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Yoga and Pregnancy - Yoga Techniques for Pregnancy

Pregnancy is something most Women anticipate. It brings both fear and joy to parents, joy for finally having a baby and fear of the risk that goes with it. Pregnancy is the period from conception to birth. That is from the time when a male's sperm cell fertilizes the female's ovum (egg) to the time of delivery or a total of 40 weeks or 280 days. Some women go into labor before the expected date of giving birth, resulting to premature infant. Pregnancy Symptoms include missed Menstrual Period, morning sickness, tenderness and swelling of breasts, fatigue, nausea, increased frequency of urination, weight gain, mood swings, and sometimes may also include cravings for unusual substances such as ice, clay or cornstarch. Pregnancy has a lot of risks, though these risks are always worth taking. The complications may be on the mother or the child. The risks include ectopic Pregnancy wherein the fertilized egg implants outside the uterus and toxemia, a serious complication that occurs in the later stage of Pregnancy and is characterized by High Blood Pressure, extreme weight gain and protein in the urine. Health problems can also increase the risk in Pregnancy such as heart disease, high blood pressure, liver disease, Asthma, epilepsy, and sexually transmitted diseases. The risk relatively the highest during the first trimester or the

first few months because it is during this period that the infant's most vital organs like the brain, internal organs, the arms and the legs are being formed. The second trimester, on the other hand, is characterized by weight gain and the continuous growth of the baby in your womb. You will also notice that your baby starts to move before the end of this trimester. Constipation and leg cramps may also continue, thus it is important to keep yourself healthy. In the last trimester, you may still continue to feel the discomforts you felt in the second trimester. In addition to this, you will also have the need to go to the bathroom often and breathing can become harder. Your baby is growing bigger and putting more pressure in your organs. The Practice of Yoga can help you prepare your mind and body for labor and birth as this helps you focus, to concentrate and keep you healthy. The Yoga Postures are gentle ways of keeping your body active and supple and minimize the common Pregnancy Symptoms like morning sickness and constipation. It can also help in ensuring easier labor and smooth delivery by relieving tension around the cervix and birth canal and by opening the pelvis. The Breathing Techniques can also become handy during labor. It also helps in restoring your body shape, uterus, abdomen, and pelvic floor, and in relieving upper back tension and breast discomfort after childbirth. Special care, however, is needed in choosing the Yoga Poses that you will practice, you should avoid poses that requires laying on the back or belly.

For the first trimester, standing Yoga Poses are advised as this will help strengthen the legs, promote Circulation, generate energy, and may reduce leg cramps. It is also advisable to do some stretching such as the hamstrings stretch to avoid Sciatica. During the second and third trimester, you may reduce your time spent for practicing the Asanas to prevent fatigue and overwork. It is also not advised to practice from the tenth to through the fourteenth week of Pregnancy since these are crucial times. Supine poses, backbends, and twisting can also be done with modification or if the body is on an incline. Do not overstretch the abdomen; the emphasis of your twisting poses should be on the shoulders and the upper back and not on the abdomen. Avoid doing inversion poses though some experience Yoga practitioners usually still feel comfortable doing this until the seventh month. The following are the Yoga Poses that can help you in dealing with the symptoms of Pregnancy, ensuring smoother and easier delivery, and faster recovery after childbirth. Poses that put pressure on the abdomen and other difficult poses should not be done during advance stages of Pregnancy. You do not have to do all these Asanas and remember not to push yourself on a pose.

Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

The Mountain Yoga Pose promotes the experience of stillness, strength, relaxed power, and immovable stability associated with mountains. This yoga posture, and coming back to this stillness after other poses, is one of the ways of becoming acquainted with stillness.

Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)

In Hindu art, the triangle is a potent symbol for the divine principle, and it is frequently found in the yantras and mandalas used for meditation. The Trikonasana or Triangle Pose concludes the Yoga Postures in our basic session.

