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By As-Saleh Al-Uthaimin Muhammad Shaikh Translated by

Dr. Maneh Hammad Al-Johani

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ShaikhMuhammadas-Silehal-Uthaimin by Translated Dr. ManehHammadal-Johani First Edition 19E7

- Translator'sForeword. - ShaikhIbn Biz's Preface. - Author's Introduction-


and Belief in Allah's Lordship, Oneness, Attributes. Allah's Will: Universaland Legal. More of Allah's Attributes. Allah by His Revelation. Describing of Sources His Attributes. and Sunnah Free From Qur'in Contraditions. Beliefin Angels. Angel's Functions. Beliefin Allah's Books. Booksknown. from Change. The Qur'irn Protected Changed. PreviousScriPtures Beliefin Messengers. The First and Last Messengers. The BestMessengers.


ChapterIII ChapterIV


- Translator'sForeword. - Shaikhlbn Bdz'sPreface. - Author's Introduction-


and Belief in Allah's Lordship, Oneness, Attributes. Allah's Will: Universaland Legal. More of Allah's Attributes. DescribingAllah by His Revelation. of Sources His Attributes. Qu r'i n a n d S u nnah Fr ee Fr om Contraditions. Beliefin Angels. Angel's Functions. Beliefin Allah's Books. Booksknown. from Change. The Qur'in Protected Changed. ScriPtures Previous Beliefin Messengers. The First and Last Messengers. The BestMessengers.


ChapterIII ChapterIY


- Messqngers Human Beings. are - Islaml The Universaland Final Message. Rightly Guidedcaliphs. Prophet'sCompanions. ChapterVI Beliefin the Angels. Beliefin Resurrection. and Scales. Beliefin Records The Prophet'sIntercession. Pool. The prophet's The StraightPath. and Hell. Beliefin Paradise in Happens the Grave. Beliefin What Beliefin Fatc and Divine Decree. Levelsof Beliefin Fate. Man's FreeWill. for FateNo Excuse Sinners. Evil Not Attributableto Allah. Fruits of Faith. Virtuesof Beliefin Allah. Virtuesof Beliefin Angels. Virtuesof Beliefin Books. Virtuesof Beliefin Messengers. Virtuesof Beliefin Day of Judgement. Virtuesof Beliefin Fate.



In the Nameof Allah, Most Gracious,Most Merciful and of I found this treatise the Muslim's creeda concise usefulpresentation amongthe The needfor this treatise,especially of a very important topic. Therefore,Idecided cannotbe over-estimated. readers, non-Arabicspeaking to it to translate and makeit accessible Englishreaders. to I would like to draw the attentionof the readers the followingpoints: lI gavethe book the title THE MUSLIM'S BELIEF insteadof the author's Agidat Ahi As SunnahWa-I-Jama'ahwhich may be as translated The Creedof the Peopleof Sunnahand Majority. I think is may preference justified by: is a) Thetitle I preferred shorter. b) The two titlesmeanalmsotthe same. termsthat ar not only c) The originaltitle containssometechnical by but alsodifficult to understant many difficult to translate, readers. who aremisinformed somereaders d) The originaltitle may antagonize of aboutthe true designations the wordsin the originaltitle. of the after 2I provided,in parentheses everyQur'anicverse, numbers quotedby the authorwithout givingtheir proper chapters and verses who do not know the usefulfor readers reference. This I deemed verses. would like to checkany of these Qur'in by heartand quotes paraphrases someof the or Because author, in mostcases, the 3I Prophetictraditionswithout indicatingthem to the readers, tried, thesetraditions, to put them in quotations whenever could recognize I in the and to cite in parentheses Propheticcollections which they are I reported.In most cases limited myselfto Bukhiri and Muslim is the whenever saying quotedin them. If it is not in these collections, that I two collections, mentionone or two of the other collections containthe quotedsaying. for and headlines of I providedthe arrangement the text into chapters I ease readingand understanding. alsoprovideda table of contents of for ease reference. of



quoted this treatise,I did not follow in In translatingthe Qur'inic verses any specifictranslationof the Qur'irn. I benefitedform morethan one, but followedmy own preference. desireand hopethat this book would be of greathelp to It is my sincere includein your prayerall thosewho contributed thosewho consultit. Please present shape. to its M.J.

In the Nameof Allah, Most Gracious,Most Merciful who givesthe bestrewardto the Praisebe to the Lord of the universe godfearingand the greatlossto the transgessor. bearwitness I that thereis no partnerand possesses sovereignty. bear I real God but Allah; He hasno the witnessthat Muhammad is His servantand messenger; sealof the Prophetsand the leaderof the godfearing.May Allah blesshim and blesshis family, companions thosewho follow themtill the Day of Judgement. and be Allah hassentllis messenger Muhammad,peace upon him, with the real guidanceand the irue religion asa mercyto mankind, a model for those who do good, and Allah's argument against mankind. Through the revealed him, narrrely, Qur'dn and the to Mumhammadand what.was of Propheticsayrng's, Allah showedmankind all means reformingthemselves and straightening their religiousand mundaneaffairs in soundbeliefs,right The Prophet,peace upon be manners. fine morals,and laudable conducts, 'left his followers' on a clearstraightpath, only the doomedwill deviate him, their from it." (Ibn Mdjah & Ahmad) His followers,the companions, followersand thosewho faithfully followedthem arethe bestof mankind. They established law, upheldhis way and held fast to it asa belief and his the practice, moral and manner.By this, "They areconsidered party who a them victorious,on the straightpath, unharmedby thosewho are against are (Bukhiri & Muslim). till the endof the world." and guidedby their We,-thanks Allah, are followingtheir footsteps to which are supported the Qur'in and the Prophetictraditions. by examples and of We are sayingthis only as an announcement Allah's blessings clarification of what everyMuslim shouldbelieve.We pray to Allah that He may keepus and our brotherson the strainghtpath in this life and in the Hereafterand giveus mercyfrom Him, He is the Giver. It is because the importanceof this topic and the differenceof opinions of about it, that I want to briefly explainour creed- the beliefof the Sunnites and the main streamMuslims (Ahl as-sunnahwa-I-Jamir'ah).This creedis the the belief in Allah, His Angels,His Books, His Messengers, Day of and Judgement, Fatewhethergood or bad. I pray to Allah to makethiseffort with His wish, and usefulfor His people. sincerefor His sake,in agreement -8-


In the Nameof Allah, Most Gracious,Most Merciful. on and blessing the lastProphet,his belongs Allah alone;peace ts Praise family and his companions. and concise on I wasintroductedto the valuable treatise the Muslim'sbelief preparedby our brother, thg greatscholar,ShaikhMuhammadAs-Sileh the al-Uthaimin.I listened it all and found that it covers creedof the to and the main streammajority of the Muslims,in the areaof the sunnites oneness Allah, His Attributes, the belief in the Angels,the Booksand the of and in the belief of Fateand Divine Messengers, Day of Judgement the Decree.He succeeded collectingwhat the seeker knowledgeand every in of Muslim need in his belief in Alah, His Angels, His Scriptures,His and Messengers, Day of Judgement Fate.He includedin his treatise The useful information relatedto the Muslim's beliefsthat are not readily in available manyof the bookswritten on these topics.May Allah rewardthe him and guidance, author increase in knowledge and makethis book and his other books most useful. May Allah the Hearerand the Close,blessus and him and all our brothersand makeus amongthosewho are guidingand rightly guidedto call people Allah with sureknowledge. to

and blessing our on Dictatedby 'Abd al-Azizibn Biu, may Allah forgivehim and showerpeace ProphetMuhammad,his family, and his companions.

