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Which Came First?

How Many Miles Of Blood Vessels Are In The Human Body ? a) 1 Mile b) 3 Miles c) 6 Miles d) 60,000 Miles

What Killed The Dinosaurs? a) Meteors b) Burial From a Flood c) The Ice Age

Does Science Show Humans Have: a) Bacteria Ancestors? b) Only Human Ancestors?






(714) 898-8331

May 2008

CREATION VS. EVOLUTION: QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS THEORY OF EVOLUTION: Bacteria + Mutations + Time = Humans CREATION: Bacteria + Mutations + Time = Mutated Bacteria 3) Q: Name one scientific reason to believe Creation is a better scientific explanation than Evolution? A: Genetics. A basic understanding of DNA, mutations, and genetics shows the Theory of Evolution is scientifically and statistically impossible. 4) Q: What is DNA? A: DNA is the information in cells that defines what an organism is. The sequence of only 4 different molecules provides the information that makes bacteria, bacteria, and a human a human. Human DNA has 3.2 billion base pairs. 5) Q: Can you give a simple illustration of what DNA is? A: Imagine 4 different letters I, M, P and S. Arranging them into MISSISSIPPI gives a sequence that conveys useful information. 6) Q: What is the significance of DNA in Creation vs. Evolution? A: Evolutionists teach that bacteria are your ancient ancestors. If true, bacterias DNA had to be rearranged to produce a different organism; then that organisms DNA had to rearrange to make another, etc.. Then after this DNA rearranged itself (millions of times), the result was humans (and every other living thing). Evolutionists believe DNA rearranged due to mutations and natural selection. 7) Q: What is a mutation?

Important notes: a) The purpose of this pamphlet: Everyone has the right to believe whatever he or she wishes. One's beliefs should be based upon information, not opinion. People are constantly told Evolution is true in school and on TV, rarely do they hear any scientific reasons for Creation. This pamphlet provides them. People should decide what to believe after hearing both sides. This is a science debate, not a religion vs. science debate.

b) Many people believe that God exists, but He used Evolution to create. Just because someone believes in the Theory of Evolution, does not mean he is an Atheist. This pamphlet argues against the Theory of Evolution and atheism.

c) The word evolution means change. The Theory of Evolution teaches you have bacteria as your ancestor. When the word evolution is used in this paper, I refer to the belief that you have bacterial ancestors, (macroevolution), and not the belief that you are taller than your great grandpa (microevolution). It is vital to know the difference between microevolution and macroevolution. Evolutionists fill Biology textbooks with examples of microevolution, but that evidence does not prove macroevolution.

Microevolution (variation): You can get many breeds of dogs

Macroevolution (The Theory of Evolution): Dogs have Bacteria as their Ancient Ancestor (false)

d) Contact me at (714) 898-8331, or BillyJack1@hotmail.com if you have any questions or would like free material. l also teach free lessons on Creation vs. Evolution. Contact me for more info. My web site is FishDontWalk.com.


1) Q: Isnt Creation just an attempt to get Christianity taught in school?

A: Absolutely not. The pursuit of science is to try to find out what is true, to find the best explanation for what we observe. Does science indicate people have bacteria ancestors? Or does science indicate we only have human ancestors? This pursuit of truth can be done in schools without ever mentioning Christianity. What should be taught in the science classroom? Science! If science indicates people did not evolve from bacteria, that is what should be taught.

2) Q: What is the main difference between Creation and Evolution?

A: Mutations either make Evolution true, or they expose Evolution to be nonscientific faith. Decide for yourself. A mutation is a random change in the sequence of DNA. Lets go back to the example of MISSISSIPPI. A mutation is a random addition, deletion, or rearrangement of those 4 letters. Thus one mutation could turn MISSISSPPI into PMISSISSIPPI, a second mutation could make it PMISMISSIPPI. Think! Do mutations increase the information or decrease the information? Mutations always decrease information. Mutations are 99.99% harmful or neutral. It would take billions of mutations to go from bacteria to humans, and we know mutations kill, mutations do not create arms, brains and eyes. Everyone should know about mutations before deciding whether to believe Evolution or Creation. 8) Q: Wait! I heard bacterias immunity to antibiotics is proof for the Theory of Evolution.

