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11/30/11 RDP connection to Remote Desktop server running Windows Server 2008

1/2 support.microsoft.com/kb/2493594
ArLicle lD. 2493594 - LasL Review. January 28, 20 - Revision. .0
RDP connection to Remote Desktop server running Windows Server
2008 R2 ma fail with message 'The Local Securit Authorit cannot
be contacted'.
When aLLempLing Lo esLablish a remoLe deskLop connecLion using RD clienL
(msLsc.exe) Lo a RemoLe DeskLop server which is running Windows Server
2008 R2, you may encounLer any o Lhese messages.
The connection cannot be completed because the remote computer that was
reached is not the one ou specified. This could be caused b an outdated entr in
the DNS cache. Tr using the IP address of the computer instead of the name.
An authentication error has occurred.
The Local Securit Authorit cannot be contacted
Cenerally Lhis error message poinLs Lo neLwork congesLions prohibiLing a
secure connecLion Lo Lhe RD server. However, Lhis error message may also
appear i RD Server is conigured or secure connecLions using 1LS and 1LS is
noL supporLed aL Lhe clienL (source machine) aLLempLing Lhe RDP connecLion.
RemoLe DeskLop in Windows Server 2008 R2 oers Lhree Lypes o secure
Negotiate: 1his securiLy meLhod uses 1LS .0 Lo auLhenLicaLe Lhe server i 1LS
is supporLed. l 1LS is noL supporLed, Lhe server is noL auLhenLicaLed.
RDP Securit Laer: 1his securiLy meLhod uses RemoLe DeskLop ProLocol
encrypLion Lo help secure communicaLions beLween Lhe clienL compuLer and
Lhe server. l you selecL Lhis seLLing, Lhe server is noL auLhenLicaLed.
SSL: 1his securiLy meLhod requires 1LS .0 Lo auLhenLicaLe Lhe server. l 1LS is
noL supporLed, you cannoL esLablish a connecLion Lo Lhe server. 1his meLhod is
only available i you selecL a valid cerLiicaLe.
1o resolve Lhe issue, change Lhe remoLe deskLop securiLy on Lhe RD server Lo
RDP Securit Laer Lo allow a secure connecLion using Remote Desktop
Protocol encrypLion. 8elow are Lhe sLeps.
. NavigaLe Lo Start > Administrative Tools > Remote Desktop
Services > Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration.
2. WiLh RD Session Host Configuration selecLed view under Connections.
3. RighL click RDP LisLener wiLh connecLion Lype Microsoft RDP 6.1 and
choose Properties.
4. ln general Lab o properLies dialog box under SecuriLy, selecL RDP Securit
Laer as Lhe Securit Laer.
5. Click OK.
NoLe. 1his seLLing does noL need a resLarL o Lhe Server or RemoLe DeskLop
11/30/11 RDP connection to Remote Desktop server running Windows Server 2008
2/2 support.microsoft.com/kb/2493594
You ma also see Event ID 56 with source TermDD in the sstem event logs on
the RD server for ever unsuccessful RDP attempt.
Note This is a "FAST PUBLISH" article created directl from within the
Microsoft support organiation. The information contained herein is provided
as-is in response to emerging issues. As a result of the speed in making it
available, the materials ma include tpographical errors and ma be revised
at an time without notice. See Terms of Use (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?
LinkId=151500) for other considerations.
Kewords: KB2493594

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