In the Neme of Allrh, Most Gracious,MostMerciful who givesthe bestrewardto the Praisebe to the Lord of the universe godfearingand the greatlossto the transgessor.bearwitness I that thereis no real I God but Allah; He hasno partnerand possesses sovereignty. bear witnessthat Muhammad is His servantand messenger; sealof the the Prophetsand the leaderof the godfearing.May Allah blesshim and blesshis family, companions thosewho follow themtill the Day of Judgement. and Allah hassentllis messenger Muhammad,peace upon him, with the be real guidanceand the irue religion asa mercyto mankind, a model for those who do good, and Allah's argument against mankind. Through Mumhammadand what.was revealed him, nanrely,the Qur'dn and the to Propheticsayrng's, Allah showed mankind all means reformingthemselves of and straightening their religiousand mundaneaffairs in soundbeliefs,right The Prophet,peace upon be conducts, fine morals,and laudable manners. him, 'left his followers' on a clearstraightpath, only the doomedwill deviate their from it." (Ibn Mirjah & Ahmad) His followers,the companions, followersand thosewho faithfully followedthem arethe bestof mankind. They established law, upheldhis way and held fast to it asa belief and his practice, moral and manner.By this, "They areconsidered party who the a arevictorious,on the straightpath, unharmedby thosewho areagainstthem till the endof the world." (Bukhiri & Muslim). and guidedby their We,-thanks Allah, are followingtheir footsteps to and the Prophetictraditions. which are supportedby the Qur'irn examples and We are sayingthis only as an announcement Allah's blessings of clarification of what everyMuslim shouldbelieve.We pray to Allah that He may keepus and our brotherson the strainghtpath in this life and in the Hereafter and giveus mercyfrom FIim, He is the Giver. It is because the importanceof this topic and the differenceof opinions of about it, that I want to briefly explainour creed- the beliefof the Sunnites wa-I-Jami'ah). This creedis and the main streamMuslims (Ahl as-Sunnah the the belief in Allah, His Angels,His Books, His Messengers, Day of Judgement, Fatewhethergoodor bad. I pray to Allah to makethiseffort and with His wish,and usefulfor His people. for sincere His sake,in agreement -8-


in Our creedis to believe Allah, His Angels,His Books,His Messengers, the Day of Judgement, and Fate whethergood or bad. Belief in Allah's Lordship, Oneness, Attdbutes: and -------Webelieve Allah's Divinity; that is he is the Lord, the Creator,the in Sovereign, and the Managerof all affairs. We believe Allah's godship;that is, He is the True God and every in other deity is false. We believein His Namesand Attributes, that is He hasthe most magnificentNamesand the sublimeperfectAttributes. We believe His Oneness all this, that is, He hasno associate His in in in divinity, His Godship,His Names,or His Attributes. Allah saysin the and Qur'in: "He is the Lord of the Heavens the Earth and all that is in between them,so worshipHim and be patientin His worship,do you knowanyequalto Him". (19:65). We believe that He is "Allah thereis no God but He, the Living the Everlasting. Slumberdoesnot seize Him, neithersleep; Him belongs to all that is in the Heavens and the Earth. Who is therethat shall intercede with Him except His permission? knowswhat is before by He them and what is behindthem, and theydo not encompass anythingof His knowledge exceptwhat He will. His Throne extends over the Heavens the Earth; the preservation them doesnot burdenHim; and of He is the High, the Great". (2:255) We believe that "He is Allah, thereis no god but He - the Knowerof the Unseen and the Visible.He is the Most Gracious,Most Merciful. He is Allah, thereis no God but He, the King, the Holy One,the Sourceof Peace, Keeper Faith, the Guardian,the Almighty, the the of Subduer,the Sublime.Glory be to Allah abovewhat they associate with Him. He is Allah, the Creator,the Maker, the Shaper,His arethe mostbeautifulNames. that is in the Heavens. the Earth glorfies All and Him. He is the Almighty, the Wise". (59:22-4). We believe that to Him belongs Kingdomof the Heavens the the and Earth: "He creates what He pleases. gives,to whom He wills, He females, and He gives, whom He wills, males, He couples to or them, malesand females; and He makeswhom He wills barren.Surely.He is the Knowing, the Powerful". (42-49-50). -9-

like We believe that "There is nothing whatever unto Him, He is the All and To the hearing,the All-seeing. Him belongs keysof the Heavens provisions whom He wills. to and the Earth. He enlarges restricts of SurelyHe hasknowledge everything". (42-ll-12). that movesin the Earth but its We believe that "There is no creature provisiondepends Allah. He knowsits dwellingand its resting on place.All is recoreded a clearBook". (l l:6). in We believethat "With Him are the keys of the Unseen;none knows them but He. FIeknows w hat is in land and sea; not a leaf falls, but Fb knows it. Not a grainn the deep darknessof the Earth, not a thing greenor dry but it is in a clearBook". (6:59). We believethat "Allah alonehas the knowledgeof the l{our, sends down rain,and knows what is in the wombs. No soulknows what it shall earn tommorrow , and no soul know s in w hat land it shall die. Surely,Allah is All-knowing,All-aware". (31:34). wheneverHe We believe that AllahspeakswhateverHe.pleases pleases Allah spoketo Mosesdirectly". (4:164) "And when "And Moses came at Ourappointedplace,and his lord spoketo him". (7 : I 4 3) "We calledto him from the right side of the Mount (Sinai), and We broughthim nearin communion". (l 9-52). We believethat "If the oceanbecameink forthe words of my [ord, the ocean rvould be finishedbefore the words of my lord came to an end". (l 8 : I 09) "And if all the trees that are in the earth w ere p e n s ,a n d t h e o c e a n( w e r e i n k ) , w i t h s e v e no c e a n ss w e l l i n gi t therefore,the words of Allah would not be exhausted.Surely, Allah is Mighty, Wise". (31:27). We believethat Allah's w ords are the most truthful in conveying information,the most just in ruling,and the fairestin conversation. He said, "The w ord of your I-ordhas been fulfilled in truth and j u s t i c e " . ( 6 : l l 5 ) " A n d w h o i s m o r et r u t h f u l i n h i s w o r d t h a n Allah?".(4:87). We believethat the Qur'in is Allah's words. Fb literallyspoke it to Gabrielwho conveyedit to the Prophet,peircebe upon him: "Say (O Muhammad) the tbly Spirit has brought it dow n from your Lord in truth". (l 6: I 02) "Truly it is the revelationof the l-ord of the w orld brought dow n upon your heart by the Faithful Spirit so that y o u - m a yb e o n e o f t h e w a r n e r s , i n a c l e a r A r a b i c t o n g u e " ' (26:r92-5)-. We believethat Allah is w ell aboveF[s creaturesin }[s personand His Attributes, becauseHe says, "He is the High, the Great"' -10-

