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Cn 1Pl 1S 10 v11n


MODEL 1: CLAUSE OF REASON ( Mnh d ch nguyn nhn )

BECAUSE / SNCE / AS + Clause ( S + Verb . )
Danh t
BECAUSE OF + Ng danh t ( adj + noun / my , your , her , his +

1. the weather was bad. -~ the bad weather
the weather was cold
Subject ( noun) + be + Adj -> the Adj + noun

2. she is beautiIul . -~ her beauty
he is old -~ his old age

Subject ( I , you , he , she.) + be + Adj
-> tnh t so hu ( my , your , his.) + noun

3. it rains heavily. -~ the heavy rain
she behaves well -~ her good behavior

Subject + verb + Adv -> the Adj + noun
Note . verb - ~ noun , Adv -~ Adf
. computers were invented -~ the invention oI computers.
1. Mary didn`t go to school because she was sick.
-~ Mary didn`t go to school because of her sickness / her being sick / being sick .
2. She got ill because she worked very hard.
-~ Because of ( her) working very hard, she got ill.
3. These students arrived late because there was the traffic fam.
-~ These students arrived late because of the traffic fam.
. He leIt school because of his poor family.
-~ He leIt school because his family was poor.
5. Because the weather was cold , we stayed at home.
-~ Because of the cold weather, we stayed at home.
Exercise 1.
1. The teacher is sick, so we have no class tomorrow.
-~ Because the teacher is sick. We have no class tomorrow.
-~Because oI .................................
2. That restaurant is so dirty that nobody wants to eat there.
-~ Because that restaurant is dirty, nobody wants to eat there.
-~Because oI ................................
3. The Iog prevented us Irom going out.
-~Because oI the Iog, we didn`t / couldn`t go out.
-~Because ................................
. Because she behaves well, everybody loves her.-~ Because of..................
5. He couldn`t come because oI his serious illness.-~ Because..................
. ( The traIIic was heavy )

Cn 1Pl 1S 10 v11n


-~ e were late to the meeting because of...........................

. ( It was noisy in the next department )
-~ I couldnt get to sleep last night because of......................
8. Because oI my mother illness . I stayed at home to take care oI her.
-~ Because......................................
9. We Iell asleep in Iront oI the TV because oI our tiredness.
-~ Because......................................
10. He can`t work hard because he was old. -~ He can`t work hard because of ...........
11. The Ilight was cancelled because oI the Iog.-~ Because...................
12. Many people reIused to do Paula`s job because oI the danger.
-~ Because......................................
13. They usually have rows with each other because oI their poverty.
-~ Because......................................
1. Because oI my Iriend`s absence, I have to copy the lesson Ior him.
-~ Because......................................


absent ( a ) / absence (n) . vng mt
behave (verb) / behavior (n) . cach cu x
beautiful (a) / beauty (n)
careful (a) / carefulness (n) . cn thn
careless (a) / carelessness (n) . bat cn
convenient (a) / convenience (n)
cloudy (a) . co may / cloud ( n)
dangerous (a) / danger (n)
dark ( a) / darkness (n)
deaf (a) / deafness ( n) . dic
died (a) / death (n)
difficult (a ) / difficulty (n)
foggy (a) / fog (n)
good- hearted (a) / good heartedness . tt bung
green ( a) / greenness (n)
generous ( a) / generosity (n)
high (a) / height (n)
hungry (a) / hunger (n)
honest ( a) / honesty (n) . chan tht
ill (a ) / illness (n)
important ( v) / importance (n)

innocent (a) / innocence (n) . vo ti
kind (a) / kindness (n)
late (a) / lateness (n)
la:y ( a ) / la:iness (n)
noisy ( a) / noise (n)
nervous (a) / nervousness (n) . Hoi hp
old ( a ) / old age ( N. phr )
rainy (a) / rain (n)
rain (v) / rain (n)
refuse (v ) / refusal (n) . t chi
rich ( a ) / richness (n)
sick (a ) / sickness (n)
sad (a) / sadness (n)
successful (a) / success (n) . thanh cong
short (a) / shortage (n) . s thiu
snowy ( a) . co tuyt / snow (n)
strong (a) / strength (n) . sc mnh
tired ( a) / tiredness (n)
weak ( a) / weakness (n)
wise ( a) / wisdom (n) . thong thai , khon ngoan , tri

MODEL 2 : CLAUSES OF CONCESSION ( Mnh d ch nhng b )

Although noun / pronoun
Even though + clause In spite of + noun phrase ( adj + n.)
1hough Despite gerund phrase ( Jing + adj )

1. I decided to accept the job although the salary was low.
-~ In spite of the low salary / the salary being low , I decided to accept the job.
2. Even though/ Although / Though it was cold , I went swimming

Cn 1Pl 1S 10 v11n


-~ I went swimming despite / in spite of the cold weather.

