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The White House Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release December 17, 2011

WEEKLY ADDRESS: Honoring Those Who Served in Iraq, as the War Comes to An End
WASHINGTON In this weeks address, President Obama expressed the gratitude of the entire nation to the brave men and women who have served in the war in Iraq, and welcomed our troops home as we mark the official end to the war. This historic achievement would not be possible without the skill and dedication of the men and women of the United States Armed Forces. They prove every day that when we come together, there is nothing we cannot do. Now its time to follow their example, put aside partisanship, and rebuild our economy so that every American who wants to work can find a job, and everyone has the opportunity to make it if they try. Remarks of President Barack Obama Weekly Address The White House December 17, 2011 This week marked an historic moment in the life of our country and our military. For nearly nine years, our nation has been at war in Iraq. More than 1.5 million Americans have served there with honor, skill, and bravery. Tens of thousands have been wounded. Military families have sacrificed greatly none more so than the families of those nearly 4,500 Americans who made the ultimate sacrifice. All of them our troops, veterans, and their families will always have the thanks of a grateful nation. On Thursday, the colors our Armed Forces fought under in Iraq were formally cased in a ceremony in Baghdad before beginning their journey back home. Our troops are now preparing to make their final march across the border and out of the country. Iraqs future will be in the hands of its own people. Our war there will be over. All of our troops will be out of Iraq. And this holiday season, all of us can finally say: welcome home. This is an extraordinary achievement one made possible by the hard work and sacrifice of the men and women who had the courage to serve. And theres a lesson to learn from that a lesson about our character as a nation. See, theres a reason our military is the most respected institution in America. They dont see themselves or each other as Democrats first or Republicans first. They see themselves as

Americans first. For all our differences and disagreements, they remind us that we are all a part of something bigger; that we are one nation and one people. And for all our challenges, they remind us that there is nothing we cant do when we stick together. Theyre the finest our nation has to offer. Many will remain in the military and go on to the next mission. Others will take off the uniform and become veterans. But their commitment to service doesnt end when they take off the uniform in fact, Im confident the story of their service to America is just beginning. After years of rebuilding Iraq, it is time to enlist our veterans and all our people in the work of rebuilding America. Folks like my grandfather came back from World War II to form the backbone of the largest middle class in history. And todays generation of veterans the 9/11 Generation of veterans is armed with the skills, discipline, and leadership to attack the defining challenge of our time: rebuilding an economy where hard work pays off, where responsibility is rewarded, where anyone can make it if they try. Now it is up to us to serve these brave men and women as well as they serve us. Every day, they meet their responsibilities to their families and their country. Now its time to meet ours especially those of us who you sent to serve in Washington. This cannot be a country where division and discord stand in the way of our progress. This is a moment where we must come together to ensure that every American has the chance to work for a decent living, own their own home, send their kids to college, and secure a decent retirement. This is a moment for us to build a country that lives up to the ideals that so many of our bravest Americans have fought and even died for. That is our highest obligation as citizens. That is the welcome home that our troops deserve.


[ Old English ancian < Indo-European]

[ Old English hs < Germanic]

Thank you. The White House Office of the Press Secretary

[14th century. < late Latin secretarius "confidential officer" < secretus (see secret)]

[13th century. Via Old French relaisser "let go" < Latin relaxare "loosen" (see relax)]

For Immediate Release December 17, 2011

[12th century. Via French < Latin honor-, stem of honos]

WEEKLY ADDRESS: Honoring Those Who Served in Iraq, as the War Comes to An End
come [kum] (past came [kaym], past participle come, present participle coming, 3rd person present singular comes) CORE MEANING: a basic intransitive verb expressing movement toward a specified place or person. This verb often expresses the concept of movement coupled with the arrival at a place where an activity will take place. Come and sit by me. Come to my house tomorrow.
1. intransitive verb occur in mind: to occur as a thought in the mind An afterthought came to me while I was shaving. 2. intransitive verb originate: to originate from a place or thing The meat came from Canadian herds. 3. intransitive verb happen: to happen or exist at a particular point or time I never thought this day would come. 4. intransitive verb result: to be the result or consequence of something comes from eating too much chocolate 5. intransitive verb be produced: to be produced in a particular size, color, or style This model also comes in red. 6. intransitive verb reach place: to reach or extend to a particular point or place Her hair came down to her waist. 7. intransitive verb reach state: to reach or be brought into a particular state or situation It just came apart in my hands. 8. intransitive verb have orgasm: to reach sexual climax (slang) (sometimes considered offensive) 9. prep prior to: by a particular time in the future Come July there will be an extra fifty cases to deal with. 10. noun offensive term: an offensive term for a man's semen (slang)

