ll·..,ilid" "flh.atomic world i., in fact, in so far .. il i. perceived u all


(i.•. thancf;!. m.nif.statiansth.tare no, purelyllypo_ thetlc.l) in bc:i~e pofceiw& that th.,. maybe .0 wi,lI tile .ida['·.nlngina"m.di •• umuphy,icol m;cfoscop •• or ··logieal_infucDtid microscnpn" i. R pUJdy seoond.,y compliation, hUlda,," net me'" .hn. the abl.rnd h.ppenina. arlO .mall.r, only ,h., th~y arc ab..,,,,.hl .... ;,h the lid of moan.. To 'o.ke • ,impler (m~"'ly microuopic) c.so: an anirnakule, ao ""e" wi.h th. lid micrOJC<:Ipt i., subjectively _peoking. th •• i.~il ;, .Un \0 be. Tha, thi. m~yconllict witb t<>llic~lcon.i.ltncy i.onatherm,ta.r, •• al,a;nthemucb-I.lked-of"un .. il.bilily of the •• nl •• " (-but whu"i'phy.ic. iflhc •• n.o. ~r. nOI employed al.lll). (Sep, 57)



301;. The ubjeclive wad? i. determined ablal",elyat eacn in'lont thn i. concei~e:l, bu. Ih~ dele,",i".,ion at thot or any atber in... n. i. "nl,. prob ..bt~. (S-P.57) 3'0. Exi.t.ncei.likeagameofdornino •• -co~hdomino II.. ,wa "o!ues ~nd ,bore i. the play.r (",ho ;1 not a domino, but 'PPOUI in the domino--,,'arld U "1-' Ind ··my_oppon~nt", i.•."Iclive-and-pa •• i,,,,"). (StP.511 3". Reality (T,u,h) i•• oubje<:tiv._ohjocu"e (injected in,o m. from Ihe abject)_ Gcodn ••• i •• subjective mode mod. (pfOjC<.ut mode

Beau'Y i•• objective-Iubj<olive by me on tb. obj.c,). Th.re r<llh,inl. 'hey ';nhH.ntlyunknawableobjecti'v.",

•• Y. ,hal Odd wodd of .h. Wha,i.,hut? IScp.5iI,

312. '-h"unr.1i.bilityofintrospect;"ed.,a":lci.nlill. can.,.nily com piain. bou t,llls,by,.-hirh Ih.yinclud. pain_ pl.a.ur.,will,pu,pooe;mdll~l, andperceplion( .... k... a,dly ·


en~usb (or Ihem I ,inoe all p.rcepts .r. uhjm~ldy prh.te). Bmrathorth.no<>mpl.ining.lxlUlthis(wh;oh only 'c~c.J. IheKiulli.(.·.ubj~cti""v<>Jition.l.tlitud.).lhauldthi.f.cI nat be rcc<>Knized? lI.. t.~d of rejecting inl,aopect;ved_.ta becl",ethqOTenol qu.nt;lot;""l}' "meuunhJe" ( 1) in the .... y ..,ience dounand~ of "public d.t.", .hDuld th~y not be ITe.ted .... one a( 'heir di1\inlluilhing chn.ctcri"ic •• ju.la, ,h. UncertainlY Principle i, no ... • ccepled •• oncofth.cnulcleri.tic,on l',indpleofatDmic eVenl.? The de,cription of why pain. f"rinol.nc •• wnile diltinaui.hable in int£n'ity. cennol· be quantit'livdy m•. Iu,ed(the,.i.noP.,i,M.tre O fo' p.in. and if'nYDne d~im' tn.l electrical vibration~ Dr Ir.mDr OIolion •. wnieh moy co" •• ",md with p.in, are poin. he i. m.r~ly confUli~~ thei .. u~). Theb •• i."fphy.ic.lm ... urementi,,"recorded dill reading" whe,. two data are pl,ted .Ionll,ide .nd ."mpored: Ihe di~l_pointeF 0' the m ••• u ....bl.t.pe.ndtbe Pari. Me" •. - am ",here i.tbi.d".!ityinpoin"! Our pre •• nl pain tend. to ~nnihiJ.t. anolher by coalesuDee, ~nd I ...,mcm""r~d (or .nticipated) pain i~ no more a me .. ure for ~ preunt one than a remembered (or .nlici_ potedl metre-stick;. foro ", .. "nt piece "f lOpe. Erllo, p~in. while di.tingui.h.hl< (by memory or .ntidp.tion) •• differing in intensily. i. not moaluuble by p, ... nt con_ frontalien. (Sop. 57) 313. Wnor i. oaid ond thought i, al':<~YI reflexive lexoept p.,hap. Ihe. c><cI,m.,ion Ohl etc.). \Vi,holll t~Rc~ion nothing and no ·.action com •• 10 lighl. 'f.h. morne"tl .. y',gmdoing:thi,. I"m not doing Iha,' I am .. ~"cting (and no longe, 'doing ,hi •• no' doina ,h.t·, but deinlt I"mething e1s•• n.m~ly. ,eflcclins). But .. nexion i, .100 • ·d~ing' •• Dd ~ction is never quite di,·ore.d from reA.xion. (SeP.57)

