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Problem ................................................................................................................................... 3
Haumai (Separate identity / Dooja) & Ahankaar (Ego, Pride, Arrogance,
Boastful) ............................................................................................................................... 5
Objective: completely lost ............................................................................................... 6
What needs to be done? ..................................................................................................... 8
Acceptation ....................................................................................................................... 9
Who am I really? ............................................................................................................. 9
Why we are the way we are? .................................................................................... 13
Finding the True and Perfect Guru ................................................................................ 14
What does a True and Perfect Guru mean? ........................................................... 14
Who is this True and Perfect Guru? ............................................................................ 16
What does a True and Perfect Guru do? ................................................................. 18
Do i really need one? .................................................................................................. 19
How do i distinguish between a Fake and imperfect, and True and Perfect
Guru? .............................................................................................................................. 20
Where do I find him? .................................................................................................... 25
WHY? ...................................................................................................................................... 29
Haumai .............................................................................................................................. 29
Why Haumai is a disease? .......................................................................................... 29
Where does Haumai come from? ............................................................................. 31
Why Haumai needs to be treated? .......................................................................... 33
How can Haumai be treated? ................................................................................... 34
Objectives correction ...................................................................................................... 35
Tarisnaa .......................................................................................................................... 36
Happiness and Satisfaction ........................................................................................ 39
How to achieve Ultimate Equality? .................................................................................. 44
What does word Sikh means? ........................................................................................ 44
What is a Sikh/How to become a Sikh? ........................................................................ 45
Model of Humanity .............................................................................................................. 47
Gurmukh ............................................................................................................................ 47
Manmukh .......................................................................................................................... 50
So called Good people .............................................................................................. 51
So called Bad people .................................................................................................. 56
Case studies .......................................................................................................................... 59
Background ...................................................................................................................... 60
Country .......................................................................................................................... 60
Family ............................................................................................................................. 64
Religion ........................................................................................................................... 66
Abilities and capabilities ................................................................................................. 69
Profession ........................................................................................................................... 70
What is a Profession ...................................................................................................... 70
Do we need a Profession? .......................................................................................... 71
Types of Profession ...................................................................................................... 75

Searching Ultimate Equality
1 Problem
In todays world, everybody is trying to make their own place. There are universities
who are projecting the ideas that if we study there, we will be considered among
the best of the region/city/country/world. We have gone so far to have Miss
Universe contests among some participants from different countries, though we do
not even know if there is life elsewhere in this universe. Who cares, each year some
judges, considered the best in fashion and media, chooses a new miss Universe.
These things are countless, we are all in this rat race of becoming better than
other: countries are trying to project the ideas that they are best countries to live in
or have economic superiority; Industries are trying to be the number one in their
field or overall in terms of monitory projections; human beings are trying to be the
most beautiful, most powerful, best sports player, best mind and what not. Does
this have an end?
Why, all this nonsense? Arent we all equal? If we are all equal, then how come
someone can be better than other? Its contradictory to the definition of equality
itself, which supposedly means that if we put two different things on a balance
(ancient way of measuring weights), we will find those at equal level; whereas,
when someone is better than other, it directly implies that the level is not equal. We
can observe and wherever we will see, we will find that there are differences
everywhere. For example, Americans consider themselves better than the rest of
world, Indians think the same thing or French or British or anyone else. Each
religious people think that they are following the best religion and everyone else
should join them for their salvation; otherwise, any other religious minded people
will not be saved. How ridiculous it is. Infact, we differentiate ourselves at each
point, as we are brought up like that, and we only learn how to differentiate
ourselves. We start with "I am male or female", then i am from this city or this region,
i am (from) this religion or I dont practise any religion; however, do we really need
to differentiate ourselves? Differences will be there whether we like it or not, but
does these differences make us better or worse than others?
If we look at nature, there are differences everywhere, but we cant say that this
plant is better than the other or this animal is better than other or insect or bird.
Each of these has their own distinctive identities and they live in harmony with
each other. Off-course some species eat other species, thats how nature works,
but nothing goes waste. Even if we say that this animal is the best or better, then it
is only our personal perspective and nothing else, because we are taught that
way. If we look closely at nature, though with huge differences, is at peace and
takes individual equally and give equal importance to each individual. NOTE:
equal importance to each plant, animal, insect, bird, micro-organisms, etc, as if
they all form one big puzzle, so why cant we human beings, who are so egoistic
about everything they do or think, give equal importance to each and every
human being in this world?
Although, its been a long time, since people started saying that we all are equal,
no matter which caste, colour, race etc, and rules have been made, constitutions
have been amended to accommodate the equality among people, there are
huge loopholes and equality cannot be seen anywhere. It is for sure that whatever
that has been done till now is not enough as if we started moving towards the goal
of equality and stopped in between. Even if people feel and believe that they are
equal, in terms of caste, colour, race etc, it is not the end of the road, but it
represents most probably only the start of the journey, and we have halted at our
very first stop and that too, for a really long time. It is about time that we move on
or at-least we should start looking for a way to move on.
Where should we move towards, which path, which direction? How to achieve the
complete equality, the way it exits in the nature? How can we say that each and
every human being is equal to every other, when there are some who do so called
better things and other who do so called crimes? There are people with the
view of world peace and there are others who want to destroy everyone else. Are
they equal as well? Its a very big decision to make, but Guru has taught that no
matter what, we all are equal (this point will become clearer as we move further).
We all are a part of this one big puzzle in ways which cannot be described, just
felt. Guru has taught that whole of this universe is within the order of the creator
and within his approach, nothing has happened without His will and nothing will
ever happen without his Will. He has no advisors. Nobody can order him to do
something. He is the one who makes the order and we all follow, whether we want
it or not, as written in Jap i m-l H3 Ul i lHukmai andar
sabh ko baahar hukam na koay.
All these things will become clearer to us when we will try to understand these two
lines from Shree Guru Granth Sahib Jee -l = UI1 3I=
iJ=l lm l I111"jou raaj deh ta kavan badaa-ee. jou bheekh
mangaaveh ta ki-aa ghat jaa-ee. ||1||Bhagat Naamdev Jee, 525-2." In English it
means that if i am given an empire, then what glory is in it for me and if I am made
to beg, then what it takes away from me. Or literally, whether you are a king or a
beggar, doesnt change anything. Or in other words, you cant be proud of
yourself, just because you are a king and you should not be ashamed of yourself or
look down at yourself if you are a beggar. Beggar = King. They are just two
different individuals doing their jobs. That is it and nothing more. So, continuing
along the same lines, we can observe that all are equal in this sense. Beggar = king
= highly literate = illiterate = doctor = engineer = scientist = teacher = CEO = sports
players = religious leaders (Pope-for Christians, Jathedars-for Sikhs, Priests- for
Hindus...). We are all equal to any other human being no matter what he does, yet
there are some who are paid more than others.
In addition, people think that they are better than others because they are more
intelligent or hard-working or richer or more beautiful or from a better and safer
country (Infact no country in this world is safe enough, if we really look at it) or
cleverer... Any of this or anything else that makes us proud of ourselves and makes
us feel that we are better than others, then it is a part of this inequality business. So,
we can say that even if we are more hardworking, intelligent, smart,
beautiful...then still, we are equal to anyone who is a complete idiot or someone
with the ugliest appearance or from the worst country etc. If we look closely, we
will find that inequality has arisen from:
1.1 Haumai (Separate identity / Dooja) & Ahankaar (Ego, Pride,
Arrogance, Boastful)
First of all, it is very important to understand the words: Haumai and Ahankaar.
Mostly, Haumai or \i is defined as made up of two words hau (\) + mai (i).
Both Hau and Mai means me or in other words, there is a lot of stress on myself, i.e.
me-me, I-I, Mine-mine; thus, Haumai is also known as I-ness or self-centeredness. In
reality, identifying oneself as something is like creating a separate identity, i.e. I or
me; while, we know that One True Lord is everywhere and this whole
body(external, which can be seen), atma (soul, which cant be seen) is His, or in
other words, whether we can see something or not, everything belongs to Him.
Therefore, Haumai is basically the creation of a false separate identity from One
True Lord, whether it is ours (Haumai) or someone else's (Dooja or Duality). So, by
saying that Haumai is I-ness we have only undermined the reality/Truth. If we cant
see One True Lord everywhere, in everyone, in everything; then, any separate
identity from One True Lord is either Haumai (personal separate identity) or Dooja
(Duality-others separate identity). I-ness is the projection of a person living and
believing in Haumai because Haumai dwell in the mind of person, and only that
thing comes out which is inside the utensil (referring to the human body) as said by
Guru Jee =l 3 l=lU =H H l lm I =U 1jo paavahi
bhaaNday vich vasat saa niklai ki-aa ko-ee karay vaychaaraa. Aassaa Dee Vaar,
449-19. Until we see, believe and feel in a separate identity, we are living in
Haumai and dooja. This is the reason that Haumai is termed as a Vadaa Rog, or
deeragh rog, i.e. it is a very big and chronic disease. Haumai is a problem/disease
because where there is a separate identity, there is a need to identify it and glorify
it. This is the reason that everyone is trying to be special or stand out in one way or
another; for example, everyone wants to make a world record, get their name in
the history for good or bad reasons. Therefore, Ahankaar is basically derived out of
the identification and glorification etc of Haumai. Haumai makes people do things
that they do not even want to do or think about, so all the Ego, Pride, Arrogance
etc are to support Haumai only. If there is no Haumai then none of them will exist
and in case there is Haumai; then, all of them will try to come along with slowly
and slowly whether you want it or not. Guru Jee clearly says \i l li
= Jil= U i - Im 171ha-umai jaa-ay ta nirmal hovai gurmukh
parchai param pad pa-ee-aa. ||7|| Bilaval Mehlaa 4, 834-10 or in English, one
can become pure without any kind of dirt of avguns (bad qualities) if and only if
one can get rid of this separate identity, and this supreme status is only achieved
by those who have given up this separate identity by listening, understanding and
implementing the Shabad of their True and Perfect Guru.
What we have understood is that there is a separate identity (Haumai + dooja),
which is so very deep in the roots that it is termed as a chronic disease, and this
disease becomes the base of many, unlimited, other diseases such as Ego,
Arrogance and Pride. As a result, all of our ego or pride or arrogance, risen due to
of our differences of being born in a different country to a different family
background with different resources and with different abilities, etc., is false, for
these are just standing on a false identity (Haumai). In reality, nothing that we
have/ that we can do/ that we have done can make us better than anyone else
in this world because these are all temporary and false due to the false identity.
Guru Jee says i i i l l \ l - Jil= li 1
ml mlJm \ Ul HlU HUl- i =1 li HlJ mJ i l
m ==1 m ml J lm i m m J== 1 HlJ
3 l HlJ 3 lJ 1 l\ m l H= =l i
li l 171Mann toon mat maan karahi je hao kichh jaandaa gurmukh
nimaanaa hohu. antar agi-aan ha-o buDh hai sach sabad mal khohu. hohu
nimaanaa satguroo agai mat kichh aap lakhaavhay. aapnai ahaNkaar jagat jali-
aa mat tooN aapnaa aap gavaavhay. satgur kai bhaanai karahi kaar satgur kai
bhaanai laag rahu. i-o kahai naanak aap chhad sukh paavahi man nimaanaa
ho-ay rahu. ||7|| Ang 441 Assa Mehla 3.Guru Jee explains that we should not be
proud/Egoistic/Arrogant of ourselves, that I am something, that I know something,
that I can do something. We should be humble at every instant of our life,
everywhere, be it talking, listening, working, eating, sleeping, walking, driving...,
and this can only be achieved through a True and Perfect Guru by getting rid of
this false separate identity - Haumai.
We are different, each one of us from everyone, and unlike animals, in which the
same species act, work and do everything almost in the same way, each
individual human being is completely different from the other person. We have to
understand that this difference is just a set of constraints for each individual that
we have to deal with and move forward; instead, we take this difference in the
sense of ego and start becoming proud of it. Moreover, this Haumai, Ahankaar are
a basic instinct of every human being as we are being fed with it since we are
born. Which schools/parents teach that it does not matter whether you are a
beggar or king or doctor or scientist or teacher or leader or religious person, you
will be equal to any other individual or creature of this world. We also have to
respect other creatures/living forms equally, which we are not doing, one such
example is our idea of fun of going to zoo and watch animals in a cage (bigger or
smaller- a cage is a cage). What if, someone more powerful than us try to put us in
cage (because we are different than him) and put the same show as in zoos? I
bet, right away human rights people or different communities will rise and try to
bring that person down. This Haumai and Ahankaar are driving away humans from
equality at a very high speed and we dont even know it. Both of these are
required to be removed completely, the most difficult job, and it can only be
achieved by a True and Perfect Guru.
1.2 Objective: completely lost
Humanity has long forgotten the objective of being human and is lost in: 1) show
off, such as I am more beautiful or better at playing / reading / writing / studying /
teaching / driving / speaking / working than others or I may be the most beautiful
or best player / student / teacher / writer... ; 2) making their own place in a family,
university, city, region, country, industry; 3) giving importance to things / people /
posts which are worth nothing, for example, we give more importance to
actors/sports players/politicians/rich people. What does it matter? Being better at
work, or any sports or activities, or certain abilities, whatever it could be, it doesnt
matter, as very well said by Guru Jee ml H- I U il= lmI =1
li Iml l Il I 3J=111at sundar kuleen chatur mukh
nyi-aanee Dhanvant. mirtak kahee-ahi naankaa jih pareet nahee bhagvant.
||1||Gauri Mehlaa 5, 253-8, or in English, One is considered just a corpse if
he/she doesnt Love the One True Lord, even though he/she may be very
handsome/beautiful, born into a highly respected family, very wise, a famous
spiritual teacher, prosperous and wealthy. Therefore, if the real objective is not
achieved than everything else goes waste as Guru Jee teaches in Rehrass sahib
3I l i= -Im1 JlU- li I l I UIm1 m=l
l i1 li HHJl 3 = i111 bha-ee paraapat maanukh
dayhuree-aa. gobind milan kee ih tayree baree-aa. avar kaaj tayrai kitai na
kaam. mil saaDhsangat bhaj kayval naam. ||1|| Aassa Mehlaa 5, 12 or in
English, we have received this human body and this is our chance to merge in the
One True Lord. Any other objective is worth nothing, and if we want to achieve this
objective of merging in the One True Lord, then there is only one way that is
through Guru. We have to find the True and Perfect Guru, and we have to give our
self up (the false identity that we have created ) and remember / contemplate
the Guns (qualities)/Naam (Name) (Name of the One True Lord is formed through
his qualities, for example, Nirbhao meaning he is not afraid of anyone or anything
which is truth in itself. It has to be remembered though that His Naam/Gun have no
end (Its like a ocean with no ends and infinite depth with each drop in that ocean
representing a Gun/Naam of Prabhu), and we should not even try to count them.)
of the One True Lord at each instance of our life by staying in the company of
Gurus Shabad. For example, a person is working somewhere, then he has to
remember the gun of One True Lord of Honesty, Truth, Nimrata (Modesty in all
actions whether speaking, listening, even though that person is the richest or very
powerful/influential he needs to be modest) ... at all times. On the contrary, we
cant find a 100 % Truthful, Honest, Modest person these days anywhere,
everybody is trying to Lie, become Dishonest at any point and everything about us
is full of Haumai, Arrogance, Pride (the car/bike we drive, clothes we wear, house
we live in, anything we buy, anything we do, except being with One True Lord
because we never do it because we dont even know how to do it and we never
even try to learn it, Shame on us).
If the objective is wrong then all the effort goes waste. There is very good example
regarding this in Shree Guru Granth Sahib Jee. Guru Jee gives us an example of a
Rat and an Ant, both of these animals work non-stop. An Ant is always busy
collecting food; whereas, a rat wastes most of the time doing things which are
worth nothing to him and whatever he is working on is worth nothing to others
either most of the time (As a matter of fact nothing goes waste in this Universe
which is created so beautifully, intelligently, perfectly by the One True Lord, yet
there is a whole lot of waste laying around from the point of view of Human; thus,
this waste refers to the waste for a human being), for example, he will cut away
the books wasting his time and effort, and these wasted books are worth nothing
for humans either. If a drought comes up, the ant will survive without much
problem due to its continuous effort of collecting food; while, the rat, having
wasted his precious time and effort, will either die or will have to move searching
for food and facing lots of problems. This example is basically to explain the
importance of doing a work with the right objective.
Now, if we look at our objectives, we will find that we have been working like a rat
wasting away our precious time and effort on things and activities that are worth
nothing to us. For example, we like reading gossip or gossiping for hours, we like
watching non-sense TV programs for hours, we like talking about each and
everything of the world for hours. Have we ever tried to find the True and Perfect
Guru, for he is the one who can show us which is a Gun of the One True Lord and
which is not (There is lot of confusion), and tell us how to remember the Naam/Gun
of the One True Lord. We will have to correct our objectives behind each and
every action of ours based on the Gyan (Knowledge) that we receive from our
True and Perfect Guru. When the objective will be right then no matter what we
are doing will be considered a devotion to the One True Lord as Guru said
Jil= H Jil= =1 l Jil= HI 3Jl =1 Jil= = H
=IU1 Jil= = 1141 gurmukh hasai gurmukh rovai. je gurmukh
karay saa-ee bhagat hovai. gurmukh hovai so karay veechaar. gurmukh naanak
paavai paar. ||14||Salok Vaaran te Vadeek Mehlaa 4, 1422 or in English, a
gurmukh (a person who does each and every action based on the understanding
and implementation of his Gurus Gyan) may be laughing or crying or whatever he
may be seen doing, everything will be considered a devotional worship because a
Gurmukh has based his life on the understanding and implementation of the
Shabad of Guru; thus, he achieves the goal of human life.
2 What needs to be done?
We have just understood that we, human beings, have completely lost the plot
because: 1) we are full of Haumai and Ahankaar that we dont care and that we
are completely lost in ourselves; and 2) our objectives are like that of a rat, which
just wastes not only his time and effort but also others time and effort. The process
of clearing these age old problems will be: 1) to first accept who we are in order to
find out our objectives and not of this human bodys; and 2) to find a True and
Perfect Guru who can help us find ourselves and realise our objectives and get
rid of this false Haumai. This is very well explained by Guru JeeJil= 3Jl l
U l1 m l li 3 Hl111 \ 1gurmukh bhagat ghat
chaanan ho-ay. aap pachhaan milai parabh so-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o. Aassaa
Mehlaa 3, 364 or in English, when one starts listening to, understanding and
Implementing the Gyan of a True and Perfect Guru, his inner darkness is uplifted
and he is able to realise who he is in reality; thus, through the True and Perfect
Guru he becomes capable to getting rid of False identity of Haumai and Dooja,
and merging in the One True Lord.
2.1 Acceptation
Acceptation implies that we have to accept something, for so called good or
worse. What is it that we have to accept? I suppose, we should accept who we
are or what we are and why we are the way we are. However, we are far from
accepting who we are, forget about everything else. Lets try to solve these two
questions one by one.
2.1.1 Who am I really?
Am I Harminder Singh or Jack Higgins or Julia Roberts or Bill Gates or Barrack
Obama? Nope, I can never be any of it. These names are for these bodies that we
have got when we were born and we will leave these bodies here when these
bodies will die or rather when our time will come to depart, or else give an
example of someone, who was able to take his body with himself when he
departed. Moreover, most often or not, these names dont even make any sense
with no meaning at all and are given to us by our family members even before we
were born, without knowing what we will become in the future. So, we can never
be what our name is, these names are just for these bodies which will stay here
and will not go with us when our time will come; we have to accept that we are
not these human bodies.
Am I an Indian or American or French or English? Sorry again, we cant be these
either, as we are just born in these places and we are the not the ones who
decide where I should be born or in which family or with how many brothers and
sisters or the time at which I should be born. Nothing of these elements is in our
hand, these are given to us based on our karma, and the decision maker is the
creator himself, as said by Guru Jee i i i 3 m= l1 Jaman
marnaa hukam hai bhaanai aavai jaa-ay. Assa dee Vaar Mehlaa 1, 472-18
&lHIJ i 51 l l =lm li l l \- il1
-HI iHI iH Im =lm li l il i il1 il l -II
i i H l= l lm1 i l 3I H Ul l 3Il 3
Hlm1 i Hi m lH =lH l l1 I l
l l \- il1 11sireeraag mehlaa 5. pahilai pahrai rain kai
vanjaari-aa mitraa Dhar paa-itaa udrai maahi. dasee maasee maanas kee-aa
vanjaari-aa mitraa kar muhlat karam kamaahi. muhlat kar deenee karam
kamaanay jaisaa likhat Dhur paa-i-aa. maat pitaa bhaa-ee sut baaneetaa tin
bheetar parabhoo sanjo-i-aa. karam sukaram karaa-ay aapay is jantai vas kichh
naahi. kaho naanak paraanee pahilai pahrai Dhar paa-itaa udrai maahi. ||1||,
Sireeraag Mehlaa 5, 77. Attaching ourselves to the place that we are born in is
one of the biggest misconceptions that our society continues to teach us and we
are happy about it. What difference does it make if we are born in India or France
or Americas? What sheer inequality of these countries to put limits on who can
immigrate or travel to these countries? Just because we are born at some place,
doesnt make it ours, so we have no right to put boundaries: This is indeed sheer
inequality. Whenever someone dies, no matter where he dies, nothing of this world
will go with him, no materiel or any place. This world is our temporary residence
and we should look at it like that only, or do we think that we are going to live here
forever? So, I cant be any of it; we have to accept that we are not belonging to
any particular place or country.
Am I Male/Female/? Apparently, there are many options these days and we
can change in-between as many times as we want. Again, it doesnt matter
whether I am male or female or any other such thing. As we saw earlier, this is not
an option; we are given these physical bodies, and nowadays, we are not happy
with it and we are not able to accept it and we try to change it. This is another
constraint in the human evolution and again, we have to accept that the form of
human body is not us and just a constraint in our development.
Hmm! I must be a Sikh/Hindu/Christian/Muslim/Jew/ . It is my identity since long, I
have been doing all my rituals and rites based on what I heard or saw people
doing in these religions, even though I didnt ever really went to practise it
completely myself. My life revolves around this. Moreover, we have given identities
to places, there are Christian countries, Muslim countries, Hindu countries, Buddhist
countries, Jew Country and there are certain Sikhs who want a country for
themselves as well. I am sure I must be a Sikh/Hindu/Christian/Muslim/Jew/ , as I
go to a Gurudwara/Temple/Church/Mosque , I wear the respective symbols and
clothing, do respective prayers, eat respective food, drink respective drinks,
talk/listen/discuss the respective things/ideas and what not. Still, the answer is NO,
a very Big NO. If I cant be my external body, similarly I cant be any external
action. All these things that we do are external actions. In addition, all the religions
are personal ways to understand ourselves, others, nature, to find our goal (We will
try to discuss this in detail in the next section of finding the True and Perfect Guru).
We are what we are inside, internally, and not externally, the way we look and the
way we do things for ourselves or for others, in short anything external are not us.
The strangest thing is that there are very few who really know them, or who know
them from inside, for they have done this research.
I am not male or Harminder Singh or Indian or Sikh, is it that I am an engineer /
doctor / scientist / teacher / leader (political or religious) /sports-player (any) /King
or queen/ sweeper / beggar. Again, the answer remains no. All these things are
the methods that we need to sustain this physical body that we are given. We can
be any of it; it doesnt make us any better or worse than someone else. A beggar
= King, no differences, as said in Guru Granth Sahib Jee -l =
UI1 3I= iJ=l lm l I111 Jou raaj deh ta kavan badaaee.
Jou bheekh mangaaveh ta kiaa ghat jaaee. Ang 525-2, Bhagat Naamdev Jee.
The method used to sustain this physical body doesnt mean that we are that
method and all these different methods have equal importance, be it beggar or
king and we should look at any of us equally as well, no hatred or no pity or
sadness, as we are the ones who choose these methods of living in a way, as it is a
part of our karma. We have no idea of our karma and how it impacts our life, we
just see the results and gets angry or sad or happy based on these.
So who am I? I suppose, everyone has found the answer by now, we are souls, a
part of One True Lord and have come here for a certain objective which we
learned before as Merging in the Creator - One True Lord, as said by Guru Jee
3I l i= -Im1 JlU- li I l I UIm1 m=l
l i1 li HHJl 3 = i111 bha-ee paraapat maanukh
dayhuree-aa. gobind milan kee ih tayree baree-aa. avar kaaj tayrai kitai na
kaam. mil saaDhsangat bhaj kayval naam. ||1|| Aassa Mehlaa 5, 12 or in
English, we have received this human body and this is our chance to merge in the
One True Lord, any other objective is a waste and this objective can only be
achieved through a True and Perfect Guru. Now, to achieve this we have been
given a very important resource (to get any work done, an initial resource is a
must) which is with everyone which is Mann (Mind). Mann is not ours; it is given to
us by One True Lord himself as said by Guru Jee i l H m i
1mann tooN jot saroop hai aapnaa mool pachhaan. Ang 441-3, Assa
Mehla 3, or in English it means, O Mann, you are an embodiment of the Divine
Creator and you should find this out. So, we are Souls and we have this Mann, an
embodiment of the Divine Creator, which thinks that He is someone else. Now we
have to find out and understand what Mann is. And we should try to understand
from someone who knows it well, so off course we will ask Guru Jee.