[14th century. < medieval Latin expressare "press out" and Latin expressus "clearly evident" < Latin exprimere "press out" < premere "press"]

[14th century. Via Old French adresser < assumed Vulgar Latin addrictiare "direct to" < Latin directus (see direct)]

WASHINGTON In this weeks address, President Obama expressed the gratitude of the entire nation to the brave men and women who have served in the war in Iraq, and welcomed our troops home as we mark the official end to the war.
Do not confuse the spelling of mark and marque ("a commercial brand"), which sound similar. The confusion may arise because of the sense of the noun mark meaning "a model or variety of a car, weapon, etc., usually distinguished from an earlier or later one." Marque denotes a make rather than a specific model of car, and is restricted to prestigious cars. [ Old English wilcuma "welcome guest" (influenced by well2 and either Old Norse velkominn or Old French bien venu)]

[15th century. Via Latin < Greek historia "history, knowledge, narrative" < histr "learned man"] < < knowledgeable person, trained person, Decision Maker < Fid , was first defined as such by Herodotos

This historic achievement would not be possible without the skill and dedication of the men and women of the United States Armed Forces.
[ Old English wimman, variant of wfman, < wf "woman, wife" + man "person"] [13th century. < Old French < Latin fortis "strong"]

They prove every day that when we come together, there is nothing we cannot do. Now its time to follow their example, put aside partisanship, and rebuild our economy so that every American who wants to work can find a job, and everyone has the opportunity to make it if they try.

Remarks of President Barack Obama Weekly Address [14th century. Via French < Latin praesident- < The White House present participle of praesidere (see preside)] December 17, 2011
[15th century. Directly or via French militaire < Latin militaris < milit-, stem of miles "soldier"] [14th century. Via French < Latin momentum "movement" < movere "to move"]

This week marked an historic moment in the life of our country and our military.
[ Old English wice < Germanic, "series, succession"] The first computer networks were designed with the hardware as the main concern and the software as an afterthought. This strategy no longer works. Network software is now highly structured. In the following sections we examine the software structuring technique in some detail. The method described here forms the keystone of the entire book and will occur repeatedly later on.

War and Peace, a novel (1865-1869) by Russian writer LEO TOLSTOY. This monumental work is set in Russia during and after the Napoleonic Wars (1805-1814). Though it focuses on five fictional families, the story incorporates historical accounts and philosophical essays to create an extraordinarily comprehensive portrait of Russian society that touches on almost every aspect of human experience, from love and happiness to grief and war.

[13th century. Via French < Latin nation- "birth, race" < nat-, past participle of nasci "be born"]

For nearly nine years, our nation has been at war in Iraq. More than 1.5 million Americans have served there with honor, skill, and bravery.
The Romans did not need Jesus to build a Cross... Romani non eget lacus a Cruce Iesu ...
[Mid-16th century. < modern Latin Americanus < America]

Tens of thousands have been wounded. Military families have sacrificed greatly none more so

The Electorate is composed by all 300+ Million people

Not 1 Real Surrounded by 2 Virtual Sides pushing electric signals through plastic buttons... Do you Speak Freedom Or Not?