3'4. A d=rip,ionof •• imultan.ou,sc.n.-"d,.d;n word. i. ··I.mpor.li~.d .p.c.··. A movement vi....·.d (gTaphicany) ., .imuh.n.ou. "traj~ctory" i.'p.,i.li,.d 'iIIi'''' JIS. Abcu. the "unconu;;ou'" Ihi. mleh. w"';d, oamely, .b.t, by d••• loping ~nd .mplo~joll. ce!lain techniques (whicb are deslgn.d '~'~en off .b. more obvious and cloman. p~lt • ."\1 of behaviour in ,h. ab.etv.d) tort.;n ;nforma'io".bout b.hav;our beob..,vrd and galh ... d (.... ich i. olh."";,,, h hidden or amoth.red by .h. more ohviou.andcl.m.o.).Thi.inf"onnat;oncoDb.{''';''ct",any) arranged in a pa"orn, ,,·hkb diff.t. f,om tho p... e", off... d b~ the obviou.. If this di.tlo •• d und ~".ng.d pauem;.lh""hypo.tati""clbyuRardingth.info,rn.tion .,behaviout of. sub,t.nce. thathypo .... intion i,infact the "uncon."'ou.··. \Vb .. ;. ,.mallabl. about F,.ud;, h;'unp.ralltl.dacu.~n ... ofob,,,v'l:on, hisinRoniou.nn. and hi~ naivety in h~po"ali""\;on (al p.rtitul.I'~Y .• vid~~C1d by hi, absurd mech.nillic de.c,iptio~ of consc,ou.n •• ,m 'Th. Interpr.tation of Drum.'-.b.urd, b.clu •• it ;s puuf.nl .. y). (S·p·57)



3,6, Of o"ything .. I.tive only one d •• c,ip.ion is n.c.e ry. and ifwoll done. ;Ic.n ","pro •• nt lh. Truth"' (i ...,... spond,nce truth) adequately, .uffici.ntly. accuntely.This.ho .... ".r.cannotheut.ndedto"ui ... nce 3S' whole"', for which • plurality of "comple.e ducript;on," wHl be n.... '.ry. w~;<h mull bOlh coincide and divUR. (probably ~ ;, in8uffici.n. and 3 <" mote is the mlnimum). Something of .h;. i•• hown {orlh in the "Complementary PrincipJ." in d•• crip.ionsof atomic .,,"nll. But in a oetofd",cription. d.iming 10 indude the ob •• rvcr (bod> uob.",v.d and ao fun<l;on;nll"unob ... ".d) •• om.thing mar. ,hon ,hi. i. ~eed.d. (Sop. 57)


)17. Hegd· ... Logilc.. i.th •• uprom".,t.mpllo.ubject, cnce Ind fo. Ill, di.l.etie I" Jo~ic. and 10 Ie bave. ie ~lernily.1 1... , •• tidy dotermined .ndjudg.d ""11.- Thi • ... m' 10 be all.mpt.,dbyth"inlroduCI;Onof"mo"em.n'" inlO bi. Logik.ndlb •• upplyingofi, ...ilb ~n .~lul. b.ginn;"R. Th.··absoluuJx.ginni"~"(b;tmo.lvulnel.bl" po;nlwhichclnnolbe .. tobJi,b.d).b'''Il''Ulh.po •• ibilily of diJltClic',b.ing .nt •• ;or to logic and h;, inco,pontian afth.dinl.cl;cinlohi. Logil:. •• "mo".men'" lubordin., .. ;1 ab,olutely. BUI-a. Ki.,hgo.rd hi, iI-hi, world f.;I"O"";ol.lne,,i.tencethedi.lecl;c.if.ubord;n.t.d 10 logic, i, 00 by d.d,ion. whir.h can hi! re"ok.d. when th. d;,lecltc d•• troY" the loC;rnl struelur. on ~nd below Ihe plono of r~vok.'ion .nd'project •• ,,~w ono. H.roin it"lh •• w{ulpnssibilil),andcon,t.nllh, •• \ofd;,order, conf".;on'nddoubl. (5.P.57) l,8. Hegel·. "m~di"ion" i. an euph<m;sm fOT confounding or pr.. ~rning and his ",b.Ql~t.·· is, ellph.mism for confusion. {Oct. 57)
JUl. Pur... ;.. entiali"," (i.~. l'l~ng 10 "Ii~e·· enlirely in un,.neclive <onsciou.n=) i••• rnuch a forlo,n hope Of <he pure " •• ..,ntiaH,m·· of an ;de"l wo.ld of.bs".ct gener.li,i.,culofff,omexi ... nce. Thefi ••,lud"ogic."y Nj·ondits.lftoth.docQr1ic.,edui.'cnCeo(,heheroof Cornua' L·/:t.Qngo. "hile Ih•• ccond lead. to the .bl~nlmindtld Univc .. ity Prof•• "" of Philo,oph~. (Oct. 57)

3~0. It is alw.yo d.imed for m,th.malic' \h.t precision ;,Ihei.p.ime virtue; and it i. often .aid di.p.r'iingly of int,o.pce,ivelyobt.ined,ubjectived ... th.,theya.e"un.. I;d.ctory·· or even ..,,·orthle ... · ferscienlific uSe. Now that ma)' well b. '0; in fOCi. it .houldn.v.rbed;,pul~. But 'uppD'~ we ask Iha quut;on· What eking?

lntr'yinlitoBlincantrolofobjeo,ivity (,nt ",,",crld". "nuu .. ", .. tc.) Ihe more "ccor ... th~ ob$e,v.,ion$ and • m"'Ut~m.nl~, the mort precise Ihe definition. and du· oriplion •. Ihe more p~,rec' the udmion of pun. end .mbiguitin (,om 'h~ ttrminol"llY. Ihe mo.t pln.cd "'e may b .. -foT our aim is -~cc-u te pr.diction ofo~t.id~ .. happening. (with. nconda.y • .,...h •• i~ admi,a.ion fO'lh~ conoi.toncy and .I.gante orth~m.thod). BUlwh ... OOul .ubjecti"iIY? How to d.fine the r.cuhy of d~finitlon? How top',,,,,.,, that .bility 10 muddle .nd 10 dodfy ",hich wait. on <Qnociou.no .. ? Howtod .. <:ribewhe.hu th. diotinguish.biliiy of truth (.em uMrulh i. Ituo or untrue?... ro«. 51) 321. Wha( a pity that tho m,xim De o ... nib~. dubio tandun, <:.L i. suhj.d to Lb~ Theory of TJ'pe.1 (0"t.5,) 3n. Thore ••• m. h .. dly anything mere po,il;ve Ill.n Ihe "'all. of a pri..,n_with !be worder. who prevont uC'po, ond th. law. which juoti6e. it oil. (Oct. 57) 313. Thepo,oiliv£ thinker build.: ho build. pri..,n •. mllking 1I0ne .... 11. of things, and b .... nd ",.rd.nlof principle. and p.ople. The nesati"e think" I"novi and ond.rmin,,-Yd hi. hurrov.ing 'mpli.lth. pri..,n. (Oot. 57)