A: Evolutionists believe the first life was bacteria, then after billions of years, and billions of mutations they are the ancestors of humans. Creationists believe bacteria can only produce bacteria, and humans can only produce humans.

12) Q: What is a logical reason to believe in Creation? A: Interworking parts! Think of a car. Could you convince anyone that a car was the result of random chance? No, it is obviously the result of an intelligent design. Creationists point out that a human body is more complex than a car, and thus obviously the result of intelligent design by a Creator. 13) Q: Couldn't people have evolved by a step by step process over time?

A: Antibiotics work by attaching themselves to a protein, and eventually kill the bacteria. If the bacterias proteins shape is different (perhaps by mutation) it may be immune. Another example is if you are trying to kill one million bacteria, a few may be able to produce enzymes that fight the ant biotic (this happened with penicillin). In both cases the bacteria already had information that allowed it to resist the antibiotic. But it was still bacteria! Some evolutionists claim Sickle Cell Anemia is a beneficial mutation since sufferers were less likely to contract malaria. The mutation that causes Sickle Cell Anemia causes the carriers blood to be lower in oxygen content and malaria needs high oxygen to survive. Sickle cell anemia is a painful and fatal disease on which millions of dollars are spent to cure. It is not a beneficial mutation. A: Think of the car and suppose the car had everything except pistons, would it work? No, it could not function. A car is a system of components, it needs 10,000 parts to work; but it needs just one part not to work for it to be useless. People also have thousands of components, which all must be working or else you die. Think how this relates to Evolution! What evolved first? Hearts? Brains? Lungs? Livers? Kidneys? Stomachs? All of these must to function immediately! Believing the Garden of Edens account of instant humans takes some faith, but it requires much more faith to believe evolution made humans. 14) Q: What are three strong scientific reasons to believe God exists? A: Three laws of science that everyone should know: 1) First Law of Thermodynamics, 2) The Second Law of Thermodynamics; 3) The Law of Biogenesis. They all falsify atheism. 15) Q: What is the First Law of Thermodynamics? A: This Law states matter and energy is neither created nor destroyed. Ask an atheist what is your best explanation for how the Universe got here? (I have asked this question for 10 years to atheists and have never received a scientific answer). Atheists believe everything (the Universe) came from nothing, by natural processes, but this violates the First Law of Thermodynamics. 16) Q: Ok, maybe the Universe did not come from nothing but couldnt the Universe be eternal?

9) Q: I heard the DNA of people and chimpanzees are 99% similar, doesnt that prove we evolved from them?

A: This is very misleading. First off, apes have 24 pairs of chromosomes, and humans have 23. That is a significant difference. Also, the entire DNA of sequence of chimps has not been mapped. But studies have shown that many sequences of human DNA are at least 98.5% similar to sequences in chimps. This is to be expected. Humans eat what chimps eat, breath the same air etc., thus many of our proteins should be similar. But, since 3.2 billion base pairs make up human DNA, a 1.5% difference means there are still 48 million differences between man and chimp!

Biochemistry is Creation's Best Friend

10) Q: Wait, you are over simplifying things, evolution took place over millions of years!

A: Time is not a scientific answer. For example, Evolutionists say: circulatory systems evolved over hundreds of millions of years (Cecie Starr, Biology, 1997. 3rd ed. p 459); and part of the nerve cord expanded and evolved into a brain over time (Starr, p 356), and later, in fishes ancestral to land vertebrates, lungs evolved (Starr, p 459). Starr does not provide any scientific (observed) evidence for explaining the origins of hearts, brains and lungs; she just says it happened over time and ends the discussion. When Evolutionists say something supposedly happened over time, they are not giving a scientific explanation but a blind faith guess. Decide for yourself if these explanations are adequate.