(2:22) "Fk is SupremeoverFls servants,and He is the Wise,the All-Aware".(6:18). We believethat tb "created the Fbavensand the Earthin six days, everything". then Fk settledF[mselfon the Throne;[Ie manages (10:3) His "settling on the Throne" meansthat He is sitting in personon Ffs Thronein a way that is becomingto Ift Majesty and greatness. NobodyexceptHe knows exactlyhow he is sitting. We believethat He is with}[s creatureswhile He is stillonHis Throne.Fft knows theirconditions, hearstheirsayings,seestheir deedsand managestheir affairs. He providesfor the poor and the to broken.[b givessovereignty whom lk pleases and takesaway sovereigntyfrom whom [Ie pleases;Fh exalts whom Fb wills and H e a b a s e sw h o m H e w i l l s . I n H i s h a n d i s a l l g o o d a n d H e i s powerfulover everything. Whoeverpossesses is thesequalities literally w ith Fls creatures even if [h is literally above them on ltrs Throne."There is nothingwhatsoeverlikeunto f[m; He is the All-hearing, All-seeing".(42:l I ). the We do not say as the Incarnationists among the Jahomitesand say, that is, Allah is livingwith F[s creatureson Earth.We others r c o n s i d e rw h o e v e r s a y s t h i s a n o n - b e l i e v e o r s t r a y i n ga w a y b e c a u s eh e a t t r i b u t e dt o A l l a h t h a t d o e s n o t b e c o m eH i m o f defects. to We believein what lis Messengertoldus that Fb descends the nearsky beforethe last third of everynight and says:"Who prays to Me and Iw ill answer his prayers Who asks Me and I will give ? and Iwill forgivehim? (Bukhiri & him?Who asks My forgiveness Muslim). We believethat He w ill come at the Day of Judgementto judge among Ffs peoplebecauseFb said, "No indeed!when the Earthis crushedto powder,and your Lordcomesdown with the angelsin rows after rows, and Fbll is broughtout that day. On that day man w i l l r e m e m b e r ,b u t w h a t w i l l r e m e m b e r a n c e v a i l h i m ? " . a (89:2r -23). We believethat he is the Doerof what Fk wills.

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- We believe that His will is of two kinds: Universal will Through which His intention is carried out. It is not necessary that what is carried out is liked by Him. This type of will means permission, as Allah said, "Had Allah Willed, they would not have fought one against the other, but Allah does whatever He desires," (2:253) and "[f Allah desires to lead you astray, He is your Lord". (l l:34). Legal will which does not necessarilyentail that the execution of His desire. The will, in this case,cannot be but what He likes, as He said, "Allah wants to forgive you". (4:27). We believe that His universal and legal wills are part of His wisdom. Every thing He performs in the Universe or requires legally from His creaturesis for a good reason and according to His wisdom, whether we grasp it or it escapes our reasons: "Is not Allah the best of Judges?" (95:8), "And who is better than Allah in judgement for a people who have firm faith". (5:50). We believe that Allah loves His selectservants and they love Him: "Say if you love Allah, follow me and Allah will love you", (3:31) "Allah will bring a people whom He will love and who will love Him"' (5:54), "Allah loves the steadfast" , (3:146) "And act justly, surely, Allah loves t h e j u s t " , ( a 9 : 9 ) a n d " D o g o o d ; A l l a h l o v e st h o s e w h o d o g o o d " . (5:93). We believe that Allah likes what He prescribed of good deedsand sayingsand He dislikes what He prohibited of bad deedsand sayings: "If you disbelieve, surely Allah does not need you, yet He does not like disbelief for His servants; if you are thankful, this pleasesHim", (39:7), "But Allah disliked their marching forth. So He kept them back, and it was said to them: "Stay with the weaklings". (9:46). We believethat Allah is pleasedwith those who believein Him and do good deeeds: "Allah is well pleased with them and they are well pleaasedwith Him. That is for him who fears his Lord". (98:8)' WE believe that Allah is angry with those who deserveHis anger a m o n g t h e n o n - b e l i e v e r sa n d o t h e r s : " A n d t h o s e w h o t h i n k e v i l thoughts of Allah, against them shall be the evil turn of fortune. Allah is angry with them". (48:6) "But whoever opens his hear to disbelief' punishment". on them is Allah's wrath and they shall have a severe (16:106).



We believe that Allah has a glorious and dignified face: "There will ' remain the face of your Lord, majestic and splendid' . (55:27). We believe that Allah has two generoushands: "No, both His hands a r e w i d e o p e n ; H e s p e n d sh o w H e p l e a s e s " , ( 5 : 6 4 ) " T h e y d o n o t esteemAllah with the esteemthat is due to Him. The whole Earth will be His handful on the Day of Resurrection, and the Heavens will be rolled up in His right hand. Glory be to Him and exalted is He above that which they associatewith Him" . (39-6'7). two We believethat Allah possesses real eyes,becauseHe said, "And build the ark under Our eyesas We reveal". (l l:37) The Prophet, peace be upon him, said, "His veil is light. Had He removed it, the sublimity of His countenance would have burnt all that His sight reached". (Muslim & Ibn Mjah) The Sunnitesunanimously have agreedthat his eyesare two. This is supported by the Prophet's saying about the Dajjnl (the anti-Christ) that "he is one-eyedand your Lord is not one'eyed". (Bukhiri & Muslim). We believe that "Eyes cannot perceive Him, but He perceivesthe eyes, the He is the Incomprehensible, All-aware". (6:103). W e b e l i e v e t h a t t h e b e l i e v e r sw i l l s e et h e i r L o r d o n t h e D a y o f Resurrection: "Upon that day some faces shall be radiant, gazing upon t h e i r L o r d " . ( 75 : 2 2 - 3 \ . His Attributes are perfect: We believethat Allah has no equal because "There is nothing whatsoeverlike unto Him. He is the All-hearing, the All-seeing". (42:I l). We believe that "No slumber or sleepseizesHim", (2:255) becauseHis life is perfect and eternal. We believe that He does not do injustice to anybody becauseHis fairnessis perfect. of We believethat He is not unaware of his servants' deedsbe,cause His perfect supervision and comprehensiveknowledge. We believe that He is capable of doing anything in the Heavens or in the Earth becauseof His perfect knowledge and power: "Indeed His 'Be' and it is". command, when He desiresa thing, is only to say to it (36:82). We believe that He is free from wearinessand weaknessbecauseof His super-power: "Surely, -Wecreatedthe Heavens and the Earth and all t t h a t i s b e t w e e nt h e m i n s i x d a y s , a n d n o w e a r i n e s s o u c h e d U s " . (50:3 ). 8 _13 *


