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On tlp ngl phap tilng Anh

1. Clu trc chung cla mlt cau trong tilng Anh:

Nlt cau trong tilng Anh thllng bao glm cac thanh phln sau day:

vi dl:
]ohn and ! ate a pizza last night.
We studied "present perfect" last week.
He runs very fast.
! like walking.
1.1 Subject (chl ngl):
Chl ngl la chl thl cla hanh dlng trong cau, thllng dlng trllc dlng tl (verb).
Chl ngl thllng la mlt danh tl (noun) holc mlt ngl danh tl (noun phrase mlt
nhm tl klt thc blng mlt danh tl, trong trllng hlp nay ngl danh tl khng dllc
blt dlu blng mlt gili tl). Chl ngl thllng dlng l dlu cau va quylt dlnh vilc
chia dlng tl.

Ch rlng mli cau trong tilng Anh dlu c chl ngl (Trong cau mlnh llnh, chl ngl
dllc nglm hilu la nglli nghe. vi dl: Don't move!" = lng im!).

Nilk is delicious. (mlt danh tl)
That new, red car is mine. (mlt ngl danh tl)

i khi cau khng c chl ngl thlt sl, trong trllng hlp d, !t holc There dng vai tr
chl ngl gil.

!t is a nice day today.
There is a fire in that building.
There were many students in the room.
!t is the fact that the earth goes around the sun.
1.2 verb (dlng tl):
lng tl la tl chl hanh dlng holc trlng thai cla chl ngl. Nli cau dlu phli c
dlng tl. N c thl la mlt tl dln holc mlt ngl dlng tl. Ngl dlng tl (verb
phrase) la mlt nhm tl glm mlt holc nhilu trl dlng tl (auxiliary) va mlt dlng tl

! love you. (chl hanh dlng)

Chilli is hot. (chl trlng thai)

! have seen the movie three times before. (auxiliary: have, main verb: seen)
! am going to Sai Con tomorrow. (auxiliary: am, main verb: going)
1.3 Complement (vl ngl):
vl ngl la tl holc clm tl chl dli tllng tac dlng cla chl ngl. Cng gilng nhl
chl ngl, vl ngl thllng la danh tl holc ngl danh tl khng blt dlu blng gili tl,
tuy nhin vl ngl thllng dlng sau dlng tl. Khng phli cau nao c ng c complement.
vl ngl trl lli cho cau hli What? holc Whom?

]ohn bought a car yesterday. (What did ]ohn buy?)
]ill wants to drink some water. (What does he want to drink?)
She saw ]ohn at the movie last night. (Whom did she see at the movie?)
1.4 Nodifier (trlng tl):
Trlng tl la tl holc clm tl chl thli gian, dla dilm holc cach thlc cla hanh dlng.
Khng phli cau nao cng c trlng tl. Chng thllng la cac clm gili tl (prepositional
phrase), ph tl (adverb) holc mlt clm ph tl (adverbial phrase). Chng trl lli cau hli
When?, Where? holc How? Nlt clm gili tl la mlt clm tl blt dlu blng mlt gili
tl va klt thc blng mlt danh tl (vD: in the morning, on the table,...). Nlu c nhilu
trlng tl trong cau thi trlng tl chl thli gian thllng di sau cng.

]ohn bought a book at the bookstore. (Where did ]ohn buy a book?)
She saw ]ohn at the movie last night. (Where did she see ]ohn? When did she see him?)
She drives very fast. (How does she drive?)

Ch rlng trlng tl thllng di sau vl ngl nhlng khng nhlt thilt. Tuy nhin trlng
tl la clm gili tl khng dllc nlm gila dlng tl va vl ngl.
She drove on the street her new car. (Sai)
She drove her new car on the street. (ng)

2. Noun phrase (ngl danh tl)
2.1 Danh tl dlm dllc va khng dlm dllc (Count noun/ Noncount
: Danh tl dlm dllc: La danh tl c thl dng dllc vli sl dlm, do d n c 2 hinh
thai sl it va sl nhilu. N dng dllc vli a hay vli the. vD: one book, two books, ...

: Danh tl khng dlm dllc: Khng dng dllc vli sl dlm, do d n khng c hinh thai
sl it, sl nhilu. N khng thl dng dllc vli a, cn the chl trong mlt sl trllng
hlp dlc bilt. vD: milk (sla). Bln khng thl ni "one milk", "two milks" ... (Nlt sl vlt
chlt khng dlm dllc c thl dllc chla trong cac binh dlng, bao bi... dlm dllc.
vD: one glass of milk mlt clc sla).

: Nlt sl danh tl dlm dllc c hinh thai sl nhilu dlc bilt. vD: person people, child
children, tooth - teeth, foot - feet, mouse - mice ...

: Nlt sl danh tl dlm dllc c dlng sl it/ sl nhilu nhl nhau chl phan bilt blng
c "a" va khng c "a":
an aircraft/ aircraft, a sheep/ sheep, a fish/ fish.

: Nlt sl cac danh tl khng dlm dllc nhl food, meat, money, sand, water ... di khi
dllc dng nhl cac danh tl sl nhilu dl chl cac dlng, loli khac nhau cla vlt lilu

This is one of the foods that my doctor wants me to eat.

: Danh tl "time" nlu dng vli nghia la "thli gian" la khng dlm dllc nhlng khi dng
vli nghia la "thli dli" hay "sl lln" la danh tl dlm dllc.

You have spent too much time on that homework. (thli gian, khng dlm dllc)
! have seen that movie three times before. (sl lln, dlm dllc)
lng sau la cac dlnh ngl dng dllc vli cac danh tl dlm dllc
va khng dlm dllc.
a(n), the, some, any the, some, any
this, that, these, those this, that
none, one, two, three,... None
a lot of
a |large / great] number of
(a) few
fewer... than
much (thllng dng trong cau phl dlnh,
cau hli)
a lot of
a large amount of
(a) little

Nlt sl tl khng dlm dllc nn bilt:
measles (blnh sli)
mumps (blnh quai
Note: advertising la danh tl khng dlm dllc nhlng advertisement la danh tl dlm
dllc, chl mlt qulng cao cl thl nao d.

There are too many advertisements during Tv shows.
2.2 Cach dng quan tl khng xac dlnh "a" va "an"
Dng a holc an trllc mlt danh tl sl it dlm dllc. Chng c nghia la mlt. Chng
dllc dng trong cau c tinh khai quat holc dl clp dln mlt chl thl chla dllc dl
clp tl trllc.

A ball is round. (nghia chung, khai quat, chl tlt cl cac qul bng)
! saw a boy in the street. (chng ta khng bilt clu b nao, chla dllc dl clp
trllc d)

2.2.1 Dng an" vli:
$uan tl an dllc dng trllc tl blt dlu blng nguyn am (trong cach phat am, chl
khng phli trong cach vilt). Bao glm:

: Cac tl blt dlu blng cac nguyn am a, e, i, o: an aircraft, an empty glass, an object
: Nlt sl tl blt dlu blng u, y: an uncle, an umbrella
: Nlt sl tl blt dlu blng h cam: an heir, haft an hour
: Cac tl ml dlu blng mlt chl vilt tlt: an S.O.S/ an N.P
2.2.2 Dng a" vli:
Dng a trllc cac tl blt dlu blng mlt phl am. Chng bao glm cac chl cai cn lli
va mlt sl trllng hlp blt dlu blng u, y, h. vD: a house, a university, a home party, a
heavy load, a uniform, a union, a year income,...

: lng trllc mlt danh tl ml dlu blng "uni..." phli dng "a" (a university/ a uniform/
universal/ union) (Europe, eulogy (lli ca ngli), euphemism (lli ni trli), eucalyptus (cay
khuynh dilp)
: Dng trong cac thanh ngl chl sl lllng nhlt dlnh nhl: a lot of/a great deal of/a
couple/a dozen.
: Dng trllc nhlng sl dlm nhlt dlnh thllng la hang ngan, hang tram nhl a/one
hundred a/one thousand.
: Dng trllc "half" (mlt nla) khi n theo sau mlt dln vl nguyn vln: a kilo and a half,
hay khi n di ghp vli mlt danh tl khac dl chl nla phln (khi vilt c dlu glch nli):
a half share, a half holiday (ngay ll chl nghl nla ngay).
: Dng vli cac dln vl phan sl nhl 1/3 a/one third 1/S a /one fifth.
: Dng trong cac thanh ngl chl gia cl, tlc dl, tl ll: $S a kilo, 60 kilometers an hour, 4
times a day.
2.3 Cach dng quan tl xac dlnh "The"
Dng the trllc mlt danh tl da dllc xac dlnh cl thl vl mlt tinh chlt, dlc dilm,
vl tri holc da dllc dl clp dln trllc d, holc nhlng khai nilm phl thng, ai cng
The boy in the corner is my friend. (Cl nglli ni va nglli nghe dlu bilt d la clu b
The earth is round. (Chl c mlt trai dlt, ai c ng bilt)
vli danh tl khng dlm dllc, dng the nlu ni dln mlt vlt cl thl, khng dng the
nlu ni chung.

Sugar is sweet. (Chl cac loli dllng ni chung)
The sugar on the table is from Cuba. (Cl thl la dllng l trn ban)

vli danh tl dlm dllc sl nhilu, khi chng c nghia dli diln chung cho mlt llp cac
vlt cng loli thi cng khng dng the.

Oranges are green until they ripen. (Cam ni chung)
Athletes should follow a wellbalanced diet. (vln dlng vin ni chung)

2.3.1 Sau day la mlt sl trllng hlp thng dlng dng The theo quy
tlc trn:
: The + danh tl + gili tl + danh tl: The girl in blue, the Culf of Nexico.
: Dng trllc nhlng tinh tl so sanh blc nhlt holc only: The only way, the best day.
: Dng cho nhlng kholng thli gian xac dlnh (thlp nin): !n the 1330s
: The + danh tl + dli tl quan hl + mlnh dl phl: The man to whom you have just
spoken is the chairman.
: The + danh tl sl it tllng trlng cho mlt nhm th vlt holc dl vlt: The whale =
whales (loai ca voi), the deepfreeze (thlc an dng llnh)
: li vli man khi mang nghia "loai nglli" tuylt dli khng dllc dng the: Since man
lived on the earth ... (kl tl khi loai nglli sinh slng trn trai dlt nay)
: Dng trllc mlt danh tl sl it dl chl mlt nhm, mlt hlng nglli nhlt dlnh
trong xa hli: The small shopkeeper: Cili chl tilm nhl/ The top offcial: Cili quan chlc
cao clp
: The + adj: Tllng trlng cho mlt nhm nglli, chng khng bao gil dllc php l sl
nhilu nhlng dllc xem la cac danh tl sl nhilu. Do vly dlng tl va dli tl di cng
vli chng phli l ngi thl 3 sl nhilu: The old = The old people,
The old are often very hard in their moving
: The + tn gli cac dli hlp xllng/ dan nhlc cl diln/ ban nhlc phl thng: The Back
Choir/ The Philharmonique Philadelphia Orchestra/ The Beatles.
: The + tn gli cac tl bao (khng tlp chi)/ tau biln/ cac khinh khi clu: The Times/ The
Titanic/ The Hindenberg
: The + hl cla mlt gia dinh l sl nhilu = gia dinh nha: The Smiths = Nr/ Nrs Smith and
: Thng thllng khng dng the trllc tn ring trl trllng hlp c nhilu nglli holc
vlt cng tn va nglli ni muln am chl mlt nglli cl thl trong sl d:
There are three Sunsan Parkers in the telephone directory. The Sunsan Parker that ! know
lives on the First Avenue.
: Tllng tl, khng dng "the" trllc bla an: breakfast, lunch, dinner:
We ate breakfast at 8 am this morning.
Trl khi muln am chl mlt bla an cl thl:
The dinner that you invited me last week were delecious.
: Khng dng "the" trllc mlt sl danh tl nhl home, bed, church, court, jail, prison,
hospital, school, class, college, university v.v... khi n di vli cac dlng tl va gili tl chl
chuyln dlng chl di dln d la mlc dich chinh holc ra khli d cng vi mlc dich chinh:
Students go to school everyday.
The patient was released from hospital.
Nhlng nlu dln d holc ra khli d khng vi mlc dich chinh thi dng "the".
Students go to the school for a class party.
The doctor left the hospital for lunch.
2.3.2 lng sl dlng "the" va khng sl dlng "the" trong mlt sl
trllng hlp diln hinh

C "The" Khng "The"

+ Dng trllc tn cac dli dllng, sng
ngi, biln, vlnh va cac clm hl (sl
The Red Sea, the Atlantic Ocean, the Persian
Cufl, the Creat Lakes
+ Trllc tn cac day ni:
The Rocky Nountains

+ Trllc tn nhlng vlt thl duy nhlt
trong v trl holc trn thl gili:
The earth, the moon

+ The schools, colleges, universities + of +
danh tl ring
The University of Florida

+ The + sl thl tl + danh tl
The third chapter.

+ Trllc tn cac culc chiln tranh khu vlc
vli dilu kiln tn khu vlc d phli dllc
tinh tl hoa
The Korean War (=> The vietnamese

+ Trllc tn cac nllc c hai tl trl ln
(ngoli trl Creat Britain)
The United States, The Central African Republic

+ Trllc tn cac nllc dllc coi la mlt
quln dlo holc mlt quln dlo
The Philipines, The virgin !slands, The Hawaii

+ Trllc tn cac tai lilu holc sl kiln
llch sl
The Constitution, The Nagna Carta

+ Trllc tn cac nhm dan tlc thilu sl
the !ndians

+ Trllc tn cac mn hlc cl thl
The Solid matter Physics

+ Trllc tn mlt hl
Lake Ceneva

+ Trllc tn mlt ngln ni
Nount vesuvius

+ Trllc tn cac hanh tinh holc cac chm
venus, Nars

+ Trllc tn cac trllng nay nlu trllc n
la mlt tn ring
Stetson University

+ Trllc cac danh tl di cng vli mlt sl
Chapter three, Word War One

+ Trllc tn cac nllc chl c mlt tl:
China, France, venezuela, vietnam

+ Trllc tn cac nllc ml dlu blng
New, mlt tinh tl chl hllng:
New Zealand, North Korean, France

+ Trllc tn cac llc dla, tlnh, tilu bang,
thanh phl, quln, huyln:
Europe, Florida

+ Trllc tn blt ki mn thl thao nao
baseball, basketball

+ Trllc cac danh tl trlu tllng (trl
mlt sl trllng hlp dlc bilt):
freedom, happiness

+ Trllc tn cac mn hlc ni chung

+ Trllc tn cac ngay ll, tlt
Christmas, Thanksgiving

+ Trllc tn cac loli hinh nhlc cl trong
cac hinh thlc am nhlc cl thl (]azz, Rock,

+ Trllc tn cac nhlc cl khi dl clp dln

cac nhlc cl d ni chung holc khi chli cac
nhlc cl d.
The violin is difficult to play
Who is that on the piano
classical music..)
To perform jazz on trumpet and piano
2.4 Cach sl dlng another va other.
Hai tl nay thllng gay nhlm lln.
Dng vli danh tl dlm dllc
Dng vli danh tl khng dlm
O an + other + danh tl dlm dllc sl it = mlt
cai nla, mlt cai khac, mlt nglli nla, mlt
nglli khac (= one more).
another pencil = one more pencil
O the other + danh tl dlm dllc sl it = cai
culi cng cn lli (cla mlt bl), nglli cn
lli (cla mlt nhm), = last of the set.
the other pencil = the last pencil present
Khng dng
O Other + danh tl dlm dllc sl nhilu = mly
cai nla, mly cai khac, mly nglli nla, mly
nglli khac (= more of the set).
other pencils = some more pencils
O The other + danh tl dlm dllc sl nhilu =
nhlng cai cn lli (cla mlt bl), nhlng
nglli cn lli (cla mlt nhm), = the rest of
the set.
the other pencils = all remaining pencils
O Other + danh tl khng
dlm dllc = mlt cht
nla (= more of the set).
other water = some more
O The other + danh tl khng
dlm dllc = chl cn st
the other water = the
remaining water
: Another va other la khng xac dlnh trong khi the other la xac dlnh, nlu chl ngl la da
bilt (dllc nhlc dln trllc d) thi ta c thl bl danh tl di sau another holc other,
chl cln dng another holc other nhl mlt dli tl la dl. Khi danh tl sl nhilu bl
lllc blt (trong cach ni tlt nu trn) thi other trl thanh others. Khng bao gil dllc
dng others + danh tl sl nhilu:
! Don 't want this book. Please give me another.
(another = any other book not specific)

! Don 't want this book. Please give me the other.
(the other = the other book, specific)

This chemical is poisonous. Others are poisonous too.
(others = the other chemicals, not specific)

! Don 't want these books. Please give me the others.
(the others = the other books, specific)
: Trong mlt sl trllng hlp nglli ta dng one holc ones dlng sau another holc other
thay cho danh tl:

! Don 't want this book. Please give me another one.

! don't want this book. Please give me the other one.
This chemical is poisonous. Other ones are poisonous too.
! don't want these books. Please give me the other ones.
: This holc that c thl dng vli one nhlng these va those khng dllc dng vli ones,
mlc d cl 4 tl nay dlu c thl dng thay cho danh tl (vli vai tr la dli tl) khi khng
di vli one holc ones:
! don't want this book. ! want that.

2.S Cach sl dlng little, a little, few, a few
: Little + danh tl khng dlm dllc: rlt it, khng dl dl (c khuynh hllng phl dlnh)
! have little money, not enough to buy groceries.

: A little + danh tl khng dlm dllc: c mlt cht, dl dl
! have a little money, enough to buy groceries

: Few + danh tl dlm dllc sl nhilu: c rlt it, khng dl dl (c tinh phl dlnh)
! have few books, not enough for reference reading

: A few + danh tl dlm dllc sl nhilu: c mlt cht, dl dl
! have a few records, enough for listening.

: Trong mlt sl trllng hlp khi danh tl l trn da dllc nhlc dln thi l phia dlli
chl cln dng little holc few nhl mlt dli tl la dl (cng gilng nhl dli vli
other/another, this/that).
Are you ready in money. Yes, a little.

: $uite a few + dlm dllc = $uite a bit + khng dlm dllc = $uite a lot of + noun = rlt
2.6 Sl hlu cach
: The noun's + noun: Chl dllc dng cho nhlng danh tl chl nglli holc dlng vlt,
khng dng cho cac dl vlt.
The student's book, The cat's legs.

: li vli danh tl sl nhilu da c sln "s" l dui chl cln dng dlu phly
The students' book.

: Nhlng dli vli nhlng danh tl dli sl nhilu dlc bilt khng "s" l dui vln phli
dng dly dl dlu sl hlu cach.
The children's toys, The people's willing

: Nlu c hai danh tl cng dlng l sl hlu cach thi danh tl nao dlng gln danh tl bl
sl hlu nhlt sl mang dlu sl hlu.
Paul and Peter's room.

: li vli nhlng tn ring holc danh tl da c sln "s" l dui c thl chl cln dng dlu
phly va nhln mlnh dui khi dlc holc dng sl hlu cach va phli thay dli cach dlc.
Tn ring khng dng "the" dlng trllc.
The boss' car = the boss 's car |bosiz]
Agnes' house = Agnes 's |siz] house.

: Sl hlu cach c ng dllc dng cho thli gian (nam, thang, thlp nin, thl kl)
The 1330s' events: nhlng sl kiln cla thlp nin 30
The 21st century's prospects.

: Dng cho cac ma trong nam trl ma xuan va ma thu. Nlu dng sl hlu cach cho hai
ma nay thi nglli vilt da nhan cach hoa chng. Ngay nay nglli ta dng cac ma trong
nam nhl mlt tinh tl cho cac danh tl dlng sau, it dng sl hlu cach.
The Autumn's leaf: chilc la cla nang thu.

: Dng cho tn cac cng ty lln, cac qulc gia
The Rockerfeller's oil products.
China's food.

: li vli cac cla hilu c nghl nghilp dlc trlng chl cln dng danh tl vli dlu sl
!n a florist's
At a hairdresser's
lc bilt la cac tilm an vli tn ring: The Antonio's

: Dng trllc mlt sl danh tl blt dlng vlt chl trong mlt sl thanh ngl
a stone's throw from ...(Cach nli dau mlt tlm da nm).
3. verb phrase (ngl dlng tl)
Nhl da dl clp l phln clu trc chung cla cau, ngl dlng tl tilng Anh glm c mlt
dlng tl chinh va mlt holc nhiu trl dlng tl. lng tl trong tilng Anh chia lam 3
thli chinh:

$ua khl (Past)
Hiln tli (Present)
Tllng lai (Future)

Nli thli chinh lli chia thanh nhilu thli nhl dl diln dlt tinh chinh xac cla hanh
3.1 Present tenses (cac thli hiln tli)
3.1.1 Simple Present (thli hiln tli thllng)
Dng dl diln dlt mlt hanh dlng mang tinh thllng xuyn (regular action), theo thi
quen (habitual action) holc hanh dlng llp di llp lli c tinh qui lult.
! walk to school every day.
Khi chia dlng tl l thli nay, dli vli ngi thl nhlt (!), thl hai (you) va thl 3 sl
nhilu (they) dlng tl khng phli chia, sl dlng dlng tl nguyn thl khng c to nhl
l vi dl nu trn. li vli ngi thl 3 sl it (he, she, it), phli c "s" l sau dlng tl va
am d phli dllc dlc ln:

He walks.
She watches Tv

Thllng dng thli hiln tli thllng vli mlt sl cac ph tl chl thli gian nhl today,
present day, nowadays,... va vli cac ph tl chl tln sult nhl: always, sometimes, often,
every + thli gian ...

Simple present thllng khng dng dl diln dlt hanh dlng dang xly ra l thli dilm
hiln tli (now), ngoli trl vli cac dlng tl thl hiln trlng thai (stative verb) nhl sau:
Cac tl trong danh sach trn thllng cng khng bao gil xult hiln trong thli tilp diln
(hiln tli tilp diln, qua khl tilp diln...).

Nlt sl vi dl khac vl thli hiln tli thllng:
They understand the problem now. (stative verb)
He always swims in the evening. (habitual action)
We want to leave now. (stative verb)
The coffee tastes delicious. (stative verb)
Your cough sounds bad. (stative verb)
! walk to school every day. (habitual action)
3.1.2 Present Progressive (thli hiln tli tilp diln)

: Dng dl diln dlt mlt hanh dlng xly ra vao thli dilm hiln tli. Thli dilm nay
dllc xac dlnh cl thl blng mlt sl ph tl nhl : now, rightnow, at this moment.
: Dng thay thl cho thli tllng lai gln, dlc bilt la trong van ni.

The president is trying to contact his advisors now. (present time)
We are flying to Paris next month. (future time)

: Cac dlng tl trlng thai (stative verb) l blng sau khng dllc chia l thl tilp diln
(blt cl thli nao) khi chng la nhlng dlng tl tinh diln dlt trlng thai clm giac cla
holt dlng tinh thln holc tinh chlt cla sl vlt, sl vilc.

Nhlng khi chng quay sang hllng dlng tl hanh dlng thi chng lli dllc php dng l
thl tilp diln.

He has a lot of books.
He is having dinner now. (lng tl hanh dlng: an tli)
! think they will come in time.
!'m thinking of my test tomorrow. (lng tl hanh dlng: ang nghi vl)
3.1.3 Present Perfect (thli hiln tli hoan thanh)

Thli hiln tli hoan thanh dng dl:
(1). Diln dlt mlt hanh dlng xly ra l mlt thli dilm khng xac dlnh trong qua khl.
]ohn has traveled around the world. (We don't know when)
(2). Chl mlt hanh dlng xly ra nhilu lln trong qua khl.
Ceorge has seen this movie three time.
(3). Nlt hanh dlng blt dlu diln ra trong qua khl va vln cn xly ra l hiln tli.
]ohn has lived in that house for 20 years. (He still lives there.)
= ]ohn has lived in that house since 1384. (Cil sl hiln nay la 2004) Cach dng S!NCE va FOR:
FOR + kholng thli gian: for three days, for ten minutes, for twenty years ...
S!NCE + thli dilm blt dlu: since 1382, since ]anuary, ... Cach dng ALREADY va YET:
Already dng trong cau khlng dlnh, already c thl dlng ngay sau have va cng c thl
dlng l culi cau.

We have already written our reports.
We have written our reports already.
Yet dng trong cau phl dlnh, cau nghi vln. Yet thllng xuyn dlng l culi cau.

We haven't written our reports yet.
Have you written your reports yet?
Trong mlt sl trllng hlp l thl phl dlnh, yet c thl dlng ngay sau have nhlng
phli thay dli vl mlt ngl phap: dlng tl P!! trl vl dlng nguyn thl c to va khng
dng not.

]ohn has yet to learn the material = ]ohn hasn't learnt the material yet. Thli hiln tli hoan thanh thllng dllc dng vli
mlt sl clm tl chl thli gian nhl sau:
: Dng vli now that... (gil day khi ma...)
Now that you have passed the TOEFL test successfully, you can apply for the scholarship.
: Dng vli mlt sl ph tl nhl till now, untill now, so far (cho dln gil). Nhlng clm tl
nay c thl dlng dlu cau holc culi cau.
So far the problem has not been resolved.
: Dng vli recently, lately (gln day) nhlng clm tl nay c thl dlng dlu holc culi
! have not seen him recently.
: Dng vli before dlng l culi cau.
! have seen him before.

Xem thm cac dlng tl blt quy tlc
3.1.4 Present Perfect Progressive (thli hiln tli hoan thanh tilp

Chl dli vli cac hanh dlng thlc loli (3) cla thli hiln tli hoan thanh chng ta mli c
thl dng thli hiln tli hoan thanh tilp diln.
]ohn has been living in that house for 20 years.
= ]ohn has lived in that house for 20 years.
Phan bilt cach dng gila hai thli:
Present Perfect Present Perfect Progressive
Hanh dlng da chlm dlt l hiln tli do d
da c klt qul ro rlt.
Hanh dlng vln tilp diln l hiln tli, c
khl nang lan tli tllng lai do d khng c

!'ve waited for you for half an hour.

(and now ! stop waiting because you didn't
klt qul ro rlt.

!'ve been waiting for you for half an hour.
(and now !'m still waiting, hoping that you'll
3.2 Past tenses (cac thli qua khl)
3.2.1 Simple Past (thli qua khl thllng):

Dng dl diln dlt mlt hanh dlng da xly ra dlt dilm tli mlt thli gian xac dlnh
trong qua khl (khng cn diln ra holc lnh hllng tli hiln tli). Thli dilm trong cau
dllc xac dlnh ro rlt blng mlt sl cac ph tl chl thli gian nhl: yesterday, at that
moment, last week, ...
He went to Spain last year.
Bob bought a new bicyle yesterday.
Naria did her homework last night.
Nark washed the dishes after dinner.
We drove to the grocery store this afternoon.
Ceorge cooked dinner for his family Saturday night.

3.2.2 Past Progresseive (thli qua khl tilp diln):

Thli qua khl tilp diln dng dl diln dlt:
(1) mlt hanh dlng dang xly ra trong qua khl thi bl mlt hanh dlng khac chen ngang"
(khi dang... thi blng...). Trong trllng hlp nay, mlu cau chung la:

! was watching Tv when she came home.

When she came home, ! was watching television.

(2) Hai hanh dlng cng dlng thli xly ra trong qua khl. Trong trllng hlp nay, mlu
cau sau dllc ap dlng:

Nartha was watching television while ]ohn was reading a book.

While ]ohn was reading a book, Nartha was watching television.
Clu trc sau day cng di khi dllc dng nhlng khng thng dlng blng hai mlu trn:

While ]ohn was reading a book, Nartha watched television.
(3) Nlt hanh dlng dang xly ra tli mlt thli dilm xac dlnh trong qua khl:
Nartha was watching Tv at seven o'clock last night.
What were you doing at one o'clock this afternoon?
Henry was eating a snack at midnight last night.
3.2.3 Past Perfect (thli qua khl hoan thanh):

Thli qua khl hoan thanh dllc dng dl diln dlt:
(1) mlt hanh dlng xly ra trllc mlt hanh dlng khac trong qua khl, trong cau thllng
c c 2 hanh dlng:

Thli qua khl hoan thanh thllng dllc dng vli 3 ph tl chl thli gian la: after,
before va when.

Ph tl when c thl dllc dng thay cho after va before trong cl 4 mlu trn ma khng
lam thay dli nghia cla cau. Chng ta vln bilt hanh dlng nao xly ra trllc do c sl
dlng qua khl hoan thanh.

The police came when the robber had gone away.

(2) Nlt trlng thai da tln tli mlt thli gian trong qua khl nhlng da chlm dlt trllc
hiln tli. Trllng hlp nay tllng tl trllng hlp (3) dli vli hiln tli hoan thanh
nhlng trong trllng hlp nay khng c lin hl gi vli hiln tli.

