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ro[ecL name

1echno|ogy 8|ue r|nt for Government of Gu[arat

CllenLs CovL Cf Cu[raL Lhrough MlcrosofL consulLancy servlces
naLure of pro[ecL CovernmenL ConsulLancy
SLarL uaLe !une 07
Lnd uaLe CcL 07
ro[ecL value n/A
verLlcal name n/A
lronLend 8ackend n/A
ro[ecL uescrlpLlon ueLalled narraLlve uescrlpLlon of ro[ecL
MlcrosofL CorporaLlon along wlLh lLs arLner 8emlel SofLech SoluLlons
has proposed Lo lnlLlaLe a SLaLe wlde program ln Lhe sLaLe of Cu[araL Lo
enhance Lhe processes and maxlmlze Lhe efflclency lnpuLouLpuL of
varlous CovernmenL deparLmenLs and Lake necessary acLlon wlLh Lhe
help of lnformaLlon 1echnology
MlcrosofL ConsulLancy Servlces (MCS) Lhe Servlces arm of MlcrosofL
CorporaLlon ln parLnershlp and consulLaLlon wlLh Lhe Sclence and
1echnology ueparLmenL CovernmenL of Cu[araL ls preparlng a
1echnology 8lue rlnL and l1 lan for CovernmenL of Cu[araL and lLs
varlous deparLmenLs wlLh speclal conslderaLlon Lo
a Drban uevelopmenL ueparLmenL (Duu)
b anchayaLl 8a[ 8ural uevelopmenL ueparLmenL
c 8evenue ueparLmenL
d ealLh ueparLmenL

1hls pro[ecL wlll deLall Lhe lnformaLlon 1echnology 8oadmap for
speclfled ueparLmenLs of CovernmenL of Cu[araL (CoC) from an
archlLecLural and Lechnologlcal perspecLlve 1hls pro[ecL represenL Lhe
flrsL sLep ln Lhe deslgn process deflnlLlon soluLlon archlLecLure and
long Lerm goals Lowards lmplemenLlng Lhe varlous l1enabled sysLems
and also seLs up a reference vlew for fuLure egovernance lnlLlaLlves ln
oLher deparLmenLs
1hls documenL called 'l1 lan for speclfled ueparLmenLs' CovL of
Cu[araL dlscusses Lhe role of lnformaLlon 1echnology ln sLrengLhenlng
Lhe luncLlons and rocesses of Lhe deparLmenL 1here are several
deparLmenLs and branches under admlnlsLraLlve deparLmenLs LhaL
perform varlous acLlvlLles relaLed wlLh clLlzen cenLrlc servlces Lhrough
urban unlLs 1hls documenL explalns Lhe currenL sysLem of
deparLmenLs and suggesLs Lhe proposed sysLem on Lhe basls of gaps
analyzed durlng Lhe course of Lhe sLraLegy pro[ecL execuLlon
MlcrosofL ConsulLlng Servlces has been lnvolved ln assesslng Lhe
process Lhe Lechnology and communlcaLlon requlremenLs for Lhe
enLlre deparLmenL
1he concepL paper ls dlvlded lnLo Lwo broad SecLlons
AS lS Model lL explalns Lhe exlsLlng sysLem wlLh help of
an analysls maLrlx lL generaLes Lhe loglcal and Lechnlcal
requlremenLs/soluLlon based on few assumpLlons
1C 8L Model Lhls model suggesLs Lhe proposed soluLlon
lL explalns proposed lnformaLlon flow coverlng SysLem
ArchlLecLure for Lhe proposed soluLlon 1here are few
lnpuL and 8eporL sLandards Lo suggesL Lhe Lype of daLa
capLurlng and reporLlng neLworklng and CommunlcaLlon
ardware and sofLware conflguraLlon and admlnlsLraLlon
wlLh Lralnlng are Lhe componenLs of Lhe proposed soluLlon
AssumpLlons Lo arrlve aL Lhe proposed soluLlon are also
llsLed ln Lhe documenL
Dnder Lhe sLaLe wlde lnlLlaLlve Laken by Sclence and 1echnology
deparLmenL of CoC Lo develop l1 plan for varlous deparLmenL a sLudy
of Lhe ueparLmenLs lLs ead of ueparLmenLs (Cu's) and fleld offlces
was carrled ouL
Cb[ect|ves of the Study
1o sLudy varlous processes of Lhe deparLmenLs analyzlng lnpuL/CuLpuL
Lo Lhe sysLem and suggesL an l1 roadmap
O 1he l1 plan should conLalns
1 Analysls MaLrlx
2 roposed SoluLlon
3 8ecommendaLlons relaLed Lo
4 ardware requlremenLs
3 ConnecLlvlLy
6 laLform requlremenLs
7 AppllcaLlon requlremenLs
8 Skllled Man power requlremenLs
9 8eneflLs of Lhe roposed SysLem
2 Methodo|ogy
1hls secLlon brlefly descrlbes Lhe meLhods used for

ro[ecL name Computer|zat|on of Land kecord (CLk)
CllenLs un[ab Land 8ecord SocleLy
naLure of pro[ecL uevelopmenL lmplemenLaLlon
SLarL uaLe uec2007
Lnd uaLe ln MalnLenance
ro[ecL value n/A
verLlcal name n/A
lronLend 8ackend v8neL lramework 20 and SCL Server 2003 as back end
ro[ecL uescrlpLlon
CL8 ls deslgn for un[ab Land 8ecord SocleLy 1he ob[ecLlve of Lhls
pro[ecL ls Lo AuLomaLe Lhe process of Lhe Land 8ecords ln un[ab 1hls
sysLem ls dlvlded ln 9 Modules
Lach Modules deLalls
1uaLa LnLry(!amabandl)
a LnLry of Land 8ecords
b 8evlew and Approval rocess
2 uaLa LnLry LdlL
a LdlL Lhe wrong enLrles
b verlfy Lhe enLrles
a Add new 1ransacLlon
a LdlLlng of Wrong MuLaLlon
a 1racks Lypes of lands
conducLlng Lhls sLudy
a lannlng ldenLlflcaLlon
| 1he Leam of MlcrosofL had formal dlscusslons
wlLh Lhe offlcers of deparLmenLs and framed a
plan for conducLlng Lhe sLudy Areas for sLudy
were ldenLlfled as follows
b SysLems SLudy
| 1he followlng meLhodologles were adopLed
1 SLudy lan wlLh CrganlzaLlon
ead/Lu deparLmenL
2 vlslL lndlvlduals deparLmenL/branch of
Lhe CrganlzaLlon
3 lnLeracLlon and lnLervlews wlLh end
4 8evlew of sLudy
c uocumenLaLlon
1he meLhodologles for documenLaLlon as followed by MlcrosofL have
been adopLed for Lhls documenLaLlon exerclse 1hese meLhodologles
have been Lrled and LesLed evolved and reflned over Lhe years
Lach Modules deLalls