Guru Jee says ii i lH\ i H lHl l1 i I i lH\
UI i H lilm l1321l i HI l i HI\1 l i U
I\1l i \ \il 1 \ Il I U 1331mamaa man
si-o kaaj hai man saaDhay siDh ho-ay. man hee man si-o kahai kabeeraa man
saa mili-aa na ko-ay. ||32|| ih man saktee ih man see-o. ih man panch tat ko
jee-o. ih man lay ja-o unman rahai. ta-o teen lok kee baatai kahai. ||33|| Gauri
Poorbhee Bhagat Kabeer Jee, 342 or in English, In these Saloks, Guru Jee through
Bhagat Kabeer Jee explains that every creature that is born in this world/Universe
has something to do with this Mann which is to learn how to control it. Only after
controlling this Mann that one will understand the real objective. Now, we have to
understand that Mann can only be controlled when we are born as Human
beings; otherwise, in any other life-form, we do not have the capability to think, to
understand and implement that understanding, although we learn a whole lot
while being animals and birds, but that does not imply that we can think and
understand and implement etc, as said by Guru Jee lJ- l mU H3=
mHU1 i= m= -3 lI HJl U121tarigad jon achayt sambhav
punn paap asoch. maanukhaa avtaar dulabh tihee sangat poch. ||2|| Aassaa
Bhagat Ravidass Jee, 486 or in English, All the creators except Humans live a
thoughtless life and it is possible that they cant discriminate between good and
bad/evil; however, humans who have this precious capability waste their lives in
the company of low. This is why Human life is so precious and should be used with
utmost care without wasting any second of our time and effort, we never know
when we will get this chance again. Continuing with Bhagat Kabeer Jees Saloks,
He says that Humans real work lies only with this Mann and We cant find anything
like this Mann anywhere else (We are dealing with this Mann each second and
instance of our life: all of our thoughts and ideas come through Mann; all of our
actions are based on the knowledge, wants, needs and desires encapsulated in
the Mann; everything we do, think, etc is related with this Mann directly).
Continuing to Salok no 33 of Bhagat Kabeer Jee, He describes this Mann as
incredible as it changes itself based on the surrounding or in which it is submerged
giving two examples. In the first example, Bhagat Kabeer Jee explains that when
this Mann is submerged in vast immeasurable ocean of Avguns (Popularly known
as Avguns due to their contrary nature to the guns of One True Lord) of Maya
(Maya is this duality and Haumai created by Lord Himself and all the guns of Maya
are an opposite of the Guns of Prabhu/ One True Lord), then it becomes an
embodiment of Maya and everything coming out of that kind of Mann is related
to Maya only (All the actions and thoughts are directly related to Maya only). In
the next example Bhagat Kabeer Jee says that if this Mann is submerged in the
vast unmearsurable ocean of Guns of Prabhu, then it becomes an embodiment of
One True Lord and finds the Truth of itself. These two examples are given in the first
line of Salok no 33 and explain two contrary situations (One True Lord and Maya, a
creation of One True Lord). In the next two lines, Bhagat Kabeer Jee explains the
situation of humanity when living as the embodiment of Maya or One True Lord.
Because Maya has a definite form, human beings living in Maya considers their
bodies and surrounding as themselves (I am Harminder Singh, I am Indian, I am
Male, I am this, I am that) and in this situation we dont consider ourselves different
from this body and all of our effort and time goes into taking care of needs, wants
and desires of this Human body, thus our (souls) objective is not taken care of
because our resource is not in our control, instead the resource is dominating
ourselves and making us do things which are worth nothing for us and in the end
we repent for wasting our time and effort which we have got in the form of a
Human Being. On the other hand, if by the Grace of One True Lord, we are able to
find a True and Perfect Guru who helps us by giving us Gyan to control this Mann
to achieve True and Eternal happiness by fulfilling our Goal of merging in One True
Lord, then we see only One True Lord everywhere (so no fears or hatred or any
such feelings), we talk only about him and we listen only him directly or indirectly
through Maya (Maya is standing only on Lord, He being its creator). So, we (souls)
have to learn from a True and Perfect Guru how to control this Mann, otherwise,
our efforts and time spent here as a human will go waste and we never know
when we will get this human body again to achieve this (Just look around, there
are countless souls in different life forms all waiting to be Human one day, so we
should not waste our chance).
Here are just few example of us (souls) in the hand of Maya, what we are or what
we may be or what we were: We are the biggest fools, who are wasting away their
lives in their pleasures (doing activities that one love to do, such as Watching
some TV programs, going to cinema, going to restaurants, fishing, having a
beautiful garden, having a beautiful body, playing favourite sports etc), in
collecting the treasures (gold, money, stocks etc), in day to day life We have
forgotten that each second that passes by means that our life is shortening; rather
than worrying about it and doing something for ourselves, we spent our lives only
to take care of this human body and its needs and its desires. We are horrible
people: who leave their parents in Old home stays (Being a Human implies certain
responsibilities, those who run from responsibilities, they will only have more
difficulties), because we are too busy with our lives (in wasting it) and we dont
have any time for them or to take care of them, they could have done the same
to us when we were kids and did all sorts of things; who are ready to sleep with
anyones wife/husband or daughter/son or sister/brother or mother/father, even
though we are married or have a girl/boy friend or we just need to get rid of my
virginity/fulfil my desires; who are ready to lie at any instant of their lives in order to
gain some profit or save ourselves from the blushes or some other excuse. No lie is
worth anything in this world, God watches everything through our own eyes and
listens everything through our own ears and we will be the one paying for our
actions (Karma) in the end, so Be Careful at every instant. We have to accept who
we are by searching deeply inside ourselves.
2.1.2 Why we are the way we are?
To tackle this question, we have to understand the two different fronts: inside and
outside. About inside, we just saw that we are ignorant fools, stupid, full of garbage
(Full of Avguns), and horrible people (Karma which is based on Avguns). We also
saw that we are so because of our past karma, i.e., whatever we did in previously
results in the present, or our present is a result of our past and if we continue to do
the same thing again and again, we will be encircled in this vicious circle, which is
not possible for any human being to get out of on his own, except with the aid of
One True Lord himself, who helps the person through a True and Perfect Guru.
Guru has to be perfect, otherwise a lost person who himself has not attained the
One True Lord can only give/show false directions. Anyhow for inside
development, we have to accept that what we are by searching our souls and
accepting that we need help. Now comes the second part, our outside. Why we
are the way we are: we have long hairs with so many different colours, eyes with
so many different colours, different heights, some have hair all over the body,
other dont have at all. Why are there so many differences? Guru replies I
-l l m\ - 1 lH l l i lm HI
111Tayree kudrat toohai jaaneh aor na doojaa jaanai. Jis no kirpa karahi
mayray piaaray soee tujhai pachhaanai. Ang 1185, Basant Hindol Mehlaa 5., or in
English, O My One True Lord, the creator of this nature, only You know about Your
creation, nobody else knows anything about it. O my beloved, only those
understands and finds You onto whom You shower your mercy.
We can make various suppositions or theories that One True Lord probably did this
or that based on our little understanding that we have, for example, we can say
that the body, hair and eyes colour probably change due to change in Latitude,
longitude, temperature and climatic variations. For instance, where there is more
sun, the hair, body and eyes colour is darker to protect it from the suns effect. In
case, a white person starts living in Indian or African heat the way the local people
live, he/she will probably have diseases due to the adverse effects of sun. We
have to understand and realize, that god has created a perfect world, where
nothing goes waste and nothing is useless. Each species has their own duties on
which they are working day and night like robots, only human beings say that
today I dont feel like working and I will take a day-off. We have to accept
ourselves the way we are: be it the colour or shape of our hair, body, eyes or limbs;
whether we are male or female or in-between.
Whatever we are given, there is a definitive reason behind it and One True Lord
doesnt create anything that is of no-use. His decision is the wisest of all, for he is
the wisest of the wisest. When we think that we can make ourselves beautiful or
look better, by cutting our hair or changing their colour, or by tattooing our body
or by piercing or by buying expensive clothing, shoes, jewellery, operations on our
body to change our colour, body structure and even sex.; then, it is just our
ignorance and our foolishness in considering that we can make ourselves better
than what god has made us. All these beauty products, perfumes (we do not even
like our body odour), clothing, jewellery etc are only for those who are unable to
find the beauty in themselves. We go to a hair dresser to get different designs,
colours in order to look beautiful or because, we are tired of looking at ourselves
the same way. We sometimes go as far as changing our sex because we are
unable to accept ourselves they way we are, and society also plays a big role in
making sure that we do not accept ourselves the way we are. People spend their
hard-earned money on these things which are a complete waste in itself. We have
to accept ourselves the way we are, and let the decision maker make the
decision whether he should give us green hair or blue ones with special designs on
our body or the length of the hair or whether we should be male or female.
Accepting ourselves from both inside and outside is essential, and till it is not done,
we will be wondering around in ignorance and indulged in our desires, which have
no end, and wasting our precious human lives for nothing. Important thing is to
remember that whatever the body is given to us is not important (although in a
sense it is because it brings along its own problems, constraints, responsibilities etc
to resolve), but it is the Mann which is important and needs to be controlled
through a True and Perfect Guru in order to achieve our Goal and live a True
Happy life in peace and equality with each and every species present around us.
2.2 Finding the True and Perfect Guru
This is the quest that all of us should be looking at because: all of our
questions/problems; our search for truth; understanding ourselves, others, nature;
merging in the One True Lord; ... all this can only be achieved through a True and
Perfect Guru. So, a new list of questions comes: What does a True and Perfect
Guru mean? Do I really need one? Who is this True and Perfect Guru? What does
he do? How do I distinguish between a Fake and imperfect, and True and Perfect
Guru? Where do I find him? Perhaps there are many more questions, but lets try to
answer these one by one.
2.2.1 What does a True and Perfect Guru mean?
A very genuine question and needs to be answered before anything else. First of
all, Guru means a teacher. So, anyone who teaches is a Guru, be it a maths
teacher, sciences teacher, historys teacher, no matter who and what they
teach. Even our mother and father are teachers as well, for they teach us
etiquettes, and how to speak, to walk, to sit, to eat and to read ... In short, there
are countless number of Gurus. Infact, every individual has hundreds and
thousands perhaps countless Gurus. How it is possible? To understand this next step,
we have to go deeper. What does a teacher gives us? Certain Gyan perhaps, Yes,
A teacher gives us certain Gyan and we learn and understand from that Gyan.
The ways in which each individual learn and understand is different, but the Gyan
from where each individual learns and understand is the same; thus, we can
ascertain that the Gyan is a constant, even though there is innumerable kinds of
Gyan, such as, Maths, chemistry, physics, Astronomy, history, geographic etc and
there further divisions in each category. When someone starts teaching the
acquired Gyan, does that make him a teacher? In present situation yes, because
they call themselves teachers. In reality, every human being is basically a student,
only a complete set of a certain Gyan can be called as a teacher/Guru; thus, if
some individual has a complete set of a certain Gyan, i.e. he knows each and
everything about it, and then he/she can be called a Guru/teacher of that Gyan.
The point is that it is the complete set of certain Gyan which should be termed as
Guru/teacher, so if that Gyan exists in a book or in a human or in an email,
whatever the source may be, the source of that Gyan should be termed as a Guru
/ teacher. Now, what are our sources of information/Gyan? Who knows, perhaps,
hundreds and thousands of sources? We gather Gyan from everywhere: be it an
email, a friend/person/family member talking, internet, books, letters, magazines,
movies, songs... Therefore, we have countless number of Gurus whether we like it or
not, the Truth remains Truth; whereas, we need only one and that too, a True and
Perfect Guru.
Second part is that of understanding the words True and Perfect. I suppose,
everyone must have understood that these are adjectives used to specify
someone or something in particular. True implies that Guru is always true, no matter
which time-period. If we say something today which is a truth, then it should have
been a truth 1000 years ago or million years ago, and it should remain to be true
1000 years from now or million years from now, in short that particular truth should
remain the truth throughout the ages, time should not have any effect on its
validity. Guru says HlJ I UI Hl Hl l JlH= l ml
i 1satgur kee banee sat sat kar jaanhu gursikhahu har kartaa aap
muhhu kadhaa-ay. Gauri Mehlaa 4, 308-5 or in English, The Banee of a True Guru
should always be considered to be True at all times by his sikhs because the
creator manifests himself through the Banee of a True Guru. Perfect implies that the
Guru is without any kind of errors or mistakes, as said by Guru Jee 3 m-l H3
m3 J 1bhulan andar sabh ko abhul guroo kartaar. Siriraag
Mehlaa 1, 61-7. Not even a single one, a tiny-miny one. 100% perfect, as said by
Guru Jee Ui J-= 1paarbarahm pooran gurdayv. Gauri Mehlaa
5, 193-17 or in English, One True Lord whose limits/ends cant be found or seen
anywhere and Guru are perfect: 1) without any ego, pride, anger, lust,
attachment, hunger of things/power and countless other such bad qualities; and
2) Full of Humility, Love, Devotion, Happiness, Joy, Bliss, Satisfaction, Truth and
countless other such good qualities. This is what a True and perfect Guru is and this
is what we should be looking for.
This word Guru is very famous among Sikhs (the students) and we will find out
that it is so for obvious reasons. Sikhs consider the book Shree Guru Granth Sahib
Jee to be their Guru or they consider that this complete set of True and Perfect
Gyan dwells/exists in Shree Guru Granth Sahib Jee. If we go close to Shree Guru
Granth Sahib Jee, we will find that Guru Jee only gives us Gyan which Sikhs
considers to be complete set True and Perfect Gyan. Infact, before Shree Guru
Granth Sahib Jee, the same Sikhs considered the ten human forms from Shree
Guru Nanak Dev Jee to Shree Guru Gobind Singh Jee to be their Gurus as well, i.e.
they considered that the same complete set of True and Perfect Gyan that existed
in Shree Guru Nanak Dev Jee is now present in Shree Guru Granth Sahib Jee
having passed through nine other human forms beforehand. It is true as well
because Sikhs consider the Shabad of Shree Guru Granth Sahib Jee to be their
Guru which gives them this complete set of True and Perfect Gyan.
We have just understood what does a True and Perfect Guru mean, and that Sikhs
consider Shree Guru Granth Sahib Jee to be their True and Perfect Guru or it is their
choice to consider Shree Guru Granth Sahib Jee to be their Guru and it does not
imply he is the only Guru and that we should consider him to be our Guru. One
True Lord has given free will to every human being and every individual has the
right to choose. Note: We can choose, but we have no impact on the result or
result is not in our hands and never will be. Are there any other True and Perfect
Gurus? How do we define such a Guru who is True and Perfect? For example, we
can say that a book of Mathematics can be defined as a Guru of Mathematics if it
has that complete set of Gyan that it explains and proves everything that is related
to Mathematics. So, who is this True and Perfect Guru?
2.2.2 Who is this True and Perfect Guru?
Answer is avery simple one as explined by Guru Jee Hl = ll lm
HlJ lH \1sat purakh jin jaani-aa satgur tis kaa naa-o. Gauri
Sukhmani Mehlaa 5, 286-12 or in English, the one who knows the One True Lord, is
called the True Guru. So, we can say that a complete set of Gyan which imparts
the awareness and understanding of the One True Lord: 1) where does He live; 2)
who is He; 3) what does He looks like; 4) what does he do; 5) how we are related to
Him; 6) what does He like; 7) how can we merge in Him; this endless set of
questions. When this kind of complete set of Gyan dwells/lives/exists in a human
body or in any other form, such as a Book, that form is known as a True and Perfect
Guru. In other words, as we said earlier, the source of the information is Guru. Still a
question perturbs the mind, is Guru Nanak Dev Jee-Guru Granth Sahib Jee or
Krishna or Jesus or Mohammed or anyone else the source of this or any other
information / Gyan? If we listen to Guru Nanak Dev Jee through Guru Granth Sahib
Jee, we will find that he says all the time that he has been blessed with this Gyan
from his Guru, for instance J l -l UI1guraa ik dayhi bujhaa-ee. Jap
2-10 Or in English, Guru Nanak Dev Jee in Jap are saying that Guru has given me
one understanding. So he is not the actual source, source is different: who is the
Guru of Guru Nanak Dev Jee? Similarly, did Jesus/Mohammed/Krishna/Raam have
a Guru themselves?
Lets look at this from another perspective to confirm who this source is. Any Gyan
that has been created, the source for that Gyan is always the one who creates
that Gyan. We have to Keep this in mind and look at Hl = ll lm
HlJ lH \1 sat purakh jin jaani-aa satgur tis kaa naa-o. Gauri
Sukhmani Mehlaa 5, 286-12 or in English, the one who knows the One True Lord is
called the True Guru. Now we look at = ml ml ml1jayvad aap
jaanai aap aap. Jap, 5-10 or in English only He Himself knows how Great he is,
only he Himself knows Himself. What we see is that True Guru knows Him and He
Himself knows Himself, in other words, He Himself is that True and Perfect Guru
that we are looking for. Guru explains this concept quite a few times, for instance:
1) Aad Ant aykai avtaraa. Soee Guroo samjeheyo hamaraa. Baintee chaupaee
patshahee 10, 9 or in English, the one who was present at the start of all this
creation and the one who will be there at time of destruction of all this creation is
my Guru; 2) \ l i l Jl -Im l l l H-
lH 1151jan naanak kauN har naam har gur dee-aa har halat palat sadaa
karay nistaaraa. ||15|| Wadhans Mehlaa 3, 592-7 or in English, the Lord-the Guru
Himself has bestowed His Naam/Guns upon the people like Nanak and He Himself
takes care of his followers in this world and next one.
It seems pretty clear from these examples that One True Lord Himself is the Guru
and he blesses his Gyan on people like Nanak. Therefore, if we want this Gyan,
then we have to become like Nanak, which is the only way out. True and Perfect
Guru is One True Lord himself, he and only he can grant us His Gyan, Guru Nanak
Dev Jee could only found this Gyan cause One True Lord granted him his Gyan.
Guru Nanak Dev Jee-Guru Gobind Singh Jee saved and stored This Gyan in the
shape of Guru Granth Sahib Jee that we see today. Infact, any Gyan that exists in
this universe belongs to One True Lord Himself. We can only find it based upon His
wishes and likes. We cant create any new Gyan, whatever Gyan that exists is His
and only when He wishes to grant us His Gyan that we are able to find it. And what
we do is that we find it and we sell it to others. How can we sell something that is
not ours? No Gyan is ours, all Gyan belongs to the source and there is only one
source and that is One True Lord himself.
Now, we are better equipped to answer the question if there is more than one True
and Perfect Guru. I suppose we know the answer which is No. If we still dont
agree, then we have to go back and look again. Lets try to find the answer, Guru
is Gyan and Gyan comes from a certain source and there is only One Source for
this Gyan of True and Perfectness, i.e. One True Lord himself, or He is the only Guru;
though, he has manifested himself through various human beings, for example,
Bhagat Kabeer Jee, Guru Nanak Dev Jee to Guru Gobind Singh Jee, Bhagat
Fareed Jee, Bhagat Ravidass Jee... Its His decision to grant His Gyan upon us or
not and He grants his Gyan only upon people who have become like Nanak. As
said earlier, there is no other way out. Otherwise, millions of people have read
Shree Guru Granth Sahib Jee, do they have this Gyan? Most probably not,
because most of them have not become like Nanak, if they all have become like
Nanak by reading Shree Guru Granth Sahib Jee, then its a different story.
2.2.3 What does a True and Perfect Guru do?
Now that we have understood what does True and Perfect Guru means and Who
is this True and Perfect Guru, we are ready to move forward and understand what
does such a Guru does that makes him so special, that he is considered King of all
Kings, that people give themselves up completely to him, that he is always ever
smiling and in eternal bliss no matter what is happening around him, that he is so
perfect when whatever human does is full of imperfections...
We know that Guru is a teacher, so it is clear that Guru teaches. Does he teach
mathematics/sciences/medicine/law? No, Here are few examples of what He
teaches: 1) the reality/ the truth; 2) who we are, why we are the way we are and
what can be done; 3) the objectives that we need to follow in order to achieve
and accomplish this human body that is given to us, instead of circling around the
needs and desires of human body; 4) to differentiate between the right and the
wrong, Guru has assured that we know nothing about us/nature/One True Lord,
which is in itself a certain truth; 5) where does One True Lord lives, who is he, what
does he do, what he likes, in short each and everything related to One True Lord
which automatically implies learning about nature (He is the creator and directly
and indirectly related to everything that we can see, hear, smell, touch, feel); 6)
how to correct ourselves and get out of the vicious circle by imparting the Gyan;
7) how to behave: talking, listening, eating, drinking, sleeping, walking, whatever,
in short, how to become human beings; 8) how to get rid of haumai, the biggest
and the most difficult of all the problems that humans face; 9) how to be happy
and satisfied; 10) how and why not to be afraid; 11) the True Gyan to get rid of all
the doubts and anxieties (These are huge pains and have surrounded the whole
humanity in itself); 12) what is Love (most of us will say that i know what is love (I
Love my parents, my wife or husband/partner/girl or boy friend, my kids, my
friends, my pets etc), but rest assured we dont even know what is Love); 13) how
to love (we dont know this either)...
We can only list the things as per our Gyan which is limited, for we are completely
ignorant, and full of imperfections and horrible qualities which affect not only us
but others as well, for example, endangered species, horrible crimes, pollution of
all kind, waste of all kind is a result of our imperfections and ignorance. There is no
limit to such actions, wherever we may see, we will find ignorance and
imperfections of humanity, although we consider ourselves to be the most
advanced species on planet Earth, and we dont see the irony in it (How can we,
ignorance keeps us blindfolded). This blindness of ignorance can only be uplifted
with True and Perfect Gyan, not forgetting that there is huge, unlimited amount of
Gyan present here and still we are ignorant; therefore, only a true and Perfect
Gyan, which comes through people like Nanak, can save us. For Sikhs, this Gyan is
present in the shape of Shree Guru Granth Sahib Jee; for others, I have no idea
(limited knowledge of the author), if you think you know of such a Gyan, do test it.
This testing methodology will be discussed in How do I distinguish between a Fake
and imperfect, and True and Perfect Guru?
2.2.4 Do I really need one?
If we are asking this question, then we are still better off than those who think that
they dont need a Guru, for they know everything. Thus implying that they know,
what, why and how of everything that Guru teaches. When I was around 10 yrs
old, I used to say, I know everything, I dont need to study, but when the results
came out, and I found the hard way that I know practically nothing. Most of us live
in these doubts that: we know what we need to do; we can do anything Nothing
is impossible;I dont need anybodies help to solve my problem, I am capable of
achieving everything on my own; I am a self-made man; I will live life on my own
rules; and what not. Guru Jee has clearly stated m Im li l=l= l\
=l1 aapan lee-aa jay milai vichhurh ki-o rovann. Bara Mahaa Maajh
Mehlaa 5, 134-4 &, m Im li H3 3Jc l1 i \l lU=
U H3 l131 aapan lee-aa jay milai taa sabh ko bhaagath ho-ay.
karmaa upar nibrhai jay lochai sabh ko-ay. ||3|| Gauri Bairagan Mehlaa 1, 156-
157 or in English, first part implies that if one could find One True Lord on his own
then nobody should be crying in pain of separation, and in second part, Guru Jee
explains that Everyone will be considered lucky if everyone gets whatever they
want; however, even if everyone wants to be lucky, ones destiny is unfolded
based on the karma of past actions.
In any case, we can go to each question one by one and prove it that all these
ideas are completely wrong, but there is no point cause these are the words
coming out of an Ignorant, Egoistic person who is full of pride. Such a person will
never listen to anyone, they can only learn the hard way; however, most often
they dont learn anything and stay the same egoistic and ignorant people cause
they consider themselves to be knowing everything. Its vicious circle, Only One
True Lord/Guru can save them, Infact only One True Lord/Guru can save anyone
of us. So, it is clear and there is no doubt that we need a True and Perfect Guru to
save ourselves.