]ohn had lived in New York for ten years before he moved to vN.
3.2.4 Past Perfect Progressive (thli qua khl hoan thanh tilp diln):

Chl dli vli cac hanh dlng thulc nhm (2) cla thli qua khl hoan thanh ta mli c thl
dng thli qua khl hoan thanh tilp diln, vli nghia cla cau khng thay dli.

]ohn had been living in New York for ten years before he moved to vN.

Llu : Thli nay ngay nay it dng, nglli ta thay thl n blng Past Perfect va chl dng
khi nao cln diln dlt tinh chinh xac cla hanh dlng.
3.3 Future tenses (cac thli tllng lai)
3.3.1 Simple Future (thli tllng lai thllng):

Ngay nay ngl phap hiln dli, dlc bilt la ngl phap Ni chlp nhln vilc dng will cho tlt
cl cac ngi, cn shall chl dng vli cac ngi !, we trong mlt sl trllng hlp nhl sau:

: la ra dl nghl mlt cach llch sl:
Shall ! take you coat?
: Dng dl mli nglli khac mlt cach llch sl:
Shall we go out for lunch?
: Dng dl nga gia trong khi mlc cl, mua ban:
Shall we say : $ S0
: Thllng dllc dng vli 1 van bln mang tinh phap qui bulc cac bn phli thi hanh dilu
kholn trong van bln:
All the students shall be responsible for proper execution of the dorm rule.

Trong tilng Anh binh dan , nglli ta thay shall = must l dlng cau nay. N dng dl diln
dlt mlt hanh dlng sl xly ra l mlt thli dilm nhlt dlnh trong tllng lai nhlng
khng xac dlnh cl thl. Thllng dng vli mlt sl ph tl chl thli gian nhl tomorrow,
next + time, in the future, in future, from now on.
3.3.2 Near Future (tllng lai gln):

Diln dlt mlt hanh dlng sl xly ra trong tllng lai gln, thllng dng vli cac ph tl
dlli dlng: !n a moment (lat nla), at 2 o'clock this afternoon....
We are going to have a reception in a moment
N chl 1 vilc chlc chln sl phli xly ra theo nhl dl tinh cho d thli gian la tllng
lai xa.
We are going to take a TOEFL test next year.
Ngay nay nglli ta thllng dng present progressive.
3.3.3 Future Progressive (thli tllng lai tilp diln):

: Dng dl diln dlt mlt hanh dlng sl xly ra vao mlt thli dilm nhlt dlnh trong
tllng lai.
At 8:00 am tomorrow morning we will be attending the lecture.
Cood luck with the exam! We will be thinking of you.
: Dng klt hlp vli present progressive khac dl diln dlt hai hanh dlng dang song song
xly ra. Nlt l hiln tli, cn mlt l tllng lai.
Now we are learning English here, but by this time tomorrow we will be attending the
meeting at the office.
: llc dng dl dl clp dln cac sl kiln tllng lai da dllc xac dlnh holc quylt
dlnh (khng mang nghia tilp diln).
Professor Baxter will be giving another lecture on Roman glassmaking at the same time
next week.
: Holc nhlng sl kiln dllc mong dli la sl xly ra theo mlt tiln trinh thllng ll
(nhlng khng diln dlt dlnh cla ca nhan nglli ni).
You will be hearing from my solicitor.
! will be seeing you one of these days, ! expect.
: Dl doan cho tllng lai:
Don't phone now, they will be having dinner.
: Diln dlt lli dl nghl nha nhln muln bilt vl kl holch cla nglli khac
Will you be staying in here this evening? (ng c dl dlnh l lli day tli nay chl l)
3.3.4 Future Perfect (thli tllng lai hoan thanh):

Dng dl chl mlt hanh dlng sl phli dllc hoan tlt l vao mlt thli dilm nhlt
dlnh trong tllng lai. N thllng dllc dng vli trlng tl chl thli gian dlli dlng:
by the end of....., by the time + sentence

We will have accomplished the English grammar course by the end of next week.
By the time human being migrates to the moon, most of the people alive today will have
4. Sl ha hlp gila chl ngl va dlng tl
Trong mlt cau tilng Anh, chl ngl va dlng tl phli ph hlp vli nhau vl ngi va sl
(sl it hay sl nhilu)

The worker works very well.
sl it sl it

The workers work very well.
sl nhilu sl nhilu
4.1 Cac trllng hlp chl ngl dlng tach khli dlng tl

Trong cau tilng Anh, c nhilu trllng hlp rlt kh xac dlnh dllc dau la chl ngl
cla cau do chl ngl va dlng tl khng di liln vli nhau.
The boys in the room are playing chess.
Thng thllng trong cac trllng hlp d, mlt ngl gili tl (mlt gili tl ml dlu va
cac danh tl theo sau - in the room) thllng nlm gila chl ngl va dlng tl. Cac ngl
gili tl nay khng lnh hllng dln vilc chia dlng tl.
The study of languages is very interesting.
Serveral theories on this subject have been proposed.
The view of these disciplines varies from time to time.
The danger of forest fires is not to be taken lightly.

Ch rlng trong cac vi dl trn cac danh tl nlm trong ngl gili tl dlu trai ngllc vli
chl ngl vl sl it / sl nhilu nhlng dlng tl lun dllc chia theo chl ngl chinh.

Cac clm tl sau cng vli cac danh tl di theo sau n tlo nn hiln tllng dlng chl
ngl. Chng dlng gila chl ngl va dlng tl, phan tach khli 2 thanh phln d bli dlu
phly. Chng cng khng c lnh hllng gi dln vilc chia dlng tl.
Together with along with accompanied by as well as
Nary, along with her manager and some friends, is going to a party tonight.
Nr. Robbins, accompanied by her wife and children, is arriving tonight.

Nlu 2 danh tl lam chl ngl nli vli nhau blng and thi dlng tl phli chia l ngi thl
3 sl nhilu (tllng dllng vli they)

Nary and her manager are going to a party tonight.

Nhlng nlu 2 dlng chl ngl nli vli nhau blng or thi dlng tl phli chia theo danh tl
dlng sau or. Nlu danh tl d la sl it thi dlng tl phli chia sl it va ngllc lli.

Nary or her manager is going to answer the press interview.
4.2 Cac tl lun di vli danh tl holc dli tl sl it
la cac danh tl l blng sau (cn gli la cac dli tl philm chl).
any + singular noun no + singular noun some + singular noun
no one
every + singular noun
everybody everyone everything
each either * neither *
* Either va neither la sl it nlu chng khng di vli or holc nor. Either (c nghia 1 trong 2)
chl dng cho 2 nglli holc 2 vlt. Nlu 3 nglli (vlt) trl ln phli dng any. Neither
(khng mlt ai trong hai) chl dng cho 2 nglli, 2 vlt. Nlu 3 nglli (vlt) trl ln
dng not any.
Everybody who wants to buy a ticket should be in this line.
Something is in my eye.
Anybody who has lost his ticket should report to the desk.

Neither of his pens is able to be used.

!f either of you takes a vacation now, we will not be able to finish the work.
No problem is harder than this one.
Nobody works harder than ]ohn does.

4.3 Cach sl dlng None va No
None va No dlu dng dllc vli cl danh tl sl it va sl nhilu.
: Nlu sau None of the la mlt danh tl khng dlm dllc thi dlng tl phli l ngi thl 3
sl it. Nlu sau n la mlt danh tl sl nhilu thi dlng tl phli chia l ngi thl 3 sl
None of the + noncount noun + singular verb
None of the + plural count noun + plural verb
None of the counterfeit money has been found.
None of the students have finished the exam yet.
: Nlu sau No la mlt danh tl dlm dllc sl it holc khng dlm dllc thi dlng tl
phli l ngi thl 3 sl it. Nlu sau n la mlt danh tl sl nhilu thi dlng tl phli l ngi
thl 3 sl nhilu
No + {singular noun / noncount noun} + singular verb
No + plural noun + plural verb
No example is relevant to this case.
No examples are relevant to this case.
4.4 Cach sl dlng clu trc either... or (holc...holc) va neither... nor
(khng...ma cng khng)
ilu cln llu nhlt khi sl dlng clu trc nay la dlng tl phli chia theo danh tl di
sau or holc nor. Nlu danh tl d la sl it thi dlng tl chia l ngi thl 3 sl it va ngllc
lli. Nlu or holc nor xult hiln mlt minh (khng c either holc neither) thi c ng ap
dlng quy tlc tllng tl (nhl da dl clp l phln trn)

Neither ]ohn nor his friends are going to the beach today.
Either ]ohn or his friends are going to the beach today.
Neither the boys nor Carmen has seen this movie before.
Either ]ohn or Bill is going to the beach today.
Neither the director nor the secretary wants to leave yet.
4.S ving lam chl ngl

Khi ving dng lam chl ngl thi dlng tl c ng phli chia l ngi thl 3 sl it.
Knowing her has made him what he is.
Not studying has caused him many problems.
Washing with special cream is recommended for scalp infection.
Being cordial is one of his greatest assets.
Writing many letters makes her happy.
Nglli ta sl dng ving khi muln diln dlt 1 hanh dlng cl thl xly ra nhlt thli
nhlng khi muln diln dlt bln chlt cla sl vlt, sl vilc thi phli dng danh tl

Dieting is very popular today.
Diet is for those who suffer from a cerain disease.

lng tl nguyn thl cng c thl dng lam chl ngl va dlng tl sau n sl chia l ngi
thl 3 sl it. Nhlng nglli ta thllng dng chl ngl gil it dl ml dlu cau.

To find the book is necessary for him = !t is necessary for him to find the book.
4.6 Cac danh tl tlp thl
la cac danh tl l blng sau dng dl chl 1 nhm nglli holc 1 tl chlc nhlng trn
thlc tl chng la nhlng danh tl sl it, do vly cac dli tl va dlng tl theo sau chng
cng l ngi thl 3 sl it.
The committee has met, and it has rejected the proposal.
The family was elated by the news.
The crowd was wild with excitement
Congress has initiated a new plan to combat inflation.
The organization has lot many members this year.
Our team is going to win the game.
Tuy nhin nlu cac thanh vin trong nhm dang holt dlng ring rl, dlng tl sl chia l
ngi thl 3 sl nhilu:
Congress votes for the bill. ($ulc hli bl philu cho dl lult, glm tlt cl mli nglli)
Congress are discussing about the bill. ($ulc hli dang tranh luln vl dl lult, tlc la mlt
sl tan thanh, mlt sl phln dli. Thi TOEFL khng blt lli nay).
* Danh tl majority dllc dng tu theo thanh phln sau n dl chia dlng tl
The majority + singular verb
The majority of the + plural noun + plural verb

The majority believes that we are in no danger.
The majority of the students believe him to be innocent.

: The police/the sheep/the fish + plural verb.

The sheep are breaking away

The police come only to see the dead bodies and a ruin in the bank
: A couple + singular verb
A couple is walking on the path
: The couple + plural verb
The couple are racing their horses through the meadow.
: Cac clm tl l nhm sau chl mlt nhm dlng vlt holc gia sc. Cho d sau gili
tl of la danh tl sl nhilu thi dlng tl vln chia theo ngi chl ngl chinh - ngi thl 3
sl it: flock of birds/ sheep, school of fish, herd of cattle, pride of lions, pack of dogs
The flock of birds is circling overhead.
The herd of casttle is breaking away.
A school of fish is being attacked by sharks.
: Tlt cl cac danh tl tlp thl chl thli gian, tiln blc, sl do, ... khi dllc dl clp
dln nhl mlt thl thlng nhlt thi dlu dllc xem la mlt danh tl sl it. Do d cac
dlng tl va dli tl theo sau chng phli l ngi thl 3 sl it.
Twentyfive dollars is too much for the meal.
Fifty minutes isn't enough time to finish this test
Twenty dollars is all ! can afford to pay for that radio.
Two miles is too much to run in one day.
He has contributed $S0, and now he wants to contribute another fifty.
4.7 Cach sl dlng a number of, the number of:
A number of = Nlt sl nhlng ...", di vli danh tl sl nhilu, dlng tl chia l sl nhilu.
A number of + plural noun + plural verb
A number of students are going to the class picnic (Nlt sl sinh vin sl di ...)
A number of applicants have already been interviewed.

The number of = Sl lllng nhlng ...", di vli danh tl sl nhilu, dlng tl vln l ngi
thl 3 sl it.
The number of + plural noun + singular verb...
The number of days in a week is seven. (Sl lllng ngay trong tuln la 7)
The number of residents who have been questioned on this matter is quite small.
4.8 Cac danh tl lun l sl nhilu
Blng sau la nhlng danh tl bao gil cng l hinh thai sl nhilu vi chng bao glm 2 thlc
thl nn cac dli tl va dlng tl di cng vli chng cng phli l sl nhilu.
Nlu muln chng thanh ngi sl it phli dng a pair of...
The pants are in the drawer.
A pair of pants is in the drawer.
These scissors are dull. (Cai ko nay cn. Ch chl c 1 cai ko nhlng cng dng vli

4.3 Cach dng there is, there are
llc dng dl chl sl tln tli cla nglli holc vlt tli mlt nli nao d. Chl ngl
thlt cla cau la la danh tl di sau dlng tl. Nlu n la danh tl sl it thi dlng tl to
be chia l ngi thl 3 sl it va ngllc lli. Nli biln dli vl thli va thl dlu l to
be cn there gil nguyn.

There has been an increase in the importation of foreign cars.
Threre is a storm approaching.
There was an accident last night.
There was water on the floor.

There have been a number of telephone calls today.
There were too many people at the party.
Llu :
O Cac clu trc: there is certain/ sure/ likely/ bound to be = chlc chln la sl c
There is sure to be trouble when she gets his letter. (Chlc chln la sl c rlc rli khi
c ly nhln dllc thl anh ta)
Do you think there is likely to be snow. (Anh cho rlng chlc chln sl c tuylt chl)
O Trong dlng tilng Anh quy chuln holc van chllng mlt sl cac dlng tl khac
ngoai to be cng dllc sl dlng vli there:
lng tl trlng thai: stand/ lie/ remain/ exist/ live
lng tl chl sl dln: enter/ go/ come/ follow/ develop

!n a small town in Cermany there once lived a poor shoemaker. (Tli mlt thl trln nhl l
lc c mlt ng thl giay ngho slng l d)
There remains nothing more to be done . (Chl cn c gi nla ma lam)
Suddenly there entered a strange figure dressed all in black. (Blng c mlt hinh bng ki ll

mlc toan dl den di vao)

There followed an uncomfortable silence. (Sau d la mlt sl im llng dln kh chlu)
O There + subject pronoun + go/ come/ be: kia/ thl la/ rli thi
There he comes (Anh ta da dln rli kia kia)
There you are, ! have been waiting for you for over an hour. (Anh day rli, ti dang
chl anh dln hln mlt tilng rli dly)

S. li tl
li tl dllc chia lam S loli vli cac chlc nang sl dlng khac nhau, bao glm:
S.1 Subject pronoun (li tl nhan xlng chl ngl)
li tl nhan xlng chl ngl (cn gli la dli tl nhan xlng) thllng dlng l vl tri chl
ngl trong cau holc dlng sau dlng tl be, dlng sau cac ph tl so sanh nhl than, as,
! am going to the store.
We have lived here for twenty years.
The teachers who were invited to the party were Ceorge, Bill and !.
!t was she who called you.
Ceorge and ! would like to leave now.
We students are going to have a party.
O Ngay sau cac ngi sl nhilu nhl we, you bln c thl dng mlt danh tl sl nhilu
dl lam ro we, you la chl cai gi.
We students are going to have a party (Sinh vin chng ti .....)
You guys (Bln may)
O We/ You/ They c thl dng vli all/ both. Trong trllng hlp cau c dlng tl dln
thi chng di liln vli nhau:
We all go to school now.
They both bought the ensurance
You all come shopping.
O Nhlng nlu all holc both di vli cac dli tl nay l dlng cau c trl dlng tl
thi all holc both sl dlng sau trl dlng tl:
We will all go to school next week.
They have both bought the insurance.
O All va Both cng phli dlng sau dlng tl to be, trllc tinh tl
We are all ready to go swimming.
O Dng he/she thay thl cho cac vlt nui nlu chng dllc xem la c tinh cach, thng
minh holc tinh clm (ch, mo, ngla...)

Co and find the cat if where she stays in.

How's your new car? Terrrific, she is running beautifully.
O Tn nllc, tn cac con tau dllc thay thl trang trlng blng she (ngay nay it
England is an island country and she is governed by a mornach.
Titanic was the biggest passenger ship ever built. She could carry as many as 2000
passenger on board.
S.2 Complement pronoun (li tl nhan xlng tan ngl)

li tl tan ngl dlng l vl tri tan ngl (dlng sau dlng tl holc gili trl khi gili tl
d ml dlu mlt mlnh dl mli). Bln cln phan bilt ro dli tl tan ngl vli dli tl
chl ngl. Chl ngl la chl thl cla hanh dlng (gay ra hanh dlng), cn tan ngl la dli
tllng nhln sl tac dlng cla hanh dlng.
They invited us to the party last night.
The teacher gave him a bad grade.
! told her a story.
The policeman was looking for him.
lng sau us c thl dng mlt danh tl sl nhilu trlc tilp, gilng nhl dli vli dli tl
nhan xlng chl ngl.
The teacher has made a lot of questions for us students.
S.3 Possessive pronoun (li tl sl hlu)

Nglli ta dng dli tl sl hlu dl tranh khli phli nhlc lli tinh tl sl hlu + danh
tl da dl clp trllc d. N c nghia: mine = cai cla ti, yours = cai cla (cac) bln, ... Do
d chng thay thl cho danh tl. lng bao gil dng cl dli tl sl hlu lln danh tl.
Nlc d cach vilt cla his va its dli vli tinh tl sl hlu va dli tl sl hlu la gilng
nhau nhlng bln cln phan bilt ro hai trllng hlp nay.
This is my book, that is yours. (yours = your book)
Your teacher is the same as his. (his = his teacher)
]ill's dress is green and mine is red. (mine = my dress)
Your books are heavy, ours are heavy too. (ours = our books)
S.3.1 Possessive adjectives (Tinh tl sl hlu)
my our


Tinh tl sl hlu khac vli dli tl sl hlu (nu trn day) l chl n bl nghia cho danh tl
chl khng thay thl cho danh tl. Cli la tinh tl sl hlu vi n thl hiln tinh chlt sl
hlu cla nglli holc vlt dli vli danh tl di sau n. Ch rlng cng dng tinh tl sl
hlu dli vli cac bl phln trn cl thl.
]ohn is eating his dinner.
This is not my book.
The cat has injured its foot.
The boy broke his arm yesterday.
She forgot her homework this morning.
Ny food is cold.
S.4 Reflexive pronoun (li tl phln than)

O Dng dl diln dlt chl ngl vla la tac nhan gay ra hanh dlng, vla la tac nhan
nhln tac dlng cla hanh dlng d. N dlng ngay dlng sau dlng tl holc gili
tl for, to l culi cau.
]ill bought himself a new car.
Ch : ]ill bought him a new car" thi cau c nghia khac: him" = another person.
! washed myself
He sent the letter to himself.
She served herself in the cafeteria.
We hurt ourselves playing football
]ohn and Nary hurt themselves in a car accident.
You can see the difference for yourselves.
O Dng dl nhln mlnh vilc chl ngl tl lam lly vilc gi, trong trllng hlp nay
n dlng ngay sau chl ngl holc sau tl by.
! myself believe that there is no Cod.
She prepared the ninecourse meal by herself.
]ohn washed the dishes by himself.
The students themselves decorated the room.
Ch : l dlng sl nhilu self biln thanh selves.
6. Tan ngl (complement / object) va cac vln dl lin quan
6.1 lng tl dng lam tan ngl
Khng phli blt cl dlng tl nao trong tilng Anh cng dlu di hli tan ngl dlng sau n
la mlt danh tl. Nlt sl cac dlng tl lli di hli tan ngl sau n phli la mlt dlng tl
khac. lng tl dng lam tan ngl dllc chia lam hai loli:

6.1.1. Loli 1: lng tl nguyn thl lam tan ngl (to + verb)
O Blng dlli day la nhlng dlng tl di hli tan ngl sau n la mlt dlng tl
nguyn thl khac.
]ohn expects to begin studying law next semester
Nary learned to swim when she was very young.
The committee decided to postpone the meeting.
The president will attempt to reduce inflation rate.
O Trong cau phl dlnh, thm not vao trllc dlng tl lam tan ngl:
]ohn decided not to buy the car.
6.1.2. Loli 2: lng tl verbing dng lam tan ngl
O Blng dlli day la nhlng dlng tl di hli tan ngl theo sau n phli la mlt verb
can't help
]ohn admitted stealing the jewels.

We enjoyed seeing them again after so many years.
You shouldn't risk entering that building in its present condition.
He was considering buying a new car until the prices went up.
The Coast Cuard has reported seeing another ship in the Florida Straits.
O Trong cau phl dlnh, thm not vao trllc verbing.
]ohn regretted not buying the car.
O Llu rlng trong blng nay c mlu dlng tl can't help doing/ but do smt c nghia
'khng thl dlng dllc phli lam gi'
With such good oranges, we can't help buying two kilos at a time.
6.1.3 lng dlli day la nhlng dlng tl ma tan ngl sau n c thl la
mlt dlng tl nguyn thl holc mlt verbing ma ngl nghia khng thay

can't stand
He started to study after dinner = he started studying after dinner.

Llu rlng trong blng nay c mlt dlng tl can't stand to do/doing smt: khng thl chlu
dlng dllc khi phli lam gi.
He can't stand to wait (waiting) such a long time.
6.1.4 ln dlng tl dlc bilt
la nhlng dlng tl ma ngl nghia cla chng sl dli khac hoan toan khi tan ngl sau n
la mlt dlng tl nguyn thl holc verbing.
1a) Stop to do smt: dlng lli dl lam gi
He stoped to smoke = Anh ta dlng lli dl ht thulc.
1b) Stop doing smt: dlng lam vilc gi
He stoped smoking = Anh ta da bl thulc.
2a) Remember to do smt: Nhl sl phli lam gi
Remember to send this letter. = Hay nhl gli blc thl nay nh.
2b) Remember doing smt: Nhl la da lam gi
! remember locking the door before leaving, but now ! can't find the key.
lc bilt n thllng dllc dng vli mlu cau: S + still remember + ving : vln cn nhl
la da...
! still remember buying the first motorbike
3a) Forget to do smt: qun sl phli lam gi
! forgot to pickup my child after school = Ti qun khng dn con.
3b) Forget doing smt: (qun la da lam gi). lc bilt n thllng dllc dng vli mlu
cau S + will never forget + ving: sl khng bao gil qun dllc la da ...
She will never forget meeting the $ueen = C ly khng bao gil qun lln glp Nl
4a) Regret to do smt: Lly lam tilc vi phli lam gi (thllng dng khi bao tin xlu)
We regret to inform the passengers that the flight for Washington DC was canceled
because of the bad weather.
4b) Regret doing smt: Lly lam tilc vi da lam gi
He regrets leaving school early. !t's the biggest mistake in his life.
6.1.S lng tl dlng sau gili tl
Tlt cl cac dlng tl dlng ngay sau gili tl dlu phli l dlng ving.
6.1.S.1 verb + preposition + verbing
Sau day la blng cac dlng tl c gili tl theo sau, vi vly cac dlng tl khac di sau dlng
tl nay phli dng l dlng verbing.
verb + prepositions + ving
approve of
be better of
count on
give up
insist on
keep on
rely on
succeed in
think about
worry abount
object to
look forward to

depend on put off think of confess to

]ohn gave up smoking because of his doctor's advice.
He insisted on taking the bus instead of the plane.
Hery is thinking of going to France next year.
Fred confessed to stealing the jewels
Ch rlng l 3 dlng tl culi cng trong blng trn, c gili tl to di sau dlng tl. la
gili tl chl khng phli la to trong dlng tl nguyn thl (to do st), nn theo sau n phli
la mlt verbing chl khng phli la mlt verb nguyn thl.
We are not looking forward to going back to school.
]ill objected to receiving the new position.
He confessed to causing the fire.
6.1.S.2 Adjective + preposition + verbing:
Adjective + prepositions + ving
accustomed to
afraid of
intent on
interested in
capable of
fond of
successful in
tired of
Nitch is afraid of getting married now.
We are accustomed to sleeping late on weekends.
! am fond of dancing.
We are interested in seeing this film.
6.1.S.3 Noun + preposition + verbing:
Noun + prepositions + ving
choice of
excuse for
intention of
method for
possibility of
reason for
(method of)
There is no reason for leaving this early.
Ceorge has no excuse for droping out of school.
There is a possibility of acquiring this property at a good price.
He has developed a method for evaluating this problem.
Cac trllng hlp khac:
Trong cac trllng hlp khac, dlng tl di sau gili tl cng phli l dlng verbing.
After leaving the party, he drove home.
He should have stayed in New York instead of moving to Naine.
6.1.6 lng tl di sau tinh tl:
Ni chung, nlu dlng tl di ngay sau tinh tl (khng c gili tl) thi dllc dng l dlng
nguyn thl. Nhlng tinh tl d bao glm.
!t is dangerous to drive in this weather.
Nike is anxious to see his family.

We are ready to leave now.

!t is difficult to pass this test.
Ch : able va capable c nghia nhl nhau nhlng cach dng khac nhau:
(able/ unable) to do smt = (capable/ incapable) of doing smt.
6.2 li tl dlng trllc dlng tl nguyn thl holc ving trong tan ngl
6.2.1 Trllng hlp tan ngl la dlng tl nguyn thl
Trong trllng hlp tan ngl la dlng tl nguyn thl (loli 1) thi blt cl danh tl hay dli
tl nao trlc tilp dlng trllc n c ng phli l dlng tan ngl (complement form).
]oe asked her to call him.
S + v + {pronoun/ noun in complement form} + |to +
verb] ...
Sau day la mlt sl dlng tl di hli tan ngl la mlt dlng tl nguyn thl c dli tl lam
tan ngl gian tilp.
We ordered him to appear in court.
! urge you to reconsider your decision.
They were trying to persuade him to change his mind.
The teacher permitted them to turn their assignments in late.
You should prepare your son to take this examination.
6.2.2 Trllng hlp tan ngl la ving
Trong trllng hlp tan ngl la mlt v ing thi dli tl/danh tl phli l dlng sl hlu.
Subject + verb + {pronoun/ noun}(possessive form) +
We understand your not being able to stay longer.
We object to their calling at this hour.
He regrets her leaving.
We are looking forward to their coming next year.
We don't approve of ]ohn's buying this house.
We resent the teacher's not announcing the test sooner.
7. Nlt sl dlng tl dlc bilt (need, dare, to be, get)
7.1 Need
7.1.1 Need dng nhl mlt dlng tl thllng:
a) lng tl di sau need chl l dlng nguyn thl khi chl ngl la mlt vlt thl slng:

Ny friend needs to learn Spanish.