b 1racks Lype of CulLlvaLlon
c andle Crops lnformaLlon
a CeneraLe Lhe reporLs
b lssue Lhe nakal reporLs
c MalnLaln Lhe lssued reporLs
a verlflcaLlon of uaLa
b 8eporL for aLwarl's
a Change of culLlvaLor
b rovlslon Lo enLer speclal order regardlng khewaL khaLounl and
c rovlslon Lo enLer module speclflc enLrles llke order relaLed Lo
MuLaLlon Clrdawarl eLc
d rovlslon Lo edlL Lhe reporL
e rovlslon of handllng of CourL or CovL Crder
9repare !amabandl
a ConsolldaLe Lhe khewaLskhaLounl and khasra's lnformaLlon of a
vlllage afLer a deflned perlod of Llme

ro[ecL name Asset Management System (Mob||e 1rack|ng System)
CllenLs LC LlecLronlcs
naLure of pro[ecL uevelopmenL lmplemenLaLlon
SLarL uaLe CcL2007
Lnd uaLe !an2008
ro[ecL value n/A
verLlcal name n/A
lronLend 8ackend ASnL1 20 Dslng C# and Cracle 9l as back end
ro[ecL uescrlpLlon
Moblle 1racklng sysLem was deslgn for LC elecLronlc lndla vL LLd
employees across lndla 1hls sysLem malnLalns Lhe lnformaLlon relaLed
Lo lssuance of moblle phones by LC Lo Lhelr employees whlch was
based on Lhe caLegory of each employee 1he sysLem malnLalns Lhe
deLalls of each employee moblle phone by lLs usage locaLlon up
gradaLlon ln case any employee promoLed and also malnLalns
lnformaLlon ln case any employee leaves Lhe company

Lach Modules deLalls
1. Lmployees lnformaLlon sysLem
2. lnvenLory ManagemenL SysLem
3. new employee reglsLraLlon
4. lssuance of moblle phone by caLegory of employee

ro[ecL name DLILCk
CllenLs uLlLC8
naLure of pro[ecL uevelopmenL lmplemenLaLlon
SLarL uaLe

Lnd uaLe

ro[ecL value n/A
verLlcal name n/A
lronLend 8ackend MCSS2007 Share polnL ueslgner2007 And SCL2003
ro[ecL uescrlpLlon
1he uLlLC8 lnLraneL we have uses conLenL documenL feaLure and
Share polnL CuL of 8ox leaLures
Lach Modules deLalls
1 AnnouncemenL
2 need lL elp
3 noLlce 8oard
4 ulscusslon 8oard
3 Culck Llnk
6 Manage l1 forms wlLh work flow
7 CusLomlze 8oard room booklng
8 ragaLl (adverLlsemenLs)
9 llnance 1CM and 8 documenLs managemenLs
10 Dser wrlghL's managemenL
11 CusLomlze ome page and layouLs
12 Search

ro[ecL name Apo||o DkV
CllenLs Apollo ukv
naLure of pro[ecL uevelopmenL lmplemenLaLlon
SLarL uaLe

Lnd uaLe

ro[ecL value n/A
verLlcal name n/A
lronLend 8ackend MCSS2007 Share polnL ueslgner2007 And SCL2003
ro[ecL uescrlpLlon
lL ls Apollo ukv ealLh lnsurance lnLraneL ln Lhls lnLraneL we have
use conLenL documenL feaLure and Share polnL CuL of 8ox leaLures
Lach Modules deLalls
1 We have developed 8logs for Lhe user ln Lhls secLlon user
can see exlsLlng blogs can creaLe hls own blogs
2 AnoLher feaLure ls ulscusslon 8oard ln Lhls secLlon user can
see Lhe company dlscusslons accordlng Lo sub[ecL Dser can
creaLe new sub[ecL for dlscusslon
3 We have added anoLher feaLure le AnnouncemenL secLlon
Dser can see Lhe dally announcemenL of Lhe company
accordlng Lo Lhe sub[ecL of announcemenL Dser can creaLe
hls own announcemenLs
4 AnoLher feaLure of Lhls slLe ls LvenL
3 Company pollces documenL ManagemenL
6 Search
7 CreaLe Cwn CusLomlze Lheme

ro[ecL name 8Mk Intranet
CllenLs 8M8 AssoclaLes
naLure of pro[ecL uevelopmenL lmplemenLaLlon
SLarL uaLe

Lnd uaLe

ro[ecL value n/A
verLlcal name n/A
lronLend 8ackend MCSS2007 Share polnL ueslgner2007 And SCL2003
ro[ecL uescrlpLlon
8Mk ls an lnLraneL orLal 1hls pro[ecL ls developlng Lo lnLegraLe Lhe
dlfferenL deparLmenL of a 8M8CrganlzaLlon llke uman 8esource
knowledge CenLre eLc and Lo glve Lhem a plaLform Lo compeLe
share Lhelr resources Lechnology ln Lhls we have lmplemenL several
uLlllLles as web parLs uslng ASnL1 20
ulfferenL DLlllLles
O Conference 8oom booklng as web parLs for booklng of
Conference 8oom ln 8M8 and More appllcaLlon llke
ro[ecLor 8ooklng 1axl 8ooklng and so on
O ln Lhls lnLraneL lnLegraLe CusLom Work llow CusLom
dlfferenL MasLer pages dlfferenL LayouLs based page and
ConLenLs ManagemenL ln proper way
O CurrenL news lmplemenLed as web parLs A separaLe
lnLerface was provlded Lo flll Lhe news and Lhe Lop news was
shows ln ueparLmenLal home page
O Llbrary ManagemenL sysLem
Lach Modules deLalls
1 ConLenL managemenL
2 Conference 8ooklng SysLem appllcaLlon bullL wlLh Share
polnL ob[ecL Model
3 Llbrary ManagemenL SysLem wlLh work flow
4 1axl 8ooklng SysLem
3 ro[ecLor 8ooklng SysLem
6 Albums
7 Shared drlve
8 8log
9 Wlkls
10 ulscusslon 8oard
11 CrganlzaLlonal Search
12 eople Search
13 SlLe Search
14 CusLomlze 1lcker web parL
13 AlerLs
16 Dser wrlghLs managemenL
17 CusLomlze ulfferenL masLer ages and layouLs
18 CusLomlze news secLlon
19 CusLomlze age 8aLlng
20 leaLure ArLlcle web parL
21 More cusLomlze web parLs

