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much (mch) mucho

so much (su mach) LanLo
Loo much (Lchu mach) demaslado
very llLLle (llLl) muy poco
so llLLle (su llLl) Lan poco
Loo llLLle (Lchu llLl) demaslado poco
more (mr) ms
much more (mch mor) mucho ms
far more (fr mor) mucho ms
less (les) menos
much less (mch les) mucho menos
far less (fr les) mucho menos
almosL (lmousL) casl
nearly (nlrll) casl
barely (berll) apenas
scarcely (skersll) apenas
hardly (hrdll) apenas casl no
noL aL all (noL aL l) para nada en absoluLo
even (lven) lncluso aun
even more (lven mor) aun ms
even less (lven les) aun menos
noL even (nL lven) nl slqulera

We ent|re|y agree w|th you
LsLamos enLeramenLe de acuerdo conLlgo
Im afra|d youre comp|ete|y wrong
Me Lemo que usLed esL compleLamenLe equlvocado
Norman |s abso|ute|y r|ght
norman Llene razn absoluLamenLe
1h|s apartment |s re|at|ve|y sma|| for the three of us
LsLe aparLamenLo es relaLlvamenLe pequeno para nosoLros Lres
At |east naro|d sent you a bunch of f|owers for your b|rthday
Al menos Parold Le envl un ramo de flores para Lu cumpleanos


Would you mlnd?

lf you wanL Lo sound parLlcularly pollLe or lf you Lhlnk Lhe answer may be negaLlve
you can also use Would you mlnd + verblng as Lhe preferred alLernaLlve Lo Could
you? Would you mlnd? llLerally means Would you ob[ecL Lo?

Would you mlnd locklng Lhe door when you leave? no noL aL all!
Could you please lock Lhe door when you leave? ?es cerLalnly!
lf youre noL busy aL Lhe momenL would you mlnd helplng me wlLh my homework?
lf youre noL busy aL Lhe momenL could you glve me a hand wlLh my homework?


lf you are asklng oLher people Lo do Lhlngs you would normally use Would you or
Could you + lnflnlLlve Would you llke Lo? ls also a very pollLe way of suggesLlng or
requesLlng someLhlng pollLer Lhan uo you wanL Lo? Compare Lhe followlng

Would you please brlng your llbrary books back Loday as Lhey are needed by anoLher

Could you [oln us on SaLurday? 1oms back from Sydney and were havlng a barbecue
Would you llke Lo [oln us on SaLurday? Were havlng a barbecue ln Lhe back garden
Would you care Lo [oln us on SaLurday? Were celebraLlng 1oms reLurn from Sydney
uo you wanL Lo [oln us on SaLurday? Were havlng a bash ln Lhe garden


lor ls used before a quanLlLy of Llme and lL ls commonly used wlLh Lhe presenL perfecL
and pasL perfecL Lenses
We have been comlng Lo Lhls beach for flfLeen years
We have been en[oylng Lhls paradlse for a week
We have been swlmmlng for Lhree hours

Slnce ls used before a speclflc Llme or daLe and lL ls commonly used wlLh Lhe presenL
perfecL and pasL perfecL Lenses
We have been comlng Lo Lhls beach slnce !uly 1993 (exacL Llme daLe year)
We have been en[oylng Lhls paradlse slnce lasL SaLurday
We have been swlmmlng slnce slx oclock Lhls mornlng

lf you wanL Lo Lalk abouL your presenL slLuaLlon you can use Lhe sLrucLure wlsh + pasL
slmple or conLlnuous lor example
l havenL goL any money l wlsh l had some money

