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The code below takes the closed Polylines from an existing FeatureClass, and creates a new FeatureClass of Polygons

from them. The FeatureClass must be in a GeoDatabase FeatureDataset - the new FeatureClass is created in this FeatureDataset. How to use: 1. Open ArcMap, open the VBA editor and paste the code below into the code window. 2. Add a FeatureDataset containing a Polyline FeatureClass. Some of the Polyline features should form closed loops. 3. Run the ClosedLinesNewFC macro.
Public Sub ClosedLinesNewFC() ' ' Get the current map. ' Dim pMxDoc As IMxDocument, pMap As IMap Set pMxDoc = ThisDocument Set pMap = pMxDoc.FocusMap ' ' Here, we select the top layer in the Map to work with. ' Dim pFeatureLyr As IFeatureLayer, pFeatureClass As IFeatureClass If TypeOf pMap.Layer(0) Is IFeatureLayer Then Set pFeatureLyr = pMap.Layer(0) Set pFeatureClass = pFeatureLyr.FeatureClass ' ' Check the layer belongs to a (Local or Remote) GeoDatabase FeatureDataset - we will ' add the new FeatureClass of Polygons to this same FeatureDataset. ' If Not pFeatureClass.FeatureDataset Is Nothing Then Dim pFeatureDataset As IFeatureDataset Set pFeatureDataset = pFeatureClass.FeatureDataset If Not pFeatureDataset.Workspace.Type = esriFileSystemWorkspace Then ' ' Check we have some closed lines before going ahead and creating a FeatureClass. ' If fnHasClosedLines(pFeatureClass) Then ' ' If we have found some closed lines, then create a FeatureClass. The first step ' is to establish a fields collection, by copying the existing Fields collection, ' and altering the GeometryDef to contain Polygons instead of Polylines. ' Dim pNewFields As IFields Set pNewFields = fnMakePolygonFields(pFeatureClass.Fields, pFeatureClass.ShapeFieldName) If pNewFields Is Nothing Then Exit Sub If Not pNewFields.FieldCount = pFeatureClass.Fields.FieldCount Then Exit Sub ' ' Create the new FeatureClass in the FeatureDataset, using the cloned and edited ' Fields collection, and the name NewPolygons. ' Dim pNewFeatureClass As IFeatureClass

Set pNewFeatureClass = pFeatureDataset.CreateFeatureClass("NewPolygons", pNewFields, Nothing, Nothing, esriFTSimple, pFeatureClass.ShapeFieldName, "") ' ' Start editing the FeatureClass we have created. ' Dim pNewDataset As IDataset, pNewWorkspaceEdit As IWorkspaceEdit Set pNewDataset = pNewFeatureClass Set pNewWorkspaceEdit = pNewDataset.Workspace pNewWorkspaceEdit.StartEditing False pNewWorkspaceEdit.StartEditOperation ' ' Now we create a FeatureCursor from all of the features in the original feature ' class. We use this cursor to iterate the features to find closed Polylines. ' Dim pFeatureCursor As IFeatureCursor, pFeature As IFeature Set pFeatureCursor = pFeatureClass.Search(Nothing, False) Set pFeature = pFeatureCursor.NextFeature Dim pCurve As ICurve Do While Not pFeature Is Nothing Set pCurve = pFeature.Shape If fnCurveClosed(pCurve) Then ' ' Add the closed line to the new FeatureClass as a Polygon, copying the attributes. ' Dim pPolygon As IPolygon Set pPolygon = fnPolylineToPolygon(pCurve) Dim pNewFeature As IFeature Set pNewFeature = pNewFeatureClass.CreateFeature ' ' Iterate all the Fields to copy the attribute values. ' Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To pNewFields.FieldCount - 1 If (Not pNewFields.Field(i).Type = esriFieldTypeGeometry) And (Not pNewFields.Field(i).Type = esriFieldTypeOID) Then If pNewFields.Field(i).Editable Then pNewFeature.Value(i) = pFeature.Value(i) End If End If Next i Set pNewFeature.Shape = pPolygon pNewFeature.Store End If ' ' Get the next Feature in the original Polyline FeatureClass. ' Set pFeature = pFeatureCursor.NextFeature Loop ' ' After iterating all of the features, stop the editing operation and ' save the edits made. ' pNewWorkspaceEdit.StopEditOperation pNewWorkspaceEdit.StopEditing True