ro[ecL name Inventory
CllenLs roducL
naLure of pro[ecL SLudy uevelopmenL lmplemenLaLlon
SLarL uaLe Aprll2008
Lnd uaLe !uly2008
ro[ecL value n/A
verLlcal name n/A
lronLend 8ackend C# and MS Access
ro[ecL uescrlpLlon
1hls producL malnLalns Lhe lnvenLory of shoe lndusLry 1he appllcaLlon
conLrol Lhe lnvenLory based on Lhe purchase orders AppllcaLlon also
prepares Lhe 8lll of MaLerlals (8CM) based on Lhe sLandards
Lach Modules deLalls
1 urchase Modu|e
AppllcaLlon provldes Lhe faclllLy Lo Lhe purchase deparLmenL Lo
generaLe Lnqulrles and based on Lnqulrles purchase deparLmenL
declde Lo ralse Lhe purchase order
2 Store Modu|e
AppllcaLlon provldes Lhe faclllLy Lo Lhe sLore deparLmenL Lo
recelve Lhe maLerlal from Lhe vendors and malnLaln Lhe lnvenLory
of every lLem
3 roduct|on Modu|e
roducLlon deparLmenL ralsed Lhe requlslLlons as and when
requlred Lhe maLerlal and sLore deparLmenL only lssue Lhe
maLerlal agalnsL Lhe requlslLlons

ro[ecL name Southern Command
CllenLs SouLhern Command une
naLure of pro[ecL SLudy uevelopmenL lmplemenLaLlon
SLarL uaLe Aprll2008
Lnd uaLe !une2008
ro[ecL value n/A
verLlcal name n/A
lronLend 8ackend MCSS 2007ASneL 20 Dslng C# and SCL Server 2003
ro[ecL uescrlpLlon
SCune was deslgned for SouLhern Command une Lo compuLerlze
Lhelr 8udgeLlng lnvenLory and elpdesk acLlvlLy 1he appllcaLlon ls
conflgured on Lhelr lnLernal web porLal
Lach Modules deLalls
1 8udget Modu|e
SouLhern command and Lhelr branches prepare flnanclal budgeLs
for upcomlng and exlsLlng pro[ecLs 8ased on Lhe approved budgeL
SouLhern Command Lracks Lhe expenses durlng Lhe year
2 Inventory Modu|e
AppllcaLlon malnLalns Lhe lnvenLory of Lhe compuLers purchased
by Lhe SouLhern command and lssue Lo Lhe dlfferenL branches
3 e|pdesk Modu|e
AppllcaLlon provldes Lhe faclllLy Lo Lhe SouLhern Command users
Lo lock Lhelr compuLer relaLed problems and vlew Lhe soluLlons
glven by Lhe admlnlsLraLor SouLhern Command admlnlsLraLor can
vlew Lhe laLesL lssues and updaLe Lhe soluLlon remarks of Lhe

ro[ecL name Deve|opment of www|nd|ancourts|n
LCommlLLee Supreme CourL of lndla Lhrough MlcrosofL
ConsulLlng Servlces new uelhl
naLure of pro[ecL uevelopmenL lmplemenLaLlon
SLarL uaLe !une2003
Lnd uaLe nov2003
ro[ecL value n/A
verLlcal name n/A
lronLend 8ackend ASnL1 11 Dslng C# and SCL SL8vL8 2000 SS 2003
ro[ecL uescrlpLlon
lndlan !udlclary ls ln urgenL need of reenglneerlng lLs
processes opLlmlze Lhe use of lLs human resources and
brlng abouL change managemenL by harnesslng Lhe
poLenLlallLy of Lhe avallable lnformaLlon and CommunlcaLlon
1echnology (lC1) Lo lLs fullesL exLenL 1he ob[ecLlve of Lhls
exerclse ls Lo enhance [udlclal producLlvlLy boLh quallLaLlvely
and quanLlLaLlvely as also make Lhe [usLlce dellvery sysLem
affordable accesslble cosL effecLlve LransparenL and
accounLable Slmllar ob[ecLlves have been achleved ln oLher
parLs of Lhe world by use of Lechnology buL ln lndla Lhough
lLs manpower ls known for lLs Lechnology experLlse Lhe lC1
beneflLs could noL be fully explored and uLlllzed ln publlc
servlce secLors llke [udlclary and oLher organs of Lhe SLaLe ln
Lhe lndlan !udlclary efforL for compuLerlzaLlon of some of lLs
processes has been golng on slnce 1990 need was felL Lo
make Lhe programme of lC1 enablemenL of Lhe lndlan
!udlclary mlssloncrlLlcal 1here was an overwhelmlng
reallzaLlon ln Lhe [udlclal secLor ln favor of devlslng a
naLlonal ollcy and AcLlon lan wlLh approprlaLe spread and
phaslng Lo lmplemenL lC1 ln courLs across Lhe counLry and
Lhelr webbased lnLerllnklng 1he Chlef !usLlce of lndla (C!l)
made a proposal Lo Lhe CenLral CovernmenL under Lhe leLLer
daLed 03072004 addressed Lo Lhe MlnlsLer of Law and
!usLlce for consLlLuLlon of an LCommlLLee Lo asslsL hlm ln
formulaLlng a naLlonal ollcy on compuLerlzaLlon of lndlan
!udlclary and advlse Lechnologlcal communlcaLlon and
managemenL relaLed changes AppreclaLlng Lhe deslrablllLy
of consLlLuLlon of such a CommlLLee Lhe Dnlon CablneL
approved Lhe proposal ConsequenLly offlce order daLed
28122004 was lssued by Lhe MlnlsLry of Law and !usLlce (
ueparLmenL of !usLlce ) consLlLuLlng Lhe LCommlLLee under
Lhe Chalrmanshlp of ur !usLlce CC 8haruka a reLlred !udge
of Lhe lgh CourL of karnaLaka wlLh Lhree oLher speclallsL
ManagemenL relaLed changes AppreclaLlng Lhe deslrablllLy

of consLlLuLlon of such a CommlLLee Lhe Dnlon CablneL
approved Lhe proposal ConsequenLly offlce order daLed
28122004 was lssued by Lhe MlnlsLry of Law and !usLlce (
ueparLmenL of !usLlce ) consLlLuLlng Lhe LCommlLLee under
Lhe Chalrmanshlp of ur !usLlce CC 8haruka a reLlred !udge
of Lhe lgh CourL of Kurnutuku, wlth three other speclullst members.
Remlel Softech Solutlons hus deslgned und developed the