to We believe all that He assigned Himself or what His Messenger in namesand attributes; but we reject two describedHim with, of concepts: that Allah's Attributesaresimilarto thoseof his l) To sayor believe creatures; 2) To sayor believethat Allah's Attributes are like suchand such. about Himself or what His Messenger all We negate what He negated impliesthe4ffirmation of that negation negated about Him. We believe did what He or His Messenger not perfectopposite.We do not discuss mention about Him. what Allah we believethat following this approachis a must because He Himself is a statement madeabout concerning affirmed or negated Himself.He knowsHimselfbest,His wordsaremostjust andtrustful and peoplecannot know everythingabout Him. What Allah's affirmed or negatedabout Him is a statemtnthe made Messenger knowingAllah betterthan anyone,he is the most about Allah. Besides and eloquentamongpeople'Thus, in what Allah said truthful, sincere His Namesand Attributes is and what His Prophet saidconcerning to and clarification.Therefore,we haveno excuse truth, knowledge, it. in rejector evenhesitate accepting


aboutAllah's Attributeswhetherbriefly or in detail, All that we mentioned affirmatively or negatively,is basedon the Book of our Lord and the with the practiceof the previous traditions of our Prophet. It also agrees who cameafter them. Muslimsand the rightly guidedscholars generarions of We believeit is obligatory to take the texts of the Qur'irn and the Prophetic traditions conceding Allah's Attributes at their facevalueand interpret them in a way that is suitableto Almighty Allah. We rejectthe practiceof them in a way of thosewho twistedthe meanings thesetextsand understood that wasnot intendedby Allah and His messenger. We alsorejectthe practiceof thosewho madethem devoidof their We by as meanings conveyed Allah and His Messenger. finally rejectthe that interpretation who gavethem a physical of approach the exaggerationists Allah similarto someof His creatures. makes


We know for sure that what is revealedin Allah's Book and in the traditions of His Messenger is the truth. It does not contain any contradiction: "Do they not ponder over the Qur'dn? If it had been from other than Allah, surely they would have found in it a lot of differences". (4:82). Contradictions in statementsfalsify them, and this is impossible in those statementsrevealed from Allah and said by His Messenger,peacebe upon him. Whoever claims that there are contradictions in the Qur'irn, the Prophetic traditions or between the two must have wicked intention and a misguided heart. So he should repent and quit his sin. If someoneimagines that there are some contradictions in the Qur'in, the sayingsof the Prophet or between thesetwo, this must be a result of his little knowledge, inadequate unde,rstandingor lack of deep thinking. Therefore, he should seek knowledge and do his best in reflection until the truth is clear to him. If after all these efforts, the truth is not clear to him, he should leave the whole matter to the One who knows it and should quit his imagination and say as those firmly rooted in knowledge say: "We believein it, all is from our Lord". (3:7) He must know that there are neither contradictions nor differences in the Qur'in, the Sunnah or betweenthe two. _15 _



We believe in the existenceof the angels of Allah and that they are "honoured servants.They do not speak before He does, and they act only by His command". (21:26) Allah creatd them and they worshipped and obeyed Him. Those who are at His presence not do disdain to worship Him, nor do they weary". (21:19). Angels are concealedfrom us, we cannot seethem. Allah may show them to some of His servants.The Prophet Muhammad saw Gabriel in his real shapewith six hundred wings that covered the horizons (Bukhdri & Muslim). Gabriel took the form of a handsome human being who met Mary and exchangedconversation with her. He came to the Prophet while he was among his companions in the appearanceof an unknown man who did not show any trace of long travel, with very white clothes and very black hair. He sat facing the Prophet: his knees t o t h e P r o p h e t ' s k n e e s , p e a c eb e u p o n h i m , a n d h i s p a l m s o n t h e Prophet's thighs and talked with the Prophet. The Prophet later told h i s c o m p a n i o n st h a t t h e m a n t h e y s a w w a s G a b r i e l ( B u k h d r i & Muslim).

We believe that the angelsare assignedcertain functions. Among the angels is Gabriel who is entrusted with revelation. He brings it down from Allah to whomever He wishes among His Prophets and Messengers.

Among them is Michael who is in charge of rain and plantation. Among t h e m a l s o i s I s r a f i l w h o i s i n c h a r g eo f b l o w i n g t h e H o r n a t t h e t i m e o f Thunderbolting and Resurrection. Among them is the Angel of death, who takes away people's souls at the time of death. Among the angelsis the one who is in charge of mountains; and Malik, the keeperof Hell. Some angels are in charge of embryos in wombs, others are responsible for protecting the human beingsand other angelsare busy in recording men's deeds:two angelsfor every person, "when the two angelsreceive(his deeds), one sitting on the right and one on the left, not a word he utters but by him is an observer ready" . (50: I 8) Some other angelsare in charge of questioning the deed after he is put in his last abode. Two angelscome to him and ask him

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abouthis Lord, his Religion,and his Prophet.There"Allah confirmsthose life with the firm say,in the present and the Hereafter,and Allah who believe Allah doeswhat He wills". (14:27). and leads astraythe evildoers of "The angels angels in charge the dwellers Paradise: are of Someof the gate,saying:"peacebe upon you for that you were enterto them from every patient.How excellent your final home" . (13:24). is angels thousand be The Prophet,peace upon him, told us that seventy Housein Heaven everyday.They nevercome enteror pray in the Populous their turn will nevercome)(Bukhdri backto it aslongastheylive". (because 9oMuslim).

Ir rl

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as Booksto His Messengers proof WE believe that Allah revealed againstmankind and a guidancefor the righteousworkers.They purifiedand taughtthem wisdomby these Books. because WE believethat Allah sentdown a Book with evry Messenger with the clearsigns, He says"lndeed We sentdown Our Messengers so and We sentdown with themthe Book and the Balance that people may upholdjustice". (57:25).