But (al was .$lced befme) who il;n,id.


who eut.ide? 3't. If (>Oeconsults .•• y, the 'Cond,. O~(crd Dictien.ry', il loon become. evident thaI, ;nordinary u$.ge(lh~. is. tho u"s. of the Dict.iooarie. ond of common .po.ch), no r •• l or d ... differ.ntiation i, m.d •• , .11 b.twoon exi".noo, ... ence,.ndheiuil" (to look up.llicd wo,d,i. abo r.vo.1inS in Ihi. re5J>'<t). The pc>sitien.i. eith.rth.1 thoy ... netdiff.r.ntiOled,or,ifthcyar •• t.U,lny

dtffer.nti.ttoni,onlypmi.landi,,,n,bi,uouland.hifl, .• [uk. thi. rlct to .. lIeet a ",.lity;and iflhu i. 80. thon Ih. phil".oph .... • diffuentialion b.lv.·un ~xi".nc. ond .... n••• ",h.,h"ruu •• dbyS,.An •• JmorbyKi.,k.g .. ,d or the modun ui.temi.Ji .... i. conuqu.ndy ,mbiguou. or .~.n r.lo. in 1'.,1 .1 Just. Con ••qu.nt!)·. 100 •• b • • 11.trnativ." ".xi,tencep,uodu .. unc." .nd "olSf.n,. pru.dos."i".nc .... r.in fact no tru •• !tunativual.U. and what th.y appe.r 10 "1'ru.nl mUll b•• "l'r .... d oth~rwi~. J~u mi.ludingly. Th. ".b,,,Jul' Cl:r\~in\y" of subjectivity (th.t 100 of Ph~nom.no!ogy)- ••• gains. th. ·prob.bility· "fth. obj.ctiv.w"rld-i.imoparnbl.f,om·"b,o]LJI.dil.gr •• ment· ~tw •• nindividua1 •. Wby? Bu.u •• iti.th.individu.I·, .b.oluttcertainly ("f his cogito) thar.cor'ied to ils ntr<,m.,. constitute> his individuality •• di.linct from .,·ery othor: th.t maka him him.elf and nol a Itoti.tical component of p.oblobi!ity. h"w.~er much defined with accuracy of probability.· St..ti.tiC"la",. in their probability bJe (; .•. quantimiv.:):whatdisliaguilhel.heindividual(iolh. I t .naly,io. ··th.uniquer")i. .. hi•• bool"t. 'mm ... ura_ bility: i.•.hi. b.:ing. hi. po"ibility .... AII••• m."' •• nonly be obtainw in Ihe objecti~e ot.lilli.oI ",orld-.ndit~ilJ alway. b. quantitativ •. just ao di•• g,.ement. the •• can n.ver b. aboolut •• g.. cmen,. (0.t.57)

mu." ••

3l5. A. "I havo gTe.nn .... [am i ••• n. body. t am my body. r have. """eh.1 watt"". B. A. B. "0 .. , me, how confu.ingl" "I have my :self. I am my,cl[". "D .. , me. how confu.ingl"

I hive my onl not.my

(Oct. 57)

»6. "To h~ve" CIII be .bqli.hed (it il non •• ~iltent in S'Mlo.rh and P.li) by.",.lg;un.tinH...,me u." with "to be" .ndotlte ..... iththes·nitiveofwilh··IOpoo.u .. ··. Sowc.rel.f,prltnarilywith··tobe'·and··'odo". Now Ihe "copul. v~lb" to be 1 r~H.rd.s equivalent 10 the "auxiliary verb" (See C.O.D.) while th. '".ubllantive verb" 10 be _ to ~xid. Now thei-e t'"o. "capula"lauxiliary) .nd··,ubot.nli".·· corr pcnd 10 ".me" and ".ction"': "'0 be a,een"= pr nce of a .lI.toof Rrcen ... ; while ··to b."'",,"tG be.ctiv.lypr •• 2nl bychansinsorrui.ting <:han&o"-but Ihi,l .. t •• vcura too mueh or • ddinilen (OCI.57) 3~7. Th. m.di ... l di,tinc\icn between """nco .nd ex;,I.n.e(=beiDQ) i. prob.bly on.ofthemo"mi,lc.dinll ideu ...e devoloped. (Oct, 57) 3.8. I tlke it (on Ihe bui. of normal Enij;li.h usage) thotlh .... ord·.df' ",presents (symbolize.11 fund.m.IUII ambiguity in perception-not that i. hu conscioully, ntionali.ti""lly ~Fn inl£ntion~ll>' made to r~pr ... nllhi" j ...th.rcver ... namtly. that i($ r.pr.Rlllation t haleom. about thu. ,I ""I,.. without our ,ulpoc,i"l",halh .. happenwat.ll.lodth,,·ordb .. thulconceale<lthe..,.ry ambiauity it .. pr ... nts. The ambiillity i.thi" i, cannol b ... tabli.h"d ",he,her.thinH i. the .. me u (Identical with) i",.lf-or 1 with myself-or •• parOle and diff.rent from it. F'orinot.nce: .. Imy .. lfthink '".\hingi."o otherthanit •• 1C··.ndconvers.ly··Whrni 1m coMrontcd with tny •• lf "1 com~ to myself". "I •• t by my.elf and myaelf il .~id unto me: 'Tah' eare of thy.tlf. think muoh "fthy.df. for there', nobOOy who car .. for th •• ·'.