11) Q: What is the scientific method?

A: Not according to another law of science; the Second Law of Thermodynamics. This law teaches matter and energy in a closed system (like the Universe) are subject to entropy, matter and energy decay (the technical term is that energy becomes less available, it can no longer do work) over time. Thus if something decays over time, it cant be eternal. The Universe is not eternal, and when it began it could not have come from nothing, thus the best explanation is it had a supernatural beginning. Note: when confronted with this argument, evolutionists will say the Earth is not a closed system, however the Universe is the system under study, not the Earth. 17) Q: How do atheists answer how did the Universe originate?

A: Three simple steps. 1) Idea (hypothesis or theory) that predicts something in nature; 2) Conduct experiments and observe whether the predictions are valid; 3) Based upon your observations, state your conclusions. The most important part of science is Cecie Starr, should provide evidence she observed that hearts, observation. brains and lungs evolved (if she can).

A: They usually say the Big Bang. But the Big Bang attempts to explain how matter & energy dispersed, it does not explain how matter & energy originated. A: Yes. The bonds amino acids form are called peptide bonds. If life arose by chance (like atheists believe) then peptide bonds formed by chance. Many atheists think life originated in water. Guess what? Water breaks up peptide bonds, they can not bond in water. So, if life did not originate in water, it must have originated on land. Guess what? Oxygen breaks up peptide bonds and they can not form in an oxygen environment. So, then the atheists say life originated on land with no oxygen, but that means no ozone layer and ultra-violet radiation breaks up peptide bonds. Atheists hate being asked: How did Life Originate? Since their answers contradict laws of science and biochemistry 23) Q: Are there really many theories of Evolution?

18) Q: What is a third great science reason that falsifies atheism?

A: The origin of life. The Law of Biogenesis, and the Cell Theory are universally accepted, they teach that life only comes from life. Atheists think life originated from non-life by natural processes. Atheists thus believe in the long disproved spontaneous generation. In the 1800s evolutionist Ernst Haekel taught that a living cell could arise by the combination of a few chemicals. Today we know the simplest living single celled organism has 1 x 10 17th atoms, a 1 followed by 17 zeros! The simplest cell has more information than billions of computers, there is no simple cell. Ask an atheist what is your best explanation for how life originated?

Three Laws of Science Show Evolution is Impossible

19) Q: Wait a second, in Biology we learned about an experiment where they showed life could have arisen from nonliving chemicals.

A: Yes. Darwinian Evolution, Punctuated Equilibria, and Theistic Evolution. All evolutionists believe bacteria are your ancestors, but evolutionists disagree on how this occurred. Theory #1 is Darwinian Evolution, also called gradualism. Darwin developed it. It states by small, slow, gradual steps, one organism evolved into another organism. 24) Q: What are the arguments against Darwinian evolution? A: There is no living evidence and no fossil evidence supporting Darwinian Evolution. If Darwinian Evolution occurred, there should be billions of transitional forms (missing links) both living and dead. Where are they? Name one. 25) Q: Thats just a Creationist claim there are no missing links.right? A: Wrong! Many Evolutionists admit there are no transitional forms! See the quotes on the last page of this pamphlet for quotes by Evolutionists. It is important to know that some Evolutionists admit there is no evidence for the Theory of Evolution. 26) Q: How do Evolutionists deal with the fact that no missing links (transitional forms) exist? A: They invented a new Theory of Evolution, called Punctuated Equilibria. The basis of this newer theory is to try to explain why no missing links exist. They say Evolution happened so fast, there was not enough time for the missing links to fossilize. Think, they admit there is no evidence! Think of Darwinian Evolution (#1) as slow evolution, and Punctuated Equilibria (#2) as fast evolution. 27) Q: Are there even more theories of Evolution? A: Yes. Theistic Evolution (#3). This is the most common belief of evolutionists. These people believe God exists, but God used Evolution to create everything.