He will need to drive alone tonight.
]ohn needs to paint his house.
b) lng tl di sau need phli l dlng verbing holc dlng bl dlng nlu chl ngl
khng phli la vlt thl slng.
The grass needs cutting OR The grass needs to be cut.
The telivision needs repairing OR The Tv needs to be repaired.
Your thesis needs rewriting OR Your thesis needs to be rewritten.
Ch :
need + noun = to be in need of + noun
]ill is in need of money. = ]ill needs money.
The roof is in need of repair. = The roof needs repairing.
Want va Require cng di khi dllc dng theo mlu cau nay nhlng khng phl biln:
Your hair wants cutting
All cars require servicing regularly
7.1.2 Need dng nhl mlt trl dlng tl
Chl dng l thl nghi vln holc phl dlnh thli hiln tli. Ngi thl ba sl it khng c "s"
tln cng. Khng dng vli trl dlng tl to do. Sau need (trl dlng tl) la mlt dlng tl
bl to:
We needn't reserve seats there will be plenty of rooms.
Need ! fill out the form?
O Thllng dng sau cac tl nhl if/ whether/ only/ scarcely/ hardly/ no one
! wonder if ! need fill out the form.
This is the only form you need fill out.
O Needn 't + have + P2 : Ll ra khng cln phli
You needn't have come so early only waste your time.
O Needn't = khng cln phli, trong khi mustn't = khng dllc php.
You needn't apply for a visa to visit France if you hold a EU passport, but if you are
not an EU citizen, you mustn't unless you have a visa.
7.2 Dare (dam)
7.2.1 Dng nhl mlt nli dlng tl
Khng dng l thl khlng dlnh, chl dng l thl nghi vln va phl dlnh.
Did they dare (to) do such a thing? = Dared they do such a thing? (Hl dam lam nhl
vly sao?)
He didn't dare (to) say anything = He dared not say anything. (Anh ta khng dam ni gi.)
O Dare khng dllc dng l thl khlng dlnh ngoli trl thanh ngl ! dare say/ !
daresay vli 2 nghia sau:

Ti cho rlng: ! dare say there is a restaurant at the end of the train.
Ti thla nhln la: ! daresay you are right.
O How dare/ dared + S + verb in simple form: Sao ... dam (tl sl giln gil)
How dared you open my letter: Sao may dam ml thl cla tao.
7.2.2 Dng nhl mlt ngoli dlng tl
Nang nghia thach thlc": Dare sb to do smt = Thach ai lam gi
They dare the boy to swim across the river in such a cold weather.
! dare you to touch my toes = Tao thach may dam dlng dln mlt sli lng cla tao.
7.3 Cach sl dlng to be trong mlt sl trllng hlp
O To be of + noun = to have: c (dng dl chl tinh chlt holc tinh clm)
Nary is of a gentle nature = Nary c mlt bln chlt tl tl.
O To be of + noun: Nhln mlnh cho danh tl dlng dlng sau
The newlyopened restaurant is of (l ngay) the Leceister Square.
O To be + to + verb: la dlng clu tlo dlc bilt, sl dlng trong trllng hlp:
l truyln dlt cac mlnh llnh holc cac chl dln tl ngi thl nhlt qua ngi
thl hai dln ngi thl ba.
No one is to leave this building without the permission of the police.
Dng vli mlnh dl if khi mlnh dl chinh diln dlt mlt cau dilu kiln: Nlt
dilu phli xly ra trllc nlu muln mlt dilu khac xly ra. (Nlu muln... thi
!f we are to get there by lunch time we had better hurry.
Something must be done quickly if the endangered birds are to be saved.
He knew he would have to work hard if he was to pass his exam
llc dng dl thng bao nhlng yu clu xin chl dln:
He asked the air traffic control where he was to land.
llc dng kha phl biln dl truyln dlt mlt dl dlnh, mlt sl slp dlt,
dlc bilt khi n la chinh thlc.
She is to get married next month.
The expedition is to start in a week.
We are to get a ten percent wage rise in ]une.
Clu trc nay thng dlng trn bao chi, khi la tla dl bao thi to be dllc bl di.
The Primer Ninister (is) to make a statement tomorrow.
O were + S + to + verb = if + S + were + to + verb = thl nlu (mlt gil thuylt)
Were ! to tell you that he passed his exams, would you believe me.
O was/ were + to + verb: l diln dlt tllng vl mlt sl mlnh da dlnh sln
They said goodbye without knowing that they were never to meet again.
Since 1840, American Presidents elected in years ending in zero were to be
died (have been destined to die) in office.
O to be about to + verb = near future (slp sla)
They are about to leave.
O Be + adj ... (ml dlu cho mlt ngl) = tl ra...
Be careless in a national park where there are bears around and the result are
likely to be tragical indeed.

O Be + subject + noun/ noun phrase/ adjective = cho d la ...

Societies have found various methods to support and train their artists, be it the
Renaissance system of royal support of the sculptors and painters of the period or the
]apanese tradition of passing artistic knowledge from father to son. (l cac xa hli dlu
tim thly mlt sl phllng phap hl trl va dao tlo cac nghl sl, cho d la hl
thlng hl trl cac nha diu khlc va hol sl cla cac hoang gia thli k Phlc hlng
hay phllng phap truyln thl hilu bilt nghl thult tl cha sang con theo truyln
thlng Nhlt Bln)
To have technique is to possess the physical expertise to perform whatever steps a
given work may contain, be they simple or complex. (C dllc kl thult la sl c
dllc sl diu luyln dl thlc hiln blt k thao tac nao ma mlt cng vilc di hli,
cho d la chng dln giln hay phlc tlp)
7.4 Cach sl dlng to get trong mlt sl trllng hlp:
7.4.1. To get + P2
get + washed/ dressed/ prepared/ lost/ drowned/ engaged/ married/ divorced.
Chl vilc chl ngl tl lam lly mlt vilc gi holc tinh hulng ma chl ngl dang glp
You will have S minutes to get dressed.(Em c S pht dl mlc quln ao)
He got lost in old Narket Street yesterday. (tinh hulng bl llc dllng)
Tuylt nhin khng dllc lln trllng hlp nay vli dlng bl dlng.
7.4.2. Cet + ving = Start + ving: lt dlu lam gi
We'd better get moving, it's late.
7.4.3. Cet sb/smt +ving: Lam cho ai/ cai gi blt dlu.
Please get him talking about the main task. (Lam ln blo anh ta hay blt dlu di vao vln
dl chinh)
When we get the heater running, the whole car will start to warm up. (Khi chng ta cho may
slli blt dlu chly..)
7.4.4. Cet + to + verb
Tim dllc cach.
We could get to enter the stadium without tickets.(Chng ti da tim dllc cach llt vao...)
C cl may
When do ! get to have a promotion? (Khi nao ti c cl may dllc tang lllng day?)
llc php
At last we got to meet the general director. (Culi cng thi rli chng ti c ng dllc
php glp tlng dlo diln)
7.4.S. Cet + to + verb (vl hanh dlng) = Come + to + verb (vl nhln
thlc) = Cradually = dln dln
We will get to speak English more easily as time goes by.
He comes to understand that learning English is not much difficult.
8. Cau hli

Tilng Anh c nhilu loli cau hli c nhlng chlc nang va mlc dich khac nhau. Trong cau
hli, trl dlng tl holc dlng tl be bao gil cng dlng trllc chl ngl. Nlu khng c
trl dlng tl holc dlng tl be, ta phli dng dlng thlc do, does, did nhl mlt trl
dlng tl dl thay thl. Sau cac dlng tl holc trl dlng tl d, phli dng dlng chinh
tl l dlng nguyn thl khng c to. Thli va thl cla cau hli chl dllc chia bli trl
dlng tl, chl khng phli dlng tl chinh.

8.1 Cau hli Yes/ No

Sl di ta gli la nhl vly vi khi trl lli, dng Yes/No. Nhl rlng khi trl lli:
Yes + Positive verb
No + Negative verb.
(khng dllc trl lli theo kilu cau tilng vilt)
!sn't Nary going to school today?
Was Nark sick yesterday?
Have you seen this movie before?
Will the committe decide on the proposal today?
Don't you still want to use the telephone?
Did you go to class yesterday?
Doesn't Ted like this picture?
8.2 Cau hli lly thng tin (information question)
li vli loli cau hli nay, cau trl lli khng thl dln giln la yes hay no ma phli c thm
thng tin. Chng thllng dng cac tl nghi vln, chia lam 3 loli sau:
8.2.1 Who holc What: cau hli chl ngl
ay la cau hli khi muln bilt chl ngl hay chl thl cla hanh dlng.

Something happened lastnight => What happened last night?
Someone opened the door. => Who opened the door?
Ch cac cau sau day la sai ngl phap:
Who did open the door? (SA!)
What did happen lastnight? (SA!)

8.2.2 Whom holc What: cau hli tan ngl

ay la cac cau hli dng khi muln bilt tan ngl hay dli tllng tac dlng cla hanh dlng

Nhl rlng trong tilng Anh vilt chinh tlc blt bulc phli dng whom mlc d trong
tilng Anh ni c thl dng who thay cho whom trong mlu cau trn.
Ceorge bought something at the store. => What did Ceorge buy at the store?
Ana knows someone from UK. => Whom does Ana know from UK?
8.2.3 When, Where, How va Why: Cau hli bl ngl
Dng khi muln bilt nli chln, thli gian, l do, cach thlc cla hanh dlng.

How did Naria get to school today?
When did he move to London?
Why did she leave so early?
Where has Ted gone?
When will she come back?
Ch tranh nhlm lln vli cac cau sai nhl vi dl l phln 8.2.1
8.3 Cau hli phlc (embedded question)
La cau holc cau hli chla trong n mlt cau hli khac. Cau c hai thanh phln nli vli
nhau blng mlt tl nghi vln (question word). lng tl l mlnh dl thl hai (mlnh dl
nghi vln) phli di sau va chia theo chl ngl, khng dllc dlo vl tri nhl l cau hli
dlc llp.
S + v (phrase) + question word + S + v
The authorities can't figure out why the plane landed at the wrong airport.
We haven't assertained where the meeting will take place.
O Trong trllng hlp cau hli phlc la mlt cau hli, ap dlng mlu cau sau:
auxiliary + S + v + question word + S + v
Do you know where he went?
Could you tell me what time it is?
O $uestion word c thl la mlt tl, cng c thl la mlt clm tl nhl: whose + noun,
how many, how much, how long, how often, what time, what kind.

! have no idea how long the interview will take.

Do you know how often the bus run at night?
Can you tell me how far the museum is from the store?
!'ll tell you what kind of icecream tastes best.
The teacher asked us whose book was on his desk.
8.4 Cau hli dui (tag questions)
Trong cau hli dui, nglli dlt cau hli dla ra mlt mlnh dl (mlnh dl chinh) nhlng
khng hoan toan chlc chln vl tinh dng / sai cla mlnh dl d, do vly hl dng cau
hli dlng nay dl kilm chlng vl mlnh dl dla ra.
He should stay in bed, shouldn't he? (Anh ly nn l yn trn gillng, c phli khng?)
She has been studying English for two years, hasn't she?
There are only twentyeight days in February, aren't there?
!t's raining now, isn't it? (Trli vln cn mla, phli khng?)
You and ! talked with the professor yesterday, didn't we?
You won't be leaving for now, will you?
]ill and ]oe haven't been to vN, have they?
Cau hli dui chia lam hai thanh phln tach bilt nhau bli dlu phly theo quy tlc sau:
O Sl dlng trl dlng tl gilng nhl l mlnh dl chinh dl lam phln dui cau hli.
Nlu khng c trl dlng tl thi dng do, does, did dl thay thl.
O Nlu mlnh dl chinh l thl khlng dlnh thi phln dui l thl phl dlnh va
ngllc lli.
O Thli cla dlng tl l dui phli theo thli cla dlng tl l mlnh dl chinh.
O Chl ngl cla mlnh dl chinh va cla phln di la gilng nhau. li tl l phln
dui lun phli dl l dlng chl ngl (in subject form)
O Phln dui nlu l dlng phl dlnh thi thllng dllc rt gln (n't). Nlu khng
rt gln thi phli theo thl tl: auxiliary + subject + not? (He saw it yesterday, did he
O lng tl have c thl la dlng tl chinh, cng c thl la trl dlng tl. Khi n la
dlng tl chinh cla mlnh dl trong tilng Anh Nl thi phln dui phli dng trl
dlng tl do, does holc did. Tuy nhin, trong tilng Anh Anh thi bln c thl dng
chinh have nhl mlt trl dlng tl trong trllng hlp nay. Khi bln thi TOEFL la k
thi kilm tra tilng Anh Nl, bln phli ch dl khli bl mlt dilm.
You have two children, haven't you? (British English: OK, TOEFL: NOT)
You have two children, don't you? (Correct in American English)
O There is, there are va it is la cac chl ngl gil nn phln dui dllc php dng
lli there holc it gilng nhl trllng hlp dli tl lam chl ngl.
3. Lli ni phl hla
3.1 Phl hol cau khlng dlnh
Khi muln ni mlt nglli holc vlt nao d lam mlt vilc gi d va mlt nglli, vlt khac
cng lam mlt vilc nhl vly, nglli ta dng so holc too. l tranh phli llp lli cac tl

cla cau trllc (mlnh dl chinh), nglli ta dng lin tland va thm mlt cau dln giln
(mlnh dl phl) c sl dlng so holc too. nghia cla hai tl nay c nghia la c ng thl".
]ohn went to the mountains on his vacation, and we did too.
]ohn went to the mountains on his vacation, and so did we.
! will be in vN in Nay, and they will too.
! will be in vN in Nay, and so will they.
He has seen her play, and the girls have too.
He has seen her play, and so have the girls.
We are going to the movie tonight, and he is too.
We are going to the movie tonight, and so is he.
She will wear a custome to the party, and we will too.
She will wear a custome to the party, and so will we.
Picaso was a famous painter, and Rubens was too.
Picaso was a famous painter, and so was Rubens.
Tu theo tl nao dllc dng ma clu trc cau c sl thay dli:
1. Khi trong mlnh dl chinh c dlng tl be l blt cl thli nao thi trong mlnh dl
phl cng dng tl be l thli d.

! am happy, and you are too.
! am happy, and so are you.
2. Khi trong mlnh dl chinh c mlt clm trl dlng tl + dlng tl, vi dl will go,
should do, has done, have written, must consider, ... thi cac trl dlng tl trong mlnh
dl d dllc dng lli trong mlnh dl phl.

They will work in the lab tomorrow, and you will too.
They will work in the lab tomorrow, and so will you.
3. Khi trong mlnh dl chinh khng phli la dlng tl be, c ng khng c trl dlng tl,
bln phli dng cac tl do, does, did lam trl dlng tl thay thl. Thli va thl cla
trl dlng tl nay phli chia theo chl ngl cla mlnh dl phl.

]ane goes to that school, and my sister does too.

]ane goes to that school, and so does my sister.
3.2 Phl hol cau phl dlnh
Cng gilng nhl too va so trong cau khlng dlnh, dl phl hol mlt cau phl dlnh,
nglli ta dng either holc neither. Hai tl nay c nghia cng khng". Ba quy tlc dli vli
trl dlng tl, dlng tl be holc do, does, did c ng dllc ap dlng gilng nhl trn. Ta
cng c thl gi gln 3 quy tlc d vao mlt cng thlc nhl sau:

! didn't see Nary this morning, and ]ohn didn't either
! didn't see Nary this morning, and neither did ]ohn.
She won't be going to the conference, and her friends won't either.
She won't be going to the conference, and neither will her friends.
]ohn hasn't seen the new movie yet, and ! haven't either.
]ohn hasn't seen the new movie yet, and neither have !.
10. Cau phl dlnh (negation)
l tlo cau phl dlnh dlt not sau trl dlng tl holc dlng tl be . Nlu khng c trl
dlng tl holc dlng tl be thi dng dlng thlc thich hlp cla do, does holc did dl thay
]ohn is rich => ]ohn is not rich.
Nark has seen Bill => Nark has not seen Bill
Nary can swim => Nary cannot swim.
! went to the store yesterday => ! did not go to the store yesterday.
Nark likes spinach => Nark doesn't like spinach.
! want to leave now => ! don't want to leave now.
10.1 Some/any:
lt any dlng trllc danh tl lam vl ngl sl nhln mlnh cau phl dlnh. Cng c thl
nhln mlnh mlt cau phl dlnh blng cach dng no + danh tl holc a single + danh tl
sl it.
]ohn has some money => ]ohn doesn't have any money.
He sold some magazines yesterday => He didn't sell a single magazine yesterday.
= He sold no magazine yesterday.
10.2 Nlt sl cac cau hli l dlng phl dlnh lli mang nghia khac (khng
dng dlu ?):
Nhln mlnh cho sl khlng dlnh cla nglli ni.
Shouldn 't you put on your hat, too! : Thl thi anh cng dli lun m vao di.
Didn't you say that you would come to the party tonight: Thl anh da chlng ni la anh di
dl tilc tli nay hay sao.
Dng dl tan dllng
Wasn 't the weather wonderful yesterday: Thli tilt hm qua dlp tuylt vli.

Wouldn't it be nice if we didn't have to work on Friday.

Thlt la tuylt vli khi chng ta khng phli lam vilc ngay thl 6.
10.3 Hai lln phl dlnh
Negative + Negative = Positive (Nang nghia nhln mlnh)
!t's unbelieveable he is not rich. (Chlng ai c thl tin dllc la anh ta lli khng giau c.)
10.4 Phl dlnh klt hlp vli so sanh
Negative + comparative (more/ less) = superlative (Nang nghia so sanh tuylt dli)
! couldn't agree with you less = ! absolutely agree with you.
You couldn't have gone to the beach on a better day = !t's the best day to go to the beach.
Nhlng phli hlt slc cln thln vi :
He couldn't have been more unfriendly when ! met him first. = the most unfriendly
The surgery couldn't have been more unnecessary. = absolutely unnecessary
10.S Clu trc phl dlnh song song
Negative... even/still less/much less + noun/ verb in simple form: khng ... ma lli cang khng.
These students don't like reading novel, much less textbook.
Nhlng sinh vin nay chlng thich dlc tilu thuylt, chl chla ni dln sach giao khoa.
!t's unbelieveable how he could have survived such a freefall, much less live to tell about it
on television.
Thlt khng thl tin dllc anh ta lli c thl slng st sau c rli tl do d, chl
dlng ni dln chuyln ln Tv kl vl n.
10.6 Phl dlnh khng dng thl phl dlnh cla dlng tl
Nlt sl cac ph tl trong tilng Anh mang nghia phl dlnh (negative adverb), khi da dng
n thi trong cau khng dng clu tlo phl dlnh cla dlng tl nla:
Hardly, barely, scarcely = almost nothing/ almost not at all = hlu nhl khng.
Hardly ever, seldom, rarely = almost never = hlu nhl khng bao gil.
subject + negative adverb + positive verb

subject + to be + negative adverb
]ohn rarely comes to class on time. (]ohn chlng mly khi dln llp dng gil)
Tom hardly studied lastnight. (Tm chlng hlc gi tli qua)
She scarcely remembers the accident. (C ly kh ma nhl dllc vl tai nln)
We seldom see photos of these animals. (Chng ti hilm khi thly lnh cla nhlng dlng
vlt nay)
*Llu rlng cac ph tl nay khng mang nghia phl dlnh hoan toan ma mang nghia gln
nhl phl dlnh. lc bilt la nhlng tl nhl barely va scarcely khi di vli nhlng tl
nhl enough va only holc nhlng thanh ngl chl sl chinh xac.
Do you have enough money for the tution fee?
Only barely. vla dl.
10.7 Thl phl dlnh cla mlt sl dlng tl dlc bilt

li vli nhlng dlng tl nhl to think, to believe, to suppose, to imagine + that + sentense.
Khi chuyln sang cau phl dlnh, phli clu tlo phl dlnh l cac dlng tl d, khng
dllc clu tlo phl dlnh l mlnh dl thl hai.
! don't think you came to class yesterday. (Khng dng: ! think you didn't come to class
! don't believe she stays at home now.
10.8 No matter
No matter + who/what/which/where/when/how + Subject + verb in present: D c... di chang
nla... thi
No matter who telephones, say !'m out.
Cho d la ai gli dln thi hay blo la ti di vlng.
No matter where you go, you will find CocaCola.
Cho d anh c di dln dau, anh cng sl thly nhan hilu CocaCola
No matter who = whoever, No matter what = whatever
No matter what (whatever) you say, ! won't believe you.
Cho d anh c ni gi di chang nla, ti cng khng tin anh.
Cac clu trc nay c thl dlng culi cau ma khng cln c mlnh dl theo sau:
! will always love you, no matter what.
10.3 Cach dng Not ... at all, at all
Not ... at all: Chlng cht nao. Chng thllng dlng culi cau phl dlnh
! didn't understand anything at all.
She was hardly frightened at all
At all cn dllc dng trong cau hli, dlc bilt vli nhlng tl nhl if/ever/any...
Do you play poker at all? (Anh c chli bai poker dllc chl?)
11. Cau mlnh llnh
Cau mlnh llnh la cau c tinh chlt sai khiln nn cn gli la cau clu khiln. Nlt nglli
ra llnh holc yu clu cho mlt nglli khac lam mlt vilc gi d. N thllng theo sau bli
tl please. Chl ngl cla cau mlnh llnh dllc nglm hilu la you. Lun dng dlng
thlc nguyn thl (khng c to) cla dlng tl trong cau mlnh llnh. Cau mlnh llnh chia
lam 2 loli: Trlc tilp va gian tilp.
11.1 Nlnh llnh thlc trlc tilp
Close the door
Please turn off the light.
Open the window.
Be quiet.
Sau day la lli tholi trong mlt doln qulng cao bia trn Tv:
Tn cllp xng vao mlt quan bia, rt sng ra chia vao mli nglli va quat:
Cive me your jewelry! Don't move!
Nlt thanh nin tl tl tiln lli tl phia sau, gi mlt chai bia Laser llnh vao gay hln:
Drop your weapon!
Tn cllp tllng sau gay hln la mlt hlng sng liln bung v khi dlu hang.
11.2 Nlnh llnh gian tilp:

Dlng thlc gian tilp thllng dllc dng vli: to order/ ask/ say/ tell sb to do smt.
]ohn asked ]ill to turn off the light.
Please tell ]aime to leave the room.
! ordered him to open the book.
11.3 Dlng phl dlnh cla cau mlnh llnh
l dlng phl dlnh, thm Don't vao trllc dlng tl trong cau trlc tilp (kl cl dlng
tl be) holc thm not vao trllc dlng tl nguyn thl trong cau gian tilp.
Don't move! Or !'ll shoot. (lng im, khng tao bln)
Don't turn off the light when you go out.
Don't be silly. !'ll come back. (lng c nglc thl, rli anh sl vl ma)
]ohn asked ]ill not to turn off the light.
Please tell ]ame not to leave the room.
! ordered him not to open his book.
Ch : let's khac let us
let's go: minh di nao
let us go: hay dl chng ti di
Cau hli c dui cla let's la shall we
Let's go out for dinner, shall we
12. Cac trl dlng tl (Nodal Auxiliaries)
Cac trl dlng tl (cn gli la trl dlng tl hinh thai xem blng sau) dng dl bl nghia
thm cho dlng tl chinh vl tinh chlt, mlc dl, khl nang, hinh thai, ... cla hanh dlng.
Chng ta sl lln lllt dl clp dln nghia cla chng l cac phln sau. Do chng la cac
trl dlng tl, nn khng thay thl dllc cho dlng tl chinh (phli lun c dlng tl chinh
di km), cng nhl khng dng km vli cac trl dlng tl khac cng loli holc vli cac trl
dlng tl do, does, did. C ng khng dng tilu tl to trllc va sau cac trl dlng tl. Trl
dlng tl hinh thai khng biln dli theo ngi hay theo sl (sl it va sl nhilu nhl nhau,
ngi thl nhlt, thl hai hay thl ba cng nhl nhau). lng tl chinh di sau trl dlng tl
cng khng chia (lun l dlng nguyn thl khng c to).
present tense past tense
must (have to)
would (used to)
should (ought to) (had better)
(had to)
Cac tl dlt trong ngolc la cac dlng tl ban hinh thai. Chng c vai tr va nghia gilng
nhl cac trl dlng tl hinh thai nhlng vl ngl phap thi khng gilng, bli vi chng biln
dli theo ngi va sl. vi dl vl cach dng trl dlng tl:
! can swim, she can swim, too. (khng chia theo ngi)
He can swim. (Khng dng: He cans swim holc He can swims)
They will leave now. (Khng dng: They will leaving now holc They will can leave now.)
They have to go now.
He has to go now. (chia theo ngi).

12.1 Cau phl dlnh dng trl dlng tl

Trong cau phl dlnh, thm not vao sau trl dlng tl, trllc dlng tl chinh:
]ohn will leave now. => ]ohn will not leave now.
He can swim => He can not swim.
Ch khi vilt tlt: will not => won't, must not => musn't, would not => wouldn't, could not
=> couldn't, can not => can't.
12.2 Cau nghi vln dng trl dlng tl
Trong cau hli, dlt trl dlng tl l dlu cau:
]ohn will leave now. =>Will he leave now?
Xin nhlc lli, trl dlng tl hinh thai lun di vli dlng thlc nguyn thl khng c to cla
dlng tl. vi vly, sau trl dlng tl hinh thai khng bao gil c cac dlng |verbing],
|verb+s], |to + verb] hay thli qua khl cla dlng tl. Chl c hai cach sl dlng trl dlng
tl hinh thai:
(1) modal + |simple form of verb]: would be, can go, will have, must see, ...
(2) modal + have + |verb in past participle]: could have gone, would have been,..
Tlt nhin trong cach (2), tl have chinh la dlng tl nguyn thl khng c to, khng dllc
thay thl n blng has hay had.

13. Cau dilu kiln
Cac trl dlng tl hinh thai nhl will, would, can, could thllng xult hiln trong cac cau
dilu kiln. Cac cau dilu kiln thllng chla tl if (nlu). C hai loli cau dilu kiln la
dilu kiln c thlc va dilu kiln khng c thlc.
13.1 ilu kiln c thl thlc hiln dllc (dilu kiln c thlc hay dilu kiln
dlng !)
Cau dilu kiln c thlc la cau ma nglli ni dng dl diln dlt mlt hanh dlng holc
mlt tinh hulng thllng xly ra (thi quen) holc sl xly ra (trong tllng lai) nlu dilu
kiln l mlnh dlu chinh dllc thol man. Nlu ni vl tllng lai, dlng cau nay dllc
sl dlng khi ni dln mlt dilu kiln c thl thlc hiln dllc holc c thl xly ra.

!f he tries much more, he will improve his English.
!f ! have money, ! will buy a new car.

if + S + simple present tense ... + simple present tense ...

!f the doctor has morning office hours, he visits every patiens in the affternoon.
! usually walk to school if ! have enough time.
!f + S + simple present tense ... + command form of verb + ...

!f you go to the Post Office, mail this letter for me.
Please call me if you hear anything from ]ane.

13.2 ilu kiln khng thl thlc hiln dllc (dilu kiln khng c thlc hay
dilu kiln dlng !!, !!!)
Cau dilu kiln khng c thlc dng dl diln tl mlt hanh dlng holc mlt trlng thai
sl xly ra holc da c thl xly ra nlu nhl tinh hulng dllc dlt ra trong cau khac vli
thlc tl dang xly ra holc da xly ra. Cau dilu kiln khng c thlc thllng gay nhlm
lln vi sl thlc vl sl kiln ma cau thl hiln lli trai ngllc vli cach thl hiln cla cau:
nlu dlng tl cla cau la khlng dlnh thi nghia thlc cla cau lli la phl dlnh va
ngllc lli.
!f ! were rich, ! would travel around the world.
(! am not rich) (!'m not going to travel around the world)
!f ! hadn't been in a hurry, ! wouldn't have had an accident.
(! was in a hurry) (! had an accident)
13.2.1 ilu kiln khng c thlc l hiln tli (dlng !!)

!f ! had enough money now, ! would buy a tourist trip to the moon.
He would tell you about it if he were here.
!f he didn't speak so quickly, you could understand him.
(He speaks very quicky) (You can't understand him)

lng tl to be phli chia la were l tlt cl cac ngi.

!f ! were you, ! wouldn't go to that movie.
13.2.2 ilu kiln khng c thlc trong qua khl (dlng !!!)

!f we had known that you were there, we would have written you a letter.
(We didn't know ...) (We didn't write you a letter)
!f we hadn't lost our way, we would have arrived sooner.
!f he had studied harder for that test, he would have passed it.
Ch rlng cng c thl thl hiln mlt dilu kiln khng c thlc ma khng dng if. Trong
trllng hlp d, trl dlng tl had dllc dla ln dlu cau, dlng trllc chl ngl.
Nlnh dl dilu kiln sl dlng trllc mlnh dl chinh.
Had we known that you were there, we would have written you a letter.
Had he studied harder for the test, he would have passed it.
Llu : Cau dilu kiln khng phli lc nao cng tuan theo qui lult trn. Trong mlt sl
trllng hlp dlc bilt, mlt vl cla dilu kiln la qua khl nhlng vl cn lli c thl l
hiln tli (do thli gian qui dlnh).
!f she had caught the train, she would be here by now.
13.3 Cach sl dlng will, would, could, should trong mlt sl trllng hlp
Thng thllng cac trl dlng tl nay khng dllc sl dlng vli if trong mlnh dl dilu
kiln cla cau dilu kiln, tuy nhin vln c mlt sl ngoli ll nhl sau:
O !f you (will/would): Nlu ..... vui lng. Thllng dllc dng trong cac yu clu
llch sl. Would llch sl hln will.
!f you will/would wait for a moment, ! will go and see if Nr Conner is here.
O !f + Subject + Will/Would: Nlu ..... chlu. l diln dlt tl nguyln.
!f he will listen to me, ! can help him.
Will cn dllc dng theo mlu cau nay dl diln dlt sl ngoan cl: Nlu ..... nhlt
dlnh, Nlu ..... cl.
!f you will turn on the music loudly so late tonight, no wonder why your neighbours
O !f you could: Xin vui lng. Diln dlt llch sl 1 yu clu ma nglli ni cho rlng
nglli kia sl dlng nhl la mlt ll dllng nhin.
!f you could open your book, please.
O !f + Subject + should + ..... + command: vi phlng nhl. Diln dlt mlt tinh
hulng d c thl xly ra dllc song rlt kh.
!f you should find any difficulty in using that Tv, please call me.

