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Introduction Evolution of Computer Implementation of Information Technology for Education Conclusions Bibliography Introduction Humanity is living in a new epoch, in which it is losing importance the physical work, which required the industrial revolution, at the same time that is becoming increasingly important to mental work that requires the new information revolution, the existing computers give you the information you need to expand their intellectual potential. At the time in which we live, we see great scientific advances on everything, i am referring to the computerization of the data in all fields of science that exist in the world, from the factual science known as the event or processes until the formal sciences that are related to ideas or signs. We can see that this Information Technology of Communication known as (TICs), revolutionized almost all sciences by making it faster and more agile, in the loading of data and the operations to be carried out in the work of scientific research, But we are going to focus on the influence that the informatics in the science of education developing their advantages and disadvantages of this new technology applied to education, where are involved actors of education, which are teachers and students. Evolution of informatics As we will see the informatics, comes to be a set of scientific knowledge and techniques that make it possible to automatic processing of information by means of computers. Information technology combines the theoretical and practical aspects of engineering, electronics, information theory, mathematics, logic and human behavior. Aspects of informatics cover from programming and computer architecture to artificial intelligence and robotics. Informatics in the course of the time led many advances made in technology, such as. In 1937, Howard H. Aiken (1900-1973), Harvard University, develops the idea of baggage along with a team of scientists from the department of IBM. The results of its studies culminated in the construction of a numerical calculator based on the use of the electromagnetic relays, sprockets and electromechanical clutches, configuring the first electromechanical computer called MARK I. It was known as Calculator automatic sequence controlled (Automatic Sequence Contolled) perforated. Today we would call the attention of their staggering proportions and the showy quantity of elements involved. This is explained by the exclusive use of electromechanical devices or relays, since they were not available for electronic components. Here are some of their characteristics. He was 66.6 meters long by 2.6 meters high, he weighed 70 tons and was constituted by 800.00 moving parts, while retaining your cabling with a length of 800,000 meters. Added the numbers in less than a second and multiplied in three seconds, giving the answers punch cards. In 1940, John W. Mauchly and John Presper eckert along with scientists from the University of Pennsylvania were constructed in the School of Moore Engineering ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) computer and inclusive electronic numerical built in vacuum, which came into operation in 1945. The ENIAC was programmable and universal, i.e. it could be applied to any kind of calculation. It was much used by the United States Army for the calculation of the trajectory of projectiles through tables.It was a thousand times faster than MARK I and was the sum of the numbers in ten

thousandth of a second multiplying them in three thousandths of a second. I had a volume of approximately 111 cubic metres, it occupied an area of 160 square meters and its weight was approaching the 30 tonnes; also possessed 17.478 vacuum tubes, 50,000 computers, 70,000 resistors, 10,000 capacitors, 7,500 switches, 1,500 relays and consumption of 100,000 to 200,000 watts. This made that connected ENIAC for the first time, the lights of a good part of the city of Philadelphia suffered a great decline of the in your lighting, staying almost dark city. In addition, the team needed to ventilation and maintenance was very high, especially due to the valves. In 1944, engineer and mathematician John Von Neuman(1903_-_1975) of Hungarian-born and naturalized American, participated in the work of the ENAC and had coercion reflect on the principles of the device which was to become operational. Von Neuman matured a bright idea. How Eniac was wired and connected so that he could perform a type of calculation. And everytime you wanted to change from computational activity, all the work should be redone. It meant prior planning and work of several hours. The ENAC was general purpose but it delayed the redevelopment of the connections as a condition for programme new s tasks.The idea of Neuman was the coexistence of data and instructions in the computer and the ability to be programmed, not being them orders wired circuits of the machine. Because the mathematician cautioned of a computer could be designed with a memory more capable of operating and the other should operate without the need for and return to wire her and would remain unchanged. In 1952 took place this machine be called EDVAC (Electronic Variable Automatic Computer), and was a modification of the Eniac. This computer used canvases of acoustic delay of mercury by where they were subject to delay electrical signals and enabled the memorization of data.Today the technological change have led to a classification of computer generations which are: First generation (1940-1952) constituted them all those computers designed with vacuum as a main element of control valves and whose fundamental use was the conduct of applications in the fields of science and military. Three major steps had placed the evolution of this technology on the doors of the first generation. Where Mauchly Corporation, developed as a first project a binary computer automatic which I call BINAC (1949) Binac Automatic Computer whose novelty consisted in carrying out certain transmissions of internal signals in parallel. With this machine appeared semiconductor diodes in computers. BINAC was promise of technical progress and future business development.In 1951 he finished a new device that built the first computer in series released; This was the UNIVAC I (Universal Automatic Computer-computer automatic Universal). This computer was no longer an exclusive tool of soldiers and scientists and fully entered in the civilian world and the business.It had an automatic control circuit and memorized program, also used magnetic tape, but from 1952 was built in series, the MANIAC I, MANIAC-II, and UNIVAC-II, this last with ferrite cores and this gave way to the era of computers. Second generation (1952-1964) by replacing the vacuum valve with the transistor, began the so-called second generation of computers. She plot them generated power and reliability, losing size, consumption, and price, what reason is more accessible and practical. Fields of application of that time were in addition to the scientific and military, the administrative and management of companies engaged in the business. Third generation (1964-1971) this generation the element more significant is the use of the integrated circuit which appeared in 1964, was the encapsulation of a large number of components discretos(resistencia,_condensadores,_diodos_y_transistores) forming one or several circuits with a certain role, on a tablet of plastic or silicone. Also, the software evolved significantly with a development of operating systems. They began to use magnetic disk, the IBM 360 is one of the