Accepting this. then. u. fundament.l principo.l <If nilunce. "'. con duw this ""oduoio" pro~i.ion.Uy.

he." b. ,.id th.t ". tbing i. (ui,a)" or thot "l.m (uI.t)"of.ny ",ituauonal poIM".t which It b.cemu impo •• ibletodi.tinguiohbet"' •• ,, •• m.nUlonddiffertnce •. Or d;fJNentiy .~p,=<d, "I am" ...here 1 can bou. dilT.rentiol •• nd idwllfymy",lf: "11m" ",h.. ethi •• mbj. guily i. emain;n the .ubject;". m<><k,and ·'iiil'·whore ,hi •• mbi!luily i. quali,.,;"'ely certain (net quan,i'a<ively probable);n Iheebj.cli,'emed., (Nov, 57) 329. The feregoing .ta,.meM n •• d•• dding 10: (,) for "lubjectivity"bel!erre.d"ambiguity"andfor"objUlivily" bene,,".d"unc.rtainty", Whe,. 'hero is. fecu. ef unc.rt.imy, th.r •• thing i.: where ,he,e i•• fccu. of .mbigui,y,h.r.lam, but nlwowy. ',he thing i. in ... Iation to me,ond!ami" .. IJtiontotheIhing. I,m "uncertAin aboulmy •• lf" wh." 1 co"sid.r me objecti,'el),,, thou~h' '"",cOOIe.I..,. I am ambiglZou, .bout 0 'hina ",he" I con.ide, it as min~/no' mine . (Nov. 57)
]30, " fool.proof'1".01 prooft for foo!"


~Ufdy be ,,.".m of (Nev, 57)


Stabili.y i•• he dt)'J1."

10 be found in ~ hog (Nov. 57}

332. Conti,lency 10 be 'he h.1l m.rkofincomplelcn •• o: if som",hing Ipanicul3rly. d.,eripiion of ,be Univ<"e Or. philosophical ,y.'em) is found 'obe con.i •• I.nl,.henlhatl ••• igntbatsom"thingha.beenov<rlooked (vid~ principle of complemtnt.,i,y in .tom phy.ies). Ein.,.in'. Co1npl~jnl against 'he Qu.nluin Thee,)' thot il mlk •• Ih. world incomple'e ""om. the g.. at~., ,.COmmend.,jon ofthd theory (Nov • .17) Jll, fr.mu, How .... ful tho: god ... el-Iho"" 10oking'RI ... 'hose blook .l.t •• on which "'" ocr;bbl. our dum,y



(Dee. 57)

334. A mind 1I<0rig in faith and wealc in rusoning {unden<landing) .tudi .. it.dfby mean. of.lngans. One ,aong io .n.oning (unde'~t.ndinK) and w~.k in faith ,t ••di." iw.elf by mun. of 1011; •. n~lh are con~t"nlly in fnr of di.l.ctic. hut die of ,uffocati.n withoul it. (Dec.S7) 3l5. A "..Iogan·'_any d;eh6 orquotalion or tutor book clung to) uneritie.i!y "bKau .. ] like it·'. Dialeclie •• k. "But why no' ..,me alt~muiY.1"" 10 which f~ith con only '.ply by force oritdi.~. "LoGic··_.ny.tructurnl. verbal and con,i.tont .y.tom. .Di~!.ctjc ~.k. ·'Buo why not tb .. o.ppo,itel·· to which , ... oning·cnn only reply by br .. dthor it !.Oodi ••. To foree and br •• dtb therei.no end oxcepltbrough .Xh'U5tion. {Dec. 57) 336. The blind;n" datko .... of light: ,he d.ar~ninR .il.nce ofn"i.,.: Ih.( ?) in.;pidityof sm.1l and lut.· ,h. numbiog p.inlpl.a.ur~ of heat/cold·. ,,·oundins uros •• ": theverti&enou •• cc.l ... ti,·.immobili'yofmQtion: \h~ .wooning darity or the unknown. (0"".57) 337. Nothing I,iumphs, fina!ly, in tbi.world bu\dealh: Ih. Etc'",,] Life i. duth. and to live for eyer 1, 10 di~ for cyer. Th. immortal is Dot born. {Doc. 57) ]38. Tfignot.ncei •• ne".ntialcompon.ntofexi.t£Me (,!,h£lhor",th~fin1te\mkn"wlDg Drlh. infinile. or.s lh. b.,i.ctD.p"ndenl Ari.ing. cr •• 'he Uncerl.inty Pr1ncipl. in Atomic PhYlico). th~n any theory ,hot do .. not ,.k • • ccount of and indude ilP"'nnc. ".nnOI d.im to rep,uent ui.ten"" or ,h .. wodd fully. The ract thn a tben,y ..·atka in pr>.ctice. by uperience. pro'·.' thotildce • ..,l.h account, or i, would not work. But \0 .bow op.nlyor

'ncau('(lusly .uch ignor.mce "muld be off.noh'e, jnd,c~n!, t.boo •• nd 110 it i. norm.llyhidd.,n, normlll~ inadvert.dly. (Dec. 57) 339. My ui.tencei. rny pn.on •• now, o.my p .... nl· Jife(birth-to·dnlhj: my non.exi$lencei.mypre",oullivu (bo:for.birth) and my future livu (.fter duth). Beth logether compo .. me: I am c(lmpo,ed (If wtb together. The obj.ctive tl)lter,aJj't wbo, I •• lolaherilt, (lrgel' him,.lf, t~k"" exi.t~nc. ao on all"truth, .uW'clin.tins .. I·m.... Th~ religionist who beli~\'n in th. pum,n.n,e of tho &<lui, 'take. the ""Up,i'lie "I-mo" , •• n.lI_truth, .ubo,dij,~ting existence. (O«.57) 340, One'-. d".re.t friend: be for whom one ousht ethically to ••• ,i6c. (Mlny) even on~'. h;gnut principle On.', hi~h"" principle: lhatfo,,,,hich one ought .lhic.ll~ to,.",;fico(botny)one'.d •• re.lfri."d (one', do.e.lloved OM). Wh.lh .. j.lllicetony hore? What of libony, equali,y, fr.lernity {where liberty can be libcrty 10 enforce equ.~ty bJ .ny ",hatever, equalily nn be equality in th. brotherbood of those condemned 10 dnth whkh is freedom, and fraternity lhatof implacable (how \hetolali_ •.,ianl love th.t Iwsciouo. lip .• madjnH, rozd.iou, wo,d!) f,a"icid.lhate( •• ch.q".lJyhati"lIhi,b,otherin.b.olule freedom 10 do .o)?


