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Civics Goal 10

I. Duties of Citizens A. Follow laws B. Pay taxes C. Jury duty: citizen, 18, literate D. Attending school E. selective service (draft)- men must sign up for at age 18 II. Responsibilities of Citizens A. Democratic process 1. voting in elections 2. Must be 18, citizen, registered, and not a felon 3. Activism- try to make a change by: staying informed, participating in events, contacting representatives, running for office B. Volunteering C. Community Spirit D. Be educated

Civics 1.01
The English Colonies
I. Settling the Colonies A. New England Colonies= Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire 1. Massachusetts- Pilgrims arrived at Plymouth on the Mayflower in 1620 2. Economy a. Poor farming- rocky soil, harsh climates b. Focused on shipbuilding, fishing, limited manufacturing

B. The Middle Colonies= New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware 1. Proprietary colony- a proprietor owned the land and controlled the government a. New York- Originally a Dutch colony (New Amsterdam) but in 1664 became an English colony b. Pennsylvania founded by a Quaker- believed in peace, religious freedom and equality (against war and slavery) 2. Royal colony= owned and ruled directly by the king (ex: New Jersey) 3. Economy- grew wheat and staple crops (used for food) C. Southern Colonies= Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland 1. Virginia a. Jamestown founded in 1607- the first permanent English settlement in N. America b. Was a charter colony- group or company given written permission by king (Virginia Joint-Stock Company) 2. Carolina- a proprietary colony but in 1729 became two royal colonies 3. Economy a. Cash crops- grown for sale b. Ex: Rice, tobacco, indigo, later: cotton

II. People of the Colonies A. Why Did Colonists Immigrate 1. Religious dissenters- followed a faith other than the official religion of England, Anglicanism a. Mass. Founded by Puritans- wanted to purify the Anglican church but did not tolerate other religions

Many colonies were founded by religious groups but some allowed for other religions (Maryland Toleration Act) 2. Economic Opportunity a. Land was far more available than in Europe b. Many came for natural resources or to grow cash crops c. Indentured servants- poor Europeans would enslave themselves for a period of time for transportation, food, clothing, and shelter B. Beginnings of slavery 1. Plantation system- large-scale agriculture (in South) a. More work than indentured servants could do b. Enslaved workers, unlike indentured servants, did not have to be freed 2. Triangular trade- the pattern of trade that developed among the Americas, Africa, and Europe III. Our American Identity A. The Great Awakening- a religious revival (1720s) 1. Started by George Whitefield and Jonathan Edwards 2. New Religions groups, like Baptists and Methodists, grew strong 3. Foundation for a distinct American religious identity B. Ideas about Govt 1. Great Britain neglected the colonies politically- only interested in wealth (salutatory neglect) 2. Autonomy of colonies impressed idea of direct democracy and limited govt 3. Enlightenment and Great Awakening influenced an American spirit of egalitarianism (equality)


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