Warrior Pose
The Warrior Pose stretches and strengthens the arms and legs, increases stamina, improves balance and concentration, and can also relieve backaches. If you are suffering from diarrhea, high blood pressure or neck problems, you should take extra caution practicing this pose.

Standing Side Stretch Pose

The Standing Side Stretch is another Yoga Pose with two lines of energy radiating outward from your center. This is a simple Yoga Posture with a wonderful stretch in which one line of energy reaches upward from your belly and outward through the arm, and one line travels downward through the legs.

Standing Spread Leg Forward Bend

Practicing the Standing Spread Leg Forward Fold can strengthen and stretch your inner and back legs and your spine. People with lower back problems should avoid doing the full forward bend. For beginners, you may use props like a folding chair to support your forearms.

Seated Forward Bend (Paschimothanasana)

Relax your body and mind, stretch your hamstrings, shoulders, and spine, relieve stress, and improve your posture and concentration by practicing the Seated Forward Bend. Learn how to do this properly and achieve maximum results.

Hero Pose (Virasana)

One of the fundamental seated postures is the Hero Pose. This serves as the initial position for several Asanas. It strengthens the arches of the feet, stretches the ankles, and improves posture. This Yoga Pose is ideal for people who have flat feet.

Spread Leg Forward Fold (Upavista Konasana)

The Spread Leg Forward Fold is a Yoga Posture which works primarily on the hamstrings and adductors. This energizes the body and promotes inner calmness. In this section, know more about this exercise and learn how to perform it properly.

Fish Yoga Pose

Doing the Fish Pose relieves stiffness of the neck and shoulder muscles and improves flexibility of your spine. It is the counter-pose of the Shoulderstand. Hold the Fish Pose for at least half the amount of time you spent in the Shoulderstand in order to balance the stretch.

Cat Pose (Bidalasana)

The Cat Yoga Pose teaches you to initiate movement from your center and to coordinate your movement and breath. These are two of the most important themes in Yoga practice. Keep in mind that the Cat Pose may not be advisable if you have any chronic or recent back pain or injury.

Tree Yoga Pose

The Tree Pose helps strengthen your thighs, calves, ankles and back. It can also increase the flexibility of your hips and groin. Your balance and concentration can also be improved with constant practice. This Yoga Pose is recommended for people who have sciatica and flat feet.

Plough Pose (Halasana)

The Plough Pose stretches your spine, thus, improving spinal flexibility. It benefits the thyroid gland and abdomen, eases tension in the shoulders and back, and reduces stress. Learn how to practice the Plough Pose in this section.

Shoulder Lifts
Many people hold tension in their necks and shoulders, leading to stiffness, bad posture, and tension headaches. Yoga practice can ease tension, increase flexibility, and tone the muscles. This section covers the steps on how to practice Shoulder Lifts.

Neck Exercises
Many people hold tension in their necks and shoulders, leading to stiffness, bad posture, and tension headaches. Yoga practice can ease tension, increase flexibility, and tone the muscles. Learn some Neck Exercises in this section.

Ujjayi Breathing Technique

According to the ancient yogic text, Ujjayi can help protect you from a host of diseases by getting rid of excess phlegm, wind or bile. Learn how to perform this challenging breathing technique by following the guidelines found in this article.

Corpse Pose
The Corpse Yoga Pose is considered as a classic relaxation pose and is practiced before or in between Asanas as well as a Final Relaxation. While it looks deceptively simple, it is actually difficult to perform. Learn more on how to do it with the help of this article.