Lach Modules deLalls
1 1he daLa sLrucLure Lables and daLa enLry forms for creaLlng
masLers for collecLlng Lhe !udges and SLaff lnformaLlon from
varlous courLs ln lndla
2 Dser's ManagemenL creaLlon of around 63000 lus
3 !udgmenL AuLomaLlon SysLem
4 AuLomaLlon of Case flllng process

ro[ecL name know|edge Management Systems
l1C CalcuLLa Lhrough MlcrosofL ConsulLlng Servlces new
naLure of pro[ecL SLudy uevelopmenL lmplemenLaLlon
SLarL uaLe CcL2006
Lnd uaLe !an2007
ro[ecL value n/A
verLlcal name n/A
lronLend 8ackend ASneL 20 Dslng C# and SCL Server 2003MCSS 2007
ro[ecL uescrlpLlon
knowledge ManagemenL has been aLLempLed earller ln l1u
buL dld noL have much encouraglng resulLs 8uL wlLh
passage of Llme Lhe need for ls belng felL gradually and
aLLempLs has been made ln pockeLs l1u has consLrucLed
manufacLurlng faclllLles earller buL lL was found LhaL Lhe
Lremendous amounL of knowledge LhaL was generaLed
durlng Lhese engagemenLs was never documenLed for Lhe
posLerlLy ence ManagemenL has Laken a declslon Lo sLarL
pracLlclng knowledge ManagemenL from Lhe very lncepLlon
of ro[ecL WesLslde WesLslde kM wlll be Lhe l1 backbone
for Lhls lnlLlaLlve

Lach Modules deLalls
uocumenL ManagemenL
1 Dploadlng documenLs ln documenL Llbrarles
2 CreaLlng new documenLs ln documenL Llbrarles
3 verslonlng
uocumenL Approval Workflow

LlsL ManagemenL
lssue Lracklng
ro[ecL managemenL
My sLles

Search Lnglne
1 Searchlng of uocumenL 8y name
2 Searchlng of uocumenL 8y ConLenL
3 Advance Search
4 Searchlng of oLher conLenL avallable Lo lnLraneL
uocumenL 8aLlng
CusLomlze 1heme
knowledge ManagemenL olnLs sysLems

ro[ecL name Smart C|asses
Lducomp 1echnologles new uelhl Lhrough MlcrosofL
ConsulLlng Servlces new uelhl
naLure of pro[ecL SLudy uevelopmenL lmplemenLaLlon
SLarL uaLe Sep2006
Lnd uaLe uec2006
ro[ecL value n/A
verLlcal name n/A
lronLend 8ackend ASneL 11 Dslng C# and SCL Server 2000SS2003
ro[ecL uescrlpLlon
SmarL Class was developed for Lducomp LLd Whlch
conLalns Lwo Modules
(l) 1eacher module (ll) Admln module
ln 1eacher's module a Leachers can place Lhelr requesLs for
dlfferenL Loplcs whlch he / she wlll be Leachlng ln Lhe class
and geL Lhe requlred conLenLs allocaLed by Lhe Admln
1eacher was provlded wlLh Lhe faclllLy Lo vlew exlsLlng
conLenLs and Lhey can also creaLe Lhelr own conLenLs 1he
laced requesLs are belng served by Lhe Admln 1he Admln
search for Lhe approprlaLe maLch for Lhe requesLed Loplc ln
Lhe daLabase and allocaLe lL Lo Lhe Leacher who has made
Lhe requesL

Lach Modules deLalls
1 1eachers Module
Access 8esources
vlew Cwn 8esources 8eposlLory
8equesL 8esources
Class Schedullng
2 Admln Module
new user/1eacher's roflle CreaLlon
LdlL user/Leacher proflle
vlew 8equesL and AllocaLe 8esources
SmarL Class ConLenL ManagemenL
3 MlS 8eporLs

ro[ecL name Deve|opment of wwwsshr|sht|org
CllenLs SS8lS1l 1rusL
naLure of pro[ecL SLudy uevelopmenL lmplemenLaLlon
SLarL uaLe Sep2006
Lnd uaLe uec2006
ro[ecL value n/A
verLlcal name n/A
lronLend 8ackend ASneL 11 Dslng C# and SCL Server 2000SS2003
ro[ecL uescrlpLlon
An lnLeracLlve webslLe was developed for Lhe cllenL Lo work
as an lnformaLlon Lechnology and communlcaLlon Lool 1he
webslLe ls Lo caLer Lhe 1rusL's wlder neLworklng and
lnformaLlon dlssemlnaLlon regardlng Lhelr work and
ro[ecL name Lpayment
CllenLs osLal 1ralnlng CenLre Mysore karnaLaka
naLure of pro[ecL AppllcaLlon MlgraLlon
SLarL uaLe Sep2006
Lnd uaLe uec2006
ro[ecL value n/A
verLlcal name n/A
lronLend 8ackend ASneL 20 Dslng C# and SCL Server 2003
ro[ecL uescrlpLlon
1he cllenL osLal 1ralnlng CenLre Mysore caLers and
provldes Lralnlng Lo Lhe new [olnlng and oLher employees
of Lhe CovernmenL osLal ueparLmenL 1hls Lralnlng cenLre
of osLal deparLmenL ls a hub of l1 acLlvlLles for Lhe
deparLmenL 1hls cenLre has developed sofLware named e
paymenL LhaL ls runnlng over Lo Lhe all l1 enabled posL
offlces 1hey had a daLabase for Lhe epaymenLs ln oracle
whlch needed performance enhancemenL for easy servlces
A consulLancy was soughL by Lhe cllenL Lo make Lhe daLa
reLrleval servlce fasLer and ln Lurn lL was declded Lo go for a
daLa base converslon from exlsLlng oracle Lo Lhe SCL server
2003 of MlcrosofL 1echnologles
Work uone
1 1he whole exlsLlng Cracle daLabase was converLed lnLo
SCL server 2003 laLform
2 rocedure CpLlmlzaLlon
4 lnLegraLlon of Cracle base nL1 appllcaLlon wlLh SCL
Server 2003

ro[ecL name Mod|f|cat|on |n kSA1 App||cat|on of kMG
CllenLs kMC AdvlsoCroup Dk
naLure of pro[ecL LnhancemenL ln LxlsLlng AppllcaLlon
SLarL uaLe nov2007
Lnd uaLe leb2008
ro[ecL value n/A
verLlcal name n/A
lronLend 8ackend AS 30 Dslng !ScrlpL and SCL Server 2000
ro[ecL uescrlpLlon
1hls ls a web based lnLernal appllcaLlon of kMC for Lhelr
rlsk managemenL group 1he purpose of Lhls appllcaLlon ls
Lo seL Compllances wlLhln Lhe group A user ls asslgned
quesLlonnalre/s for Lhelr responses based on whlch Lhe
compllances are seL 8ased on Lhe roles (username and
password) a user knows Lhe quesLlonnalres asslgned Lo
hlm When admlnlsLraLor asslgns any quesLlonnalre sysLem
sends an emall Lo Lhe user lnformlng hlm of Lhe asslgned