Among these Bookswe know the following: be to lThe Torah which wasrevealed Moses,peace upon him. It is the greatest Israelites' books."Surely, We sentdown the amongthe and light; by its lawsthe Jewshavebeen Toreh, Whereinis guidance judgedby the Prophetswho surrendered to themselves Allah, the they were entrustedthe rabbis and the doctors of law because thereto". (5:'14). protectionof Allah's Book and werewitnesses peace upon him. It is a be which Allah revealed Jesus, to 2The Gospel it. "And we gavehim to confirmation of the Torah and a complement and light and confirmingthe Torah the Gospel,whereinis guidance and beforeit, asa guidance an admonitionto the godfearing".(5:46) "And to makelawful to you certainthingsthat, before,wereforbidden to you". (3:50). be whichAllah gaveto David,peace upon him. 3The Psalms peace upon them. be 4Tabletsof Abrsham and Moses, to 5The GloriousQur'in whichwasrevealed His ProphetMuhammad, and to It the Sealofthe Prophets. is "a guidance the people clearsigns rightandwrong". (2:185). between and of guidance criterion


as that wasbeforeit and stands a The Qur'irn is "Confirming the Scripture preveious all guardian overit". Thus,by the Qur'in Allah abrogated the its Books.Allah hasalsoguaranteed protectionfrom any play or mischievous and distortion."Indeed,We sentdownthe message We will guardit". (15:9) the Qur'dn is a proof againstmankindtill the Day of That is because Judgement. -18-

The previousScripturesweremeantfor a limited period that endedwith the what had taken placein them revelationof what abrogatedthem and exposed of distortion and change.That is why they werenot protectedfrom distortion,additionand omission."Some of the corruption.They underwent Jewspervertwordsfrom their meanings".(4:46)"So woeto thosewho write the Book with their hands,and then say,"This is from Allah", that they may sellit for a little price. So woeto them for what their handshavewritten, and . woeto them for their earnings" (2:79)"Say, who sentdown the Book that Mosesbrought asa light and a guidance people?You put it into sheets to of papershowing someof themand concealing much". (6:91)"And thereis a groupamongthem who twist their tongues with the Book, that you may think it is a part of the Book, but it is not part of the Book. And theysay'It is from Allah', yet it is not from Allah, and theytell a lie against Allah and they know it. It is not for any humanbeingto whom Allah hasgiventhe Book, the Wisdomandthe Prophethood sayto men "Worship me instead Allah", to of (3:79)"Peopleof the Book! Our Messenger cometo you, makingclearto has you many things you havebeenconcealingof the Book and forgive you much.A light hascometo you from Allah and a gloriousBook, with which He will guidewhoever follows His pleasure the way of peace, in and brings them forth from darkness the light by His will". (5:15-16). into


who We believe that Allah hassentto His peopleMessengers were "bringing good tidingsand warning,so that mankindmight haveno Allah is All-mightly, argumentagainstAllah after the N{lessengers. All-wise".(4-165).


is We believethat the first amongthe Messengers Noah and the last is to peace upon them all. "We revealed you as We be Muhammad, Prophets him". (4-163). "Muhammad after revealed Noah and the to your men, but the Messenger Allah and of is not the father of any of ofthe Prophets".(33-40). the Seal is We believe that the bestamongthe Messengers Muhammad,then Abraham, then Moses,then Noah and then Jesus'sonof Mary' It is they who aremeantby the following Qur'inic verse:"And whenWe took compactfrom the Prophets,and from you, and from Noah, and son Abraham, then Moses,and Jesus, of Mary. We took from them a solemn compact".(33:7). all peace upon him, includes be We believe that Muhammad'smessage, Allah because of the meritsof the messages thosedignifiedMessengers says,"He ordainedfor you that He enjoinedon Noah and what He revealed you and what He enjoinedon Abraham, Mosesand Jesus. to this namely,established faith and be unitedin it". (42-I3).'




are We believethat all Messengers createdhuman beings who have qualities of Allah. Allah, the Exalted, said about none of the divine 'I Noah, who was the first among them, "I do not say to you, possess 'I the treasuresof Allah', I do not know the unseen,and I do not say: a m a n a n g e l ' . " ( l l : 3 1 ) A l l a h d i r e c t e dM u h a m m a d w h o i s t h e l a s t the among them to say: "I do not say to you I possess treasuresof nor do I know the unseen, and I do not say to you I am an Allah, angel". (6:50)And to say: "I have no power to bring profit or hurt for


And alsoto say:"I haveno powerto myself,but a Allah wills". (7:188) protectme from Allah, nor can I find hurt or benefityou. Saynonecan Him". (72:21-2). any refugebesides He are that the Messengers amongAllah's servants. blessed We believe in them asservants, the contextof and the message described themwith praisingand honouringthem. So, He saysaboutNoah, the first among of them: "Your arethe descendants thosewhom We carriedwith Noah, he wasa truly thankful servant".(17:3).

be Allah saidabout the last amongthem, Muhammad,peace upon him: that he may warn be He who sentdown the Qur'in to His servant' "Blessed otherMessengers: "And mentionOur mankind". (25:l) He saidaboutsorne and Jacobmenof might and vision". (38:45). Abraham,Isaac, servants David whb was a mighty and penitentman". Our servants "And remember and he (38:17). "And to David,We gaveSoloman, wasan excellent penitent (38:30). servant". whom We son of Mary: "He is only a servant Allah saidabout Jesus, to and blessed We madehim an example the childrenof Israel". (43:59)' of with all We believe that Allah concluded messages the message Allah said: peace upon him, to all people because be Muhammad, to "Say, 'O mankind,I am Allah's Messenger you all. To him belongs and the Kingdomof the Heavens the Earth; thereis no god but He. He the in ordainslife and death.So believe Allah and His Messenger, in Prophetwho believes Allah and His words.Follow him so unlettered that you may be rightly guided". (7:158).

be that the Shsri'ahof the ProphetMuhammad,peace We believe for His upon him, is the religionof Islam which Allah haschosen and doesnot acceptfrom anyoneother religion,because servants Allah, the Exalted,said,"Surely, the true religionin Allah's sightis your religion Islam", (3:19)and He alsosaid,"Today I haveperfected you and I havecompleted favour upon you, and I havechosen My for a Islamto be your religion". (5:3)And "whoeverdesires religionother from Him, and in the Hereafterhe than Islam,it will neverbe accepted . will beamong losers" (3:85). the


It is our opinion that whoever claimsthe acceptability any existing of religiontoday - other than Islam - suchasJudaism,Christianityand so forth, is a non-believer. shouldbe askedto repent,if he doesnot, he He mustbe killed asan apostate because is rejecting Qur'in. he the