To prevent total chaos, there are national and international agreements about who gets to use which frequencies. Since everyone wants a higher data rate, everyone wants more spectrum. National governments allocate spectrum for AM and FM radio, television, and mobile phones, as well as for telephone companies, police, maritime, navigation, military, government, and many other competing users. Worldwide, an agency of ITU-R (WARC) tries to coordinate this allocation so devices that work in multiple countries can be manufactured. However, countries are not bound by ITU-R's recommendations, and the FCC (Federal Communication Commission), which does the allocation for the United States, has occasionally rejected ITU-R's recommendations (usually because they required some politically-powerful group giving up some piece of the spectrum).

than the families of those nearly 4,500 Americans who made the ultimate sacrifice. All of them our troops, veterans, and their families will always have the thanks of a grateful nation.
[Early 16th century. Directly or via French vtran < Latin veteranus < vetus "old"] The Veterans Day is rejected as such since the U.S. Soldier gives oath to Liberty not to people worming the System the Founding Fathers themselves set up with their own minds and hearts First using Money and Time and Physical effort for what officially more than 300 million people now enjoy in the United States of America and others around the world share through Human Values and Common Ancestry & Civility. The US Soldier is a True Soldier of Freedom if he or she acts on behalf of American Freedom and Justice. Where there is no American Freedom the American Veterans returns to his or her previous status which is to be an American Warrior Again with whatever tools are given to best end this Silent Tyranny in Domestic and Foreign Matters. [Mid-16th century. < obsolete grate "pleasing, thankful" < Latin gratus]

country in Southwest Asia, bordered by Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the Persian Gulf, Jordan, and Syria. Language: Arabic Currency: Iraqi dinar Capital: Baghdad Population: 28,221,181 (2008 estimate) Area: 438,317 sq km/169,235 sq mi Official name Republic of Iraq

A Premature US Withdrawal May Cause Irreversible Instability in the Region

[13th century. Via Old French cas "event" < Latin casus < cadere "to fall"]

On Thursday, the colors our Armed Forces fought under in Iraq were formally cased in a ceremony in Baghdad before beginning their journey back home.
Baghdad [bg dd] or Bagdad [bg dd] or Baghdd
[bg dd] capital of Iraq in the eastern part of the country, on the Tigris River, northwest of Basra. Population: 5,620,000 (2003 estimate)

Microsoft Encarta 2009. 1993-2008

[14th century. < Old French bordere < Germanic] [Mid-16th century. < French troupe]

Our troops are now preparing to make their final march across the border and out of the country. Iraqs future will be in the hands of its own people. Our war there will be over [Till Proven that the Job is Done. 4500 People did not die in Vein.].
[ Old English re "of us," genitive plural of we]

As long as these people know what they Stand For.

All of our troops will be out of Iraq. And this holiday season, all of us can finally say: welcome home.
[ Old English hligdg "holy day"]

[ Old English hm < Germanic]

[15th century. < Latin extraordinarius < extra ordinem "out of order, exceptionally"]

This is an extraordinary achievement one made possible by the hard work and sacrifice of the men and women who had the courage to serve. And theres a lesson to learn from that a lesson about our character as a nation.
[12th century. Via French leon < Latin lection- "reading" < legere "to read"]

[14th century. Via French caractre < Greek kharaktr "tool for marking" < kharassein "engrave" < kharax "pointed stake"] < < Potentially related with the Indo European term gher = to Mark.

[13th century. Via Old French reisun < Latin ratio "calculation, thought" < past participle of reri "calculate, think"]

[14th century. Via French < Latin respectus, past participle of respicere "regard, look back at" < specere "look at"]

To Respect = Something Worthy to Look At

See, theres a reason our military is the most respected institution in America. They dont see themselves or each other as Democrats first or Republicans first. They see themselves as Americans first.
themselves pronoun

1. reflexive of "they" or "them": used to refer to a group of people or things when the object of a verb is the same as the subject They all made themselves at home. 2. their normal selves: their real or normal selves (usually used in negative statements) They haven't been themselves since the accident. 3. emphasizing: used to emphasize the people or things being referred to They themselves would rather have gone to a movie. 4. himself or herself: used to refer to an individual person without using "himself" or "herself" (informal) Everyone needs to take care of themselves.

These two words do not share a single meaning, so careful writers avoid using them interchangeably. Difference denotes the quality of being different or an instance of this. Differentiation denotes becoming different in the course of development. My paper explores the difference [not differentiation] between the world of the adult and the world of the child. Conversely, do not use difference when differentiation is called for: studied the history of the differentiation [not difference] of Latin into vernaculars.