Lach Modules deLalls
O CreaLe CuesLlonnalres
O CreaLe Dser
O Asslgn CuesLlonnalres
O CreaLe 8uslness DnlLs
O Assess response

O answer/Slgn off CuesLlon

Speclflc Dser
O Assess 8esponse
MlS 8eporLs

ro[ecL name ro[ect Management and Lva|uat|on System
CllenLs wC 1echnlcal Cell (!nnD8M ro[ecL)
naLure of pro[ecL SLudy uevelopmenL lmplemenLaLlon
SLarL uaLe uec2006
Lnd uaLe Mar2007
ro[ecL value n/A
verLlcal name n/A
lronLend 8ackend AS 20 Dslng c# and SCL Server 2003
ro[ecL uescrlpLlon
1he ro[ecL MonlLorlng and LvaluaLlon SysLem (MLS) wlll
operaLe as a robusL managemenL lnformaLlon sysLem
1he MLS soluLlon wlll provlde slngle wlndow lnLerface Lo
caLer Lo MlS needs of Lhe !nnD8M program 1hls wlll
empower Lhe MlnlsLry of Drban uevelopmenL Lo evaluaLe
monlLor and analyze Lhe performance of varlous pro[ecLs
runnlng under Lhe purvlew of Lhe program guldellnes by
generaLlng reporLs offered by Lhls soluLlon 1hese reporLs
wlll gulde Lhe mlnlsLry Lo Lake approprlaLe acLlons Lhus
glvlng Lhe hollsLlc and reallsLlc overvlew of overall lmpacL
made by Lhe !nnD8M lnlLlaLlve launched by CovL of lndla

Lach Modules deLalls
1 8udgeL MonlLorlng
2 ClLy 8asellne deflnlLlon and managemenL
3 lnsLlLuLlonal 8asellne deflnlLlon and managemenL
4 ClLy uevelopmenL lan managemenL
3 8eform managemenL
6 ro[ecL ldea managemenL
7 ueLalled ro[ecL 8eporL managemenL
8 ro[ecL managemenL

ro[ecL name Jork erm|t
CllenLs LC LlecLronlcs lndla vL LLd
naLure of pro[ecL SLudy uevelopmenL lmplemenLaLlon
SLarL uaLe !an2007
Lnd uaLe Mar2007
ro[ecL value n/A
verLlcal name n/A
lronLend 8ackend AS 20 Dslng c# and Cracle 9l
ro[ecL uescrlpLlon
1hls appllcaLlon was deslgned for Lo run on lnLraneL Works
permlL appllcaLlon for LLS (Lnergy LnvlronmenL SafeLy
ealLh) 1eam of LC ln whlch any deparLmenL user can
submlL a work permlL Lhen work permlL Lo be approved by
LhaL deparLmenL head ueparLmenL head can approved or
re[ecL a work permlL and Lhen member of LLS Leam can
add oLher lnformaLlon and updaLe a work permlL and can
approve or re[ecL a work permlL llnal Approved work
permlL by ead of LLS 1eam lf work permlL ls approved
by head of LLS 1eam Lhen user can Lake a prlnL ouL of
LhaL work permlL lf work permlL ls noL compleLed ln Llme
perlod Lhen user can renew of work permlL and approve
process wlll be same up Lo member of LLS 1eam Lach
every work permlL lnformaLlon ls send Lo all by mall Lvery
work permlL whlch ls noL process ls explred afLer 7 day of
sLarL Llme of work permlL
Lach Modules deLalls
1 Lmployee Work ermlL Submlsslon
2 Work ermlL Approval/8e[ecLlon Workflow
3 Work permlL LxLenslon Workflow
4 AlerL noLlflcaLlon
3 MlS reporLs

ro[ecL name Cr|me Cr|m|na| Informat|on System ( CCIS)
naLlonal Crlme 8ecords 8ureau new uelhl Lhrough
MlcrosofL ConsulLlng Servlces
naLure of pro[ecL
uevelopmenL LnhancemenL ln Lhe LxlsLlng
SLarL uaLe Sep2004
Lnd uaLe Mar2003
ro[ecL value n/A
verLlcal name n/A
lronLend 8ackend
vlsual 8aslc 60 SCL Server 70MS8ack Cfflce Server
ASnL1 11
ro[ecL uescrlpLlon
nC88 wanLed Lo puL ln place a sysLem LhaL would allow
access Lo and Lhe sharlng of hundreds of Lhousands of
crlme records creaLed over decades whlch exlsLed ln
daLabases of pollce dlsLrlcLs across Lhe counLry 1he sysLem
conslsLed of around 12 modules for daLa enLry of varlous
crlmlnal records aL Lhree dlfferenL levels le local sLaLe and
naLlonal levels 1he appllcaLlon ls capable of exporLlng and
lmporLlng daLa amongsL Lhe varlous levels as and when
requlred lL also generaLes 63 klnd of reporLs based on Lhe
user requlremenLs glven by nC88 lL also glves varlous
search faclllLles and maLchlng faclllLles of flnger prlnLs from
Lhe archlves
CClSMLe ls a slngle largesL mulLlllngual appllcaLlon Lo
creaLe and provlde secure and sharable daLabases aL ollce
SLaLlon ulsLrlcL SLaLe and naLlonal level lL provldes an
efflclenL way of organlzlng crlme records for generaLlng
enqulrles/reporLs and crlme analysls for declslon supporL
Cnce fully lmplemenLed up Lo ollce SLaLlon level Lhls may
be one of Lhe largesL appllcaLlons funcLlonlng ln a neLwork
envlronmenL ln Lhe World
Lach Modules deLalls
1 8eglonal Language lmplemenLaLlons 1he sofLware
now runs ln 7 languages
2 LxlLlng 8ug 8emoval
3 AuLomaLed u1S 1o Lransfer Lhe daLa beLween Source
and uesLlnaLlon daLabase Lo synchronlze Lhe dlfferenL