A: People should understand the details of this argument. In 1953, Stanley Miller, attempted to show how life originated. He modeled what he thought was the early Earths atmosphere. Miller assumed (for no scientific reason) that the early earth had no free oxygen. He circulated methane, ammonia, water (which has oxygen of course) and hydrogen and produced a small amount of four amino acids in proteins (20 are required). Proteins are composed of amino acids, and proteins are essential for life. Some newspapers, and evolutionists declare that this experiment created life in the laboratory! Even Miller never claimed that.

20) Q: Ok, but making amino acids in the lab is almost life right?

A: No. Amino acids are very simple molecules. They are not a protein. A precise sequence and shape of many amino acids compose a protein. A living cell needs DNA, RNA and a cell membrane in addition to proteins. Miller never came close to producing a protein, much less producing life.

21) Q: What are the odds of a protein originating by chance?

A: protein is a chain of amino acids. There are 20 different amino acids in humans. Think of a train made up of 20 different colored boxcars. There are many possibilities for various sequences. The sequence of amino acids in a protein is critical for life. The average length of a protein in you is 400 amino acids. Thus, the odds of that amino acid sequence getting there by chance are 20 to the 400th power, or 10 to the 520th power! That is a 1 followed by 520 zeroes! You have a better chance of winning the lottery 500 weeks in a row, than just one protein being properly sequenced by chance.

22) Q: Any more scientific reasons against life originating by chance?

Think of the details, God supposedly miraculously created bacteria (and the Universe), then God tinkered with the bacterias DNA mutating them into all kinds of organisms until He got to humans, whales, treeseverything!.

28) Q: What are the arguments against Theistic Evolution?

and believed the Theory of Evolution was true. I should have asked the teacher: what were the fossils? I did not ask, I assumed the cartoons were based upon tons of evidence. What first caused me to doubt the Theory of Evolution was learning the drawings were based on poor evidence! The choice to believe Evolution or Creation is yours, but choose after learning the details and evidence. 34) Q: What were the actual fossils that lead to the ape-men drawings?

A: Two main ones: (1) the Bible does not teach God used Evolution; (2) science does not show any evidence of bacteria to human evolution.

29) Q: Where does the Bible teach God did not use Evolution?

A: TEN times on page one of the Bible (Genesis chapter 1), the Bible tells us plants and animals reproduce after their kind! One of the first things God clearly states, is that plants and animals are not the result of evolution.

30) Q: Many Pastors of churches teach the days in Genesis were millions of years long, does the Bible teach that?

A: Australopithecus afarensis (Lucy). Bits and pieces of evidence, some ribs, a pelvis, parts of the arm, leg, and skull. Less than 25% of its bones were discovered, and they were spread over several miles (how do they know they all came from one animal?). Evolutionists say they are extinct primates, not human ancestors. Pilbeam, called them apes (American Scientist, July-Aug 1986 p 419.). Susman and Stern documents how similar they are to apes (Science, Sept 3, 1982). Many evolutionists, such as the famous Leakey family, state they are not a transitional form, but an ape (Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution, 1990, p 285). Australopithecus africanus (Taung) What was dug up? Only one skull! The skull had an apes shape, size, and jaw. Many evolutionists argue it was an ape, not a human ancestor. (Milner p 430).

A: No. People may teach that, but the Bible does not. What is the simplest definition for a 24-hour day? Sunrise and sunset, or evening and morning. Six times in Genesis Chapter 1 the Bible tells us these days were days that had evenings and mornings! More reasons are given at www.fishdontwalk.com.

31) Q: When did Christians start thinking God used Evolution and that the days in Genesis were millions of years long?

