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Submitted by: Shruti bansal Cs- 8(y) Roll no. 867 ENROLL :A2305208348


S.N o 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

To draw use case diagram for Registration System. To draw use case diagram for Library Information System. To draw a use case diagram for Hospital Management System. To draw a state chart diagram for a computer system. To draw state chart diagram for Registration System. To draw the activity diagram of Registration System. To draw activity diagram for Library Information System. To draw use case diagram for Registration System. To draw use case diagram for Library Information System. To draw a use case diagram for Hospital Management System.




DEFINITION: A use case diagram in the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a type of behavioral diagram defined by and created from a Use-case analysis. The use case diagram shows the position or context of the use case among other use cases. As an organizing mechanism, a set of consistent, coherent use cases promotes a useful picture of system behavior, a common understanding between the customer/owner/user and the development team AIM/PURPOSE OF USE CASE DIAGRAM: Its purpose is to present a graphical overview of the functionality provided by a system in terms of actors, their goals (represented as use cases), and any dependencies between those use cases. The main purpose of a use case diagram is to show what system functions are performed for which actor. ELEMENTS OF USE CASE DIAGRAM Actors: An actor portrays any entity (or entities) that performs certain roles in a given system. The different roles the actor represents are the actual business roles of users in a given system. An actor in a use case diagram interacts with a use case. For example, for modeling a banking application, a customer entity represents an actor in the application.

Use case: A use case in a use case diagram is a visual representation of a distinct business functionality in a system. The key term here is distinct business functionality

System boundary: A system boundary defines the scope of what a system will be. A system cannot have infinite functionality.

Q.1 Using Rational Rose design a Registration System(detailing actors & use case) and also draw use case diagram. AIM: To draw use case diagram for Registration System. USE CASE DIAGRAM:

extends extends Login includes

enters ID includes enters password Registration Form Print extends Submit extends extends Fill forms includes includes Fee Reciept Print Affidavits Print includes includes includes Save



Save Submit


Receiving Documents Faculty

Verifing Documents

DISCUSSION: Whenever a student enters another year, he has to get him/her re-registered. During this process a student has to get affidavit, indemnity bond, fee receipt, registration form and registration fees. The documents submitted are re verified by the faculty incharge and finally by the program leader. The components used in the above use case diagram are: Actors: 1.Student 2.Faculty Use Case: 1. Submit 2. Print 3. Recieveing documents 4. Verifying documents 5. Enters id 6. Fill form 7. Registration Form 8. Enters password 9. Affidavits

Q.2 Using Rational Rose design a library information system(detailing actors & use case) and also draw use case diagram. AIM: To draw use case diagram for Library Information System. USE CASE DIAGRAM:

Select a book

Book no. Extends Extends


Extends fill details in library card


Book name Extends submits the library card Extends Extends Enrollment no. Check info of the book Extends Librarian Issue the book Stamp on the book Extends Name

Card no.

Return Date on book Extends Updates records Extends Student Records

Book records

DISCUSSION: The Library Management System is designed & developed for a receipt and issuance of books in the library along with the students details. The books received in the library are entered in Books Entry form and the new student is entered in the student entry form. When the student wants to get the desired book the same is issued on the availability basis to the student. The issuance and due date for the returning of the book is also entered into the Book Issue form under third menu Book Issue. The student has to pay the fine if any on the basis of no. of days delayed deposit of the book in the library. The components used in the use case diagram are: Actors: 1. Student 2. Librarian Use case: 1. selects book 2. collects book 3. submits library card 4. gives the fine 5. enters in record register 6. enters student id 7. enters signature 8. books available in library 9. Updates records 10. Enters details 11. collects library card 12. issues books 13. collects book 14. collects fine

Q.3 Using Rational Rose design a hospital management system(detailing actors & use case) and also draw use case diagram. AIM: To draw a use case diagram for Hospital Management System. USE CASE DIAGRAM:

m e ets t he p atien t

c hec k s th e pa tient

N urs e D oc to r g ive s the pre s c rip tion

t ak es pat ient to do c tor

as s is ts the do c t or

D is c u s s es th e prob le m

e nters p atient info

M ee ts doc tor

A d m inis trator

prep ares bill

m an ag es rec ord s Tak e s pres c ription P atien t e x ten ds e x ten ds e x tends S u bm its de ta ilse x ten ds g ive s fees ex tend s pro blem ag e e x tends en te r patien t's d et am a intains re c o rd s ils e x te nd s R ec e ptionis t na m e e x tends c ollec ts fees

c on tac t no

p rovid es info t o vis itors

DISCUSSIONS: A hospital information system (HIS), variously also called clinical information system (CIS) is a comprehensive, integrated information system designed to manage the administrative, financial and clinical aspects of a hospital. This encompasses paper-based information processing as well as data processing machines.It can be composed of one or a few software components with specialty-specific extensions as well as of a large variety of sub-systems in medical specialties. Actors:

1. Patient 2. Doctor 3. Nurse 4. Receptionist 5. Administrator Use case:

1. meets the patient 2. gives the prescription 3. Discusses the problem 4. Meets doctor 5. gives fees 6. Submits details 7. checks the patient 8. takes patient to doctor 9. assists the doctor 10. Enters patient info 11. Prepares bill 12. Maintains records 13. Enter patient's details 14. Name 15. Contact no. 16. Age 17. Problem


DEFINITION State Chart diagrams, often used in real time embedded systems than in information systems ,show for class, the order in which incoming calls to operations normally occur and the conditions under which the operation respond and the response. State chart diagram is one of the five UML diagrams used to model dynamic nature of a system. They define different states of an object during its lifetime. And these states are changed by events. So State chart diagrams are useful to model reactive systems. Reactive systems can be defined as a system that responds to external or internal events. AIM / PURPOSE They are class centric view of system functionality, as opposed to sequence diagram and collaboration diagram which are use case centric view of system functionality ELEMENTS OF STATE CHART DIAGRAM

States: Oblong boxes which indicate the stable state of the object between events. Transitions: The solid arrow which shows possible change of states. Events: The text on the transition before the / showing the incoming call to the object interface which causes change of the state Conditions: A Boolean statement in square brackets which qualifies the events. Actions: The text after the / which defines the object response to the transition between states. Extra syntax defines state centric functionality.

Q.4 Using Rational Rose design a state chart diagram for computer system. AIM: To draw a state chart diagram for a computer system. STATE CHART DIAGRAM:

On/Off Press Restart idle Stand by press log off

press Shutdown

DISSCUSSION: In a state chart diagram we basically define the state through which the system goes through. In the above state chart diagram,the initiation takes place with the start state(the solid circle).Its shows an unlabelled transition leading to state ON/OFF . When a state is on, all its outgoing transitions are eligible to fire. For an event to fire,its event must occur and its condition must be true. When a transition fire,its action is carried out.The state chart diagram of the computer system helps in describing the changes between the state of instances.

Q.5 Using Rational Rose design a state chart diagram for Registration system. AIM: To draw state chart diagram for Registration System. STATE CHART DIAGRAM:

announce start intialize fill form open do not meet the requirements seat full close cancel

DISCUSSION: In state chart diagram of the registration system we take care of the states through which registration process takes place. The vital components of the registration system are shown as states to carry out effective registration process. In the above state chart diagram,the initiation takes place with the start symbol(the solid circle). Its shows an unlabelled transition leading to state announce.The transitions that take place are supposed to represent actions which occur

quickly and are not interruptable.The events thus created in the above state chart diagram may trigger an action by an actor or the system being developed.

Activity diagram is another important diagram in UML to describe dynamic aspects of the system. Activity diagram is basically a flow chart to represent the flow form one activity to another activity. The activity can be described as an operation of the system. So the control flow is drawn from one operation to another. This flow can be sequential, branched or concurrent. Activity diagrams deals with all type of flow control by using different elements like fork, join etc. Purpose: The basic purposes of activity diagrams are similar to other two diagrams. It captures the dynamic behaviour of the system. Other two diagrams are used to show the message flow from one object to another but activity diagram is used to show message flow from one activity to another.

Q.6 Using Rational Rose design an activity diagram for Registration system. AIM: To draw the activity diagram of Registration System. ACTIVITY DIAGRAM:

Lg o in

F rk o

F re istra n ill g tio fo rm

F h ste ill o l fo rm

F rk o J in o

Fe e su m b issio n

D cu e t S b issio o mn u m n

C rtifica s e te

J in o

A p v l b th fa lty p ro a y e cu

S ctio a tm t e n lo n (b n w ) ra ch ise

C m e ce e t o o mn mn f th se e ssio ' n

DISSCUSSIONS: In an activity diagram we present the activities that are being performed during the system. In registration system the forms are first filled then the documents are submitted and then verified by the incharge. Finally the session commences after allotment of sections. All tthese various activities are performed.