C thl dlo should ln trn chl ngl va bl if

Should you find any difficulty in using that Tv, please call me.
13.4 Cach sl dlng if trong mlt sl trllng hlp khac
O !f... then: Nlu... thi
!f she can't come to us, then we will have to go and see her.
O !f dng trong dlng cau suy diln logic (khng phli cau dilu kiln): lng tl l
cac mlnh dl diln biln binh thllng theo thli gian cla chinh n.
!f you want to learn a musical instrument, you have to practice.
!f you did not do much maths at school, you will find economics difficult to
!f that was Narry, why didn't she stop and say hello.
O !f... should = !f... happen to... = !f... should happen to... diln dlt sl khng chlc
chln (Xem thm phln sl dlng should l trn)
!f you should happen to pass a supermarket, perhaps you could get some eggs.
(Ngl nhl ma anh c tinh cl gh qua chl c ll mua cho em it trlng)
O !f.. was/were to... Diln dlt dilu kiln khng c thlt holc tllng tllng. N
gln gilng cau dilu kiln khng c thlt l hiln tli.
!f our boss was/were to come in now (= if the boss came in now), we would be in
real trouble.
What would we do if ! was/were to lose my job.
Holc c thl diln dlt mlt llch sl khi dla ra dl nghl
!f you were to move your chair a bit, we could all sit down.
(Nlu anh vui lng dlch ghl cla anh ra mlt cht thi chng ta c thl cng
ngli dllc)
Note: Clu trc nay tuylt dli khng dllc dng vli cac dlng tl tinh tli holc
chl trlng thai tl duy
Correct: !f ! knew her name, ! would tell you.
!ncorrect: !f ! was/were to know...
O !f it + to be + not + for: Nlu khng vi, nlu khng nhl vao.
Thli hiln tli:
!f it wasn't/weren't for the children, that couple wouldn't have any thing to talk
(Nlu khng vi nhlng dla con thi vl chlng nha ly chl c chuyln gi ma ni)
Thli qua khl:
!f it hadn't been for your help, ! don't know what to do.
(Nlu khng nhl vao sl gip dl cla anh thi ti c ng khng bilt phli lam gi
C thl dlo lli:
Had it not been for your help, ! don't know what to to.
O Not di khi dllc thm vao nhlng dlng tl sau if dl bay tl sl nghi ngl, khng
chlc chln. (C nn ... Hay khng ...)
! wonder if we shouldn't ask the doctor to look at Nary.
O !t would... if + subject + would... (sl la... nlu - khng dllc dng trong van vilt)
!t would be better if they would tell every body in advance.
(Sl la tlt hln nlu hl kl cho mli nglli tl trllc)

How would we feel if this would happen to our family.

(Ta sl clm thly thl nao nlu dilu nay xly ra dli vli gia dinh chng ta.)
O !f...'d have...'d have: Dng trong van ni, khng dng trong van vilt, diln dlt
dilu kiln khng thl xly ra l qua khl
!f !'d have known, !'d have told you.
!f she'd have recognized him it would have been funny.
O !f + preposition + noun/verb... (subject + be bl lllc bl)
!f in doubt, ask for help. (= !f you are in doubt, ...)
!f about to go on a long journey, try to have a good nights sleep. (= !f you are
about to go on... )
O !f dng vli mlt sl tl nhl any/anything/ever/not dl diln dlt phl dlnh
There is little if any good evidence for flying saucers.
(There is little evidence, if there is any at all, for flying saucers)
(C rlt it blng chlng vl dia bay, nlu qul la c thlc)
!'m not angry. !f anything, ! feel a little surprised.
(Ti khng giln dl dau. Na c chang ti clm thly hli nglc nhin)
Cach ni nay cn diln dlt kiln llm thl: Nlu c...
!'d say he was more like a father, if anything
(Ti xin ni rlng ng ly cn hln cl mlt nglli cha, nlu c thl ni thl.)
He seldom if ever travel abroad.
(Anh ta chl mly khi di ra nllc ngoai)
Usually, if not always, we write cannot" as one word
(Thng thllng, nhlng khng phli la lun lun... )
O !f + Adjective = although (cho d la)
Nghia khng mlnh blng although Dng dl diln dlt quan dilm ring holc vln
dl gi d khng quan trlng.
His style, if simple, is pleasant to read.
(van phong cla ng ta, cho d la dln giln, thi dlc cng th)
The profits, if little lower than last year's, are still extremely wealthy
(Lli nhuln, cho d la c thlp hln nam qua mlt cht, thi vln la rlt lln.)
Clu trc nay c thl thay blng may..., but
His style may be simple, but it is pleasant to read.
13.S Cach sl dlng Hope va Wish.
Hai dlng tl nay tuy cng nghia nhlng khac nhau vl cach sl dlng va ngl phap. Hope
dng dl diln dlt mlt hanh dlng holc tinh hulng c thl sl xly ra holc c thl da
xly ra, cn wish dng dl diln dlt mlt dilu chlc chln sl khng xly ra holc chlc
chln da khng xly ra. Thli cla mlnh dl sau hope (hi vlng rlng) c thl la blt k
thli nao. Thli cla mlnh dl sau wish blt bulc khng dllc l thli hiln tli.
We hope that they will come. (We don't know if they are coming or not)
We wish that they could come. (We know they can't come)

We hope that he came there yesterday. (We don't know if he came there or not.)
We wish that he had come there yesterday. (He didn't come)
13.S.1 Wish l tllng lai:

That la tu chln (c holc khng c). Hai chl ngl (S) c thl gilng nhau holc khac nhau.
We wish that you could come to the party tonight. (We known you can't come)
13.S.2 Wish l hiln tli
S + wish + (that) + S + simple past tense ...
lng tl l mlnh dl sau wish sl chia l Simple past, to be phli chia la were l tlt cl
cac ngi.
! wish that ! had enough time to finish my homework.
13.S.3 Wish l qua khl

lng tl l mlnh dl wish sl chia l Past perfect holc could have + P
! wish that ! had washed the clothes yesterday.
She wishes that she could have been there.
Llu 1: lng tl l mlnh dl sau wish blt bulc phli l dlng dilu kiln khng thl
thlc hiln dllc nhlng dilu kiln ly l thli nao lli phl thulc vao chinh thli gian
cla bln than mlnh dl chl khng phl thulc vao thli cla wish.
She wishes that she could have gone earlier yesterday.(Past)
He wished that he would come to visit me next week.(Future)
The photographer wished we stood clother than we are standing now. (Present).
Llu 2: Cln phan bilt wish (llc gi/ mong gi) vli wish mang nghia "chc" trong mlu
cau: to wish sb smt
! wish you a happy birthday.
Llu 3: va phan bilt vli wish mang nghia "muln":
wish to do smt (Nuln lam gi)
Why do you wish to see the manager
! wish to make a complaint.

To wish smb to do smt (Nuln ai lam gi)

The government does not wish Dr.]ekyll Hyde to accept a professorship at a foreign
13.6 Cach sl dlng as if, as though (cl nhl la, nhl thl la)
Nlnh dl dlng sau hai thanh ngl nay lun l dlng dilu kiln khng thl thlc hiln
dllc. C hai trllng hlp:
13.6.1 l thli hiln tli:
Nlu dlng tl l mlnh dl trllc chia l thli hiln tli dln giln thi dlng tl l
mlnh dl sau chia l qua khl dln giln. To be phli chia la were l tlt cl cac ngi.

The old lady dresses as if it were winter even in the summer. (Ba cl an mlc cl nhl bay
gil la ma dng)
(!t is not winter now)
He acts as though he were rich. (Anh ta cl lam nhl thl la anh ta giau c llm)
(He is not rich infact)
He talks as if he knew everything in the world.

13.6.2 Thli qua khl:
Nlu dlng tl l mlnh dl trllc chia l qua khl dln giln thi dlng tl l mlnh dl
sau chia l qua khl hoan thanh.

]eff looked as though he had seen a ghost. (Trng ]eff nhl thl anh ta vla glp ma)
(He didn't see a ghost)
She talked about the contest as if she had won the grand prize.
Llu : Nlnh dl sau as if, as though khng phli lc nao cng tuan theo qui lult trn.
Trong mlt sl trllng hlp, nlu dilu kiln trong cau la c thlt holc theo quan nilm
cla nglli ni, nglli vilt la c thlt thi hai cng thlc trn khng dllc sl dlng.
lng tl l mlnh dl sau chng diln biln binh thllng theo mli quan hl vli dlng
tl l mlnh dl chinh.
He looks as if he has finished the test.
13.7 Cach sl dlng used to, (to be/get) used to
13.7.1 Used to + verb:

Chl mlt thi quen, mlt hanh dlng thllng xuyn xly ra trong qua khl.
S + used to + |verb in simple form] ....
When David was young, he used to swim once a day.
Nghi vln: Did + S + use to + verb in simple form
Did David use to swim once a day when he was young?
Phl dlnh: S + didn't + use to + verb in simple form
David didn't use to swim once a day when he was young.
13.7.2 To be/ to get used to + ving/ Noun: Trl nn quen vli.

He is used to swimming every day.
He got used to American food.
Llu 1: Used to lun lun l dlng nhl vly, khng thay dli theo sl, theo ngi cla chl
ngl. Khng dllc thay thl n blng use to.

Llu 2: C sl khac nhau vl nghia gila used to, be used to va get used to.
O used to: chl mlt thi quen, mlt hanh dlng thllng xuyn trong qua khl (past
time habit):
The program director used to write his own letter.
O be used to: quen vli vilc ... (be accustomed to)
! am used to eating at 7:00 PN
O get used to: trl nn quen vli vilc ... (become accustomed to)
We got used to cooking our own food when we had to live alone.
Llu 3: C thl dng would thay thl cho used to ma nghia va ngl phap khng dli.
When David was young, he would swim once a day.
13.8 Cach sl dlng would rather
would rather .... than cng c nghia gilng nhl prefer .... to (thich hln) nhlng ngl phap
lli khng gilng. lng sau would rather blt bulc phli la mlt dlng tl nguyn thl
khng c to nhlng sau prefer la mlt ving holc mlt danh tl. Khi so sanh hai vl, would
rather dng vli than cn prefer dng vli to.
We would rather die in freedom than live in slavery.
! would rather drink Coca than Pepsi.
! prefer drinking Coca to drinking Pepsi.
! prefer Coca to Pepsi.
Cach sl dlng would rather phl thulc vao sl lllng chl ngl cla cau cng nhl thli
cla cau.

13.8.1 Loli cau c mlt chl ngl

Loli cau nay dng would rather ... (than) la loli cau diln tl sl mong muln hay llc
muln cla mlt nglli va chia lam 2 thli: Thli hiln tli:
Sau would rather la nguyn thl bl to. Nlu muln thanh llp thl phl dlnh
dlt not trllc nguyn thl va bl to.
S + would rather + |verb in simple form] ...
]im would rather go to class tomorrow than today.
]im would rather not go to class tomorrow. Thli qua khl:
lng tl sau would rather phli la have + P
, nlu muln thanh llp thl phl dlnh
dlt not trllc have.
S + would rather + have + |verb in past participle]
]im would rather have gone to class yesterday than today.
]im would rather not have gone to the class yesterday.
13.8.2 Loli cau c hai chl ngl
Loli cau nay dng would rather that (llc gi, mong gi) va dng trong mlt sl trllng hlp
sau: Cau clu kiln l hiln tli (present subjunctive):
La loli cau nglli thl nhlt muln nglli thl hai lam vilc gi (nhlng lam hay khng cn
phl thulc vao nglli thl hai). Xem thm vl cau clu khiln l phln sau. Trong
trllng hlp nay dlng tl l mlng dl hai dl l dlng nguyn thl bl to. Nlu muln
thanh llp thl phl dlnh dlt not trllc nguyn thl bl to.
+ would rather that + S
+ |verb in simple form] ...
! would rather that you call me tomorrow.
He would rather that ! not take this train.
Ngl phap ni ngay nay dlc bilt la ngl phap Nl cho php bl that trong clu trc nay ma
vln gil nguyn hinh thlc gil dlnh. Cau gil dlnh dli llp vli thlc tl l hiln tli
lng tl sau chl ngl hai sl chia l simple past, to be phli chia la were l tlt cl cac
+ would rather that + S
+ |verb in simple past tense] ...

Henry would rather that his girlfriend worked in the same department as he does.
(His girlfriend does not work in the same department)
]ane would rather that it were winter now. (!nfact, it is not winter now)
Nlu muln thanh llp thl phl dlnh dng didn't + verb holc were not sau chl ngl hai.
Henry would rather that his girlfriend didn't work in the same department as he does.
]ane would rather that it were not winter now. Cau gil dlnh trai ngllc vli thlc tl l qua khl
lng tl sau chl ngl hai sl chia l dlng past perfect. Nlu muln thanh llp thl phl
dlnh dng hadn't + P2.
+ would rather that + S
+ past perfect ...

Bob would rather that ]ill had gone to class yesterday.
(]ill did not go to class yesterday)
Bill would rather that his wife hadn't divorced him.
Llu : Trong van ni binh thllng hang ngay nglli ta dng wish thay cho would rather

14. Cach dng mlt sl trl dlng tl hinh thai l thli hiln tli
14.1 Cach sl dlng Would + like
l diln dlt mlt cach llch sl lli mli holc muln gi. Khng dng do you want khi
mli nglli khac.
Would you like to dance with me?
! would like to visit ]apan.
Trong tilng Anh cla nglli Anh, nlu dl diln dlt sl thich thi sau like la mlt ving.
He likes reading novel. (enjoyment)
Nhlng dl diln dlt sl lla chln holc thi quen thi sau like la mlt dlng tl nguyn
Between soccer and tennis, ! like to see the former. (choice)
When making tea, he usually likes to put some sugar and a slice of lemon in first. (habit)
Trong tilng Anh Nl thllng khng c sl phan bilt nay, tlt cl sau like dlu la dlng tl
nguyn thl c to.
O Wouldn't like = khng la, trong khi don't want = khng muln.
Would you like somemore coffee ?

No, thanks/ No, ! don't want any more. (polite)

! wouldn't like (thm vao) (impolite)
O Llu rlng khi like dllc dng vli nghia "cho la dng" holc "cho la hay/ khn
ngoan" thi bao gil theo sau cng la mlt nguyn thl c to (infinitive)
She likes the children to play in the garden (She think they are safe playing there)
C ly muln bln trl con chli trong vlln cho chlc/ cho an toan
! like to go to the dentist twice a year.
Ti muln dln bac si nha khoa 2 lln/ nam cho chlc
O Would like = would care /love/ hate/ prefer + to + verb: khi diln dlt dilu kiln cho
mlt hanh dlng cl thl l tllng lai.
Would you (like/care) to come with me?
!'d love to
O Would like/ would care for/ would enjoy + verbing khi diln dlt khlu vl,
thich ni chung cla chl ngl.
She would like/ would enjoy riding if she could ride better.
! wonder if Tom would care for/ would enjoy hanggliding.
14.2 Cach sl dlng could/may/might:
Chl khl nang c thl xly ra l hiln tli nhlng nglli ni khng dam chlc. (Cl 3 trl
dlng tl dlu c gia trl nhl nhau).
!t might rain tomorrow.
!t may rain tomorrow.
!t could rain tomorrow.
!t will possibly rain tomorrow
Naybe it will rain tomorrow.
Ch maybe la sl klt hlp cla cl may va be nhlng n la mlt tl va khng phli la trl
dlng tl. N la mlt ph tl, c nghia nhl perhap (c ll)

14.3 Cach sl dlng Should:
(1) l diln dlt mlt lli khuyn, sl gli , sl blt bulc (nhlng khng mlnh).
He should study tonight.
One should do exercise daily.
You should go on a diet.
She should see a doctor about her pain.
(2) Diln dlt nglli ni mong muln dilu gi sl xly ra. (Expectation)
!t should rain tomorrow. (! expect it to rain tomorrow)
Ny check should arrive next week. (! expect it to arrive next week)
Cac clm tl had better, ought to, be supposed to dlu c nghia tllng dllng va cach
dng tllng tl vli should trong cl hai trllng hlp trn (vli dilu kiln dlng
tl be trong be supposed to phli chia l thli hiln tli).

]ohn ought to study tonight.

]ohn is supposed to study tonight.
]ohn had better study tonight.

14.4 Cach sl dlng Nust
(1) c nghia phli": mang nghia hoan toan blt bulc (mlnh hln should). vli should (nn),
nhan vlt c thl lla chln c thlc hiln hanh dlng hay khng nhlng vli must (phli),
hl khng c quyln lla chln.
Ceorge must call his insurance agent today.
A car must have gasoline to run.
A pharmacist must keep a record of the prescripton that are filled.
(Dllc sl phli gil lli bln sao dln thulc da dllc bac sl k khi ban thulc
cho blnh nhan)
An attorney must pass an examination before practicing law.
(Lult sl phli qua mlt k kilm tra trllc khi hanh nghl)

(2) c nghia hln la", chlc da": chl mlt klt luln logic dla trn nhlng hiln tllng
da xly ra.
]ohn's lights are out. He must be asleep.
(n phng ]ohn da tlt. Anh ta chlc da ngl)
The grass is wet. !t must be raining.
14.S Cach sl dlng have to
Nglli ta dng have to thay cho must vli nghia blt bulc (nghia 1). $ua khl cla n
la had to, tllng lai la will have to. Ch rlng have to khng phli la mlt trl dlng tl
nhlng n mang nghia gilng nhl trl dlng tl hinh thai must.
We will have to take an exam next week.
Ceorge has to call his insurance agent today.
l diln dlt mlt nghia vl trong qua khl, phli dng had to chl khng dllc dng
Ceorge had to call his insurance agent yesterday.
Nrs.Kinsey had to pass an examination before she could practice law.
Trong cau hli, have to thllng dllc dng thay cho must dl hli xem bln than nglli
hli blt bulc phli lam gi holc dl diln dlt sl blt bulc do khach quan dem lli.
Cuest: Do ! have to leave a deposit? (Ti c phli dlt clc khng)
Receptionist: No, you needn't. But you have to leave your !.D card. !'m sorry but that's
the way it is.
Trong van ni, nglli ta dng have got to, c ng c nghia nhl have to.
He has got to go to the office tonight.
lc bilt, dng dl nhln mlnh cac trllng hlp ca bilt:
! have to work everyday except Sunday. But ! don't have got to work a full day on

1S. Dng trl dlng tl dl diln dlt tinh hulng qua khl (modal + perfective)
1S.1 Could, may, might + have + P
= c ll da

Diln dlt mlt khl nang c thl da xly ra l qua khl song nglli ni khng dam chlc.
!t may have rained last night, but !'m not sure.
He could have forgotten the ticket for the concert last night.
! didn't hear the telephone ring, ! might have been sleeping at that time.
The cause of death could have been bacteria.
]ohn migh have gone to the movies yesterday.

1S.2 Should have + P
= Ll ra phli, ll ra nn
Chl mlt vilc ll ra da phli xly ra trong qua khl nhlng vi li do nao d lli khng xly
Naria shouldn't have called ]ohn last night. (She did call him)
]ohn should have gone to the post office this morning.
The policeman should have made a report about the burglary.
Chng ta cng c thl dng clm tl was/were supposed to + |verb in simple form] dl thay
cho should + perfective.
]ohn was supposed to go to the post office this morning.
The policeman was supposed to make a report about the burglary. (Anh ta da khng llp bin
bln vl trlm)
1S.3 Nust have + P
= chlc la da, hln la da
Chl mlt klt luln logic dla trn nhlng hiln tllng c da xly ra l qua khl (nghia 2
cla must l phln trn). Ch rlng khng bao gil dng clu trc nay vli nghia 1. Chl
dllc dng had to holc should + perfective holc be supposed to khi diln tl mlt trach
nhilm blt bulc l qua khl.
The grass is wet. !t must have rained last night.
(!t probably rained last night)
]ane did very well on the exam. She must have studied hard.
! didn't hear you knock, ! must have been gardening behind the house

16. Cach dng should trong mlt sl trllng hlp cl thl khac
O Diln dlt klt qul cla mlt ylu tl tllng tllng: Sl
!f ! was asked to work on Sunday ! should resign.
O Dng trong mlnh dl c that sau nhlng tinh tl chl trlng thai nhl anxious/ sorry/
concerned/ happy/ delighted...: Lly lam ... rlng/ lly lam ...vi
!'m anxious that she should be well cared for.
(Ti lo llng rlng lilu c ly c dllc san sc tlt khng)
We are sorry that you should feel uncomfortable
(Chng ti lly lam tilc vi anh thly khng dllc tholi mai)
That you should speak to him like that is quite astonishing
(Cai cach ma anh ni vli anh ly nhl vly qul la dang nglc nhin).

O Dng vli if/in case dl chl mlt dilu kh c thl xly ra, nglli ta dla ra
kiln chl dl phng ngla.
!f you should change your mind, please let me know.
!n case he should have forgotten to go to the airport, nobody will be there to meet
(Ngl nhl ng ly qun ra san bay, thi sl khng c ai l d dn c ta mlt)
O Dng sau so that/ in order that dl chl mlc dich (Thay cho would/ could)
He put the cases in the car so that he should be able to make an early start.
She repeated the instructions slowly in order that he should understand.
O Dng trong lli yu clu llch sl
! should like to make a phone call, if possible.
(ti xin php gli diln tholi nlu ti c thl)
O Dng vli imagine/ say/ think... dl dla ra lli dl nghl: Thilt tllng, cho la
! should imagine it will take about 3 hours
(Ti thilt tllng cng vilc sl tln mlt 3 gil dlng hl dly).
! should say she's over 40
(Ti cho la ba ta da ngoai 40)
O Dng trong cau hli dl diln tl sl nghi ngl, thilu chlc chln
How should ! know? (Lam sao ti bilt dllc kia chl)
Why should he thinks that? (sao n lli nghi nhl vly chl)
O Dng vli cac dli tl nghi vln nhl what/ where/ who dl diln tl sl nglc nhin,
thllng dng vli "But".
! was thinking of going to see ]ohn when who should appear but ]ohn himself.
(Ti dang tinh la dln tham ]ohn thi nglli xult hiln lli chinh la anh ly)
What should ! find but an enormous spider
(Cai ma ti nhin thly lli chinh la mlt con nhln khlng ll)
17. Tinh tl va ph tl
17.1 Tinh tl
Tinh tl la tl chl tinh chlt, mlc dl, phlm vi, ... cla mlt nglli holc vlt. N bl
nghia cho danh tl, dli tl holc lin tl (linking verb). N trl lli cho cau hli What kind?
Tinh tl lun dlng trllc danh tl dllc bl nghia:
That is my new red car.
Trl trllng hlp galore (nhilu, phong ph, dli dao) va general trong tn cac cl quan, cac
chlc vl lln la hai tinh tl dlng sau danh tl dllc bl nghia:
There were errors galore in your final test,
UN Secretary Ceneral (Tlng thl k Lin hlp qulc).
Tinh tl dlng sau cac dli tl philm chl (something, anything, anybody...)
!t's something strange.
He is somebody quite unknown.

Tinh tl dllc chia lam 2 loli la tinh tl m tl (descriptive adjective) va tinh tl gili hln
(limiting adjective). Tinh tl m tl la cac tinh tl chl mau slc, kich cl, chlt lllng cla
mlt vlt hay nglli. Tinh tl gili hln la tinh tl chl sl lllng, kholng cach, tinh
chlt sl hlu, ... Tinh tl khng thay dli theo ngi va sl cla danh tl ma n bl nghia,
trl trllng hlp cla these va those.
TNH Tl NO Tl TNH Tl C!l! HlN

one, two
first, second
my, your, his
this, that, these,
few, many, much
sl dlm
sl thl tl
tinh chlt sl hlu
dli tl chl dlnh
sl lllng
Khi tinh tl m tl bl nghia cho mlt danh tl dlm dllc sl it, n thllng c mlo
tl a, an holc the dlng trllc.
a pretty girl, an interesting book, the red dress.
Tinh tl di trllc danh tl nhlng di sau lin tl (linking verb - xem phln sau). Tinh tl
chl bl nghia cho danh tl, dli tl va lin tl.
Nlu trong mlt clm tl c nhilu tinh tl cng bl nghia cho mlt danh tl thi thl tl cac
tinh tl sl nhl sau: tinh tl sl hlu holc mlo tl, opinion, size, age, shape, color,
origin, material, purpose. Ch rlng tinh tl sl hlu (my, your, our...) holc mlo tl (a,
an, the) nlu c thi lun di trllc cac tinh tl khac. Nlu da dng mlo tl thi khng dng
tinh tl sl hlu va ngllc lli. vi dl vl thl tl slp xlp cac tinh tl:
a silly young English man
the huge round metal bowl
my small red sleeping bag
art/poss opinion size age shape color origin material purpose noun
a silly young English man
the huge round metal bowl
my small red sleeping bag

17.2 Ph tl
Ph tl bl nghia cho dlng tl, cho mlt tinh tl holc cho mlt ph tl khac. N trl lli
cho cau hli How?
Rita drank too much. (How much did Rita drink?)
! don't play tenis very well. (How well do ! play?)
He was driving carelessly. (How was he driving?)
]ohn is reading carefully. (How is ]ohn reading?)
She speaks Spanish fluently. (How does she speak Spanish?)
Thng thllng, cac tinh tl m tl c thl biln dli thanh ph tl blng cach thm dui
ly vao tinh tl.
He is a careful driver. He always drives carefully.
Tuy nhin, c mlt sl tinh tl khng theo quy tlc trn:

1) Nlt sl tinh tl dlc bilt: good => well, hard => hard, fast => fast, ...
She is a good singer. She sings very well.
2) Nlt sl tinh tl cng c tln cng la dui ly (lovely, friendly) nn dl thay thl cho ph tl
cla cac tinh tl nay, nglli ta dng: in a + Adj + way/ manner
He is a friendly man. He behaved me in a friendly way.

Cac tl sau cng la ph tl: so, very, almost, soon, often, fast, rather, well, there, too. Cac ph
tl dllc chia lam 6 loli sau:
manner happily, bitterly how something happens
degree totally, completely how much ST happens, often go with an adjective
frequency never, often how often ST happens
time recently, just when things happen
place here, there where things happen
disjunctive hopefully, frankly opinion about things happen
Cac ph tl thllng dng vai tr trlng ngl (modifier - xem phln 1) trong cau. Ngoai ra
cac ngl gili tl cng dng vai tr trlng ngl nhl ph tl, chng bao glm mlt gili tl
ml dlu va danh tl di sau dl chl: dla dilm (at home), thli gian (at S pm), phllng
tiln (by train), tinh hulng, hanh dlng (in a very difficult situation). Cac clm tl nay dlu
c chlc nang va cach sl dlng nhl ph tl, cng c thl coi la ph tl.
vl thl tl, cac ph tl cng bl nghia cho mlt dlng tl thllng xult hiln theo thl
tl: manner, palce, time. Ni chung, ph tl chl cach thlc cla hanh dlng (manner cho
bilt hanh dlng diln ra nhl thl nao) thllng lin hl chlt chl hln vli dlng tl so
vli ph tl chl dla dilm (place) va ph tl chl dla dilm lli lin klt vli dlng tl
chlt chl hln ph tl chl thli gian (time).
The old woman sits quietly by the fire for hours.
vl vl tri, cac ph tl hlu nhl c thl xult hiln blt cl chl nao trong cau, nhlng
cng vi thl, n la vln dl kha phlc tlp. vl tri cla ph tl c thl lam thay dli phln
nao nghia cla cau. Chng ta sl xem xt tlng loli ph tl:
17.2.1 Adverb of manner:
Cac ph tl va clm ph tl chl phllng thlc cla hanh dlng c thl dlng dlu cau,
culi cau holc gila cau (thng dlng hln). vi dl:
He angrily slammed the door.
He slammed the door angrily.
Angrily he slammed the door.
Khi dlng gila cau, ph tl dlng gila chl ngl va dlng tl chinh, nhlng dlng sau trl
dlng tl holc dlng tl be nlu c.
!na had carefully placed the vase on the table.
!na had been carefully arranging the flowers.
vl tri cla ph tl c thl lam thay dli nghia cla cau. Xt cac cau sau:

She answered the question immediately.

