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Generally arguments turn into conflicts why?

When a discussion turns into a argument and an argument turns into a conflict is the exclusive responsibility of the wise because for fools there are only right s devoid of responsibilities Arguments arise as a dissent to others version upon any subject; it is not neces sary that our argument is correct or incorrect... there can be various valid rea sons that may support our incorrect stand point. It could be some latest change that has not touched our notice, it could be some misinformation passed on to us by a reliable source who would have been further inflicted to some misinformati on, it could be our part of the half truth which requires its complete formation before concluding for any absolute conclusion. There can be en number of valid reason that push us to moot with our part of argument inconsiderate of its appro priateness; yet there is nothing wrong in it truth unless uncovered with its ulti mate entity can evade even a large nation comprising varied talent prevailing at excellent heights. Therefore none can withstand the authenticity for any truth unless the truth itself reveals itself with entirety before our comprehension. The idea of writing this immediate previous line is not to create any confusion about tenacity of various facts instead the basic premise for its mention is to enable one understand that the size and form for any argument should always rema in small and gentle. Once a grounded fact comes in place at the depths of our insight that the absolu te truth is a fact that one cannot easily fight for then there is an immediate tran sformation within us; as an outcome of that transformation we then despite of ho lding the absolute truth within under the light of any mortal subject we shall not make it a subject of a vehemence expression during moments of any dissent. Acco rding to the wise one has to protect the truth like an infant its godlike, devoid of any malefic content but yet not that easy for anyone and everyone to hold and whosoever shall behold it should be able to do so with absolute care. An infant is innocent; is it a subject of argument? & even if someone without a stable mi nd shall like to bring this subject for argument then the response of the wise o nes shall remain to keep distance why? For they the wise ones know the fact and a t the same time understand that the one fighting for that fact through an argume nt lacks the ability to comprehend the truth. I understand that while working in our professional streams or relationships whe re people with equal competence arise before us in an argumentative manner then even if repeat even if we assume to behold the perfect truth in light of the subj ect in argument then the mere illustration mentioned above shall not facilitate effective working. Indeed it is so but the inference one should draw from the exa mple of an infant and a lunatic is different these words to follow are of absolut e importance Irrespective of the fact that who knows the perfect truth in light of any subjec t that is gradually transcending towards argument the wise one must bear a greate r responsibility to manage those moments that appear to inching towards argument ation. The issue for the establishment of perfect truth may not be an easy proce ss for most on one basic premise that the moment the rebuttal or combat through words is triggered then with all immediacy the Ego factor takes the charge of an ordinary brain storming exercise. Those moments are coloured with might is right instead to ascertain the true light of a fact. And when Ego takes over the stee ring then all mental faculties are pressed into its service grouping, diffusion o f existing groups, strategisation, stratification, manouvering etc all get diver ged towards one direction to prove that one was right even while holding a right as they say that some people exercise impact to turn two wrongs into a right when it comes to their individual Ego terms. The responsibility for the wise one is to first asses and considers the exigency

of the matter along with the validity ratio of truth it understands (that is no t an easy exercise since its assessment is a subject of experience) and then ado pts the appropriate manner. In case the matter pertains to heightened levels of exigency then the manner has to be persuasive without losing an inch of the grou nd; exclusively devoid of heading towards any bit of argument. Retain the norms of discussion despite of absolute dissent remember that discussion transforms int o an argument and an argument further transforms into a conflict and a conflict r esults into unhappy conclusion that last very long. The wise one in case conside rs that the subject of dissent can bear some postponement then that is the most preferred route to move ahead. The establishment of perfect truth for any subjec t could take some time through deployment of various alternate channels; human a nd logistics related. The subject can be produced before the same people through a different manner. This article confines its ambit to the heading argumentation on the grounds of e stablishing the validity of any fact it does not touch the dimension of appropria teness which further involves a large number of different elements for its consi deration. Scheme A is better to B, C or D is a subject involving a different set of instruments to arrive the most suitable conclusion and yes in fact If while exercising the appropriateness in favor of any scheme if a moment falls upon con sideration the validity of the truth of any one or more components then this art icle comes to its force. It is the experience by the most that the heat drawn ou t of discussion with dissent then travel down to personal relationships and that is a well dressed disaster with etiquette without a reasonable heart behind. When a discussion turns into a argument and an argument turns into a conflict is the exclusive responsibility of the wise because for fools there are rights dev oid of responsibilities judgement is yours desire2will.com. dinesh kumar. (learnin g under discipline)

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