Guidelines for Finding Classes Providing Yoga for Pregnant Women

Yoga for pregnant women is a concept which is fast gaining popularity all over the world as a method of ensuring an easy and quick delivery and providing the much needed mental assistance to the expecting mother to go through this difficult phase of her life with a calm and relaxed state of mind. The benefits of this form of physical exercise has not only been vindicated by the large number of women who have opted for this course during their pregnancy but also be the doctors who recommend the practice of pregnancy yoga techniques to their patients due to their faith in its efficacy. Having decided to join classes which specialize in yoga for pregnant women, the next and the most imperative step is to find an appropriate class so as to be able to go through the entire process with self assurance and confidence. This could be ascertained by personally meeting the instructors and making sure that they are not only aware but adept as well in the techniques related to pregnancy yoga. Pregnancy being a special condition, it is but natural that the poses which are considered as being safe for normal yoga classes may not be considered safe for being performed during pregnancy and it is mandatory for the instructor in charge of the class to be aware of this difference. On joining classes teaching yoga for pregnant women, one would require to wear pregnancy yoga clothing which is made of light and breathing fabric. In addition, one would also require a yoga mat for personal use instead of using mats provided by the classes due to hygienic considerations. Likewise cushions and other accessories could also be used but this varies from one class to another as some may permit their use and some others may not. The authenticity of classes which offer yoga for pregnant women can be judged by the fact that the instructors should be adequately trained to handle the many emergencies which are likely to occur suddenly during pregnancy. It is owing to this fact that reputed classes often insist on the phone number

of the doctor or hospital where the expecting mother would need to be taken to in case of an unprecedented complication. One of the most important pre-requisites which need to be met in order to join yoga for pregnant women would be to seek permission from ones doctor as to whether he would recommend this form of activity. Another fact which needs to be ascertained prior to commencing the course is the number of classes which should be attended during the week and also ensuring that the class allows frequent breaks and rest periods in between difficult routines.

Breathing Techniques Incorporated in Beginners Yoga for Pregnant Women

Breathing is an activity which is essential to every living being because it is the only indication that the being is alive. Explained in simple terms, breathing involves inhalation of oxygen which is referred to as breathing in and exhalation of carbon dioxide which is referred to as breathing out. Being an activity which is basic to life, breathing forms the basis of many asanas in beginners yoga for pregnant women in the sense that much of the benefits derived from the particular asana depends on the efficiency with which the breathing technique is performed. Breathing in beginners yoga for pregnant women is referred to as pranayama, a Sanskrit word comprising of two parts, prana meaning life and ayama meaning control. It is the pranayama on which many of the yogic asanas and chakras are based and there are seven such breathing techniques which should be regularly followed by beginners as well as expecting mothers so as to benefit the most. Yogic breathing is characterized by three phases namely inhalation or puraka, exhalation or rechaka and retention of breath or kumbhaka. While the actual ratio of the three aspects is 1:4:2, it need not be adhered to strictly by the beginners as well as the expecting mothers, the latter being advised to completely avoid holding of breath.

For performing these breathing techniques, one must either sit erect on a mat or alternatively sit in a comfortable chair which cushions and props all around. The seven breathing techniques are named as sukha pranayama, bhramari or bee breathing, sitkari or teeth pressing, bhastrika or vigorous breathing, kapalabhati or cleansing breathing, sitali or tongue breathing and anuloma-viloma or alternate nostril breathing. The practitioner might well keep the fact in mind that none of these breathing techniques will come naturally and that the only way of mastering them is to practice regularly with dedication. The practice of sukha pranayama in the beginners yoga for pregnant women requires the practitioner to concentrate on his breathing for a few minutes at a stretch, give a gap and then concentrate again due to which this exercise causes a significant improvement in the concentration of the practitioner and also relieves hypertension. Bhramari pranayama entails emission of the bee sound and is practiced with the intention of strengthening ones heart, lungs as well as vocal cords. Regular practice of this pranayama along with the anuloma-viloma pranayama is particularly recommended to pregnant women since they have a number of health benefits. Some asanas like sitali pranayama for tongue breathing and sitkari pranayama or teeth pressing should be performed by the expecting mother only after consultation of the doctor and under expert guidance.

Pregnant Yoga
Yoga for pregnant women is considered to be the most beneficial form of physical activity which is practiced by many women during and after their ordeal of pregnancy. Since it entails stretching of muscles

and attaining mastery of breathing and relaxation techniques, the combination of yoga and pregnancy is often chosen over the combination of yoga and exercise as an ideal preparation for birth. Pregnant yoga not only prepares the body for enduring the labor pains but also alleviates the discomfort associated with pregnancy like morning or evening sickness and sciatic pain so that this crucial journey is one of relaxed enjoyment and better health.