She immediately answered the question.
She answered the question foolishly.
She foolishly answered the question.
Trong hai cau dlu, nghia cla cau khng bl lnh hllng bli vl tri cla ph tl, nhlng
l hai cau sau thi c sl khac nhau. Cau 3 cho bilt cau trl lli cla c ta la nglc nglch,
cn cau 4 c nghia C ly thlt nglc nglch khi trl lli cau hli". Ph tl foolishly khi
dlng l culi cau thi chl bl nghia cho dlng tl answered the question, nhlng khi dllc
dlt gila cau lli c lin hl vli chl ngl nhilu hln la vli dlng tl. Hiln tllng nay
cng xly ra vli cac loli ph tl khac. Nghin clu thm cac vi dl sau:
]ohn was able to solve this problem without any help.
(]ohn c thl gili dllc bai toan nay ma khng cln sl trl gip nao)
Even ]ohn was able to solve this problem without any help.
(Ngay cl ]ohn c ng c thl gili dllc bai toan nay ma ...)
]ohn was even able to solve this problem without any help.
(]ohn c thl thlm chi gili dllc bai toan nay ma ...)
]ohn was able to solve even this problem without any help.
(]ohn c thl gili dllc ngay cl bai toan nay ma khng cln ...)
]ohn was able to solve this problem even without any help.
(]ohn c thl gili dllc bai toan nay ma thlm chi khng cln tli sl trl gip nao)
He completely failed to agree with me.
(Anh ta hoan toan khng dlng vli ti)
He failed to agree completely with me.
(Anh ta khng dlng hoan toan vli ti)
Ph tl chl cach thlc cla hanh dlng thllng chl dlng gila cau khi n la tl dln
(vli dui -ly). Phln lln cac ph tl thulc dlng nay. Nhlng c ng c mlt sl ph tl la
mlt clm tl, thllng blt dlu blng with. Khi d phli dlt n l culi cau:
She was looking through the notes with great interest.
Tllng tl nhl vly, khi hai ph tl ghp song song vli nhau, chng cng phli l culi
She angrily called him an idiot.
She called him an idiot angrily and loudly.
17.2.2 Adverb of place:
Ph tl chl nli chln la loli dl nhl nhlt. N lun xult hiln culi cau.
! had lunch in the canteen.
Trong mlt sl mlu cau dlo vl tri cla chl ngl va dlng tl, n c thl dlng dlu cau:
Here is your homework.
17.2.3 Adverb of time:
Ph tl chl thli gian lli dllc phan lam 2 loli. Loli chl thli gian tuylt dli
(yesterday, tonight, on Sunday, in December...) va loli chl thli gian tllng dli (recently,
already,...). li vli loli chl thli gian tllng dli, vl tri cla chng gilng nhl dli
vli ph tl chl cach thlc cla hanh dlng. Ta chl ni dln l day loli chl thli gian
tuylt dli. N c lin klt ylu nhlt vli dlng tl trong cau nn c thl xult hiln blt
cl vl tri nao trong cau, miln sao khng dlng gila dlng tl va cac trl dlng tl. Tuy
nhin, n thllng dlng dlu cau holc culi cau.

! didn't go cycling yesterday.

!n 1387 she was working for a bank in Nanchester.
17.2.4 Adverb of frequency:
Ph tl chl tln xult cng phan lam 2 loli: tln sult tuylt dli (once a week, twice a
month, ...) va tln xult tllng dli (always, nearly always, usually, often, quite often,
sometimes, occasionally, hardly ever, never). Tln xult tuylt dli dllc dng gilng nhl
ph tl chl thli gian, thllng dlng dlu cau holc culi cau. Tln xult tllng dli lli
thllng dlng gila cau, sau chl ngl va trllc dlng tl chinh (nhlng sau dlng tl be)
Sally always gets here on time.
Fred is sometimes late for class.
Cac ph tl chl tln xult nhl: occasionally, sometimes, often... c thl dlng dlu cau
holc culi cau:
Things get complicated sometimes.
Often ! forget where ! put things.
17.2.S Disjunctive adverb:
Ph tl chl quan dilm, tinh clm cla nglli ni thllng xult hiln l dlu cau holc
culi cau sau dlu phly.
Thankfully we still had some time to spare.
Clearly we will have to think about this again.
Frankly my dear, ! don't give a damn.
We still had some time to spare, thankfully.
18. Lin tl (linking verb)
C mlt nhm cac dlng tl dlc bilt c chlc nang nli gila chl ngl va vl ngl tinh
tl. Khng gilng cac dlng tl khac, chng khng thl hiln hanh dlng. Do vly chng
dllc bl nghia bli tinh tl chl khng phli ph tl. Nglli ta gli chng la lin tl
(linking verb). la nhlng dlng tl l blng sau:
Nary feels bad about her test grade.
Children become tired quite easily.
Lucy looks radiant in her new dress.
They were sorry to see us leave.
The flower smell sweet.
The soup taste good.
Lin tl c cac tinh chlt:
O Khng diln dlt hanh dlng ma diln dlt trlng thai holc bln chlt sl vilc.
O lng sau chng phli la tinh tl chl khng phli la ph tl.
O Khng dllc chia l thl tilp diln d dlli blt cl thli nao.

Be, become, remain cn c thl dlng trllc mlt clm danh tl chl khng chl tinh tl:
They remained sad even though ! tried to cheer them up. (adjective)
He remained chairman of the board despite the opposition. (noun)
Children often become bored at the meetings. (adjective)
She become class president after a long campaign. (noun)
Nary will be happy when she hears the good news. (adjective)
Ted will be a bridegroom this year. (noun)
Feel, look, smell va taste cng c thl la ngoli dlng tl khi n c tan ngl trl tilp. Trong
trllng hlp d, n trl thanh mlt dlng tl m tl hanh dlng thlc sl chl khng cn
la mlt linking verb va do d n dllc bl nghia bli ph tl chl khng phli tinh tl.
Chng dllc php chia l thi tilp diln. Nghin clu cac vi dl sau:

13. Cac dlng so sanh cla tinh tl va ph tl
13.1 So sanh ngang blng
Clu trc sl dlng la as .... as
S + v + as + {adj/ adv} + as + {noun/ pronoun}

Ny book is as interesting as yours.
His car runs as fast as a race car.
]ohn sings as well as his sister.
Their house is as big as that one.
His job is not as difficult as mine.
They are as lucky as we.
Nlu la cau phl dlnh, as thl nhlt c thl thay blng so.
He is not as tall as his father.
He is not so tall as his father.

Sau as phli la mlt dli tl nhan xlng chl ngl, khng dllc la mlt dli tl tan ngl.
Peter is as tall as !. (UNC)
Peter is as tall as me. (SA!)
Danh tl cng c thl dllc dng dl so sanh, nhlng nn nhl trllc khi so sanh phli
dlm blo rlng danh tl d phli c cac tinh tl tllng dllng

adjectives nouns
heavy, light weight
wide, narrow width
deep, shallow depth
long, short length
big, small size
Khi so sanh blng danh tl, sl dlng clu trc sau:
S + v + the same + (noun) + as + {noun/
Ny house is as high as his.
Ny house is the same height as his.
Ch rlng ngllc nghia vli the same...as la different from... Khng bao gil dng different
than. Sau day la mlt sl vi dl khac vl so sanh blng danh tl.
These trees are the same as those.
He speaks the same language as she.
Her address is the same as Rita's.
Their teacher is different from ours.
She takes the same course as her husband.
13.2 So sanh hln km
Trong loli so sanh nay nglli ta chia lam hai dlng: tinh tl va ph tl ngln (chl c mlt
holc hai am tilt khi phat am) va tinh tl, ph tl dai (3 am tilt trl ln). Khi so sanh khng
ngang blng:
O li vli tinh tl va ph tl ngln chl cln clng dui er. (thick - thicker, cold
colder, quietquieter)
O li vli tinh tl ngln c mlt phl am tln cng (trl w,x,z) va trllc d la mlt
nguyn am, phli glp di phl am culi. (bigbigger, redredder, hothotter)
O li vli tinh tl, ph tl dai, thm more holc less trllc tinh tl holc ph tl d
(more beautiful, more important, more believable).
O li vli tinh tl tln cng la phl am+y, phli dli y thanh ier (happyhappier, dry
drier, prettyprettier).

O li vli cac tinh tl c hlu tl ed, ful, ing, ish, ous cng biln dli blng cach
thm more cho d chng la tinh tl dai hay ngln (more useful, more boring, more
O Trllng hlp dlc bilt: strongstronger, friendlyfriendlier than = more friendly than.
O Ch khi da dng more thi khng dng hlu tl er va ngllc lli. Cac vi dl sau la
SA!: more prettier, more faster, more better

Ch :
1. Chl mlt sl ph tl la c dui -er, bao glm: faster, quicker, sooner, latter.
2. Nhl dng dlng thlc chl ngl cla dli tl sau than, khng dllc dng dlng tan
vi dl vl so sanh khng ngang blng:
]ohn's grades are higher than his sister's.
Today is hotter than yesterday.
This chair is more comfortable than the other.
He speaks Spanish more fluently than !. (khng dng than me)
He visits his family less frequently than she does.
This year's exhibit is less impressive than last year's.
So sanh khng ngang blng c thl dllc nhln mlnh blng cach
thm much holc far trllc clm tl so sanh.

A waterlemon is much sweeter than a a lemon.
His car is far better than yours.

Henry's watch is far more expensive than mine.

That movie we saw last night was much more interesting than the one on Tv.
She dances much more artistically than her predecessor.
He speaks English much more rapidly than he does Spanish.
Danh tl cng dllc dng dl diln dlt php so sanh ngang blng holc hln/km. Ch
dng tinh tl bl nghia dng vli danh tl dlm dllc holc khng dlm dllc.

He earns as much money as his brother.
They have as few classes as we.
Before payday, ! have as little money as my brother.

! have more books than she.
February has fewer days than Narch.
Their job allows them less fredom than ours does.
Khi so sanh mlt nglli/ mlt vlt vli tlt cl nhlng nglli holc vlt khac phli
thm else sau anything/anybody...
He is smarter than anybody else in the class.
Llu :
O lng sau as va than cla cac mlnh dl so sanh c thl loli bl chl ngl nlu n
trng hlp vli chl ngl thl nhlt, dlc bilt la khi dlng tl sau than va as l
dlng bl dlng. Lc nay than va as cn c thm chlc nang cla mlt dli tl quan
hl thay thl.
Their marriage was as stormy as had been expected
(!ncorrect: as it had been expected).
He worries more than was good for him.
(!ncorrect: than it/what was good for him).
O Cac tan ngl cng c thl bl loli bl sau cac dlng tl l mlnh dl sau THAN va
Don't lose your passport, as ! did last year.
(!ncorrect: as ! did it last year).
They sent more than ! had ordered.
(!ncorrect: than ! had ordered it).
She gets her meat from the same butcher as ! go to.
(!ncorrect: as ! go to him).

13.3 Php so sanh khng hlp l

Khi dng cau so sanh nn nhl cac dli tllng dng dl so sanh phli tllng dllng nhau:
nglli vli nglli, vlt vli vlt. Cac lli thllng mlc phli khi sl dlng cau so sanh
khng hlp l dllc chia lam 3 loli: sl hlu cach, that ofva those of.
13.3.1 Sl hlu cach:
!ncorrect: His drawings are as perfect as his instructor.
(Cau nay so sanh cac blc tranh vli nglli chl dln)
Correct: His drawings are as perfect as his instructor's.
(instructor's = instructor's drawings)
13.3.2 Dng thm that of cho danh tl sl it:
!ncorrect: The salary of a professor is higher than a secretary.
(Cau nay so sanh salary vli secretary)
Correct: The salary of a professor is higher than that of a secretary.
(that of = the salary of)
13.3.3 Dng thm those of cho cac danh tl sl nhilu:
!ncorrect: The duties of a policeman are more dangerous than a teacher .
(Cau nay so sanh duties vli teacher)
Correct: The duties of a policeman are more dangerous than those of a teacher
(those of = the duties of)
13.4 Cac tinh tl va ph tl dlc bilt
Nlt sl it tinh tl va ph tl c dlng thlc so sanh dlc bilt. Chng khng theo cac quy
tlc nu trn. Nghin clu blng sau:
Tinh tl holc
trlng tl
So sanh hln km So sanh nhlt
less least
more most
better best
worse worst

! feel much better today than ! did last week.
He has less time now than he had before.
This magainze is better than that one.
He acts worse now than ever before.

Llu : farther dng cho kholng cach, further dng cho thng tin holc cac trllng hlp
trlu tllng khac.
The distance from your house to school is farther than that of mine.
!f you want further information, please call to the agent.
Next year he will come to the U.S for his further education.

13.S So sanh bli sl
So sanh bli sl la so sanh: blng nla (half), glp di (twice), glp ba (three times),...

Khng dllc sl dlng so sanh hln km ma sl dlng so sanh blng, khi so sanh phli xac
dlnh danh tl la dlm dllc hay khng dlm dllc, vi dlng trllc chng
c many/much
This encyclopedy costs twice as much as the other one.
]erome has half as many records now as ! had last year.
At the clambake last week, Fred ate three times as many oysters as Bob.
Cac lli ni: twice that many/twice that much = glp di ngln ly... chl dllc dng trong
khlu ngl, khng dllc dng trong van vilt.
We have expected 80 people at that rally, but twice that many showned up. (twice as
many as that number).
13.6 So sanh kp
La loli so sanh vli clu trc: Cang... cang... Cac Adj/Adv so sanh phli dlng l dlu cau,
trllc chng phli c The. Dng mlt trong hai mlu cau sau day dl so sanh kp:
The + comparative + S + v + the + comparative + S + v
The hotter it is, the more miserable ! feel.
(Trli cang nng, ti cang thly kh chlu)
The sooner you take your medicince, the better you will feel.
(Anh cang ulng thulc slm bao nhiu, anh cang clm thly dl chlu bly nhiu)
The bigger they are, the faster they fall.
(Chng cang to bao nhiu thi cang rli nhanh bly nhiu)
The more + S + v + the + comparative + S + v
The more you study, the smarter you will become.
(Cang hlc, anh cang thng minh hln)

The more ! look into your eyes, the more ! love you.
(Cang nhin vao mlt em, anh cang yu em hln)
Sau The more l vl thl nhlt c thl thm that nhlng khng mlu cau nay khng phl
The more (that) you study, the smarter you will become.
Trong trllng hlp nlu cl hai vl dlu c chl ngl gil it is thi c thl bl chng di
The shorter (it is), the better (it is).
Holc nlu cl hai vl dlu dng to be thi bl di
The closer to the Earth's pole (is), the greater the gravitational force (is).
Cac cach ni: all the better (cang tlt hln), all the more (cang... hln), not... any the more...
(chlng... hln... ti nao), none the more... (chlng cht nao) dng dl nhln mlnh cho cac
tinh tl holc ph tl dllc dem ra so sanh. N chl dllc dng vli cac tinh tl trlu
tllng va dng trong van ni:
Sunday mornings were nice. ! enjoyed them all the more because Sue used to come round to
He didn't seem to be any the worse for his experience.
He explained it all carefully, but ! was still none the wiser.
Clu trc nay khng dng cho cac tinh tl cl thl:
Those pills have made him all the slimmer. (SA!)
13.7 Clu trc No sooner... than (vla mli ... thi da...)
Chl dng cho thli qua khl va thli hiln tli, khng dng cho thli tllng lai. No
sooner dlng l dlu mlt mlnh dl, theo sau n la mlt trl dlng tl dlo ln trllc
chl ngl dl nhln mlnh, than dlng l dlu mlnh dl cn lli:
No sooner + auxiliary + S + v + than + S + v
No sooner had we started out for California than it started to rain.
Nlt vi dl l thli hiln tli (will dllc lly sang dng cho hiln tli)
No sooner will he arrive than he will want to leave.
Llu : No longer c nghia la not anymore. Khng dng clu trc not longer cho cac cau c
nghia khng cn ... nla.
He no longer studies at the university.
(He does not study at the university anymore.)
S + no longer + Positive verb

13.8 So sanh hln km khng dng than (gila 2 dli tllng)

Khi so sanh hln km gila 2 nglli holc 2 vlt ma khng dng than, muln ni dli
tllng nao d la tlt hln, gili hln, dlp hln,... thi trllc adj va adv so sanh phli
c the. Ch phan bilt trllng hlp nay vli trllng hlp so sanh blc nhlt dlli day
(khi c 3 dli tllng trl ln). Trong cau thllng c clm tl of the two + noun, n c thl
dlng dlu holc culi cau.
Harvey is the smarter of the two boys.
Of the two shirts, this one is the prettier.
Pealse give me the smaller of the two cakes.
Of the two books, this one is the more interesting.
13.3 So sanh blc nhlt (tl 3 dli tllng trl ln)
Dng khi so sanh 3 nglli holc 3 vlt trl ln, mlt trong sl d la lu vilt nhlt so vli
cac dli tllng cn lli vl mlt mlt nao d. l biln tinh tl va ph tl thanh dlng so
sanh blc nhlt, ap dlng quy tlc sau:
O li vli tinh tl va ph tl ngln: thm dui est.
O li vli tinh tl va ph tl dai: dng most holc least.
O Trllc tinh tl holc ph tl so sanh phli c the.
O Dng gili tl in vli danh tl sl it dlm dllc.
O Dng gili tl of vli danh tl sl nhilu dlm dllc.

]ohn is the tallest boy in the family.
Deana is the shortest of the three sisters.
These shoes are the least expensive of all.
Of the three shirts, this one is the prettiest.
Sau clm tl One of the + so sanh blc nhlt + noun phli dlm blo chlc chln
rlng noun phli la sl nhilu, va dlng tl phli chia l sl it.
One of the greatest tennis players in the world is ]ohnson.
Kuwait is one of the biggest oil producers in the world.
Cac ph tl thllng khng c cac hlu tl er holc -est. Chng dllc chuyln sang dlng
so sanh tllng dli blng cach thm more holc less, sang dlng so sanh tuylt dli blng
cach thm most holc least phia trllc chng.
Sal drove more cautiously than Bob.
]oe dances more gracefully than his partner.
That child behaves most carelessly of all.

Nlt sl cac tinh tl holc ph tl mang tinh tuylt dli thi khng dllc dng so sanh blc
nhlt, hln chl dng so sanh hln km, nlu bulc phli dng thi bl more, chng
glm: unique/ extreme/ perfect/ supreme/ top/ absolute/prime/ primary
His drawings are perfect than mine.
20. Danh tl dng lam tinh tl
Trong tilng Anh c nhilu trllng hlp mlt danh tl dlng trllc mlt danh tl khac lam
nhilm vl cla mlt tinh tl (a wool coat, a gold watch, a history teacher). Danh tl di
trllc c vai tr cla mlt tinh tl, bl nghia cho danh tl di sau. Cac danh tl dng vai tr
cla tinh tl lun lun l dlng sl it, cho d danh tl dllc chng bl nghia c thl l
dlng sl nhilu (trl mlt vai trllng hlp ca bilt: a sports car, smallclaims court, a no
frills store...). Cac lin klt sl dlm - danh tl (numbernoun) lun dllc ngan cach bli
dlu glch nli.
We took a fiveweek tour.
(We took a tour that lasted five weeks)
He has a twoyear subscription to that magazine.
(His subscription to that magazine is for two years)
These are twentydollar shoes.
(These shoes cost twenty dollars.)
20.1 Khi nao dng danh tl lam tinh tl, khi nao dng tinh tl cla danh tl
Trong mlt sl trllng hlp nlu dng danh tl lam tinh tl thi n mang nghia den:
A gold watch = a watch made of gold.
Nhlng nlu dng tinh tl thi n mang nghia bng:
A golden opportunity = a chance that it is very rare and precious (qui gia).
Khng dllc dng tinh tl dl bl nghia cho danh tl khi n chl tinh chlt nghl nghilp
holc nli dung, khi d phli dng danh tl dl dng vai tr tinh tl:
a mathematics teacher, a biology book
21. Cach dng Enough
Enough thay dli vl tri theo tl loli cla tl ma n bl nghia. N lun dlng sau tinh tl va
ph tl:
Are those french fries good enough for you?
She speak Spanish well enough to be an interpreter.
!t is not cold enough now to wear a heavy jacket.
Nhlng lli dlng trllc danh tl:
Do you have enough sugar for the cake?
He does not have enough money to attend the concert.
Nlu danh tl da dllc nhlc dln trllc d, thi l dlli c thl dng enough nhl mlt
dli tl thay cho danh tl
! forgot money. Do you have enough?
22. Nuch, many, a lot of va lots of - trong mlt sl trllng hlp khac
22.1 Nuch S many

Nany holc much thllng dlng trllc danh tl. Nany di vli danh tl dlm dllc
va much di vli danh tl khng dlm dllc:
She didn't eat much breakfast.
(C ta khng an sang nhilu)
There aren't many large glasses left.
(Khng cn lli nhilu clc lln)
Tuy nhin much of c thl di vli tn nglli va tn dla danh:
! have seen too much of Howard recently.
(Cln day ti hay glp Howard)
Not much of Denmark is hilly.
(an mlch khng c mly dli ni)
Nany/much of + determiner (a, the, this, my... ) + noun.
You can't see much of a country in a week.
(Anh khng thl bilt nhilu vl mlt nllc trong vng mlt tuln dau.)
! won't pass the exam. ! have missed many of my lessons.
(Ti sl khng thoat dllc k thi nay mlt, ti bl qua nhilu bai.)
Nany va much dng nhilu trong cau phl dlnh va cau nghi vln, trong cau khlng dlnh c
thl dng cac loli tl khac nhl plenty of, a lot, lots of... dl thay thl.
How much money have you got? !'ve got plenty.
He got lots of men friends, but he doesn't know many women.
Tuy vly trong tilng Anh, much va many vln dllc dng binh thllng trong cau khlng
Nuch has been written about the causes of unemployment in the opinion of many economists.
Nuch dng nhl mlt ph tl (much dlng trllc dlng tl nhlng dlng sau very va sau
clu trc phl dlnh cla cau):
! don't travel much these days. (much = very often)
! much appreciate your help. (much=highly)
We very much prefer the country to the town.
]anet much enjoyed her stay with your family.
Nuch too much / many so many (dl nhln mlnh) dng dlc llp sau mlnh dl chinh,
trllc danh tl ma n bl ngl.
The cost of a thirtysecond commercial advertisement on a television show is $300,000, much
too much for most business.
Nany a + singular noun + singular verb: Bilt bao nhiu.
Nany a strong man has disheartened before such a challenge.
(Bilt bao chang trai trang kiln da nln lng trllc mlt thl thach nhl vly)
! have been to the top of the Effeil tower many a time.

Nany's the + {smt that / sbody who} + singular verb

Nany's the student who couldn't follow the postgraduate courses at universities and colleges
under the pressure of money.
(Bilt bao nhiu sinh vin da khng thl theo hlc cac trllng H va C do thilu tiln)
Nany's the promise that has been broken.
(Bilt bao nhiu lli hla da bl phln bli)
22.2 Phan bilt alot/ lots of/ plenty/ a great deal vli many/ much
Cac thanh ngl trn dlu c nghia tllng dllng vli much/ many (nhilu) va most (da
phln). A lot of/ lots of (informal) = a great deal/ a large number of/ much/ many (formal).
O Khng c khac nhau gi mly gila a lot of va lots of. Chl ngl chinh sau hai thanh
ngl nay sl quylt dlnh vilc chia dlng tl.
a lot of
lots of
] uncountable noun +
singular verb
] plural noun + plural verb
A lot of time is needed to learn a language.
Lots of us think it's time for an election.
O Plenty of dllc dng phl biln trong informal English.
Don't rush, there's plenty of time.
Plenty of shops take checks.
O A large a mount of = a great deal of + noncount noun (formal English)
! have thrown a large amount of old clothing.
Nr Lucas has spent a great deal of time in the Far East.
O A lot va a great deal c thl dllc dng lam ph tl va vl tri cla n la l culi cau.
On holiday we walk and swim a lot.
The gorvernment seems to change its mind a great deal.
22.3 Nore S most
O Nore + noun/noun phrase: dng nhl mlt dlnh ngl
We need more time.
Nore university students are having to borrow money these day.
O Nore + of + personal/geographic names
!t would be nice to see more of Ray and Barbara.
(Rlt hay khi dllc glp Ray va Barbara thllng xuyn hln.)
Five hundred years ago, much more of Britain was covered with trees.
(S00 nam trllc day, da phln nllc Anh phl nhilu rlng hln bay gil
O Nore of + determiner/pronoun (a/ the/ my/ this/ him/ them...)
He is more of a fool than ! thought.
(N la mlt thlng ngu hln ti tllng nhilu)
Three more of the missing climbers have been found.
Could ! have some more of that smoked fish.
! don't think any more of them want to come.

O One more/ two more... + noun/ noun phrase

There is just one more river to cross.
O Nhlng phli dng cardinal number (sl dlm) + noun + more (Five dollars more)
nlu more mang nghia thm nla.
He has contributed $S0, and now he wants to contribute $S0 more.
O Nost + noun = a phln, da sl
Nost cheese is made from cow's milk.
Nost Swiss people understand French.
O Nost + determiner/ pronoun (a, the, this, my, him...) = Hlu hlt...
He has eaten 2 pizzas and most of a cold chicken.
Nost of my friends live abroad.
She has eaten most of that cake.
Nost of us thought he was wrong.
O Nost cng dllc dng thay cho mlt danh tl, nlu l trn, danh tl holc chl ngl
d da dllc nhlc dln.
Some people had difficulty with the lecture, but most understood.
Ann and Robby found a lot of blackberries, but Susan found the most.
O Nost + adjective khi mang nghia very (khng phl biln)
That is most kind of you.
Thank you for a most interesting afternoon.
22.4 Long S (for) a long time
O Long dllc dng trong cau hli va cau phl dlnh.
Have you been waiting long?
!t does not take long to get to her house.
She seldom stays long.
O (for) a long time dng trong cau khlng dlnh
! waited for a long time, but she didn't arrive.
!t takes a long time to get to her house.
O Long cng dllc dng trong cau khlng dlnh khi di vli: too, enough, as, so
The meeting went on much too long.
! have been working here long enough. !t's time to get a new job.
You can stay as long as you want.
Sorry! ! took so long.
O Long before (lau trllc khi)/ long after (mai sau khi)/ long ago (cach day da lau)
We used to live in Paris, but that was long before you were born.
Long after the accident he used to dream that he was dying.
Long ago, in a distant country, there lived a beautiful princess.
O Long mang vai tr ph tl phli dlt sau trl dlng tl, trllc dlng tl chinh:
This is a problem that has long been recognized.
O All (day/ night/ week/ year) long = sult cl...
She sits dreaming all day long
(C ta ngli ml mlng sult cl ngay).

O Before + long = Ngay bay gil, chlng bao lau nla

! will be back before long
(Ti sl quay lli ngay bay gil).
O Trong cau phl dlnh for a long time (da lau, trong mlt thli gian dai) khac vli for
long (ngln, khng dai, chlc lat)
She didn't speak for long.
(She only spoke for a short time)
She didn't speak for a long time.
(She was silent for a long time)

23. Cac clm tl nli mang tinh quan hl nhan qul
23.1 ecause, ecause of
Sau because phli mlt mlnh dl hoan chlnh (c cl S va v) nhlng sau because of phli
la mlt danh tl holc ngl danh tl.
]an was worried because it had started to rain.
]an was worried because of the rain.
We arrived late because there was a traffic jam.
We arrived late because of a traffic jam.
C thl dng because of thay cho on account of va due to va ngllc lli. Nhlng thllng
dng due to sau dlng tl to be.
The accident was due to the heavy rain.
Dng as a result of dl nhln mlnh hlu qul cla hanh dlng holc sl vlt, sl vilc.
He was blinded as a result of a terrible accident.
C thl dla mlnh dl nguyn nhan ln dlu cau:
Because of the rain, we have cancelled the party.
23.2 So that
Trong clu trc nay nglli ta dng so that vli nghia sao cho, dl cho. Sau so that phli la
mlt mlnh dl hoan chlnh c cl S va v. lng tl l mlnh dl sau so that phli li mlt
thli so vli thli cla dlng tl l mlnh dl chinh.
He studied very hard so that he could pass the test.
She is sending the package early so that it will arrive in the time for her sister's birthday.
Susan drove to Niami instead of flying so that she could save money.

Ch :

O Phli phan bilt so that trong clu trc nay vli so that mang nghia do d (therefore).
Cach phan bilt la l thli cla dlng tl dlng sau so that mang nghia do d" diln
biln binh thllng so vli thli cla dlng tl l mlnh dl dlng trllc.
We heard nothing from him so that we wondered if he moved away.
O Cng cln phan bilt vli clu trc so + adj/adv + that nu l phln sau.
Trong tilng Anh ni c thl bl that trong clm so that nhlng trong tilng Anh vilt
khng dllc bl that. ay la bly ma bai thi TOEFL thllng nu ra.
23.3 So va such.
Nglli ta dng clu trc so/such .... that (dln nli ma) theo nhilu cach sl dlng.
23.3.1 Dng vli tinh tl va ph tl:

Terry ran so fast that he broke the previous speed record.
]udy worked so diligently that she received an increase in salary.
She is so beautiful that anyone sees her once will never forget her.
The little boy looks so unhappy that we all feel sorry for him
23.3.2 Dng vli danh tl dlm dllc sl nhilu:

Clu trc vln la so ... that nhlng phli dng many holc few trllc danh tl d.
! had so few job offers that it wasn't difficult to select one.
The Smiths had so many children that they form their own baseball team.

23.3.3 Dng vli danh tl khng dlm dllc:

Clu trc la so ... that nhlng phli dng much holc little trllc danh tl d.
He has invested so much money in the project that he can't abandon it now.
The grass received so little water that it turned brown in the heat.

