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Advocacy Tactic Audience Library Welcome Letter Advocacy Presentati ons Bulletin Announceme nts Faith Academy Reads! Programs Board Reports Special Library Events Solicitati on of Financial Support Letters Book Fairs

Students Faculty Administrators School Board Parents Volunteers On-Campus Clubs Missionary Community Partner Churches and Organizations x x x x x x x x

MS, HS x x x x x x

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ADVOCACY PRESENTATION: NEW STAFF ORIENTATION AUDIENCE: New Faith Academy Staff RATIONALE: Why do I need to advocate for the library to this audience? An introduction to the library is an important first step: o To establish immediate comfort to using and pursuing resources in the library. o To establish a positive view of what the library can offer. o To promote collaboration to an audience that may be more willing to do so in their first year. To introduce myself: o To put myself out there as someone who is approachable and easy to work with. o To begin making connections with those who I may be collaborating with this year. OBJECTIVES: What do I want to show/tell/promote during my presentation? Our collection. Our facilities. The idea of collaboration and what that could look like in a couple different situations. Promotion of reading by all faculty and staff. Little helpful hints about the library, the checkout process, etc.


MATERIALS: What materials do I need in order to be effective in my presenting my information? Computer, projector, and screen. Powerpoint slide handouts. LRC brochures. Faculty letter. PRESENTATION SCRIPT Invitation to look around while everyone is gathering. Pass out Powerpoint slide handouts, LRC brochures, and the faculty letter. Introduction (Paula Personnel Director). 11:15 am Slide #1 (Welcome!): o Welcome to YOUR library! I am so pleased to be able to welcome you to this space on campus that I hope you will find to be an incredible resource for your teaching but also for you as individual readers and gleaners of information! On Monday and Wednesday mornings, we gather as a staff to have devotions and to pray together. You have been prayed over in this very room. We are so blessed to have you! o I requested to have this time with you so that I could introduce myself and introduce you to your library. o In front of you, you have three pieces of paper that give you more information about the library and about our purpose here. Theres more information on those than your brain can probably handle at this point but I did want you to be able to refer to them at a later point if you need to. 11:17 am Slide #2 (Your Collection): o This is indeed YOUR collection. The 46,000+ volume collection is here to help you do your job well. We have a variety of books, periodicals, CDs, DVDs, and online databases that make it possible for you and your students to do the work that you need to do in order to learn the material in your curriculum. o We may not have everything that you need but we are more than willing to order materials for you as the year goes on. We do have access to quite a few titles here in country at Fully Booked, Powerbooks, and National Bookstore and we also do a few overseas orders each year. If there is something that you are absolutely desperate for, we can, occasionally, get it here faster. But the rule of thumb is to let us know as soon as possible what materials youll be needing so we can get them by the time that you need them. o We make our collection decisions on the basis of a three-tiered priority list. You, as teachers and staff, are our first priority. We want to make sure that you have the resources that you need in order to be the best teacher that you can be in your classroom. o Our second priority is our student body. We want to make sure that we have the materials that they need to be successful with the research that they are doing in your classes but also that they have access to reading materials that meet them where they are. o Our final priority is one that comes out of the fact that we do not really have a public library system here in the Philippines. We are a community library that also serves the needs of our parents, other missionaries, and other home-schooled families. 11:19 am Slide #3 (Your Space): o This library space is your space. While this side of the library that we are sitting on right now is geared towards our middle school and high school students and the


