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1. Original dual sexed beings that can self reproduce 2.

Separation of the beings creating males and females 3. First production of humans predominantly women 4. Men share the same glands and some can suckle babies if needed 5. Male circumcision originally introduced to allow the penis to develop fully and encourage more male births as the reproduction of that time was almost nil. 6. Pollution of the earth contributing to the depletion of energy in oxygen causing reduced abilities within us making humans weaker (not functioning with the full abilities that we are capable of) thus operating on a lower vibration 7. The hole at the top bridge above the back of the tongue in males - has anyone tried locating this, do you have it? 8. "Human" = Animal man did not come from god/creator but from scientists aka lord gods. Creating by changing the animal life at different times and from other planets and dropping them off here (earth) 9. "God-man" are from the sons of god (the ones to had the key to the sphinx and the pyramids). Now referred to as Angels (cross mankind and sons of god). 10. Angels = those who mastered the 4 rays of consciousness necessary to exist on the 4th dimension. Those who could bend light rays. 11. Earth was to have moved into the 4th dimension millions of years ago but was held back by "humans" 12. Humans will begin to die out and sons of god/angels can return 13. Awakened people will go through changes as they throw off the animal and come into consciousness 14. "Mandkind" came from the lords of diffrerent planets, are souless and cannot reproduce 15. The three: Human = Animal Man, made from animal species from this and other planets Godman = The sons of gods and sometimes interpreted as mankind, made my lord gods on other planets Mankind = Made by the lords of other planets and this one 16. Baylon 5, Deepspace 9 are made to show you that you are not alone as a species. To awaken those who are not soulless


and have deep spiritual souls 17. Peneal glad regenerates between 11pm and 2am (this time should be spent resting or asleep) 18. Planet originally surrounded by a magnetic field blocked out gamma and cosmic rays from disruoting life on the planet 19. Lord gods came and cause an electronic field inside the magnetic field causing everything to slow down. Its full of negative radiation which is harmful to raising conciouness and acessing our higher vibrations 20. Time and frequencies are speeding up. Spiritual souls will notice this and will need to increase their own vibration. Souless beings will have no knowledge of whats happening. 21. Those who don't increase their vibration will get diseases and eventually die 22. People will notice a drive in themselves to change, health food purifying when they may have had no interest before. 23. Mankind (no soul) - if higher frequencies come in will go crazy and behin to go crazy 24. Human will begin to question and try to follow its higher source, this will leads to wars but will last no time if the sons of gods can awaken to who they are and become in tube. 25. An increase of solar activity mentioned - harmful, skin cancers etc. 26. People of high melanin will have their cells reactivate with this increase in sun activity 27. Shpix also found on the mars, the moon and jupiter. 28. The sons of gods are the masters of the solar systems 29. The angels of the bible are are the space people (advance scientists) 30. The good guys are from Cirius and are on their way back 31. Earth will be a testing ground, we will see thing in the sea and sky that will make us tremble. 32. Children being born now to help us, very inteligent and spiritually developed, strong, can be good or bad dependent on how they were created 33. Created - When producing a child if created in love with carry that vibration, equally if born in turmoil they will also carry that frequency 34. The children can help you to live longer and help you develop 35. Subliminal messages on CD's to get to the children 36. Bonding with child when they are asleep

37. The increase of taking power away from parents when raising their children. 39. These new children will be heavily psychic 40. These children should be treated as adults and not be lied to otherwise you will loose them. 41. These kids will be souls that you already know you.

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