l donL earn much money l wlsh l earned a loL of money

Were all llvlng ln a small flaL l wlsh we werenL llvlng ln a small flaL l wlsh wewere
llvlng ln a blg flaL
1he same form can be used Lo Lalk abouL someone elses slLuaLlon Powever Lhere ls
anoLher sLrucLure LhaL you use Lo Lalk abouL acLlons LhaL Lake place ln Lhe presenL buL
you wanL Lhem Lo change ln Lhe fuLure 1hls sLrucLure ls used Lo Lalk abouL anoLher
person and generally abouL Lhlngs you donL llke
1he structure |s w|sh + wou|d]cou|d + |nf|n|t|ve Ior examp|e
?our frlend ls always borrowlng money from you because he never seems Lo have hls
bank card wlLh hlm ?ou could say Lo hlm
l wlsh you wouldnL keep borrowlng money from me

l wlsh you would remember Lo go Lo Lhe bank from Llme Lo Llme
A quantity of time includes a unit of time: a minute, hour,
week, month, etc. t may also include a modifier such
as now or so far, long, short, a few,many, several,
these past few, these past several
A specific time is stated as an hour, date, year, century or era. t may
also include a modifier such as last, the beginning of, the end of,
the middle of
fifteen minutes a quarter of an hour 7:45 a.m. (seven forty-five) a quarter to eight
forty eight hours several hours April 4, 2010 the day before yesterday
two days a couple of days June 15 the middle of June
a week seven days now last week the end of the week / the weekend
a month a month so far July last July
two years two long years (long or short) 2020 the war, the depression (event)
two summers two summers ago (*Avoid
using ago.)
spring, summer, fall, winter a week ago *See note.
two centuries these past few years (last few) the beginning of the 21st century he called (Since can introduce a
9erhaps Lhe same frlend does loLs of Lhlngs LhaL lrrlLaLe you Maybe he phones you
early ln Lhe mornlng when youre sLlll ln bed Pe mlghL arrange Lo meeL you and Lhen
Lurn up laLe ?ou could say Lo hlm
l wlsh you wouldnL phone me so early ln Lhe mornlng
l wlsh you would walL unLll laLer
l wlsh you would Lell me when youre golng Lo be laLe
When you Lalk abouL Lhe fuLure you use Lhe same sLrucLure as you use Lo Lalk abouL
presenL sLaLes Some examples
l have Lo go Lo Lhe denLlsL Lomorrow l wlsh l dldnL have Lo go Lo Lhe denLlsL

lll have Lo do some exLra work over Lhe weekend l wlsh l dldnL have Lo do any exLra
work over Lhe weekend

My broLher ls comlng Lo sLay wlLh me nexL week l wlsh my broLher wasnL comlng nexL
1he fuLure ln Lhese cases canL be changed (ln Lheory) and so Lhe slLuaLlon ls seen as
unreal and has Lo be referred Lo uslng pasL Lenses


When you Lhlnk abouL a slLuaLlon ln Lhe pasL naLurally you canL do anyLhlng Lo change
lL 1herefore Lhls ls a way of expresslng regreL 1he sLrucLure you use ls wlsh + pasL
perfecL lor example

?ou were Loo slow geLLlng ready Lo go ouL l wlsh you hadnL been so slow geLLlng
now weve mlssed Lhe Lraln l wlsh we hadnL mlssed Lhe Lraln
l promlsed our frlends wed arrlve on Llme l wlsh l hadnL promlsed wed arrlve on
Llme because now Lheyll be walLlng for us

As menLloned above Lhe sLrucLure wlsh + would canL be used Lo Lalk abouL yourself lL
ls used Lo refer Lo acLlons and you should be able Lo sLop any acLlon youre dolng

1herefore when you Lalk abouL yourself youre Lalklng abouL sLaLes you have no
conLrol over (lm poor l wlsh l was rlch) or oLher peoples acLlons LhaL you have no
conLrol over elLher (l havenL goL any money l wlsh youd glve me some)

lf your wlsh mlghL come Lrue you should use a dlfferenL Lype of verb lor example
l hope lL doesnL raln Lomorrow
ld llke Lo go Lo Lhe Carlbbean for my hollday nexL year
l hope you geL well soon
?ou donL need Lo repeaL all Lhe verbs all Lhe Llme
My flaL ls cold l wlsh lL wasnL
?ou smoke l wlsh you wouldnL
She Lold hlm! l wlsh she hadnL

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