3. Even though her grades were low , she was admitted to the university.
-~ In spite of / Despite her low grades, she was admitted to the university.
. Although Bill took a taxi, he still came late Ior the meeting.
-~ In spite oI taking a taxi, Bill still came late Ior the meeting.

1. Although it was very noisy , we continued to study our lesson.
-~ Despite ........................................
2. He agreed to play tennis in spite oI his tiredness.
3. Although both his legs were broken in the crash, he managed to get out oI the car beIore it exploded.
-~ Despite his......................................
. I like living in the dorm even though it is noisy.-~ In spite of the..................
5. Even though the work was hard , they enjoyed themselves.
-~ Despite ........................................
. They wanted to climb the mountain even though it was dangerous.
-~ Despite ............................................
. Although the weather was extremely hot , they went jogging in the park.
-~ In spite of the.....................................
8. Though I knew the dager oI smoking , I didn`t give it up.
-~ In spite of .....................................
9. In spite oI his age , Mr Benson runs seven miles beIore breakIast.
-~ Although.......................................
10. In spite oI Marcy`s sadness at losing the contest , she managed to smile.
-~ Although.......................................
11. Despite her dislike oI coIIee , she drank it to keep herselI warm.
-~ Although.......................................
12. In spite oI the high prices , my daughters insist on going to the movies every Saturday.
-~ Although.......................................
13. Mary went to work although she was ill.
-~In spite of...........................................
1. He went to school though he was sick.
-~In spite of.......................................
15. The plane took oII although it was Ioggy.-~ In spite of.....................

Cm t c gii t thng dng
1Irom t|me to t|me (occaslonally) thznh thozng
We vlslL Lhe museum from t|me to t|me (1hznh thozng chung Ll drn Lhm vlrn bro Lng)
2 Cut of town (away) d| vzng d| khz| thnh phz
l can noL see her Lhls week because shes out of town (1urn ny Ll khng Lhr grp c ry vl c ry d d|
khz| thnh phz)
3 Cut of date (old) c |z| thz|
uonL use LhaL dlcLlonary lLs out of date (urng dung curn Lr dlrn d n |z| thz| rrl)
4 Cut of work ([obless unemployed) thzt ngh|zp
lve been out of work for long(1l d br thzt ngh|zp lu rrl)
S Cut of the quest|on (lmposslble) khng thz dzzc
?our requesL for an exLenslon of credlL ls out of quest|on (?u cru keo dl Lhrl glan Lln drng cra anh Lhl
khng thz dzzc)
6 Cut of order (noL funcLlonlng) hz khng hozt dzng
Cur Lelephone ls out of order (ulrn Lhorl cra chung Ll br hz)