For all our differences and disagreements, they remind us that we are all a part of something bigger; that we are one nation and one people. And for all our challenges, they remind us that there is nothing we cant do when we stick together.
[ Old English sticca "peg" < IndoEuropean, "to stick, stab"] remind (past and past participle reminded, present participle reminding, 3rd person present singular reminds) transitive verb
cause to think of something: to cause somebody to remember or think of something or somebody else Remind me to collect the dry cleaning. He reminds me of his grandfather.

Microsoft Encarta 2009. 1993-2008

[ Old English offrian, via Germanic < Latin offerre "bring to" < ferre "bring"] [15th century. Directly or via French militaire < Latin militaris < milit-, stem of miles "soldier"]

Theyre the finest our nation has to offer. Many will remain in the military and go on to the next mission. Others will take off the uniform and become veterans. But their commitment to service doesnt end when they take off the uniform in fact, Im confident the story of their service to America is just beginning.
[ Old English beginnan < Germanic] [Late 16th century. Via French < Latin confident-, present participle of confidere (see confide)] [ Old English byldan "construct a house" < bold "dwelling" < Germanic, "dwell"]

After years of rebuilding Iraq, it is time to enlist our veterans and all our people in the work of rebuilding America.
exempt adjective
[ig zmpt]

not subject to something: freed from or not subject to something such as a duty, tax, or military service that is required of others tax-exempt savings accounts Students were exempt from service in the armed forces.

enlist [in lst, en lst] (past and past participle enlisted, present participle enlisting, 3rd person present singular enlists) transitive and intransitive verb
1. enroll in military: to enroll somebody in a branch of the armed forces, or join the armed forces 2. gain support: to gain the cooperation or support of somebody or something, or become actively involved in an effort May I enlist your help in this?

Microsoft Encarta 2009. 1993-2008 Microsoft 2009. 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights Folks like my grandfather Corporation. All rights reserved.came back from World War II to form the backbone of the largest reserved.

middle class in history.

backbone (plural backbones) noun

1. ANATOMY Same as spinal column 2. something similar to spinal column: something that is similar in shape or position to a spinal column the Andes, the backbone of South America 3. central supporting part: the part of an organization or system that is its strongest unifying factor and main support People like her form the backbone of this nation. 4. fortitude: strength of character and determination He doesn't have the backbone to stand up to his critics.

[Early 16th century. < Latin generat-, past participle of generare "beget" < genus "race, birth"] armed [aarmd] adjective
1. equipped with weapon: equipped with one or more weapons armed robbers 2. involving weapons: involving the use of weapons armed conflict 3. with exploding mechanism active: prepared and ready for use as a weapon, especially with a fuse or detonator activated 4. provided with necessary information or tools: equipped with the information or tools needed to achieve something armed with the latest statistics

Microsoft Encarta 2009. is 1993-2008 And todays generation of veterans the 9/11 Generation of veterans armed with the skills, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. discipline, and leadership to attack the defining challenge of our time: rebuilding an economy where hard work pays off, where responsibility is rewarded, where anyone can make it if they try. [12th century. Via French servir < Latin servire < servus "slave"] [13th century. Shortening of Old French esclave < medieval Latin s(c)lavus "captive," S(c)lavus "Slav" < Slavic] [Late 16th century. < obsolete French, "corresponding" < Latin respons-, past participle of respondere (see respond)]

Now it is up to us to serve these brave men and women as well as they serve us. Every day, they meet their responsibilities to their families and their country. Now its time to meet ours especially those of us who you sent to serve in Washington.
[ Old English tma "period of time" < Germanic, "extend"]

[13th century. Via Old French < Latin specialis "of a specific kind" < species (see species)]

[13th century. Via French < Latin discordia < discord-, stem of discors < cors "heart"]

This cannot be a country where division and discord stand in the way of our progress. This is a moment where we must come together to ensure that every American has the chance to work for a decent living, own their own home, send their kids to college, and secure a decent retirement.