Another way of looking at it is, whenever a kid starts walking, he/she invariably
takes support for those first steps. This support can be in the shape of a parent or
table or chair. Anywhere we may go, anything we may do, we always need that
initial help to help us getting started. We study to help us decide the field we want
to work, these days one needs a formal training or education for no matter what
one wants to do. One such example is skiing. If we go skiing and decide not to
take lessons thinking that we can make it through the day without much problem;
then we are in some serious problem, for people have broken their legs/
dislocated their shoulders or worse. One needs some guidance to make sure
he/she can stop, turn etc. Without those tips, we wont even be able to stay stand
still, forget about anything else. No-one can learn it, or as a matter of fact
anything, on themselves, one may try and face lots of problems which can be
really serious (One may say that we learn through our experiences, but to learn we
need to learn how to think and analyse which we learn from our parents/schools
etc, so nothing we can do or learn on our own right from the start up (a kid dont
even know how to sit, walk or eat, he learns everything here)). The point that is
being conveyed is that guidance is a must, no matter whatever we are doing,
especially in our inner self where there is complete darkness and light (Gyan) is
needed to see, understand and implement necessary actions to reach our goal,
as explained very beautifully by Guru Jee through Bhattan de saviyeye J lU
m J lU Hi m=1 J lU Hl lHl J lU il =1
J HU UIU J i i1 J HU- H m l H3 1
J Ol UOl J J J Hl l= l1 ll J -l=m\
Im\ mO HH il14181gur bin ghor anDhaar guroo bin samajh na
aavai. gur bin surat na siDh guroo bin mukat na paavai. gur kar sach beechaar
guroo kar ray man mayray. gur kar sabad sapunn aghan kateh sabh tayray. gur
na-yan ba-yan gur gur karahu guroo sat kav nal-y kahi. jin guroo na daykhi-a-o
nahu kee-a-o tay akyath sansaar meh. |4||8|| saviyey mehley chautehy ke 4,
1399 16-19.
If there are still some doubts left, then just look at what Guru Jee teaches us. If
someone thinks that he/she is capable of achieving all these and many more
teachings on their own, then you are most welcome to do it on your own. DO
REMEMBER that this implies that you will not be reading anything or talking to
anyone or listening anything. Close your eyes; Shut your ears and Sit in a room by
yourself and start finding, if you can. If a child is kept in such a fashion, he will not
have much of a clue of anything. We learn each and every thing whether good or
bad here by listening, watching, reading, observing or in simpler words, whatever
the Gyan may be, it is gained from something (books) or someone. We cant
create a new Gyan; we can only find the existing Gyan through different means or
by chance. Moreover, we can only find it if One True Lord permits us to find it,
otherwise we may struggle for years without any chance. Scientists and doctors
are looking for the vaccination of AIDS for years without much luck; If we want to
find it, then we should go to the one who created such a virus to ask for help. We
can only find if He lets us to do so.
2.2.5 How do i distinguish between a Fake and imperfect, and True and
Perfect Guru?
What we have understood till now is: 1) that anyone who teaches is a guru as per
definition of the word; 2) that Gyan is Guru; 3) that there is only one True and
Perfect Guru, i.e. One True Lord himself; 4) that this True and Perfect Gyan is
manifested by One True Lord himself through people like Nanak; and 5) that the
person/book through which we observe this True and Perfect Gyan should be
considered a True and Perfect Guru as well, for that person/book has become a
channel of manifestation of One True Lord. Only One True Lord dwells in such a
person/book; thus, directly implying that all the actions, no matter what, are the
actions of One True Lord himself directly through that person/book.
There is, however, a very serious problem because there are/could be some fake
and imperfect people who are considering themselves and calling themselves a
True and Perfect Guru, and this is a problem because a blind man cant lead
anyone anywhere as very wisely said by Guru Jee J l m lH= 3I m
i l 1guroo jinaa kaa anDhulaa sikh bhee anDhay karam karayn.
Raamkali Mehla 3 951-7. We have to keep remembering that only a True and
Perfect Guru can lead us onto the right path cause He knows the path, He has
done it himself, as said by Guru Jee lU=l i 3 J lm
14121binvant naanak naam parabh kaa gur pooray tay paa-i-aa. ||4||2||
Raamkali Mehla 5, 925-13. Presently, there are innumerable people/books that
are being considered equal to this entity of True and Perfect Guru. Should all these
people/books be considered as True and Perfect Guru? Whether our answer is yes
or no, who decides? How to judge to make sure that such people/books are
indeed a True and Perfect Guru? There should be a method/procedure to find out
because this thing has damaged the society in ways that should be forgotten and
completely erased of our memory and a New Chapter should be started.
Before we commence the journey to find the method, there is another very
important thing to remember is that a True and Perfect Guru is not only called a
Guru, He is being called with many other names in different languages and
different cultures, such as Saint (Sant), Saadh, Holy Person, Divine person, Bhagat,
Braham Gyani, Gyani, Har-Jan, Jan-Nanak, Dass-Nanak... Some examples from
Shree Guru Granth Sahib Jee 3J I Ul i1 H il lUHi1
l i -H I \1 l li \ l1 l H H l-
l1 l l m\= H il1 l l i l1 Uli
I -1 i lJ J 1 lUl lUU151bhagat
janaa kee bartan naam. sant janaa kai man bisraam. har kaa naam daas kee ot.
har kai naam uDhray jan kot.har jas karat sant din raat. har har a-ukhaDh saaDh
kamaat. har jan kai har naam niDhaan. paarbarahm jan keeno daan. Gauri
Sukhmani Mehlaa 5, 264.Or in English, these examples are just to show the various
names with which a True Perfect guru has been called in Shree Guru Granth Sahib
Jee. Today, if we do a search with these various name in google, we will find that
there are plenty of people who call themselves or who are being called as Saints
(Sants), Saadhs, etc. They literally use this title in the front of the name that is given
to their human body. Are all these people True and Perfect Gurus? A solution is
required to find out whether they are or not. Let us go through different aspect to
find it out. Background/Family background
Background, still, has huge influence on peoples mind. A person is looked upon
and judged, and sometime his fate is decided solely based on his background. A
very good example for this is that of Bhagat Kabeer Jee and Bhagat Ravidass Jee,
both being born in so called low caste and thus never got acceptance from the
so called high caste Brahmins. Nowadays, even the so called modern society
states that a person born in the house of a King will automatically be a
King/Queen, still being followed by ENGLAND a modern society and people
bow to such a King/Queen. A King or Queen is a special person and their orders
need to be fulfilled ASAP whether those orders are right or wrong, it doesnt matter.
We may have some sort of so called Technological advancement, but within
ourselves we are still the same fool and ignorant people as before or perhaps we
have become worse.
Background or Family background, however, has got nothing to do with someone
becoming a True and Perfect Guru. If someone claims to be a True and Perfect
Guru or enlightened one based solely on his family background, then he is for sure
a Fake and Imperfect person. A very good example is that none of the sons of
Guru Nanak Dev Jee became Guru. Guru Nanak Dev Jee didnt find them fit
enough to be titled as Guru, even though the lives of Guru Nanak Dev Jees sons
were way better than any of us present today. Nobody can declare themselves to
be the Guru, only a Guru can declare someone to be a Guru. In case of Guru
Nanak Dev Jee, people called him to be the Guru due to his preaching, He never
called Himself Guru, and He just wanted to share the same Gyan that He has
received from the One True Lord with everyone else. He wanted to share his
treasure and He never asked anything from anyone in return, but if people wanted
to share in return, then it was their choice. This is another important point of
identifying the Fake and Imperfect ones. Fake Gurus asks things in return, their
happiness and their blessing can only be received in return of some materialistic
goods. For fake Gurus, a rich and powerful person can spend more time with
them compared to a poor fellow and these people automatically gets ahead in
the queue as well, for they are in the so called priority list, a very good example is
that of Sants and Saadhs in India and it can be seen easily. Guru Jee has very well
said for such ignorant fools ilm l =I i= J m 1 lU
l 3 lU i lH 1281 maa-i-aa kaaran Dhaavhee moorakh log
ajaan. kaho naanak bin har bhajan birthaa janam siraan. ||28|| Salok Mehlaa 9,
1427 or in English, for the sake of Maya (Money, materialistic goods), the fools and
ignorant people run all around, but Guru Jee says that, without giving-up Haumai
and meditating One True Lord each instant/breath of life, life passes away
uselessly. We are definitely going from bad to worse. Signs/looks/Actions of a True and Perfect Guru
Guru Jee clearly defines the True and a Perfect Gurus actions as H HlJ l
HU lml- HU HU HlJ l1 HI HlJ = ll - I =lH
l1 so satgur je sach Dhi-aa-idaa sach sachaa satgur ikay. so-ee satgur
purakh hai jin panjay doot keetay vas chhikay. Gauri Mehlaa 4, 304-4 &H i-
4 1HlJ l=lU =I =lmI ml- l l i lm=1 l l i
i HU Hi l i I l=1 l i l i -IU l i =
=1 salok mehlaa 4.satgur vich vadee vadi-aa-ee jo an-din har har naam
Dhi-aavai.har har naam ramat such sanjam har naamay hee tariptaavai. har
naam taan har naam deebaan har naamo rakh karaavai. Gauri Mehlaa 4, 303 or
in English, A True Guru is the one who Meditates on the One True Lord all the time
(in every instant, with every breath, whether sleeping or working) and who has
conquered the five passions: Kaam (Lust), Krodh (Anger), Lobh (Greed), Moh
(Attachment), Ahankaar (Ego, Arrogance, Boastful, Pride) and who doesnt
depend on anyone else but God, and God takes care of them.
Another example of people like Nanak (True and Perfect Guru), those who know
One True Lord (Barahm giaanee), is given in Sukhmani Sahib in the whole 8th
Asthpadi il HU il= HU Hl1 m= = H lU l1 l
Ui lJmI l111man saachaa mukh saachaa so-ay. avar na paykhai
aykas bin ko-ay. naanak ih lachhan barahm gi-aanee ho-ay. ||1|| or in English,
Guru Jee says that signs of Barahm giaannees are: 1) that One True Lord dwells in
their mind/heart (Mann); 2)that the words that are uttered from their mouths are
manifestation of only One True Lord; and 3) that such people cant see anything or
anyone else but One True Lord. Only One True Lord dwells in a True and Perfect
Guru and nothing else(No haumai, no Ahankaar, no Maan, No Anger, no Lust, No
Ego, No Pride...); thus, all their actions (walking, talking (each and every word),
eating, sleeping, listening, working...) are manifestations of One True Lord. We have
to remember that whatever is present in someone, only that will come out (
=l 3 l=lU =H H l lm I =U 1jo paavahi bhaaNday
vich vasat saa niklai ki-aa ko-ee karay vaychaaraa. Aassaa Dee Vaar, 449-19.),
so in our case or in the case of a Fake and Imperfect Guru, there is only
manifestation of Haumai, Ahankaar, Maan, Anger, Lust, Ego, Pride etc because
we and they are full of such horrible diseases. We have only these things and we
can spread or give out only these things unlike a True and Perfect Guru, in whom
all these horrible diseases are completely eliminated and who is filled-up with only
Naam/Guns of One True Lord. Important point to remember is that Guru Jee is
saying that each and every thing is replaced with the Naam/Guns of One True
Lord and that they are not empty. Getting rid of these diseases is as important as
filling up with the Naam/Guns of One True Lord.
There are countless Guns (qualities) of One True Lord in a True and Perfect
Guru and he/she never makes any mistakes; there are NO (ZERO) Avguns (bad-
qualities, such as Anger, Lust, Pride, Arrogance, Ego). If even a single Avgun can
be seen in someone, then definitely that person/book is not a True and Perfect
Guru. If there is any contradictions/lies or there is no coherence in the
statements/words of a person/book; then, definitely that person/book is not a True
and Perfect Guru. In any case, if you dont know or if you are not sure, then you
should go to someone who knows about such things, as said by Guru Jee ml
= m=I =Im = l\ =l 1jay aap parakh na aavee
taaN paarkhee-aa thaavhu la-i-o parkhaa-ay. Saarang Mehlaa 3, 1249-11. Signs/Looks/Actions of a Fake & Imperfect one
A True and Perfect Guru is not identified based on their looks, their family
background (already discussed above), clothes they wear, in short there is nothing
external that can be defined solely to identify to a True and Perfect Guru; on the
contrary, a fake and imperfect is all about the External show-off. There is a very
good example of such Fake people, doing their external show-off, through the
baanee of Bhagat Kabeer Jee in Shree Guru Granth Sahib Jee J H
Im l ll J1 JI l iIm l lUJ1 \l l H
m=Iml UlH cJ111 mH H i \ 3=l1 lH\
J=l111 \1 UH il U=l \l cI l =l1 UH =l-
l -l U H iH ==l121 \l I H- ll mI i= mH
=l1 H- H- ll ml3iI HJ U U=l131 l lm l I
J H i i=1 UI lH HlJ 3 l li
m=14121gaj saadhay tai tai Dhotee-aa tihray paa-in tag. galee jinHaa
japmaalee-aa lotay hath nibag. o-ay har kay sant na aakhee-ahi baanaaras kay
thag. ||1|| aisay sant na mo ka-o bhaaveh. daalaa si-o paydaa gatkaavahi.
||1|| rahaa-o. baasan maaNj charaaveh oopar kaathee Dho-ay jalaaveh.
basuDhaa khod karahi du-ay choolHay saaray maanas khaaveh. ||2|| o-ay
paapee sadaa fireh apraaDhee mukhahu apras kahaaveh. sadaa sadaa fireh
abhimaanee sagal kutamb dubaaveh. ||3|| jit ko laa-i-aa tit hee laagaa taisay
karam kamaavai. kaho Kabeer Jis satgur bhaytai punrap janam na aavai.
||4||2|| Aassaa Bhagat Kabeer Jee, 476
To understand this Shabad, first of all, we need to get a picture of the background
for this Shabad. Bhagat Kabeer Jee lived in times when untouchbility was at its
high and Bhagat Kabeer Jee were born in so called low cast of Hindus in India.
In this Shabad, Bhagat Kabeer Jee gives awareness to the common people about
the so called Saints in order to identify them and not to fall pray in their hands.
He mentions show-off that a Fake and imperfect person does to call himself a True
and Perfect Guru/Saint/Sant/Saadh/... The show offs that Bhagat Kabeer Jee
mention are: 1) They wear loin clothes of specific length of 3 yard with triple
wound sacred threads (In Hindu culture, when a person is baptized, they put a
thread on him ( in a way as if we are marking a cross on our chest from neck to
waist) and these people wear triple wound for showing that they have gone a
step further then ordinary Hindu or that they are better than others (inequality in
itself)); 2)They have rosaries around their necks (to show that they are chanting the
Name of the One True Lord all the time), and they carry glittering jugs in their
hands (if someone wants to give something to them to receive their well-wishes
(implying that they have a give and take relationship, whereas god only gives and
never asks anything)); 3) They are such that they eat the trees along with the
braches or in other words, once we have fallen a prey to them, then consider that
they will take each and everything off us (they have no shame and they are full of
tricks and they are ready to go any length to take everything off us); 4) They try to
show how pure they are through their actions, here Bhagat Kabeer Jee gives the
example such people washed their pots and pans before putting them on the
stove, and they even washed the wood before lighting it and digging up the earth
each time they cook food and making two fire places, to make sure that
everything is pure around them (Such people may show a very high level of
purity/cleanliness around them, but when we listen to them, watch their actions
closely, we will find that they are not satisfied till they eat the whole person (in
other words, take everything off them/robbing them completely) ). Finally Bhagat
Kabeer Jee says that such people are Full of Pride and are ready to do any kind of
deceit/crime to achieve their personal objectives. They are such because One
True Lord has made them such (based upon their karma/actions which they
continue to do over and over again), and thus they act accordingly. Anyone who
falls prey to them completely loses everything. Only those are saved and achieve
their objectives who find a True and Perfect Guru. A True and Perfect Guru is not in
any show-offs. He has no pride, for He has given Himself completely to the One
True Lord to be an Instrument of the One True Lord only. Therefore, a True and
Perfect Guru can never be identified based on the external things / actions / signs
/ looks.
A Fake & Imperfect Guru only tries to imitate, and imitation can only be done on
the outside because inside of a True Guru is known only to Him or One True Lord. A
very good example is of fake Levis jeans or any other fake articles, in which the
fake article try to imitate the original one and even puts a tag of the original on
top of it, but the quality of the fake articles can never be matched up with the
original one. Still there are many who buy fake articles knowingly and there are
certain who buy unknowingly. Those who buy knowingly, there do it for showing-
off, trying to satisfy their ego; whereas, those who buy unknowingly have done so
because they could not identify the true one or differentiate between the fake
and the real, and they repent afterwards. Identifying a Fake and Imperfect
Guru/Gyan is important for our own selves, otherwise we are just wasting our
precious time and effort, and we will be the ones repenting in end; therefore, we
need to Be very Careful in finding our True and Perfect Guru.
2.2.6 Where do I find him?
I suppose everyone think that they know about this; normally, the automatic
answer is the religious place, where people think they worship the One True Lord.
Sikhs call such a place Gurudwara, Hindus call it a Temple, Muslims call it a
Mosque and Christians call it Church. Almost everyone has been to such a place,
but practically no-one has found a True and Perfect Guru. Even though, Shree
Guru Granth Sahib Jee is present in all the Gurudwaras, most of sikhs are looking
elsewhere in the deras of Sants or Saadhs or Giannis or Barahm Giannis... to find a
True and Perfect Guru. Similar effects can be seen in Hindus or Muslims or
Christians or Jews. Nobody knows where the True and Perfect Guru or Lord is. This
just raises few more questions: Can a True and Perfect Guru be found in such a
place? Is He confined to such a place or cant he be found anywhere else except
these so called religious places? Both questions are inter-related, but let us try to
answer each of these one by one. Can a True and Perfect Guru be found in a so called Religious place?
Answer is a complicated one; He is supposed to be found in a religious place,
whether he exists there or not, that is a separate question. Someone may ask, why
he is supposed to be found in a so called Religious Place. To understand this, we
have to understand:1) what is a religious place; and 2) the real idea of creation of
such a place. 1) A religious place is a place: i) where we learn worshipping and
devoting ourselves to One True Lord who is True through all ages, Who was True
before all creation, Who will be True after the end of all creation, Eternal, Creator
of everything and everyone, Who dwells in his creation, Who is not afraid of
anything or anyone, Who has no enmity, Beyond Time and Space, Not in Birth and
Death, Who formed himself by himself, i.e. He has no mother and father, and Who
is attained/found through a True and Perfect Guru; and ii) where likeminded
people gather to share their understanding and help each other. So, any place
where there is a True and Perfect Guru (Who teaches us how to worship and
devout ourselves to One True Lord, Who helps us find the One True Lord...), whether
in a human body or in a book because Guru is Gyan, and likeminded people
gather, that place is a religious place. 2) Therefore, the idea of creation of a
religious place is to spread the True and Perfect Gyan by Sharing it with everyone.
This Gyan or as a matter of fact, any Gyan should only be shared and never sold
because Gyan doesnt belong to anyone, it is not a personal property as human
beings think of, it is given to us or we receive it. Simple question is How can we sell
something that is not ours?, but the beauty of sharing is that we can share
anything or Gyan that is given to us. (Sharing is a very deep topic and we need to
think a lot to understand this better in order to implement it, and this is not the aim
of this topic, perhaps another time.)
What we have understood is that the religious place is place where we learn
Worshipping and Devoting ourselves to One True Lord, which works as per True and
Perfect Guru orders and the idea behind such a place is to spread the True and
Perfect Gyan by sharing. Any place, whether a home or so called religious place
or human body or book or website..., which satisfy the above mentioned criteria is
a religious place; otherwise, even the so called religious places are just building.
These days, if we travel to the biggest Religious places (Rome, Amritsar, Varanasi,
Jerusalem, Budh Gaya), we will find that those are more famous for Pilgrimmage (a
concerned religious person needs to go to concerned places, WHY? Nobody
knows) and sightseeing (Travellers), rather than worshipping the One True Lord.
Same thing can be said for practically all the religious places in the world. Mecca
doesnt come in the list of Travellers, because they dont let anyone but a Muslim
in. They vow towards that direction from anywhere in the world, as if One True Lord
exists in that direction only or they have caged One True Lord there. One True Lord
is everywhere and in everyone, though we dont see or feel or understand this
because we are so lost in his beautiful creation of many colours and types and
very few come to this understanding and, see and feel One True Lord everywhere
and in everyone, as very well said by Guru Jee m lUm -=\
HI1 ilm lU UlU lUil lU U I111 ayk anayk bi-aapak
poorak jat daykh-a-u tat so-ee. maa-i-aa chitar bachitar bimohit birlaa boojhai
ko-ee. ||1|| Aassaa Bhagat NamDev Jee, 485-2.
A place becomes religious due to Gyan that is being shared and spread there,
and if that Gyan is not True and Perfect, then it is not a religious place either.
Humanity have lost this idea of going to religious place to receive the True and
Perfect Gyan, understand it and implement it in their lives, that is why even the
religious places are not religious anymore. It is up to us to make sure that a religious
place remains a religious place and not for sight-seeing and pilgrimage. Another
way of looking at the religious place is that Sikhs (students/learners) go to such a
place to meet their Guru (teacher/Gyan) and learn from Him and share their
personal experiences among themselves. If either of it is not happening, then that
place should not be termed a religious place anymore and a more suitable name
should be found.
We have understood that in a religious place, we are supposed to find the True
and Perfect Guru and that these days, most often or not, we dont find Him
because we are so much blinded by the incredible beauty of the creation of the
One True Lord that we have completely forgotten ourselves and our objectives.
Who is to blame: the Church father, Jathedar of Gurudwaras, Priests/Pandits of
Temples, or Dalai Lama for Buddists or Pir of Mosques? NO, None of them alone,
But all of us including them. We all have forgotten everything and we dont want
to do anything as per True and Perfect Guru order, we just want to do whatever
we want. Everyones wants are different and entangled with each other; off
course as a result, the chaos will be there and objectives will be forgotten. So, we
still cant answer whether a True and Perfect Guru can be found in a so called
religious place or not and we will have to wait to answer if He can be found
anywhere else out of the confinements of a so called religious place. Can a True and Perfect Guru be found out of a so called religious place.
Off course yes, a True and Perfect Guru is basically a True and Perfect Gyan or
Lord Himself and One True Lord exists everywhere and in everyone. This directly
implies that this True and Perfect Gyan is everywhere and in everyone; however,
the trick is that we are blinded by Ignorance. Ignorance is darkness, in darkness we
cant see anything and we are completely lost; thus, due to this darkness of
Ignorance we are unable to see this True and Perfect Gyan or Lord everywhere
and in everyone. Moreover, this True and Perfect Gyan is only blessed by One True
Lord himself, nobody can find it on their own (A blind person cant find something
which he even dont know where it is). What can a Blind person do? Hope to find
a person who can See (who has the light of Gyan) and lead his way, or he can
Pray to One True Lord to merge in him with such a person/book where this True
and Perfect Gyan dwells. It is important here to understand that both the person
and the book only gives Words/Shabad to us for listening, understanding and
implementing. Even if we know of such a Book or Person who has this True and
Perfect Gyan, yet we have to listen, understand and implement the
Words/Shabad of the True and Perfect Guru, otherwise we are just wasting away
our lifes. In other words, the Shabad/Words of a True and Perfect Guru need to
dwell in ourselves or our actions (walking, talking, listening, playing, eating,
drinking, and sleeping. Praying...) have to be as per the Shabad/Words of a True
and Perfect Guru, and we will have to lose/get rid of Haumai through the Shabad
of a True and Perfect Guru. The beauty of Shabad acting as a True and perfect
Guru is that it can be taken anywhere and everywhere with us and thus we will
find that Guru Jee is everywhere and not just confined in a building which is known
as a so called religious place.
We have understood that Shabads of a True and Perfect Guru acts as Guru
themselves because they are doing the same thing as a True and Perfect Guru,
and that Shabad Guru can dwell in ourselves and thus making a human body in
itself a religious place. When only Shabad with True and Perfect Gyan dwells in a
human body or in a Book then that entity can be termed as a True and Perfect
Guru as well. Important thing to understand is that this doesnt imply that there are
two or more Guru Jees. Guru Jee is still the same True and Perfect Gyan: 1) that
went into a human being as Shabad and brought changes by bringing the light in
complete darkness and taking away the blindness of Ignorance; 2) which is now
completely living in the human body or the book. This is the stage when Guru says
that there is no difference between me or my respective Sikh, as said by Guru Jee
J lH= lH= J J \-H U1guroo sikh sikh guroo hai ayko gur
updays chalaa-ay. Aassa Mehlaa 4, 444-8. This stage is not achieved by many
and only those can achieve it onto whom One True Lord blesses this True and
Perfect Gyan.
Summarizing, we can say that a True and Perfect Guru is definitely not confined in
the walls of so called religious places; Infact, such a Guru can exist everywhere
and in everyone as a Shabad of a True and Perfect Guru. A new question comes:
If Guru Jee are everywhere, then why do we need a so called religious place.