sLaLe daLa lnLo daLa cenLer auLomaLlcally uslng ulalup
. lnLegraLlon of almosL all Lhe feedbacks recelved from
3 Search Lnglne
6 MlS Web 8eporLs

ro[ecL name ;uest|onna|re des|gn
CllenLs LC LlecLronlcs lndla vL LLd
naLure of pro[ecL SLudy uevelopmenL lmplemenLaLlon
SLarL uaLe nov2007
Lnd uaLe !an2008
ro[ecL value n/A
verLlcal name n/A
lronLend 8ackend
ASnL1 20Wlnodw Servlces Cracle 9l and MSLxchange
ro[ecL uescrlpLlon
lL ls quesLlonnalre appllcaLlon ln whlch admln creaLe a
quesLlonnalre and publlsh lL Lo deparLmenL users ln
quesLlonnalre every quesLlon may have more Lhan one
rlghL answer Admln can check all quesLlonnalre reporL of
user and can edlL of wrong answer and can send Lo reporL
of wrong answer Lo user Admln can acLlvaLe and
deacLlvaLed of users of any deparLmenL Lvery
quesLlonnalre has a Llme perlod and marks are percenLage
basls Dser recelved quesLlonnalre lnformaLlon Lhrough
mall and can submlL an every quesLlon wlLh a remark fleld.

Lach Modules deLalls
O ALLempL CuesLlonnalre
O vlew 8eporLs

O CreaLe CuesLlonnalre
O LdlL CuesLlonnalre
O ubllsh CuesLlonnalre
O AcLlvaLe ueacLlvaLe Dser
ueparLmenL MalnLenance
AlerL noLlflcaLlon Servlce (Wlndow Servlce)
MlS 8eporLs

ro[ecL name V|kas
NationaI Manufacturing CIuster CounseI (NMCC)
naLure of pro[ecL uevelopmenL lmplemenLaLlon
SLarL uaLe !une2006
Lnd uaLe uec2006
ro[ecL value n/A
verLlcal name n/A
lronLend 8ackend MCSS2007 Share polnL ueslgner2007 And SCL2003
ro[ecL uescrlpLlon
This project is developing to integrate the small cluster of
Textile, Parma, Auto industries and to give them a platform
to compete, share their resources, technology. Each cluster
can use his strengths and can overcome with his weakness
by using experience of the other in the same field. n this we
have implement several utilities as web parts using
Different Utilities:
O Current News mplemented as web parts. A
separate interface was provided to fill the news and
the top news was shows in home page.
O Trade Leads. On line sale and purchase of the
product. Any cluster can upload his products for
sale and purchase. t was a separate application
having the link at the home page.
O Sub Contracting. Any cluster can put the
requirement in this section. Main Purpose of this is
to share the resources. f someone wants man or
material they can put his interest of the interest and
other people that are interested can contact.

ro[ecL name SSL Management System
CllenLs LC LlecLronlcs
naLure of pro[ecL uevelopmenL lmplemenLaLlon
SLarL uaLe CcL2008
Lnd uaLe Work ln rogress
ro[ecL value n/A
verLlcal name n/A
lronLend 8ackend ASnL1 20 Dslng C# and Cracle 9l
ro[ecL uescrlpLlon
SSL ManagemenL SysLem ls pro[ecL for all branches ofLC
elecLronlc lndla vL LLd Lo malnLaln Lhe lnformaLlon
relaLed Lo employee le M8l lorm 8louaLa aLLendance
sales record currenL work poslLlon currenL deslgnaLlon
LargeL of employee Cn Lhe basls of above lnformaLlon
calculaLlon of salary lncenLlve and achlevemenL
Lach Modules deLalls
1 MkI(Manpower requ|s|t|on Iorm) Subm|ss|on
ro[ecL name Lxchange Server Lvent S|nk Deve|opment
CllenLs lClCl 8ank Mumbal Lhrough MlcrosofL ConsulLlng Servlces
naLure of pro[ecL uevelopmenL of CCM+ ComponenL for Lxchange Server
SLarL uaLe nov2007
Lnd uaLe !an2008
ro[ecL value n/A
verLlcal name n/A
lronLend 8ackend
uC1 nL1 lramework 20 C# MlcrosofL Lxchange Server
2003 MySql
ro[ecL uescrlpLlon
1he lClCl bank has Lhe need Lo archlve all ouLgolng malls
(from Lhe lnLraneL) lor example lClCl bank would llke Lo
archlve all ouLgolng daLa from Lhe [lclclbankcom"
domaln and forward Lhe messages Lo an archlval mallbox
Lhey conLrol 1hls documenL ls Lhe speclflcaLlon for a
cusLom evenL slnk LhaL can be used Lo saLlsfy Lhe lClCl bank
buslness need
1 Lvery exchange server's ouLgolng emall wlll sLore ln
Lxchange server's [ournal mall sLore
2 DLlllLy should be compaLlble wlLh currenL Lmall
Archlval soluLlon of lClCl bank for Lhelr MlS reporLs
3 new or changed processes Lo lmplemenL or uLlllze
Lhls DLlllLy

1hls form ls used for Laklng approval Lo appolnL
new employee ln branch 1hls form ls of Lwo Lype
a kep|acement 8eplacemenL Lype of form ls
used ln case of reslgnaLlon of any employee
b -ew new Lype of from submlLLed lf branch
have requlremenL of more employee
lf -ew Lype of M8l accepLed by Sales Admln Lhen
Lhe no of LoLal employee alloLLed Lo Lhls branch wlll
lncrease by one

2 8|o Data Subm|ss|on ll M8l of any Lype ls
approved by Sales Admln Lhen branch fllls Lhe
deLall of new employee uslng Lhls form

3 kes|gnat|on Subm|ss|on lf any employee wanL
Lo reslgn Lhen branch flll Lhls form

4 Attendance Subm|ss|on 8y Lhe help of Lhls form
branch flll Lhe aLLendances of all employees aL Lhe
end of monLh
3 Secondary Sa|es 1rack|ng 8y Lhe help of Lhls
form branch flll Lhe no of sold producL of all
employees aL Lhe end of monLh
6 Cut|et Deta|| Subm|ss|on 8y Lhe help of Lhls
form branch flll Lhe deLall of ouLleL

