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Kundalini is an energy of spiritual unfoldment. There are many different theories about the nature and purpose of kundalini more than most people realize. Most people tend to latch on to one of the more commonly available theories and are not open to insights from other schools of thought. To avoid having such resistance interfere with anyones experience of the initiation in this workshop, we deliberately omit a general, theoretical discussion of kundalini. There are, however, five myths and five important facts about kundalini we wish to discuss. FIVE MYTHS ABOUT KUNDALINI 1. Kundalini is the energy of consciousness itself or Everything in the universe is a manifestation of kundalini. Kundalini energy is an important but specific category of energy. 2. You need to experience kundalini to reach enlightenment. The kundalini path is only one of many ways to become enlightened. Many famous spiritual leaders never experienced or taught about kundalini. For example, nowhere in the many Buddhist scriptures or oral tradition does the Buddha teach about kundalini. 3. A fully developed kundalini experience necessarily leads to enlightenment. Kundalini is an energy and, though it is true that consciousness tends to follow energy, no energy can guarantee a shift in consciousness. 4. Working with kundalini is inherently dangerous. Working with kundalini is completely safe if it is done correctly. (Of course any powerful spiritual technology can, in the process of purification, cause physical, emotional or mental discomfort. However there is a difference between this and being dangerous.) 5. There is some set of practices which is guaranteed to produce a kundalini experience. In the final analysis, kundalini is a gift of grace from God, as mediated by your Higher Self. If you Higher Self, in its wisdom, knows that it is not appropriate (for whatever reason) for you to have a kundalini experience, then there is nothing you can do to produce one.


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1. Kundalini not only works with each chakra individually, it unifies the chakra system. Only when the chakra system is sufficiently unified can it fulfill its divine potential as a ladder to God. If you are interested in further initiations for unifying the chakra system, the S.U.N. network founder teaches courses for this purpose using energies received from Babaji. 2. There are two basic kinds of kundalini (and then there are various mixtures of the two). Prana kundalini is the kind most people have heard about. It starts at the base of the spine and works upward; its primary focus is working with energy blocks. Chit kundalini goes to the heart and often the brain; its primary focus is working with consciousness. 3. Kundalini energy is often confused with another energy called the Caduceus Force. Both play important roles in helping the individual and humanity to evolve and they work hand in hand; both rise up the spine. There are two primary differences between the Caduceus Force and kundalini: a. The Caduceus Force works with all life forms, whereas kundalini works only with human beings. The Caduceus Force is active in all human beings at a base line level, however it must be worked with consciously if its activity level is to rise above that base line level. b. Kundalini works more at the macroscopic level and the Caduceus Force works more at the cellular level. It is important to realize that this difference is a relative one since kundalini and the Caduceus Force each work at both the macroscopic and cellular levels. If you are interested in learning more about the Caduceus Force, the founder of the S.U.N. network teaches a sequence of courses in which there are Caduceus Force initiations. 4. When one receives a kundalini initiation, the exact way in which kundalini unfolds is dependent on the underlying mechanics of the initiation; also whether and how one consciously works with the kundalini is dependent on the underlying mechanics of the initiation. In general how one experiences any subtle energy depends not just on the energy but on the delivery system the initiation uses. As an analogy, how one experiences water depends not just on the water but on the delivery system. Thus a bath and a shower are different experiences.


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5. Kundalini is a powerful force not only for the evolution of individuals but for the evolution of groups of people joined by a common soul purpose. It plays a major role in forging the group antahkarana of such a group, for example in the ashrams of the various masters in the Spiritual Hierarchy which is guiding the evolution of humanity. You can learn more about the (individual) antahkarana and receive initiations for its development in the S.U.N. workshop Building Your Antahkarana.

ABOUT KUNDALINI WATER The initiation you will receive is quite complex and takes about two hours of unbroken transmission to come in completely. After receiving it, you will be empowered to make kundalini water. This means you will be able to run into water an energy which stimulated kundalini in whoever drinks the water, doing so in a profound yet completely safe manner. The shakti (energy) you run into the water is not kundalini, but rather an energy that stimulates kundalini. To run the shakti into water, hold a container of water in either hand and for about three minutes continuously intend for the shakti to flow down your arm and into the container. The shakti will remain in the water for roughly 2 hours, so the water should be drunk within that time period. Once the water enters a human body the shakti remains active for two to three days, stimulating kundalini during that time. After each two-three day period, you need to drink more kundalini water if you wish to keep having a kundalini experience. The reason the shakti is programmed so that the effects of the kundalini water do not last beyond two to three days is to give you some degree of control over your kundalini experience. For kundalini to do what it is designed to do, it is necessary to completely surrender to the energy. However, the lack of control that people often feel when having a kundalini experience frequently results in resistance (both conscious and unconscious) that prevents complete surrender to the experience.


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As a byproduct of its extraordinary complexity, the shakti that produces kundalini water is extremely sensitive to other energies. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that to get the best results you not run any other shaktis into the water. (It is okay to run other energies on yourself after drinking the water.)

The shakti makes properties of the water kundalini, preventing arise from kundalini. the kundalini energy to the structure of the cell case.

use of the spiritual to balance the fire of the problems which often The water also enables be carried deeper into than is typically the

RECOMMENDED KUNDALINI The Kundalini Sannella, M.D. Integral 1030, Lower Lake, CA


Experience by Lee Publishing, P.O. Box 95457

Energies of Transformation by Bonnie Greenwell, PhD. Shakti Press, a division of Transpersonal Learning Services, 10311 S. DeAnza Blvd., Suite 2, Cupertino, CA 95014




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