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The Agnostos Theo Samael Aun Weor


"Before the dawn of the great day, the invisible that Is and the invisible that it Was, were
in the eternal Not-Being, the sole Being."

The time has come to comprehend what the Being really is, what our studies are, what the
Gnosis is.

First of all, we have to venerate the Agnostos Theos, the Absolute Abstract Space,
unconditioned and eternal. Undoubtedly, the incognito and unknown divinity, is that
something that does not have name: that "something," is the nameless, the ineffable.

The Absolute is far beyond of what has form and figure, side by side, quantity, quality,
number, measure and weight: It is what is not, what does not have form, The Real.

When I use this class of terms you have to understand them from an intuitive point of
view; when I say "Is what is not," it is necessary to apprehend its profound meaning.

One form of Being, would be the one that we have in our intellect, but that "something"
is not what we have in our intellect; for that reason I say: "Is what is not," that Not-Being
is the real Being; only in this form we could understand, because that "something" is
beyond any comprehension.

Sat, the not manifested, undoubtedly belongs to the negative aspect of the light. We are
use to think in the light but in its positive aspect. However, the negative aspect of the
great life is much beyond of what we can understand, much more far than the Cabbala's
Sephiroths, much more far than the silence and the sound, and the ears to perceive it;
much more far than the thought, the verb and the action.

When I speak about the "Negative Existence," we must understand that something that is
not, and however is. The not created light, is the negative aspect of the light, it is The
Real; the "Negative Existence," taking it from the sense that it is not manifested, that it is
occult in the veils of the manifestation.

The Ancient of days, for example, in each one of us, is like the Malkuth to the Absolute,
that is to say, to the Absolute is like an inferior aspect. As Malkuth within the cosmic
manifestation, in other words, in the physical world, is the most inferior aspect of all 10
sephiroths, in the same form the Ancient of Days, with all his greatness, majesty and
grandeur, to the Absolute, is like the Malkuth.

From that incognito and unknown divinity that stays latent in everything that is, has been
and will be, arises every emanation: the ineffables, the army of the Voice, the Great
Word, the Holy Gods, the Governors of all the universe. They are just manifestations of
the incognito and unknown divinity: the Agnostos Theos.

The Agnostos Theo Samael Aun Weor

Well my dear brothers, do not forget the Jehovah, the Iod-Heve. When I speak in this
way, I do not want to make allusion to that anthropomorphic Jehovah of the Church of
Rome and Jerusalem and of all the dogmatic people in general; no. The Jehovah that I am
talking about, is the Intimate Jehovah of each one, it is obvious that each one of us has his
own Iod-Heve. Iod is the masculine principle, Heve is the feminine principle: Iod is our
Secret Father, Heve is our Divine Mother Kundalini; that is the intimate, particular
Jehovah, of everybody.

Jesus of Nazareth rejected the anthropomorphic Jehovah of the Jewish, that Biblical
Jehovah of the Talion's Law, the revengeful one; Jesus of Nazareth loved his Father that
is in secret and his Divine Mother Kundalini. We see the Divine Rabbi of Galilee
exclaiming to the Father with great voice: "Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit!"
His divine Mother Kundalini is stood near the cross; she is helping, she is Ram-Io. Ram
is a mantra, the mantra of fire, the mantra of the Tattwas Tejas: Io remind us the
mysteries of Isis, Io is the point inside of the circle, it is the Lingam-Yoni.

So my dear brothers, Jesus definitively rejected the dogmatic Jehovah, the one that based
all his doctrine in the vengeance of the "eye by eye and teeth by teeth," and worshipped
his Father that is in secret and his Divine Mother. The authentic Jehovah, it has to be
searched intimately; each one of us, has far beyond the Consciousness, the Father that is
in secret and the Divine mother (Iod-Heve).

We have cited the Absolute Abstract Space from which emanated the Army of the Voice,
from which unfolded our particular Jehovah, the divine Male-Female. So, let us see that
behind our particular divinity, is the Abstract Divinity, the Being of our Being, the
Unknown God, in front of who all the Army of the Voice prostrates: the Deity that does
not have name, the "Negative Existence," that "Something" that Is not but however Is.

So, we have seen from where our Internal Being has unfolded; known that he emanated
from the entrails of the Abstract Space, then we need orientation. First of all, it is
indispensable to allow the Self- Realization of our Internal Father-Mother, within
ourselves; that is possib le if we understand ourselves, if we achieve the elimination of the
inhuman elements that we carry inside.