It is alsoour opinion that whoeverrejects message the universal of Muhammad,peace upon him, is rejectingthe message all Mesengers, be of evenif he claimsthat he believes and follows His Messenger. Allah, the Exalted,said:"Noah's people (26:105). rejected Messengers". the Thus, Allah considered them rejectingall the Messengers despite fact that there the wasno Messenger beforeNoah. This is alsoclearfrom the following verses: "Those who disbelieve Allah and His Messengers, wishto make in and divisionbetween Allah and His Messengers, say:'We believe someand and in disbelieve others', wishingto take a midway course.Thoseindeedare the in unbelievers, and We havepreparedfor the unbelievers humiliating a punishment". I 50-l). (4: We believethat there is no Prophet after Muhammad,Allah's peace upon him. Whoeverclaimsprophethoodafter Messenger, be him, or believes anyoneclaimingit, is a disbeliever in he because is rejecting Allah, His Messenger, the Muslims'consensus. and


We believe that the Prophet,peace upon him, hasrightly-guided be successors carriedout his Sunnahin spreading who knowledge, calling to Islam and managing Muslims'affairs. We believe the that the best amongthem and the most entitledto Caliphatewas Abu Bakr as Siddiq,then 'Umar Ibn Al-Khattab, then 'Uthman Ibn Affan', then 'Ali Ibn Abi Telib, may Allah be pleased with them all. Thus their succession the Caliphatewasaccording their virtues.Allah, the to to Exalted,who possesses infinite wisdom,wouldnot appointa ruler the over the bestof generations unless wasthe most superioramong he themand had the bestciaimto Caliphate. We believe that the inferior amongthoserightly guidedcompanions can be superiorin a specificvirtue to thosewho arebetter than him, but he doesnot deserve absolutesuperioritybecause elements the constituting superiority variedand numerous. are


We believethat the Muslim Ummah is the bestamongnations,and it He has Allah, the DignifiedandExalted, blessed because said,"You are the bestnation everbrought forth for mankind, enjoining what is in right and forbiddingwhat is wrong,and believing Allah". (3:l l0).


that the bestamongthe Muslim Ummaharethe Prophet's We believe thentheir followers,and thosewho followedthem' Companions, that a group of this Ummah will alwaysremain We also believe victoriouson the right path, unharmedby thosewho let them down or them, until the Day of Judgement. thosewho oppose that took placeamongthe Prophet's that the disputes We believe interpretationsthey worked hard werethe result of sincere Companions twice, Whoeverwasright amongthem would be rewarded to reach. would be rewarded onceand his and whoeverwaswrong amongthem would be forgiven. mistake and It is our opinionthat we shouldstoptalking abouttheir mistakes of mentionwhat they deserve beautifulpraise.We shouldpurify our Allah said heartsfrom hatredand maliceagainstany of them, because amongyou who spentand who aboutthe, "They arenot equal:those fought beforethe conquestof Makkah.Thoseare higherin rank than thosewho spentand fought afterwards.But to all Allah hasprornised And Allah saidaboutus, "And thosewho a greatreward". (57:10) 'our Lord, forgive us and our brotherswho cameafter them say: preceded in faith, and do not put in our heartsany maliceagainst us Our Lord, You are the most Kind, Most thosewho havebelieved. Merciful'."(59:10).



We believein the Final Day, which is the Day of Judgement,when peoplewill be resurrected alive to remainin the abodeof enjoymentor in the abodeof severe punishment.

we believe Resurrection in which is Allah's bringingto life all the dead when Israfil blowsthe Horn for the second time, ,,And the Trumpet shall be blown and all who arein the Heavens who arein the Earth and shall fall down fainting exceptthosethat Allah shall spare.Then, it shallbe blown againand they shallrisegazingaroundthem". (39:6g) People will standup from their graves, answering call of the Lord the of the Universe.They are going to be bare-footed,naked, and uncircumcised, we started first creation,so we shallbring it "As the backgain. This is a promisefrom us, so we shallassuredly fulfil it". (21:lM).


we believe the records deeds in of that will be givento people their in right handsor behindtheir backs,in the left hands:.,As for him who is given his book in his right hand, he shall surelyreceive easy an reckoningand he will returnto his family rejoicing.But asfor him who is given his book behind his back, he shall call for destructionon himselfand will burn in a BlazingFire". (g4:7-12).,Everyman's work We havefastened his own neck, and on the Day of Judgement on We shallbring out for him a book which he will seespread open,saying, 'Readyour own book! Enoughfor you this day that your own soul should you to account'.,' call (17:13-14). we believe that scales deeds be setup on the Day of Judgement of will and no soul shallbe wronged."whoever hasdonean atom'sweightof good shallseeit". (99:7-8),,Thosewhosescales heavy,theyarethe are successful; thosewhosescales light, they arethe oneswho have but are lost their soulsin Hell dwelling forever.The Fire will burn their faces, and therethey will be gloomywith lips displaced".(23:102-4),,He that doesa good deedshall be rewardedten timesthe like of it, and he that


doesevil shall only be rewardedthe like of it, and they shall not be wronged".(6:160).


greatIntercession the ProphetMuhammad, of in We believe the special and peace upon him. He will pleadwith Allah, after His permission be whenthey suffer to judgeamongHis servants on behalfof manking, from worriesand troubleswhich they cannotbear.They will go to and thento Jesus Adam, thenNoah,thenAbraham,thento Moses, be finally to ProphetMuhammad,peace upon him. who were which concerns somebelievers in We believe the intercession takenout from the Fire. This mediationis grantedto the Prophet to be be Muhammad,peace upon him, and to othersamongthe Prophets, and the believers, the angels. We believe also that Allah will savefrom Hell somepeopleamongthe without the intercesson any one, but by His graceand of believers mercy.

be in We believe the Pool of the Prophet,peace upon him, the waterof whiter than milk and sweeter than honeyand betterin which is of than musk.Eachof its lengthand width is the distance a fragrance are Its month-travel. glasses asstarsin beautyand number.The amongthe Prophet'sfollowerscometo take from this great believers a cistern drink after whichtheywill neverbe thirsty. in We believe the StraightPath (Sirat)setup over Hell. Peoplepass the to overit according their deeds: first ofthem asfast aslighting,then fast as wind, then as fast as birds, and then as running man' The as Save!" As on Prophetwill be standing the Path, saying"Lord, Save! will deeds fall short.Someof themwill comecrawling. somepeople's to At both sidesof the Path there are hooks that are designed take othersarethrown into whom Allah wills: somearesaved bruised; but Hell. (Bukhiri & Muslim). We believe all that is mentioned the Qur'dn or the Prophetic in in day and its horrors, may Allah saveus from concerning that sayings them. -25-




We believe the intercession in (Shsfl'ah) of prophet Muhammad, peace upon him, for the peopleof paradiseto entertherein.This be intertcssion is exclusivelylimited to the prophet Muhammad, peacebe upon him.