Based on the present context, we have to understand that: the presence of a True
and Perfect Guru is a must if it is to be called a religious place; and that we need
such a place as a gathering of likeminded people for sharing and singing the
praises of the One True Lord as a Unit. Guru also teaches the importance of
working in a unit, for walking alone is easy but walking with someone at the same
speed in tandem is difficult and has to be learned in a religious place. Not
forgetting that a religious place is religious only till everything there is being done
as per True and Perfect Guru and not as per any father of Chruch, or Priest/Pandit
of Temple or Jathedar/Sevadaars of Gurudwaras. In reality, it is the opposite, the
care-takers of respective places start acting as owners and bring their own rules
and regulation, knowingly or unknowingly/ willingly or unwillingly/whatever the
reason may be, in the established religious place. This is happening all around the
world in each and every religion; as a result many have become atheists (because
the real objective was lost and some other things were being taught which
perhaps didnt interest many or perhaps everyone thought of living their own way
instead of a priests way, who knows, reason could be anything) instead of acting
towards it and doing what is right.
Now, it seems that we can answer the question Where do I find him. A True and
Perfect Guru/Gyan is everywhere because He is One True Lords manifestation,
and due to our ignorance we are unable to see and find Him. Moreover, there is
this separate identity of ours Haumai which makes us feel as educated and what
not. In order to find the True and Perfect Guru: 1) we have to see, feel and observe
that we are ignorant fools, stupid and completely illiterate; we have to feel this
need and desire of a True and Perfect Guru cause we are stupid, ignorant fellows
and are in pain, in other words we have to find out the reality Who we are to be
with a True and Perfect Guru; 2) We have to pray to One True Lord himself directly
from within ourselves and not through a third person (third person is normally a
appointed care-taker of a religious place). This prayer has to be true and it should
be our need and coming from Jeo/Atma (soul); 3) it is up to One True Lord to
decide when, how and whether we will or not meet with the True and Perfect
Guru. One True Lord is the wisest of all, He knows everything, His decision is always
the right one, He never makes any mistakes and He Loves everyone equally for He
has no enmity. Pray, find out who you are and let One True Lord decide what is
right for you; otherwise, we wont be able to see the True and Perfect Guru even if
He is right in front of us and around us all the time. Let One True Lord at work and
Enjoy. We cant find this pleasure, which we feel when we see and observe One
True Lord at work, anywhere else. He is the most Wondrous of all; everything He
does is Wonderful, Amazing, Incredible and Beautiful.
3 WHY?
Now, the question arises, why does we even need to think or act on it, and its a
very important question as in the case of any research study, where Why has to be
answered satisfactorily before the study can actually start; hence, it needs to be
answered carefully and satisfactorily before we proceed towards the
understanding of equality in different case studies and the methodology of
bringing equality within ourselves.
It is a very serious question and requires a very deep thought by each individual,
for in case we cant find the answer, we will never be able to move forward. We
should answer the questions: Why we need to get rid of Haumai/Ahankaar/Maan?
Why and how can we say that we have lost our objectives? I just want to be
happy and satisfied with my life, Why do I need to bother with all these things?
Why do I need to accept/find myself, I am fine the way I am? Before we just had a
small look at these things and most probably that only raised new questions. Now
we will try to answer some of those questions by looking at certain perspectives.
We cant look at all the perspectives due to the limited Gyan that we have and
which will result in our incapability to answer all the questions as well, for only a True
and Perfect Guru can answer all the questions and only he knows all the
perspectives. In short, none of this can be achieved without a True and Perfect
3.1 Haumai
Till now, we have just understood: 1) what is this haumai a false separate identity;
2) that it is a very big and chronic disease which causes many other diseases; and
3) that practically everyone has this disease, if one dont believe it then please do
try to feel and observe it, and you will find the Truth. One may ask, why it is a
disease, where does it come from, why it needs to be treated, how it can be
treated and perhaps there are more questions, but let us try to solve these ones
3.1.1 Why Haumai is a disease?
A disease is something that effect the health physically or mentally. The effect of a
disease vary from individual to individual and from disease to disease; for example,
some do not get sick by Flu due to strong immune system and some disease are
more dangerous than others, such as cancer, HIV. If Haumai is to be classified as a
disease, it should affect the health of a human being either physically and/or
mentally. Lets observe few examples which can help classify Haumai as a disease,
if it is a disease.
Haumai being a false separate identity causes separation from the Truth, i.e., One
True Lord and separation from anything is a pain in itself; for example, when
someone gets separated from his family and friends, he/she misses them and feels
the pain of separation or when we lose something or someone, we feel this sheer
pain in ourselves that we sometimes completely loses the control of ourselves. In
this sense, due to Haumai, we are always separated from One True Lord and this
Haumai acts as a wall and keeps us blindfolded from the Truth/Reality and
separated from the One True Lord. This separation is so severe that we are never
really and completely satisfied and we always feel that there is something missing
no matter how much materislictic goods we may have, as said by Guru Jee
3l=m 3= \I U Im 3 1bhukhi-aa bhukh na utree jay bannaa
puree-aa bhaar. Jap, 1 &lUl=m il l I ll I 1bikhi-aa meh
kin hee taripat na paa-ee. Dhanasaaree Mehlaa 5, 672 Infact, knowingly or
unknowingly, we try to fill ourselves with materialistic things (humans, cars, houses,
money, jewellery, collectibles...) to get rid of this pain, the reason for which
sometimes we never realise and sometimes it is too late to act. No materialistic
thing in this world/Universe can make us completely satisfied and we will always
feel the pain of separation from One True Lord whether we realise it or not and
whether we do something about it or not. We can observe that Haumai causes a
pain of separation from One True Lord, whether we realise it or not, and it is a
constant pain and always present, which we try to avoid by trying to dose
ourselves with drugs / alcohol / smoking / materialistic things / power / money
without much success. Hence, we can say for sure that Haumai is a disease of the
mind and nothing in this world can cure it except the Shabad of a True and
Perfect Guru.
Haumai is the reason for the pain of the cycle of continuous birth and death, not
only of this body, but also of the Mann (mind). Most people dont believe in
reincarnation of the soul, for nobody has seen the soul with their own eyes and
nobody can prove it or say that where do we come from, where do we live and
where do we go in the end?, as said by Guru Jee l \ il
Hi=1 Im Hl3 =Hi \ Iil =1kithhu upjai kah rahai kah
maahi samaavai. jee-a jant sabh khasam kay ka-un keemat paavai. Basant ki
Vaar Mehl 5, 1193; however, the cycle of birth and death of Mann is for everyone
to observe. To understand the cycle of birth and death of Mann, we have to first
answer the question: What is it? Birth and death of Mann is related to:1) the
instability of Mann or in other words, it is always running around and never stay at
one place; 2) the shifting of various inherent natures all the time. The problem is
that this instability of Mann and shifting of nature is not in our control. In any case,
both instability and shifting of nature are inter-related; for example, when human
beings are enticed by waves of greed, they become like mad dogs with rabies,
and this madness ruins everything, as said by Guru Jee 3 l H3 Hm
l\ H3l lUJ1lobh lahar sabh su-aan halak hai halki-o sabheh
bigaaray. Nat Mehlaa 4, 983-17. Similarly, human beings are controlled and
driven by various things such as Laziness, Ahankaar (Arrogance), Lust and
Cleverness. In our cleverness, we act like a Crow, in our Ahankaar we act like an
Elephant. Each of these different behaviours is like birth and death of Mann in
different forms. Mann made us do many things we can never imagine about, it has
many tricks and it tricks even the so called cleverest and wisest people. People
have tried many things and ways but no-one is able to control it. This instability,
shifting nature and uncontrol-ness of Mann causes many serious and fatal diseases
such as depression (suicide), tension, heart attack, and perhaps, cancer and AIDS
as well. Infact, if we observe, we will find that most of the disease are a product of
our Mann only due to its instability, shifting nature and uncontrol-ness. How it is
related with Haumai? Again, Haumai makes us believe: that we are something;
that we can do something; that we have some capabilities. Therefore, human
beings try to control their Mann, to stabilize it, to stop it from behaving like animals,
yet they never succeed. We have to understand that Mann is a creation of One
True Lord and only he knows how to control it which is through a True and Perfect
Guru. Haumai keeps us blind from the Truth and thus, we never succeed.
We can search many more examples to show that Haumai is a disease in itself and
reason of many more diseases, and it is a very serious and chronic disease and
needs to be treated at the earliest which we will learn as we move forward.
3.1.2 Where does Haumai come from?
Haumai is like an illusion because it is a false separate identity and for every illusion
there is an illusionist. We perhaps have seen many different kind of illusionists, live or
through TV or Movies, but we know, within ourselves, that these illusionists only do a
trick which we dont know of and which we dont understand. If we dont
understand something then it doesnt necessarily mean that it is True, so illusion is
just a trick and not a reality. When an illusion is done for the first time people go
awestruck, but only few try to find the trick behind the illusion and explain to the
rest of the people that it is not a reality and just a trick. Similarly, if Haumai/dooja is
a trick/illusion then there is a illusionist who created this illusion and perhaps some
people did found this trick and explained it to others. Who is this illusionist and Who
has found this trick? Answer is simple and perhaps everyone guessed it out. One
True Lord Himself is the illusionist and people like Nanak (a True and Perfect Guru)
have found it. Satguru (True Guru) confirms it through his Baanee iI
H U 1 -= -= H U -\l\ l 111 \1 U = U JU
1 ilm JI U = J 111 i UU i H Hl 31 lUlH
Jlm l Hi121 l l=-H UI J 3I1 UIJ H\ il Il
Ul mI13161maatee ko putraa kaisay nachat hai. daykhai daykhai sunai
bolai da-ori-o firat hai. ||1|| rahaa-o. jab kachh paavai tab garab karat hai.
maa-i-aa ga-ee tab rovan lagat hai. ||1|| man bach karam ras kaseh
lubhaanaa. binas ga-i-aa jaa-ay kahoo-aN samaanaa. ||2|| kahi ravidaas
baajee jag bhaa-ee. baajeegar sa-o mohi pareet ban aa-ee. ||3||6|| Aassaa
Bhagat Ravidass Jee, 487
This Shabad is of Bhagat Ravidass Jee, a contemporary of Bhagat Kabeer Jee,
who was also born in a so called Low caste and there are views that both of
them lived in the same city and perhaps used to see each other as well. In this
Shabad, he explains about the illusion and how beautifully the illusionist is playing
his trick. Bhagat Ravidass explains that how beautifully this puppet (human being)
made of clay is dancing in the illusion. Lost in the illusion, human beings are
watching, looking, listening, speaking and running around everywhere. The beauty
is that he (the puppet- human being) is doing everything as instructed (made to
do) by the illusionist; whereas, he (the puppet-human being) thinks that he is doing
everything on his own. Because of this illusion of Haumai, if he is given something
(money, sons/daughters, wife/husbands, resources (such as house, cars, clothes,
shoes, Gyan and what not), practically anything) he becomes inflated with ego,
arrogance & pride, and if these are gone, then he cries and bewails. This puppet
(human being) is so lost in this illusion of Haumai that in his thoughts, words and
deeds, he is only attached to the sweet and tangy flavours of the illusion; however,
when he dies no one knows where he has gone. Now, Bhagat Ravidass Jee
reveals that this world, which is the creation of One True Lord who dwells in his
creation who is the reason for all reasons (the way things work, etc) because He is
everywhere and in everyone, do not see the illusionist at work, and they are just
mesmerized by the beauty and lost in it by the illusion of Haumai and Dooja;
whereas, He (Bhagat Ravidass Jee) has found the illusionist, for He has seen the
illusionist at work and he has enshrined love for the One True Lord, the illusionist.
In another excellent example, Guru Jee says ilm il l UI I1 ii=
m I1 Jil= ml l= I151 maa-i-aa mohi nat baajee
paa-ee. manmukh anDh rahay laptaa-ee. gurmukh alipat rahay liv laa-ee. ||5||
Gauri Mehlaa 3, 230-13, or in English, One True Lord, the actor, has staged this
drama of attachment to Maya (anything that we can see, hear, smell or touch,
we are attached to friends, family members, houses, cars, clothes, jewellery,
anything or anyone you can think of). The Manmukhs (those who think that they
are something, that they can do something, that they have a separate identity
etc) cling blindly to this attachment of Maya created by One True Lord; whereas,
Gurmukhs remain detached, for they lovingly attune themselves to the One True
Lord. We have to understand that the All powerful Creator is the reason/cause for
all the reasons/causes, and the reason/cause is in His control and He sustains and
supports it by His power, as Guru Jee says Hi UIUl1
=lH ll =I l121 karan kaaran samrath hai kaho
naanak beechaar. kaaran kartay vas hai jin kal rakhee Dhaar. ||2||Salok
Sahaskreetee Mehlaa 1, 1353.
No matter how many examples we look at, we will find that One True Lord created
this whole play, He is the reason behind all reasons, and He created this Haumai
and Dooja, which is His illusion, as well that exists everywhere. It is up to us to find
out the Truth or we can seek someone who has already done that, a True and
Perfect Guru. We have to remember: i) that we are blinded by Ignorance; ii) that
we are stupid fellows who dont know anything; iii) that we have to get out of this
Haumai and Dooja in order to see the Truth; iv) that this can only be achieved
through a True and Perfect Guru/Gyan as we are good for nothing; and v) most
importantly we are doing this for ourselves, not to save the humanity, humanity
cant be saved by a blind person who dont even know where he is walking; Save
yourself and humanity will be saved. All is in the hand of only One True Lord.
Another question could be perturbing our minds, why One True Lord did created
Haumai or why did One True Lord created this universe. This question is like asking
an illusionist, why you created such and such illusion. Nobody can answer on the
behalf of the illusionist because nobody knows what was going on the mind of the
illusionist when he created it. We can only make wild guesses, perhaps he did it for
making money or fame or perhaps for his amusement or for others amusement.
Nobody can say anything with certainty. We have to ask the illusionist for the real
reason. Similarly, we have to find the One True Lord and ask him the reasons for
these. A True and Perfect Guru has already found Him and He knows this answer,
so we can ask Guru Jee for this. So, based on the understanding of Gyan of Guru
Jee, we can try to answer this question, but we should let each one of us try to find
this answer on ourselves. Without becoming a researcher, we cant find anything.
Each one of us should become a researcher and try to find the answer for this
3.1.3 Why Haumai needs to be treated?
We found before that Haumai is a disease which inflicts unlimited more diseases
and this disease has been created by One True Lord Himself. He has not just
created a disease, he has created the remedy as well which we will discuss in the
part How Haumai can be treated. However, before it can be treated, it has to
be diagnosed as a disease and its seriousness needs to be understood in order to
look for the treatment. Diagnosing Haumai and Dooja is very easy, but it should not
be done without the Gyan of a True and Perfect Guru. To diagnose it, one needs
to simply ask himself few questions: who is he; what does he see; what does he
listen. If the answer has got nothing to do with the One True Lord, then there is
Haumai and Dooja, but do Remember that our answer should be automatic and
natural, we should not let our mind trick us or we should just start observing
ourselves and if we find that our actions has got nothing to do with One True Lord,
then we are diagnosed as living in the illusion of Haumai and Dooja. Infact all of us
are living in this way only and we are full of it.
This is very serious because our each and every action, no matter what we do, is
related to Haumai and Dooja only. Guru Jee gives a very good example to
explain the depth of Haumai in Aassaa di Vaar H i- 11 \ l=lU mlm \
l=lU Jlm1 \ l=lU lim \ l=lU im1 \ l=lU l- \ l=lU lm1
\ l=lU =lm \ l=lU Jlm1 \ l=lU HlUm l=m1 \ l=lU
=IU1 \ l=lU l HlJ m=1\ l=lU H \ l=lU =1 \ l=lU
3Im \ l=lU =1 \ l=lU I lHI ==1 \ l=lU i= \ l=lU
lHm1 i= il I H 1 \ l=lU ilm \ l=lU lm1 \i
l l \lm1 \i U - H1 lJm l= l l 1
iI l=Im =1 ==l ==111salok mehlaa 1. ha-o vich aa-i-aa
ha-o vich ga-i-aa. ha-o vich jammi-aa ha-o vich mu-aa. ha-o vich ditaa ha-o
vich la-i-aa. ha-o vich khati-aa ha-o vich ga-i-aa. ha-o vich sachiaar koorhi-aar.
ha-o vich paap punn veechaar. ha-o vich narak surag avtaar. ha-o vich hasai ha-
o vich rovai. ha-o vich bharee-ai ha-o vich Dhovai. ha-o vich jaatee jinsee
khovai. ha-o vich moorakh ha-o vich si-aanaa. mokh mukat kee saar na jaanaa.
ha-o vich maa-i-aa ha-o vich chhaa-i-aa. ha-umai kar kar jant upaa-i-aa. ha-
umai boojhai taa dar soojhai. gi-aan vihoonaa kath kath loojhai. naanak hukmee
likee-ai laykh. jayhaa vaykheh tayhaa vaykh. ||1|| Aassa di Vaar Mehlaa 1,
466.Or in English, Guru Jee explains that we do each and everything is Haumai. In
Haumai: we come; we go; we are born; we die; we give; we take; we earn; we
lose; we say truth; we lie; we reflect upon virtues and sins; we go to heaven or hell;
we laugh; we cry/weep; we get dirty; we clean; we lose ourselves in social status
and class; we are ignorant; we are wise. Till we are in the illusion of Haumai, we
dont/cant understand salvation (not being in Haumai - the Truth). In the illusion of
Haumai, we are seeking Maya and are under its control, and we continue in the
cycle of birth and death till we achieve the objective / find the Truth / get rid of
this Haumai. When we understand that Haumai is just an illusion, then we find our
objective. However, without the Gyan of a True and Perfect Guru, we remain lost
in the illusion of Haumai and fight over the Gyan of Maya. This Haumai for each
individual is created as per the order of One True Lord as per the Karma of each
individual, and whatever person does, that kind of web of Karma is woven around
This Salok clearly explains how deeply Haumai is embedded in us and how our
each and every sphere is influenced by it. One just has to start paying attention to
it actions and he will find it automatically that how deeply he has been influenced
by Haumai. Similarly, Dooja (others separate identity) can be observed and we will
find out that we dont see, feel or observe One True Lord anywhere or in anyone
(neither in us nor is others); whereas One True Lord is everywhere and in everyone.
We do not pay any heed to it either, we are so much involved in it that we just
worry about so called our needs and desires or at the most our loved ones
needs and desires. Only if we knew who we are, what we are here for, what we
are doing and what we should be doing, we could fight to solve this illusion, but
we can only find out all these things from a True and Perfect Guru.
3.1.4 How can Haumai be treated?
A disease can only be treated by a doctor and only that doctor is wise who finds
out the prevailing disease and gives appropriate medicine for that disease, as said
by Guru Jee J - -= U =- H1rog daaroo dovai bujhai taa vaid
sujaan. Maajh dee Vaar Mehlaa 2, 148-8. We found out earlier that only a True
and Perfect Guru can help us find out this prevailing disease. If a True and Perfect
Guru is our doctor, then he is only one who can give us the medicine as well to get
rid of this disease. Nobody else can help us in this case but a True and Perfect
Guru, so lets ask Him about the medicine which can treat this disease of Haumai
and Dooja; then, Guru says l mI J HU- il1
H l Hli -= l121kirpaa karay jay aapnee taa gur kaa
sabad kamaahi. naanak kahai sunhu janhu it sanjam dukh jaahi. ||2|| or in
English, Nanak says that listen people this Big and Chronic disease of haumai
departs if and only if Lord grants his grace so that one can act according to the
Teachings of the Guru's Shabad by listening to Gurus Shabad, Understanding it
and Implementing it.
3.2 Objectives correction
Before we mentioned that our objective is to merge in the One True Lord through
a True and Perfect Guru and that we have lost this objective and that we have
been wasting our time and effort as human beings because we are working for this
human body and not for ourselves.
How do we find out that we have lost our objectives?
To answer this question, we have to dig ourselves deep enough to find out what
are our objectives. If we find out that we have millions, billions, trillions, perhaps
countless objectives, such as: I want to be the richest/successful man/woman in
the world; I want to be an Engineer / Doctor / Teacher / Scientist / Some Sports
Player and what not; I want to do this; I want to do that; then, it is a direct sign that
we have lost our objectives because all these are for the human body and none
are for us. For us, there is only one objective which is to merge in the One True Lord.
If we are not doing anything for this, then for sure we have lost our objectives and
we need to correct it before it is too late.
How can we say that we have lost our objective of merging in One True Lord when
all the different kind of people are trying to merge in their respective God or Gods
with their own ways?
The answer lies in the question itself: there is only one way which is through a True
and Perfect Guru and not our own way (own way represents Haumai and Duality),
and there is only One True Lord and not our own respective God/Gods. However,
each religion considers themselves to be the only way to merge in the One True
Lord and many think that their God is different from the God of others or atleast
Hindu, Muslims and Greeks think this: Hindus and Greeks believe in many and/or
One God(s) and Goddesses; Muslims, Christians and Jews believe in the same God
but Christians dont accept Muhammad, and Jews dont accept Jesus; Buddists
dont believe in One True Lord, they have their own beliefs. Sikhs believe that there
is Only One True Lord and all these religions are his, but there is only one way to
merge in him, which is through a True and Perfect Guru. Infact, if we look closely,
Jesus is such a Guru for Christians, Buddha is for Buddhists, Muhammad is for
Muslims, Pandit is for Hindus, Abraham for Jews and Guru Granth Sahib Jee for
Sikhs. But the biggest reality is that we consider ourselves to be Sikhs, Hindus,
Christians, Jews, and Muslims just because we do some specific respective rituals
and go a respective so called religious places; whereas we are not any of these
and we have done nothing, for we are still lost in Haumai, Ahankaar etc. If the
respective body is a True and Perfect Guru, then the respective Sikhs should lose
their Haumai through the Shabad of their True and Perfect Guru, yet no-one has
lost their Haumai. Does this mean that the respective Guru is not True and Perfect?
Perhaps yes, still we have to become capable of distinguishing between a Fake
and imperfect, and True and Perfect Guru, or perhaps No, because the problem
could be in ourselves, as said by Guru Jee UI HU HlJ lm \ lH=
il U1 m JI l\ UH UIm 11581kabeer saachaa satgur
ki-aa karai ja-o sikhaa meh chook. anDhay ayk na laag-ee ji-o baaNs bajaa-ee-
ai fook. ||158||, Salok Bhagat Kabeer Jee, 1372 or in English, What can a True
Guru do when the sikhs are at fault. Till the sikhs are blinded by the Haumai and lost
in Ahankaar, Pride etc, they cant see what their Guru is teaching forget about
understanding or implementing His teachings, this situation is like blowing through a
hollow bamboo.
How do we correct our objectives?
Our objective can only be corrected when we know who we are and what is our
objective which can only be achieved through a True and Perfect Guru. At
present, all of our wants and desires are basically our objectives and we work to
satisfy these wants and desires and we go to any limit to satisfy these wants and
desires which we think of as our needs. We think that if we fulfil all of our wants and
desires, then we may become satisfied, but what we dont know is that there is no
end to these wants and desires, they always keep on increasing and increasing
and new ones come along all the time. What do we do? We continue to try to fulfil
all of these and which we cant and in the end we are not happy. How stupid of
ourselves: we waste our time and effort on Tarisnaa (desires and wants) and we
dont even know the difference between a need, a want and a desire; we dont
know what is True Happiness and Satisfaction. As we dont know these things, it
clearly indicates that we have lost our objectives. Lets try to solve this
complicated puzzle by searching for Tarisnaa and Happiness and Satisfaction.
3.2.1 Tarisnaa
What is Tarisnaa, Why it is a problem and how can it be removed are the first few
questions that come to mind. Tarishnaa is our desire and want to do something
and achieve something. We know that there is no end to our desires and wants,
thus there is no end to Tarisnaa; as a result, we can never be satisfied if we
continue trying to fulfil our desires and wants. Tarisnaa is one of the underlying
factors behind whatever we do. The biggest problem is that it has mixed so well
with our needs that we start thinking of it as our need; for example, each human
being has inherent need of eating food but when tarisnaa mixes with this need,
then: 1) we eat unhealthy food due to our certain desires; 2) we often over-eat
due to the good taste of food; 3) we become addicted to eat different kind of
food that if we have to eat the same thing for few days we become angry and
what not; 4) we result in the destruction of nature by our desire of eating
something specific (such as Whale and shark meat), although there is plenty of
other kind of food available. In a way, we were supposed to work for our some
specific needs like, eating, drinking, sleeping and spend most of our time thinking
about reaching our goal as a human being of merging in the One True Lord.
However, One True Lord created tarisnaa as an obstacle to make sure that we
really want to merge in Him, we desire to merge in him.