Let us see: why in the depths of ourselves, is our Father-Mother, our primordial Elohim,
that has emanated from the unknown God, from the unbounded light, from the
unconditioned and eternal Abstract Space? He comes with one intention, and it is to
materialize, to get the Self-Realization, to crystallize in us.

Would it be possible? Yes!; but we need, I repeat, first, the elimination of the inhuman
elements, so he can, express through us; second, we need to create the instruments or
vehicles that are capable to receive him, to cover, to protect him; vehicles that have to be
strong, however also elastic and ductile, sublimes...

What kind of vehicles are those? Yesterday we were talking about the Existential
Superior Bodies of the Being. Everybody think that already have those bodies (when I

The Agnostos Theo Samael Aun Weor

say everybody, I am talking about the pseudo esoterist and pseudo occultists);
unfortunately are very few those that born with an Astral body.

If we examine the people carefully, we see that they only have a planetary body governed
by 48 laws; something that we can verify in the 48 chromosomes that exists in the
germinal cell. As is known, the masculine element brings 24 chromosomes to create that
cell; the biologists do not ignore that the feminine element brings another 24
chromosomes; added we get 48, that is the necessary number that is needed to create the
germinal cell.

So, our physical body is governed by 48 laws. It is a marvellous instrument;

unfortunately the humanity only has that instrument. The Vital base of that vehicle, is the
theosophical Linga-sarira, the bio-thermic-electro-magnetic condensation, in which is the
very root of our existence. Beyond these bodies, all what exists is the Ego, and that is
what the humanity is.

The three-brained biped, the intellectual animal, only has the planetary body, with its
vital base, and inside, very inside, carries the Ego, the "I," the myself. That "I," that Ego,
is formed by different inhuman elements. Unfortunately the Essence is trapped, enclosed
in those elements and it is obvious that it process herself according with its own

So, we are in a disastrous state, however, we have to cover with our presence the Divine
Male-Female, the one that emanated from the Absolute Abstract Space.

Then, what to do? How to act? How to work in order to one day our Sacred Elohim could
be covered with our presence? What can we do? First of all, we have to begin by
eliminating from our nature, the inhuman elements. Those elements, I repeat in order to
be well understood, are personified by the diverse figures that form the "I," the myself:
anger, greed, lust, envy, pride, laziness, gluttony, etc., the defects are so many, that even
if we would have one thousand mouths to speak, we would not enumerate all of them

It is necessary, urgent, to eliminate all those defects. Each one of them is an inhuman
element and inside of them is trapped, bottled up the Essence, the most worthy and
decent that we have.

First, it is urgent to comprehend that it is indispensable to get Consciousness of our own

errors. In relation with the people, in the fight for the bread of everyday, in relation with
our friends, the defects that are hidden appear, and if we are watchful, as the watchman in
wartime, then we discover them. Discovered defect, has to be comprehended wholly, in
all the mind's departments.

Each defect has many faces and roots. Once we have comprehended our error through the
meditation's technique, then we will eliminate them. We could comprehend, for example,
the defect of anger and however to remain with it; we could comprehend the defect of the

The Agnostos Theo Samael Aun Weor

envy and however to carry it inside. I repeat, it is necessary to eliminate it, and that only
is possible using the Sexual Electric force.

So, during the Sahara Maithuna we can invoke Devi Kundalini, the Igneous serpent of
our magical powers, and to supplicate to her, to eradicate from us the discovered defect.
She will do it, using the Minerva's lance. Let us remember that marvellous symbol, in
which appears Jesus, the Great Kabir, inside of the Jerusalem's temple expelling the
merchants with his whip.

In the same form we have to proceed: to expel with the Will's whip the merchants of the
temple (the anger, the greed, the pride, etc., etc., etc.). Devi Kundalini will do it; she will
take the Lance of Minerva and with that fohatic force will eliminate the inhuman
elements that we carry inside.

In that form my dear brothers, the Consciousness will be liberated, emancipated and
according with its process of liberation, it will be awakening, and when all the inhuman
elements have been destroyed, then she will shine scorchingly, then we will be able to see
and to touch the great realities of the internal worlds.

I repeat: we need to expel the merchants from the temple, and that is only possible with
Thelema (Willpower).