other side is designed for our elementary students, there is not a Harry Potter spell that prevents students older than Grade 5 from passing through that door. We realize that sometimes our middle school students are not necessarily ready to be fully on this side of the library. And thats okay. When they are at a comfortable reading level and comprehension level, they will make their way over here. Carol Foutz And some of us actually prefer the books on that side even though were much past Elementary-age! There are a number of rooms that youre welcome to check out on this side of the library, my office is in the far corner, then the Teacher Resource room contains a variety professional development materials. There is a library workroom where we catalogue and cover all of our books on-site. Next to us is the IT room where we have 12 computers, plus an additional 10 outside of the room. Theres a small conference room in the back corner. Feel free to check out those rooms when were through here. And youre more than welcome to check out materials today that you may need as you set up your classroom! Slide #4 (Your Staff): Oh wait, wrong slide! We do not want you to have this impression of our librarians. We are not in a shushing zone here. What we know about student learning is that it can be messy, it usually involves some social interaction, and it can be a little loud sometimes. Were working on creating spaces around the library where students can work independently and quietly if they need to and not be bothered by the noise of active learning. Slide #5 (Your Staff): This is more of the image that we want to project here in the library. Our desire is to work WITH staff and students to ensure learning. We want to walk alongside of you and be available to help you find resources, use those resources well, and take that learning to the next level. We have a variety of people on staff this year. I am the LRC Director but my time will primarily be spent in the Secondary LRC. Carol Foutz (point her out) is our Elementary Teacher-Librarian. And Kim Johnson (point her out) will be coming on board as our Library Manager. Angie Tiu is a paid Filipina staff member who knows far more than any of the rest of us ever will. Her position is technically the LRC Secretary. We will also have a Reference Librarian, a Volunteer Coordinator, a Book Cataloguer, and an Elementary Library Assistant on staff. The majority of these positions are part-timeincluding Carol and myself this year. We will both be teaching Carol in Grade 1 and I will be teaching 3 HS classes. Because we have such a new staff this year, please be patient with us but most definitely let us know if theres something that we can do better. Chances are, we are not intentionally blowing off your needs or requests, but the ball will have been dropped. Let us know how we can remedy that as soon as possible. Ill talk about our goal of collaboration here in a minute but I do want to emphasize one aspect of that collaboration goal. We would like to pledge to have a librarian at your disposal on the occasions that you bring a class to the library. We would like to be able to help you teach and facilitate your class more effectively by providing resources, answering student IT questions, etc. Slide #6 (Collaboration): Collaboration is one of our key words and key focuses for this year. Youll probably hear the word coming out of my mouth a lot this year. Much like this basket-weave images shows, we as a staff are far more effective in our teaching when we create something in tandem and work together to create a

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far stronger piece of work. We can ensure that our students have the best possible learning experiences when we are putting two minds together. 11:33 Slide #7 (Reading Widely): o Some of you saw our Faith Academy Reads posters as you walked in today. Reading widely is another big area that Carol and I are committed to seeing changed in this school. We know from studies that reading for pleasure is one of the very best ways to acquire vocabulary, learn proper grammar, and learn more about the world around you. o We are going to need your help in making this happen. We would like to ask you to set an example of a lifelong reader by letting kids see you reading, by having conversations with students about the books that you and they are reading, and by making recommendations to them and to us for books that we should be reading. 11:35 Slide #8 (A Couple Last Notes): o Youre a bit overwhelmed with information right now but I do want to point you to a few details on the brochure and faculty letter. And then Ill be free for questions. o The LRC hours are on the brochure and in the faculty letter. These have the potential to change a little bit as we work through the new bell schedule for this year. o And if there are any books that you want to check out for your personal reading or as you prepare for your classes, you are welcome to check things out today. o Questions that you have for me? Textbook Checkout By division and not housed here in the LRC. Tuesday night hours These may change if the dorm students do not need to use the library. Conclusion (Paula). Additional questions. Book checkout.

Photo Credits for Powerpoint Images Aaltonen, Aleksi. Post-it! Work by We Need Team. Digital image. Flickr. 6 Dec. 2008. Web. 22 July 2011. <http://www.flickr.com/photos/aleksiaaltonen/3276833785/>. Den Toom, Liesbeth. Library Facade. Digital image. Flickr. 29 July 2007. Web. 22 July 2011. <http://www.flickr.com/photos/liesje/975543749/>. Katie & Ian. Seattle Central Library. Digital image. Flickr. 6 Oct. 2008. Web. 22 July 2011. <http://www.flickr.com/photos/blueisbest/2919776491/>. Quas. Seaweed Basket (#2). Digital image. Flickr. 21 Sept. 2004. Web. 22 July 2011. <http://www.flickr.com/photos/quas/521818/>. Scullin, Will. Blueprint. Digital image. Flickr. 29 July 2009. Web. 22 July 2011. <http://www.flickr.com/photos/wscullin/3770015991/>. Taylor, Laura. Day 174: Amazing Push-Button Shushing Action! Digital image. Flickr. 31 Aug. 2007. Web. 22 July 2011. <http://www.flickr.com/photos/bookgrl/1290565748/>. UBC Library. Libraryorg15. Digital image. Flickr. 9 Oct. 2007. Web. 22 July 2011. <http://www.flickr.com/photos/ubclibrary/3027724237/>.


William & Mary Law Library. George Wythe House. Digital image. Flickr. 15 June 2010. Web. 22 July 2011. <http://www.flickr.com/photos/wolflawlibrary/4704357864/>. POWERPOINT PRESENTATION: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8741708/FPU%20715/Advocacy %20Powerpoint.ppt LRC BROCHURE: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8741708/FPU/FPU 715/LRC Brochure.pdf

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