Ht, Whon I h.v ••• y.t.m,I u•• it quileun.y.temalica\ly, ""d when I hoye none I.yst.m.tic ..lly do not u,cit (j.n·S8) 342. Wh.t; •• owretched for the mOflllili1 ,bout monl. (or all them ethicsji.th.t they ncver~how.vu Pro«",_ I.. n th"d.im"",d.fcrlh.i,.b.oJut.n ... ~quiled.t.th Ih.m,dv .. from expedi."C)'. (•.., 191) (jan. S8)

HJ. '"AU th. world' ••• tage. and .n Ihe men .~.d wOmen acto'" on it"' .. y.Sh.knpuTO. Butaclu.llyonly the men and """'WI in Ih. publicga"".,c.ctor. on I.. I, for in.tance. whom-and Ihis I hold one of m}' gr • .,en ble .. ing .... hile il i•• ,,-the publi~ dc·tO no, gu."n.am notlnOClor,butonlyafCene-.hif,or.,b .... ,.i.curl;Uned wben lInd Ihn •• likt me move on i,. (Addition:) Cr,h,li.how r.hculdlike il10 be.l .. aYI. (jon. 58)

~H. Feur kind. of p,incipl.: to do .~iI ,h~, evil m.y come, t~ do "vilth., go<>d may co,n •. to do good Iho, ~vil mny cern •. 10 do g""d ,hat ~ocd m.y como, Th~ first .~d l.. l orc vcry dif!ioult: for it i•• 1,.""., •• hud!o be • devil ~. 10 bo ",aint. The .~cnnd, lurely, provide. the intention. with whiclt hell i•••id to be Inv.d: but if that; •• n. th.n dou nol 'he Ihird p.int 'he rrueocs on ,h. ceiling, of heaven? Fat beller i. th~ third than Ih • •• cond; for in Ih~ •• cond. the int.nded good for which Ihe ~vi! i. done may n.vet tlliIleri.liu. but the ~\·jl done «main,: .od. in.he ,hird. ,h. intond.-d.vil fu,wl,iohlhe good is done may n£vet maltfializc. but the 1l00d don.

3~5. Riv~n by triviality and u"amenabl~ to meaning. Driv~n by mnnn~.' from 'he Dm.nitio. of lihrroli'j" (J.n·sS) 346. Wile" I look at a I""king-gl .... whotdo 1 •• ~the 100king·III.,", my fac~ or me'? Who" J look.t Ih. world. wh.t do J Ice_1h. world, my IXT"eplioL110'''''.? When 1 look.t you, wh.1 do I see-I'Ou oro pOri of my unknown.elf? Uan.s8) H7. A deep inward experience is .hued and cannet bt un.hued. D".ite 10 sb3tt-;t com... puh.pl. from

;nlrUlien inlO r~R.xion upon 'he •• par.t.n ••• of .oJ!" and olh ... , which i. dis.olved io dup iowa,d ~"perj.nc ... RtR .. ion C{>mHU"'.",·ard •• nd i. dont from lh" .Iand_ point of le""r.ottness. Separaten ••• i. unlh ... b)~. Onemiih'PUlitlhi._r.lruchinll'ard.xp.,;tn"".c.nnotbe unoh.,.d p,ed.~ly becau .. they are by tnd. vtry IUlu« inword Iharinlj..bllllhoyc;nnolbe di,.ctly commllniOllt.d upon r.flexion in "panl«o •.", and.o. dui,e 10 '.~a,,' .he", ",ay in •• p.ra'eli •••• which d•• i'e ,ri... f.om overlooking II.. f.cI.ha,they.,e Bln~dy .bu •• d. by their v.'yna!ure


Bodie. Im.n!>.1 Or p»yska!) .r. wh.t ICp'M •• (.ndwithlh.mword.ond .p.ti.1 0"0'0,,,); .on). f•• lmg. drowthc.opar._1eloge,herondpanlydi.,olv.i!;con,cioul· n.u uni! •• in a-unity 11 Ed,). SCpar.tene.,;mpJi .. uruty; unity in.pl;~. "pu.ten ... : there i. no fin.1,oti.f.ct;onor."luuonh., ••• Jong',eachcra" .. foro,d ..... d.th. o,h .. , U.o.S8) 348. ciou<ne .. i. unity; being aell by .epar1ltJDg~ ",hatdiv.r.;ty c<>gniz_.,.;'one(orio;t$tJfundiff.,cntial.d infini ... ind.6aitej,whoti"e-pan ... in'o (.i,lj m.ny .• The v.,bi.beloDlj.Slob.ingmab.',acto,th.vo,hdousid •• with conoc;ou.n ... in .bstracto. Bm in ~~J.I~nce con., CioUSn.IOi.andbeingdot;o.lnPhilo.ophycon.ciou'n •.•• i•• beini i., and it i. nol cl•• , how doing i. done; and tr.d;,ion.1 IQiic only recogn".' tho "'copul., ii'·. But "'Man and logicorediffe,en,categof;"". !Jan. 58) 'U ..d.M in MS.
HQ, lin effective way to kill a plant i,to w.tcr it ca,.rollyandr.gula,lyfortbefin,balfof.d,oughlond Iben to SO .... ay and leave il. 'Bul tho •• who do th .. do not lee th. plant di.: they ~o ond WI!" olhe, planll in otb.,d,y pl.cuio the5omew.y, U.n. s8)

eo ...


