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EDU 5170

Lesson Plan Integrating Technology & Pedagogy

Grade 9
The Many Adaptations of the Works of William Shakespeare

Name: Amanda Bunker Date: Dec 1 2011

Standards: Include content area and ISTE NETS Ior Students standards.

ISTE NETS Standards for Students:

Standard 1: Creativity and Innovation
Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products
and processes using technology.
1.a : apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes.
Standard 2: Communication and Collaboration
Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively,
including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning oI others.
2.a: interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety oI digital
environments and media.
2.b: communicate inIormation and ideas eIIectively to multiple audiences using a variety oI
media and Iormats.
Standard 3: Research and Information Fluency
Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use inIormation.
3.b: locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use inIormation Irom a variety
oI sources and media.
Standard 4: Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve
problems, and make inIormed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources.
4.a: identiIy and deIine authentic problems and signiIicant questions Ior investigation.
Standard 5: Digital Citizenship
Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal
and ethical behavior.
5.a: advocate and practice saIe, legal, and responsible use oI inIormation and technology.
5.b: exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and
Standard 6: Technology Operations and Concepts
Students demonstrate a sound understanding oI technology concepts, systems, and operations.
6.a: understand and use technology systems.
6.b: select and use applications eIIectively and productively.
Common Core Standards for ELA Grades 9-12
Reading Standards for Literature:
Key Ideas and Details
Standard1: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis oI what the text says
explicitly as well as inIerences drawn Irom the text.

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas.

Standard 7: Analyze the representation oI a subject or a key scene in two diIIerent artistic
mediums, including what is emphasized or absent in each treatment (e.g., Auden`s 'Musee des
Beaux Arts and Breughel`s Landscape with the Fall oI Icarus).
a. Analyze works by authors or artists who represent diverse world cultures.
Standard 9: Analyze how an author draws on and transIorms source material in a speciIic work
(e.g., how Shakespeare treats a theme or topic Irom Ovid or the Bible or how a later author
draws on a play by Shakespeare).

Responding to Literature
Standard 11: Interpret, analyze, and evaluate narratives, poetry, and drama, aesthetically and
ethically by making connections to: other texts, ideas, cultural perspectives, eras, personal events
and situations.

a. SelI-select text to respond and develop innovative perspectives.

b. Establish and use criteria to classiIy, select, and evaluate texts to make inIormed
judgments about the quality oI the pieces.

Reading Standards for Informational Text:

Key Ideas and Details

Standard 1: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis oI what the text says
explicitly as well as inIerences drawn Irom the text.

Writing Standards:

Production and Distribution of Writing

Standard 4: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and
style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

Standard 6: Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or
shared writing products, taking advantage oI technology`s capacity to link to other inIormation
and to display inIormation Ilexibly and dynamically.

Comprehension and Collaboration

Standard 1: Initiate and participate eIIectively in a range oI collaborative discussions (one-on-one,
in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grades 910 topics, texts, and issues,
building on others` ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.

c. Propel conversations by posing and responding to questions that relate the current
discussion to broader themes or larger ideas; actively incorporate others into the
discussion; and clariIy, veriIy, or challenge ideas and conclusions.

Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas

Standard 5: Make strategic use oI digital media (e.g., textual, graphical, audio, visual, and
interactive elements) in presentations to enhance understanding oI Iindings, reasoning, and
evidence and to add interest.
Language Standards:
Conventions of Standard English
Standard 2: Demonstrate command oI the conventions oI Standard English capitalization,
punctuation, and spelling when writing.
a. Use a semicolon (and perhaps a conjunctive adverb) to link two or more closely
related independent clauses.
b. Use a colon to introduce a list or quotation.
c. Spell correctly.

Lesson Objective(s): Students will read and interpret a select passage Irom William
Shakespeare`s #omeo and Juliet. Students will then Iind diIIerences and similarities aIter
watching the same passage portrayed in a YouTube clip Irom the Iilm Shakespeare in Love.
Students will compare and contrast the Shakespearean text to the Iilm production by making a
post (a paragraph or two) on the online blog site Edmodo.
http://www.edmodo.com/amandabunker . Using Edmodo students will click on the Grades tab at
top oI the page and select the assigned group to post their blog post in. For homework, Students
will Iind and analyze an interpretation oI another scene Irom William Shakespeare`s #omeo and
Juliet in any mediumwith the exclusion oI the Modern English text given on No Fear
Shakespeare (comic strip, Iilm production, or cartoon animation). Student`s will then post a
reIlection on Edmodo critiquing which interpretation oI Shakespeare`s work best conveys
William Shakespeare`s message.

