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The Nature of Drawing Birds II with Linda M.


- Notebook or sketching journal for taking class notes - Inexpensive White Drawing Paper or Sketch pad: 9x12 to 14x18 is preferred. - sketching pencils - Pencil Sharpener: battery operated or small hand operated (available for sale in the classroom) - Erasers: 1 each: kneaded eraser (grey), Click type white plastic eraser - Ruler with small, precise markings - Removable tape: painters BLUE tape or 3m removable tape - Small sheet of white foam core board or stiff, lightweight white paperboard - Watercolor Paper: 140 lb., Cold Press. Good quality paper, such as D-Arches, Fabriano, or Sennelier. Student grade paper (like Canson) is acceptable for warmups only. If the paper is in a block, that will eliminate the need for a stiff board and tape for individual loose sheets. - Tracing paper 8 1/2 x 11 OR 9 x 12 pad OR roll of 12 bumwad (bumwad is a roll of tracing paper) - Containers for clean water, paper towels, palette - Watercolors, and optional watercolor pencils. Bring traditional, simple materials. Bring what you have. - Pigments. At a minimum: primary colors to make neutrals, or your favorite neutrals. - Brushes: round medium (#6 or #8) and a pointed round small (#4) and a tiny (#00-000). (My personal favorites are the #8 Silver Black Velvet 3000s Round, for a general use brush- and the #4 Sceptre Gold II from Winsor Newton-- just as a suggestion) Miscellaneous: - Digital Camera recommended CLASS SUPPLIES ARE AVAILABLE LOCALLY AT: *KOZOs, Jerrys Artarama, Guirys, Art Hardware, Meiningers, Hobby Lobby

ONLINE ART SUPPLIERS: Art Supply Warehouse, 1-800-995-6778 www.aswexpress.com/ Cheap Joes Art Stuff 1-800-227-2788 www.cheapjoes.com Daniel Smith 1-800-426-6740 www.danielsmith.com Dick Blick Art Materials 1-800-828-4548 www.dickblick.com/ *Kozo Fine Art materials (10 E. Ellsworth Ave., Denver) has a 20% discount for Botanical Illustration Program participants with proof of registration. Bring your registration confirmation from the Botanic Gardens.

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