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CLICHES (summary - outline synopsis-briefs - precis - abstract - highlights survey) 1) those introducing the leading theme / the message/

/ the issue/ the subjectmatter / the topic of the original paper: The text deals with... /dwells on / touches upon / focuses on /sheds light upon The work is devoted to... / is dedicated to /covers broadly / narrates about/ The author analyses / provides a deep analyses of / presents the survey of / The work presents the argumentation in favour of /against The purpose of the work.....is ... The main purpose of the work is the description / explanation / analysis The chapter is about.... / is on 2) those drawing the reader's attention to the major points of the contents: The author emphasizes the idea of... / expounds that / points out that... Attention is drawn to the fact that... In the opinion of the author it is ... Of special interest is his argument that The author classifies /clarifies the assumption /covers the following points /underlines that /singles out / confirms /explains / illustrates The author describes / gives a description / provides a detailed description of / provides the history of / provides a thorough review of/ portrays / depicts /represents /originates from / The author reveals /aims to introduce investigates / points out / emphasises the idea of / reflects/ casts light upon confirms / opposes the idea of / The author issues from the assumption / keeps to the requirement / makes a contraposition of The idea originates from /proceeds from / contrasts 3) those forming a conclusion to which the reader's attention is drawn: The author comes to the conclusion that... / gives an account of /issues from the assumption that The author draws the following conclusion... / states that / puts forward the idea of Particular attention is drawn to / is paid to / is focused on The basic approach of the author is .... The author concludes by saying that... /doesn't agree with / opposes the idea of The author underlines the unimportance of / the negligibility of / the insignificance of

4) The work consists of <<< chapters The work comprises/ contains...... The work includes..... It is supplemented with..... In other words Basically it comes down to So it boils down to To put it in a nutshell Briefly, To sum up / To summarize Finally The work is intended for / is destined for / is meant for / is of interest to / is of a particular interest to Types of books/books: texts; essays; leaflets; booklets; poems; ballads; songs; chapters; It is common knowledge that.... It is the truth universally acknowledged that... It is surely known that There can be no doubt that It may be assumed that It is clear that It goes without saying that

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