third generation introduced the integrated circuit. This series computers could connect for the first time in the form of network, overcoming the isolation of the previous models. Fourth generation (1971-1981) in 1971 appear the microprocessor, consisting in the integration of all the processing unit of a computer in a single integrated circuit. I will use the so-called diskette (floopy disk) as external storage unit. Appeared a large number of languages of programming of all types and networks.As characteristics of this generation: the microprocessor is the reduction of the size of its components arriving to operate at microscopic scales. Micro miniaturization allows the microprocessor, integrated circuit that governs work them basic computer, capacity memory increases significantly and each year, from the year 80, will far outweigh precedents, with the reduction of the size limits as in the third generation appeared to the mini computer use of for decentralized tasks and in the fourth generation appear the microcomputers and computer household or personal use. This three types of computers that bring to the public ever more. Fifth generation (1981-2000) in 1981 the main producers of new technologies mainly United States and Japan, announced a new generation, whose characteristics would be the following use of components at very high level of integration (VLDI) - computers with intelligence Artificial-the use of natural language (fifth generation language) - interconnection between all kinds of computers, devices and networks (integrated networks) - data integration, images, and voice (multimedia environments) computer, capacity memory increases significantly and each year, from the year 80, will far outweigh precedents, with the reduction of the size limits as in the third generation appeared to the mini computer use of for decentralized tasks and in the fourth generation appear the microcomputers and computer household or personal use. This three types of computers that bring to the public ever more. Sixth generation (2000- 2011) Almost here does not change much on regard to the fifth generation, only to be perfeccionoEn new and emerging technologies are:-System the use of wireless technology Wireless devices on your computer, but without wires that connect the mouse, speaker or keyboard etc. They are connected by radio signals and light rays infrared.-use of mobile phones, digital cameras, audio equipment and TV connection simultaneously connected to the cable or wireless with standard input USB to the computer.-use of the Internet by satellite connection system no matter the place, use with portable antenna. -Use of Bluetooth is a short-range radio waves technology (2.4 frequency Gigahertzios) caused by the following companies Agere, Ericsson, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Motorola, Nokia and Toshiba, and hundreds of partner companies, with this technology you can do things unlimited-use of Wi-Fi technology, to connect Internet, have more speed and more information from data. Bluetooth technology you can connect a10 metres away, with music which can be heard from the kitchen, electronically opening the door of your House, open wallets, keys, tickets, business cards, turn on cooking or radio or TV, teams in all end what East connected to this technology.Given that this WIFI technology, taking a range of 45 to 90 meters of distance, it is fashionable today, its cost still is high and consequences that affect the health when using this type of technology, because the radiation that emanates by electromagnetic waves with that work equipment is acceptable, but investigations say when one is too exposed to the use of radiationcreate some kind of anomalies especially to children. But to confirm this assertion is needed to do more research to validate these damage produced in the human being with efficiency.