Tarisnaa creates many other wants and desires and mixes them with our needs
and makes us forget One True Lord and our one and only objective of merging in
Him. Tarisnaa takes us away from our path and therefore, it is another big
challenge in human life like Haumai. There is only way to get rid of tarisnaa and
that is to concentrate on only one desire and want or objective, which is merging
in the One True Lord by remembering him and separating our needs from the
desires and wants of this human body created by tarisnaa. This can only be
achieved by a True and Perfect Guru. Let us see, through various examples given
by Guru Jee, how tarisnaa is behind our every aspect of life: Watching, listening, speaking
We never get tired of hearing, speaking, watching and smelling. We spend hours
and hours on just talking with and listening to people / friends / family. We like
watching movies, TV, games, sports matches, sceneries, different countries and
what not, as very well said by Guru Jee i- 21m= ml= lm Hl
1 m=I -l= Im J J l =1 3l=m 3= \ JI 3= l1
3= J l JI Hil121mehlaa 2.aakhan aakh na raji-aa
sunan na rajay kann. akhee daykh na rajee-aa gun gaahak ik vann. bhukhi-aa
bhukh na utrai galee bhukh na jaa-ay. naanak bhukhaa taa rajai jaa gun kahi
gunee samaa-ay. ||2|| Maajh dee Vaar Mehlaa 2, 147. In the end, Guru Jee
explains that by mere words, this hunger/tarisnaa of watching / Listening / Talking
more and more is not satisfied, and the only way to satisfy this hunger/tarisnaa is
when one starts filling one up with the Gun of One True Lord and thus, merging in
the One True Lord.
What we can observe is that due to tarisnaa of speaking / listening / watching, we
are wasting our precious time in activities which are worth nothing, such as, we
spend hours gossiping about this and that, we go sight-seeing wasting our time
and effort in watching a sculpture or something and getting consumed in it. We
dont remember One True Lord at all times due to these activities and we definitely
dont remember our objective. So, any activity which takes us away from One True
Lord and our Objective should not be practised. However, it should not be tried on
our own and guidance is must and that too of a True and Perfect Guru; otherwise,
sometimes, people completely stop talking or listening or things like that. Stopping
an activity completely doesnt solve the problem especially when it is a need. We
should learn from Guru Jee, how to see One True Lord everywhere, how to hear
him, how to talk to him. Once we have learned this from a True and Perfect Guru,
then no matter what we say/ hear /see will be accepted as devotion.
Here are few more examples of Tarisnaa working in other aspects.
lH lU I I UI 111 \ 1 l = i 1
I \ I 111 H- I ml I lJ lUI 1 U 3 I HI
121 ml U ilm 3i 3ilm J ll I Jlm1 i lU= I
il I 131 \ l I= HI i HHlJ ilm 1 H
-l l lHI 141111541tarisnaa birlay hee kee bujhee hay. ||1||
rahaa-o. kot joray laakh kroray man na horay. parai parai hee ka-o lujhee hay.
||1|| sundar naaree anik parkaaree par garih bikaaree. buraa bhalaa nahee
sujhee hay. ||2|| anik banDhan maa-i-aa bharmat bharmaa-i-aa gun niDh
nahee gaa-i-aa. man bikhai hee meh lujhee hay. ||3|| jaa ka-o ray kirpaa karai
jeevat so-ee marai saaDhsang maa-i-aa tarai. naanak so jan dar har sijhee hay.
||4||1||154|| Raag Gauri Mehlaa 5, 213HI i 5 1 = = m
3i I lH UI 1 l ilm J i U HI 111
lUl=m il l I ll I 1 l\ = Il I lU l
mI 1 \ 1 l- l- 3 U lU I li 3= 1 \-i
Hm I lmI U = 121 i= iI U I lJ U 1
l- l HJ 3 il H 131 l l i m mi mli
l 1 H= H m- H J 14161Dhanaasree
mehlaa 5. vaday vaday raajan ar bhooman taa kee tarisan na boojhee. lapat
rahay maa-i-aa rang maatay lochan kachhoo na soojhee. ||1|| bikhi-aa meh
kin hee taripat na paa-ee. ji-o paavak eeDhan nahee Dharaapai bin har kahaa
aghaa-ee. rahaa-o. din din karat bhojan baho binjan taa kee mitai na bhookhaa.
udam karai su-aan kee ni-aa-ee chaaray kuntaa ghokhaa. ||2|| kaamvant
kaamee baho naaree par garih joh na chookai. din parat karai karai
pachhutaapai sog lobh meh sookai. ||3|| har har naam apaar amolaa amrit ayk
niDhaanaa. sookh sahj aanand santan kai naanak gur tay jaanaa. ||4||6|| 672 Rich with money or Land
This is another one of the biggest mistake and idea in human beings that if we
have enough money or equivalent in terms of Land / Shares and what not, then
we will be happy and satisfied, so people are spending their lives in collecting
money / building properties / buying shares etc, when we have millions, we start
looking towards billions and then trillions, if we continue like this, then there is no
end. In the present system of society money / Land is our need, but as tarisnaa has
mixed with it, we are running towards a no-end zone. We have to learn from our
Guru Jee, how to become rich. Guru says that start collecting Gun of Prabhu, this
wealth of Gun of Prabhu cant be stolen, cant decrease, it increases as we spend
it and it will go with us when we will go from here (when our body will die)
compared with the wealth of money, which is stolen very easily, and decrease
quickly as it is spent and will definitely not go with us when our time will come.
Therefore, we should stop wasting our time and effort in collecting wealth of
money and start collecting wealth of Guns of One True Lord through a True and
Perfect Guru. Lust of Men/Women
This is perhaps more powerful in men then in women. Guru Jee gives a very good
example of a Man who may have many wives, different and very beautiful, but
who still commits adultery in the homes of other to satisfy his hunger/tarisnaa of
Lust. We have to understand that mating of a male and female is important and
there is something deeper in this then just the act of doing it. God created us in
such a fashion that a male has to mate with a female at appropriate times etc to
continue procreating and bringing a new life in this world and it is in some way our
need. But tarisnaa has entered in this domain and created all sorts of desires to
keep us away from our dear One True Lord and our objective of merging in Him.
We humans have very strange desires and sometime we cross the limit by forcing
ourselves on others which is considered a Rape in human terminology. It is just a
sign of our uncontrollability on our Mann and how deeply we are in the control of
tarisnaa that we do heinous acts and some people are even proud of these. AIDS,
the fatal and incurable disease, is able to spread so quickly only due to our
tarisnaa of lust. Due to these various factors, people get so scared that they
completely give up and become hermit. Like talking or watching or listening,
practising it is not a sin in itself, it becomes a sin when we lose control and forget
everything and give into the desires (inside of us we are weak people, though we
may look stronger from outside). Only a True and Perfect Guru can get us out of
the control of all such desires by showing the Truth and moving us towards our
objective. Hunger of food
This is another of those desires which have created all sorts of problems, especially
health problems. People eat food for taste not because it is a necessity. Those who
get addicted of eating tasty and different kind of foods, they continue doing that
day after day but there hunger is never satisfied, it only increase to an extent that
he does all kind of efforts and he runs around everywhere in order to appease its
hunger, which has no end. Another no-end example of Tarisnaa, so many people
just stop eating food as if it is something wrong. Guru Jee has clearly stated that
= I l= l- l HUl 1khaanaa peenaa pavitar hai diton
rijak sambaahi. Aassaa dee Vaar Mehlaa 1, 472 -19 or in English, eating and
drinking is pure, for One True Lord has given it to us. But what to eat, what not to
eat, How much to eat, Why to eat, and all such questions we should get clarified
through our True and Perfect Guru.
These are just few examples of how tarisnaa is controlling our lives in different
spheres of life. It is infact everywhere, wherever we may see, we will observe
tarisnaa. It is merged in clothes, houses, jewellery, cars, bicycles, anything
materialistic. We have to be careful and we can only be careful if we can
differentiate between the need of the human body and the desire attached with
the need, for our desire and want is only one: To be with One True Lord. A True and
Perfect Guru explains everything, he knows everything, if we cant find such a
Guru, then our lives will go waste. So, we should not waste our time and effort,
running around tarisnaa, but rather to achieve our goal of being with One True
3.2.2 Happiness and Satisfaction
We all like being happy and satisfying ourselves, and we do many things; such as,
we drink the best wines, wear the best clothes, live in the best houses, travel in 1

class and stay in 5 star hotels or many other such things, which we think will make
us happy. These things do make us somewhat happy and satisfy some of our
needs and wants, but these are false and temporary happiness and satisfactions.
A happiness and satisfaction achieved through these materialistic goods do not
last for long, perhaps for a few seconds, minutes, hours, days; there is a definitive
limit and then we reach our old state; we all know about it, yet we continue. We
can clearly see that all these kind of happiness and satisfaction are false because
these are temporary, vary from person to person and in case we are sad, sick, in
stress we dont find these materialistic goods to be enjoyable any more or we
dont find any more happiness in these, as said by Guru Jee l= il \= l
J l= ilm 3J1khin meh ka-urhay ho-ay ga-ay jit-rhay maa-i-aa bhog.
Baara Maaha Maajh Mehlaa 5, 135-6. So, any of it cannot be defined as True and
Eternal happiness, but we are foolish people and relate our happiness with
everything and everyone. Guru Jee says in Anand Sahib m- m- H3
m- J lm1aanand aanand sabh ko kahai aanand guroo tay jaani-
aa. 917-6, or in English, Guru Jee states that only a perfect/true guru can help us
realize the real happiness and show us the path towards real satisfaction of the
soul; whereas, we human beings try to find this happiness in every and/or anything
that we see with these two eyes. Moreover, there is no one in this world who is not
trying to find happiness, we work only for it, as explained by Guru Jee U
H= I -= I\ l1 Hl i l 3= H l13v1jatan
bahut sukh kay kee-ay dukh ko kee-o na ko-ay. kaho naanak sun ray manaa har
bhaavai so ho-ay. ||39|| 1428-11, Salok Mehla 9; in English it means, we have
done many efforts to earn peace and pleasure and none to earn pain or
unhappiness, but we should remember that, only that will happen which pleases
the One True Lord.
Another important aspect to figure out is that our happiness is very dependent on:
1) good wines, parties, food, clothes, mansions, palaces, vacations, cars,
computers, or any other materialistic objects that we can think of; 2) human
beings or animals or birds or oceans or hill stations, or plants, again the list is
endless; or 3) any external event, such as Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Waves, Sports
matches (be it football, cricket, tennis), famous singers, once more the list is
endless; or many other things, even the overall list is endless. The time we have the
things we like the most, we become so called happy and the time we lose them,
we become really unhappy; our emotions are completely dependent on these, as
said by Guru Jee U = U JU 1 ilm JI U = J
111jab kachh paavai tab garab karat hai. maa-i-aa ga-ee tab rovan lagat
hai. ||1||Assa Bhagat Ravidass Jee 487-6. Whats worse is that we consider
ourselves independent man or women or researcher or anything, and we dont
even know how dependent we are in reality. We know that only that thing/event
will happen which please the One True Lord, so why cant we just find happiness in
what pleases the One True Lord. This way, no matter whatever we may have, no
matter whatever may happen, we will be happy as all these things have
happened as per the One True Lords order. We will be happy no matter what;
thus, we will find the real independence. Lets try and observe if we are really
happy, perhaps we are. Are we really happy?
We have to ask ourselves this question constantly, Are we Happy? If the answer is
yes, then it means that 1) we have found the True/Perfect Guru who has helped us
realized the One True Lord and thus, this real happiness, for it is only a True and
Perfect Guru who can help in this path. Otherwise many have tried but none were
able to realize the One True Lord, as said by Guru Jee l I Jl l \ 1
JI I I lU m U J lHm1 11 \1har kee gat neh ko-oo
jaanai. jogee jatee tapee pach haaray ar baho log si-aanay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Behagra Mehla 9, 537-8; and that 2) our happiness is completely independent of
everything or in other words, we have understood the order of the One True Lord
and we are completely happy with it, for in case if there is still some problem and
we arent happy; then there is very good reason for it. Guru Jee explained this
reason as U m\ m\ I m\ 3I1 lU= l\ cJ\
HI Jl I1381nar chaahat kachh a-or, a-urai kee a-urai bha-ee. chitvat
rahi-o thaga-ur naanak faasee gal paree. ||38|| Salok Mehla 9, 1428-10, or in
English, we wanted something else to happen, but something else has happened,
we make plans in our minds to get things our way even if we have to deceive
others, but with such action we are just tightening the rope around our necks. In
case, we dont fit into these two categories, then in reality we arent really happy.
So, if the answer is still yes or we are in doubt or if we dont know, then try
answering these questions: do I need or want anything (materialistic) or have any
wishes from this life? What if I die right now? Am I ready to die any instant?
Someone may argue 1) that if there are no more materialistic wishes or wants then
we would not want to live anymore and this life will be useless. This is not true
because all the materialistic wishes and wants are replaced with wishes and wants
of: i) True and Eternal happiness and satisfaction; ii) finding and merging in the
One True Lord; iii) achieving the objective of a human life. If a person has no more
materialistic wishes and wants, but he has not replaced them with the objectives
that a True and Perfect Guru teaches; then, he has wasted his life as well because
he is blank and has nothing in him and have not achieved his/her aim of merging
in the One True Lord, who is full of everlasting Bliss, Joy and Happiness; 2) that there
are those who kill themselves, have they found something? Absolutely wrong,
those who kill themselves, they probably have no joy or happiness left in them and
that they have completely lost the plot of being a human being. If someone finds
this so called True and Eternal happiness and satisfaction, which is eternal /
everlasting / never decreasing / Always increasing, wont he want to enjoy the rest
of life in that eternal state of mind: where there are no worries; where nothing
scares, not even death; where there are no bondages, only eternal love; where
there are no wars, only eternal peace. True and Eternal happiness and satisfaction
A question might have been perturbing our minds, what is this so called True and
Eternal happiness and satisfaction. The answer can only be given by someone
who has achieved it, for we dont know it. Guru Jee explains us very beautifully
through Bhagat Ravidass Jee UJi H \1 -= m- I ll c\1
H=IH l= i1 =\ = H =111 mU il =U = J
I1 \ =l H- i 3I111 \1 li -li H- lHI1 -i Hi
H mI1 mU- H- iH1 \ JI UHl ii121 l\ l\ H l
l\ 3=1 ii i m=1 l l=-H =H Ui1 i H
H iI i13121baygam puraa sahar ko naa-o. dookh andohu nahee tihi
thaa-o. naaN tasvees khiraaj na maal. kha-uf na khataa na taras javaal. ||1|| ab
mohi khoob vatan gah paa-ee. oohaaN khair sadaa mayray bhaa-ee. ||1||
rahaa-o. kaa-im daa-im sadaa paatisaahee. dom na saym ayk so aahee.
aabaadaan sadaa mashoor. oohaaN ganee baseh maamoor. ||2|| ti-o ti-o sail
karahi ji-o bhaavai. mahram mahal na ko atkaavai. kahi ravidaas khalaas
chamaaraa. jo ham sahree so meet hamaaraa. ||3||2|| Ang 354. Before
explaining this very famous Salok among sikhs, a brief backgroud seems necessary.
Bhagat Ravidass Jee lived in the times, when Caste system was at its high. Bhagat
Ravidass was born in a family who were known as chamaars or one kind of
Untouchables, so he was automatically considered a untouchable. If someone
treats us today, the way he was treated, we will probable buy a gun and kill that
person or curse him/her the rest of our life or raise a issue in the media about that
person or what not. However, Bhagat Ravidass Jee didnt care a bit about any of
it, for he has realized this True and Eternal happiness and satisfaction that nothing
exterior could bother him; hence, True and Etrenal happiness is basically a state of
mind which is completely independent of everything exterior and is always in
Chardi Kala. Bhagat Ravidass Jee gives a small picture of this state in this Salok
and He is an example of an independent human being, not any one of us alive
today, be it the President of America or Bill Gates or Pope of Christians or
Jathedars of sikh community, or any such person for Hindus or Muslims;
nevertheless it doesnt mean that this state of mind cannot be achieved today.
Bhagat Ravidass Jee says that my internal state (or his state and not that of his
body, for he is not body) is such that there are no sorrows or suffering or anxiety
there (All emotions are internal picture of ourselves). There are no troubles (we get
troubles of all kind: car is not working, something got stolen, etc. We get bothered
by each and everything, not him.) or taxes (this is a referance to the result of his
action (every action will bring its own reaction), and he has achived the state of
no ego, no pride or no haumai as said by Kabeer Jee UI i Im
lJ l H HI1 lm \ l l Im 3l\ UI UI
1621kabeer naa ham kee-aa na karhigay naa kar sakai sareer. ki-aa jaan-o
kichh har kee-aa bha-i-o kabeer kabeer. ||62||Salok Bhagat Kabeer Jee, 1367)
or fears of any kind (we get scared of earthquakes or floods or tsunamis, etc, not
him) or blemishes (we are full of defects; whereas God dwells in him so there are
no defects) or downfalls (we go into a downfall when the economy crashes, not
him). ||1||Now in the rahaa-o or the summary of this salok/stanza, Bhagat
Ravidass Jee invites us saying that O My dear brother, i have find such a beautiful
place to live where there is only peace which is full of Bliss, Joy and Happiness
(where he lives and not his body; and this place is inside him and not any external
territory which is under different governments). ||1|| rahaa-o. This place is steady,
stable and eternal; all are equal here (no different castes, status...). This place is
hugely populated (just in case we think that not many achieve this state) and
everyone is hugely wealthy (this wealth is not made of money, houses, shares etc.
Happiness is also a kind of wealth: more we share, the richer we become
(everyones knows that)) and everyone is completely content (Anyone who has
achieved the humal goal, will automatically be content. We get happy, just
becuase we clear some exam etc; whereas achieving human goal is not an easy
task, anyone who achieves it will be content because there will no fears, anxities,
sadness...). ||2||He says that i stroll around freely and nobody is there to block my
path and that this Ravidass, who was born in a low caste, has been emancipated
and anyone who lives in this city is my friend.
We have to remember that: 1) such a state cant be defined completely in words;
2) there is nothing that exists which can be compared with this state to give a
complete idea; 3) this state can only be recevied by the blessing of the True and
Perfect Guru and One True Lord; 4) this state can only be felt and enjoyed and
mere words doesnt say anything. How to achieve this state?
Whosoever has found that they are not happy, they need to do something about
it or just in case, if we are wondering about how to achieve this state; then, the
answer is simple: Find someone who has achieved this state because he is the only
one who can guide us towards the right track. This person will be our Guru
(teacher) and we will be his Sikh (student), and like in any other schooling, one has
to listen to his guru, do as he says, and most importantly understand and
implement that in ones life. It seems easy, isnt it? Just finding someone with this
state and our problems are solved. But it is not as easy as it seems, there are many
who have such Gurus; however, many of these do not listen to their guru, or do as
he says, and most importantly dont understand and do the implementation of the
acquired Gyan. There are always a huge amount of barriers of different types that
come between A Sikh and A Guru, and these barriers need to be crossed by
being patient and hard-working, keeping faith and belief in ones Guru and most
importantly, losing ones Haumai, Ahankaar and all that stuff, for Haumai, and One
True Lord wont dwell in the same place, as said by Guru ha-umai naavai naal
viroDh hai du-ay na vaseh ik thaa-ay. Wadhans Mehla 3, 560-12. Still, we have to
choose and follow him, no matter what, as said by Guru Jee \ \ i =
U\1 lH l I JI iI m\1 l ilJ I1 lH -I l I
1201ja-o ta-o paraym khaylan kaa chaa-o. sir Dhar talee galee mayree aa-o.
it maarag pair Dhareejai. sir deejai kaan na keejai. ||20|| Salok Vaaran te
Vadeek Mehlaa 1, 1412 or in English, if you wish to play the game of love, with the
One True Lord, give yourself (Haumai) up and follow My (True and Perfect Gurus)
path, and when playing this game of Love with One True Lord by giving up
Haumai, Dooja and all that stuff as per instructions of the True and Perfect Guru,
then you should not care about any of the physical obstructions that may come to
your path. So, start working and start searching, for time is of essence and it is
passing by slowly and slowly as rightly said by Bhagat Kabeer Jee UI l
mUl mU Hl 1 lJ \ lH l m=
11381kabeer kaal karantaa abeh kar ab kartaa su-ay taal. paachhai kachhoo
na ho-igaa ja-o sir par aavai kaal. ||138|| Salok Bhagat Kabeer, 1371-17,or in
English, What you have to do tomorrow, do it today instead, and what you have to
do now, do it immediately; when death hangs over your head, you will not be
able to do anything.
4 How to achieve Ultimate Equality?
Now, we understand a little bit about: the reality; how and why our objectives are
wrong; how come we are unable to find the True and Eternal happiness and
satisfaction, although we do everything only to be happy; how to correct our
objectives, i.e. by Finding a True and Perfect Guru and by listening, understanding
and implementing His instruction we need to give up Haumai, Ahankaar, Tarisnaa
etc. If and only if when we will understand all this: 1) that we will become capable
of looking at the Reality/Truth a little bit clearly, and more we will understand, the
clearer the picture will become; 2) that we will be able to see how Haumai,
Tarisnaa, Ahankaar is making this world a place full of inequalities: 3) that only a
True and Perfect Guru/Gyan can help us break these barriers to achieve not only
our Human goal, but also to: i) make this place better for living for humans and all
other species in Equality; ii) enjoy our stay in this place (for the time we have got
here) rather than staying sad, unhappy, angry, arrogant, fighting with each and
every other human being and/or other species and what not; iii) to embrace each
and every moment (no matter what is happening around us) with utmost pleasure;
and iv) play our part with most pleasure in this most beautiful game created by our
One True Lord.
Therefore, till now, we have just found that there is only one way to all of our
problems and that is through a True and Perfect Guru. Although, it may seem that
finding a True and Perfect Guru is the most difficult part, it is not as it is not even in
our hand to find one, we can only do an Ardass and rest is up-to One True Lord to
decide whether we truly want one or not, how and when, and each and every
other step in between. The difficult part arrives when we have to become a Sikh
(Student or Learner) to our respective Gurus (A True and Perfect Guru is the same
but he may have different forms and shapes, as said by Guru Jee J J =H
m111 gur gur ayko vays anayk. ||1|| Aassaa Mehlaa 1, 12-17). We can
get rid of Haumai, Ahankaar, Tarisnaa etc only and only if we become a sikh and
that too to a True and Perfect Guru. We have already seen that if the Guru is not
True and Perfect, he will only teach things which are probably worthless and he will
be able to help our cause of achieving the Human goal and getting rid of Haumai
etc. Now, if we assume that we have found a True and Perfect Guru by One True
Lords grace, it is only by becoming a Sikh that we can achieve our Goal of being
with One True Lord by learning from our Guru to get rid of Haumai, Ahankaar,
Tarisnaa , and to correct our objectives etc. In this we will have to discuss about
how to become a Sikh.
4.1 What does word Sikh means?
First of all, we have to understand that the word Sikh means a Learner or student or
the One who learns, it doesnt mean that only the Person who is following Shree
Guru Granth Sahib Jee can call themselves Sikhs. In Reality as per definition, any
person in this world who is learning and considers himself to be a student is a Sikh.
Whose sikhs are we; it is another thing, for we are sikhs of millions of different false &
imperfect Gurus. We have to make sure that we have just one Guru and that
Guru should be True and Perfect; otherwise, the one who is at lose is ourselves.
Now, Sikhs of Shree Guru Granth Sahib Jee call themselves Sikhs because they are
or they think that they are trying to Learn from a True and Perfect Guru in the
shape of Shree Guru Granth Sahib Jee. If they are just doing it as a social thing,
then they dont even deserve to call themselves Sikh, in any case only those
person can call themselves Sikhs of Shree Guru Granth Sahib Jee who keep 5 Ks
(Kesh, Kanga, Kachera, Kara and Kirpan) and have initiated into the Panth by
doing a Khandey dee Pahul ceremony knowingly and willingly, and not just
because they were born to Sikh parents and/or their friends or family forced them
to be sikhs. Another important thing to note is that as a True and Perfect Guru has
many names, such as Sant, Saadh, and Barahm Gianee (Names accepted in
Shree Guru Granth Sahib Jee); similarly, a sikh also has different names such as
Gursikh, Gurmukh, Sanmukh, Sikhraa (Names accepted in Shree Guru Granth
Sahib Jee). Apart from the names accepted in Shree Guru Granth Sahib Jee, we
do not need any other names created by our Haumai, Ahankaar, Imbecileness,
and Ignorance etc, such as Amritdhaaree or Sahejdhaaree and what not.
4.2 What is a Sikh/How to become a Sikh?
In order to understand this, we have to understand the relationship between a
Guru and Sikh or Teacher and student. If we take the example of a School, a
teacher gives us some sort of Gyan be it mathematics, history etc and in return
students pay some fees in the form of money, so its a give and take relationship.
