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rd Minutes of the mee;ng held on Thursday 3 November 2011 PRESENT: Evelyn Mackenzie (Chairman), Elizabeth Fraser, (Vice C hairman), Edward MacKay (Vice C hairman), Garry Macmillan (Treasurer), P enny K ane, (Secretary), Stan Amey, Malcolm Bromley, Margaret C airns, Annie C owie, Ann H oughton, Roz Sharrock, C hrisHne Sutherland, C ouncillor D eirdre Mackay. APOLOGIES: Rosemary Findlay 1. Police report: I t has been a quiet month. L arge numbers of deer on the road at night especially L oth/Crackaig and the Mount areas -Drive with care. 2. Approval of Minutes: C hrisHne proposed, Anne seconded 3. Councillors Report: th Radon gas: There is an open day at the C ommunity C entre on Tuesday 8 November from 11am-6pm Icy condiHons: Salt: W e now have 70,000 tons stock-piled in readiness for snow and ice and the vehicles are all serviced. The team is also fully staed. Transerve will supply jackets and spades Elderly care in the community. C arrgom won the tender. H owever the Sutherland contract is due for renewal in the spring, which would make arrangements more appropriate for Sutherlands more elderly populaHon. I t may be possible to get C rossroads to supply care as well as respite. This discussion is sHll in the early stages. The benet from this is that care would be managed locally by those who understand the local problems. HeaHng costs for the elderly: I f you know of anyone in trouble with their heaHng bills contact D eirdre Couper P ark: Transerve sHll in discussion with H ighland C ouncil. They are all aware of local feelings. Elizabeth said that D ennis McLeod rang her. I n 2006 Transerve oered the land to H ighland C ouncil and they reused it. Elizabeth asked if money changed hands at the Hme of the compulsory purchase order and if so who was the recipient. I n the deed of gi`, it was always stated that shermen could lay their nets out to dry and no houses could be built on that land. The last remaining member of the C ouper family, Mrs Burns, lives in I nverness and is very interested in the developments. Telford Bridge: L orries have conHnued to use the bridge so the informal discussion with the drivers did th not work. On 26 October a survey was started for a week which also could take in anecdotal evidence. Then a temporary weight restricHon order will be made. A permanent order takes far longer and is more complicated Stan asked who insures in case of accident. 500,000 is set aside for repairs but this was before all the more recent damage. Homeaid furniture recycling : is coming to Sutherland, possibly on the site of the Red C ross H all Brora Bridge C ar P ark: I deas are sought for ideas to improve the area. SuggesHons so far: Emigrants walk, Hdy up and beauHfy, viewing pladorm/informaHon board to include locaHons of car parks, improving the path down to the well (money already set aside for that). Signage: There have been complaints about shop keepers parking in D unrobin Street which means there is no space for visitors/shoppers. Suggest more and clearer signs to car parks Deirdre thanked the outgoing C ouncil members for all their support. The C ouncil thanked D eirdre for all her hard work and enormous contribuHon to H elmsdale. Evelyn thanked D eirdre for all her hard work and said how her job as chairman had been made so much easier due to the regular aeendance of the councillors and their knowledge of who to contact and talking to the relevant bodies.

4. Maeers arising: Dr Main: C ollecHon boxes at the bank, library and P ost Oce contained 148.36. which was made up to 150.00. Evelyn will purchase garden vouchers/card th Remembrance Sunday 13 November. W reaths already obtained. Evelyn thanked her for this Lobster ponds peHHon passed round for signature

RelocaHon of rubbish bins: the plot behind D unvegan in Trentham Street, rented by J ohnstons Garage is used by them so inappropriate.

5. Treasurers Report: There is about 600. I n current account. 150 to go to school for pantomime and 50. To Kinbrace. Margaret asked for a donaHon on behalf of the Flower Show for spring bulbs. D ecision to be made by new council. Evelyn suggested wind farm money could be used. ApplicaHons need to be in by early J anuary. Forms are available from the Service P oint. There will be two workshops for the wind farm commieee, one during the day one in the evening to try and get maximum aeendance. D ates and venues sHll to be conrmed Brora. QuesHons answered and show how to ll the applicaHon forms. 6. Computers: A`er discussions with H ighland C ouncil, the North H ighland C ollege (NHC) is withdrawing line/ server and giving the room back. D eirdre trying to get funding from H ighland C ouncil for laptops and training. Possibility of wind farm money. 7. Any other Business: Ann: Bench in graveyard sHll not repaired/replaced. D eirdre will invesHgate. Ann also enquired what is happening re distribuHon of rebooted computers. No news Roz: reported dangerous road edges down the Strath, parHcular danger spot near P eter D owsons house (Halgary) where there is a ditch right next to the road edge, extremely dangerous if it snows and cannot be seen. The Syre road is now very substandard. The H ighland C ouncil looking to set up a community pot from industry to help pay for the repairs as the road is now deterioraHng quickly Malcolm: There is another broken bench along the Strath, please could it be removed. Evelyn reminded everyone that this kind of request could be made at the Service P oint which will help to keep it open Garry: H arbourmasters job becoming vacant. H ours dropping from full-Hme to part-Hme. This was not felt to be adequate and D eirdre will make enquiries Community bus: Urgent EGM needed to discuss the future of the bus. Garry to write 6/12 review for Highland C ouncil (trips and passenger numbers). W e could apply for a wheelchair friendly second bus from wind farm money. Need to book room at C ommunity C entre, do posters. Need to set a th consHtuHon (NB meeHng booked for Thursday 10 November at 7.30pm) th Bingo night: 12 November 2011 rd Christmas lights: being switched on 3 D ecember at 6.30pm. There will be a C eilidh in the hall with a pipe band, Santas Groeo, dance band, baked potatoes, and mulled wine. Evelyn asked for the minutes to show the C ommunity C ouncils thanks to J ohn Murray for all his help. Also thanks to Garry for all his hard work. Stan: wished to know who will make up the new council. As there are only 5 members (should be 8) it will be possible to co-opt people to help. Development Ocer: Advert sHll out. P aul H arrington acHng as locum and Valerie George doing the paperwork. Elizabeth: The H elmsdale depot for grieers is currently closed, she wondered if there is any chance it could be reopened. Evelyn thanked the council members for all their support over the years. She said it had been a privilege working on the council. L ooking back although some things had taken a while to sort out there had been many very good things achieved. She wished the new council all the best and would be happy to assist in any way. A special thanks to Garry Macmillan for all the help and support he had given. The C ouncil members thanked Evelyn formally for her hard work for the council The meeHng closed at 9.45pm st The next meeHng of the new C ommunity C ouncil will be on Thursday 1 D ecember 2011 at 7.30pm in the C ommunity Centre

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