Implementation of information technology in education Since the time of the third generation, use the computer for teaching, but so restricted, since the year 1980, 1990 until 2007, reported the teaching of computing with height and inertia he entered the field of education revolutionizing the teaching methodology, as teaching materials for teachers and professors of various learning center. We cite some illustrious thoughts on computing in education, which are: Sanchez j. (1999), in his book "Building and learning with the computer", defines the generic concept of educational Software like any computer program whose structural and functional features serve as support for the process to teach, learn and manage. A more restricted concept of educational Software defines it as the learning materials specially designed to be used with a computer in the teaching and learning processes.According to Rodrguez Lamas (2000), is a computer application that supported above a well defined pedagogical strategy, directly supports the process of teaching learning constitute an effective instrument for the educational development of the man in the next century.According to Ernesto Che Guevara (March 1962) raised the following: "the world walks into the electronic age..."Everything indicates that this science will be in something as well as a measure of development; who dominates will be a country of Vanguard. "Let's turn our efforts in this regard with revolutionary courage." Made several experiments on the inclusion of information technology in education, is that the students are motivated, and be partakers of the use of this technology where they see the great value of the benefits of this technology especially in search of information on the Internet one finds plenty of items on any field of sciencethe use of courses over the Internet, finally is also a preview that helps a lot to this generation, for the immense amount of data we have. This is the era of the information in which we live, created plenty of educational software in order to improve the quality of teaching and learning, but he ran into a problem, these software are not so commercial products, such as games, videos and other software, its development was slow, but I get to develop.They are characterized by being highly interactive, from the use of multimedia resources, such as videos, sounds, photographs, specialized dictionaries, explanations of experienced teachers, exercises and instructive games that support the functions of evaluation and diagnosis. Educational software can deal with different subjects (mathematics, languages, geography, drawing), in very different ways (from questionnaires, facilitating a structured information to students, through the simulation of phenomena) and provide a working environment more or less sensitive to the circumstances of the students and more or less rich in possibilities of interaction; but they all share the following features: -allows interactivity with the students, retroalimentndolos and evaluating what has been learned. -It facilitates the animated representations. -It has an impact on the development of skills through exercising. -It allows to simulate complex processes. -It reduces the time available to deliver great amount of knowledge by providing differentiated work, introducing the student to work with computer-based media. -It facilitates independent work and at the same time an individual treatment of the differences. -Allows the user (student) introduce the most advanced techniques. Educational software have the following peculiarity of simulating the real experiments in a laboratory, which in reality would be difficult to do, or a library, or perform an experimental function of graphs of functions algbricas, trigonometrica, logarithmic, bidimensiones and threedimensional, areas of any graphic or calculations in Cuba were made until 2003 two educational software types:

1) Algorithmic, where dominant learning via transmission of knowledge, where the role of the student is assimilated to the tutorials mximo -Sistema: System based on the dialogue with the student -system coaches: splits that the student has the concept and skills, deepening the stage end of learning: electronic application and retroalimentacin -Libros: its object is to present to the student, as text, graphics, animations and videos, to facilitate the action to perform, but with levels of motivation and interactivity 2) Heuristics: where the student discover knowledge interacting with the atmosphere of learning, which are further subdivided into: -simulators: the purpose is to support the process of teaching - aprendizaje-Juegos of experts: is a knowledge which solves problems requires expertise human -tutorials intelligent teaching systems: here wake up greater interest and motivation, it detects errors, sorts and performed a feedback. Since 2004 in Cuba, education level ICT systems, appeared a new trend in the topologies of educational software, a new model of software has been named HIPERENTORNO educational or HIPERENTORNO of learning, which is not more than a computer system based on technology hypermedia containing a mixture of representative elements of various types of educational software.Now discuss the influence exercised computing in mathematics, one of the branches of education, as we know is redundant computer and ICT are elements characteristic of our contemporary civilisation in which we live, the computer is undoubtedly the greatest support for mathematics in our time, as asserted by Lynn Steen: "this intruder has changed the ecosystem of mathematics deeply and permanently". With the advent of computers the Professor of mathematics, had to reshape its teaching on the basis of new technologies, to improve the quality of teaching, showing the positive effects perform calculations, problem solving and algorithm approach to the formulation and problem solving, where takes place a discreet paradigm shift, processes of sum, the calculating approximate, models expressed by differential equations, set theory linking them and graphics of various functions in flat two-dimensional or three-dimensional etc.Modeling and simulation of processes of phenomena, this is also application as software: software of calculation Excel, SPSS statistical software, software Matlab, which is a software of calculation and a programming language for designing more systems information, also for all kinds of simulation and motion graphics or static, in the end many things that will help us the computer. One of the problems of computer science, is an educational tool that nobody explains how to use in the classroom and whose articulation with the educational system is not explained, so that the educational institutions themselves should be documented. In this era of educational reforms, the lack of information allows the creation of myths that blind people about ways to effectively take advantage of the technology, and if we are not aware, these defects can be expensive. Where the teacher has to take the initiative to use suitable didactic paradigm which will accompany the development of its kind for the use of this technology widely used at this time. Advantages of information technology: * Aid to taking courses at a distance, is of the standard primary, secondary, University (levels of undergraduate and postgraduate), helping the people who work, that work schedule, they cannot consider, or continue schooling of their studies, either of any level, thus making one extension of their knowledge and progress in the vida.

*Da helps invaluable education, makes it possible to access large bases of knowledge and in the universities and libraries in Internet use, because wide knowledge in all areas of knowledge of the factual science to the formal, also provides an infinite universe of possibilities that gives this technology and exalts the human condition. Educational software use enriched the field of pedagogy, which is an attractive, dynamic, which allows to control individually and collectively, gives a class more developed, allowing better teaching quality - educational and shows interdisciplinarity of the asignaturas. *Aumento of productivity, more jobs * increase in time free and creates new job opportunities. Disadvantages of computer science: * The places where Wifi technology, which uses ICT these electromagnetic waves is applied generates radiation that is three times more high than a cell phone Tower, this reason that the universities of Canada, notary have forbidden to connect over the Internet in the University campus, is United Kingdom the introduction of this technology in schools 70% , 50% colleges and universities, but permitted normal levels are low, but there is much that researching this radiation and the effect that occurs in humans. * Each knowledge new on the Internet should be analyzed, for not having a scientific recognition, one can fall into errors, empirical facts which are not relevant in the knowledge that are just pure show without fundamento. *En the study of Kraut et al. (1998) came to the conclusion that Internet contributed to reducing the social circle and affect psychological well-being, displacing the social activity and replacing the strong Union ties for other more weak. * excessive use of computers, generates unrest in health especially by poor blood circulation and back pain, by the bad position of the body to sit in front a computer. * Will be unemployment, if one does not refresh. * on the position of the body, to be a long time sitting on a computer and the effects of wear and tear on the view, for being too close. Conclusions We can see that this technology is revolutionizing all fields of science, helping to improve speed and efficiency in the work of investigative, because without these teams calculations take much and would have errors, this will desminuyen errors, in particular to education helped much, where pupils, it motivates and awakens the investigative desire of the study being undertaken by and with regard to the teacher, you have to take a role more important which must be updated in order to face the challenges of this new technology. Despite the negative effects of health, when one is too exposed to the use of the computer. Bibliography * Microsoft Corporation, USA, consulting Microsoft Encarta 2005 library. * Gonzlez - Manet, e. new forms of communication and culture: the impact of new technologies. Editorial Pablo de la Torriente Brau. 1998 11. P. * Bartholomew, a. application of computing in education. In the new technologies of information in education. Eds. Juan Pablos and Carlos Gortari. Ed. Alfar Madrid pp. 113-137 1992. *Gallego a., Mara Jess. The information technologies and communications in the practical training of teachers. 2000 http://tecnologiaedu.us.es/edutec/edutec01

* Educational Software and its influence on the Cuban school. http://www.monografias.com/trabajos31/software-Educativo-Cuba/software-Educativocuba.shtml written by Lic. Sergio Chupa Almanza

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