Similar kind of relationship exists between a Guru and a Sikh, Guru gives us True and
Perfect Gyan and what can Sikh give in return? At present people think by giving
money, gold or any other materialistic thing. If this is true then we have put a price
on this invaluable Gyan which infact Guru is sharing with us and not selling us at
some price. A school ask something in return, Guru never asks anything in return,
yet sikhs share a whole lot in return as they think right. Note: if some so called True
and Perfect Guru is asking something, then there is a big doubt, he could be fake,
Be Careful. So Guru shares Invaluable Gyan and Sikhs need to share something
invaluable in return. To exchange this invaluable Gyan, only a invaluable thing can
be given in return and that thing should be ours. Any Materialistic thing in this world
has a price on top, so those are not invaluable; in addition, no materialistic thing in
this world is ours (If something is ours then it should go with us, but all the
materialistic things remain here when our body dies). If we had learn something till
now, then we should know that nothing is ours, not even Mann is ours, it is an entity
of One True Lord, it is ours only because of this beautiful illusion of Haumai. A Sikh
gives his Mann (meaning his thougths, his desires, his wants, everything) to Guru, as
said by Guru Jee U lH\ Im I l1 i - i Im
il111kanchan si-o paa-ee-ai nahee tol. man day raam lee-aa hai mol.
||1|| Gauri Kabeer Jee, 327-10. Guru helps clean up the Mann dirtied by
Haumai, Ahankaar, Tarisnaa etc and makes us realise that it was never ours so that
we can merge with the Creator knowing that it is an entity of One True Lord only,
as said by Guru Jee UI i i il l I l H 1 \
H\ lm J i12031kabeer mayraa mujh meh kichh nahee jo kichh hai
so tayraa. tayraa tujh ka-o sa-upatay ki-aa laagai mayraa. ||203|| Salok Bhagat
Kabeer Jee, 1375-9. So, when Guru Jee shows us that everything that we have,
this body, Mann, Money, Food, House..., belongs to only One and True Lord; then,
after listening it, by understanding it and implementing it we can achieve the
Human goal of being with the True Lord because we will be able to see One True
Lord everywhere, as said by Guru Jee UI m i il
1 U m lil Jlm -=\ 12041kabeer tooN tooN
kartaa too hoo-aa mujh meh rahaa na hooN. jab aapaa par kaa mit ga-i-aa jat
daykh-a-u tat too. ||204|| Salok Bhagat Kabeer Jee, 1375.
Anyone who is trying to achieve the above mentioned step is a Sikh who will/can
achieve his Human Goal by One True Lords, and True and Perfect Gurus Grace.
A Sikh also understands that whatever he is doing is for himself and not for anyone
else or One True Lords sake, as said by Guru Jee m 3 \ I iI1 HJ
i il - -I111apnay lobh ka-o keeno meet. sagal manorath mukat
pad deet. ||1||. There are many who think that they are doing all these things for
others or for One True Lords sake, but that is completely and utterly untrue. If
someone merges in One True Lord, it is only because: 1) that person felt the pain of
separation from One True Lord; 2) that person wanted to find the Truth; 3) that
person wanted to embrace True and Eternal Happiness; 4) that person wanted to
achieve his human Goal of merging in the One True Lord. We have to remember
that Lord doesnt have any wishes and desires over us that is why he has given us
this choice of either enjoying this beautiful creation of His being with Him or
otherwise, being in the spell of Haumai, Ahankaar, Tarisnaa etc. We Humans, as
Sikhs, make this choice only for ourselves and not for others, we have no right of
making a choice for others; everyone chooses for themselves, infact even
choosing to let others force their will upon us is our choice (We let this happen all
the time because we are afraid or any such thing like that, we have to understand
that when we let others do that we are only going away from One True Lord, So,
we have to BE VERY CAREFUL of what we choose). However, the result is never in
our hand, it is in that hand of One True Lord, He gives us everything based on His
decision over our file of Karma. His decision is always the right and wisest, for he is
True, Just and Wisest of all.
5 Model of Humanity
There are only two kinds of people: Gurmukhs and Manmukhs in this world.
Gurmukhs are the one who have killed their haumai and have gotten rid of
Ahankaar, Tarisnaa etc completely, and thus, have become instruments of One
True Lord; whereas, Manmukhs are the one living in Haumai and under the control
of Maya or Ahankaar, Tarisnaa etc, and thus, are instruments of Maya. Guru Jee
gives very good examples of these two types of people with clear explanations of
their behaviours. Lets observe the Shabads which explain these terms better for
our understanding and find out our situation in the picture.
5.1 Gurmukh
Guru Jee says i i 51 \ H i \ H J1 \ H lJmI \
H U1 \ H lJI \ \-HI \ H Iil I\111 ll lUl
U ll lUl 1ll lUl m= = 1 \ i \ li
\ H I\121\ H H=Im \ H -=Im1\ H Hi= \
=i=Im1ll lUl liIm ll lUl lU l lUl \ J I\131\
H m= l = 1\ \-H l -= H= Hi H1\ H U l
Ui lm ll lUl I J I\141 Jil= i Jil=
J1Jil= lJmI Jil= U1 lJI \-HI Jil= Jil= Iil
I\151\i U Jil= 1 Jil= m= = 1Jil= i
Jil= li Jil= H H3 I\161 Jil= H=Im iil=
-=Im1Jil= Hi= iil= =i=Im1 Jil= liIm iil= l= Jil=
lUl J I\171 Jil= m= l = 1Jil= \-H -= H= Hi
H1Jil= U l Ui lm Jil= I J I\181HJI U
UI m1 m 1lH l\ m H il Hi
I\1v121361maajh mehlaa 5. ka-un so muktaa ka-un so jugtaa. ka-un so gi-
aanee ka-un so baktaa. ka-un so girhee ka-un udaasee ka-un so keemat paa-ay
jee-o. ||1|| kin biDh baaDhaa kin biDh chhootaa. kin biDh aavan jaavan tootaa.
ka-un karam ka-un nihkarmaa ka-un so kahai kahaa-ay jee-o. ||2|| ka-un so
sukhee-aa ka-un so dukhee-aa. ka-un so sanmukh ka-un vaymukhee-aa. kin
biDh milee-ai kin biDh bichhurai ih biDh ka-un pargataa-ay jee-o. ||3|| ka-un so
akhar jit Dhaavat rahtaa. ka-un updays jit dukh sukh sam sahtaa. ka-un so chaal
jit paarbarahm Dhi-aa-ay kin biDh keertan gaa-ay jee-o. ||4|| gurmukh muktaa
gurmukh jugtaa. gurmukh gi-aanee gurmukh baktaa. Dhan girhee udaasee
gurmukh gurmukh keemat paa-ay jee-o. ||5|| ha-umai baaDhaa gurmukh
chhootaa. gurmukh aavan jaavan tootaa. gurmukh karam gurmukh nihkarmaa
gurmukh karay so subhaa-ay jee-o. ||6|| gurmukh sukhee-aa manmukh
dukhee-aa. gurmukh sanmukh manmukh vaymukhee-aa. gurmukh milee-ai
manmukh vichhurai gurmukh biDh pargataa-ay jee-o. ||7|| gurmukh akhar jit
Dhaavat rahtaa. gurmukh updays dukh sukh sam sahtaa. gurmukh chaal jit
paarbarahm Dhi-aa-ay gurmukh keertan gaa-ay jee-o. ||8|| saglee banat
banaa-ee aapay. aapay karay karaa-ay thaapay. ikas tay ho-i-o anantaa
naanak aykas maahi samaa-ay jee-o. ||9||2||36||Maajh Mehlaa 5, 131
In this Shabad, Guru Jee clearly defines the term Gurmukh: who is a Gurmukh;
what is he like; behaviour of Gurmukh; etc. Infact, in the first 4 (out of 9) panktiyian
of the Shabad, Guru Jee writes in the question form to find out or to indentify
someone who has merged in/attained One True Lord. Guru Jee says: Who is this
person who is not under the influence of Maya and has merged in the One True
Lord; Who is this person who has attained the True and Perfect Gyan and thus his
lifes each instant only manifests the Guns of One True Lord; Who is this person who
have understood what it is to be a family-person and while living in Maya stays
above it (Like a Lotus stays floating in water) and have understood the importance
of this life of being born as Human. ||1||; How does one attaches with Maya and
how does one gets out of the control of Maya; How does one breaks the
continuous cycle of Birth and Death; Which is this action that breaks all bonds of
Maya and Haumai and becomes free of Karma (Free of Karma implies doing
everything but nothing is written in his record, for he is just an instrument of Lord
and has no haumai/separate identity whose record of Karma needs to be written
continuously) and thus, he does that kind of actions and teaches other to do the
same ||2||; Whose life is full of True and Eternal Happiness and Satisfaction and
whose life is full of sadness / misery / unhappiness; Who is termed as Sanmukh
(Whose Mann always stays in the presence of Shabad Guru) and who is termed as
Bemukh (Whose Mann dont stay in presence of Shabad Guru); How does one
merges in One True Lord and How does one gets Separated from One True Lord
and Who teaches about this ||3||; Which is that Shabad which stops the Mann
from running all around and makes the Mann stable; Which is that teaching
through which by listening, understanding and implementing it that one finds all
the Materialistic happinesses and sadnesses to be equal; which is that way of life
with which one gets rid of Haumai etc and merges in One True Lord and thus each
instant of life becomes a song sung and played by One True Lord||4||.
Now, Guru Jee answers all the above mentioned questions: A Gurmukh, whose
Mann is always attuned to the Shabad of a True and Perfect Guru, is the person
who is not under the influence of Maya and has merged in One True Lord; A
Gurmukh has attained the True and Perfect Gyan and thus his lifes each instant
only manifests the Guns of One True Lord. Gurmukh have understood the ways of
family life and floats on Maya while living in just like a Lotus and have understood
the importance of being born as Human ||5||; When someone listens and acts
upon ones Mann and thus acting, working and doing everything for a Separate
identity, i.e. Haumai, then, one is attached to the Maya, and when one gives up
Haumai by listening, understanding and implementing the Shabad of Guru in each
sphere of life, or when Mann acts, does everything as per Gurus order (by
understanding and implementing the Shabad of Guru), thus gets out of the control
of Maya; Only a Gurmukh is able to break the continuous cycle of Birth and Death;
The action of a Gurmukh which is based upon the listening, understanding and
implementation of Gurus Shabad is the action which breaks all bond of Maya and
Haumai and becomes Free of Karma and thus whatever a Gurmukh does is loving
devotion of One True Lord ||6||; A Gurmukh attains True and Perfect Happiness
and a Manmukh stays in the happiness / sadness etc related to Maya; Gurmukh is
a Sanmukh and a Manmukh is a Bemukh; By becoming a Gurmukh one merges in
One True Lord and by staying as a Manmukh one stays separated from One True
Lord and by staying a Gurmukh to a True and Perfect Guru, one understands these
ways ||7||; The Shabad of a True and Perfect Guru is that shabad which can
stop the Mann from running all around and make the Mann attain stability; Only
the teaching of a True and Perfect Guru is capable of making anyone understand
and find that all the materialistic happinesses and sadnesses are equal; The way of
life of a Gurmukh is the only way which can get rid of Haumai etc and be able to
merge in One True Lord and thus each instant of life become a song sung and
played by One True Lord ||8||. Whether someone is Gurmukh or Manmukh, all
these ways are made by One True Lord Himself; through his presence in each and
every living creature, he does everything or gets done everything; He Himself is
controlling everything in this world; He Himself become these countless life forms
and multitudes from His Oneself and everything and everyone will merge in Him.
A Gurmukh is someone who completely gives up Haumai and Duality and thus all
the Avguns related with Maya, and is completely filled up with the Guns of One
True Lord, and thus achieves the Aim of a Human being of Merging in One True
Lord. More importantly, it is very important to remember that one is able to
become a Gurmukh due to the Blessings and Grace of One True Lord Himself who
meets the person with a True and Perfect Guru without whom one cant become
a Gurmukh. Becoming a Gurmukh is like letting One True Lord play all the chords
and sing the Music of a beautiful life with His Guns, such as Love, by completely
getting rid of Haumai under which Maya was the player and playing a horrible
music through its Avguns such as Anger, Arrogance. If there are 1 billion Gurmukhs,
still they all will be same because: they all will be following the one and same True
and Perfect Gurus Shabad (This True and Perfect Gyan is same though it may be
manifesting itself through different forms and shapes) and; they all have One True
Lord dwelling in themselves and whatever action is coming out of them is a
manifestation of One True Lord only (Who is One and the same, wherever he may
be). A Gurmukh doesnt have any personal needs, wants and desires, for he has
given up this false identity; in all Gurmukhs, there is one and only one identity and
that is of One True Lord.
5.2 Manmukh
Manmukh means someone who listens, understand and implements what Mann
says; whereas, Gurmukh meant who listens understand and implement what Guru
says. Thus, we can observe that the mat (All the knowledge of a person) of a
Manmukh is based upon ones Mann and that of a Gurmukh is based upon a True
and Perfect Guru; in other words, Manmukh has manmat and Gurmukh has
Gurmat, yet in other words, a Manmukh follows his Mann while Gurmukh follows his
Guru. For a Manmukh, whatever he says, thinks, and does etc is right, and for a
Gurmukh, whatever Guru says, thinks, and does etc is right. Therefore, we can
clearly observe that a Manmukh believes, lives and works for a separate identity
and a Gurmukh believes, lives and works for a True and Perfect Guru which is One
True Lord Himself, or Manmukh is full with Haumai and Duality and related Avguns
of Maya dwell in a Manmukh and Gurmukh has no haumai and duality but only
One True Lord and related Guns of One True Lord Dwell in a Gurmukh. Hence, a
Manmukh is the one still living in Haumai and Duality, and everything that such a
person does whether good or bad is based on Haumai and Duality. Lets first try to
understand what is a Manmukh in detail through Guru Jee ii= U lUl
Hil l ml l Hl I1l=lU \i i i=- H3 i l
I1 manmukh baalak biraDh samaan hai jinHaa antar har surat naahee. vich
ha-umai karam kamaavday sabh Dharam raa-ay kai jaaNhee. Salok Vaaran te
Vadeek Mehlaa 3, 1418 or in English, A Manmukh, whose every action (karam)
{whether good or bad} is through Haumai and who doesnt have the Gyan of One
True Lord in him, may have a body full of energy like a young person, yet a
Manmukh is very weak from inside like an old person is weak from outside;
therefore, having failed to achieve the goal of merging in One True Lord,
Manmukh continue to be Born and Die being encircled by their file of Karma.
As we learned in Haumai, a Manmukh due to the presence of Haumai and Duality
is working only to identify and glorify Himself which can be seen very easily
everywhere: everyone wants to be considered special; everyone tries to get their
names in the history or media and that makes them happy or sad; everyone is
trying to nurture this false identity of Haumai in one or another. When true identity is
lost, the false identity creates false objectives for itself with Tarisnaa as we saw
earlier. Guru Jee explains this situation ii= - l-lH ll ml lH 3
l=1 ilm i UI il il = =1manmukh dah dis fir rahay at
tisnaa lobh vikaar. maa-i-aa moh na chuk-ee mar jameh vaaro vaar. Salok
Vaaran te Vadeek Mehlaa 3, 1419 or in English, a Manmukh is running around
everywhere to feed their false identity with intense Tarisnaa, greed and desires
which have no end and a Manmukh continues running towards them to find the
end and satisfy themselves through tarisnaa, greed and desires which is impossible;
this situation is like chasing the horizon. Moreover due to Haumai and duality, they
are attached with everything that is given to them and never understand who
they are, so they never do anything for them; thus, they continue in the cycle of
birth and death again and again.
We have to understand that if we are not Gurmukhs, then we are Manmukhs even
though we may be doing so called good deeds or trying to kill our Haumai. Until,
Haumai is present and not killed completely and one listens, understand and
implements what Mann says, one is Manmukh. A Manmukh: can never achieve
True and Eternal Happiness and Satisfaction; will never want complete or perhaps
any kind of Equality because that means not glorifying ones identity which is a
contradictory situation, in other words, a Manmukh always want to be special and
treated as special or more important than others, a contradiction of Equality; can
never achieve the goal of Merging in one True Lord because for that one needs to
give up Haumai or become a Gurmukh; will never listen to, understand or
implement the Shabad of a True and Perfect Guru even though he may have
found one because that will imply deviating from the path of being a Manmukh.
There is no other way out except by becoming a Gurmukh which cannot be
achieved without the Grace and Blessings of One True Lord Himself. One has to
give up this separate identity in order to enjoy this beautiful play of One True Lord.
Manmukhs can be further divided in two kinds of people: those who do so called
good actions and those who do so called bad actions. Perhaps, there is a third
kind as well of those in the transitory phase, i.e. those, who are trying to find the
truth of the illusion of haumai but have not yet completely achieved it.
5.2.1 So called Good people
There are countless people who do so called Good deeds or actions or Karams,
such as giving Donations (Big or small), doing pilgrimages (Such as going to
Mecca, Golden Temple or other Gurudwaras, Varanasi Haridwar etc, or any such
considered important place for Christians, Jews, Buddhists etc), Taking bath (Tirath
Ishnaan) / drinking Holy water. We will try to look at various such activities and
observe if by doing only such actions, one can: kill Haumai; merge in One True
Lord or not; find True and Perfect Happiness. Donations
It is considered one of the good deeds. Perhaps it is if there is no Haumai behind it,
Because of the presence of Haumai the idea of donation has become like giving
something that is ours to someone else. However, we should have understood by
now that nothing is ours in this world: no money, no land, no families or friends, no
assets, no cars, no animals, nothing; all these things are given to us. If something is
not ours, then how can we give it so someone saying that I give you this or that or
whatever? A very good example can be taken of a Library. If someone borrows a
book from a library, then: one has to return it to the library at some point of time;
the book never becomes a property of the borrower; the book/item is only with
the borrower for ones usage and that too careful usage (one cant write or rip off
some pages etc); one cant sell that book/item to anyone else or give it to anyone
else, simply because that book/item is not ones property. Now, what we are
doing with the things that we are given: we consider them to be our property, so
often we dont use them well and damage it; we sell it to others or give it to others
with an idea that I have given you or I am giving you or I have given etc.
Guru Jee gives a very good example of such a situation HIm il H= \
- =IUl1 - - iJl HH J H3 HH1satee-aa man santokh
upjai daynai kai veechaar. day day mangeh sahsaa goonaa sobh karay sansaar.
Aassaa dee Vaar Mehlaa 1, 466 or in English, Those who like giving donations feel
satisfaction within themselves with the idea of giving, but their motive behind
giving is that they ask internally thousands time more from the Giver of everything -
One True Lord (because they have given to others) and externally they want to be
praised by others for their action of giving to others, the needful etc. Although, we
cant say anything about the internal picture of anyones Mann, but externally we
can clearly observe the want of being praised in the society for ones action of
Donation through Newspapers, TV, emails, whatever the method may be.
If this idea has no personal intentions behind and no Haumai, and giving is
replaced by Sharing then the complete picture changes and is more beautiful.
Sharing in simple words is the equal division of a resource among different people
present for that resource. So, if someone thinks that one has been given more
money than others, then one can share it among others not only his blood relatives
or friends. The Idea of Sharing is only possible when one doesnt consider the item
to be his/hers; otherwise, it will become giving. Giving and Sharing are practically
two same things but one with Haumai (Giving) and the other without Haumai
(Sharing); for example, in the example of the book of library, one can share the
book/item with others for the time it has been given to him/her, but one cant give
it to anyone. Giving directly implies ownership of the item whereas Sharing
represents a noble idea without any ownership and without any wants of praise by
anyone. It doesnt mean that such an action cant be praised. Such an action
should be praised in a sense that One True Lord has granted this precious Gun of
His to such a person and that such a person is a blessed one and this Gun should
be learned by everyone from such a person. Tirath Pilgrimages
It is another such action which is considered very well by the society, and when
someone does pilgrimages often or even once then such people are considered
Pure (Sacred) Souls; this is just our plain ignorance and stupidity. Guru Jee said
Il \ \ \ 1tirath jaa-o ta ha-o ha-o kartay. Aassaa Mehlaa 5,
385-15 or in English, people go to pilgrimages but with their Haumai that I have
been to such and such place etc. We know, until Haumai is there, our efforts,
whichever they may are, will be unsuccessful. There are instances when people
become too proud, boastful and arrogant just because they have been to so
called sacred places, as said by Guru Jee I U m - l i i
Ji1 l l l\ U lH1461tirath barat ar daan kar
man mai Dharai gumaan. naanak nihfal jaat tih ji-o kunchar isnaan. ||46|| Salok
Mehlaa 9, 1428-1or8or in English, by doing some religious rituals, for instance
Hindus do fasts and donations Muslims do the same thing, and by going to
respective religious sacred places we, humans, take pride of such actions in our
Mann; however due to Haumai and its derivatives such as Pride etc, such actions
are useless like the elephant taking a bath, and then rolling in the dust. There are
some other instances in which we, humans, start believing and have desires that
by living in a sacred place (any temple, church etc) / city (Amritsar (Its written in
big Amritsar Sifti da ghar), Varanasi) / country (Israel) or dying at a sacred place
their soul will be saved or that they will go to heaven. Guru Jee says, i i
I - 1JU Ji i 1man kaamnaa tirath dayh chhutai.
garab gumaan na man tay hutai. Gauri Sukhmani Mehlaa 5, 265 or in English,
Mann has this desire that when I have to leave this human body, I have been living
in a sacred place (Why, because we believe that by dying in a sacred place our
soul will be saved), yet Haumai and Ahankaar etc do not leave this Mann. If we
are still living in Haumai, then it directly implies that we have wasted our life for a
false identity and have not achieved for what we came here.
In case, the Muslim brothers think that there pilgrimage to Mecca is successful and
that they will be accepted in One True Lords court, then they have to think again
as Guru Jee clearly says UI U \ l mJ lilm =-l1 HI
i lH\ l lm ll iI Jl11v71 UI U l l Jlm
I U UI1 HI i il lm = i= U I11v81kabeer haj
kaabay ha-o jaa-ay thaa aagai mili-aa khudaa-ay. saaN-ee mujh si-o lar pari-aa
tujhai kiniH furmaa-ee gaa-ay. ||197|| kabeer haj kaabai ho-ay ho-ay ga-i-aa
kaytee baar kabeer. saaN-ee mujh meh ki-aa khataa mukhahu na bolai peer.
||198|| Salok Bhagat Kabeer Jee, 1375 or in English, I was on my way to Mecca
for a pilgrimage and met One True Lord on the way, but He scolded me and
asked, "Who told you that I am only there? ||197|| I have been to Mecca many
a times, but O One True Lord, what have I done that you have not spoken with
me? ||198|| Although Bhagat Kabeer Jee were Hindu, he was written these
Saloks as if he was Muslim in a way explaining that we may be from religion and
doing the respective pilgrimage, yet the act of doing pilgrimage will not help us in
achieving our goal of merging in One True Lord, simply because, He is everywhere
and this act of doing a pilgrimage is just a Show-off for others to show how much
religious and pure person we are and nothing else.
To Merge in One True Lord, we dont need to go to any so called sacred place
because One True Lord is everywhere, though we are blinded by Haumai and
Duality and thus unable to see him everywhere or even within ourselves which is
considered the pilgrimage that a Human has to find, reach and live there forever,
and off-course with the help of a True and Perfect Guru by listening and
understanding and implementing His Shabad. Tirath Ishnaan Bathing in Holy Water
Apart from pilgrimages to sacred places, cities, temples, churches, mosques etc,
bathing in Holy water or drinking Holy water is also considered an act of
purification of ones soul by the so called religious people or perhaps by most of us
in this modern society. Both pilgrimage and bathing in holy water are normally
done at the same time perhaps for double purification. However, it is a very big
Myth, for water (that too only clean water) can only clean our body and can
never have any contact with the soul; thus, it can never clean it or Purify it. We can
go to any place and/or take bath in any water present on this earth or this
Universe, but this act of going to any place or taking bath in any water will never
purify our soul; although, these acts of going to a place or taking bath can have
an effect on our human body, either clean it or make it more dirty or may affect
our health in a good or bad way, but never our soul. Guru Jee explains this
concept very clearly in this Shabad mH1 ml i I = lH Uc
1 I = I i mO111 i I -=1HU =
J I H=111 \1 il Jl = l l i =l1H i
H \l ll ll I m=l121i c i UlH UlUm
I1l H i =U HJI H I131l-H l U- I HH
UH l1l UI lHl lm= U=lm
HH14141371Aasaa. antar mail jay tirath naavai tis baikunth na jaanaaN. lok
pateenay kachhoo na hovai naahee raam ayaanaa. ||1|| poojahu raam ayk
hee dayvaa. saachaa naavan gur kee sayvaa. ||1|| rahaa-o. jal kai majan jay
gat hovai nit nit mayNduk naaveh. jaisay mayNduk taisay o-ay nar fir fir jonee
aavahi. ||2|| manhu kathor marai baanaaras narak na baaNchi-aa jaa-ee. har
kaa sant marai haarhambai ta saglee sain taraa-ee. ||3||dinas na rain bayd
nahee saastar tahaa basai nirankaaraa. kahi kabeer nar tiseh Dhi-aavahu baavri-
aa sansaaraa. ||4||4||37|| Aassaa Bhagat Kabeer Jee, 484
In this Shabad, Guru Jee through the baanee of Bhagat Kabeer Jee explains that if
someone is dirty from inside, because of diseases like Haumai, Ahankaar etc, then
taking a bath at a so called sacred place in so called sacred water will not save us
and take us to heaven when we leave this human body. Act of going to a sacred
place and taking bath in sacred water is just a show-off for other to show ourselves
as pure, but we should remember that One True Lord cant be fooled with such
tricks as He knows ourselves from Inside (Mann) ||1||. We should be offering
ourselves (Haumai) as Pooja to merge with One True Lord which can only be
achieved with a True bath of cleaning our Mann of Haumai Ahankaar etc by
listening, understanding and Implementing the Shabad of Guru or doing Seva
(Doing what gurus Shabad says (by understanding and implementing it) with
utmost pleasure) of Guru ||1|| rahaa-o. If by taking a bath in water, one can
reach higher spiritual state then look at the frog which takes more baths than any
of us (not forgetting fishes etc who lives in water). If a frog cant be saved, similarly,
no human can be saved just because he took bath in sacred water etc and will
continue in the cycle of Birth and Death of different life forms until one attains the
Goal of merging in One True Lord ||2||. Even if a hard-hearted (due to Haumai,
Ahankaar, Pride etc) person dies in a sacred place or city like Banaras, one will not
be saved; however, if someone, who has given up haumai and all related
derivatives such as Ahankaar etc and has merged in One True Lord, die in a
cursed land, then he not only saves himself but many others living in a such place
by teaching them what he learnt ||3||. Listen O people, gone crazy by Maya,
We should be giving ourselves to and remember that One True Lord, who is free of
Maya (Haumai and Duality, and related derivatives such as Ahankaar etc), can
be found in a spiritual state not dependent upon any time (day and night) and
any specific religious book (Vedas and Shastras for Hindu) ||4||.
