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Name: University: Course: Tutor: Date: Obamas Employment Plan The details of the employment figures show that most Americans have lost their jobs in the sectors of construction, industrial production and information. The new posts have continued in business services, motor U.S. labor market, education, health and public services. But the numbers of under-employment, which include part-time work, remain high. So far the 58,000 new jobs created are temporary. According to analysts, it is the key route to creating full-time jobs.(). Currently President Barrack Obama is working on a Program of more than 400 billion dollars to boost employment in the country. The complacency of Obama to Wall Street bankers and the hawks of deficit reduction, along with the huge increase in foreign wars and national security apparatus, have led the Treasury to bankruptcy. Obama has to restore control instruments, but for him to succeed he has to deal with the systematic opposition of the Republicans, solve the military stalemate affecting Iraq and Afghanistan and slow economic recovery and barriers to tackle head-on the bank lobbies (Fox, 09).

The Obama administration must first play the primary role of strategic planning and establishment of the central objectives of American development. The strategies he may use are

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crucial in addressing the critical aspects of government that require long-term policies. The United States has relocated most of its manufacturing, production and R & D to China and India. This has had a negative impact on employment for Americans back at home. The task of government is then to create the conditions for development and ensure adequate resources for a proper energy policy and infrastructure to put the American companies both at home and overseas at par with competitors in China Europe and beyond, to implement an efficient and less bureaucratic government that can to facilitate new economic activities and viability of existing ones, to seriously address the crucial issue of education and training, cut taxes for workers and businesses and provide jobs for more workers in construction and education through infrastructure projects. Adequate standards are not currently required by a technologically advanced market. And above all, to strengthen basic research and development which though still too far above the levels of other industrialized countries could be overtaken, an example is the area of space research which has seen countries like China advance very fast. the package for the creation of new jobs should be based on reducing labor taxation, investment in infrastructure and grants to states and municipalities (Andrews, 15). Any country needs highly skilled workers. The United States has quite a large number. They make a country in which they work is richer. This also applies to highly skilled foreign nationals who are willing to work with us. They'll understand. In addition, there are citizens of other countries who come to visit America for Education. After graduation, many of them can settle in the country, and this can only be viewed as a plus to the economy. They know the English language, become familiar with American culture and attain our education. The main controversy about the effects of migration on the labor market arise when it comes to immigrants who bring with them unskilled labor. (Philpott, 09) The key economic question here is this: do

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they "bring" more jobs, or take them away from the local population? Theoretical answer to this question is no, however there is maybe no serious relationship between immigration policy and situation on the labor market, economic theory and empirical analysis. With the impact of the crisis It has now become necessary for the Obama administration formulate policies that can arbitrate between the entry of illegal migrants and the preservation of additional jobs or social benefits for those already resident. In the context of the current involvement of America in war overseas it is imperative that Obama considers cutting down on military spending and reduce combat troops overseas terrorist operations and covert domestic spying apparatus, this will reduce the current budget the deficit that has kept on increasing at the expense of productive investments in education, technology improvements and export promotion. Finally the International Labor Organizations has highlighted some elements drawn from past and present experiences of various nations across the globe whose practices have to a considerable extent, tackled the current rise in unemployment due to the recent global economic crisis. Automatic stabilizers and stimulus packages have prevented a real deterioration of the situation. The extension of unemployment benefits and income transfers to poor households and the provision for the establishment of universal coverage of base are recurring features. Obama should initiate plans to large scale public investment and other long-term measures towards job creation. although according to his critics he has had intentions of reducing social security funding with the idea that it would guarantee a reduction in disbursements and a deficit which would eventually facilitate privatization of social security, it may not be the best idea at the moment this is because countries like Brazil, China and India in particular are set for ambitious social protection, with a view well beyond the current global economic crisis. Governments have generally attached to keep the jobs in financing, through various mechanisms, one of them being

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a temporary reduction of working time. The reduction of working hours can substantially help to slow the progression of unemployment and retain a skilled workforce in anticipation of the recovery as in the case of Germany. Mechanisms of this type have been adopted by Canada, France, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands, Turkey and 17 states of the United States. The same can be replicated all over America. Increased public investment in infrastructure - networks road transport, housing and other public works, in particular - has created many jobs. Social infrastructure, such as home structures for children or the elderly are also a source of creation of quality jobs. The experience of Indonesia, South Africa and many other countries shows that the impact on employment depends on various factors, such as the speed of implementation, technology choice and the degree of participation of local actors. The large projects generally require large scale investments. For infrastructure renewal to be accompanied of job creation, it is especially important to ensure the involvement local economic actors. Parallel measures to support small and medium business enterprises and training activities can significantly improve the results of direct and indirect employment. These supports, for all especially small businesses, are also intended to boost the credit often strangled by the crisis, and the promotion of clean energy and green jobs. Faced with the crisis, most countries have invested in training programs and skills development. Various pathways converge towards a common goal.

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References Andrews John. A Practical Program for the Prevention of Unemployment in America. BiblioBazaar. 1915. Fox, Justin. Will Obama's Stimulus Package Work? Time magazine. 2009 Philpott, John. Working for full employment. New York. Routledge,1997. The international labor organization

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