7 1arget Sett|ng 8y Lhe help of Lhls form branch
flll LargeL of employee
8 Cut|et Change kequest Subm|ss|on 8y Lhe help
of Lhls form branch flll Lhe requesL of changlng Lhe
alloLLed ouLleL of employee
9 Des|gnat|on Change kequest Subm|ss|on 8y Lhe
help of Lhls form branch flll Lhe requesL of changlng
Lhe deslgnaLlon of employee

10 roduct Change kequest Subm|ss|on 8y Lhe
help of Lhls form branch flll Lhe requesL of changlng
Lhe producL handled by employee

11 A||owance Subm|ss|on 8y Lhe help of Lhls form
branch flll deLall of dlfferenL allowance provlded Lo
Lhe employee

ro[ecL name 1rade artner Cn||ne keg|strat|on (1Ck)
CllenLs LC LlecLronlcs
naLure of pro[ecL uevelopmenL lmplemenLaLlon
SLarL uaLe !une2008
Lnd uaLe Aug2008
ro[ecL value n/A
verLlcal name n/A
lronLend 8ackend ASnL1 20 Dslng C# and Cracle 9l
ro[ecL uescrlpLlon
1C8 have been developed Lo auLomaLe Lhe reglsLraLlon
and closlng of reglsLraLlon process of dlfferenL Lype of
cusLomer of all branch of LC LlecLronlcs
Lach Modules deLalls
1 8eglsLraLlon of CusLomer
2 Approval rocess of 8eglsLraLlon
3 8eglon Area 8ranch ManagemenL
4 Closlng of 8eglsLraLlon

ro[ecL name Lead Management System
CllenLs LC LlecLronlcs
naLure of pro[ecL uevelopmenL lmplemenLaLlon
SLarL uaLe !uly2008
Lnd uaLe CcL2008
ro[ecL value n/A
verLlcal name n/A
lronLend 8ackend ASnL1 33 Dslng C# and Cracle 9l as back end
ro[ecL uescrlpLlon
Lead ManagemenL sysLem was deslgn for LC elecLronlc
lndla vL LLd employees across lndla Lead managemenL
sysLem ls a Lerm Lo handle Lhelr conLacL wlLh Lhelr
cusLomers 1he sysLem malnLalns Lhe deLalls of each
cusLomer who are lnLeresLed ln LC producLs Area
Manager conLacLs wlLh CusLomers and osL cusLomer's
feedback lL also Lracks whlch producL ls hlghly demanded
by cusLomers and cusLomer's suggesLlons abouL Lhe

Lach Modules deLalls
1 Lead lnformaLlon
a CreaLe new Lead
b DpdaLe Lead
c Dpload Lead
d Search Lead

2 Zone lnformaLlon
a new Zone
b DpdaLe Zone

3 8ranch lnformaLlon
a new 8ranch
b DpdaLe 8ranch

4 Dser lnformaLlon
a 8eglsLer new Dser (CorporaLe 8ranch)
b LdlL Dser lnfo
c Change assword

3 CusLomer leedback

ro[ecL name Issue 1rack|ng System

naLure of pro[ecL uevelopmenL lmplemenLaLlon
SLarL uaLe nov2007
Lnd uaLe Sep2008
ro[ecL value n/A
verLlcal name n/A
lronLend 8ackend ASnL1 20 Dslng C# and Sql server 2003
ro[ecL uescrlpLlon
1he lssue 1racklng SysLem (l1S) work as a help desk sysLem
ln any organlzaLlon ln Lhls Dser logs Lhe lssues wlLh some
deflned caLegory Lhen admln asslgn Lhe same Lo Lhe
concern person and flnally Lhe user updaLe Lhe sLaLus ln Lhe
onllne sysLems lL's a cusLomlzable appllcaLlon
Lach Modules deLalls
1 AuMln MCuDLL1he slLe admlnlsLraLor ls responslble
for all masLer enLrles and slLe malnLenance e can creaLe
new user new cllenL conLracL eLc

2 CLlLn1 MCuDLLCllenL user wlll creaLe Lhe lssuesDser
can search Lhe lssue from dlfferenL parameLers llkes daLe
Llcked number or sLaLus

3 AnAL?S1 MCuDLLAnalysL user ls responslble Lo resolve
Lhe lssue and updaLe Lhe sLaLus relaLed Lo Lhe lssueAn
analysL user can also add noLes or can upload documenLs
relaLed Lo lssue

ro[ecL name kl
CllenLs LC LlecLronlcs lndla vL LLd
naLure of pro[ecL uevelopmenL lmplemenLaLlon
SLarL uaLe nov2007
Lnd uaLe Mar2008
ro[ecL value n/A
verLlcal name n/A
lronLend 8ackend ASnL1 20 Dslng C# and Cracle 9l as back end
ro[ecL uescrlpLlon
kl SysLem was deslgn for employees of LC LlecLronlcs
across lndla All LC Cu have creaLed Crg kl Lo Lhelr
employees and all employees have creaLed a self kl based
on glven Crg kl All CreaLed kl has been approved by
Cu All employee have Lo evaluaLe own kl along wlLh
member kl ln LvaluaLlon perlod We have Lo malnLaln Lhe
daLa of employee hlerarchy Lhru admln module kl

Admln can dlrecL upload all CrganlzaLlon kl and Self kl Lo
Lhe SysLem

Lach Modules deLalls
1LvaluaLor (ueparLmenL ead)
O CreaLe/Modlfled CrganlzaLlon Cb[ecLlve
O CreaLe / Modlfled Self Cb[ecLlve
O ueclde performance Cb[ecLlve
O CuarLerly / 8egular LvaluaLlon

2 LvaluaLee (Lmployee)
O CreaLe / Modlfled Self Cb[ecLlve
O CuarLerly / 8egular LvaluaLlon

3 Admln
O SeL LvaluaLlon CrlLerla and Schedule
O Manage LvaluaLee LvaluaLors
O Dpload CrganlzaLlon Cb[ecLlves
O Dpload Self Cb[ecLlves

ro[ecL name 1nl (1ralnlng need ldenLlflcaLlon)
CllenLs LC LlecLronlcs lndla vL LLd
naLure of pro[ecL uevelopmenL lmplemenLaLlon
SLarL uaLe !un2007
Lnd uaLe !ul2007
ro[ecL value n/A
verLlcal name n/A
lronLend 8ackend ASnL1 20 Dslng C# and Cracle 9l as back end
ro[ecL uescrlpLlon
1nl was deslgn for LC LlecLronlcs lndla employees across
lndla All Lmployees applled a Lralnlng relaLed Lo Lhelr
deparLmenL and Lralnlngs have been approved by Cu
AdmlnlsLraLor has creaLed a Lralnlng schedule and sends
deLall Lo all applled employee Lmployee Cu and
AdmlnlsLraLor have communlcaLe wlLh each oLher by
generaLed auLomaLlc mall
Lach Modules deLalls
1ralner sysLem
O Applled 1ralnlng
O Applled 1ralnlng