Q.7 Using Rational Rose design an activity diagram for Library Information System. AIM: To draw activity diagram for Library Information System. ACTIVITY DIAGRAM:

L ra E try ib ry n

E te N M n r A E



J in o

F rk o S L C B O EE T O K






DISCUSSIONS: In library information system activity diagram activities that are performe are: Entry in the library and giving the specific details of the candidate. Further book is selected by the candidate, the dates are upgraded, stamp on the book and the book is issued and library card is submitted. Finally the book is returned and the card is taken back. Thus all these activities are performed.


DEFINITION In software engineering, a class diagram in the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a type of static structure diagram that describes the structure of a system by showing the systems classes,

their attributes, and the relationships between the classes. A class diagram is similar to a family tree. A class diagram consists of a group of classes and interfaces reflecting important entities of the business domain of the system being modeled, and the relationships between these classes and interfaces. The classes and interfaces in the diagram represent the members of a family tree and the relationships between the classes are analogous to relationships between members in a family free. Interestingly, classes in a class diagram are interconnected in a hierarchical fashion, like a set of parent classes and related child classes under the parent classes. AIM / PURPOSE Design experts who understand the rules of modeling and designing systems design the systems class diagrams. A thing to remember is that a class diagram is a static view of a system. The structure of a system is represented using class diagrams. Class diagrams are referenced time and again by the developers while implementing the system. ELEMENTS OF CLASS DIAGRAM A class diagram is composed primarily of the following elements that represent the systems business entities: Class: A class represents an entity of a given system that provides an encapsulated implementation of certain functionality of a given entity. These are exposed by the class to other classes as methods. Apart from business functionality, a class also has properties that reflect unique features of a class. The properties of a class are called attributes. A class is represented by a rectangle Interface: An interface is a variation of a class. As we saw from the previous point, a class provides an encapsulated implementation of certain business functionality of a system. An interface on the other hand provides only a definition of business functionality of a system. A separate class implements the actual business functionality.
Package: A package provides the ability to group together classes and/or interfaces that are

either similar in nature or related. Grouping these design elements in a package element provides for better readability of class diagrams, especially complex class diagrams.

Q.8 Using Rational Rose design a Registration System and also draw class diagram. AIM: To draw class diagram for Registration System.


STUDE NT st_nam e st_id st_class login() fill form() submit()

sub mit

FACULTY f_name f_f_id f_course receive form() verify form() submit()

DISCUSSION: Whenever a student enters another year, he has to get him/her re-registered. During this process a student has to get affidavit, indemnity bond, fee receipt, registration form and registration fees. The documents submitted are re verified by the faculty incharge and finally by the program leader.

Q.9 Using Rational Rose design a library information system and also draw class diagram. AIM: To draw class diagram for Library Information System. CLASS DIAGRAM:

s tu d e n t s t_ n a m e s t_ ro ll s t_ c la s s re q u e s t lib ra ria n lib _ na m e l_ id is s u e b o o k () ve rify s t _ d e t a il() re q u e s t1 fa c u lt y f_ n a m e f_ id f_ s u b je c t s e le c t b o o k () fill f_ re g is te r() s e le c t b o o k () g ive c a rd () fill s t_ re g is te r()

DISCUSSION: The Library Management System is designed & developed for a receipt and issuance of books in the library along with the students details. The books received in the library are entered in Books Entry form and the new student is entered in the student entry form. When the student wants to get the desired book the same is issued on the availability basis to the student. The issuance and due date for the returning of the book is also entered into the Book Issue form under third menu Book Issue. The student has to pay the fine if any on the basis of no. of days delayed deposit of the book in the library.

Q.10 Using Rational Rose design a hospital management system and also draw class diagram. AIM: To draw a class diagram for Hospital Management System. CLASS DIAGRAM:

Patient ID Name Address ContactNo Disease name BloodGroup ConsultDoctor() Admit() Treatment() calls Admit Visit

Doctors ID Name Degree Specialization VisitTimings Examine() Prescribe() Operate()


reception receptionist name id attend queries() give appointment()

Administration HospitalName NoOfEmployees NoOfDoctors Laboratories Admit() LabTest() CollectFees()

DISCUSSIONS: A hospital information system (HIS), variously also called clinical information system (CIS) is a comprehensive, integrated information system designed to manage the administrative, financial and clinical aspects of a hospital. This encompasses paper-based information processing as well as data processing machines.It can be composed of one or a few software components with specialty-specific extensions as well as of a large variety of sub-systems in medical specialties.

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