Homo habilis: Once again, fragmentary evidence. Pieces or skull, teeth, an arm etc. Evolutionist Peter Andrews admits there is no good evidence available to identify ape and human origins as habilis (Nature, 17 Dec 1992, p 645). Evolutionist Bernard Wood calls the evidence obscure, untenable and unclear (Nature 27 Feb 1992, p 259). Homo erectus: Many Evolutionists argue they are human. Day called them truly human in Human Evolution, Volume XI, 1973 p 151-152. Susman and Stern admit Homo Erectus had modern human anatomy and body size, calling it extremely similar, almost identical, and essentially modern, to humans (Feb 83, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, p 259). Nebraska Man: Taught as mans ancestors in schools and museums in the 1920s. What was dug up? One tooth. Later it was found out to be a pigs tooth. No longer is Nebraska Man taught as a human ancestor. During the 1920s, an honest teacher would tell their students that: only one tooth has been found, the body you see here is what people imagine he looked like. Be a critical thinker. Ask what were the fossils?

A: Not until after Charles Darwin made Evolution popular in 1859. The idea that God used Evolution is not from the Bible, it is from people trying to twist the Bible to accommodate Evolution. The Bible clearly teaches God created people fully intact instantly in Paradiseno death and struggle until after man sinned. Evolution teaches a lot of death before people ever arrived.

32) Q: Theistic Evolutionists say people who think that Genesis is literal, do not understand the Hebrew that the Bible was written in.

A: You do not have to be a genius, or a Hebrew scholar to understand Gods simple message. For many centuries, Hebrew scholars (who know Hebrew better than anyone today) taught Genesis as being literal. People who claim you must know the Hebrew to understand Genesis, must think that they know Hebrew better than the thousands of Hebrew scholars throughout history who studied Hebrew their entire life.

33) Q: I saw some pretty convincing drawings for the theory of Evolution. The drawings really looked like half ape half man.

Piltdown Man: Taught as proof of evolution for 50 years! Now known to be a deliberate hoax. A human skull was matched with an apes jaw and teeth (the teeth and jaw were filed and stained). What should have been emphasized, was that Piltdown Man was based upon only one jaw and one skull. Students often think thousands of Piltdown Men or Lucys were found, this is not the case. Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon: Human skulls have a wide range of sizes and shapes (morphology). Likewise apes have a variety of skull size and shape.

A: The key is to realize that these are drawings! Drawings are not scientific. Ask this when you see a cartoon drawing proving evolution: How do you know that? Personal story: I was shown cartoon drawings for evolution in 9th grade

Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon fossils fall within human range for size and shape. Evolutionist Don Johanson said it was not different from present humans. Thomas Huxley called it fully human (Lucys Child, 1989, p 49).

When someone tries to tell you that you are related to an ape, politely ask them what is their evidence? Base your conclusion on evidence, not cartoons.

part per trillion is a difference of 5730 years. Think of the measurement errors! Also, they assume they know the amount of C 14 in the environment when the animal died. How could they? Then they assume the animal had the same C 14/C 12 ratio as the environment, and they assume the sample was not contaminated in the ground. The nuclear testing in the 50s and 60s also caused contamination, your hand picking it up could contaminate it! This is not accurate science. Carbon Dating: Assumption + Assumption + Assumption Does Not = a Fact 39) Q: What about Uranium- Lead dating?

35) Q: What about Natural Selection, is that true?

A: Yes. Natural selection occurs, but it is not evidence for the Theory of Evolution. Natural selection rewards good traits in a population and punishes bad traits in a population, it doesnt create a new population. Darwin got excited about different types of beaks on birds in the Galapagos Islands. But they were still the same species of birds, they just had different traits. If you have a good trait, you live, and your genes get passed on, if you have a bad trait, you die and your genes are not passed on. Natural Selection is microevolution, not macroevolution.

36) Q: Do Evolutionists confuse the issue with Natural Selection?

