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Lmp|oyee rof||e

Sk||| Group V|s|on LUS
8ole V|s|on LUS Deve|oper
Name Surendra ka[put
Lmployee lu 218317
1oLal Lxperlence 46 ?rs
rlmary Skllls vlslon LuS (C1A CMS L1S)
Secondary Sklll Malnframes (CC8CL !CL vSAM ClCS LZ1 llle Ald ChangeMan
Lndevor xped SA8 CA 7 MCC)
Lmall ld Surendrara[puL[wlprocom
ConLacL numbers +91 9096342343
uCl CompeLency

Lxper|ence Summary
4 years and 6 monLhs of domaln experLlse ln CredlL Cards processlng and experlence ln
uevelopmenL/LnhancemenL AppllcaLlon SupporL ln Malnframes uslng vlslon LuS producL
l have worked exLenslvely on C1A vlslon LuS subsysLem and also worked on L1S and CMS

Lducat|ona| ua||f|cat|ons 8L CompuLer Sc Lngg(2006) 73.59% 8Cv (M)
Senlor Secondary(1999) MP Stute Bourd 60.40%
Plgher Secondary(2001) MP Stute Bourd 6940

@echn|ca| Lxper|ence Summary @ab|e

@echno|ogy @oo|s
uaLabases vSAM
uevelopmenL/roducLlvlLy 1ools vlslon LuS(C1A CMS L1S) Malnframes(CC8CL !CL ClCS
vSAM) xped ChangeMan Lndevor CA7 llle Ald SA8
LCom lrameworks/Web
eCafe/eChamps (fronL end for C1A/CMS)
luncLlonal Areas 8lSl
rogrammlng Languages CC8CL !CL LZ1

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SofLware Lnglneerlng
xped ChangeMan Lndevor CA7 llle Ald SA8
CperaLlng sysLems ZCS
uomaln knowledge vlslon LuS CredlL Cards


Lmp|oyment n|story
Sl no uuraLlon CrganlzaLlon
1 Mar 2010 1lll uaLe Wlpro 1echnologles
2 uec 2010 Mar 2010 SynLel lnc
3 nov 2006 uec 2010 PS8C CL1 une

key ro[ects

n CLL n CDM Integrat|on
Descr|pt|on CP CuM ls cusLomer daLa managemenL soluLlon for PS8C 1hls pro[ecL enable
eCafe (lronL Lnd) Lo lnqulre on demographlc lnformaLlon ln CP CuM and wlll
allow demographlc changes Lo be updaLed dlrecLly Lo CP CuM 1ables Lhus
worklng Lowards achlevlng Lhe sLraLeglc goal of malnLalnlng CP CuM as Lhe
masLer source of Lhe cusLomer demographlc daLa lnsLead of varlous vSAM
flles avallable A connecLlvlLy ls esLabllshed wlLh CP CollecLlons A8 SysLem
(CMS and oLher non card sysLems) and CP CuM
ko|e uLvLLCL8L3
perat|ng System(s) ZCS
Sk|||s Malnframe vlslon lus (C1A CMS) CC8CL !CL ClCS Lndevor Culck LdlL
LasyLrleve llle ald
Lnv|ronment Malnframe
Contr|but|on O repared lmpacL analysls and 1echnlcal ueslgn documenLs dependlng
on buslness requlremenL
O repared level zero level one and level Lwo esLlmaLes for Lhe pro[ecL
O lnLeracLlon wlLh cllenL regardlng funcLlonal and Lechnlcal changes
O lnvolved ln lannlng Codlng unlL LesLlng and revlew of Lhe code
developed by 1eam members
O repared u1/u18 ensured on Llmely dellvery provlde updaLes ln
weekly sLaLus calls wlLh onslLe
O lnvolved ln Lhe CllenLs' calls Lo ln depLh undersLandlng of Lhe

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Start Date 13/07/2010
Lnd Date 13/12/2010
er|od (months) 3
@eam S|ze 07
ther Informat|on