' we believe Paradise in and Hell. paradiseis the abodeof enjoyment which Allah, the Exalted,preparedfor the righteous.The blessing they enjoy there,no eyehaseverseen,no ear haseverheardof, and no human beinghaseverthought of: "No soul knowswhat comfort is kept hiddenfor them,asa rewardfor their deeds".(32:17) Hell is the abodeof punishmentwhich Allah haspreparedfor the unbelievers and the evildoers. The torture and horror in it cannotbe imagined."surely, We havepreparedfor the evildoers fire, whosepavilion encompasses a them. If they call for help, they will be helpedwith waterlike molten copperwhich will scaldtheir faces.How dreadfula drink and how evil a resting-place! (l8:29). " Both Paradise and Hell are existingnow and they will neverperish. "whoever believes Allah and doesrighteousness, will admit him in He to Gardensbeneathwhich riversflow, to dwell thereinfor ever.Allah had indeed madefor him an excellent provision".(65-ll). ,,Certainly, Allah hascursedthe unbelievers preparedfor them a blazingFire and to dwellthereinforever,they shallfind neitherprotectornor helper.On the day whentheir faces turnedabout in the Fire they shallsay are "Would that we had obeyed Allah and obeyed Messenger!,' the (33:6a-6). We confirm Paradise whom it is confirmedin the eur'in or the to Prophetictraditions either by nameor description.Among thosewho aregrantedParadise and mentioned names Abu Bakr, ,Umar, by are 'Uthmin, 'Ali and otherswho werespecified the prophet, peace by be upon him (Bukhiri and Muslim). Among thosewhom we confirm to enterParadise because they fit the descriptionarethe faithful and the pious. We likewiseconfirm Hell to whom it is confirmedin the eur'dn and the sayings the Prophet,whetherin nameor description. of Among thosewho arementioned names be in Hell are Abir Lahab, ,Amr by t9 Ibn Luhai Al-Khuza'i and others(Brikhari& Muslim).Confirmarion of Hell which is based description on includes everyunbeliever, polytheistor hypocrite -26-


of in We believe the Trial of the Grave,whichis the questioning the in deadperson his graveabouthis Lord, his religionand his Prophet. with the firm say,in the There"Allah confirmsthosewho believe (14:27). will present and the Hereafter". The believer say:"Allah is life is may Lord, Islamis my religion,and Muhammad my Prophet". The will or unbeliever the hypocrite say,"I dont't know, I heardthepeople something I saidit". and saying We believe thecomfortof thegravefor thebelievers. in "Thosewhose purity, saying'peace on you; enter be take in stateof livesthe angels for Paradise what you weredoing'. (16:32). We believe the punishment the gravefor the transgressing in of are unbelievers: you could only seewhenthe evildoers in the "If are out of agonies deathand the angels stretching their hands,saying, 'Give up your souls!Today you shallbe rewarded with the punishment you usedto sayuntruly aboutAllah, and for of humiliationfor what are The sayings the'Prophet of His scornfullyrejecting signs'." (6:93) in numerous and well-knownin this area.A Muslim must believe all traditionsconcerning the that is reported the Qur'in and Prophetic in matters. shouldnot contradict by his worldly experience it unseen He because affairsof the Hereafter the cannotbe measured the affairs by between of this life. The difference them is very great.Allah is the of sosurce help.


We believe Fate,whethergood or bad, which Allah hasmeasured in and according His previous knowledge and ordainedfor all creatures to asdeemed suitable His wisdom. by
Belief in Fate has four levels: The first level is Knowledge: We believe that Allah, may He be exalted, knows everything. He k4ew what had happened and what will happen and how it will happen. His knowledge is eternal. He does not acquire a new knowledge nat' doeshe forget what He knows. The second level is Recording: We believe that Allah has recorded in the SecuredTablet (al-Lawh al-Mahftdh) whatever is going to happen until the Day of Judgement. f 'Did you not know that Allah knows all





I l:

that is in Heavenand Earth? Surelythat is in a Book. Surelythat for Ollah is an easy matter" . (22:70),
The third level is Will: We believe that Allah has willed everything in the Heaven and Earth. Nothing happens except by His will; whatever He wills, will take place; and whatever He does not wish, will not take place. The fourth level is Creation: We believe that "Allah is the Creator of all things; He is the Guardian over all things, and to Him belong the keys of the Heavensand the Earth". (39:62-3). The fourth level includes whatever Allah Himself does and whatever His creaturesdo. So, all that people perform of sayings, deeds, or ommissions are known to Allah and He has recorded them, willed them and created them, "To those among you who will to be upright. But you shall not will except as Allah wills, the Lord of the Worlds". ( 8 1: 2 8 - 9 ) " A n d h a s A l l a h w i l l e d t h e y w o u l d n o t h a v e f o u g h t o n e against the other; but Allah does whatever He desires". (2:253) "Had Allah willed, they would not have done so, but leave them alone and their false inventions". (6: I 37) "And Allah createdyou and what you do". (37:96).

however, that Allah hasgrantedman a powerand a We believe, are freewillby which he performshis action.That man'sdeeds by his powerand freewillcanbe provenby the followingpoints: your fields(wives) whenand how Fintl!, Allah's saying,"So approach you will". (2:223\"Had theydisiredto go forth, theywould havemade verses Allah affirmed for man someprep:uationfor it". (9:46).In these "a goingforth" by his will and "a preparation"by his desire. directingman to do or not to do. If man hasno freewill and Secondly, power,these directionsmeanthat Allah is askingmanto do that which by he cannot.This propositionis rejected Allah's wisdom,His mercy a in truthful statement the verse"Allah doesnot charge soul and His (2:286). beyondits capacity" . and Thirdly, praisingthe virtuousfor his deeds blamingthe evildoerfor If with what he deserves' the his actionsand rewardingeachof them praisingthe virtuous actionis not doneby the individual'sfreewill,then the is a joke and punishing evildoeris an injustice,and Allah is' of far course, from joking and beingunjust.


who Fourthly, Allah hassentMessengers are "bearing good tidings, and warning, so that mankind might haveno argumentagainstAllah (4:165)If the individual'saction is not after the Messengers". performedby his freewill, his argumentis not invalidatedby the sendingof Messengers. Fifthly, everydoer of actionsfeelsthat he doesor doesnot do a thing in up without any coercion.He stands and sits;comeS and goesout; travelsand staysby his own freewill without feelinganybody forcing between actions.In fact, he clearlydistinguishes him to be any of these his own freewill and someone elseforcing him to doing somethingof between these do that action. The Islamiclaw alsowiselydistinguishes punisha wrong doer for an actiondone ofaffairs. It doesnot states undercompulsion.


in We believe that the sinnerhasno excuse Allah's Divine Decreee by his freewill, without knowingthat Allah he because commitshis sin no hasdecreed on him. That is, because one knowsAllah's decree it beforeit takesplace:"No soulknowswhat it will earntommorrow.". an that is not then, to present excuse (31:3a)How can it be possible, it known to the personwho is advancing whenhe commitshis offence? in this Allah invalidated type of argument His saying:"The idolaters 'Had Allah willed,we would not havebeenidolaters, neigher will say did the people our fathers,nor would we haveforbiddenanything'. So 'Have you any beforethem cry liesuntil they tastedour might. Say: and proofs that you can showus?You follow nothingbut assumption, you arelyrng". (6:148) sayto the sinnerwho is usingDivin Decree We 'Why did not you perform deeds obedience assuming of asan excuse: you sincethereis no difference them upon that Allah hasdecreeed from between deedand sinsin beingunknown before they happened that you?That is why whenProphetMuhammadtold his companions they said: positionin Paradise Hell hasbeenassigned, or everyone's "should not we rely on this and stopworking?" He said:"No, work for". (Bukhiri & to and everyone will be directed what he is created Muslim).