l5n. Th. exill.nti.l pre·r.fu.ctive chnice i••• en, on nllexion, .. apr.rel"ftlce. Acted: it i. the fr•• domtn .... i,h nn. it e<>nd.",ned. h Reviewed,;t upresou • preferen,e o,monif .. ",tion nf fr~._wm (but lh.,l. only nn loo1r.inabock_th.lookingb.d,i.itulf. choke). (jon.,S) lS'. Optimilm muot be ~n ··ui .. "nti.l e<>mmunic.tioo·'. not.dir«tnnc:itm".,kinducedindir.,.:tlyasllponcreation by the li"en .. in h;m",lf. nnt d; .. ctly (like a cno1r.ingrec.iptnr.n armydrill.bonkJ. The'''empt to dn it directlyd.g.ne~t •• into tho parllOn·o .yntbdic ··joy' nrth. phy,ic.l_tnining in.\,uetn'·' ·rodi."ce' whioh moy wdlg.nerate p.... imi.m a. me h"'er' •• pnnton,gu. ·ment.l ro.poOl~. It alway. doe. in me: 1 foelth.t th. nptimi31 whn talk. til. nr at me. b.. t.k·o" [rom me .lIlh~ good thcrei •• ndldtmywnrld •• barea.o .Incutt·.tdck.n field. (Jan. 58)

351. Wh.ttbesci.nultsare.pttoforKet:th.differoncc bctw«nquantityandquali.yisonenfquallty.notnf .quantity.



l5J. Moxlem an.logy' just .... tl1~ bomb .. dment by n.u,o.lm .. nnsisne.d.dtn$plittb •• tnm'. nud.". wbicb i. h~ld tOJ.th~r by neg.tive and po.itiv~ ob.rs ••. II we ar. tnld-In perhap. equ.nimity i. the prejectile with which to .plit the individual held together by the chorlle. ofh ... andlu.t. (Jan.,8) 3>4. Some 1'001'1. ne aggre6.ively meek. (Morch SS)

lSS. "Tbepurposenforaloryi.tnmakepeoplcforg.t ,bo o.ed for evidence" it ha.buo.>.id. lind. it m.y b• • dd.d,thepurpos<:nfevidencei.tomlkepeopleforllot

tbu .11 ••n..,.dltaar. privat •. (Andperl>.p.thepurpo," ofthep,i".cyofevidellcei.lom.keptoplefoq;;et). . (March 58) 356. There ar" certain upect.of IIUlh Ih31 nne c." only discover in on ... I£; ifon" i. told of,h.m. on .... iIl cert.inly, ond in tbe vuy-natur.of ~xi... nc. il•• lf, r.ject th.m aboolut.ly. But pClhap' they cln htoh ... d b~ the." ...ho b.n diocover.d ,h.m individu.lly for L~em h·n, and •• po;.h.p. Lho ..... hn h,y. not di,enve,.d t~.m C;n be .id~d indi,«tl~ 10 di'cov<r them for them.elv... (The u •• of the word "IrULh"herei.inth ... ".. ofd .. i .. bilityo{ dil<ovef)·). (Morel> 58) n"~::~i.~:,,~:~o~:: found .olutianl :.r:h:t'i!~~fu~· ;~~~~oi~ I~~~l~.~: (Mortl> ~8)

358. I u.ed alway. to comfort m}·,.1f with Ih. bdid Ih.lifphy.i<alpainb..~.'ooviol.nlitwouJdhtC1Jt olTby "Joss of <onscinusn ..... -bul "'hy .~nuld Ihis b. alwoYI..,? And wh .. i. "loss of consciou.n ..... ".h.n d.ocribedsubjeclivcJy' (SuNo. 392) (April 58) 359· R.ligion witheut atl,liIr. ... )[wilhoul~n. nOlv.ry .ltncliv(. (April 58) 360. The unambigunu. i. non·ni.t.nl 'April 58)

361. Obj.cli".ly Ih."""-~3 opalial dimen.ion. ond "n~ temp"r.lon •. allp.rpo"dicular<oeachoth.r,whichtogelh .. arc h.ld 10 c"n.titulo the four.dimen.ional Lim~-.p.c. continuum ofth. Id'nli,t •. Thi. i. purdynbj.ctive.nd .. luchan artifici.l ab.t,-,cl. Por in it lime becom •• lpati.ti •• d inlo puaUel world line.; "now" being .n .rbi\rat)· <on".ni.net: in il without nec.. ,ily of .ny POlilion.-


Conver .. ly, in the .b,olute .ubj.clive vi~w thore would b.. 3 IOmporal dimen,ions and one op.ti.l o~t .• n pe.pendicul.r10 ,,"ch other. Noontilevoro •• ndi.tct!y bU10nly rtllecled in one or both of the other Iwo. They .'e POOl, P'"'''''' and f"tu,~ ..... the 3 temporal, .nd individ".lh;",cric.lmov.m~,aothe, ,pati.1 ont: the impO.,Ulceof Ih., no"on of 'he pc<p<r.ndkul.'i'y of the 3 period. of time to eBch other.uhj.ctively c.nnolbe o"erc";nml.d. Whilg··Individu.1Hi.toric.1Movt"",nt·' i.... ;1 w.... ,h. "plrt of subjectivity th., b~lonll' to the object". in.ubjtctivity, the continuum ofworld.linu in Ih. objtct i. th"t p.rt of the obj"ctwb.ich .•• it w.u."b.lonll" to th•• "hjectin the object", this ioterloch.ubjeet .nd object ami makell th~m in..,p~rabl.. It 01,0, hy Ihe diff.renceof\h"p""itivityof.p.ti.lrel,tion.andn.gnt;vity oft"",por,l relation •. gives. po.itive nature 10 the obj~ct ~nd • neglliv. one to tb •• "bjen ("It i. through wO",.n that ne2ation corn.. intathe "'·odd'·). Fnr the de'p".-.t" "nuti.f.ctorine .. ofth.on. time·di",.nsioninp",..,Jl'objective4Cienc-t,lu p.,titularly Konl'. Theo,y of the SubjectiVity of Time. EddinlJl<>n'. ··N.",Patb.way.ofSci<nc."cnlh.·'di,«tionoflime.no",·' correlponding with "inc",.",,·d«r .... of entropy" (only a theory. ",ork ~ou I) .• nd Heisenberg in "Atomic R•••• rd, and tht L.w of C.".,lity in Nature". ("Unive,.it ... ·, iEn~I •• d.) 1957, No. 0). 00 diflicuhi •• ofknowinlldir.ction of time in the".m.U·.cale"'non·lt.tiotical lialdofthe .tom. Hao anyone before sugg .. ted th.t p.. t. pr ... nt and ["ture on: subjectively perpendkulul Sci.ntific fou.·dim.n.ionlltime,"pac.haono"now" iApril Sa) J6~. 11.'''e m.themalici.oo tbe .tudy ofordu and "ruclure and {in ..,f~ ... lh.yarc t.pablc) to Ihe 10 the