2 Customer Leve| Co||ect|on
Descr|pt|on 11hls provldes full sysLemlc supporL wlLhln CP Core 8anklng CP Cards and
CP CollecLlons for Lransformlng Lhe CollecLlons CperaLlons pracLlce of
collecLlng lndlvldual accounLs Lo collecLlng and curlng all accounLs wlLhln
Lhe PS8C cusLomer relaLlonshlp1he CusLomer Level CollecLlon pro[ecL
seeks Lo enhance LhaL capablllLy by noL only dlsplaylng accounL level
lnformaLlon buL creaLlng a summary vlew of Lhe cusLomer/s poslLlon wlLh
Lhe bank one sLraLeglc LreaLmenL of Lhe cusLomer and Lhe ablllLy for
collecLors Lo perform one vlew servlce as opposed Lo havlng Lo puL efforL
dlrecLly Loward each lndlvldual accounL
2 Al1 and 8egresslon 1esLlng supporL for CusLomer Level CollecLlon pro[ecL
ko|e uLvLLCL8 L3
perat|ng System(s) ZCS
Sk|||s Malnframe vlslon lus (C1A) WlnCS SlM (Cnllne lnLerface beLween 8L
and lL/eCafe sysLems) CC8CL !CL vSAM Lndevor Culck LdlL LasyLrleve
llle ald SA8 Mercury CuallLy CenLre

Lnv|ronment Malnframe
Contr|but|on O repared lmpacL analysls and 1echnlcal ueslgn documenLs
dependlng on buslness requlremenL
O Codlng unlL LesLlng and revlew of Lhe code developed by 1eam
O repared level zero and level one esLlmaLes for Lhe pro[ecL
O lnLeracLlon wlLh cllenL regardlng funcLlonal and Lechnlcal changes
O repared u1/u18 ensured on Llmely dellvery provlde updaLes ln
weekly sLaLus calls wlLh onslLe
O llxed uefecLs ralsed ln CC for uevelopmenL 1eam
O MalnLalned uefecL 1racker and uefecL ClasslflcaLlon sheeL whlch
was senL Lo onslLe dally
O CoordlnaLlon wlLh whole Leam on Lhelr defecL asslgnmenLs and
closure Lo ensure zero defecLs aL Lhe end of day
O MalnLalned uefecL 1racker and uefecL ClasslflcaLlon sheeL whlch
was senL Lo onslLe dally
O MalnLalned and prepared llx 1ag requesLs llx uocs llx MlgraLlon

Start Date 01/12/2009
Lnd Date 09/02/2010

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er|od (months) 07
@eam S|ze 13
ther Informat|on

3 n Co|| I|agsh|p nardsh|p Sett|ement
Descr|pt|on 1he pro[ecL lncluded developmenL of end Lo end processlng of Lhree
CollecLlon 8emedy producLs namely Pardshlps SeLLlemenLs and uM
whlch could be made avallable Lo Lhe cusLomers
ko|e uLvLLCL8 L3
perat|ng System(s) ZCS
Sk|||s Malnframe vlslon lus (C1A) WlnCS SlM (Cnllne lnLerface beLween 8L
and lL/eCafe sysLems) CC8CL !CL vSAM ChangeMan LasyLrleve llle ald
SA8 Mercury CuallLy CenLre

Lnv|ronment Malnframe
Contr|but|on O undersLandlng buslness requlremenLs
O lnvolved ln reparaLlon of luncLlonal 8equlremenL and LsLlmaLlon
O repared 1echnlcal ueslgn documenLs and 1echnlcal SpeclflcaLlon
O Codlng unlL LesLlng and peer revlew of Lhe code
O ConducLed knowledge sharlng sesslons wlLhln Leam Lo enhance Lhe
quallLy of dellverables
O repared u1/u18 ensured on Llmely dellvery provlde updaLes ln
weekly sLaLus calls wlLh onslLe
O SupporLed for Sl1 and 8egresslon

Start Date 19/02/2009
Lnd Date 30/11/2009
er|od (months) 09
@eam S|ze 12
ther Informat|on