Although yoga for pregnant women may enhance the flexibility and the energy levels of the practitioner, there are certain precautions which need to be adhered to for this program to meet its desired objective. The foremost criterion in this regard is that the practitioner should always be alert about her body and the changes taking place in it. It is this sensitivity which would warn the practitioner of any discomfort experienced during the session thus prompting her to stop and then resume only after appropriate modifications to the poses have been decided upon in accordance with the physical changes taking place in ones body. While practicing asanas, one must avoid causing the abdomen to compress and also avoid asanas which entail the practitioner to lie on the back or cause the abdominal muscles to stretch too much. This is because lying on the back may cause the blood supply to the uterus to be cut off and unwarranted strain on abdominal muscles may cause damage to the physical health of the baby. A common precaution which is usually incorporated while practicing yoga for pregnant women is to practice the standing and balancing asanas next to the wall which can be leaned on for support in case of sudden dizziness and loss of balance. Similarly, asanas which require the body to twist should be performed by twisting more from the shoulders and back rather than involving the abdomen.

Breathing forms an essential part of pregnant yoga and should be carried out by lengthening the distance between the breast bone and the pubic bone and keeping the pelvis upright while causing the chest and the front of the thighs to stretch. Pregnancy is the time when ones muscles are particularly subject to strain and this knowledge in itself should act as a red flag while performing asanas during pregnancy.

Is Yoga good for Pregnant Women?

There are a number of reasons due to which a woman might feel the stress in her life and on being questioned most of the women quote pregnancy to be the most stressful period of their lives since it known to cause turbulence in the usual lifestyle which a woman is habituated to follow. Practicing yoga for pregnant women under such circumstances is strongly recommended since not only does it stabilize ones temperament during this crucial phase but also ensures smooth delivery thus enabling the woman to be a happier mother who is capable of discharging her functions with grace and efficiency. Pregnancy is usually accompanied with the feeling of incessant fatigue, tiredness and lethargy due to which women have always been recommended to follow a routine which is a combination of pregnancy and exercise. However, it was after a passage of certain period of time that it was discovered that exercise was not as suitable and that yoga and pregnancy was deemed to be a better combination. But after having seen cases of failed pregnancies due to vigorous exercise, the question which persists in the minds of most women is whether yoga for pregnant women is safe as given a choice, no woman would wish to live with the regret of a failed pregnancy. A normal yoga routine is characterized by stretches and postures which may not be suitable for being performed by pregnant women and this is the reason as to why a special branch of yoga termed as Yoga for pregnant women has been devised. This is a deviation from the mainstream yoga in the sense that the postures which need to be performed are modified to suit the changing physique of pregnant women without causing any harm. Therefore, although this form of yoga entails the same asanas and basic postures, it differs in the manner in which the practitioner is supposed to stretch and also the degree to which she should stretch. Is yoga good for pregnant women? When performed in the presence of an expert it is not only safe but beneficial as well since it gradually determines the position of the baby and prepares the body for the physical exertion faced during the labor pains. Some of the basic postures which are included in this yogic schedule include pregnancy sit-ups, the modified childs pose and the modified cobras pose. While sit-

ups involve lying on the back and twisting on either side, the modified childs pose entails the lady to sit on the floor with knees drawn apart and the modified cobras pose entails bending backwards by thrusting the hips forward. Safety while performing yoga for pregnancy is further ensured by the alertness of the instructor as well as the practitioner both of whom must decide on the appropriateness of a particular posture, remain cautious as regards the stretching of stomach muscles and maintain alertness as to the signals transmitted by the body.

