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Gatherings, trips, Rituals/ceremonies Druid school, informative FORUMS for young and old
for more information, visit our websites :
International website: http://www.druidcircle.net/ Local information: http://mothergrove.druidcircle.net/

Interested IN



Or contact us :
E-Mail: masterphoenix@skynet.be Tel: 0495 / 40 36 35 (after 19hr/7pm)
New Order of Druids V.Z.W. Joris Helleputtestaat 34 2140 Borgerhout Belgium PLEASE DO NOT (LITTER) THROW THIS ON THE GROUND


In our present-day hustle and bustle society it can be difficult to return to ourselves. We attempt by connecting with nature, through a primeval spirituality, to return calm/peace back to the individual. To reach this consciousness, Druidism and the Celtic culture offers helpful tools. This alternative path of calm/peace is central in our organization, where at the heart respect of nature and for all mankind is a source being renewed. The New Order of Druids (in short N.O.D.) is established in Antwerp, Belgium, and is active both locally as internationally, such as at gatherings, various activities (trips, presentations, ceremonies/rituals, participation at local fairs.) and a website that offers much more online!

What, Where & When?

We organize monthly gatherings in Antwerp, normally on the first Saturday of the month, in the form of a theme and open discussion. Then we talk about all kinds of Celtic, Druidic, historical, cultural, spiritual and religious topics. We also organize Celtic rituals/ceremonies on request, and day-trips. This all just makes up a part of the Nervii Nemeton, the Mother Grove of the New Order of Druids, where members and those interested are welcome to participate. You can find more information on the English pages of our website by surfing to http://mothergrove.druidcircle.net/ or via the contact information on the back of this brochure.

the DRUiD SCHOOL free membership

It is our conviction that a price cant be put on the Celtic and Druidic wisdom, and that it would not be fair to those who do not have the finances to follow a course or to meet other like-minded people. Therefore we offer free membership. This means that you can create a free account on our website, take our courses (with the guidance of a mentor), and communicate with other members on our online forums or at gatherings and other activities that we organize ourselves. Optionally, we also offer a paid membership with more services. Also our website offers a lot of services for members and visitors alike. Aside from an extensive section of information about the Celts, Druids, and their culture, history and mythology, we have forums where members from around the world can communicate, and as well an online Druid College named the Grove of Dana, where we offer general courses that you can do in your own free time at your pace, and all this is FREE to all members. For more information surf to http://college.druidcircle.net/ and definitely take a look at our main site that you can find at http://www.druidcircle.net/ , or via the contact information on the back of this brochure.


In our present-day hustle and bustle society it can be difficult to return to ourselves. We attempt by connecting with nature, through a primeval spirituality, to return calm/peace back to the individual. To reach this consciousness, Druidism and the Celtic culture offers helpful tools. This alternative path of calm/peace is central in our organization, where at the heart respect of nature and for all mankind is a source being renewed. The New Order of Druids (in short N.O.D.) is established in Antwerp, Belgium, and is active both locally as internationally, such as at gatherings, various activities (trips, presentations, ceremonies/rituals, participation at local fairs.) and a website that offers much more online!

What, Where & When?

We organize monthly gatherings in Antwerp, normally on the first Saturday of the month, in the form of a theme and open discussion. Then we talk about all kinds of Celtic, Druidic, historical, cultural, spiritual and religious topics. We also organize Celtic rituals/ceremonies on request, and day-trips. This all just makes up a part of the Nervii Nemeton, the Mother Grove of the New Order of Druids, where members and those interested are welcome to participate. You can find more information on the English pages of our website by surfing to http://mothergrove.druidcircle.net/ or via the contact information on the back of this brochure.

the DRUiD SCHOOL free membership

It is our conviction that a price cant be put on the Celtic and Druidic wisdom, and that it would not be fair to those who do not have the finances to follow a course or to meet other like-minded people. Therefore we offer free membership. This means that you can create a free account on our website, take our courses (with the guidance of a mentor), and communicate with other members on our online forums or at gatherings and other activities that we organize ourselves. Optionally, we also offer a paid membership with more services. Also our website offers a lot of services for members and visitors alike. Aside from an extensive section of information about the Celts, Druids, and their culture, history and mythology, we have forums where members from around the world can communicate, and as well an online Druid College named the Grove of Dana, where we offer general courses that you can do in your own free time at your pace, and all this is FREE to all members. For more information surf to http://college.druidcircle.net/ and definitely take a look at our main site that you can find at http://www.druidcircle.net/ , or via the contact information on the back of this brochure.


Gatherings, trips, Rituals/ceremonies Druid school, informative FORUMS for young and old
for more information, visit our websites :
International website: http://www.druidcircle.net/ Local information: http://mothergrove.druidcircle.net/

Interested IN



Or contact us :
E-Mail: masterphoenix@skynet.be Tel: 0495 / 40 36 35 (after 19hr/7pm)
New Order of Druids V.Z.W. Joris Helleputtestaat 34 2140 Borgerhout Belgium PLEASE DO NOT (LITTER) THROW THIS ON THE GROUND

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