23.3.4 Dng vli danh tl dlm dllc sl it:

S + v + such + a + adjective + singular count noun + that + S +

S + v + so + adjective + a + singular count noun + that + S + v

!t was such a hot day that we decided to stay indoors.
!t was so hot a day that we decided to stay indoors.
!t was such an interesting book that he couldn't put it down.
!t was so interesting a book that he couldn't put it down.
23.3.S Dng such trllc tinh tl + danh tl:

They are such beautiful pictures that everybody will want one.
This is such difficult homework that ! will never finish it.
Llu : KHONC dllc dng so trong trllng hlp nay.
23.4 Nlt sl clm tl nli khac:
23.4.1 Even if + negative verb: cho d.
You must go tomorrow even if you aren't ready.
23.4.2 Whether or not + positive verb: d c hay khng.
You must go tomorrow whether or not you are ready.
23.4.3 Cac tl nghi vln dlng dlu cau dng lam tl nli
lng tl theo sau mlnh dl ml dlu phli chia l ngi thl 3 sl it.
Whether he goes out tonight depends on his girldfriend.
Why these pupils can not solve this problems makes the teachers confused.
23.4.4 Nlt sl cac tl nli c quy lult ring
And moreover
And in addtion
And thus
or otherwise
And furthermore
And therefore
But nevertheless
But ... anyway

+ Nlu nli gila hai mlnh dl, dlng trllc chng phli c dlu phly
He was exhausted, and therefore his judgement was not very good.
+ Nhlng nlu nli gila hai tl dln thi khng
The missing piece is small but nevertheless significant.

23.4.S Unless + positive = if ... not: Trl phi, nlu khng.

You will be late unless you start at once.
23.4.6 ut for that + unreal condition: Nlu khng thi
Nlnh dl sau n phli li mlt thli.
+ Hiln tli
Ny father pays my fee, but for that ! couldn't be here.
+ $ua khl
Ny car broke down, but for that we would have been here in time.

23.4.7 Otherwise + real condition: Klo, nlu khng thi.
We must be back before midnight otherwise ! will be locked out.

23.4.8 Otherwise + unreal condition: Klo, nlu khng thi.
Sau n phli la dilu kiln khng thl thlc hiln dllc, mlnh dl sau n li mlt thli.
+ Hiln tli
Her father supports her finance otherwise she couldn't conduct these experiments (But she
can with her father's support).
+ $ua khl:
! used a computer, otherwise ! would have taken longer with these calculations (But he
didn't take any longer).
*Llu : Trong tilng Anh thng tlc (colloquial English) nglli ta dng or else dl thay thl
cho otherwise.
23.4.3 Provided/Providing that: vli dilu kiln la, miln la ( = as long
You can camp here providing that you leave no mess.
23.4.10 Suppose/Supposing = What ... if : Cil sl .... thi sao, Nlu .....
thi sao.
Suppose the plane is late? = What (will happen) if the plane is late?
Llu :
* Suppose cn c thl dllc dng dl dla ra lli gli .
Suppose you ask him = Why don't you ask him.
* Llu thanh ngl: What if ! am?: Tao thl thi da sao nao? (mang tinh thach thlc)
23.4.11 !f only + S + simple present/will + verb = hope that: hi vlng
!f only he comes in time.
!f only he will learn harder for the test next month.

23.4.12 !f only + S + simple past/past perfect = wish that (Cau d/k

khng thlc = gia ma)
!f only he came in time now.
!f only she had studied harder for that test
23.4.13 !f only + S + would + v:
+ Diln dlt mlt hanh dlng khng thl xly ra l hiln tli
!f only he would drive more slowly = we wish he drove more slowly.
+ Diln dlt mlt llc muln v vlng vl tllng lai:
!f only it would stop raining.

23.4.14 !mmediately = as soon as = the moment (that) = the instant
that = directly: ngay llp tlc/ ngay khi ma
Tell me immediatly (=as soon as) you have any news.
Phone me the moment that you get the results.
! love you the instant (that) ! saw you.
Directly ! walked in the door ! smelt smoke.

24. Cau bl dlng (passive voice)
Trong tilng Anh, nglli ta rlt hay dng cau bl dlng. Khac vli l cau chl dlng chl
ngl thlc hiln hanh dlng, trong cau bl dlng chl ngl nhln tac dlng cla hanh dlng.
Cau bl dlng dllc dng khi muln nhln mlnh dln dli tllng chlu tac dlng cla
hanh dlng hln la bln than hanh dlng d. Thli cla dlng tl l cau bl dlng phli
tuan theo thli cla dlng tl l cau chl dlng.

Nlu la loli dlng tl c 2 tan ngl, muln nhln mlnh vao tan ngl nao nglli ta dla
tan ngl d ln lam chl ngl nhlng thng thllng chl ngl hlp l cla cau bl dlng la
tan ngl gian tilp.
! gave him a book = ! gave a book to him = He was given a book (by me).
lt by + tan ngl mli dlng sau tlt cl cac tan ngl khac. Nlu sau by la mlt dli tl v
nhan xlng mang nghia nglli ta: by people, by sb thi bl hln n di.
Hiln tli thllng holc Qua khl thllng
+ |verb in past participle]

Active: Hurricanes destroy a great deal of property each year.
Passive: A great deal of property is destroyed by hurricanes each year.

Hiln tli tilp diln holc Qua khl tilp diln

+ being + |verb in past

Active: The committee is considering several new proposals.
Passive: Several new proposals are being considered by the committee.

Hiln tli hoan thanh holc Qua khl hoan thanh
+ been + |verb in past participle]

Active: The company has ordered some new equipment.
Passive: Some new equipment has been ordered by the company.
Trl dlng tl
modal + be + |verb in past participle]

Active: The manager should sign these contracts today.
Passive: These contracts should be signed by the manager today.
Cac nli dlng tl (lng tl khng yu clu 1 tan ngl nao) khng dllc dng l bl
Ny leg hurts.
lc bilt khi chl ngl chlu trach nhilm chinh cla hanh dlng cng khng dll c
chuyln thanh cau bl dlng.
The US takes charge: Nllc Nl nhln lanh trach nhilm
Nlu la nglli holc vlt trlc tilp gay ra hanh dlng thi dng by nhlng nlu la vlt gian
tilp gay ra hanh dlng thi dng with.
The bird was shot with the gun.
The bird was shot by the hunter.
Trong mlt sl trllng hlp to be/to get + P2 hoan toan khng mang nghia bl dlng ma
mang 2 nghia:
O Chl trlng thai, tinh hulng ma chl ngl dang glp phli.
Could you please check my mailbox while ! am gone.
He got lost in the maze of the town yesterday.
O Chl vilc chl ngl tl lam lly
The little boy gets dressed very quickly.
Could ! give you a hand with these tires.
No thanks, ! will be done when ! finish tightening these bolts.

Nli sl biln dli vl thli va thl dlu nhlm vao dlng tl to be, cn phan tl 2 gil
to be made of: llc lam blng (l clp dln chlt lilu lam nn vlt)
This table is made of wood
to be made from: llc lam ra tl (dl clp dln vilc nguyn vlt lilu bl biln dli
khli trlng thai ban dlu dl lam nn vlt)
Paper is made from wood
to be made out of: llc lam blng (dl clp dln qua trinh lam ra vlt)
This cake was made out of flour, butter, sugar, eggs and milk.
to be made with: llc lam vli (dl clp dln chl mlt trong sl nhilu chlt lilu lam
nn vlt)
This soup tastes good because it was made with a lot of spices.
Phan bilt thm vl cach dng marry va divorce trong 2 thl: chl dlng va bl dlng. Khi
khng c tan ngl thi nglli Anh la dng get maried va get divorced trong dlng informal
Lulu and ]oe got maried last week. (informal)
Lulu and ]oe married last week. (formal)
After 3 very unhappy years they got divorced. (informal)
After 3 very unhappy years they dovorced. (formal)
Sau marry va divorce la mlt tan ngl trlc tilp thi khng c gili tl: To mary / divorce smb
She married a builder.
Andrew is going to divorce Carola
To be/ get married/ to smb (gili tl to" la blt bulc)
She got married to her childhood sweetheart.
He has been married to Louisa for 16 years and he still doesn't understand her.

2S. Nlt sl clu trc clu khiln (causative)
2S.1 To have sb do sth = to get sb to do sth = Sai ai, khiln ai, blo ai lam gi
!'ll have Peter fix my car.
!'ll get Peter to fix my car.
2S.2 To have/to get sth done = lam mlt vilc gi blng cach thu nglli khac
! have my hair cut. (Ti di clt tc chl khng phli ti tl clt)
! have my car washed. (Ti mang xe di rla ngoai dlch vl khng phli tl rla)
Theo khuynh hllng nay dlng tl to want va would like cng c thl dng vli mlu cau
nhl vly: To want/ would like Sth done. (t dng)
! want/ would like my car washed.
Cau hli dng cho loli mlu cau nay la: What do you want done to Sth?
What do you want done to your car?

2S.3 To make sb do sth = to force sb to do sth = lt bulc ai phli lam gi
The bank robbers made the manager give them all the money.
The bank robbers forced the manager to give them all the money.
lng sau tan ngl cla make cn c thl dng 1 tinh tl: To make sb/sth + adj
Wearing flowers made her more beautiful.
Chemical treatment will make this wood more durable
2S.4.1 To make sb + P2 = lam cho ai bl lam sao
Working all night on Friday made me tired on Saturday.

2S.4.2 To cause sth + P2 = lam cho cai gi bl lam sao
The big thunder storm caused many waterfront houses damaged.
Nlu tan ngl cla make la mlt dlng tl nguyn thl thi phli dlt it gila make va tinh tl,
dlt dlng tl ra phia dlng sau: make it + adj + v as object.
The wire service made it possible to collect and distribute news faster and cheaper.
Tuy nhin nlu tan ngl cla make la 1 danh tl hay 1 ngl danh tl thi khng dllc
dlt it gila make va tinh tl: Nake + adj + noun/ noun phrase.
The wire service made possible much speedier collection and distribution of news.
2S.S To let sb do sth = to permit/allow sb to do sth = dl cho ai, cho php ai
lam gi
! let me go.
At first, she didn't allow me to kiss her but...

2S.6 To help sb to do sth/do sth = Cip ai lam gi
Please help me to throw this table away.
She helps me open the door.
Nlu tan ngl cla help la mlt dli tl v nhan xlng mang nghia nglli ta thi khng cln
phli nhlc dln tan ngl d va bl lun cl to cla dlng tl dlng sau.
This wonder drug will help (people to) recover more quickly.
Nlu tan ngl cla help va tan ngl cla dlng tl sau n trng hlp vli nhau, nglli ta
sl bl tan ngl sau help va bl lun cl to cla dlng tl dlng sau.

The body fat of the bear will help (him to) keep him alive during hibernation.

2S.7 a dlng tl dlc bilt: see, watch, hear
la nhlng dlng tl ma ngl nghia cla chng sl thay dli di cht khi dlng tl sau tan
ngl cla chng l cac dlng khac nhau.
+ To see/to watch/ to hear sb/sth do sth (hanh dlng dllc chlng kiln tl dlu dln
! heard the telephone ring and then ]ohn answered it.
+ To see/to watch/ to hear sb/sth doing sth (hanh dlng khng dllc chlng kiln trln vln
ma chl l mlt thli dilm)
! heard her singing at the time ! came home.

26. Cau phlc hlp va dli tl quan hl
Tilng Anh c 2 loli cau:
Cau dln giln: la cau c 1 thanh phln va chl cln nhl vly cau cng da dl nghia.
Cau phlc hlp: la loli cau c 2 thanh phln (2 mlnh dl) chinh/phl nli vli nhau
blng mlt tl gli la dli tl quan hl.
26.1 That va which lam chl ngl cla mlnh dl phl
N dlng dlu cau phl, thay thl cho danh tl blt dlng vlt dlng trllc n va dng vai
tr chl ngl cla cau phl. Trong trllng hlp nay khng thl lllc bl that holc which:
We bought the stereo that had been advertised at a reduced price.
(We bought the stereo. !t had been advertised at a reduced price)
26.2 That va which lam tan ngl cla mlnh dl phl
N thay thl cho danh tl blt dlng vlt dlng trllc n, ml dlu cau phl nhlng dng
vai tr tan ngl trong cau phl. Trong trllng hlp nay c thl lllc bl that holc which:
Ceorge is going to buy the house (that) we have been thinking of buying.
(Ceorge is going to buy a house. We have been thinking of buying it.)
Nglli ta dng that chl khng dng which khi:
+ lng trllc n la mlt tinh tl so sanh blc nhlt + danh tl
That is the best novel that has been written by this author.
+ Khi dlng trllc n la mlt sl cac dli tl philm chl nhl all, some, any, anything,
everything, much, little, nothing v.v..
! want to see all that he possesses.
All the apples that fall are eaten by pig.
26.3 Who lam chl ngl cla mlnh dl phl
N thay thl cho danh tl chl nglli holc dlng vlt dlng trllc n va dng vai tr
chl ngl cla cau phl. Trong trllng hlp nay khng thl lllc bl who:

The man who is in this room is angry.

26.4 Whom lam tan ngl cla mlnh dl phl
N thay thl cho danh tl chl nglli holc dlng vlt (dlng vlt nui trong nha) dlng
trllc n va dng tr tan ngl cla cau phl, n c thl bl di dllc.
The men (whom) ! don't like are angry.
Nlu whom lam tan ngl cla mlt ngl dlng tl bao glm 1 verb + 1 gili tl thi lli vilt
chuln nhlt la dla gili tl d ln trllc whom.
The man to whom you have just talked is the chairman of the company.
Tuy nhin nlu whom la tan ngl cla mlt ngl dlng tl bao glm 1 dlng tl + 2 gili
tl thi 2 gili tl d vln phli dlng dlng sau dlng tl.
The man whom you are looking forward to is the chairman of the company.
Khng dllc dng who thay cho whom trong van vilt d n dllc chlp nhln trong van

26.S Nlnh dl phl blt bulc va khng blt bulc.
26.S.1 Nlnh dl phl blt bulc.
La loli mlnh dl blt bulc phli c mlt l trong cau, nlu bl di cau sl mlt nghia
ban dlu. Nn dng that lam chl ngl cho loli cau nay mlc d which vln dllc chlp
nhln. Cau phl thllng dlng xen vao gila cau chinh holc nli liln vli cau chinh va
khng tach rli khli n bli blt cl dlu phly nao. Trong vi dl sau nlu bl di mlnh dl
phl dllc glch chan thi cau sl mang nghia hoan toan khac:
Weeds that float to the surface should be removed before they decay.
26.S.2 Nlnh dl phl khng blt bulc
La loli mlnh dl mang thng tin phl trong cau, nlu bl n di cau khng mlt nghia ban
dlu. Khng dllc dng that lam chl ngl ma phli dng which, cho d which c la tan
ngl cla mlnh dl phl cng khng dllc php bl n di. Cau phl thllng dlng chen
vao gila cau chinh va blt bulc phli tach khli cau chinh blng 2 dlu phly. Xt hai vi
dl sau:
Ny car, which is very large, uses too much gasoline.
This rum, which ! bought in the virgin !slands, is very smooth.

26.S.3 Tlm quan trlng cla vilc sl dlng dlu phly dli vli mlnh
dl phl
l nhlng mlnh dl phl blt bulc, khi khng dng dlu phly tlc la mlnh dl phl xac
dlnh mlt gili hln dli vli danh tl dlng trllc trong mlnh dl chinh
The travelers who knew about the flood took another road. (Nhlng nglli bilt vl trln l
dlu chln dllng khac)
The wine that was stored in the cellar was ruined.
li vli nhlng mlnh dl phl khng blt bulc, khi c dlu phly ngan cach thi n khng
xac dlnh gili hln dli vli danh tl dlng trllc n.
The travelers, who knew about the flood, took another road. (Tlt cl nhlng nglli...)
The wine, which was stored in the cellar, was ruined.
Note: Cac nguyn tlc trn day chl dng trong van vilt, khng dng trong van ni. Lli
ngl phap cla TOEFL khng tinh dln mlnh dl phl blt bulc nhlng sl trl dilm
nlu phlm phli lli mlnh dl phl khng blt bulc.
26.6 Cach sl dlng All, oth, Some, Several, Nost, Few + Of + Whom/ Which
Her sons, both of whom are working abroad, call her every week. (khng dllc ni both of
The buses, most of which were full of passengers, began to pull out.
Tuylt dli khng dllc dng dli tl nhan xlng tan ngl: them, us trong trllng hlp
What (the things that) c thl lam tan ngl cho mlnh dl phl cng lc lam chl ngl cho
mlnh dl chinh/ holc lam chl ngl cla cl 2 mlnh dl chinh, phl:
What we have expected is the result of the test.
What happened to him yesterday might happen to us tomorrow.
Whose (cla nglli ma, cla con ma) c thl thay thl cho danh tl chl nglli holc
dlng vlt l trllc n va chl sl sl hlu cla nglli holc dlng vlt d dli vli danh
tl di sau.
]ames, whose father is the president of the company, has received a promotion.
Trong lli van vilt trang trlng nn dng of which dl thay thl cho danh tl blt dlng vlt
mlc d whose vln dllc chlp nhln.
Savings account, of which interest rate is quite hight, is very common now. (of which = whose)
Holc dng with + noun/ noun phrase thay cho whose
A house whose walls were made of glass is easy to break = A house with glass walls is easyto
26.7 Cach loli bl dli tl quan hl trong mlnh dl phl

li vli nhlng mlnh dl phl blt bulc nglli ta c thl (khng blt bulc) loli bl
dli tl quan hl va dlng tl to be (cng vli cac trl dlng tl cla n) trong mlt sl
trllng hlp sau:
O Trllc mlt mlnh dl phl ma clu trc dlng tl l thli bl dlng.
This is the value of X (which was) obtained from the areas under the normal curve.
O Trllc mlt mlnh dl phl ma sau n la mlt ngl gili tl.
The beaker (that is) on the counter contains a solution.
O Trllc mlt clu trc dlng tl l thl tilp diln.
The girl (who is) running down the street might be in trouble.
O Ngoai ra trong mlt sl trllng hlp khi dli tl quan hl trong mlnh dl phl blt
bulc gln liln vli chl ngl dlng trllc n va mlnh dl phl ly diln dlt qui
lult cla sl kiln, nglli ta c thl bl dli tl quan hl va dlng tl chinh dl
thay vao d blng mlt verbing.
The travelers taking (who take) this bus on a daily basis buy their ticket in booking.
O Trong nhlng mlnh dl phl khng blt bulc nglli ta cng c thl loli bl dli
tl quan hl va dlng tl to be khi n dlng trllc mlt ngl danh tl. Tuy nhin
phln ngl danh tl cn lli vln phli dlng gila 2 dlu phly.
Nr ]ackson, (who is) a professor, is traveling in the Nideast this year.
O Nlt trllng hlp khac rlt phl biln la loli bl dli tl quan hl va dlng tl
chinh, thay vao d blng mlt verbing khi mlnh dl phl nay bl nghia cho mlt tan
The president made a speech for the famous man visiting (who visited) him.
27. Cach sl dlng mlt sl clu trc P

O Have sb/sth + doing: lam cho ai lam gi.
]ohn had us laughing all through the meal.
O S + won't have sb + doing = S + won't allow sb to do sth: khng cho php ai lam gi
! won't have him telling me what to do.
O Cac clm phan tl: adding, pointing out, reminding, warning, reasoning that dlu c
thl ml dlu cho mlt mlnh dl phl gian tilp.
He told me to start early, reminding me that the road would be crowded.
Reasoning that he could only get to the lake, we followed that way.
O To catch sb doing sth: blt glp ai dang lam gi (ham bl phlt lng).
!f she catches you reading her diary, she will be furious.
O To find sb/sth doing sth: Thly ai/ cai gi dang lam gi
! found him standing at the doorway
He found a tree lying across the road.
O To leave sb doing sth: l ai lam gi
! left Bob talking to the director after the introduction.
O Co/come doing sth (dng cho thl thao va mua slm)
Co skiing/ go swimming/ go shopping/ come dancing
O To spend time doing sth: Bl thli gian lam gi
He usually spends much time preparing his lessons.

O To waste time doing: hao phi thli gian lam gi

She wasted all the afternoon having small talks with her friends.
O To have a hard time/trouble doing sth: Clp kh khan khi lam gi
He has trouble listening to English. ! had a hard time doing my homework.
O To be worth doing sth: dang dl lam gi
This project is worth spending time and money on.
O To be busy doing something: bln lam gi
She is busy packing now.
O Be no/ not much/ any/ some good doing smt: Khng c ich, it khi c ich (lam gi)
!t's no good my talking to him: Ni chuyln vli anh ta ti chl thly c ich gi.
What good is it asking her: Hli c ta thi c ich gi cl chl
dllc sl dlng dl rt ngln nhlng cau dai:
4 Hai hanh dlng xly ra song song cng mlt lc thi hanh dlng thl hai l
dlng ving, hai hanh dlng khng tach rli khli nhau bli blt ki dlu phly
He drives away and whistles = He drives away whistling.
4 Khi hanh dlng thl hai holc cac hanh dlng tilp sau theo n la mlt phln
trong qua trinh diln biln cla hanh dlng thl nhlt thi hanh dlng thl hai
holc cac hanh dlng tilp theo sau n l dlng ving. Cila hai hanh dlng c
ngan cach nhau bli dlu phly.
She went out and slammed the door = She went out, slamming the door.
4 Khi hanh dlng thl 2 holc cac hanh dlng sau n la klt qul cla hanh
dlng thl nhlt thi hanh dlng thl 2 va cac hanh dlng tilp theo sl l
dlng ving. N sl ngan cach vli hanh dlng chinh blng mlt dlu phly.
He fired two shots, killling a robber and wounding the other.
4 Hanh dlng thl 2 khng cln chung chl ngl vli hanh dlng thl nhlt ma
chl cln la klt qul cla hanh dlng thl nhlt cng c thl l dlng ving.
The plane crashed, its bombs exploding when it hit the ground.
28. Cach sl dlng mlt sl clu trc P

O Whould (should) like + to have + P2 : Diln dlt mlt llc muln khng thanh.
He would like to have seen the photos = He would have liked to see the photos
(But he couldn't).
O Dng vli mlt sl dlng tl: to appear, to seem, to happen, to pretend
Nn nhl rlng hanh dlng cla nguyn mlu hoan thanh xly ra trllc hanh dlng
cla mlnh dl chinh.
He seems to have passed the exam = !t seems that he has passed the exam.
She pretended to have read the material = She pretended that she had read the
O Dng vli sorry, to be sorry + to have + P2: Hanh dlng cla nguyn mlu hoan thanh
xly ra trllc trlng thai sorry.
The girls were sorry to have missed the Rock Concert
(The girls were sorry that they had missed the Rock Concert.)

O Dng vli mlt sl cac dlng tl sau day l thl bl dlng: to ackowledge. believe,
consider, find, know, report, say, suppose, think, understand. Hanh dlng cla nguyn
mlu hoan thanh xly ra trllc hanh dlng cla mlnh dl chinh.
He was believed to have gone out of the country.
(!t was believed that he had gone out of the country.)
O Dng vli mlt sl cac dlng tl khac nhl to claim, expect, hope, promise. lc bilt
llu rlng hanh dlng cla nguyn mlu hoan thanh sl l future perfect so vli
thli cla dlng tl l mlnh dl chinh.
He expects to have graduated by ]une.
(He expects that he will have graduated by ]une.)
He promised to have told me the secret by the end of this week.
(He promised that he would have told me the secret by the end of this week.)

23. Nhlng cach sl dlng khac cla that
Ngoai vilc sl dlng trong mlnh dl quan hl, that cn dllc dng trong mlt sl
trllng hlp khac nhl dng lam lin tl, dng trong mlnh dl that.
23.1 That dng vli tl cach la mlt lin tl (rlng)
23.1.1 Trllng hlp khng blt bulc phli c that
lng sau 4 dlng tl say, tell, think, believe thi that c thl bl di dllc.
]ohn said (that) he was leaving next week.
23.1.2 Trllng hlp blt bulc phli c that.
lng sau 4 dlng tl mention, declare, report, state thi that blt bulc phli c mlt.
Ceorge mentioned that he was going to France next year.

That vln blt bulc phli c mlt l mlnh dl thl 3 trong cau nlu mlnh dl chinh sl
dlng mlt trong 4 dlng tl trn.
The Najor declared that on ]une the first he would announce the result of the search
and that he would never overlook the crime punishment.
23.2 Nlnh dl that
La loli mlnh dl c chla that.
23.2.1 Dng vli chl ngl gil it va tinh tl.
!t + to be + adj + That + S + v = That + S + v ... to be + adj
!t is well known that many residents of third world countries are dying.
That many residents of third world countries are dying is well known.
23.2.2 Dng vli dlng tl tlo thanh mlt mlnh dl dlc llp.

!t + verb + complement + That + S + v = That + S + v + ... +v

+ complement
!t surprises me that ]ohn would do such a thing
That ]ohn would do such a thing surprises me.
Nglli ta dng chl ngl gil it trong van ni dl dl nhln bilt va that lam chl ngl
thlt trong van vilt. Trong mlt sl trllng hlp nglli ta dlo ngl gili tl ln dlu cau,
lin tl holc dlng tl tinh dlo ln trn THAT va sau d mli la chl ngl thlt. Cng thlc
sl dlng nhl sau:
Prepositional phrase + link verb/stative verb + THAT + sentence as real subject, and THAT +
sentence as real subject.
Among the surprising discoveries were that T.rex was a far sleeker but more powerful carnivore
than previously thought, perhaps weighing less than 6.S tons no more than a bull elephant,
and that T.rex habitat was forest, not swamp or plain as previously believed.

(Nlt trong sl nhlng phat hiln nglc nhin la l chl loai khlng long blo cha la mlt
loli an thlt c than hinh thon nhl hln nhilu, song d ng manh hln nglli ta da tlng
nghi trllc day, c ll can nlng chla dln 6 tln rlli tlc la khng lln hln mlt con
voi dlc, va rlng mi trllng slng cla loai khlng long nay la rlng chl khng phli la
dlm lly hay dlng blng nhl nglli ta vln tllng.)
The fact that + sentence
The fact remains that + sentence
The fact of the matter is that + sentence
The fact that Simon had not been home for 3 days didn't seem to worry anybody.
30. Cau gil dlnh (subjunctive)
Cau gil dlnh hay cn gli la cau clu khiln la loli cau dli tllng thl nhlt muln dli
tllng thl hai lam mlt vilc gi. Cau gil dlnh c tinh chlt clu khiln chl khng mang
tinh p bulc nhl cau mlnh llnh. Trong cau gil dlnh, nglli ta dng dlng nguyn thl
khng c to cla cac dlng tl sau mlt sl dlng tl chinh mang tinh clu khiln. Thllng
c that trong cau gil dlnh trl mlt sl trllng hlp dlc bilt.
30.1 Dng vli would rather that
Ngl phap hiln dli ngay nay dlc bilt la ngl phap Nl cho php dng would rather ma
khng cln dng that trong loli cau nay.
We would rather (that) he not take this train.
30.2 Dng vli dlng tl.
Blng sau la nhlng dlng tl di hli mlnh dl sau n phli l dlng gil dlnh va trong
cau blt bulc phli c that trong trllng hlp d.
advise ask command decree

lng tl sau chl ngl 2 l dlng nguyn thl khng chia bl to. Nlu muln thanh llp
thl phl dlnh dlt not sau chl ngl 2 trllc nguyn thl bl to.
Subject + verb + that + subject + |verb in simple form] + ...
The doctor suggested that his patient stop smoking.
The doctor suggested that his patient not stop smoking.
Nlu bl that di thi chl ngl 2 sl trl vl dlng tan ngl va dlng tl sau n trl vl
dlng nguyn thl c to, cau mlt tinh chlt gil dlnh, trl thanh mlt dlng mlnh llnh
thlc gian tilp.
The doctor suggested his patient to stop smoking.
The doctor suggested his patient not to stop smoking.
Trong ngl phap AnhAnh trllc dlng tl l mlnh dl 2 thllng c should, nglli Anh
chl bl should khi sau n la dlng tl to be nhlng ngl phap AnhNl khng
dng should cho toan bl dlng tlll mlnh dl 2.
30.3 Dng vli tinh tl.
Blng sau la mlt sl cac tinh tl di hli mlnh dl sau n phli l dlng gil dlnh, trong
cau blt bulc phli c that va dlng tl sau chl ngl 2 l dlng nguyn thl bl to.
Llu rlng trong blng nay c mlt sl tinh tl la phan tl 2 clu tlo tl cac dlng tl l
blng trn. Nlu muln clu tlo phl dlnh dlt not sau chl ngl 2 trllc nguyn thl
bl to.
!t + be + adj + that + S + |verb in simple form]
!t is necessary that he find the books.
!t is necessary that he not find the books.
!t has been proprosed that we change the topic.
!t has been proprosed that we not change the topic.
Nlu bl that di thi chl ngl 2 sl biln thanh tan ngl sau gili tl for, dlng tl trl vl
dlng nguyn thl c to va cau mlt tinh chlt gil dlnh trl thanh dlng mlnh llnh thlc
gian tilp.
!t is necessary for him to find the books.
!t is necessary for him not to find the books.