Yoga for Pregnancy

The term yoga is a Sanskrit word meaning union and due to its nature it is used to denote the union of mind, body and spirit wherein physical postures referred to as asanas are performed for the attainment of mental calm and peace. Being one of the oldest physical disciplines which originated in India centuries ago, yoga entails the practice of physical exercise along with meditation and breathing to provide complete flexibility to the entire body including the internal organs finally culminating in self enlightenment and self awareness. Therefore, pregnancy yoga is not only meant for physically helping the expecting mother to cope with the changes in her body but also for accomplishing aplomb while going

through this crucial phase. In order to begin yoga for pregnancy, the expecting mother first needs to devote some time to conduct research as regards the type of yoga which would be most suitable for her in terms of her existing physical state as well as her mental state of mind. Generally beginners are recommended to commence their yoga pregnancy training through hatha yoga or vinyasa yoga both of which are slow and basic styles and therefore apt for beginners and well as pregnant women. Apart from these two, there are other styles as well but since they entail more complex asanas and poses, they should best be avoided till a later stage. The next step is to find a yoga pregnancy class in the area which suits ones individual requirements and one of the best ways to do this would be to scour the local newspapers and wellness magazines which

would contain the relevant listings. Yoga classes are generally conducted at home or in a studio but there are times when such classes are conducted in the local gymnasium as well. Yoga for pregnant women begins on the first day when the expecting mother arrives at the venue in an appropriate attire of breathable clothing, a yoga mat of her own and having consumed fluids in appropriate quantity. The first day is basically an introduction to the course and is a good time to determine ones position with respect to the other members of the class in terms of space and alignment. Most of the yoga classes commence with the recitation of Om followed by breathing exercises and a short spell of meditation. Since the class is meant for pregnant women this is followed by warm up poses and relaxed stretches and the class comes to an end with Om once again. It is but natural for the expecting mother to feel a bit sore after the class but this need not be a cause of concern since much of the soreness dissipates over a period of time. Yoga pregnancy is for you.

Bikram Yoga to do or not to do

I have this of a certified yoga Bikram instructor and she was 10 weeks pregnant. Bikrams yoga series is safe to do during the first trimester IF and only if you have been practicing prior to getting pregnant. It is key knowing your body and not starting something new. Bikrams wife, Rajashree, has a pregnancy video that goes thru all the postures that are safe and gives the modifications needed when the student is ready. Every person is different. Some people attribute Bikram yoga to helping to GET pregnant. Letting the instructor know you are pregnant is a MUST just like you would with any condition. With a regular practice the bodies core tempature barely raises a degree so the baby is not in danger of being over heated. Being in a cooler part of the room is just fine & you can also bring a thermometer into class & take your tempature to be sure. Bikram yoga practice can help to have a healthy pregnancy & delivery. If youve never done yoga before and youre looking for a take-you-by-the-hand guide that will help treat your problems in a gentle, safe and relaxing way, youd be making a huge mistake if you accidentally chose an advanced Bikram yoga book (which would most likely leave you even more sore, sweaty and never wanting to do yoga again if this was your first introduction to it).

Benefits of Yoga As Experienced by Pregnant Women

Yoga is sought by many pregnant women as an option for ensuring a safe and comfortable delivery and the popularity of this concept can be adjudged by the fact that nowadays there are many programs which specifically advertise as teaching yoga for pregnant women. There was a time in the past when pregnancy and exercise were considered as being ideal partners which went hand in hand for a hassle free delivery but this was soon replaced by the concept of yoga and pregnancy during the later years when people started having more faith in the healing power of yoga.

The superiority of yoga as compared to exercise during pregnancy was also established due to the fact that there were times when the performance of strenuous exercise caused severe complications during pregnancy while women who practiced yoga always had a more peaceful tenure. But a noteworthy point which must be kept in mind in this regard is that yoga for pregnant women is a specialized stream which would prove to be beneficial only when learnt and performed under the able guidance of an expert. Since pregnancy entails the gradual swelling of abdomen as it advances, it is only an expert of this branch who would be aware of the modified poses constituting yoga for pregnant women in which the growing abdomen is well accommodated. The mantra of yoga and pregnancy is a gentle way in which the body can be kept active as well as supple without bearing too much strain which might have a disastrous consequence on ones pregnancy. Apart from enabling the practitioner to stretch gently and indulge in self exploration, yoga for pregnant women has the following benefits:

Yogic breathing and pranayam helps to overcome nausea as well as morning and evening sickness to a considerable extent which in turn prevents frequent mood swings from taking place.