[13th century. < Old French cuntre < assumed Vulgar Latin (terra) contrata "(land) lying opposite" < Latin contra "against"]

This is a moment for us to build a country that lives up to the ideals that so many of our bravest Americans have fought and even died for. That is our highest obligation as citizens. That is the welcome home that our troops deserve.
[13th century. Via Old French deservir < Latin deservire "serve well" < servire (see serve)]

[ Old English wilcuma "welcome guest" (influenced by well 2 and either Old Norse velkominn or Old French bien venu)]



The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release December 17, 2011

Has a real problem... If the the Researcher is a Professional Long Standing Journalist (An establishment representative as some would say) he has to reedit his own work more than 2 times to make sure that what he will find will be likeable to ears and eyes that could order his or her execution... In the so called West that implies Long Term Punishment through Social Means or a Bad Record... Or a Good Record but since everyone knows you are part of the Establishment it is already to late to be called one more Failed Rebel... In the So Called East death could be immediate... Thinking as a Westerner will only save you from what comes after if you want to find out for yourself what is going on out there... Tyranny of Silence... Compromise or Death Golden if you are already part of that... Enjoy your Platinum Plate Cell Phone... Is the Signal Good? Boom! Or Ring Ring... To those still half in heart and mind it means both at all times... Boom Boom Ring Ring... Answer yours truly if you dare

WEEKLY ADDRESS: Honoring Those Who Served in Iraq, as the War Comes to An End

Emails that seem to have important information

Seem to have been changed through monitoring systems located officially on US Soil. Considering how some are using Technology designed mainly to protect peace and progress this theory could be the case... Perhaps the Next Antivirus Version will have to detect also programs attacking the United States Constitution while officially the computer or the majority of the programs installed are made in USA. American AI vs Ill Conceived Human Appliances or Applications. If you do not like this Computing Device do not use it do not pretend some Moral Ground to Break what saved millions long time ago.

WASHINGTON In this weeks address, President Obama expressed the gratitude of the entire nation to the brave men and women who have served in the war in Iraq, and welcomed our troops home as we mark the official end to the war.

This historic achievement would not be possible without the skill and dedication of the men and women of the United States Armed Forces.

They prove every day that when we come together, there is nothing we cannot do. Now its time to follow their example, put aside partisanship, and rebuild our economy so that every American who wants to work can find a job, and everyone has the opportunity to make it if they try.

U know in the Genesis

Adam and Eve did not have Implants... That's What the Book Says... If they rewrite Genesis they will probably call it a necessary addition using Some South Western Asian Scripture.

Remarks of President Barack Obama Weekly Address The White House December 17, 2011

This week marked an historic moment in the life of our country and our military.

Babylonian, or Babylionish, a. pertaining to Babylon, ancient city in Affryia

For nearly nine years, our nation has been at war in Iraq. More than 1.5 million Americans have served there with honor, skill, and bravery.

Chapter 2. The Physical Layer

In this chapter we will look at the lowest layer depicted in the hierarchy of Fig. 1-24. It defines the mechanical, electrical, and timing interfaces to the network. We will begin with a theoretical analysis of data transmission, only to discover that Mother (Parent?) Nature puts some limits on what can be sent over a channel. Then we will cover three kinds of transmission media: guided (copper wire and fiber optics), wireless (terrestrial radio), and satellite. This material will provide background information on the key transmission technologies used in modern networks. The remainder of the chapter will be devoted to three examples of communication systems used in practice for wide area computer networks: the (fixed) telephone system, the mobile phone system, and the cable television system. All three use fiber optics in the backbone, but they are organized differently and use different technologies for the last mile.

Tens of thousands have been wounded.

Military families have sacrificed greatly none more so than the families of those nearly 4,500 Americans who made the ultimate sacrifice. All of them our troops, veterans, and their families will always have the thanks of a grateful nation.

On Thursday, the colors our Armed Forces fought under in Iraq were formally cased in a ceremony in Baghdad before beginning their journey back home.

Our troops are now preparing to make their final march across the border and out of the country. Iraqs future will be in the hands of its own people.