A: Dating rocks that produce billion year old dates is done by Uranium Lead dating and other radiometric techniques. These involve the same assumptions as in carbon dating (what was the original content? Has it been contaminated?). Facts: Lava in Hawaii that was known to be 200 years old was dated to be 300 million years old. Living mollusks were dated to be 27,000 years old. The same moon rock yielded dates 500 million years apart! (See fishdontwalk.com for references and more information.) 40) Q: What is the main argument evolutionists use for a missing link?

A: Yes. Be aware the word evolution means change. Students are taught that people are taller than they used to be (true) but that does not mean you have bacteria ancestors; students are taught you can breed dogs, that does not mean dogs have bacteria ancestors. Dog breeding is micro evolution. Believing dogs have bacteria ancestors is macroevolution.

37) Q: What about the famous peppered moths in England? When the trees were light colored, there were more light colored moths than dark because the birds could not see them on the bark and eat them.

A: Archaeopteryx, a supposed reptile transitioning into a bird. However, many evolutionists classify it as a true bird (Grzimeks Animal Life Encyclopedia volume on Birds, p 78-79, 1984). The fossil had 100% wings, 100% feathers (no half scale/half feather nor half leg/half wing), and perching feet (0nly birds have feathers and perching feet). Evolutionists point out it had claws on its wings (but so do ostriches) and it had teeth (so did hesperonis). Archaeopteryx was a bird with traits that other birds have. 41) Q: How could there have been a global flood, look at how high those mountains are?

A: This famous example is a fraud! They glued dead moths to the trees (since those moths do not fly during the day)! (See fishdontwalk.com for more info). Even if the moth example were true, it is only natural selection, not bacteria to human evolution, it started with light & dark moths and ended with light & dark moths.

38) Q: What about Carbon dating?

A: At the top of the highest mountains are: seashells, sea fossils or sedimentary rock, showing that the highest mountains were under water at one time. This is a strong point in trusting the Bible, because when the Bible was written, people did not know this fact from geology. 42) Q: What about dinosaurs? A: Did they exist? Yes. Do they support evolution? Absolutely not, there are no missing links for dinosaurs. Did they live 65 million years ago? That is an age of the earth question. Even if they did, (which I do not believe) there is no evidence they evolved from anything or into anything. Are they mentioned in the Bible? Yes! Many times. The best description is in Job chapter 40 and 41, Behemoth and Leviathan are clearly dinosaurs. Behemoth had a tail like a cedar (Job 40:17), its strength was in its thighs and loins (Job 40:16) so it was not an elephant or hippo. Elephants have wimpy tails and their strength is distributed

A: (See fishdontwalk.com for more details). Carbon dating is an attempt to determine the age of things that were once living (they had carbon in them). Evolutionists only use it to date things they assume are younger than 20,000 years. Older dating is done by radiometric dating.

Carbon dating assumes when a plant or animal died, it had the same Carbon 14 to Carbon 12 ratio in it that was in the environment. After it died, the radioactive C 14 decayed to Nitrogen. When the sample was found, the C 14 to C12 ratio was measured, and since the rate of C 14 decay is known, you can supposedly tell how old it is. Do you see any assumptions? First, few people know the ratio of C 12 to C 14 is about 1 trillion to one! Measuring 2 parts per trillion instead of 1

46) Q: When testing Creation vs. Evolution what must everyone seek? A: DETAILS! Question an evolutionist on the specific details on why they believe in what they do. Which fossils convinced them? Try to get detailed explanations from both camps, then you decide for yourself. Its your life and your choice. 47) Q: How should a student behave when taught evolution? Always treat your teachers with respect! Politely ask your teacher what is the evidence? Do not fight with your teacher. On tests, give the answers that will get you an A. Try to meet with your teacher one on one and always be polite. 48) Q: What are some recommended Creation websites? A) www.fishdontwalk.com; icr.org; answersingenesis.org; drdino.com; rae.org; marshill.org; creationism.org; creationsafaris.com; creationresearch.org. 49) Q: Can you recommend any books that are full of great information, interesting to read and easy to understand? A) My two favorites are Tornado In A Junkyard by James Perloff, and What is Creation Science? by Parker and Morris, call (619) 448-0900 to order. 50) Q: Why do so many people believe the Theory of Evolution is true?