There are perhaps countless other such activities which are considered to be good
and which can purify ones soul, but if while doing any such activity, we feel or say
that I have done this or that, then that clearly shows the Presence of Haumai, and
we know till Haumai is present, our aims can never be fulfilled, infact killing
Haumai is one of our aim to reach our Goal or merging in One True Lord as said by
Guru Jee \ \ m 1 U i l l 1
Ul l = U=H HUl- H=lm 151ha-o ha-o karay tai aap janaa-ay.
baho karam karai kichh thaa-ay na paa-ay. tujh tay baahar kichhoo na hovai
bakhsay sabad suhaavani-aa. ||5|| Maajh Mehlaa 3, 127 or in English, When
someone is saying that I have done this or that or I can do this or that, then he is
only trying to glorify this separate identity of Haumai. In Haumai, one may do many
glorious deeds, but nothing will be accepted as part of ones goal to Merge in
One True Lord. All this is false because nothing can be done or achieved without
the grace of One True Lord and when One True Lord blesses us with his grace then
through the Shabad of a True and Perfect Guru one can become beautiful from
inside with the Guns of One True Lord. So, no external activity can help us attain
our goal of merging in One True Lord; otherwise there are countless who are doing
countless different external activities in order to please One True Lord as said by
Guru Jee mH= mH= 3\1 mH= mH= \1mH= J il= =-
c1mH= J il l \-H1mH= 3J J lJm =IU1mH= HI mH=
-1mH= H i 3= H1mH= il l= l 1-l =
=IU1=lm = =1 3= HI 3I 1 H- Hil
l1171asaNkh jap asaNkh bhaa-o. asaNkh poojaa asaNkh tap taa-o.
asaNkh garanth mukh vayd paath. asaNkh jog man rahahi udaas. asaNkh bhagat
gun gi-aan veechaar. asaNkh satee asaNkh daataar. asaNkh soor muh bhakh
saar. asaNkh mon liv laa-ay taar. kudrat kavan kahaa veechaar. vaari-aa na
jaavaa ayk vaar. jo tuDh bhaavai saa-ee bhalee kaar. too sadaa salaamat
nirankaar. ||17|| Jap, 4or in English, Guru Jee says that there are countless
people who are: doing Jap (repeating one or more words over and over again
without trying to understand them and ever implementing them); doing actions of
Love (towards others); doing pooja (referring to offering food, flowers, scents etc to
some deity and reciting some specific words); doing Tap taao (conditioning ones
body to extreme & dangerous conditions); reading or reciting religious scriptures,
such as Vedas, with their mouths only (not using their Mann (mind)); becoming
yogis ( doing Yoga) as their effort of trying to stay out of control of Maya; trying to
think about the Guns and Gyan of One True Lord; giving charities and donations;
Brave soldiers facing weapons on their face and not becoming afraid; becoming
Monis ( doing meditation) to try to connect with Lord without any pause. What can
I, Nanak, say about the Kudrat (Creation - Nature) of One True Lord, I am worthless
who is not worth enough even to give himself up one time in the Name of One
True Lord. Whatever pleases everlasting One True Lord is the best Kamm (work).
5.2.2 So called Bad people
We have just understood that even by doing so called good actions one doesnt
become good or pure. Goodness and purity comes from inside/ Mann. If someone
is able to kill Haumai and Duality, and all of its derivatives such as Ahankaar etc,
then that person is good and/or pure or is a Gurmukh, rest all are Manmukhs. We
know by now what happens with a Manmukh, he wastes away his life being lost in
the illusion of Haumai and Duality, never does anything for him (soul) and runs
around everywhere to serve the Mann, which was the tool given to achieve the
human goal of merging in One True Lord, and fulfilling
the needs, wants and desires of the human body created by the Mann because
Mann believes that he is this human body due to the illusion of Haumai. However,
there still must be some difference between the so called good actions and so
called bad actions of a Manmukh. To understand this, we have to understand
Karma. Karma is sum of all the good and bad actions, and our present and future
is dependent on the Karma. If we have horrible Karma, i.e. we have done heinous
crimes before; our Karma will result in so called bad phases: sadness, unhappiness
etc in our life more often than so called happinesses etc. Both of these so called
good phases and bad phases are temporary and false because they are for the
human body not for our souls, but due to the illusion of Haumai and Duality we feel
these for ourselves as we have got attached to these things; therefore, we go
through depressions etc.
Even if our file of Karma is horrible, we can still achieve True and Eternal Happiness
and Satisfaction by finding a True and Perfect Guru and by killing Haumai through
such a Guru. In this state of Eternal Happiness, even though our bodies may be
going through really difficult phases (for examples, Sikhs were killed in terrible ways
in the early 18
century, such as killing by cutting through the middle, or finger by
finger or burnt alive, yet they didnt felt a thing and stayed in the Eternal state of
Joy and Happiness not being bothered by any of it), we wont feel the pain
(because we will know that we are not human body and human body is just a
tool: the pain and happiness of a human body are not ours which we have
associated with ourselves through Haumai and Duality) and stay in the same state
of Eternal Happiness. In any case, one should never judge anyone based on
outside appearance about the karma of anyone because Karma is indefinable, it
being very dynamic and changing each instant; for example, one may say
looking at a wealthy (in terms of money/ land equivalent) person that he must
have done a good karma to achieve this, but what we dont know is how much
such a person is being tormented each instant of life from inside due to all kinds of
fears of loosing such a wealth etc. Good Karma is only of that person who finds a
True and Perfect Guru and dwells in His presence each instant of his life because
this is the only way of achieving our goal of merging in One True Lord.
Hence, in reality, only a Gurmukh can be considered a real Good/Pure person,
rest all are impure/bad persons, as said by Guru Jee \=I1 m -l Hl
m UIU1 ll = ll = m =1 = = Iml =
HIml U =l1 = HUI -J HIml lH mJ l 1HlJ l
3l =l I H1HlJ =lm = HUl- H=1HUI -J
iIml J i lml1J l -I lm ml U=H
l1121pa-orhee. aapay kudrat saaj kai aapay karay beechaar. ik khotay
ik kharay aapay parkhanhaar. kharay khajaanai paa-ee-ah khotay satee-ah
baahar vaar. khotay sachee dargeh sutee-ah kis aagai karahi pukaar. satgur
pichhai bhaj paveh ayhaa karnee saar. satgur khoti-ahu kharay karay sabad
savaaranhaar. sachee dargeh mannee-an gur kai paraym pi-aar. ganat tinaa
dee ko ki-aa karay jo aap bakhsay kartaar. ||12|| Maajh dee Vaar Mehlaa 1,
143 or in English, One True Lord Himself creates everything and He Himself takes
care of everything. He Himself is the Appraiser of everyones Mann and
accordingly who is pure / genuine and who is not. He merges the pure / genuine
ones in Himself and let the others continue in the cycle of birth and death in all of
these different life forms till they achieve the purity of Mann. Where should those,
whose Mann is impure, full of Haumai, Ahankaar etc and Karma is horrible, go and
beg? For such people, the best thing to do is to find and follow a True and Perfect
Guru by giving themselves (Haumai and Duality) up and considering themselves
nothing. A True and Perfect Guru through his Shabad makes the Mann of such
people pure; thus, those who have enshrined the Love of True and Perfect Guru in
their Mann by listening, understanding and implementing the Shabad of such a
Guru are honoured in One True Lords court. The value of those who have been
pardoned by One True Lord Himself cant be estimated. Here, it clearly shows that
pure ones are only Gurmukhs and rest all are impure ones whether doing so called
Good actions or Bad actions.
We still havent paid any attention to what are so called Bad actions because, it is
assumed that everyone knows what bad actions are. In any case, lets observe
from the Banee of Guru Jee mH= i= m 1mH= U i=1mH= mi
l l 1mH= J= lm il1mH= I l l1mH=
l=m = ll1mH= i i 3l= =l1mH= l- lHl l 31
IU =IU1=lm = =1 3= HI 3I 1 H- Hil
l1181asaNkh moorakh anDh ghor. asaNkh chor haraamkhor. asaNkh
amar kar jaahi jor. asaNkh galvadh hati-aa kamaahi. asaNkh paapee paap kar
jaahi. asaNkh koorhi-aar koorhay firaahi. asaNkh malaychh mal bhakh khaahi.
asaNkh nindak sir karahi bhaar. naanak neech kahai veechaar. vaari-aa na
jaavaa ayk vaar. jo tuDh bhaavai saa-ee bhalee kaar. too sadaa salaamat
nirankaar. ||18|| Jap, 4 or in English, countless are: Maha (Highest grade)
Moorakh (fools - a fool is a person who is completely lost in Maya: Haumai &
Duality, Ahankaar etc.); Thieves and embezzlers; Forcing their will on others by
force; cut-throat and ruthless killers; Sinners who leave this chance as human by
only collecting a Karma full of sins; Liars (Mann is full of lies) and they keep on lying
in every spheres of their lives and their lives are build upon lies only; malaychh /
Khoti Buddhi (stupid a stupid is one who dont know anything about what he is
doing, why he is doing it, he doesnt have a clue about anything: Who is he, What
he should be doing and why etc); Nindak (Nindak is a person who does Ninda
which is lying about someone on his back) are putting weights on themselves by
doing Ninda. Nanak gives account of only few who come to his mind, perhaps
there are countless others which are out of the ability given to me. What can I,
Nanak, say about the Kudrat (Creation - Nature) of One True Lord, I am worthless
who is not worth enough even to give himself up one time in the Name of One
True Lord. Whatever pleases everlasting One True Lord is the best Kamm (work).
So, what we understand is that only Gurmukh is a good / pure person, and all
manmukhs come in the category of impure persons whether they do so called
good actions or bad actions. However, there is still confusion between the people
doing so called good actions and so called bad actions. To clear this confusion
out we have to understand what is in reality a good action and what is not. Based
on our understanding that a Gurmukh is a good / pure person, so becoming a
Gurmukh is a good action, i.e. any action leading to killing Haumai, Duality and
Ahankaar etc will be a good action. Such an action is done inside the Mann and
cant be seen by any person and it is done with the help of Shabad of Guru which
we should listen, understand and then implement it. Infact in this sense, listening,
understanding and implementation of Shabad of a True and Perfect guru is that
good action which makes Mann pure. In other words, All that we have to do is to
listen, understand and implement Shabad of a True and Perfect Guru, and the
Shabad will do the killing of Haumai, Duality, Ahankaar etc. Now, going further, we
have to understand that we cant even listen to the Shabad of a True and Perfect
Guru, or even further, we cant even find a True and Perfect Guru, Its all in the
Hand of One True Lord, He decides everything. All that we can do is an Ardass
(even which we dont know, which we have to understand from a True and
Perfect Guru). Its a very tricky situation, nobody can say that I have killed my
Haumai, for the action of I have implies the presence of Haumai. This situation is
just like saying whether Chicken came first or the egg; nobody can say anything in
this regard (In case someone says something, he is just acting in plain stupidity as
nothing can be proved), similarly nobody can say anything in the regard of
becoming a Gurmukh (One True Lord makes us Gurmukh through a True and
Perfect Guru, all that we can do is Ardass and continue with our life happily no
matter what happens, the result is in the hand of One True Lord). Now, once we
have become a Gurmukh, then any action is the action of One True Lord himself
so the file of Karma doesnt exist anymore because there is no more separate
identity because a Gurmukh is merged in One True Lord. Apart from this, any
action done in Haumai, Duality etc is a bad action and makes us dirty from inside,
i.e. in our Mann and goes into our account of Karma.
What we have to understand is that this life is just like a play or a movie in which
each individual is playing its character of a so called good guy or bad guy, in
reality we may not be so and so, we are just playing some part. Trick is there are
some who understand this and let One True Lord play through them by becoming
Gurmukhs (offcourse by the blessings and Grace of One True Lord only), beauty in
this way is that One True Lord will only play the part of a Good guy because One
True Lord is ocean of only Gun such as Love, Devotion, Happiness, Joy, Sharing,
bortherhood... Every individual has a choice to make, whether they want to
played by Haumai, Duality, Ahankaar etc (in the shape of Maya) or by One True
Lord. The Trouble is that to be played by One True Lord, a lot of effort is required
and it is not an easy way, infact the most difficult way, which is why there are very
few of them; whereas, to be played by Maya is very easy (it comes to us and we
dont even notice it and we let the play happen) and it seems very shiny and
beautiful from outside (for example, a Mirage / hallucination / false image, such as
someone walking in a desert sees image of water upfront and continues towards
that) and thus lures most of us towards it. The fact is that most of us are just being
played by Maya and are Manmukhs (in present situation, it seems 100%, perhaps
99.99% (who are we to say anything, the ratios could be anything and can
change in an instant, as it all depends on our choice of Free will and, offcourse,
mostly on the One True Lord)).
In the start we mention about a possibility of third type, the ones in the transition,
i.e., those who have understood this and have made a choice to be played by
One True Lord, but have yet not become Gurmukhs, or have yet not killed Haumai
and Duality completely and are thus, still being categorized as Manmukhs. Until
there is Haumai etc, though very very little, we are Manmukhs. Such people have
found the True and Perfect Guru, and got the taste of True and Eternal Happiness
and a life free of all bondages, tensions, stresses, fears etc, so they will continue on
their journey of merging in One True Lord with the blessings of One True Lord and
True and Perfect Gurus. They cannt stop learning at any instant until the objective
is achieved, for if they stop, they may slip down again; moreover, they can always
count on One True Lord and True and Perfect Guru in showing them the way,
teaching them and moving them on this path of merging in One True Lord. May
One True Lord Bless such souls and bless others to join them on this Path.
6 Case studies
l J = H3 l =l H i iIm1 = =l
l 3= l l UIm 1812151ih jag varan roop sabh tayraa jit laaveh
say karam kama-ee-aa. naanak jant vajaa-ay vaajeh jit bhaavai tit raahi chala-
ee-aa. ||8||2||5|| Beelaval Mehlaa 4, 834or in English, this world, with its colors
and forms, is all Yours, O One True Lord; as You attach us, so do we do our deeds.
O Nanak, we are the instruments upon which He plays; as He wills, so is the path
we take. If we understand this, then we will find out that everything is happening in
His Order, so there should not be any worries because He is Just and Wisest of all.
One True Lord decides (He decides everything based on our file of Karma) the
country, family, colour, height, shape, abilities (such as inteligence), profession,
infact everything for us, yet we humans are Boastful, proud, arrogant of these
things; this only shows how stupid and ignorant we are. Most of us are not happy
with his decision that is why we are yearning to be something else throughout our
life; for example, a poor (in terms of Money or equivalent in Land/shares etc) is not
happy of being born poor and he tries to be rich by any means (Lottery, Robbery,
Killing others, Stealing, whatever); a person born with faire coloured (White) skin is
not happy with its skin colour, so he/she tries to Tan his/her colour and sometimes
get sunburnt or worse gets skin cancer; we are not happy with our profession so we
keep on changing it over and over again. We are not happy with whatever is
given to us and We will never by until we understand Who we are, Why we are the
way we are and start doing something about it, such as finding a True and Perfect
Guru. Instead, we remain unhappy and cry over this, thinking of it as an injustice
done against us by someone or by One True Lord; moreover, we blame that
someone and One True Lord for all this. Guru Jee has very wisely said -- -H
-\ lH -H i mlm1 i Im H i lm -H -I m=
1211dadai dos na day-oo kisai dos karammaa aapni-aa. jo mai kee-aa so
mai paa-i-aa dos na deejai avar janaa. ||21|| or in English, Dont blame anyone
because whatever is happening is due to our own Karma. What i had done
previously has reaped into the present result, so there is no point in blaming others.
We have to understand that we are what we are due to our Karma and if we stay
in the cycle of Karma, we will never be able to find True and Eternal Happiness,
which can only be found by completely getting rid of our Karma and by merging
completely in One True Lord by the Grace of a True and Perfect Guru and One
True Lord. There is no other way out, the choice is ours to make: either 1) live in an
unstable life full of ups (temporary and false happiness) and down (sadness and
unhappiness) or 2) live a 100 % stable life full of True and Eternal happiness
completely independent of all external factors. If we choose 1st option, then we
dont have to do anything and continue doing whatever we were doing untill
now; however, if we choose the 2nd option, then we have to find a True and
Perfect Guru, give up Haumai, Ahankaar, Tarisnaa etc by becoming a Sikh. Now,
for those who want to choose the 2nd option, lets have a detailed look at various
factors influencing our life by understanding some of the objectives behind them
and correcting them to uplift the present inequal system.
6.1 Background
As said earlier, one of most important point is to understand that the background
of any person is not by choice, it is given to each person as per their karma and
decision maker is one and only Karta Purakh. Each background brings with itself
different set of constraints that we need to figure out for our evolution and reach
the ultimate goal of mankind: merging in the creator Karta Purakh. Many people
have tried, many are trying their luck, but are unable to break free of the hold of
their barriers, perhaps due to the lack of a True and Perfect Guru or personal
incapability of becoming a Sikh. Now, background is a very big field, so we will
further redivide it to understand better its effect resulting in inequalities.
6.1.1 Country
What is a country? A name for a piece of land - supposedly yes but in present
modern society, a country is an identity in Itself acting like one big body. These
days, a country have: 1) a religion of their own (Pakistan is an Islamic country,
France is a Christian country, Brazil is Catholic country, England is Protestant
country); 2) a colour, in terms of the colour of a flag; 3) a sex, either its a male or
female (Germans consider germany to be Fatherland and Indian considers India
to be Motherland); 4) a shape; 5) a Language (England is English speaking
country); 6) thoughts and ideas, as represented by the constitution and the
governing political party; 7) activities, in terms of: ii) sports represented by the
country (This country is very good in football, cricket, rugby); ii) Industry and
Working bodies, such as Engineers, doctors, Buissness Managers, Banks. We can
found endless ways of figuring out a country as an identity. This is completely
useless and waste of time and effort and has got nothing to do with our goal of
merging with One True Lord. Simply because, He created all these lands and He is
everywhere, so everything belongs to Him. How can we say that this is My Country
and I (the identity of the country) will decide who enters in this country or not.
Whole system of Immigration is utterly and completely waste of time, effort and
money (Money is not important to us but it is in present scenario a basic necessity
for our human bodies, so we still dont want to waste it). All the Immigration systems
through-out the world should be abolished, and everyone and anyone should be
allowed to live, work and travel freely without any obligations of getting a Visa etc.
No country/place belongs to anyone, and nobody in this world can say that he
choose to be born in so and so called country or region or city or village; yet the
place of birth has most often or not a significant effect on ourseleves. When the
place of birth is not in ones hand, then how can soceity decide that people from
such and such country are better than others. How stupid it sounds. Every
countryman or woman says that i am proud of my country and they wear T-Shirts
and sing songs saying so I am Proud to be an Indian I am proud to be an
American... How can one be proud just because he/she is born in such and such
Nobodys fault: People are taught in homes, at schools, in society basically
everywhere the idea of becoming passinate about ones country and how other
countries are trying to diminue their values etc. This is one of biggest form of
attachment and bring tragic results especially in terms of bring inequality among
people. If someone thinks that Iran or Pakistan is not good because there are
people with terror creating ideas, then we should stop and look at ourselves, there
are such people everywhere : Asia, USA, Europe, Africa, South Americas, Pacific
countries. Whatever reason these people give, good or bad, it doesnt matter,
they are trying to create terror among citizens/governments to make sure that
they listen to their demands. Anyhow, Indians look down on people from Pakistan,
Pakistanis look down on indians. Why? How can we judge a person just because
he/she is born in any country even if he and she does such an activity, who are we
to judge them. We should look at ourselves and we will find how horrible we are
that everyone else will seem much better to us.
Yet it is everyones fault: If we let ourselves mislead by such ignorance and dont do
anything about it, then it is our fault.
Let us take a example of three different frogs: one living in a well, one living in a
pond and the third one living in an ocean. For a frog living in a well, the whole
world is as big as the well and nothing else exists. For a frog living in a pond, the
situation is same, the world is as big as a pond and he considers the frog living in a
well to be stupid for considering the territory of well as big as that of a world
because a pond is way bigger than a well. Howevere, the frog living in the ocean
has seen that he cant even find the ends of the ocean or the depth of the
ocean, so he considers both other frogs to be ignorant as well. Infact, none of
them can say for certainity the size of world, for they are limited by their abilities
and their ignorance. However, they still fight among each other about the size of
the world and consider the other one to be ignorant and stupid. This is based on
the example given by Guru Jee 3l\ H -l- -H lU-H U1 mH
i i lUl=m lUilm m H111koop bhari-o jaisay daadiraa
kachh days bidays na boojh. aisay mayraa man bikhi-aa bimohi-aa kachh aaraa
paar na soojh. ||1|| Gauri Poorbhee Bhagat Ravidass Jee, 346 or in English, the
frogs living in a well dont know about any other country or lands because for
them well is everything. Similarly, My Mann is so much infatuated by the wonderfull
illusion of Haumai and Ahankaar, tarisnaa etc, that i understand nothing about this
world or the next. A country protects against threats to our lives
This statement is completely untrue. No country can protect any human body from
dying or a soul leaving from the body given to it, when time comes to leave. We
may try to block certain people from doing certain terrorist activities, but death
will come in one way or another. Terrorist activity is just one of the countless ways in
which death comes to our bodies and perhaps out of all the people dying
everyday, there are less than 1% of the people dying because of these activities
and which are more pronounced in certain places than others. USA has one of the
stringest immigration systems in the world because they have terrorist threats from
so many places due to their activities, yet there are thousands of people dying in
USA everyday and there are more instances in USA of citizens going crazy and
killing fellow citizens and family and friends. They may go as stringest as possible,
still they wont be able to stop any terrorist activity (Any activity that creates
terror or fear among us, such as rape, murder, killings in the name of God or
religion or revolution, or any other such activity). These activities still exist in
practically all the countries that have immigration systems and these activities will
continue to exist till we dont understand who we are and what we are here for
and find a True and Perfect Guru and find our actual path.