So, the work of preparation is extraordinary, because we really need to work a lot in order
to one day to cove r with our presence the divine Male-Female, the inner Elohim, that
emanated from the not created light, from the Absolute Abstract Space.

Speaking more profoundly (about the preparation of the temple) we will say that it is
necessary to create the Astral body. To eliminate the Ego is one part; to create the
Existential Superior Bodies of the being is another part and to sacrifice ourselves for
humanity is our duty. With those Three Factors for the Revolution of Consciousness, we
will achieve the Inner Self-Realization of the Being; with those Three Factors for the
Revolution of consciousness, we will prepare ourselves to crystallize inside of us the
Intimate Elohim, the Father-Mother, the particular Jehovah, the Iod-Heve.

The creation of the Existential Superior Bodies of the Being, is a very patient work; we
need to transmute the sacred sperm in energy. In other times, when humanity did not
have developed the abominable Kundartiguador Organ, nobody extracted from his body
the sacred sperm; but in the intellectual animal was created the abominable
Kundartiguador organ, then he enjoyed when eliminating the sacred sperm. If we
transmute that venerable matter, we will be able to create the Existential Superior Bodies
of the Being, but first of all it is necessary to comprehend the different alchemic

It has been said that in order to do the Great Work, just one substance is enough. What is
that substance? We will answer: the Mercury of the Secret Philosophy. Where that
Mercury is? Well, it is the Metallic Soul of the Sperm. It is clear that when the seminal

The Agnostos Theo Samael Aun Weor

liquor is not spilled, this is transmuted in energy and that energy is the Mercury of the
Secret Philosophy, that is to say, the Metallic Soul of the Sperm is the Mercury of the
Secret Philosophy and that Metallic Soul is represented by Lucifer; but when we cite this
personage, we do not have to be scandalized.

That is Lucifer; but do not think in an Anthropomorphous Archangel, Lucifer is very

individual, each one of us has his particular, individua l Lucifer. Lucifer is one of the
aspects of our Internal Being and in truth is the most important one. Is, I would say, the
duplicate of the Third logos in ourselves, the shadow of Shiva, the Arch hierophant and
Arch magician.

Did he used to shine? It is truth: scorchingly. As an Ineffable Archangel, he was a Saint

Kumara, but when we made the mistake to fall in the animal generation, in the root of our
actions, because he is one of the most important aspects of our Being, because he is the
duplicate of our Inner God, he fell in the darkness of this world and was transformed in
the devil.

There are as many devils as human being are on the earth; each one of us has his own
devil and this particular devil, is black as the coal, crystallized by the Kundartiguador
organ, in the Negative Fohat, in the Fire of Fatality, the Luciferic fire.

Lucifer is in awkwardness, but he was the most excellent creature, not inside of the
Being, but in ourselves. We have to whiten and that is written. The medieval alchemists
said: "Burn your books and whiten the brass..." It is known that brass is made with
cooper and the cooper is related with Venus, the morning star...

To whiten the brass means to whiten the own internal devil to achieve the liberation. He
is the enslaved Prometheus: a vulture devour his entrails untiringly (the vulture of desire).
Our Lucifer has power over the heavens, over the earth and over the infernos, but we
have him in misfortune; if we whiten him, we will be rewarded. How could we to whiten
him? Eliminating the Ego, creating the Existential Superior Bodies of the Being and
sacrificing ourselves for humanity.

Among the Aztecs, Lucifer appears falling with his head downward into the abyss as a
symbol of our sexual fall. But there is something new in the Aztec's doctrine: Lucifer
girding the cord girdle of a penitent, of an anchorite. Lucifer, making penitence? Have
you ever seen something more extraordinary?

That Lucifer is the representation of our Philosophical Stone, and besides he has that
paradigm in us; but is so intimately related with the Mercury of the secret Philosophy,
that it looks as if we had passed through a disgregation, but we have not passed through
any disgregation; it is necessary to put a lot of attention... I already said that the Metallic
soul of the Sperm is the Philosophers' Stone, I also said that Lucifer is the Philosophers'
Stone. So, divine: What of the two is the Philosophers' Stone? In truth, Lucifer and the
Metallic Soul of the Sperm are the Philosophers' Stone; that stone is occult by Lucifer.