!t has been proprosed for us to change the topic.

!t has been proprosed for us not to change the topic.
Llu :
O Cau gil dlnh dng vli 2 loli trn thllng dllc dng trong cac van bln holc
thl giao dlch diln dlt lli dl nghl tl phia A > B ma khng c tinh blt bulc.
O Khng chl c dlng tl va tinh tl mli dllc dng theo dlng nay, tlt cl cac
danh tl xult phat tl nhlng dlng tl va tinh tl trn dlu bulc mlnh dl sau n
phli l dlng gil dlnh, nlu nhl n diln dlt cac ylu tl trn.
There is suggestion from the doctor that the patient stop smoking.
!t is recommendation that the vehicle owner be present at the court

30.4 Thl gil dlnh trong mlt sl trllng hlp khac
O Dng dl diln dlt mlt llc muln holc mlt lli nguyln rla, thllng bao
ham cac thl llc siu nhin.
Cod be with you = Cood bye.
Curse this toad: Chlt tilt cai con cc nay.
O Dng vli dlng tl Nay trong mlt sl trllng hlp dlc bilt sau:
4 Come what may = D thl nao chang nla, d blt cl truyln gi.
Come what may we will stand by you.
4 Nay as well not do sth .... if .... = C thl dlng..... nlu khng.
You may as well not come if you can't be on time.
Cac anh c thl dlng dln nlu khng dln dllc dng gil.
4 Nay/Night (just) as well do smt = Chlng mlt gi ma lli khng, mlt gi cla
Since nobody wants that job, we might (just) as well let him have it:
vi khng ai thich vilc nay, minh chlng mlt gi ma lli khng cho hln ta
lam n
4 Nay diln dlt mlt lli dl nghl ma nglli ni cho rlng chla chlc n da
dllc thlc hiln:
The sign on the lawn says clearly that people may not walk on the grass.
(khng dng should trong trllng hlp nay).
4 Nay + S + link verb + adj holc Nay + S + verb + complement (Clu chc cho).
Nay you both very happy: Chc cac bln bach nin giai lao.
Nay the conference be successful: Chc hli nghl thanh cng rlc rl.
Long may she live to enjoy her good fortune: Chc cho nang slng lau dl
hllng vln may cla nang.
O !f need be = !f necessary = Nlu cln
!f need be, we can take another road.
O Dng vli dlng tl to be, bl to sau if dl chl mlt sl gil dlnh chla dllc
phan dlnh ro rang la dng hay sai.
!f that be right, then it would be no defence for this man to say he's innocent.

O Let it be me: Cil sl d la ti, gia phli tay ti.

Husband: Let it be me.
Wife (suddenly appearing) : !f that be you, what would you do.
O Be that as it may... = whether that is true or not... = Cho d la phli thl hay khng.
Be that as it may, you have to accept it.
O Then so be it: Cl phli vly thi.
!f we have to pay $2,000, then so be it (thi cl phli trl thi)
O Cau gil dlnh dng vli it + to be + time
4 !t's time (for sb) to do smt: da dln lc ai phli lam gi (Thli gian vla vln,
khng mang tinh gil dlnh).
!t's time for me to get to the airport: a dln lc ti phli ra san bay.
4 !t's time (hightime/about time) (for sb) did smt: da dln lc ma (thli gian da
trl, mang tinh gil dlnh)
!t's time ! got to the airport
!t's hightime the city government did smt to stop the traffic jam.
31. Lli ni bao ham (inclusive)
la lli ni glp hai trong cau lam mlt thng qua mlt sl cac clm tl. Hai thanh phln
trong cau phli tllng dllng nhau vl mlt tl loli: danh tl vli danh tl, tinh tl vli
tinh tl, ...
31.1 Not only ..... but also (khng nhlng ... ma cn)

Robert is not only talented but also handsome. (adjectiveadjective)
He writes not only correctly but also neatly. (adverbadverb)
She can play not only the guitar but also the violin. (nounnoun)
She not only plays the piano but also composes music. (verbverb)
Thanh phln sau but also thllng quylt dlnh thanh phln sau not only.
!ncorrect: He is not only famous in !taly but also in Switzerland.
Correct: He is famous not only in !taly but also in Switzerland.
31.2 As well as (vla ... vla ...)
Cng gilng nhl clu trc trn, cac thanh phln dlng trllc va dlng sau clm tl nay
phli tllng dllng vli nhau.

Robert is talented as well as handsome. (adjectiveadjective)
He writes correctly as well as neatly. (adverbadverb)
She plays the guitar as well as the violin. (nounnoun)
Paul plays the piano as well as composes music. (verbverb)
Khng dllc nhlm thanh ngl nay vli as well as cla hiln tllng dlng chl ngl mang
nghia cng vli.
The teacher, as well as her students, is going to the concert.
Ny cousins, as well as Tim, have a test tomorrow.

31.3 oth ..... and... (vla ... vla)
Cng thlc dng gilng hlt nhl Not only .... but also. Both chl dllc dng vli and, khng
dllc dng vli as well as.
Robert is both talented and handsome.
Paul both plays the piano and composes music.
32. to know, to know how.
O Know how thllng dllc dng dl thl hiln mlt nglli c kl nang holc c
khl nang dl lam mlt vilc gi d. Do d n thllng dllc dng trllc mlt
dlng tl l dlng nguyn thl (c to).
S + know how + |verb in infinitive] ....
Bill know how to play tennis well.
Nai and her sisters know how to prepare Chinese food.
Do you know how to use this kind of ATN?
lng sau to know how cng c thl dng mlt mlnh dl dl diln dlt khl nang holc
sl blt bulc.
At a glance, she knew how she could solve this math problem.
O Know, ngllc lli, thllng dllc dng trllc mlt danh tl, mlt ngl gili tl
holc mlt mlnh dl.

]ason knew the answer to the teacher's question. (a noun)
No one know about his accepting the new position. (a prepositional phrase)
! didn't know that you were going to France. (a sentence)
33. Nlnh dl thl hiln sl nhllng bl
la loli mlnh dl diln dlt hai trai ngllc trong cng mlt cau.
33.1 Despite/!nspite of (blt chlp, cho d, ...)
lng sau hai clm tl nay phli dng mlt danh tl holc ngl danh tl, khng dllc
dng mlt cau hoan chlnh.
Despite his physical handicap, he has become a successful businessman.
!n spite of his physical handicap, he has become a successful businessman.
]ane will be admitted to the university in spite of her bad grades.
]ane will be admitted to the university despite her bad grades.

33.2 Although/Even though/Though (mlc dlu)
lng sau 3 clm tl nay phli dng mlt mlnh dl hoan chlnh (c cl chl ngl va
dlng tl), khng dllc dng mlt danh tl.
Although he has a physical handicap, he has become a successful businessman.
]ane will be admitted to the university even though she has bad grades.
Nlu though dlng mlt minh, culi cau, tach bilt khli cau chinh bli dlu phly thi n
mang nghia tuy nhin.
He promised to call me, till now ! haven't received any call from him, though.
33.3 However + adj + S + linkverb = d c .... di chang nla thi ....
However strong you are, you can't move this rock.
33.4 Although/ Albeit + Adjective/ Adverb/ Averbial Nodifier
Her appointment was a significant, althought/ albeit temporary success.
vilc ba ly dllc bl nhilm la mlt thanh cng quan trlng, nhlng dlu sao cng chl la
nhlt thli)

Her performed the task well, althought/ albeit slowly
Anh ta thlc hiln nhilm vl d kha tlt, tuy rlng chlm.

34. Nhlng dlng tl dl gay nhlm lln

Nhlng dlng tl l blng sau rlt dl gay nhlm lln vl mlt ngl nghia, chinh tl holc
phat am.
Nli dlng tl
Nguyn thl $ua khl (P1)
$ua khl phan tl









Ngoli dlng tl
Nguyn thl $ua khl (P1)
$ua khl phan tl









O To rise : Dang ln, tl nang ln, tl tang ln.
The sun rises early in the summer.
Prices have risen more than 10 this year.
He rose early so that he could play golf before the others.
When oil and water mix, oil rises to the top.
O To raise smt/sb: Nang ai, cai gi ln.
The students raise their hands in class.
OPEC countries have raised the price of oil.
O To lie: Nlm, l, tli.
To lie in: l tli
To lie down: nlm xulng.
To lie on: nlm trn.
The university lies in the western section of town.
Don't disturb Nary, she has laid down for a rest.
* Llu : Cln phan bilt dlng tl nay vli to lie (ni dli) trong mlu cau to lie to sb
about smt (ni dli ai vl cai gi):
He is lying to you about the test.
O To lay smt: dlt, dl cai gi vao vl tri nao d
To lay smt on: dlt trn
To lay smt in: dlt vao

To lay smt down: dlt xulng.

Don't lay your clothes on the bed.
The enemy soldiers laid down their weapons and surrendered.

* Llu : Thli hiln tli cla dlng tl nay rlt dl ngay nhlm lln vli qua khl
dln giln cla dlng tl to lie. Cln phli phan bilt blng ngl clnh cl thl.
O To sit: ngli
To sit in: ngli tli, ngli trong.
To sit on: ngli trn (da ngli sln).
To set = to put, to lay: dlt, dl.
We are going to sit in the fifth row at the opera.
After swimming, she sat on the beach to dty off.
Nobody has sat through as many boring lectures as Petes has.

* Llu : Phat am hiln tli dln giln cla dlng tl nay rlt dl lln vli Simple
past cla to sit.
O To set smt: dlt cai gi, bay cai gi, dl cai gi
The little girl help her father set the table every night.
The botanist set his plants in the sun so that they would grow.
O Nlt sl cac thanh ngl dng vli cac dlng tl trn:
4 to set the table for: bly ban dl.
Ny mother has set the table for the family dinner.
4 to lay off (workers. employees): cho thi vilc, gian thl.
The company had to lay off twentyfive employees because of a production
4 to set (broken bone) in: b nhlng cai xllng gly vao.
Dr.]acobs has set many broken bones in plaster casts.
4 to set one's alarm for: lt dlng hl bao thlc vao lc.
]ohn set his alarm for six o'clock.
4 to set fire to: lam chay
While playing with matches, the children set fire to the sofa.
4 to raise (animals, plants) for a living: trlng cai gi, nui con gi ban dl lly tiln.
That farmer raises chickens for a living.
3S. Nlt sl cac dlng tl dlc bilt khac
la nhlng dlng tl l trong cac mlu cau khac nhau sl c nghia khac nhau.
O agree to do smt: dlng lam gi
He agreed to leave early tomorrow morning.
O agree to one's doing smt: dlng vli vilc ai lam gi.
He agreed to my leaving early tomorrow morning.
O Nean to do smt: dlnh lam gi.
! mean to get to the top of the hill before sunrise.

O !f it + mean + verbing: cho d cl vilc, bao ham cl vilc.

Ny neighbour was determined to get a ticket for Saturday's game if it meant
standing in line all night.
O Propose to do smt: c dlnh lam gi.
! propose to start tomorrow.
O Propose doing smt: l nghl lam gi
! propose waiting till the police came.
O Co on doing smt/smt: tilp tlc lam gi, cai gi (mlt vilc dang bl bl dl)
He went on writing after a break
O Co on to do smt: $uay sang tilp tlc lam gi (vln vl cng mlt vln dl nhlng
chuyln sang khia clnh khac)
He showed the island on the map then went on to tell about its climate.
O Try to do smt: cl glng lam gi
He try to solve this math problem.
O Try doing smt: Thl lam gi
! try sending her flowers, writing her letter, giving her presents, but she still
wouldn't speak to me.

36. Sl ph hlp vl thli gila hai vl cla mlt cau
Trong mlt cau tilng Anh c 2 vl (hai mlnh dl) thi thli cla dlng tl l hai thanh
phln d phli ph hlp vli nhau. Thli cla dlng tl l mlnh dl chinh sl quylt dlnh
thli cla dlng tl l mlnh dl phl.

Simple present Present progressive
Hanh dlng cla mlnh dl phl xly ra cng lc vli hanh dlng cla mlnh dl
! see that Hung is writing a letter.
Do you know who is riding the horse?
Simple present Will/ Can/ Nay + verb (holc Near future)
Hanh dlng cla mlnh dl phl xly ra sau hanh dlng cla mlnh dl chinh
trong mlt tllng lai khng dllc xac dlnh holc tllng lai gln.
He says that he will look for a job.
! know that she is going to win that prize.
She says that she can play the piano.
Simple present Simple past
Hanh dlng cla mlnh dl phl xly ra trllc hanh dlng cla mlnh dl chinh
trong mlt qua khl dllc xac dlnh cl thl vl mlt thli gian.
! hope he arrived safely.

They think he was here last night.

Simple present Present perfect (progressive)
Hanh dlng cla mlnh dl phl xly ra trllc hanh dlng cla mlnh dl chinh
trong mlt qua khl khng dllc xac dlnh cl thl vl mlt thli gian.
He tells us that he has been to Saigon before.
We know that you have spoken with Nike about the party.
Simple past Past progressive/ Simple past
Hanh dlng cla mlnh dl phl xly ra cng lc vli hanh dlng cla mlnh dl
chinh trong qua khl.
! gave the package to my sister when she visited us last week.
Nike visited us while he was staying in Hanoi.
Simple past Would/ Could/ Night + verb
Hanh dlng cla mlnh dl phl xly ra sau hanh dlng cla mlnh dl chinh
trong mlt tllng lai trong qua khl.
He said that he would look for a job.
Nary said that she could play the piano.
Simple past Past perfect
Hanh dlng cla mlnh dl phl xly ra trllc hanh dlng cla mlnh dl chinh,
li sau vl trong qua khl.
! hoped he had arrived safely.
They thought he had been here last night.

Llu : Nhlng nguyn tlc trn day chl dllc ap dlng khi cac mlnh dl trong cau c
lin hl vli nhau vl mlt thli gian nhlng nlu cac mlnh dl trong cau c thli gian ring
bilt thi dlng tl phli tuan theo thli gian cla chinh mlnh dl d.
He promised to tell me, till now ! haven't received any call from him, though.

37. Cach sl dlng to say, to tell
Hai dlng tl nay c nghia gilng nhau nhlng cach dng khac nhau. Nlu sau chl ngl
khng c mlt tan ngl gian tilp nao (tlc la ta khng dl clp dln dli tllng nao nghe
trong cau) thi phli dng to say, ngllc lli thi dng to tell.
S + say + (that) + S + v...
He says that he is busy today.
Henry says that he has already done his homework.
Nhlng nlu sau chl ngl c mlt tan ngl gian tilp (c dl clp dln nglli nghe) rli
mli dln lin tl that thi phli dng to tell.

S + tell + indirect object + (that) + S +v...

He told us a story last night.
He tells me to stay here, waiting for him.
To tell cng thllng c tan ngl trlc tilp. Lun dng to tell khi ni dln cac danh tl sau
day, cho d c tan ngl gian tilp hay khng:
a story
a lie
the truth
(the) time
Never tell a secret to a person who spreads gossip.
The little boy was punished because he told his mother a lie.
38. One va You
Cl hai dli tl nay trong mlt sl trllng hlp dlu mang nghia "mlt nglli" holc "anh
ta", "chl ta", tuy nhin ngl phap sl dlng c khac nhau.
38.1 One
Nlu l dlu cau da sl dlng dli tl one thi cac dli tl tllng lng tilp theo l mlnh
dl dlli phli la one, one's, he, his.
!f one takes this exam without studying, one is likely to fail.
(Nlu mlt nglli khng hlc bai ma di thi thi anh ta rlt dl bl trllt)
!f one takes this exam without studying, he is likely to fail.
One should always do one's homework.
One should always do his homework.
Llu mlt sl nglli do cln thln muln tranh phan bilt nam/ nl da dng he or
she, his or her nhlng dilu d la khng cln thilt. Cac dli tl d chl dllc sl dlng khi
nao l phia trn c nhlng danh tl chung chung nhl the side, the party.
The judge will ask the defendant party (bn bl cao danh tl chung) if he or she admits the
38.2 You
Nlu dli tl l dlu cau la you thi cac dli tl tllng lng tilp theo l dlli sl
la you holc your.
!f you take this exam without studying, you are likely to fail.
You should always do your homework.
Tuylt dli khng dng lln one va you trong cng mlt cau holc dng they thay thl cho
hai dli tl nay.

33. i trllc dli tl phli c mlt danh tl tllng lng vli n
Trong mlt cau tilng Anh c 2 mlnh dl, nlu mlnh dl thl hai c dng dln dli tl
nhan xlng thi l mlnh dl dlu phli c mlt danh tl dl dli tl d dli diln. Danh tl
di trllc, gili thilu dli tl phli tllng dllng vli dli tl d vl gilng va sl.
Henry was denied admission to graduate school because they did not believe that he could
handle the work load.
(li tl they khng c danh tl nao di trllc n dl n lam dli diln. "graduate school" la
mlt dln vl sl it nn khng thl dllc dli diln bli they.)

1. The members of the admissions committee denied Henry admission to graduate school
because they did not believe that he could handle the work load.

2. Henry was denied admission to graduate school because the members of the admissions
committee did not believe that he could handle the work load.
Ceorge dislikes politics because he believes that they are corrupt.
Ceorge khng thich chinh trl bli vi anh cho rlng hl tham nh ng. li tl they cng
khng c danh tl tllng lng di trllc. Politics la mlt danh tl sl it nn khng thl
dllc dli diln bli they

1. Ceorge dislikes politicians because he believes that they are corrupt. (cac chinh khach)
2. Ceorge dislikes politics because he believes that politicians are corrupt.
Ngllc lli vli vilc thilu danh tl di trllc dli tl, nlu c qua nhilu (tl hai trl ln)
danh tl cng tllng lng vli mlt dli tl thi cng sl gay nhlm lln. Xem vi dl sau:
!ncorrect 1:
Nr. Brown told Nr. Adams that he would have to work all night in order to finish the report.
(Khng ro dli tl he dli diln cho Nr. Brown hay Nr. Adams)

Correct 1:
1. According to Nr. Brown, Nr. Adams will have to work all night in order to finish the report.
2. Nr. Brown said that, in order to finish the report, Nr. Adams would have to work all night.
!ncorrect 2:
]anet visited her friend every day while she was on vacation.
(Khng ro dli tl she dli diln cho ]anet hay her friend)

Correct 2:
While ]anet was on vacation, she visited her friend every day.
40. Sl dlng ving, to + verb dl ml dlu mlt cau
40.1 Sl dlng verbing

Nlt ving c thl dllc dng dl nli hai cau c cng chl ngl trl thanh mlt cau blng
cach biln dlng tl cla cau thl nhlt thanh dlng ving, bl chl ngl va nli vli cau
thl hai blng dlu phly. vi dl:
The man jumped out of the boat. He was bitten by a shark.
=> After jumping out of the boat, the man was bitten by a shark.
Khi sl dlng loli cau nay cln hlt slc llu rlng chl ngl cla mlnh dl chinh blt
bulc phli la chl ngl hlp l cla mlnh dl phl. Khi hai mlnh dl khng c cng chl
ngl, nglli ta gli d la trllng hlp chl ngl phan tl blt hlp ll.
SA!: After jumping out of the boat, the shark bit the man.
(Chng ta nglm hilu la chl ngl thlt sl cla hanh dlng nhly khli thuyln
la the man chl khng phli the shark)
l dlm blo khng nhlm lln, ngay sau mlnh dl verbing ta nn dl clp ngay dln
danh tl lam chl ngl cho cl hai mlnh dl.
Thng thllng c 6 gili tl dlng trllc mlt ving ml dlu cho mlnh dl phl, d
la: By (blng cach, bli), upon, after (sau khi), before (trllc khi), while (trong
khi), when (khi).
By working a tenhour day for four days, we can have a long weekend.
After preparing the dinner, Pat will read a book.
While reviewing for the test, Nary realized that she had forgotten to study the use of participial
Llu rlng: on + dlng tl trlng thai holc in + dlng tl hanh dlng thi c thl tllng
dllng vli when holc while:
On finding the door ajar, ! aroused suspicion. (= when finding)
(Khi thly cla h ml, ti nly sinh mli nghi ngl)
!n searching for underground deposits of oil, geologist often rely on magnometers. (= while
(Trong khi tim cac ml dlu trong lng dlt, cac nha dla chlt thllng dla vao tl kl.)
Nlu khng c gili tl di trllc, chl c ving xult hiln trong mlnh dl phl thi thli
cla cau do thli cla dlng tl l mlnh dl chinh quylt dlnh, 2 hanh dlng trong hai
mlnh dl thllng xly ra song song cng lc:
Practicing her swing every day, Trica hopes to get a job as a golf instructor.
Having a terrible toothache, Henry called the dentist for an appointment.
Finishing the letter later tonight, Sally will mail it tomorrow morning.

Dlng thlc hoan thanh |having + P2] dllc dng dl diln dlt trllng hlp dlng tl
cla mlnh dl phl xly ra trllc hanh dlng cla mlnh dl chinh:
Having finished their supper, the boys went out to play.
(After the boys had finished their supper...)
Having written his composition, Louie handed it to his teacher.
(After Louie had written ...)
Not having read the book, she could not answer the question.
(Because she had not read...)
Dlng thlc bl dlng |having been + P2] cng thllng dllc sl dlng dl ml dlu
mlt mlnh dl phl:
Having been notified by the court, Nary reported for jury duty.
(After Nary had been notified ...)
Having been delayed by the snowstorm, ]ame and ! missed our connecting flight.
(After we had been delayed ...)
Not having been notified of the change in the meeting time, Ceorge arrived late.
(Because he had not been notified ...)
Trong nhilu trllng hlp, clm tl being holc having been cla thl bl dlng c thl
dllc lllc bl, khi d chl ngl cla mlnh dl chinh vln phli ph hlp vli chl ngl
cla mlnh dl phl:
!ncorrect: Found in Tanzania by Nary Leaky, some archeologists estimated that the three
million year old fossils were the oldest human remains that were discovered. (Being found ...)

Correct: Found in Tanzania by Nary Leaky, the threemillionyearold fossils were estimated by
some archeologists to be the oldest human remains that had ever been discovered.
Xt thm cac vi dl sau vl chl ngl phan tl blt hlp ll:
SA!: Having apprehended the hijackers, they were whisked off to FB! headquarters by the
security guards.
UNC: Having apprehended the hijackers, the security guards whisked them off to FB!
UNC: Having been apprehended, the hijackers were whisked off to FB! headquarters by the
security guards.

SA!: Before singing the school song, a poem was recited.
UNC: Before singing the school song, the students recited a poem.

SA!: Cuiding us through the museum, a special explanation was given by the director.
UNC: Cuiding us through the museum, the director gave us a special explanation.

40.2 lng tl nguyn thl (to + verb) ml dlu cau
lng tl nguyn thl cng dllc dng dl ml dlu mlt cau gilng nhl trong trllng
hlp ving. Nlnh dl phl dlng dlu cau sl dlng dlng tl nguyn thl thllng diln
tl mlc dich cla mlnh dl chinh.

To get up early, ]im never stay up late.

Cng gilng nhl trllng hlp sl dlng ving nu trn, chl ngl cla mlnh dl thl hai
cng phli la chl ngl hlp l cla mlnh dl phl dlng trllc n.
!ncorrect: To prevent cavities, dental floss should be used daily after brushing one's teeth.
Correct: To prevent cavities, one should use dental floss daily after brushing one's teeth.

41. lng tl (ving, ved) dng lam tinh tl
Thng thllng, khi mlt dlng tl khng c dlng thlc tinh tl tllng lng vli n thi
phan tl 1 (ving) holc phan tl 2 (P2) cla dlng tl d dllc sl dlng lam tinh tl. i
khi nglli hlc tilng Anh khng bilt nn dng tinh tl l dlng thlc nao: ving hay verb
ed hay verben.
O Tinh tl dlng ving thllng dllc dng khi danh tl ma n bl nghia thlc hiln
holc chlu trach nhilm vl hanh dlng. lng tl thllng la nli dlng tl (khng
c tan ngl) va thli cla dlng tl la thli tilp diln:
The crying baby woke Nr.Binion. (The baby was crying)
The blooming flowers in the meadow created a rainbow of colors. (The flowers were
The purring kitten snuggled close to the fireplace. (The kitten was purring)
O Phan tl 2 (ved) dllc dng lam tinh tl khi danh tl ma n bl nghia la dli
tllng nhln sl tac dlng cla hanh dlng. Cau c tinh tl l dlng P2 thllng c
nguln glc tl nhlng cau bl dlng.
The sorted mail was delivered to the offices before noon. (The mail had been sorted).
Frozen food is often easier to prepare than fresh food. (The food had been frozen)
The imprisoned men were unhappy with their living conditions. (The men had been
Llu : Nlt sl cac dlng tl nhl to interest, to bore, to excite, to frighten khi sl dlng
lam tinh tl thllng kh xac dlnh nn dng loli nao (phan tl 1 hay phan tl 2). Nguyn
tlc ap dlng c ng gilng nhl da nu trn: Nlu chl ngl gay ra hanh dlng thi dng P1,
nlu chl ngl nhln tac dlng cla hanh dlng thi dng P2. Xt thm cac vi dl sau:
The boring professor put the students to sleep.
The boring lecture put the students to sleep.
The bored students went to sleep during the boring lecture.
The child saw a frightening movie.
The frightened child began to cry.

42. Thng tin thla (redundancy)
Khi thng tin trong cau bl llp di llp lli khng cln thilt thi n bl gli la thng tin thla,
cln phli loli bl phln thla d. vi dl: Nglli Anh khng dng the time when ma chl
dng mlt trong hai.
!t is (the time/ when) ! got home.

Nglli Anh khng dng the place where ma chl dng mlt trong hai.
!t is (the place/ where) ! was born.
Khng dng song song cl 2 tl dlli day trong cng mlt cau:
Cl 3 tl advance, proceed, progress dlu c nghia tiln ln, tiln vl phia
trllc: "to move in a forward direction". vi vly forward la thla.
return back
revert back
Cl 2 tl return, revert dlu c nghia: "to go back, to send back". vi
vly back la thla.
Hai tl nay nghia nhl nhau
compete = dua tranh, clnh tranh vli nhau "to take part in a contest
against others"
Hai tl nay c nghia nhl nhau. Nlu dng phli la "reason... that"
join together
join c nghia "to bring together", "to put together", "to become a part or a
member of..."
repeat again repeat c nghia "to say again"
new innovation innovation c nghia la mlt tllng mli "a new idea"
matinee = buli bilu diln chilu
same identical hai tl nay nghia gilng nhau
two twins twins = two brothers or sisters
the time /
Hai tl nay nghia gilng nhau
the place /
Hai tl nay nghia gilng nhau
43. Clu trc song song trong cau
Khi thng tin trong mlt cau dllc dla ra dlli dlng lilt k thi cac thanh phln dllc
lilt k phli tllng lng vli nhau vl mlt tl loli (noun noun, adjective adjective, ...).
vi dl:
Nr. Henry is a lawyer, a politician, and he
Nr. Henry is a lawyer, a politician, and a
Peter is rich, handsome, and many people like Peter is rich, handsome, and popular.

The cat approached the
mouse slowly and silent.
The cat approached the
mouse slowly and silently.
She like to fish, swim and surfing.
She like to fish, to swim and to surf.
She like fishing, swimming and surfing.
When teenagers finish highschool, they have
several choices: going to college, getting a job,
or the army.
When teenagers finish highschool, they have
several choices: going to college, getting a job,
or joining the army.
Tim entered the room, sat down, and is
opening his book.
Tim entered the room, sat down,
and opened his book.
Tuy nhin nlu thli gian trong cac mlnh dl khac nhau cla cau la khac nhau thi dlng tl
cng phli tuan theo qui lult thli gian. Lc d clu trc cau song song vl thli cla cac
dlng tl (nhl vi dl l dng culi blng trn) khng dllc ap dlng. vi dl:
She is a senior, studies every day, and will graduate a semester early.

44. Chuyln dli vl tri tan ngl trlc tilp va gian tilp
C hai cach sl dlng tan ngl cla mlt ngoli dlng tl ma nghia cla cau khng thay
dli. Tan ngl gian tilp (indirect object) la tan ngl chl dl vlt holc nglli ma hanh
dlng xly ra dli vli (holc danh cho) dl vlt holc nglli d. Tan ngl trlc tilp
(direct object) la nglli holc vlt dlu tin nhln tac dlng cla hanh dlng. Tan ngl gian
tilp c thl dlng sau tan ngl trlc tilp, ngan cach bli mlt gili tl holc c ng c thl
dlng trllc tan ngl trlc tilp (ma khng c gili tl). Cili tl thllng dng l day
la for va to. vi dl:
! gave the book to ]im.
The book la tan ngl trlc tilp va hanh dlng dlu tin la hanh dlng clm lly quyln sach
trong tay va hanh dlng thl hai (gian tilp) la dla n cho ]im.
Khi muln dli vl tri gila tan ngl trlc tilp va tan ngl gian tilp, ta sl dlng mlt
trong hai cng thlc sau:
Subject + verb + direct object + |for / to] + indirect object
! gave the book to ]im.
The little boy brought some flowers for his grandmother.
He lent his car to his brother
Subject + verb + indirect object + direct object
! gave ]im the book.
The little boy brought his grandmother some flowers.
He lent his brother his car.