Introduce the Learning Activity:
A. Describe how you will communicate the lesson objective to the students. How
will you tell them what they will learn in this lesson?
Shakespeare is a topic oI the English Language Arts that many students dread
because they simply do not understand the language. I would Iirst ask them what their
thoughts and previous knowledge oI Shakespeare is. I would brieI my students on the
Iact that there are many interpretations oI William Shakespeare`s works besides the
original text to help them understand the Shakespearean language. While at the same
time, it is important to mention that this activity is not meant to serve as an alternative
to the textbecause that would not be Shakespeare.

B. Describe how you will provide a motivator. How will you get students interested
in this lesson?
By bring technology into the classroom to view a visual component to William
Shakespeare`s work would make the text seem less daunting and more relatable to
students. Organizing a 'Shakespeare Edmodo page that behaves similar to widely
popular Facebook would provide students with an alternative to handwriting
responses or physical group discussionit is now a virtual group discussion.

Provide Information:
A. Describe how you will provide any definitions, explanations, descriptions,
procedures, examples, and/or samples needed for this lesson.
For this lesson I Ieel it essential to have brieIed the student`s on what the Edmodo site
is and how it works. By this time I would have already introduced my students to the
Edmodo site; however, I will post a reIerence sheet on my Lesson Plan page oI my
website iI any student Iorgets how to use and access the Edmodo site.

Provide Practice:
A. Describe how you will give students an opportunity to practice the exact task
stated in the objective.
Using their laptops, I will walk students through the login process oI Edmodo and
monitor them while they make their reaction post to William Shakespeare`s #omeo
and Juliet.

B. Describe how you will give students an opportunity to practice the exact task
stated in the objective individually, as well as in groups. (You may have only
individual practice, but not solely group practice.)
For their homework assignment students will research/investigate another
representation oI Shakespeare`s #omeo and Juliet and post another reaction post on
the Edmodo site. This will be done Ior homework and can either be done individually
or collaboratively in groups.

Provide Knowledge of Results:
A. Describe how you will provide verbal feedback to the students on their practice
I will be available during and aIter class, or by appointment to assist and give my
students Ieedback verbally on their progress.
B. Describe how you will provide written feedback to the students on their practice
I will login to my own Edmodo account and post a reply to each oI my student`s
reaction post`s to let them know iI they are on the right track in terms oI the
assignment and understanding the material.

Review the Activity:
A. Describe how you will, or how you will have students, summarize the important
points in this lesson.
The Iollowing class day, I will start the class by asking the students what they thought
oI incorporating Edmodo into the class. I would also answer any questions that they
may have. I will comment on the interaction between students on each other`s posts.
Most importantly, what worked Ior them.what did not work Ior them?

Method of Assessment:
A. Describe how you will assess whether or not the students have learned the skills
outlined in the learning objective. Provide a sample test, rubric, scoring guide,
As much as I would like this to be a pass or Iail assignment, I think that would give
students the opportunity to slack oII. Thus, I have designed a rubric Ior their
homework. II the Edmodo site works well with the #omeo and Juliet lesson, I would
incorporate Edmodo into the classroom with weekly assignments using the Iollowing

Edmodo Homework Assignments Rubric
Category 1 2 3 4
#esponse is 2 or
more paragraphs
#esponse is 1
paragraph long
#esponse is less
than 5 sentences
#esponse is 1-2
sentences long
#esponse is well
thought out and
clearly answers
the question
#esponse has
been given a
amount oI
thought and
loosely answers
the question
#esponse is
complexity and
dances around
the question
#esponse shows
little thought and
eIIort and does
not answer the
question given.
#esponse is
organized and
Ilows eIIectively.
#esponse is
organized, but
could Ilow
#esponse tries to
be organized and
Ilow but does not
#esponse doesn`t
attempt to be
organized or
#esponse is
original and
attempts to be
original and
creative, but
could be better.
#esponse does
not attempt to be
original or
#esponse wasn`t
turned in.
Spelling and
#esponse is neat
and spelling and
grammar are
#esponse is neat,
but there are 3-5
errors in spelling
and grammar.
#esponse is not
neat, and has 5-
10 errors in
spelling and
#esponse is not
neat, and there
are more than 10
errors in spelling
and grammar.
Total ____/ 30

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