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31 1hlngs Cuys Should know AbouL Clrls

1 WhaLever you do don'L [usL show up aL Lhelr houseLhey run around ln Lhelr underwear [usL llke we
2 uon'L cheaL on Lhem lL may seem foolproof buL glrls Lell each oLher everyLhlng abouL everyLhlng
1rusL me Lhey WlLL flnd ouL and you wlll be mud
3 8eware of every slngle male relaLlves and all guy frlends Any of Lhem would klck your buLL aL Lhe
drop of a haL and a loL of Lhem wouldn'L even walL for Lhe damn haL
4 never mlss an opporLunlLy Lo Lell Lhem Lhey're beauLlful
3 uon'L refuse Lo klss ln fronL of your frlends lf Lhey laugh aL you lL's because Lhey're [ealous
6 lf Lhey slap you hard you deserved lL
7 uon'L be afrald Lo Louch Lhem lf you wanL Lo lf Lhey're golng ouL wlLh you ln Lhe flrsL place lL's
because Lhey llke belng ln your arms
8 lf you don'L sleep wlLh Lhem do noL Lell your frlends LhaL you dld
83 lf you uC sleep wlLh Lhem don'L Lell your frlends LhaL you dld
9 ?ou can be dlrLy mlnded ln prlvaLe reallymosL of Lhem are noL offended by lL
10 noL all of Lhem eaL llke blrds a loL of Lhem can eaL llke whales
11 MosL of Lhem don'L mlnd paylng half of everyLhlng buL Lhey do dlscuss Lhese Lhlngs wlLh Lhelr
frlends 8eallze LhaL lf you make your glrlfrlend pay half all Lhe Llme everyone wlll know abouL lL and
your frlends wlll know you're a *****
113 uo you honesLly need all your money LhaL much? 8e a man pay all Lhe Llme!
12 Lvery glrl should evenLually geL Lhree Lhlngs from her boyfrlend a sLuffed anlmal one of hls
sweaLshlrLs and a really preLLy rlng Lven lf lL's noL a serlous relaLlonshlp
13 Make sure she geLs home safely as ofLen as you can lf you're dropplng her off walk her Lo Lhe door
lf you aren'L dropplng her off call Lo be sure she's home safely
14 lf a guy ls boLherlng her lL ls your rlghL Lo klck Lhe crap ouL of hlm
13 lf you're Lalklng Lo a female frlend of yours pull your glrlfrlend closer
16 never ever slap her even lf lL's [usL ln a [oklng way Lven lf she swaLs you flrsL and says Ch you're
so dumb" or someLhlng never make any gesLures back

17 Co Lo a chlck fllck once ln a whlle She doesn'L care wheLher you en[oy lL or noL lL [usL maLLers LhaL
you wenL
18 ?ou're dead meaL lf you can'L geL along wlLh Lhelr peLs parenLs and besL frlends 8e prlnce charmlng
Lo Lhelr frlends Mr ollLe Lo Lhelr parenLs and make sure Lo be nlce Lo Lhelr anlmals
19 uon'L fllrL wlLh Lhelr moms or frlendsLhaL's [usL freaky
20 uon'L be freaked ouL by MS lL's noL gross and lL really does make Lhem feel llke crap so be
21 lf you don'L llke Lhe way Lhey drlve you do lL
22 lf you're offlclally daLlng and you're lnLroduclng her Lo your frlends you'd beLLer damn well
lnLroduce her as your glrlfrlend
23 uon'L sLress where you go for every daLe 1hey really only wanL Lo be wlLh you
24 lf Lhey complaln LhaL someLhlng hurLs rub lL for Lhem wlLhouL belng asked
23 Clrls are fraglle Lven lf you're play flghLlng/wresLllng be very genLle
26 Memorlze Lhelr blrLhdays ?ou forgeL her blrLhday and you're baslcally screwed for llfe
27 uon'L marlnade Lhe cologne
28 uon'L glve her someLhlng sLupld for her blrLhday or ChrlsLmas or valenLlne's day lL doesn'L have Lo
be expenslve buL lL has Lo be meanlngful !ewelry ls always nlce
29 lf you Lhlnk Lhe relaLlonshlp lsn'L golng Lo lasL don'L walL Lo flnd ouL lL wlll only hurL you more lf you
draw lL ouL
30 AfLer you've been daLlng for a whlle reallze LhaL Lhey really have sLarLed Lo LrusL you When you
have a glrlfrlend who Lruly LrusLs you you have a loL more responslblllLy prlvllege and conLrol Lhan you
would Lhlnk 8e careful wlLh lL mosL guys would klll for LhaL klnd of power and lL can be losL ln a
31uon'L ever do anyLhlng wrong (well noL anyLhlng) glrls remember Lhlngs for llfe and anyLhlng you dld
wrong wlll be used agalnsL you ln Lhe fuLure

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