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Lnterpr|se arch|tecture lncludes Lhe plans for how an organlzaLlon wlll bulld deploy use and share lLs
daLa processes and l1 asseLs

Lnterpr|se arch|tect (LA) a person grounded ln Lechnology fluenL ln buslness a paLlenL dlplomaL and
provldes Lhe lmporLanL brldge beLween l1 and Lhe buslness
Informat|on arch|tecture ldenLlfles where and how lmporLanL lnformaLlon such as cusLomer records
ls malnLalned and secured

LnLerprlse lnformaLlon archlLecLure should focus on
8ackup and recovery
ulsasLer recovery
lnformaLlon securlLy
8ackup an exacL copy of a sysLem's lnformaLlon
kecovery Lhe ablllLy Lo geL a sysLem up and runnlng ln Lhe evenL of a sysLem crash or fallure and
lncludes resLorlng Lhe lnformaLlon backup
Iau|t to|erance a compuLer sysLem deslgned LhaL ln Lhe evenL a componenL falls a backup componenL
or procedure can lmmedlaLely Lake lLs place wlLh no loss of servlce

Ia||over a backup operaLlonal mode ln whlch Lhe funcLlons of a compuLer componenL (such as a
processor server neLwork or daLabase) ls assumed by secondary sysLem componenLs when Lhe
prlmary componenL becomes unavallable Lhrough elLher fallure or scheduled down Llme
ulsasLer recovery besL pracLlces lnclude
Mlnd Lhe enLerprlse archlLecLures
MonlLor Lhe quallLy of compuLer neLworks LhaL provlde daLa on power suppllers and demand
Make sure Lhe neLworks can be resLored qulckly ln Lhe case of downLlme
SeL up dlsasLer recovery plans
rovlde adequaLe sLaff Lralnlng

D|saster recovery p|an a deLalled process for recoverlng lnformaLlon or an l1 sysLem ln Lhe evenL of a
caLasLrophlc dlsasLer such as a flre or flood
D|saster recovery cost curve charLs (1) Lhe cosL Lo Lhe organlzaLlon of Lhe unavallablllLy of lnformaLlon
and Lechnology and (2) Lhe cosL Lo Lhe organlzaLlon of recoverlng from a dlsasLer over Llme
not s|te a separaLe and fully equlpped faclllLy where Lhe company can move lmmedlaLely afLer a
dlsasLer and resume buslness

Co|d s|te a separaLe faclllLy LhaL does noL have any compuLer equlpmenL buL ls a place where
employees can move afLer a dlsasLer
8us|ness cont|nu|ty p|ann|ng (8C) ls a plan for how an organlzaLlon wlll recover and resLore parLlally
or compleLely lnLerrupLed crlLlcal funcLlon(s) wlLhln a predeLermlned Llme afLer a dlsasLer or exLended

Cood lnformaLlon archlLecLures lnclude
A sLrong lnformaLlon securlLy plan
Managlng user access
upLodaLe anLlvlrus sofLware and paLches
Infrastructure arch|tecture lncludes Lhe hardware sofLware and LelecommunlcaLlons equlpmenL LhaL
when comblned provldes Lhe underlylng foundaLlon Lo supporL Lhe organlzaLlon's goals

As an organlzaLlon changes lLs sysLems musL be able Lo change Lo supporL lLs operaLlons
llve prlmary characLerlsLlcs of a solld lnfrasLrucLure archlLecLure
1 llexlblllLy
2 ScalablllLy
3 8ellablllLy
4 AvallablllLy
3 erformance
CrganlzaLlons musL waLch Loday's buslness as well as Lomorrow's when deslgnlng and bulldlng
SysLems musL be flexlble enough Lo meeL all Lypes of buslness changes
Sca|ab|||ty refers Lo how well a sysLem can adapL Lo lncreased demands
Capac|ty p|ann|ng deLermlnes Lhe fuLure l1 lnfrasLrucLure requlremenLs for new equlpmenL and
addlLlonal neLwork capaclLy
erformlng a capaclLy plan ls one way Lo ensure Lhe l1 lnfrasLrucLure ls scalable
ke||ab|||ty ensures all sysLems are funcLlonlng correcLly and provldlng accuraLe lnformaLlon
8ellablllLy ls anoLher Lerm for accuracy when dlscusslng Lhe correcLness of sysLems wlLhln Lhe conLexL
of efflclency l1 meLrlcs
Ava||ab|||ty addresses when sysLems can be accessed by users
n|gh ava||ab|||ty refers Lo a sysLem or componenL LhaL ls conLlnuously operaLlonal for a deslrably long
lengLh of Llme
erformance measures how qulckly a sysLem performs a cerLaln process or LransacLlon (ln Lerms of
efflclency l1 meLrlcs of boLh speed and LhroughpuL)
noL havlng enough performance capaclLy can have a devasLaLlng negaLlve lmpacL on a buslness
App||cat|on arch|tecture deLermlnes how appllcaLlons lnLegraLe and relaLe Lo each oLher