Khng phli dlng tl nao cng cho php dli vl tri tan ngl trlc tilp va gian tilp. Blng
sau la mlt sl dlng tl cho php dli:

Nlt sl trong cac tl trn c thl dng dllc cl vli for va to, mlt sl khac chl dng
vli mlt trong 2 gili tl. Ch rlng trong cng thlc thl hai nu trn, khi tan ngl gian
tilp dlng trllc tan ngl trlc tilp thi khng dng gili tl gila chng:
ng: The director's secretary sent them the menuscript last night.
Sai: The director's secretary sent to them the menuscript last night.
Nlu cl tan ngl trlc tilp va gian tilp dlu la dli tl thi chl dllc dng cng thlc
thl nhlt, khng dng cng thlc 2:
ng: They gave it to us.
Sai: They gave us it.
Ch : Hai dlng tl introduce (gili thilu ai vli ai) va mention (dl clp dln cai gi trllc
mlt ai) lun dng cng vli gili tl to nn chng khng cho php chuyln dli vl tri hai
tan ngl trlc tilp va gian tilp.
! introduce ]ohn to Dr. Tim.
! introduce Dr. Tim to ]ohn.
He mentions the party to me.

4S. Cau trlc tilp va cau gian tilp
Trong cau trlc tilp thng tin di tl nglli thl nhlt dln thlng nglli thl hai (nglli
thl nhlt ni trlc tilp vli nglli thl hai).
He said "! bought a new motorbike for myself yesterday".
Trong cau gian tilp thng tin di tl nglli thl nhlt qua nglli thl hai dln vli nglli
thl ba. Khi d cau c biln dli vl mlt ngl phap.
He said he had bought a new motorbike for himself the day before.
l biln dli mlt cau trlc tilp sang cau gian tilp cln:
1. li chl ngl va cac dli tl nhan xlng khac trong cau trlc tilp theo chl ngl cla
thanh phln thl nhlt.
2. Li dlng tl l vl thl 2 xulng mlt clp so vli lc ban dlu.

3. Biln dli cac dli tl chl thl, ph tl chl thli gian va dla dilm theo blng qui
lng dli dlng tl
Direct speech !ndirect speech
Simple present
Present progressive
Present perfect (Progressive)
Simple past
Simple past
Past progressive
Past perfect (Progressive)
Past perfect
Would/ Should
Could/ Night

lng dli cac dli tl chl thl, ph tl chl dla dilm va thli gian
The day before yesterday
The day after tomorrow
Next + Time
Last + Time
Time + ago
This, these
Here, Overhere
That day
The day before
Two days before
The next/ the following day
!n two days' time
The following + Time
The previous + Time
Time + before
That, those
There, Overthere

Nlu lli ni va hanh dlng xly ra cng ngay thi khng cln phli dli thli gian.
At breakfast this morning he said "! will be busy today".
At breakfast this morning he said he would be busy today.
Cac suy luln logic vl mlt thli gian tlt nhin la cln thilt khi lli ni dllc thult lli
sau d mlt holc hai ngay.
(On Nonday) He said " !'ll be leaving on Wednesday "
(On Tuesday) He said he would be leaving tomorrow.
(On Wednesday) He said he would be leaving today.

46. Khi ph tl dlng dlu cau dl nhln mlnh, phli dlo clu trc cau
Trong mlt sl trllng hlp cac ph tl khng dlng l vl tri binh thllng cla n ma
dlo ln dlng l dlu cau nhlm nhln mlnh vao hanh dlng cla chl ngl. Trong
trllng hlp d ngl phap sl thay dli, dlng sau ph tl dlng dlu cau la trl dlng tl
rli mli dln chl ngl va dlng tl chinh:

]ohn hardly remembers the accident that took his sister's life.
Hardly does ]ohn remember the accident that took his sister's life.

Never have so many people been unemployed as today.
(So many people have never been unemployed as today)
Hardly had he fallen asleep when he began to dream of farway lands.
(He had hardly fallen asleep when he began to dream of farway lands.)
Rarely have we seen such an effective actor as he has proven himself to be.
(We have rarely seen such an effective actor as he has proven himself to be.)
Seldom does class let out early.
(Class seldom lets out early.)
Only by hard work will we be able to accomplish this great task.
(We will be able to accomplish this great task only by hard work.)
Nlt sl cac trlng tl dlc bilt khac cng thllng dlng l dlu cau, phli dlo
clu trc cau nhl trn:
O !n/ Under no circumstances: D trong blt cl hoan clnh nao cng khng.
Under no circumstances should you lend him the money.
O On no account: D blt cl l do gi cng khng
On no accout must this switch be touched.
O Only in this way: Chl blng cach nay
Only in this way could the problem be solved
O !n no way: Khng sao c thl
!n no way could ! agree with you.
O By no means: Hoan toan khng
By no means does he intend to criticize your idea.
O Negative ..., nor + auxiliary + S + v
He had no money, nor did he know anybody from whom he could borrow.
O Khi mlt mlnh dl ml dlu blng cac thanh ngl chl nli chln holc trlt tl thi
dlng tl chinh c thl dlo ln chl ngl nhlng tuylt dli khng dllc sl dlng
trl dlng tl trong trllng hlp nay.
Clause of place/ order + main verb + S (no auxiliary)
!n front of the museum is a statue.
First came the ambulance, then came the police.
( Tholt dlu la xe clu thllng chly dln, tilp sau la clnh sat.)
O Khi mlt ngl gili tl lam ph tl chl dla dilm holc phllng hllng dlng l
dlu cau, cac nli dlng tl dlt ln trllc chl ngl nhlng tuylt dli khng
dllc sl dlng trl dlng tl trong loli cau nay. N rlt phl biln trong van m

tl khi muln diln dlt mlt chl ngl khng xac dlnh:
Under the tree was lying one of the biggest men ! had ever seen.
Directly in front of them stood a great castle.
On the grass sat an enormous frog.
Along the road came a strange procession.
O Tinh tl cng c thl dlo ln trn dlu cau dl nhln mlnh va sau d la lin tl
nhlng tuylt dli khng dllc sl dlng trl dlng tl.
So determined was she to take the university course that she taught school and
gave music lesson for her tuition fees.
O Trong mlt sl trllng hlp nglli ta cng c thl dlo toan bl dlng tl chinh
ln trn chl ngl dl nhln mlnh, nhlng dlng tl dllc dlo ln trn trong
trllng hlp nay phln lln dlu mang slc thai bl dlng nhlng hoan toan khng
c nghia bl dlng.
Lost, however, are the secrets of the Nayan astronomers and the !nca builders as
well as many medicinal practices.
(Nlt di vinh viln, tuy vly, lli la nhlng bi mlt cla nhlng nha thin van
thulc nln van minh Nayan, ...)
O Cac ph tl away ( = off ), down, in, off, out, over, round, up... c thl theo sau la
mlt dlng tl chuyln dlng va sau d la mlt danh tl lam chl ngl:
+ Away/down/in/off/out/over/round/up...+ motion verb + noun/noun phrase as a
Away went the runners/ Down fell a dozen of apples...
+ Nhlng nlu mlt dli tl nhan xlng lam chl ngl thi dlng tl phli dl sau
chl ngl:
Away they went/ Round and round it flew.
+ Trong tilng Anh vilt (written English) cac ngl gili tl ml dlu blng cac gili
tl down, from, in, on, over, out of, round, up... c thl dllc theo sau ngay bli
dlng tl chl vl tri (crouch, hang, lie, sit, stand...) holc cac dlng dlng tl chl
chuyln dlng, cac dlng tl nhl be born/ die/ live va mlt sl dlng dlng tl khac.
From the rafters hung strings of onions.
!n the doorway stood a man with a gun.
On a perch beside him sat a blue parrot.
Over the wall came a shower of stones.

*Llu : 3 vi dl dlu cla cac vi dl trn c thl diln dlt blng mlt vERB!NC
ml dlu cho cau va dlng tl BE dlo ln trn chl ngl:
Hanging from the rafters were strings of onion.
Standing in the doorway was a man with a gun.
Sitting on a perch beside him was a blue parrot.
Hiln tllng nay cn xly ra khi chl ngl sau cac ph tl so sanh as/than qua dai:
She was very religious, as were most of her friends.
City dwellers have a higher death rate than do country people.
O Tan ngl mang tinh nhln mlnh cng c thl dlo ln dlu cau:
Not a single word did he say.
O Here/There holc mlt sl cac ph tl di klt hlp vli dlng tl dlng dlu cau cng
phli dlo dlng tl ln trn chl ngl la mlt danh tl, nhlng nlu chl ngl la
mlt dli tl thi khng dllc dlo dlng tl:
Here comes Freddy.
!ncorrect: Here comes he
Off we go

!ncorrect: Off go we
There goes your brother
! stopped the car, and up walked a policeman.
Cach lam bai trlc nghilm ngl phap
Thllng thi trong bai thi trlc nghilm ngl phap, bln sl khng thl trl lli ngay blng
cach chl ap dlng mlt quy tlc ngl phap nhlt dlnh nao d ma phli klt hlp hai hay
nhilu quy tlc khac nhau dl loli trl phllng an sai. p dlng lln lllt cac bllc sau:
(1) Kilm tra cac lli ngl phap cl bln bao glm
(a) Sl hoa hlp gila chl ngl va vl ngl
(b) Cach sl dlng Adj va Adv
(c) vl tri va thl tl cla cac Adv.
(d) Sl ph hlp gila cac thli dlng tl.
(e) li tl c danh tl duy nhlt dl n dli diln hay khng.
(f) Clu trc cau song song.

(2) Loli bl nhlng cau trl lli rllm ra, cau cang ngln gln va dl hilu cang tlt:
(a) Tranh cac dap an dai dng nhl:
]ohn read the letter in a thoughtful manner. (can be replaced by thoughtfully)
(b) Tranh cac dap an c 2 tl nghia gilng nhau.

(3) Loli bl nhlng dap an c tl vlng khng ro nghia:
(a) Phli chlc chln rlng tlt cl cac tl dlu c nghia trong cau.
(b) Phli dlm blo nhlng dlng tl c 2 tl phli dllc nli vli nhau blng mlt
gili tl ph hlp (xem phln sau)

(4) Tranh dng cac tl lng, tilng lng. Tl lng chl dng trong van ni, khng dng trong
van vilt. vi dl
really khi dng vli nghia very
bunch khi dng vli nghia many
any noun + wise khi dng vli nghia in relation to ...

vi dl:
1. Before we can decide on the future uses of this drug, ________
(A) many more informations must be reviewed.
(B) is necessary to review more information.
(C) we must review much more information.
(D) another information must to be reviewed.

Phan tich:
(A) c 2 chl sai: khng dng many vli information la danh tl khng dlm dllc va khng
dllc vilt la informations.
(B) c 1 chl sai vi thilu chl ngl.
(C) dng
(D) c 2 chl sai: khng dng another vli danh tl khng dlm dllc va sau trl dlng tl
must la dlng tl nguyn thl khng c to.
2. !n this country, a growing concern about the possible hazardous effects ofchemical wastes

(A) have resulted in a bunch of new laws.

(B) has resulted in several new laws.
(C) is causing the results of numerous new laws.
(D) result in news laws.
Phan tich:
(A) c 2 chl sai: khng dng dlng tl l sl nhilu have vli chl ngl sl it a growing
concern va khng dllc dng tl lng (slang) bunch of.
(B) dng.
(C) rllm ra. Causing the result of la qua dai dng.
(D) c 2 chl sai: khng dng result (dlng tl sl nhilu) vli chl ngl la danh tl sl it va
khng dllc dng dlng thlc sl nhilu cla tinh tl (vilt dng phli la new laws).
Nhlng tl dl gay nhlm lln
la nhlng tl rlt dl gay nhlm lln vl cach vilt, ngl nghia, chinh tl holc phat am:
O angel (N) = thin thln
O angle (N) = gc (trong hinh hlc)
O cite (v) = trich dln
O site (N) = dla dilm, khu dlt ( dl xay dlng).
O sight (N) = khe nglm, tlm nglm, (v) = quang clnh, clnh tllng, (v) = quan sat,
nhin thly
O dessert (N) = mn trang milng
O desert (N) = sa mlc, desert (v) = bl, bl mlc, dao ng
O later (ADv) = sau d, rli thi (thllng dng vli dlng tl thli tllng lai)
O latter (AD]) = cai thl 2, nglli thl 2, cai sau, nglli sau. >< the former = cai
trllc, nglli trllc.
O principal (N) = hilu trllng (trllng phl thng), (Adj) = chinh, chl ylu.
O principle (N) = nguyn tlc, lult ll
O affect (v) = tac dlng dln
O effect (N) = lnh hllng, hilu qul, (v) = thlc hiln, dem lli
O already (Adv) = da
O all ready = tlt cl da sln sang.
O among (prep) trong sl (dng cho 3 nglli, 3 vlt trl ln)
O between...and gila...va (chl dng cho 2 nglli/vlt)
Llu : between...and c ng cn dllc dng dl chl vl tri chinh xac cla mlt
qulc gia nlm gila nhlng qulc gia khac cho d la > 2
vietnam lies between China, Laos and Cambodia.
Between cn dllc dng cho cac quang cach gila cac vlt va cac gili hln vl mlt
thli gian.

Difference + between (not among)

What are the differences between crows, rooks, and jackdaws.
Between each + noun (and the next) (more formal)
We need 2 meters between each window.
There seems to be less and less time between each birthday (and the next).
Devide + between (not among)
He devided his money between his wife, his daughter, and his sister.
Share + between/among
He shared the food between/among all my friend.
O consecutive (Adj) lin tlc (khng c tinh dlt quang)
O successive (Adj) lin tlc (c tinh cach quang)
O emigrant (N) nglli di cl, (v) > emigrate from
O immigrant (N) nglli nhlp cl, (v) immigrate into
O formerly (Adv) trllc kia
O formally (Adv) chlnh tl (an mlc), (Adv) chinh thlc
O historic (Adj) nli tilng, quan trlng trong llch sl
The historic spot on which the early English settlers landed in North America
(Adj) mang tinh llch sl.
historic times
O historical (Adj) thulc vl llch sl
Historical reseach, historical magazine
(Adj) c thlt trong llch sl
Historical people, historical events
O hepless (Adj) v vlng, tuylt vlng
O useless (Adj) v dlng
O imaginary = (Adj) khng c thlt, tllng tllng
O imaginative = (Adj) phong ph, bay blng vl tri tllng tllng
O Classic (adj) chlt lllng cao: a classic novel (mlt culn tilu thuylt hay), a classic
football match (mlt trln bng da hay).
dlc th/dlc trlng/tiu bilu: a classic example (mlt vi dl tiu bilu, diln hinh).
O Classic (noun): van nghl si, tac phlm llu danh.
This novel may well become a classic
(Tac phlm nay c thl dllc llu danh).
O Classical: cl diln, kinh diln.
O Politic: nhln thlc dng/ khn ngoan/ trang trlng.
! don't think it would be politic to ask for loan just now.
(Ti cho rlng sl khng la khn ngoan nlu hli vay mlt kholn ngay lc nay.)
O Political: thulc vl chinh trl.
A political career (mlt sl nghilp chinh trl).

O Continual: lin tlc llp di llp lli (hanh dlng c tinh cach quang)
Please stop your continual questions (Xin hay thi hli llp di llp lli mai nhl
O Continous: lin min/sult (hanh dlng khng c tinh cach quang)
A continous flow of traffic (Dng xe cl chly lin min blt tln).
O As (lin tl) = Nhl + Subject + verb.
When in Roma, do as Romans do (Nhlp gia ty tlc).
O Like (tinh tl dng nhl mlt gili tl) + noun/noun phrase
He fought like a mad man (Anh ta chiln dlu nhl din nhl dli).
O Alike (adj.): gilng nhau, tllng tl
Although they are brother, they don't look alike.
O Alike (adverb): nhl nhau
The climate here is always hot, summer and winter alike.
O As: nhl/ vli tl cach la (dng trong so sanh khi bln than chl ngl c chlc nang
nhl vlt/nglli dllc so sanh)
Let me speak to you as a father (Hay dl ti ni vli clu nhl mlt nglli cha)
O Like: nhl la (dng trong so sanh khi bln than chl ngl va cai/nglli so sanh khng
phli la mlt holc khng c chlc nang dlng nhlt)
Let me speak to you like a man above (Hay dl ti ni vli anh nhl mlt nglli
bl trn).
O Before: trllc day/trllc d (dng khi so sanh mlt thl vli tlt cl cac thl khac
cng loli)
She has never seen such a beautiful picture before (C ta chla bao gil nhin
thly mlt blc tranh dlp nhl thl trllc day).

Before: Trllc (chl mlt sl vilc xly ra trllc mlt sl vilc khac trong qua khl,
thllng dng vli Past Perfect)
He lived in France in 1312, he had lived in England 4 years before.
O Ago: trllc (tinh tl hiln tli trl ngllc vl qua khl, thllng dng vli Simple
! went to England 3 years ago.
O Certain: chlc chln (bilt sl thlc)
Certainly/ !'m certain that he didn't steal it (Ti chlc chln rlng hln ta khng
lly cai d).
O Sure: tin rlng (khng bilt chlc, ni theo clm nhln, nghia la ylu hln certain)
Surely/ ! am sure that he did not steal it (Ti tin rlng hln khng lly thl d).
O !ndeed: very+indeed (sau mlt tinh tl holc mlt ph tl)
Thank you very much indeed.
! was very pleased indeed to hear from you.
!ndeed dng sau to be holc mlt trl dlng tl nhlm xac nhln holc nhln mlnh
cho sl dlng (thllng dng trong cau trl lli ngln).
!t is cold / !t is indeed.
Henny made a fool of himself / He did indeed.
O !ll (British English) = Sick (American English) = lm
Ceorge didn't come in last week because he was ill (=he was sick)

O Sick + Noun = lm ylu/ blnh tlt

He spent 20 years looking after his sick father (Nglli cha blnh tlt)
O Be sick = Fell sick = Nn/ buln nn/ say (tau, xe...)
! was sick 3 times in the night (ti nn 3 lln trong dm)
! feel sick. Where's the bath room? (ti thly buln nn, phng tlm l dau?)
She is never seasick (C ly chlng bao gil say sng cl)
O Welcome (adjective) = dllc mong dli/ dllc chl dli tl lau/ th vl
A welcome guest (Khach qui/ khach bly lau mong dli)
A welcome gift (Nn qua th vl dllc chl dli tl lau)
O Welcome to + noun = C quyln, dllc php sl dlng.
You are welcome to any book in my library (Anh c quyln lly blt k quyln
sach nao trong thl viln cla ti)
O Welcoming (phan tl 1 clu tlo tl dlng tl welcome dng lam tinh tl) Chao dn/
dn tilp an cln
This country have given me a welcoming feeling. (Xl sl nay da danh cho ti
mlt tinh clm chao dn an cln)
Hoan nghnh/ Tan dlng ( kiln)
To show a welcoming idea (Blc ll mlt kiln tan dlng)
O Be certain/ sure of + verbing: chlc chln la (dl clp dln tinh clm cla nglli
dang dllc ni dln)
Before the game she felt certain of winning, but after a few minutes she realized it
wasn't going to be easy.
You seem very sure of passing the exam, ! hope you are right.
O Be certain/ sure + to + verb: chlc chln sl phli (dl clp dln tinh clm cla
chinh nglli ni holc vilt cau d):
The repairs are certain to cost more than you think.
Elaine is sure to winthe other girl hasn't got a chance.
O Be interested + to + verb: Thly thich khi...:
!'m interested to read in the paper that scientists have found out how to talk to
(Ti thly thich/ th vl khi...)
O Be interested in + verbing/ Be interested + to + verb:Nuln bilt/ muln phat hiln
ra/ muln tim ra...:
!'m interested in finding out/ to find out what she did with all that money.
(Ti muln bilt c ta da lam gi vli ngln ly tiln).
O Be interested in + verbing: Thly thich/ thich/ muln...
!'m interested in learning higher education in the U.S.

47. Cach sl dlng gili tl
O During = trong sult (holt dlng diln ra lin tlc)
O From = tl >< to = dln
From ... to ...= tl ... dln... (dng cho thli gian va nli chln)
From time to time = di khi, thlnh tholng

O Out of=ra khli><into=vao trong

Out of + noun = hlt, khng cn
Out of town = di vlng
Out of date=c, llc hlu >< up to date = mli, clp nhlt
Out of work = thlt nghilp, mlt vilc
Out of the question = khng thl
Out of order = hlng, khng holt dlng
O By:
dlng tl chl chuyln dlng + by = di ngang qua (walk by the library)
dlng tl tinh + by = l gln (your books are by the window)
by + thli gian cl thl = trllc lc, cho dln lc (hanh dlng cho dln lc d phli
xly ra)
by + phllng tiln giao thng = di blng
by then = cho dln lc d (dng cho cl $K va TL)
by way of= theo dllng... = via
by the way = mlt cach tinh cl, nglu nhin
by the way = by the by = nhan day, nhan tiln
by far + so sanh (thllng la so sanh blc nhlt)=>dng dl nhln mlnh
by accident = by mistake = tinh cl, nglu nhin >< on purose
O !n = bn trong
!n + month/year
!n time for = !n good time for = ng gil (thllng klp lam gi, hli slm hln gil
da dlnh mlt cht)
!n the street = dlli lng dllng
!n the morning/ afternoon/ evening
!n the past/future = trllc kia, trong qua khl/ trong tllng lai
!n future = from now on = tl nay trl di
!n the begining/ end = at first/ last = tholt dlu/ rlt culc
!n the way = dl ngang lli, chln lli
Once in a while = di khi, thlnh tholng
!n no time at all = trong nhay mlt, mlt thoang
!n the mean time = meanwhile = cng lc
!n the middle of (dla dilm)= l gila
!n the army/ airforce/ navy
!n + the + STT + row = hang thl...
!n the event that = trong trllng hlp ma
!n case = dl phng khi, ngl nhl
Cet/ be in touch/ contact with Sb = lin llc, tilp xc vli ai
O On = trn bl mlt:
On + thl trong tuln/ ngay trong thang
On + a/the + phllng tiln giao thng = trn chuyln/ da ln chuyln...
On + phl = dla chl... (nhl B.E : in + phl)
On the + STT + floor = l tlng thl...
On time = vla dng gil (blt chlp dilu kiln bn ngoai, nghia mlnh hln in time)
On the corner of = l gc phl (gila hai phl)

Ch :
!n the corner = l gc trong
At the corner = l gc ngoai/ tli gc phl
On the sidewalk = pavement = trn vla h
Ch :
On the pavement (A.E.)= trn mlt dllng nhla
(Don't brake quickly on the pavement or you can slice into another car)
On the way to: trn dllng dln >< on the way back to: trn dllng trl vl
On the right/left
On T.v./ on the radio
On the phone/ telephone = gli diln tholi, ni chuyln diln tholi
On the phone = nha c mlc diln tholi (Are you on the phone?)
On the whole= ni chung, vl dli thl
On the other hand = tuy nhin= however
Ch :
On the one hand = mlt mlt thi
on the other hand = mlt khac thi
(On the one hand, we must learn the basic grammar, and on the other hand, we
must combine it with listening comprehension)
on sale = for sale = c ban, dl ban
on sale (A.E.)= ban hl gia = at a discount (B.E)
on foot = di bl
O At = l tli
At + sl nha
At + thli gian cl thl
At home/ school/ work
At night/noon (A.E : at noon = at twelve = gila trla (she was invited to the party at
noon, but she was 1S minutes late))
At least = chi it, tli thilu >< at most = tli da
At once =ngay llp tlc
At present/ the moment = now
Ch : 2 thanh ngl trn tllng dllng vli presently nhlng presently se khac
nhau vl nghia nlu n dlng l cac vl tri khac nhau trong cau:
Sentence + presently (= soon): ngay tlc thi ( She will be here presently/soon)
Presently + sentence (= Afterward/ and then) : ngay sau d (Presently, ! heard her
leave the room)
S + to be + presently + ving = at present/ at the moment ( He is presently working
toward his Ph.D. degree)
At times = di khi, thlnh tholng
At first = tholt dlu >< at last = culi cng
At the beginning of / at the end of... = l dlu/ l culi (dng cho thli gian va dla
At + tn cac ngay ll : at Christmas, at Thanks Civing...
Nhlng on + tn cac ngay ll + day = on Christmas day ...
Trong dlng informal E., on trllc cac thl trong tuln di khi bl lllc bl: She is
going to see her boss (on) Sun. morning.

At/in/on thllng dllc khng dng trong cac thanh ngl chl thli gian khi c mlt:
next, last, this, that, one, any, each, every, some, all
At + dla dilm : at the center of the building
At + nhlng dla dilm lln (khi xem n nhl mlt nli trung chuyln holc glp
gl): The plane stopped 1 hour at Washington D.C. before continuing on to Atlanta.
At + tn cac toa nha lln (khi xem nhl 1 hanh dlng sl xly ra l d chl khng dl
clp dln toa nha) : There is a good movie at the Center Theater.
At + tn ring cac tl chlc: She works at Legal S Ceneral !nsurence.
At + tn ring nli cac trllng sl holc khu vlc dli hlc: She is studying at the
London school of Economics.
At + tn cac holt dlng qui tl thanh nhm: at a party/ lecture...
O Nlt sl cac thanh ngl dng vli gili tl
On the beach: trn bl biln
Along the beach: dlc theo bl biln
!n place of = !nstead of: thay cho, thay vi.
For the most part: chinh la, chl ylu la = mainly.
!n hope of + ving = Hoping to + v = Hoping that + sentence = vli hi vlng la.
off and on: dai dlng, tai hli
all of a sudden= suddenly = blng nhin
for good = forever: vinh viln, mai mai.
48. Nlt sl ngl dlng tl thllng glp
la nhlng dlng tl klt hlp vli 1, 2 holc di khi 3 gili tl, khi klt hlp l dlng
nhl vly ngl nghia cla chng thay dli hln so vli nghia ban dlu.
O To break off: chlm dlt, clt dlt, doln tuylt.
O To bring up: nu ra, dla ln mlt vln dl
O To call on: yu clu / dln tham
O To care for: thich / trng nom, san sc (look after)
O To check out (of/from) a library: mlln sach l thl viln vl
O To check out: dilu tra, xem xt.
O To check out (of): lam thl tlc dl ra (khach sln, san bay) <> check in.
O To check (up) on: dilu tra, xem xt.
O To close in (on): tiln lli gln, chly lli gln
O To come along with: di cng vli
O To count on = depend on = rely on
O To come down with: mlc phli mlt can blnh
O Do away with = get rid of: tlng khl, loli bl, trl khl
O To daw up = to draft: soln thlo (mlt kl holch, mlt hlp dlng)

O To drop out of = to withdraw from: bl (dlc bilt la bl hlc gila chlng)

O To figure out: Hinh dung ra dllc, hilu dllc.
O To find out: kham pha ra, phat hiln ra.
O To get by: Lln hli qua ngay, slng st qua dllc
O To get through with: klt thc
O To get through to: thng tin dllc cho ai, gli dllc cho (diln tholi), tim cach lam
cho hilu
O To get up: dly/ tl chlc.
O To give up: bl, tl bl
O To go along with: dlng vli
O To hold on to: vln gil vlng, duy tri
O To hold up: cllp / vln gil vlng, vln duy tri, vln slng binh thllng, vln
dng dllc (blt chlp slc p bn ngoai holc sl dlng lau)
O To keep on doing smt: vln tilp tlc khng nglng lam gi
O To look after: trng nom, san sc
O To look into: dilu tra, xem xt
O To pass out = to faint: nglt (nli dlng tl, khng dng bl dlng)
O To pick out: chln ra, lla ra, nhlt ra
O To point out: chl ra, vlch ra
O To put off: tri hoan, dinh hoan
O To run across: kham pha, phat hiln ra (tinh cl)
O To run into sb: glp ai blt ngl
O To see about to: lo llng, san sc, chly vly
O To take off: clt canh <> to land
O To take over for: thay thl cho
O to talk over: ban soln, thlo luln vl
O to try out: thl nghilm, dng thl (sln phlm)
O to try out for: thl vai, thl gilng (1 vl klch, buli bilu diln)
O To turn in: giao nlp, dl trinh / di ngl
O To watch out for: clnh giac, dl mlt, trng chlng (cl nghia den lln nghia bng)

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