We say to the sinnerwho is trying to find excuse Divine Decree: in "Suppose,you want to travelto Makkah. Therearetwo roadsthat may take you there.You are told by a truthful personthat one oftheseroadsis dangerous and difficult, the other is easyand safe.you will take the second one.You will not take the first road and sayit is decreed upon me. If you did, peoplewould consideryou crazy". We may alsosayto him: "If you are offered two jobs, one of them is higherin salary.You will certainlytake the one with the highersalary. How comedo you choosewhat is lower in the Hereafterand useDivine Decree as an excuse?". We may further sayto him: "We seeyou when you are inflicted with a you knock at everyphysician,s disease, door looking for treatmentand bearingwhatever pain that may resultfrom surgicaloperations and the bitterness medicine.Why do not you do the samewhenyour heart is of spirituallysickwith sins?".


We believe that evil shouldnot be attributedto Allah because His of perfectmercyand wisdom.The Prophetsaid: ,,And evil is not attributableto You". (Muslim) Thus, Allah's decree itself hasno by evil whatsoever because is comingfrom mercyand wisdom.Evil it may, however, resultfrom someof His decrees, because prophet the saidin the supplicationfor gunirt which he taught to al-Hasan:,,And protect us from the evil of what You decreed" (Tirmithi & Others) Here, the Prophetattributedevil to what He decreed. Despitethis, evil in Hist decree not pure evil. It is ratherevil in one respect, is good in anotheror it is evil in onecase, goodin another. and Thus,corruption in the land resultingfrom drought,disease, povertyand fear is evil, but it is good in anotherrespect. Allah, the Exaltedsaid: ,,Corruption has appeared the land and seafor what men'shandshaveearned.Allah on hasordainedthis for men, so that they may tastesomeof what they havedone, in order that they may turn back (from evil)". (30:41) Cuttingoff the thief'shandor stoning adulterer an evil thing for the is the thief and the adulterer,but it is good for them in one respect because is a purification for them so that the punishment this life it of and the Hereafterarenot combinedfor them. It is alsogood in another respect.The applicationof thesepunishments a protection of is property,honors,and relationships.



bearsnumerous thosegreatprinciples This sublimebeliefwhich includes it' in believes and usefultypesof fruits for whoever Virtuesof Beliefin Allah: Belief in Allah, His Namesand His Attributes instils in the individual Allah's love and His glorification that result in performing Allah's of which arefhe means achieving and avoidingHis proscriptions instructions in ultimate happiness this life and the Hereafter for the individual aswell as the society."Whoever, maleor female,doesrighteousdeed,while believing, grant him a goodly life, and We shall reward them We shall assuredly to according the bestof their deeds".(16:97). Virtuesof Belief in the Angels: the Firstly, appreciating dignityof Allah, His might and His sovereignty. gratitudetoward Allah because puts someof the angelsin He Secondly, and other thingsthat benefit recordingtheir deeds of char-se His servants, them. because what they aredoing, of Thirdly, loveand admirationfor the angels mannerand prayingfor the Allah in the bestpossible namely,worshipping believers. Virtuesof Beliefin theBooks: Allah's mercyand carefor His peoplein that He sent Firstly, appreciating down a Book to everynation for their guidance. Books He in Allah's Wisdombecause revealed these Secondly. appreciating what suit them. The gloriousQur'in is the final amongthese to everynation Booksand it is suitableto all peopleat all timesuntil the Day of Judgement. Thirdly, showinggratitudefor Allah's mercyin revealingtheseBooks. Virtues of Belief in Messengers: Firstly, appreciating Allah's mercyand carefor His peoplefor sendingthem greatMessengers guidethem to the straight Path. those to Secondly, thankingAllah for this greatfavour. Thirdly. loving and respecting Prophetsand praisingthem in what they the deserve because they are Allah's Messengers His choiceamongHis and people.They worshipped Allah according the bestof their ability, to -31 -

4rto advice themand bore to conveyed message mankind,gavesincere His patientlywhatever hurt theyreceived. Virtuesof Bcliefin the Day o1Judgement: to Firstly, endeavor obeyAllah to getthe rewardof that day and to avoid on to disobedience him for fearof His punishment. he of for a Secondly, consolation the believerfor whatever misses worldly gainof blessings rewardof the Hereafter. and to by enjoyment what he hopes Virtuesof Belief in Fateand Divine Decree: both the cause on Firstly, dependence Allah when doing any action because and effectarethe resultof Allah's decree. whenthe individualknowsthat ease mind and comfort because of Secondly, are and that mishaps goingto tqke place is everything by Allah's decree and his heartwill be satisfiedwith Allah's anyway,his soul will be at ease soul,and strongqr life, worry-free No decree. onehasmorecomfortable in than a believer Fate. confidence this because is a whena goal is achieved Thirdly, freedoinfrom arrogance of of Allah throughwhat He decreed the causes good and from blessing shouldthank Allah for that and freehimselffrom The success. individftral arrogance. Fourthly, freedomfrom worry and boredomin caseof failure or mishap and who possesses Heavens the Earth. the that because is by Allah's decree Sincethat is goingto happenanyway,the individualshouldbe patientand hopefor the rewardfrom Allah. Allah pointsto the lasttwo virtuesby the followingverse: in but "No misfortunecan happenon earthor in yourselves is recorded a that We bring it into existence, is reallyeasyfor Allah; that you before decree you, nor rejoicein what hascometo you. may not grievefor rvhatescapes boaster". (57:.22-3)Allah doesnot loveany vainglorious for to We prayto Allah, theExalted, rewardus for thisbelief,to realize us to our its fruits, ro increase blessings, keepus on the RightPathto whichHe from Him, He is indeedthe hasguidedus, and to bestowon us a blessing be and gratitude to Allah, the Lord of the Worldsand peace Giver.Praise be and blessings on the ProphetMuhammad,his family, his Companions, s'ho rightll'followthem. andthose


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