evenly from front to back, where as many dinosaurs had huge rear legs and small front legs. Does the Bible say they coexisted with man? Yes, read Job 40:15, which says Behemoth was made along with man. Were they on the Ark? Yes. How could they fit? They were young dinosaurs, not 90-foot long adults (think, small animals also eat less and drink less). What killed them? Science is based on observation, thus we dont know what killed every single dinosaur, however the thousands we find, it is easy to determine what killed them, they were buried! The dinosaurs we find are buried in sedimentary rock, which is rock deposited by water. To bury a big strong dinosaur under several feet of sedimentary rock requires a violent flood, not a slowly rising river. These buried dinosaurs are every where (including Antarctica)thus more strong evidence for a global flood. Dinosaurs support the Bible! See fishdontwalk.com for more dino info.

Dinosaurs existed, are described in detail in the Bible, died in a flood, and there is no fossil evidence they evolved from anything.

43) Q: If there are quasars billions of light years away how can the Universe be a few thousand years old?

A: What does a light year measure? It measures DISTANCE. Thus if a quasar is billions of light years away, it is far away. The universe is huge. To say we know its age requires assumptions. The universe is expanding, it is not static. At what rates has it expanded is an assumption. Light is slower in water and slower with higher gravitational pull. How does light behave in space? For anyone to say they know, they assume they know everything about light, space, time and gravity, which we do not. Plus old earth people dispute the distance of the furthest galaxies. Some say 8 billion light years, some say 20 billion light years. Much remains to be learned.

44) Q: Which came first? The Chicken or The Egg?

A) Often it is simply because Evolution is all they have been taught. Some people emotionally hate the idea of Creation, however, many people believe Evolution is science because every science class they have ever had said it is true. Thus they sincerely feel Creation is ridiculous, but have never heard the case for it. Many of these people have a strong belief in god, and believe in the Theory of Evolution. My hope is they hear the scientific case for Creationfish make fish, apes make apes, 60,000 miles of blood vessels is a design. Summary: Witnessing Tips If asked: Why Do you Believe in God? I answer Creation. If asked: Why do you believe Creation is true? I give one of two answers: a) Genetics. Evolutionists think humans have bacteria as ancestors, I think bacteria can only make bacteria and people can only come from people.genetics and biochemistry support Creation and falsify Evolution. b) Or I answer: Design. You have 60,000 miles of blood vessels in you. Is that the result of design or chance? Piping systems dont happen by chance. How could yours have happened by chance?

A: It wasnt a chicken or an eggit was two chickens! A male and a female. Sexual reproduction requires a male and a female. The first male chicken needed to have 100% functional male stuff and the first female chicken needed 100% functional female stuff. They need to be at the same place at the same time. They cant wait for millions of years for the opposite sex to evolve. They need a muscular, circulatory, respiratory, skeletal system and many others as well. Before the chickens can make an egg, they need an environment with the right temperature, the right food, the right amount of oxygen the right amount of gravity etc. The answer to the chicken and the egg is someone with incredible intelligence instantly designed an adult male and an adult female at the same time, at the same place, and the place had the right temperature, gravity, food etc. The Garden of Eden story answers the chicken and the egg question.

45) Q: Why were Adam and Eve created as adults?

A: Because babies are helpless! The first human had to be adults because babies need adult care. Again, the Garden of Eden story makes sense.

Decide For Yourself: Do You Think Bacteria Is Your Ancestor?

People Who Think The Theory of Evolution Is True, Think People Have Bacteria As Ancestors People Who Think Creation Is True, Think Bacteria Can Only Make Bacteria and People Can Only Come From People Decide For Yourself: Does Science Support Evolution or Creation? Make Your Decision After Hearing Both Sides.