Having performed yoga throughout the three trimesters under the guidance of an expert, the woman can feel the benefit in form of muscular relaxation in the cervix and birth canal thus causing the pelvis to dilate and making the process of labor easier.

Yoga for pregnant women greatly enhances the level of energy in women which in turn enables them to remain calm and focus on the daily activities.

Yoga during the third trimester plays an instrumental role in relieving fluid retention and reducing the occurrence of cramps thus making this crucial phase much more comfortable than it otherwise would have been.

Women not only accrue benefits from yoga during their pregnancy but after delivery as well as practicing yoga during the post natal phase helps to restore the original shape of the body and reduces breast discomfort as well.

Practicing Yoga Asanas for a Healthy Pregnancy and Safe Delivery

A healthy pregnancy followed by a safe delivery is a dream-come-true for every woman and it is with the intention of accomplishing this objective that women put their explicit faith in the combination of yoga and pregnancy. While pregnancy has been the forte of women-kind of every species ever since the inception of life on Earth, yoga is an ancient form of exercise which was devised centuries ago by yogis as a way to lead a life which is healthy in all aspects, mental, physical and spiritual. Therefore, the combination of both in the following epochs has been aptly termed as yoga for pregnant women since it entails the practice of only those yoga asanas which contribute significantly towards a healthy pregnancy and safe delivery.

Since pregna

ncy is a state which prohibits rigorous

physical exercise for the safety of the unborn infant, yoga for pregnant women entails the practice of selected asanas which are meant for promoting good health without causing any hindrance to the smooth progress of pregnancy. While some of these asanas involve sitting postures and can be performed even during the leisure time while watching television, some others require deep concentration and hence one needs to set aside some time during the day for practice. One of the sitting asanas which is incorporated in the schedule of yoga for pregnant women is Padmasana, also known as the classic lotus pose in which the woman is required to sit by crossing both legs and placing the ankles on the opposite thighs. While performing this asana, the practitioners back should be straight and hands should be out-stretched in front and placed on both knees without being bent at the elbows. Another yoga asana which entails a sitting pose is the Vajrasana in which the legs are bent at the knees and placed under the practitioner who then sits on the heels through the duration of the asana. Although these two asanas have their respective significance and importance, it is the Titali asana or the butterfly pose which is one of the most beneficial poses during pregnancy since its performance right from the first trimester is known the ease childbirth to a great extent. Some of the other asanas which are included in the schedule of yoga for pregnant women are Utthanasan or squats and the Marjari asana or the cat stretch pose. While the former requires the practitioner to squat by both heels facing inwards, toes facing outwards and hands hanging down in front the latter entails going down on all fours and following an inhalation and exhalation routine alternatively at least six times. Likewise, the benefit of Utthanasana can be realized through can be realized in form of short labor and extremely quick delivery and the benefit of Marjari asana can be realized in form of the internal toning of the reproductive system.

An Introduction to Aqua Yoga for Pregnant Women

Aqua yoga for pregnant women refers to the yogic exercises and movements which are performed in the environment of water with the intention of deriving the maximum therapeutic advantages related to stretching. Since it is conducted in the medium of water, aqua yoga is a perfect combination of yoga and swimming and hence promotes good health and fitness in a natural and all-encompassing manner. Although aqua yoga can be practiced by swimmers and non swimmers alike, a swimming qualification is definitely an advantage since it implies ones comfort level in the water medium. It is but natural that an individual who has been swimming prior to pregnancy is more likely to settle down faster after having enrolled for aqua yoga as compared to an expecting mother who has never been close to the water prior to having enrolled for this course.