WlLh new archlLecLures l1 can bulld new buslness capablllLles fasLer cheaper and ln a vocabulary Lhe
buslness can undersLand
Web serv|ce conLalns a reperLolre of Webbased daLa and procedural resources LhaL use shared
proLocols and sLandards permlLLlng dlfferenL appllcaLlons Lo share daLa and servlces

Interoperab|||ty Lhe capablllLy of Lwo or more compuLer sysLems Lo share daLa and resources even
Lhough Lhey are made by dlfferenL manufacLurers
1he Lwo prlmary parLs of web servlces are
1 Lvent deLecL LhreaLs and opporLunlLles and alerL Lhose who can acL on Lhe lnformaLlon

2 Serv|ce more llke sofLware producLs Lhan Lhey are codlng pro[ecLs
need Lo be reusable lf Lhey are golng Lo have an lmpacL on producLlvlLy
Cpen system a broad general Lerm LhaL descrlbes nonproprleLary l1 hardware and sofLware made
avallable by Lhe sLandards and procedures by whlch Lhelr producLs work maklng lL easler Lo lnLegraLe

Cpen source refers Lo any program whose source code ls made avallable for use or modlflcaLlon as
users or oLher developers see flL
CrganlzaLlons Loday musL conLlnually waLch new archlLecLure Lrends Lo ensure Lhey can keep up wlLh
new and dlsrupLlve Lechnologles

1hree archlLecLure Lrends LhaL are qulckly becomlng requlremenLs for all buslnesses lncludlng
Servlce orlenLed archlLecLure
Crld compuLlng
Serv|ce or|ented arch|tecture (SCA) ls a buslnessdrlven l1 archlLecLural approach LhaL supporLs
lnLegraLlng a buslness as llnked repeaLable Lasks or servlces

SCA ensures l1 sysLems can adapL qulckly easlly and economlcally Lo supporL rapldly changlng
buslness needs
SCA 8uSlnLSS 8LnLll1S
1he key Lechnlcal concepLs of SCA are
Loose coupllng
Servlce orlenLed archlLecLure beglns wlLh a servlce

(A SCA) servlce can be a buslness Lask such as checklng a poLenLlal cusLomers credlL raLlng only
openlng a new accounL

Servlces are llke" sofLware producLs
Interoperab|||ty ls Lhe capablllLy of Lwo or more compuLer sysLems Lo share daLa and resources even
Lhough Lhey are made by dlfferenL manufacLurers
Lxtens|b|e Markup Language (kML) a markup language for documenLs conLalnlng sLrucLured
Loose coup||ng ls Lhe capablllLy of servlces Lo be [olned LogeLher on demand Lo creaLe composlLe
servlces or dlsassembled [usL as easlly lnLo Lhelr funcLlonal componenLs

Loose coupllng ls a way of ensurlng LhaL Lhe Lechnlcal deLalls are decoupled from Lhe servlce
V|rtua||zat|on ls a framework of dlvldlng Lhe resources of a compuLer lnLo mulLlple execuLlon
lL ls a way of lncreaslng physlcal resources Lo maxlmlze Lhe lnvesLmenL ln hardware
System v|rtua||zat|on ls Lhe ablllLy Lo presenL Lhe resources of a slngle compuLer as lf lL ls a collecLlon
of separaLe compuLers (vlrLual machlnes)
Lach wlLh lLs own vlrLual Cus neLwork lnLerfaces sLorage and operaLlng sysLem

1rends LhaL have moved vlrLuallzaLlon lnLo Lhe spoLllghL
Pardware belng underuLlllzed
uaLa cenLers runnlng ouL of space
lncreased energy cosLs
SysLem admlnlsLraLlon cosLs mounLlng
8apld appllcaLlon deploymenL
uynamlc load balanclng
SLreamllned dlsasLer recovery

Gr|d comput|ng ls an aggregaLlon of geographlcally dlspersed compuLlng sLorage and neLwork
resources coordlnaLed Lo dellver lmproved performance hlgher quallLy of servlce beLLer uLlllzaLlon
and easler access Lo daLa

lmprovlng producLlvlLy and collaboraLlon of vlrLual organlzaLlons and respecLlve compuLlng and daLa

Allowlng wldely dlspersed deparLmenLs and buslnesses Lo creaLe vlrLual organlzaLlons Lo share daLa
and resources

8ulldlng robusL and lnflnlLely flexlble and reslllenL operaLlonal archlLecLures
rovldlng lnsLanLaneous access Lo masslve compuLlng and daLa resources

Leveraglng exlsLlng caplLal lnvesLmenLs whlch ln Lurn help Lo ensure opLlmal uLlllzaLlon and cosLs of
compuLlng capablllLles

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