philglOph .... ' 10m dilt'u"'u",. iThilI.

me," wh.t

inter .. in dioordu ond I •• ab.olut.ly .omellrneo.}. y IAprils8)


363. 'So, th.n. in choooing absolut~ly I choo«d~.pair, and in d.spair I chao", th~ .bIOI"",,, for I my•• lf.m the ai>oolute', •• YI Ki.rl:..g •• rd (Either/or, ii, 179). Thil i. a cur;o". undevdOped in.isl" into an unc<lmfortobly true h.lf·tn.nb, ,h. pur~ 'Q~p.i"' •• tandpoin' of the unique "1" (DO' tho, Ibltract and qu~lquonque "on "go among oth ... '· <If ,be p.ychol<lgi ... ). P"roly.ubj.Oliv.ly·'['· am uniquo:oniy,halpure.ubj.ctivityisahalf'lruth(ld" no, know anywher. where pur. oolip.i.m i. expound.d hon .. tly. aopureaolalt.ri"",i.by, ... y,themore .. putable Behlv;ouri.u). In th....., ,erml of pure.ubjec,jv;'y "the otb.,"'·ar.~i".mQd ... of··'ne"pH>j.c,.doul ...ard. (vid. SuUe'. 6". "u). Thi •• bat .... tiooi.anoff.nce:.od c 00 P"col oays th.1 "Ie moi ~<lt hlisoalile", perh.p' wi,h that in view. When ,howa,d. ··I.e.you .. ...-.he.'dth. meoninR (in iuelf uuerly ambilluou.) i. fixed by me with roiationll' "mybody": 'fperceived •• .:omins f<om my body, ,b. 'T' bo.,d •• identifi.d with the uniqu. ab.olute .ubj.olive 'T'; bUI if perceived a. comins to my body. theh .. id'']"·and''you'' are reversed (in this speci.1 ~bot C! intupr.'~ti"". ''J"' b.ing .1""aYI up!~inabl. u .C!i" bjectivity.nd··you·· t .. n.lated inlo "me" n p.u;"e .ubj.clivit)'). (April,S) 364. SoliplilticllIy, "I" tam) absolute and unique. and ac,iv • .,ill. ··m.'" 01 P'S,j"e; "Tbou" (an) Ih. acti". '"I" proj.ot.dwith··lhu·· •• p••• ;" •. '"H." and "him", elc., can onlyb.n,;v.d.,th,ouW ..u.... nd ..w.··(,·W .... nd··u .. · ,"s .. <I.d a. (.) "l .. on diff.r.nt ooca.ions, or (21 . I"',",h •• " _"rn""'"lbou" .imultaneom]yj. (April s~~


res. Definition of .. ctolin~"Tity: three point. ouch that onei,hidden bylh •• tC/Jnd from th.third;nrunob.erv.bility of.ny two points .imultan.ou.ly. Definition ofp.rPl'ndiculari!y: Th,eepoin1a'uch ,haton.i,nothiddtnhyth.ucondf,o""h.,hi,d;oT nb •• rv:.bility nrany 'wo poin ... imuhaneou.ly . . (For "two po;nlo", "3 paint." an8 ", point" one can Tead "dualiry", "I,initi' and ".inguluity'·.) Th.irrodudbl. b.nis afaburv.,icn i. ,h. trinity oftheab •• ,,·.d,th.nct-observ.d,.ndtheol>strvationpc;n!; crthe ab.."ved_M_pre .. nt, thecb .. rved-u-ab.ent, and ,he (perpendicul.r) ab.ervant. (flu! ,hi, only ··.p~ •• ro" in ,.O."ion). (Apri15S) 366. Th. abjec .. or,ciencear •• llpubllclym.aourabl.· by "di,l., .. ding'" 0' by confront.tiori with ··pi,c .. of maUer calted the Pori. Metr." arby confront.tion with the standa,d inch, th. "ave ....g. ~inh of the thumb. of three Scotchmen". Th"..e data whkh priv.tc .• ucha'. f""linlil'ofbodily pl.. OU,.Of poin. me l joy or grief. willing. clarity "fperceplion arc.lI m uroble. too, but in adiff.,'cntw~y: they ore'mea,u,"bleonly by Ihe action which they f.dliu(o ar inhibit ("I had such a tacLhach~ leouldn'troad'·. "1 wonted to }'auoomuchlcouldn', lleep", "H~ w"" .. ti.6.d .nough far him u> <antinue hi. work", Cit.). Pure con.ciomnu. i., however. imm ... ur.ble. (Apri\s8)


3'<;7. C .. t.intyi,ab ,,{unc.rtainly.