The Agnostos Theo Samael Aun Weor

Well, in the Cathedral of Notre Dame of Paris, appear a bird, one raven observing the
"small stone of the corner." What does appear in that "small stone of the corner"? A
figure, a devil. What does "the raven of the putrefaction" means? The death! We need the
elimination, to kill, to destroy the animal Ego; only in that form it is possible to whiten
the devil that is in the corner of the temple and that wants his liberation, because he wants
to become again the Luminous Archangel of other times.

That Metallic Soul of the Sperm, I repeat, is extraordinary; has emanated from the Chaos
and in truth, is in the seminal waters. At the same time, from that Metallic Soul, through
the transmutation, a third water is separated: it is the creative product that ascends
through the canals of Ida and Pingala to the brain. When the fire, the Sulphur fecundates
that Mercury, then begins the marvellous process of the Initiation; but let us take in
account the three aspects of the Mercury:

First: As a Metallic Chaos: Simple sperm.

Second: As Metallic Soul or Mercury.

Third: The third water, the marvellous fluid that ascends through the canal of Ida and
pingala to the brain.

The moment comes or will come in which the third aspect, those sexual fluids, ascending
through Ida and Pingala, will be fecundated by the Sacred Fire (there we have the
connection of the Mercury and the Sulphur in their first aspect). All the esoteric process
in us is based in the incessant cross of the Mercury and the Sulphur.

The Sexual Hydrogen SI-12, of what the best occultist talk, among them Gurdjieff, is the
Mercury, the third aspect, the third mercurial water. That Mercury, when crystallizes in
its first vehicle, the Astral body, becomes extraordinarily marvellous; but in order to this
Mercury could take the form of an Astral body, it is necessary to work it.

Through the transmutation will come the moment in which that Mercury will take that
form, and once having the Astral body, we will be able to travel with it through the
infinite space. Much more later, the Mercury crystallizes in the form of a Mental body
and very much later, in the form of a Causal body (observe the three forms of the
mercury's crystallization).

When those Existential Bodies are created, formed, we incarnate the Human Soul: but it
is not enough to create with the mercury, the Existential Superior Bodies of the Being; we
have to know that the Mercury has to carry the Gold of the Cosmic Christ inside of
ourselves. Saint Christopher, with the child in his arms, is an allegory of the truth that we
are explaining. Each one of us has, first of all, to prepare his mercury; once is prepared,
do not forget that within ourselves, the Golden Child of the Sexual Alchemy has to be

The Agnostos Theo Samael Aun Weor

So, the Sexual hydroge n SI-12 that Gurdjieff talks, it is just the Mercury. When it is said
that the Mercury is developed inside of the being's Mercury, what kind of gold is created?
The Christic Gold, because Christ is the Gold; inside of those bodies and the Mercury,
has to be formed the Gold, the Gold of the Christ. The Logos has to crystallize in us and
that is a hard and arduous work.

It is not enough to create the Existential Superior Bodies of the Being, it is necessary to
go further: they have to be perfected so they can be covered, later, with the different parts
of the Being.

I repeat, in order to all the present and those that are listening could understand: the
Mercury is the fundamental matter of the Great Work and it has as I said, three aspects:

First, the Chaos, the semi liquid, semi solid secretion, of the sexual glands, that exists not
only in the males but also in the woman, because if it is truth that the man during the
orgasm spills his sperm, the woman also has her sperm and when has an orgasm, it lost it
in miserable form.

That the doctors do not want to call sperm, the feminine sexual secretion? That is
different; but we the alchemist, call it sperm, because it is sperm, and I am talking in
terms of rigorous alchemy, not in clinical, medical terms, and that has to be clarified in
this conference.

Does it has three aspects? It is truth, and I am repeating it, to make it been understood:
the first, I said it, is the sperm; the second aspect is the result of the transmutation; is, we
would say, the tetra-dimensional part of the sperm, the subtle, etheric part; the Soul of
that sperm, the Metallic soul. That is the Mercury in its second aspect; but the third aspect
comes from the second one: it is the energy already ascending through the channel of Ida
and Pingala to the brain.

The alchemists say that the mercury has to be fecundate by the Sulphur and it is
important to you to understand it. It is clear that when the solar and lunar atoms make
contact in the triveni, near the coccyx, by induction awakes a third force: the Sulphur, the
Fire that ascends victoriously through the canal of Sushumna, through the medullar
channel of the dorsal spine to the brain, and that in its ascension awakes the Chakras...


Samael Aun Weor

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