Important Scientific Questions to Ask Regarding Creation Vs. Evolution

Evolution's Answer
Life can not come from nonlife by natural processes. In nature, life only comes from life. Life's origin was supernatural.

Important Question

Creation's Answer

Scientific Fact
The Law of Biogenesis states life only comes from life. The Cell Theory states living cells only come from living cells. This Law of Science contradicts Evolution and supports Creation. The First Law of Thermodynamics states matter and energy is neither created nor destroyed. This Law of Science contradicts Evolution and supports Creation.

How Did Life Originate?

Billions of years ago, life began from nonliving things by natural processes.

How did the Universe Originate?

Matter and energy can not originate from nothing by natural processes, it's origin was supernatural.

How did the Universe get to be how it is today?

The Second Law of Thermodynamics states systems go The Universe was created orderly. Our from order to chaos (which Creation teaches) and not orderly solar system is the result of design from chaos to order (which Evolution teaches). This Law not chance and chaos over time. of Science contradicts Evolution and supports Creation. Absolutely not. Bacteria can only make bacteria and people can only come from people. Creation is supported by Genetics and Biochemistry. A simple knowledge of DNA, and what it does, shows that if bacteria is mutated, all you will get is mutated bacteria or dead bacteria.

Do People Have Bacteria As Ancestors?

Billions of years ago, the Universe (matter and energy) originated from nothing by natural processes. The Big Bang. All matter and energy was originally in a tiny clump and it expanded. The Universe began as chaos and over time became orderly. Yes, the first life was bacteria and after many mutations over billions of years the result was people.

But offspring can be different from their parents, isn't that evidence for Evolution?

Yes, an accumulation of these small changes over billions of years accounts for Evolution.

Artificial breeding has shown there are limits to changes Yes offspring change, but within limits. Traits may change, but dogs can only make in animals. You can breed dogs to get faster dogs, but dogs. they are still, and always be dogs.

Evolutionist Dr. Mark Ridley: "No Evolutionists admit the fossil record does not support real evolutionist uses the fossil The fossil record does not show evidence of Evolution. If bacteria to blue whale evolution is true, If Evolution is true, where is the record as evidence in favor of the "missing links" because they never existed. there should be thousands of fossils of the animals that fossil evidence? theory of evolution." New were missing links, yet they do not exist. Scientist, 6/25/81 p 831 Since Evolution takes such a There is no living evidence of Bacteria to If the theory of Evolution is true, there had to have been If Evolution is true, where is the long time to see real changes, billions of missing links.where are they? Why aren't Blue Whale Evolution because it never living evidence? we do not expect to see living they alive today? happened. evidence.

WEB SITES: FishDontWalk.com; ICR.org AnswersInGenesis.org CreationSafaris.com RAE.org DrDino.com Creationism.org MarsHill.org DarwinIsDead.com

For Free Books and Materials, or a free lesson on Creation vs. Evolution, call Bill Morgan, 714 898-8331 or e mail BillyJack1@hotmail.com *****There is no copyright on this material. Please make as many copies as you wish.*****


1. Imagine you go camping in Alaska and you take your furry dog and hairless dog. Then they run into the woods and you cant find them. 2. The dogs fall in love and make 4 puppies. Two puppies are furry, and two are hairless. 3. The cold Alaskan winter comes and the hairless dogs freeze to death. The furry dogs dont mind the cold, they live, and reproduce. 4. The surviving furry dogs are most likely going to produce furry dogs, but the hairless trait (phenotype) might remain in the population. 5. A second winter comes, and the hairless dogs freeze to death. After a while the only type of dog you will see in Alaska is furry dogs. This is an example of Natural Selection. Natural Selection is true! Natural Selection is not evidence for the Theory of Evolution. You started with dogs and ended with dogs!

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For a Free Book on Creation vs. Evolution or a Free Lesson, call Bill Morgan at 714 898-8331, or e mail BillyJack1@Hotmail.com There is no copyright, make as many copies as you want.

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