O CreaLe new Lralnlng and Lralner
O new Lralnlng rogram for employee
O Send emall Lo Lralnlng deLall for Applled user
O CeneraLed varlous Lype of reporLs

ro[ecL name Auto Ma|||ng System
CllenLs LC LlecLronlcs lndla vL LLd
naLure of pro[ecL uevelopmenL lmplemenLaLlon
SLarL uaLe CcL2007
Lnd uaLe uec2007
ro[ecL value n/A
verLlcal name n/A
lronLend 8ackend ASnL1 20 Dslng C# and Cracle 9l as back end
ro[ecL uescrlpLlon
AuLo Malllng sysLem was deslgn for LC LlecLronlcs lndla
1he purpose of sysLem ls Lo remlnder of all employees
abouL Lhelr pro[ecL whlch was reglsLered and has Lo
compleLe SysLem has generaLed auLomaLlc mall and sends
Lo all employees dally basls based on pro[ecL sLaLus lf any
pro[ecL was closed Lhen mall should be sLop
AdmlnlsLraLor have upload excel pro[ecL daLa lnLo sysLem
based on regularly or weekly
Lach Modules deLalls
Dpload Lxcel uaLa
O Dpload Slx Slgma/l8/ 1u8 uaLa

Wlndow servlces for AuLo mall
O AuLo mall for l8/non l8 Dsers
O AuLo Mall for Slx slgma Dsers
O AuLo mall for 1u8 Dsers

ro[ecL name I1 Assets
CllenLs LC LlecLronlcs lndla vL LLd
naLure of pro[ecL uevelopmenL lmplemenLaLlon
SLarL uaLe CcL2007
Lnd uaLe !an2008
ro[ecL value n/A
verLlcal name n/A
lronLend 8ackend ASnL1 20 Dslng C# and Cracle 9l as back end
ro[ecL uescrlpLlon
l1AsseLs sysLem was deslgn and developed for LC
LlecLronlcs lndla employee across lndla 1he purpose of
sysLem was Lo Lrack record of LC asseLs (LapLop ClLran
card) whlch was lssued Lo LC employee as well as vendors
SysLem has malnLalned record and hlsLory of lLems
Lach Modules deLalls
Manage Dser
O Add new Dser
O Lnable or dlsable user sLaLus

SLock ManagemenL
O Add new lLems
O Add uamage lLem

AsseLs 1ransacLlon ManagemenL
O lssued lLems
O 8ecelved lLems
O uamage lLems

ClLran Card aymenL rocess
O Dpload ClLran Card aymenL uaLa
O Manage ClLran Card aymenL uaLa

O varlous Lype of 8eporLs

ro[ecL name Customer ke|at|onsh|p Management(CkM)
CllenLs lnhouse
naLure of pro[ecL uevelopmenL lmplemenLaLlon
SLarL uaLe May2008
Lnd uaLe !uly 2008
ro[ecL value n/A
verLlcal name n/A
lronLend 8ackend ASnL1 20 Dslng C# and Ms Sql Server 2003 as back end
ro[ecL uescrlpLlon
CusLomer relaLlonshlp managemenL (C8M) ls a cusLomercenLrlc buslness
sLraLegy wlLh Lhe goal of maxlmlzlng proflLablllLy revenue and cusLomer
Lach Modules deLalls
vlew All Leads
LdlL deleLe
mass lmporL my leads
exporL all leads lnLo excel sheeL
read only form wlLh edlL deleLe clone prlnL prevlew
llnd Lhe Lead
CreaLe new Leads
CreaLe new AccounL
LdlL deleLe accounL
mass lmporL my AccounLs
exporL all leads lnLo excel sheeL
read only form wlLh edlL deleLe clone prlnL prevlew
flnd Lhe AccounL

CreaLe new conLacL
LdlL deleLe conLacL
mass lmporL my ConLacLs
exporL all leads lnLo excel sheeL
read only form wlLh edlL deleLe clone prlnL prevlew
flnd Lhe conLacL
CreaLe new poLenLlals
LdlL deleLe poLenLlals
mass lmporL my poLenLlals
exporL all poLenLlals lnLo excel sheeL
flnd Lhe poLenLlals
read only form wlLh edlL deleLe clone prlnL prevlew

LdlL deleLe acLlvlLy
flnd Lhe acLlvlLy
creaLe new Lask from
read only form wlLh edlL deleLe clone prlnL prevlew of Lask
creaLe new evenL form
read only form wlLh edlL deleLe clone prlnL prevlew of evenL

CreaLe LdlL deleLe vendors
lmporL my vendors
exporL all vendors
flnd Lhe vendor

read only form wlLh edlL deleLe clone prlnL prevlew of vendor
vlew all producL brlef deLall wlLh followlng funcLlonallLy
LdlL deleLe
lmporL my producL
exporL all producLs
flnd Lhe producL
creaLe new producL form
read only form wlLh edlL deleLe clone prlnL prevlew of producL
creaLe new quoLe form
vlew all CuoLe
LdlL deleLe
flnd Lhe quoLe
slngle quoLe deLall form
read only form wlLh edlL deleLe clone prlnL prevlew exporL Lo doc
Modu|e(10)urchase Crder
creaLe new purchase order
vlew All purchase Crder
LdlL deleLe
flnd Lhe purchase order
slngle purchase order deLall form
read only form wlLh edlL deleLe clone prlnL prevlew exporL Lo doc
Modu|e(11)Sa|es order
vlew All Sales Crder
LdlL deleLe
flnd Lhe sales order
creaLe new sales order
slngle sales order deLall form
read only form wlLh edlL deleLe clone prlnL prevlew exporL Lo doc
Modu|e(12)Invo|ce Management
vlew All lnvolce ManagemenL
LdlL deleLe
flnd Lhe lnvolce
creaLe new lnvolce
slngle lnvolce deLall form
read only form wlLh edlL deleLe clone prlnL prevlew exporL Lo doc

Modu|e(13) User Management
8eglsLer user
Logln user
lorgeL password
Change assword

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