' ' Add the new FeatureClass to the Map as a layer. ' Dim pNewFeatureLayer As IFeatureLayer Set pNewFeatureLayer = New FeatureLayer Set pNewFeatureLayer.FeatureClass = pNewFeatureClass pNewFeatureLayer.Name = pNewFeatureClass.AliasName pMap.AddLayer pNewFeatureLayer End If End If Else MsgBox "To use this sample, your data should be part of a GeoDatabase FeatureDataset." _ & vbNewLine & "You can create a FeatureDataset within ArcCatalog", vbInformation End If End If End Sub Private Function fnMakePolygonFields(ByVal pOldFields As IFields, strShapeFieldName As String) As IFields ' ' This function creates a new Fields collection from an existing object, ' but changes the Geometry type held to Polylines. We pass in the existing ' Fields collection by value to avoid changing the existing Fields. ' If Not pOldFields Is Nothing Then Set fnMakePolygonFields = pOldFields Dim pFieldsEdit As esriCore.IFieldsEdit Dim pFieldEdit As IFieldEdit, pField As IField Dim pGeomDef As IGeometryDef, pGeomDefEdit As IGeometryDefEdit, lGeom As Long ' ' Find the Field containing the shapes. ' lGeom = fnMakePolygonFields.FindField(strShapeFieldName) Set pField = fnMakePolygonFields.Field(lGeom) Set pFieldEdit = pField ' ' Copy the current GeometryDefinition, get the GeometryDef editing interface, ' and change it to store Polygons. ' Set pGeomDef = pField.GeometryDef Set pGeomDefEdit = pGeomDef pGeomDefEdit.GeometryType = esriGeometryPolygon ' ' Set the new GeometryDef back to the Shape field. ' With pFieldEdit .Name = strShapeFieldName .Type = esriFieldTypeGeometry Set .GeometryDef = pGeomDef End With Set pFieldsEdit = fnMakePolygonFields Set pFieldsEdit.Field(lGeom) = pFieldEdit End If End Function

Private Function fnHasClosedLines(pFeatClass As IFeatureClass) As Boolean fnHasClosedLines = False If Not pFeatClass.ShapeType = esriGeometryPolyline Then Exit Function ' ' Check each feature in the FeatureClass to see if any features can be classed as ' closed. We could use the ICurve.IsClosed property, but this way we can allow ' for a small tolerance in the distance between the FromPoint and ToPoint. ' Dim pFeatureCursor As IFeatureCursor, pFeature As IFeature Set pFeatureCursor = pFeatClass.Search(Nothing, False) Set pFeature = pFeatureCursor.NextFeature ' ' Iterate all Features. ' Do While Not pFeature Is Nothing If fnCurveClosed(pFeature.Shape) Then fnHasClosedLines = True Exit Function End If Set pFeature = pFeatureCursor.NextFeature Loop End Function Private Function fnCurveClosed(pCurve As ICurve) As Boolean fnCurveClosed = False ' ' We use the IProximityOperator interface to work out the distance between ' the FromPoint and ToPoint of the curve passed in. ' Dim pProxOp As IProximityOperator, dblDist As Double Set pProxOp = pCurve.FromPoint dblDist = pProxOp.ReturnDistance(pCurve.ToPoint) ' ' This is our tolerance for a 'closed' curve. We could relate this to a snapping ' tolerance, or to the spatial reference, or to the size of the shape, instead ' of hardcoding the distance. ' If (dblDist < 0.0001) Then fnCurveClosed = True End Function Private Function fnPolylineToPolygon(ByVal pPolyline As IPolyline) As IPolygon ' ' This function converts a Polyline to a Polygon, by creating a new Polygon ' object and copying the Segments from the Polyline to the new Polygon, and ' then ensuring the Polygon is Simple. ' Set fnPolylineToPolygon = New Polygon ' ' Passing the Polyline by value means that we do not need to clone the Polyline. '

Dim pPolygonSegs As ISegmentCollection, pPolylineSegs As ISegmentCollection Set pPolygonSegs = fnPolylineToPolygon Set pPolylineSegs = pPolyline ' ' Here we copy the Segment objects by using the QuerySegments and AddSegments ' methods on the ISegmentCollection interface, which is implemented by both ' a Polygon and Polyline coclass. ' Dim pSegs() As ISegment ReDim pSegs(pPolylineSegs.SegmentCount - 1) As ISegment pPolylineSegs.QuerySegments 0, pPolylineSegs.SegmentCount, pSegs(0) If UBound(pSegs) > 0 Then pPolygonSegs.AddSegments UBound(pSegs) + 1, pSegs(0) End If ' ' The Polygon may have it's rings oriented incorrectly, or have overlapping Rings. ' We call simplify here to ensure the new Polygon is Simple, which is a requirement ' for adding to a FeatureClass. ' fnPolylineToPolygon.SimplifyPreserveFromTo End Function

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