Cn 1Pl 1S 10 v11n


8y then vo |c d
Pell graduaLe ln 2009 8y then he hope Lo have found a [ob ( Anh ry sr LrL nghlrp vo nm 2009 Vo
|c d anh ry hl vrng d Llm drrc mrL vlrc lm)
8 8y way of (vla) ngang qua qua ngz
We are drlvlng Lo ALlanLa by way of 8osLon 8ouge ( Chung Ll sr ll xe dl ALlanLa qua ngz 8osLon
9 8y the way (lncldenLally) t|zn thz
10 8y the way lve goL Lwo LlckeLs for SaLurdays game Would you llke Lo go wlLh me? (1l c 2 ve xem
Lrrn dru ngy Lhr bry 1|zn thz brn c murn dl vrl Ll khng?)
11 8y far (conslderably) rzt rzt nh|zu
1hls book ls by far Lhe besL on Lhe sub[ecL ( Curn sch ny rzt hay vr dr Ll d)
12 8y acc|dent (by mlsLake) ngzu nh|n khng cz y
nobody wlll recelve a check on lrlday because Lhe wrong cards were puL lnLo Lhe compuLer by acc|dent
(khng al sr nhrn drrc bru phlru vo ngy Lhr su vl nhrng phlru sal v t|nh d drrc dra vo my dlrn
13 In t|me ( noL laLe early enough) khng trz dz szm / Iust |n t|me k|p tho|
We arrlved aL Lhe alrporL |n t|me Lo eaL before Lhe plane lefL (Chung Ll drn phl Lrrrng vza dz thz| g|an
dr n Lrrrc khl phl cr crL cnh)
14 In touch w|th (ln conLacL wlLh) t|zp xc ||n |zc vz|
lLs very dlfflculL Lo geL |n touch w|th her because she works all day (8rL kh t|zp xc vrl c ry vl c ry
lm vlrc cr ngy)
1S In case (lf) nzu trong trzzng hzp
lll glve you Lhe key Lo Lhe house so youll have lL ln case l arrlve a llLLlle laLe (1l sr dra cho anh chlrc
chla kha ngl nh dr anh c n trong trzzng hzp Ll drn hrl Lrr mrL chuL)
16 In the event that (lf) nzu trong trzzng hzp
In the event that you wln Lhe prlze you wlll be noLlfled by mall (1rong trzzng hzp anh dorL glrl Lhrrng
anh sr drrc Lhng bo brng Lhr)
1 In no t|me at a|| (ln a very shorL Llme) trong mzt thz| g|an rzt ngzn
Pe flnlshed hls asslgnmenL |n no t|me at a|| (Anh La lm bl xong trong mzt thz| g|an rzt ngzn)
18 In the way (obsLrucLlng) chon chz czn dzzng
Pe could noL park hls car ln Lhe drlveway because anoLher car was |n the way (Anh La khng Lhr dru xe
r chr ll xe vo nh vl mrL chlrc xe khc d chon chz)
19 Cn t|me (puncLually) dng g|z
uesplLe Lhe bad weaLher our plane lefL on t|me (Mrc du Lhrl LlrL LlrL xru my bay cra chung Ll d crL
cnh dng g|z)
20 Cn the who|e (ln general) n| chung dz| kh|
Cn the who|e Lhe rescue mlsslon was well excuLed (N| chung sr mrnh cru ngrrl d drrc Lhrc hlrn
21 Cn sa|e bn g|zm g|
1oday Lhls lLem ls on sa|e for 23$ (Pm nay mrL hng ny bn g|zm g| cn 23 d la)
22 At |east (aL mlnlmum) tz| th|zu
We wlll have Lo spend at |east Lwo weeks dolng Lhe experlmenLs (Chung Ll sr phrl mrL |t nhzt hal Lurn
lr dr lm cc Lhl nghlrm)
23 At once (lmmedlaLely) ngay |zp tzc
lease come home at once (xln hy vr nh ngay |zp tzc)
24 At f|rst (lnlLlally) |c dzu ban dzu
She was nervous aL flrsL buL laLer she felL more relaxed (8an dru c La hrl hrp nhrng sau d c La crm
Lhry Lhr gln hrn)
2S Ior good (forever) m| m| v|nh v|zn
She ls leavlng Chlcago for good ( C La sr v|nh v|zn rrl khrl Chlcago)

Cn 1Pl 1S 10 v11n


Exercise 1.
1. Because oI the sick teacher we have no class tomorrow.
2. Because oI the dirty restaurant nobody wants to eat there.
3. Because it was Ioggy we didn`t / couldn`t go out.
. Because oI her good behavior, everybody loves her.
5. Because he was seriously ill , he couldn`t come .
. We were late to the meeting because oI the heavy traIIic.
. I couldn`t get to sleep last night because oI the noise in the next .
8. Because my mother was ill , I stayed at home to take care oI her.
9. We Iell asleep in Iront oI the TV because we were tired .
10. He can`t work hard because of his old age
11. The Ilight was cancelled because it was Ioggy .
12. Many people reIused to do Paula`s job because the job was dangerous.
13. They usually have rows with each other because they are poor / they live in poverty.
1. Because my Iriend is absent, I have to copy the lesson Ior him.

1. Despite the noise, we continued to study our lesson.
2. He agreed to play tennis although he was tired .
3. Despite his two broken legs broken in the crash, he managed to get out oI the car beIore it exploded.
. I like living in the dorm in spite oI the noise.
5. Despite the hard work , they enjoyed themselves.
. They wanted to climb the mountain despite the danger .
. In spite oI the extremely hot weather , they went jogging in the park.
8. In spite oI the the dager oI smoking , I didn`t give it up.
9. Although Mr Benson is old , he runs seven miles beIore breakIast.
10. Although Marcy was sad at losing the contest , she managed to smile.
11. Although she didn`t like coIIee , she drank it to keep herselI warm.
12. Although the prices are high , my daughters insist on going to the movies every Saturday.
13. Mary went to work in spite oI her illness.
1. He went to school in spite oI her sickness.
15. The plane took oII in spite oI the Iog .

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