•• nceafinfinity;infinityi.

pt •• ence (Apri! 58)

3,68. Nothing whal""., can bo.ppreh.nd.d.porlfrom ;t,oppo.i'.: but its appositecannctb.pre.entotlhe .. me

time.plsce; for .nything whoteyo< to emerge {'olI>lnony_ mily u p ..... ot to con.ci",umU5 (which i. not it) it mutt be hlunted (.lu.doww) in .pace·time by il.opposit., olhe.wi ... it C3nnotdet.cl, i,","lffrom ,h. unknown. {"prilS8} 36<)· Cuued be fr.e, with the bl ••• ing of !xing condemned 10' (May 58)

310- 1 can', find I; for whon I do, what I do nnd;il' •. rny•• lformeInudnr.tfmd;Jcaonnd'thou';forwhen. Idolh.n'lhou·wh.nbymefound.rllhe,e. (May S~),
371, Being, consid.r.d a. AClion, opp.-r ••• becOming. (beginning to be or movem.nl),

AClion con.idered (hilioryor.taticityJ.

3A Being >pp....


An a".lysis (d"'criplion Or definition) of Being rnu.1 completely aveid un. eflb. verb Ie be.ndall it.d.riv.liv ••• nd .ynaaym •.



Th.t ••

of Action mu.1 I;kewi •• avoid IU ~cliv. verbs. in Ihi •• p!"'>rs as a petilio pdncip;; or

FI;lu,. ualilulo]ogy,

Appu.lnee can be t.ken •• tb~ obj~ctivt m.ni(.SI&!ion(id •• landreal)ofbotbb.lng.ndaclion, .. hich I .ubjeclivel)" ."p"r.ienc", Togelher ,hue mike up ..,.iOlene., E .... nc. m .... ly dup!ioal .. Ind h .. no '''parole .. f.nnt, eith.r;dnor the

b<:ing, of "Ihere {MaysS)

(The ".,b 10 han duplic:ot •• is.... ithlh.d.live{;nlndilUlllngu.au).)

372. '·Id ..... appea, .. Ih. object. of th.mind.nd "<uli'iu" .ppnr •• ,he'obj.d. of five •• n.u. The rnindand the five nnRS an irreducible peronn.) d.t. IOllethe, wilh th.it rupee,iv. typu of object'. The mind c.an'·h.ndl.·· .. yvioibl.d.t •• itherth'oushth •• y.(as v;'ibln) ordirccdy (.. vio,,'\ imag •• ) .nd can conf'onl Ihn. IWo .nd compu. lhem ('·Thi. ;ok pot millhl hav. b•• n!>ettud •• ign.dlil.,lii ...·). (MIYS8)




•• (o)ptrlX'ndiculuto"'h.titi

•• IV"'e<>f

.nll not perpendi~ul.< to wh.i it is no! .wore ~f. It ~~l i. ,wa,e of pru."c. (+ )·curn_.o.enc~ (-) in • Mole of •• ymmwic.l;ly (~~). (M.y S8) 374. All Ih ••• mont.! foot print< in ,hi. book, wh.t be.lon Incl.. they make fotthemselvt.,ndfollow[ And ho ... th •••• rach emphasize hy comn.t the "r ... where p'ey ne".r "ndl (May 58) 375. Lif. i. mainly ."blt.nom: d.ath pure 10!iJW.m. (M·YS8)

J70. Th,eo fo,m.of~gno.tid.m: (,) I om certain (know) thot this i. imp·o.. jbl. fe, .nyen. ~b.tn know. (~) I,m uncertain (dD not know.1 pr.,eo'l wh~the< thi. wbich I don', know now, C.n be known by m._ Dr by .nyone .t .ome time. (3) I om certain Iknow) thai thi. ,,·hkh T do net know, con b. known ..,metime.


thtce CO"O<agno.tici.m


d.. th.

Thr •• m.ioanitudesto believe linow) th>tl.h.n.urvive

d•• (my <In'h): (i) I m~ death. (ii) I belitve



(kMW) that I,h.ll nOI,ufvivemyde'lh. thr •• form. "fagno,lid,m.


iI i. impo"ible for o,din •• y. norm.llboughtto confrontlhe idt. of (my) dealh except in one of then _"itudes. All of ,bue .uitud .. ore "',eng through the ... umplionl (uplicit and implicil) .hal .hey n.u .. il.... Con •• quonlly it ;simpoo.ible for no,m.lthouEht.o cen_ frent (my) death witb a correct .u;.ude. (May Sa) l77· Ifth .. ei.rebirththen.h.rei.nothiniinlhi. wholo wodd. nol.venone •• lf.th.ti.wonh killing.o)'one for. Butiftlr.re;'notebinh.thtnlhuei.nclhing. provided only th.ll.m devu eooughlOtvodethedirect conl.quenc ••.• 0 prevent me killing ono who ~.\I in my way. Materiali.t, mighl notllih?J lhi. (jun. 58) J78. Th.re i. no kind of oct which i, not tutaincircurIl!l.nc ••. 5uppo.."h.tw.rclru.l wrong in (June S8)

379· Wh .. DOD.~... t it i••o .ay 'hot trulh ;. b .. u.y or whot i. ',\Ie i. good: i.to,,,,to (.he 'A.,.U.tion·. uy) nol true Ind p.intablel (Jun~ 58) J$o. Ifab..,I"lc ""i.on wi.h God lao in .helld".i ••) ;, taul1:hl, .hen who i.loot. 'J< (in which cu. !oolonge< exi,,) or 'God' (in which c.se I "'ume the Niljin.ki mid"." '11m God ... _ ..') 0' boLh (in which CUe lh. "ale i. notdi.,in&ui.h.bl.fromno·go<1). IIg.in';fthep."cn.1 Idu of God ;. ",placed by Pure Being. Lhen a.ing, lob. pur •• Clnnol b. acc.ssible'o knowledlle or, ifi' i•. it;. no. pure. But if it i. MI. then it ~Inne\ b. known ",h.lher it i. Pun: Being er Nnthingn.... (June 58) ]8 •. The mind·.rnouthi.g, •• d. ils body 'Ilno.-.nce. lod In&or it. oou •. Peopl. who qu.".l w;lhon. or wi.h


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