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" Both science and spirituality are pure ways to find the truth, a true way to be close to God;

but both are at crux in a Devil's hand " - Self quoted. Science and spirituality, though two different aspects, seeming to be east and west, both have paved the way towards the development of Human civilization. Still, both have been behind the destruction of great civilizations and causes of war whenever held in ignorant hands. French Wars of Religion (156298), The Crusades (which resulted in the capture of Jerusalem in 1099.) and the current religious uprising in the name of 'Jihad' are all but born and brought up by religious sentiments. All these quests and the will to conquer resulted in the development of science as well. Even prominent artists like Leonardo Da Vinci had made inventions which could be used to bring cities to siege. In Hiroshima and Nagasaki, there has been an affirmation to the fact that science had proved much more a destroyer than a savior. It can be said that science pursuing wrong direction has created missiles, tanks, nuclear weaponry and other weapons of mass destruction, global issues of climate change; and spirituality pursuing wrong direction has created religions which force a doctrine of rigidity over its followers, causes ignorance and still, a will in a person to deny the fact that he is ignorant about many big truths and to follow a doctrine just because his power of thinking is limited to an extent and thus, he tends to believe in certain stories. So, what are these truths, and how important is it for a man to know them? Is it necessary that these answers be found? Where will this quest end? And who would be there to answer the biggest questions of mankind- Science, Spirituality, they both or their side effects, leading to destruction of mankind before getting the answers. Well the most potent question that human mind had been posed with is " Who am I , Who created me, Why am I here ? ". Simple basic questions but complex answers. Who am I? Simplest answer for me would be Hitesh, my parents named me that ways. Who created me? For sure my parents. Why am I here? Well, I think I am still confused; I did computer engineering, then studied computer animation and I am good at writing too; but job, it just makes my mind blow off. Are you satisfied with my response? If yes, then just close this article, you are pretty satisfied and don't need anything more. You are pretty awakened soul even in little dimes. If not, you are like me, as I am not satisfied with the answers I just gave. So where am I to find the answers? I had been an accomplice to my parents to Temples and Gurudwaras in my childhood. All was a creation of God. Then one day in class, my science teacher explained that it all got started by some Big Bang. All the stuff about atoms, electrons, protons she explained went way above my head. But there was a potent question in my mind, why did Lord Shiva have to dance so hard to make some tiny atom explode to form a universe? What spiritual quest fails to know is how God corresponds to all the theory of evolution of universe. And science, which is based on observation and facts fails too, as it can't suggest any motive. Agreed, some explosion happened; a Big Bang, but where is the motive? So the questions are the same, the quest is the same, but the paths, they are different. Science and Spirituality have to mingle on some point and get the answers to the truths man's quest has been laid for. Science has to gather together the facts and observations to make fool proof assumptions to tell us the method by which all of the universe came into existence. I say assumptions because I am very happy with assumptions. If a small explosion in Hiroshima did so much damage, what if that Large Hydro Collider had gone to create an explosion which may have annihilated the whole earth. Isn't it atrocious to destroy the question itself and the faculty to question in search for the answer. Spirituality has its role to play too. Its quest is to search for the motive of the creation, to search for the supreme power behind the motive. Spirituality has got a method for the attainment of truth which it can boast off. It is enlightenment. But can it be proven on the ground of scientific instrumentation? It is difficult to say, as all who have said that they had received enlightenment have been of different view points. Jesus and Guru Nanak had said there is only one God, Buddha had been quiet about the very existence of God, Osho and Mahavira have even questioned the existence of God. Therefore, we can say that the method fails on scientific grounds as the outcomes of the same method vary, but it is scientific as the experimental variables have been modified. No two people are same, no times were similar. Buddha attained enlightenment under a tree, if I ever get it, I am going to get it under an air conditioner as I rarely escape the artificial environment. So where does it lead, would there be some consensus between Science and

Spirituality? Would they be able to reach their destiny? Spirituality and science had been against each other many a times, a cold war ensuing between them. Religion and doctrines have had to stand against new scientific light as it just purely articulates to the facts and is surely right. Religion has abused science and even murdered scientists like Galileo to have proved that the Earth moves around the Sun. But at a more enlightened level, they both have paved the way to secure the future of human civilization. Spirituality had bound mankind in a strong thread of faith for long and science had laid new experimental thinking and inventions to make the world a far better place to live. The answer is all within ourselves. ' Know thyself ' . It is not at all difficult to just look into ourselves and judge our actions on the scale of morality. Just making sure that our actions don't interfere with the rights of others to live; be it plants, animals and yes, humans for sure; still insuring that the lifecycle is not disturbed. 'Know thyself ' implies first to know the justness of our actions than knowing who we are, where we came from. All religions and doctrines just take the name of God to bind us in faith but all they tell us are just the virtues and scales of morality. Not to steal, not to lie, to speak the truth, and to live in austerity; all religions would have had commandments like these; they are surely the just and ethical needs of humankind, not the creation of God. Science needs to learn a lot from this aspect of spirituality. It is applicable on science too, ' Know thyself '. If scientists as individuals and community reflect on the fact of 'Know thyself' and see the moral justness of their quest and experiments, then science will be able to lead to a better future. A path for peaceful, better, and beautiful life of every organism has to be laid than to the totally visible path of destruction. And just to make my belief strong that the faint path of better future would become visible one day, even an atheist like me would like to end this in a single word. Amen.

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