Aqua yoga for pregnant women entails performance of classical yoga postures while sitting in water and since water is likely to provide resistance to body movement, the asanas are performed through a combination of slow stretching, breathing and relaxation. Any individual, after having descended into water feels virtually weightless and the same holds true for the expecting mother as well who is able to accomplish difficult asanas without bearing too much strain or sustaining any kind of injury. Aqua yoga for pregnant women is a further development of the concept of yoga for pregnant women as there are many women who find it difficult to perform yoga in normal classes but are able to relax and exercise easily while in water. The direct benefits accrued from this form of yoga can be classified as being mental as well as physical and while the former includes deep relaxation, connecting with the growing baby and accepting all the changes with calmness, the latter entails enjoyment of a gravity free environment, strengthening of spinal and abdominal muscles, prepare for birth and facilitate the opening of the pelvis.

A course of aqua yoga for pregnant women is inclusive of swimming, yoga movements, breathing exercises, relaxation and preparation of birth. Swimming is considered as being the best exercise for pregnant women and when performed as a part of yoga, the expecting mothers are taught the adaptations of the swimming strokes which are particularly meant for accommodating the baby and changes in the body. Yoga movements entail performing simple yoga poses in water which is particularly enjoyable since it involves deep stretching of weightless bodies. Relaxation during aqua yoga for pregnant women is accomplished by floating in the water which also helps to establish the connection between mother and the baby since the baby is suspended within the mother in the amniotic fluid as well. Water as a medium serves as an ideal preparation for delivery since it facilitates complete exploration and ultimate expulsion of all the fears attached to labor pains.

Benefits of Pregnancy Yoga

Pregnancy Yoga is sought by many pregnant women as an option for ensuring a safe and comfortable delivery and the popularity of this concept can be adjudged by the fact that nowadays there are many programs which specifically advertise as teaching yoga for pregnant women. There was a time in the past when pregnancy and exercise were considered as being ideal partners which went hand in hand for a hassle free delivery but this was soon replaced by the concept of yoga and pregnancy during the later years when people started having more faith in the healing power of yoga. The superiority of yoga as compared to exercise during pregnancy was also established due to the fact that there were times when the performance of strenuous exercise caused severe complications during pregnancy while women who practiced yoga always had a more peaceful tenure. But a noteworthy point which must be kept in mind in this regard is that yoga for pregnant women is a specialized stream which would prove to be beneficial only when learned and performed under the able guidance of an expert. Since pregnancy entails the gradual swelling of abdomen as it advances, it is only an expert of this branch who would be aware of the modified poses constituting yoga for pregnant women in which the growing abdomen is well accommodated. The mantra of yoga and pregnancy is a gentle way in which the body can be kept active as well as supple without bearing too much strain which might have a disastrous consequence on ones pregnancy. Apart from enabling the practitioner to stretch gently and indulge in self exploration, yoga for pregnant women has the following benefits:

Yogic breathing and pranayam helps to overcome nausea as well as morning and evening sickness to a considerable extent which in turn prevents frequent mood swings from taking place.

Having performed yoga throughout the three trimesters under the guidance of an expert, the woman can feel the benefit in form of muscular relaxation in the cervix and birth canal thus causing the pelvis to dilate and making the process of labor easier.

Yoga for pregnant women greatly enhances the level of energy in women which in turn enables them to remain calm and focus on the daily activities.

Yoga during the third trimester plays an instrumental role in relieving fluid retention and reducing the occurrence of cramps thus making this crucial phase much more comfortable than it otherwise would have been.

Women not only accrue benefits from pregnancy yoga but after delivery as well as practicing yoga during the post natal phase helps to restore the original shape of the body and reduces breast discomfort as well.

Conclusions: Mindful yoga shows promise for women in their second trimester of pregnancy to diminish total number of awakenings at night and improve sleep efficiency and merits further exploration. Results from this pilot study provide the data to estimate sample size and design and implement powered and more controlled studies in the future.

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