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Name: _________________________________ Angelo Licastro

AP Biology Supplementary Notes

Cellular respiration is the process by which organisms break down food molecules, especially glucose, to make ATP. Note that this is the reverse of photosynthesis. The formula for cellular respiration is: C6H12O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H2O (ATP) ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) is a molecule whose bonds have very high potential energy and which serves as the universe energy currency in cells. The breakdown of ATP to ADP + P produces energy that is used by cells for most processes that require energy. NAD and FAD are H+ and electron shuttle molecules in cellular respiration. NAD and FAD accept hydrogen atoms, and become NADH or FADH2, that are split off of glucose during glycolysis, and shorter 3-C chains during the Krebs cycle, they shuttle the H atoms, and their electrons, from these first two stages of cellular respiration to the electron transport chain. Molecule Starch/Glycogen/Fats Glucose ATP NAD/NADH and FAD/FADH2 Biochemical role Medium, long term, and stable energy storage Transportable energy storage for use in the short term Immediate energy source for cellular processes Shuttle H atoms (H+ ions and electrons) from Glycolysis and Krebs cycle to electron transport chain where ATP is made Banking analogue Bank account Travelers check or personal check Cash Bank teller that facilitates conversion of check to cash

In essence, respiration is simply the conversion of stored chemical energy in glucose to immediately usable chemical energy, ATP: Usable chemical Stored chemical energy C6H12O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H2O (ATP) energy The three steps of cellular respiration are glycolysis, the Krebs cycle (or citric acid cycle), and the electron transport chain, or oxidative phosphorylation. Glycolysis is the stage in which glucose is split into 3-carbon molecules of pyruvate. H is split off of glucose and added to NAD to form NADH, and 2 ATP is produced. It occurs in the cytoplasm.

The Krebs cycle is when pyruvate molecules break apart. H atoms are added to NAD and FAD to form NADH and FADH2, C and O atoms are given off as waste product as CO2, 2 ATP is produced. The electron transport chain, or oxidative phosphorylation, occurs in three important steps: 1. H atoms, H+ and e-, are removed from shuttle molecules (NADH and FADH2) 2. e- is padded along a chain of electron receiver molecules, the energy of falling eharnessed to make ATP 3. H+ and e- rejoin and react with O2 to form H2O (O2 is the final electron acceptor, without it, the process stops) Fermentation is a way of making ATP in the absence of O2. There are two types of fermentation; both just simply use the breaking down of pyruvate to recycle NADH into NAD required for glycolysis. Thus, fermentation only yields 2 ATP per molecule of glucose, whereas all three stages of respiration yield a combined amount of approximately 32 total ATP. Lactic acid fermentation Alcohol fermentation 2 ATP (from glycolysis) and 2 ATP (from glycolysis), lactic acid; NADH is recycled ethanol, and CO2; NADH is into NAD recycled into NAD Yeasts and some bacteria Eukaryotes deprived of O2, (yeasts in anaerobic conditions such as you when fleeing from are what generate ethanol and your older brother; some CO2 in production of alcoholic bacteria and fungi (used in beverages, in wine, the CO2 is production of dairy products such as cheese and yogurt, this allowed to escape, in beer, it is contained, thus yielding is why some yogurt says bubbles contains live cultures)



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