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Alexander Cotellessa

History-1st Quarter Benchmark

Position Paper

Power to the American

America is built on the ideas of the individuals working together,

and everyone’s voices were heard. That has changed over the years,

and it can be seen in our voting system. Each ballot is counted but in

separate states not as one, this is called the Electoral College. States

are worth senates based on how many districts they have, districts are

based on population, then you take that number and add 2 for the 2

senates representing that state. So if you live in a state that has mostly

republican voters your vote for a democratic president will not matter

after it has been counted for that state and vice versa.

Now people who are living in such states are not even voting

because they see it is not fair. Also America is divided, between the

southern states and the coastal states. It doesn’t matter who is running

but the south will usually vote for a Republican voter and the

Democratic states will usually be for the democrats. Which is bad news

for other voters living in these states. With our system each vote will

be counted not just for the state but stay in play the whole election.

You will be encouraged to vote because after this amendment is

passed every vote will count. There is also a problem with the districts
because you can’t get an exact number of people in a state by judging

from districts.

The votes are being counted individually and then made into a

group; there is no need for this. The senators should take the numbers

they have counted and instead of making the state a color, add the

numbers with the other votes from other states. Thus, making the

President’s actually be elected by popular votes alone instead of

electoral votes. Right now the electors of states represent the votes of

those states. Small states with fewer electors have their votes

represented by those electors, which in turn gives them a lot of power

for those individual votes. A state such as California has its 54

representatives represent their votes, which makes their individual

votes mean less.

Our forefathers made the Electoral College for electors to be

mostly in control of voting in the President and not the people. They

thought the people weren’t involved in politics and instead of voting for

a President directly; they made it so that the people vote for Electors

to represent the people. Which means the people have less power

because they are giving it to these representatives. America is still a

democracy but not a direct democracy but a representative

democracy. What America needs to do is fix that so we become a direct

democracy in which the people not have more power then they should
but actually have the power they think they held as an American. Join

us in our fight to get the true worth of your votes back!

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