A kkVA 8ase Upgrade

Descr|pt|on 1he pro[ecL almed Lo upgrade P8A (PS8C Asla aclflc) from C8v41 Lo
C8v44 release 1hls upgrade lncludes global funcLlonallLles lul release
and flxes developed as Lhe parL of C8v42 43 and 44 releases
ko|e uLvLLCL8 L2
perat|ng System(s) ZCS
Sk|||s Malnframe vlslon LuS WlnCS SlM (Cnllne lnLerface beLween 8L and
lL/eCafe sysLems) CC8CL !CL vSAM ChangeMan Culck LdlL LasyLrleve

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image and then insert it again.
llle ald SA8 Mercury CuallLy CenLre

Lnv|ronment Malnframe
Contr|but|on O repared lmpacL analysls documenL
O Code developmenL/8eLroflL llle and daLa converslons
O lnvolved ln LesL scrlpLs revlew prepared by LesLlng Leam
O SupporLed Sl1 and uA1 1esLlng acLlvlLles
O lmplemenLaLlon SupporL

Start Date 13/03/2008
Lnd Date 13/02/2009
er|od (months) 09
@eam S|ze 17
ther Informat|on

G|oba| ke|eases 832 Comp||ance CCID

Descr|pt|on PS8C Clobal release verslons are Lhe blannual release verslons whlch have
Lhe enhancemenLs whlch are global and used by Lhe PS8C bank cusLomers
all over Lhe world 1he releases had enhancemenLs llfL and shlfL lLems and
CloballzaLlon lLems
CC!u are Code Change !usLlflcaLlon uocumenLs whlch are deLermlned afLer
a dellvery has happened and Lhere ls a gap and code needs Lo be flxed ln
order Lo lmprove performance also known as 8un Lhe bank Lhe CC!u lLems
are ldenLlfled
C8v also had lul lmpacL analysls and compllance pro[ecLs ln whlch Lhe
llxes and enhancemenLs whlch are released by lul (llrsL uaLa
lnLernaLlonal) aysys are analyzed and Laken wlLh C8v dellverles
ko|e uLvLLCL8
perat|ng System(s) ZCS
Sk|||s Malnframe vlslon lus (C1A CMS L1S) WlnCS SlM (Cnllne lnLerface
beLween 8L and lL/eCafe sysLems) CC8CL !CL vSAM ChangeMan
LasyLrleve llle ald SA8 Mercury CuallLy CenLre

Lnv|ronment Malnframe
Contr|but|on O repared lmpacL analysls luncLlonal and 1echnlcal ueslgn
documenLs dependlng on buslness requlremenL
O Codlng unlL LesLlng and code revlew
O repared level zero and level one esLlmaLes for Lhe pro[ecL
O lnLeracLlon wlLh cllenL regardlng funcLlonal and Lechnlcal changes
O repared u1/u18 ensured on Llmely dellvery provlde updaLes ln
weekly sLaLus calls wlLh onslLe

Start Date 13/06/2007
Lnd Date 13/03/2008

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er|od (months) 11
@eam S|ze 03
ther Informat|on

C@A Segmentat|on
Descr|pt|on 1he pro[ecL almed Lo lnLroduce segmenLaLlon lnLo C1A SubsysLem 1he
pro[ecL lnlLlaLed by PS8C C8v release LaLer lL ls plcked by varlous PS8C
8uslness unlLs
ko|e uLvLLCL8
perat|ng System(s) ZCS
Sk|||s Malnframe vlslon lus (C1A) WlnCS SlM (Cnllne lnLerface beLween 8L
and lL/eCafe sysLems) CC8CL !CL vSAM ChangeMan LasyLrleve llle ald

Lnv|ronment Malnframe
Contr|but|on O undersLandlng luncLlonal SpeclflcaLlon
O repared 1echnlcal ueslgn documenLs and 1echnlcal SpeclflcaLlon
O Codlng unlL LesLlng and peer revlew of Lhe code
O repared u1s/u18s
O SupporLed for Sl1 and 8egresslon 1esLlng

Start Date 11/02/2007
Lnd Date 12/06/2007
er|od (months) 04
@eam S|ze 04
ther Informat|on

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