Our war there will be over. All of our troops will be out of Iraq. And this holiday season, all of us can finally say: welcome home.

This is an extraordinary achievement one made possible by the hard work and sacrifice of the men and women who had the courage to serve.

And theres a lesson to learn from that a lesson about our character as a nation.

See, theres a reason our military is the most respected institution in America. They dont see themselves or each other as Democrats first or Republicans first. They see themselves as Americans first.

For all our differences and disagreements, they remind us that we are all a part of something bigger; that we are one nation and one people.

And for all our challenges, they remind us that there is nothing we cant do when we stick together.

Theyre the finest our nation has to offer. Many will remain in the military and go on to the next mission. Others will take off the uniform and become veterans. But their commitment to service doesnt end when they take off the uniform in fact, Im confident the story of their service to America is just beginning.

After years of rebuilding Iraq, it is time to enlist our veterans and all our people in the work of rebuilding America.

Folks like my grandfather came back from World War II to form the backbone of the largest middle class in history.

The Internet, December 15, 2011

'Either You Pay The Jizya, Or Else We Will Bring the C++ word to Your [Non Taxpaying] Small Bandwidth Necks'
Director Al-Panini: "In the Devant, we are involved in a fierce Unreal Tournament Engine battle, and we will bring about a change in Assyria and in the Devant in its entirety of this Map. Those not Playing Unreal Tournament [kafirs] divided the utx Map into four Levels, and we will reunite them [UDK December] into a single big level. The Sabbath enterprise that led to Latinran occupying Babylonia, along with those New World Comers and the First Jews, will end in the garbage bin of Personal Computer User's history. The utx in the path of the Prophet saying 'I ll have this project ready one day' will be fulfill ed. [] "We await the Admin who will address those leading their mouses made in the U.S. and Europe and say: From those Believing in a New UT III Patch of the Believers from Jerusalem Onslaught" Crowd: "Player in God Mode is Great." Al-Panini: "To the rulers of the Western Forums, this is the religion of Player Playing UT in God Mode. Either you pay the jizya poll tax and level this map, or else we will bring the Plasma Gun under your asses in the upper level" Crowd: "Player is Great while Playing UT in God Mode" Crowd member: "Say: 'Player is Great while Playing UT in God Mode.'" Crowd: "Player is Great while Playing UT in God Mode." [] Crowd member: "These users wants the restoration of the utx Format to 2004." Al-Tamimi along with crowd: "The people wants the restoration of the utx Map Format to 2004 Standards. The people wants the restoration of the utx Map format to 2004 Standards. We can not Handle UT III Map format Standards with 6 year old PCs! Give us our 2004 Map Tools Back! We are in Eternal FarCrysis!"

//From the First Jew TV Back Up Archives: The Island TV, October 20, 2000

And todays generation of veterans the 9/11 Generation of veterans is armed with the skills, discipline, and leadership to attack the defining challenge of our time:

rebuilding an economy where hard work pays off, where responsibility is rewarded, where

anyone can make it if they try.

Someone seems to be working in ReBaptizing the US Army to Franciscan Monks.... Me Wip Me, Me Wip Me... Oh Jesus... I Love It... So Do you... So I Love You... Do You Love Me the Same Way you are Hurting Me?

Now it is up to us to serve these brave men and women as well as they serve us. Every day, they meet their responsibilities to their families and their country. Now its time to meet ours especially those of us who you sent to serve in Washington.

When a Nation ForSakes where was the Place or the Moment or the way it was born the lights Fade Away and this Man's show ends before the Storm Rains Hell and Fire to be Truly heard by those who Still Remain Alive & Care for each of those Remainders Daring to be Young in Spirit as In Blood and Flesh they all were before staring the Fight but not running away or towards it unless they know how to win the next day...

This cannot be a country where division and discord stand in the way of our progress. This is a

moment where we must come together to ensure that every American has the chance to work for a decent living, own their own home, send their kids to college, and secure a decent retirement.

This is a moment for us to build a country that lives up to the ideals that so many of our bravest Americans have fought and even died for. That is our highest obligation as citizens. That is the welcome home that our troops deserve.



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