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Denise Vasquez
Intercessory Missionary Worship Leader
This months scripture meditation: John 15

What I do!
Intercessory Missionary, Worship Leader- spending 24
hours a week before God as an intercessor, and 18 service hours per week.

CEC/ Daniel Academy -

Nissis Notes
My worship with the Word team and I have been studying John 15 for the past month. John 15 speaks about how Jesus is the vine, the Father the vinedresser, and us the branches. I began searching out more of how a vinedresser tends a garden. I discovered that it is not an easy job; however, the gardener is careful to prune the vine for a greater purpose. The gardener knows just where to prune, how much to take off, and when to leave the branch alone. I began to think of my own life and I asked God how he has pruned me over the years. He began to open my eyes to see that those hard times in my life were not just bad things that have happened to me, but it was Him refining me, and helping me to grow. I began to see more that His desire is toward me, that He desires me to be just like His son Jesus in every way. He says, every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit (John 15:2b). He cares so much for us that He would intricately involve Himself in our lives. Oh, truly how He love us!!!

I minister to the children weekly with teachings and prayer, as well as developing our future academy for students within the prayer movement.

My New Blog is Out!!! Visit my blog at http://nissivasquez.blogspot.com - I will be updating it each month. You can also use Paypal on my blog to give more easily! J

Upcoming Events!
Every Friday Starts at 7pm with worship and a teaching CEC for children
You can watch me lead worship on the following days at www.ihopeg.org. Mon. 12-2, and 68pm. Wed. 12-2, and Fri. 4-6pm
Ken and I are busy with the details of the wedding. Its a lot of work but oh so much FUN!!! J

Whats Happening at IHOPEG!

Can children love God too?
The Childrens Equipping Center is alive and active!! The team and I have been teaching the children that loving God is not only for adults, and that God desires for them to love Him too. We have been teaching them the first and greatest commandment that they would, love the Lord God with all their heart, soul, mind and strength (Luke 10:27; Due. 6:5). Their responses have been so amazing! We have witnessed these childrens desire to know God and to love Him. They are presently learning how to pray and ask God to help them love Him with all their hearts. They also started to write songs with phrases like, I love God because He first loved me, I love God because He made me in my mother womb. We know that it is the Spirit of God moving on these little hearts, and I am honored to be able to watch their hearts turn toward God!!!

The Daniel Academy

I am planning on taking a trip to the Daniel Academy in Kansas City, MO. I am hoping to make a connection with the administrative team there to discuss the dynamics of a homeschooling co-op. Please pray for favor as I reach out to them. Also, please pray that the Lord would give me divine strategies in setting up this school. My desire is that He would be glorified, and that the children that attend this academy would be set on fire for the Lord!!! If you would like to give toward this trip in addition to your already appreciated financial support, please attach a note with your support indicating how much should go toward the trip. Thank you in advance! J

Merry Christmas and Thank you!!

Here at IHOPEG, we wanted to say a special thank you for partnering with us! We could not do what we do without partners like you who understand the vision of the prayer movement. Here is a picture of the full time staff at the House of Prayer. We wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and a blessed time of love, and joy this precious season!!!

y Hanukkah as and Happ Merry Christm at IHOPEG!!! mily From your fa

Partner With Me!!

All IHOPEG missionaries raise their own salaries in the form of missions contributions from the people who believe in the power of prayer. If you would like to join my partner team, either by way of monthly gifts or a one-time gift, all contributions are tax deductible. For tax deductible donations make a check payable to IHOPEG. For all other donations make a check payable to Denise Vasquez and mail to: 303 Union Ave. Middlesex NJ 08846 #732-319-0549 - or by Paypal at www.ihopeg.ord or http://nissivasquez.blogspot.com/- please put my name in the subject line.
Blessings and Shalom!!!

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