Is there any country where nobody dies physically? Some die of diseases, some of
accidents, some of natural wonders (such as Typhoons, tsunamis, Earth-quakes
and yes these are wonders and not disasters, these are called disasters because
the result of these is considered as a disaster from the point of view of society),
some die naturally, some are killed/murdered, some kill themselves (New Zealand is
considered one of the most peaceful country, but somehow they forget to
mention that they have one of the highest suicide rate among different
countries???) and many other ways in which a death occurs. No country can
protect anyone from eventually dying when ones time is up, even though we are
just born, or kids or teens or in 30s or in 40s whatever: when ones time is up, one
has to leave. We have to understand that nobody can protect us from eventually
dying whatever the means may be. Therefore, it is clear that this projection of the
idea of any country to protect our lives, in other words from eventual death
whatever the means may be, is meaningless; thus, clearly indicates the false
objective under which these immigration systems exists. Anyone working in an
immigration system is working for a false objective and thus clearly wasting his/her
life (Work will be discussed more clearly in the part professions). A Country represents identity of a group of people
In other words, if a group of people have certain identity, they want to create a
new country with that Identity; for example, Muslims (different religion from Hindus)
wanted Pakistan for themselves, now some so called Sikhs want a country for
themselves and call it Khalistan, some people in Spain want a different country
called Catalan just because they speak a different languague and there are
many other such instances that are happening or have happened in the history of
humanity, yet we have learned nothing from it and only got lost into it deeper and
deeper. Many people are still loosing there lifes or are under stress and will
eventually loose their lives due to this false identity crises. Just because we are
different doensnt imply that we need a different country to represent ourselves;
we all (each and every individual) are different from each other and we will be,
but then does that imply that each individual should create a own country for
itself, wont it will be a plain stupidity. Why cant we learn from the nature and its
diversity and let each individual grow and prosper and fulfil its objective of
merging in One True Lord without barging others from living together in a peaceful
environment. In nature, we can clearly the diversity where millions of different
plants, animals, insects, birds etc are living together in the same place. Its only
humans, in whom a certain group of people based on their different colours,
shapes, cultures, languages etc, who feel the need to create a physical boundary
of a different country and not letting others to join them freely without having
gone through a certain immigration system; although, all the humans have the
same objective of merging in One True Lord and all the humans are sons and
daughters of the same One True Lord. The only reason behind this is that we have
forgotten who we are and what we are here for and until we dont realize it we will
continue to be played by Maya in this wonderful play created by One True Lord.
Choose your side! One should work for the prosperity of ones country, make ones country proud
We have already seen through various examples that this objective is false and
useless because we are all sons and daughters of One True Lord and all the land
belongs to Him and only His constitution should be in place which is A True and
Perfect Guru which clearly states that no piece of land belong to anyone or a
group of people, so clearly, we cant put boundries any where for anyone. Let
everyone move, live and work freely anywhere in this world without being judged.
A country doesnt need to have any identity, it is us, humans who want to give it
an identity; perhaps, for the sake of organisation we may have names for different
countries, like we have names, but putting up an identity for any place is plain
stupidity and ignorance. So, we should realise that any work done for the cause of
a Fake and False identity (such as that of a country) is worth nothing and this only
implies that our effort and time which is limited and very precious (But we are like
kids who dont understand the importance and value of Diamond and they may
throw it a dustbin without second thoughts, similarly, we dont understand the
preciousness of this human life and we are throwing it away in garbage without
second thoughts) have/is gone/going waste. We have to remember at each
instance who we are and what is our objective and we should not let us falter from
it at any instance, and all this can only be achieved through a True and Perfect
Guru. Find Him, become a Sikh and all the Inequalities will sieze to exist.
6.1.2 Family
Family holds a very important value in most of the human beings around the world.
Family is the place where we first learn how to eat, walk, talk, manners etc. First
bonds of Maya are created in a family: my father, my mother, my son, my
daughter, my brother etc etc. Most of the humans hope that in the difficult days
family can be seeked to take shelter, to take help in difficult times, yet we have
seen many examples that when the time comes most of the family members
(sometimes everyone) back out from helping. We dont need to go anywhere and
just look around ourselves and we will find many such examples. Is there anyone
who can help us when we need the most? No-one (Mostly people dont want
anything to do with a person in trouble and in case someone wants, they cant
because things are not in their hands, they just cant do anything) but One True
Lord is capable of helping us anytime and anywhere in unimaginable and
mysterious ways. Guru Jee explains this aspect very beautifully ilm HU
H H l I li mlm1 l -H IU \U lH HlJ i U
lm1 21maa-i-aa kay san-banDh sain saak kit hee kaam na aa-i-aa.
har kaa daas neech kul oochaa tis sang man baaNchhat fal paa-i-aa. ||2||
Goojree Mehlaa 5, 497 or in English, all the relations, relatives, family members
bound through Maya are of no avail (they cant protect the human body from
diseases, from eventual death, they cant make anyone Gurmukh, show and give
True and Eternal Happiness, get rid of Haumai and most importantly, no family
member can help in merging in One True Lord except a True and Perfect Guru);
whereas, those who have given up Haumai and all the Avguns standing on
Haumai and become an instrument of One True Lord (Har ka daas) may be born
in a so called low caste, yet they will be considered as the individual of highest
grade and through the company (giving up Haumai and duality by accepting the
Knowledge given by Har ka dass) of such people, anyone or everyone can obtain
the fruits of ones minds desire (Merging in One True Lord is the only desire for any
human being in reality which most of us dont even know about because we are
blinded by Ignorance). (Why is there a system of family )
One True Lord created this system of family and community as a system of support
and sharing of knowledge; for example, Parents support kids and share with the
knowledge that they have about being humans etc, older parents are supported
by sons and daughters or other family members and they in return share their
experiences to help younger ones in avoid mistakes and pitfalls etc. Bigger the
family, bigger is the system of support and sharing of knowledge. Infact, in older
days, the system of community was used as the system of support and sharing of
knowledge which slowly and slowly gave way to blood-relation families and which
is also being lost slowly and slowly; nowadays people believe that Money and
power is the only thing that one may to require to support oneself or to gain any
kind of Knowledge. Although, in present situtation, practically all knowledge has a
price (Except of the True and Perfect Knowledge) and practically anything can be
bought to support oneself (except internal peace, True and Eternal happiness and
Satisfaction, Blessings of One True Lord in finding a True and Perfect Guru), money
cant support a new born who doesnt have any knowledge of the worldly ways;
moreover, if the economy of a country crashes, then all the money that one may
have will become worthless in an instant. In addition, this money can be stolen, it
always decrease on its usage, its overall worth is decreasing with time etc. The
idea that is being conveyed is that the idea of Money is becoming stronger and
stronger and replacing everything else; thus, increasing our dependance on
money to an extent that without it our system will simple stop to work which could
lead to riots, looting, anger, rage destroying everything that we have ever worked
If we are not supposed to be dependent on Money, then should we depend on
humans as family, friends etc. Answer should be no, as we have seen earlier, that it
is only One True Lord who will stand by ourside, take care of us, etc anytime and
anywhere in the world. He does so in different shapes, sizes etc and completely
unimaginable and mysterious ways. So, we have to learn to depend only on him
and not on Money or any one or few persons in specific. The Reason for this is that,
first of all, money is a man-made idea and represents a certain amount of gold or
something else like that to which we have given a certain price, this prices keeps
on varying, and it can collape at any given time (making it worthless). So
depending on money is like depending on a wall of sand. Secondly, depending
on just a few people, so called blood relatives or friends, is limiting ourselves
because One True Lord is in every human being, animal, insect, bird etc.
Depending on One True Lord is like accepting his help in any which way possible,
such as, in any human form, in any animal form etc. We should not limit ourselves,
rather break all the limits that we have imposed on ourselves. So, we need to see
every creature in this world as a part of our family and treat them accordingly. This
way, we all will become capable of the original motive of support and sharing the
knowledge at a wider scale. We need to break the shakles of Manmat by
becoming Gurmukhs (which off course can only be achieved by the Blessings and
Grace of One True Lord, and True and Perfect Guru). Manmat will never let
anyone see every creature as ones family because Manmat makes people selfish,
greedy and attached to the personal belongings that any Manmukh will not be
able to share personal resources with anyone else. However, by becoming a
Gurmukh one realises that: we are all the same (souls- a part of One True Lord) no
matter in which life form we may be because different life forms only implies that
we have different resources and activities; nothing is mine in reality as everything
belongs to One True Lord, and whatever we have is because it was given to us by
One True Lord to use it for our or anyone elses need, thus making a Gurmukh
always ready to share his resources with every one (any human, any other life
form) else; any knowledge that exist in this world belong to only One True Lord and
thus knowledge is not anyones personal property to be sold at will, so a Gurmukh
will always share any knowledge that exists for the equality, justice and welfare of
each and every creature present around us.
6.1.3 Religion What is religion?
As stated in Google search (Define: Religion) for wikipedia as the source A religion
is a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe,
especially when considered as the creation of a supernatural agency or agencies,
usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral
code governing the conduct of human affairs. In wiktionary, they give four
definitions: 1) A collection of practices, based on beliefs and teachings that are
highly valued or sacred; 2) Any practice that someone or some group is seriously
devoted to; 3) Any ongoing spiritual practice one engages in, in order to shape
their character or improve traits of their personality; 4) An ideological and
traditional heritage. If we go to different sources we will find different definitions. At
present, there is no definition unanimously accepted and it is considered as a
question difficult to answer. Website Religious Tolerance very well states that
Many definitions focus too narrowly on only a few aspects of religion; they tend to
exclude those religions that do not fit well. They quote the definition given by Kile
Jones in his essay on defining religion It is apparent that religion can be seen as a
theological, philosophical, anthropological, sociological, and psychological
phenomenon of human kind. To limit religion to only one of these categories is to
miss its multifaceted nature and lose out on the complete definition.
It seems that it is practically impossible to define religion due to so many different
concepts existing in different religions. For example, Christians, Muslims and Jews
believe in One God, but they do not agree with each other in the case of
prophets and considers everyone else to be non-believer and that others will not
be saved. Buddhists dont believe in any God or any kind of supernatural power;
whereas, Hindus believe in many gods and goddesses with 3 being more
important than others, infact they have given a name of God to any force which
impacts humans (such as sun, moon, rain, death, birth (in the sense of creation))
and they worship one or more or all of these forces. There are many religions with
their own ways of looking at things, but the biggest problem is that most of them
consider others to be stupid and ignorant and only themselves to be the ones who
will be saved, etc. Where did religion came from?
It seems that religion came into being due to Ignorance of human beings and out
of fear or greed or just to find the purpose of life people started worshipping the
unknown/known forces as God or Gods and Goddesses. Mostly people worship
these forces (Gods and Goddesses) or this force (God) out of fear in order to be
saved, in order to be happy, or being scared of sadness due to death, or losses of
personal items etc; for example, Christians follow their church and do certain
duties etc just because they have learned that by doing some activities etc they
will be saved and find a place in Heaven. Hindus also do a lot of activities to save
or to protect themselves, they bath in so called holy waters, travel to so called
holy places etc. Some others follow this out of greed to get more power, more
money; for examples, religious people have fought in the name of God to gain
more Power, territroy, Gold etc so that they can convert others to their faith to
save them to spread the knowledge that they have which they think is perfect
although they themselves are following it blindly. How can Blind faith be
considered as Good or Perfect? Blind faith doesnt have a clue where it is going
and it is completely dependent on the religion. Finally, there are few others who
are looking for a purpose of life and so they follow a religion or seek a religion in
order to find the answers. However, the question remains whether seekers of
purpose of life have found their answers from a religion or not.
So, Ignorance is a very big factor leading humans to religions and religious places.
Had human knew the Truth, would they still follow a religious practise, such as
Pilgrimage, bathing in so called holy waters etc. When someone find the Truth, one
never does any so called specific activity which is considered to be pure for the
soul because one understands that soul can never be purified with matarealistics
things or activities and that soul can only be purified by getting rid of all the
diseases of the Mann (Mind) and Haumai (an illusion of a separate identity). In
other words, when someone finds a True and Perfect knowledge, then one
becomes capable of eradicating the filthy diseases of Mann and Haumai by the
grace and blessings of One True Lord, thus purifying ones soul and achieving
ones goal of Merging in One True Lord. Do we Need Religion?
Each religion has some specific practises that one needs to follow strictly in order
to achieve the desired goal of that particular religion, and most of those practises
are completely non-sensical and baseless. For example, in Christians, Buddists,
Jains, Some Hindus known as Vaishnavas, and perhaps in many other religions
becoming Monks or Nuns is very important but not for all. It is completely non-
sensical to believe that rules and regulations are different for different people in
the same religion and yet they all achieve the same result. If some people quit
family life willingly to live as Monks or Nuns to achieve the purpose of merging in
God; whereas, others live normal family life and remain sinners because of being in
family life, should both of these groups be able to achieve the same result. First of
all, there is no logic in it and secondly, One True Lord himself created this system of
Man and Women to continue its creation, then how come its a Sin? Offcourse, if
adultery is practised then its a sin because of uncontrolable desire. However, if a
man and wife find harmony among themselves and live a married life, then should
it still be considered a sin? So, if someone believes that leaving a family way of life
is important to achieve the human goal of merging in One True Lord, then there
are some problems in that religion because they simply havent even understood
the nature, a creation of One True Lord, yet they are running away from it rather
then understanding it. Such, non-sensical religions need not be practised where
rules are different for different people simply because there is only one Truth and
the Truth is that there is only one way to meet One True Lord and that is by
becoming a Gurmukh to a True and Perfect Guru by giving up Haumai and
Ahankaar, Lust etc and bringing in Guns of One True Lord. Many more such stupid
and Ignorant ritualistic practises can be seen in these four major religions of the
Muslims, another major religion of world, also has many ritualistic traditions which
are based on Ignorance. For example, one of the biggest tradition in Muslims is to
do pilgrimage to Meca and bow towards Meca only, in a way considering that
One True Lord is only in Meca and kept in the small prison in Meca around which
all the Muslims move around. What if, someone doesnt go to do the Pilgrimage of
Meca, will he be more or less likely to achieve the human goal of Merging in One
True Lord. If no, then there is no point doing it and it is completely worthless and if
yes, then it directly implies that nobody can merge in One True Lord until unless
one visits Meca. There is big condition involved, only a Muslim is allowed to go to
the Shreene in Meca. So, only Muslims can ever merge in One True Lord. What
complete Stupidity and Ignorance on behalf of Muslims brothers in considering
that pilgrimage to Meca or in other words becoming a Muslim is the only way to
Merge in One True Lord or an important thing to be performed to Merge in One
True Lord. Hindus also have this believe of considering themselves pure by doing a
pilgrimage to their holy Shreenes which have already seen to be an idea
completely based on the Stupidness and Ignorance of humans.
Now, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism constitute around 70-90 % of the
population as per Wikipedia and this leaves two another major religions, i.e.
Judaism and Sikhism apart from many other less-known religions in the World. Jews
also believe in Pilgrimage and they believe in offering sacrifices in the Temple. We
have already discusses few times about pilgrimage and so it should be clear that
no pilgrimage is required by any human to any temple or place in order to
achieve the human goal of Merging in One True Lord. So, apart from the stupid
ritual of pilgrimage, Jews also like sacrificing some animal lifes as a mean to please
One True Lord. How can One True Lord be pleased by a sacrifice of life which is
created through his law of birth and death? Morever, it is us humans who want to
eat the meat of the animal, which they sacrifice in the name of the Lord, because
One True Lord doesnt have any such needs. Moreover, their ancient believe that
it took God six earthly days to create everything (Universe) and so he took rest on
the 7th day. Without any explanation about how he created, how he infused life
into creatures or why did he take rest of the 7th day, was he tired? Its also
completely contradictory to the theory of Evolution which has certain proof in
contrast to the Jews belief.
Now, coming to the one of the most recent religions in the world Sikhism. First of all,
it is not a religion, it was never a religion and it will never be a religion, though it
became a religion due to the entrance of different doctrines contrary to Sikhi
during the period Sikh people used to live in Forest due to Mass persecution by
Muslim authorithies through out the 18th Century. Sikhism is a School as the name
Guru suggests with the name of the school being Gurudwara or Door to the Guru.
It is a school of Truth because Shree Guru Granth Sahib Jee preaches only Truth
and nothing else. However, due to the presence of contrary doctrines in Sikhi, it is
still being considered as religion and this can only change if the knowledge
embedded in Shree Guru Granth Sahib Jee will spread among his Sikhs. At present,
like any other ritualistic religion, many ill practises, such as Pilgrimages donations
etc, have entered Sikhi which needs to be removed before they become too
strong to be removed.
In reality, we do not need any religions because religions implies some ritualistic
practises which are baseless and senseless being based on Ignorance. All we
need is a True and Perfect Gyan (knowledge) or Guru in order to achiever our
human goal of Merging in One True Lord. This effort has to be done by every
individual and not just by one person in a family or a community needs to be good
enough and rest can do whatever they want. Every one need to do what a True
and Perfect Guru says by understanding it and Implementing it in every aspect of
daily life so that one can become a Gurmukh, a direct Manifestation of a True and
Perfect Guru or One True Lord.
6.2 Abilities and capabilities
Any soul that is born in human or any other life form, is born with certain abilities
and capabilities to use those abilities. Its like an initial package given to the soul
for its stay in the specific life form. While being in human form, a soul gather more
abilities and capabilities during its stay here (these abilities and capabilities that we
gather here are just because we are allowed to gather them, in other words, these
are given to us as well and we should never think i gather it on my own No
creature has any capacity to do anything on his own until unless One True Lord lets
them do something). So, in general sense, an ability or a capability is just
something that a soul have. Does having something or not having something
makes someone better or worse that others. Apparently, in todays society, the
answer is yes. Intelligent people consider themselves better than others or superior
beings than others; similarly, people with mascular power or some art considers
themselves better than others, etc. These inequalities never end. We dont
understand that we are just given different resources and we learn different ways
of using those; in other words, each one of us has been given different sets abilities
and capabilities and that is it. Just because we have different resources, we
doesnt become better or worse than others. It just implies that our utilities are
different compared to others in the one big puzzle of Universe created by One
True Lord.
First of all, we have to understand that we cant have any ability that we want, we
have what we are given based on the wise decision of Truest and Wisest of all
One True Lord; for example, if someone is less intelligence, then he/she will remain
so no matter what. Best option is to accept what is given to us and use it wisely to
achieve our goal of Merging in One True Lord. No matter whatever is given to us,
our aim is always to Merge in One True Lord. So, we should always be looking how
to use the resources given to us for this purpose. Rather, we observe something
completely opposite. We used all the resources that are given to us, sometimes we
want to take others resources or manipulate others resources, just to support our
personal identity- Haumai and all the related Avgun dwelling on Haumai. All this is
due Manmukhta, and we have seen earlier, the only way out is by becoming
Gurmukh. Only by becoming Gurmukh we will find out: that nothing is ours,
everything belongs to One True Lord; that we are given these resources to achieve
our human goal of merging in One True Lord, and we need to the same only; that
usage of these resources for supporting Haumia, is complete wastage of time,
effort and offcourse of the resources that are given to us.
Secondly, it is essential to understand that no life form is capable of doing anything
on their own. To achieve or to do anything we need knowledge and power., and
both of these belongs to One True Lord. One True Lord gives us Power to achieve
something, and similarly, One True Lord gives the respective knowledge to achieve
something. For example, if a Engineer doesnt have any knowledge, he will never
be able to make any plans to build a bridge etc and without any power, no
workers will be able to complete that plan. Both knowledge and power are
essential to be capable of doing anything, and both of these are in the hands of
One True Lord. Therefore, we can clearly observe that no life form is capable of
doing anything on their own. Hence, we should never be proud, or bragging
about whatever we have done or whatever we can do. If we ever achieve
something, we should always be accepting that whatever we were able to do
was due to the able guidance, knowledge and power blessed by One True Lord
himself- which is the Truth in any case. Again, someone completely blinded by
Ignorance of Manmukhta will never understand this, the only way out is by
becoming Gurmukh. We have to understand that the answer to any problem that
exists in todays society is: become a Gurmukh to a True and Perfect Guru. That is
the only way out to find a solution for any problem that we have.
6.3 Profession
It is another one of these areas of Inequalities existing in the soceity whether we
know of this or not. Some professions are considered better than others and
accordingly hierarchy can be seen and differance in pay scales can be observed.
Higher is someone in the hierarchy, higher is the pay and this is the reason that
many people study so much in order to reach higher up in the hierarchy in order to
achieve and fulfil theirs dreams, needs, wants and desires related with the human
body. Each profession has their own basic objectives which we need to
understand in order to correct any objectives which are under the control of
Tarisnaa and find a way to clear Haumai out of those objectives so that these
professions can become a manifestation of One True Lord and thus without any
kind of Inequalities. But, first of all lets try to figure what is a profession and if we
need a profession or not?
6.3.1 What is a Profession
Since we are kids, we are playing games or thinking about what we will become in
future; our parents encourage us to become doctors / engineers/ scientists etc so
that we can become capable of standing on our own feet and taking care of
those who are dependent on us, our older parents or kids or other family members
or perhaps, friends or neighbors. Is that it? Is it our way to financial security; to fulfil
our basic human needs (such as food, clothing, housing, means of transport etc);
to fulfil wants and desires of our body of certain activities (such as travelling,
staying in five star hotels and travelling in 1
class, enjoying costly wines and
clothes, etc); and to perform our duties and responsibilities? As per present system
of society, this definition seems appropriate; although, some may argue that their
professions are not just for self and family sustenance but also to help the
community and society with their work, such as social work, doctors, and scientists
(we will discuss these professions deeply to find out that all these professions are
just a part of play and nobody is helping anyone because only way to help society
is by helping ourselves by becoming Gurmukhs).
In fact, if we look around and observe ourselves or others, we will find that we are
working only to fulfil these things or we are hoping to win a lottery or we gamble so
that we dont have to work anymore and our life will be fully secured (In this
regard, practically everyone these days participate in Lotto systems whether in
developing country or developed country, whether engineer or doctor or
professor or a beggar). In fact, we all are looking at the easiest way of making
enough money to have financial security to achieve our needs and fulfil our wants
and desires no matter whosoever we are and what we do. This option of easiest
way out has lead to gambling, lotto, corruption, murders, embezzlement of funds,
treachery, dishonesty, forgery, identity theft, fraud, money laundering, burglary,
theft and what not. Out of all these except the ways in which one only risks ones
property / resources such as gambling and lotto (Gambling and Lotto is
considered a very serious and dangerous addiction and not accepted by some)
nothing else has been accepted by the society. Off course, nobody wants
personal resources to be at stake for someone elses profit; however, many of us
will be ready to put others resources at stake for our personal profit.
In any case, we have seen earlier that all this is due to our Tarisnaa created by
Mann which is under the control of Maya through Haumai and Duality. So, all of
this is useless and waste of our time and effort for our soul. We think that we can
fulfil all of desires if we have enough money, but we never realize that money is
never enough because one desire will lead to another and this process is endless
because desires are infinite; moreover, all these desires related with money are for
our body, for our soul has only one desire which is to merge in One True Lord and
which has a definite end. By running behind desires (not money because at
present money is the only way to achieve the desires of a human body, i.e. Mann
acting as a human body due to the illusion of Haumai) of this human body, we will
never reach anywhere because this human body has infinite desires and we will
always certainly be sad, unhappy, unsatisfied for the ones which will not be
fulfilled; whereas, running behind the desire of soul has a definitive end and closer
we reach, the more happy and satisfied we become and achieve True and
Eternal happiness and satisfaction when that desire is fulfilled and this happiness
and satisfaction is not dependent on any materialistic thing or person but only on
One True Lord who is Just, Wiser of all and Giver of everything to us.
6.3.2 Do we need a Profession?
We should have understood by now that there is no point running behind desires of
our human body, but what about needs of human body, we do need to fulfil
those by working, dont we? Off course yes, but the problem is that when we try to
fulfil these on our own, we get countless worries and tensions, such as, what if this
doesnt work? What if has ruined many peoples life. We have to understand that
we have to work but we should not be worried about anything, and we should be
happy with whatever we have or whatever we dont have and whatever may
happen because we are sons and daughters of One True Lord. He is taking care of
us (as per our file of Karma and off course by pardoning of most of our mistakes)
and arranging everything for us the best way possible. Guru Jee explains this very
beautifully J JI i 51 i lU=l \-i ml l I\
lm1H il \ l mJ l lm111raag goojree
mehlaa 5. kaahay ray man chitvahi udam jaa aahar har jee-o pari-aa. sail pathar
meh jant upaa-ay taa kaa rijak aagai kar Dhari-aa. ||1|| Raag Goojree Mehlaa
5, 10 or in English, When One True Lord is taking care of you, then why you are
worried with all these thinking whether I will get a job or not, what will happen to
me or my family or my friends etc. We should believe in the creative wonder of
One True Lord as He created food before the creation of species; for example,
food for micro-organism, insect etc living in stones and mountains was created
before they were born there. Another such example can be seen in mammals,
milk in mothers organs come before the baby is born. Through this example, Guru
Jee explains us that we should never be worried about our future, something will
happen to take care of us as per our Karma.
This, however, has confused many, because we start saying that if One True Lord
himself is taking care of us, then why we even need to work. My needs will be
fulfilled automatically; I will just sit here or pass my time in my activities and food will
come because One True Lord is taking care of all of us. If we have entered in such
thinking we will become lazy and will be good for nothing, and we will rather start
begging in the street for food instead of doing any hard-work for it or perhaps
become dependent on the family. What is to be understood is that worrying about
future doesnt imply that we should stop working; for example, a student should
just work hard to prepare for exams instead of worrying what if this or that, and
when the results come out, he should accept it with pleasure. We can work hard,
but the result is never in our hand; in case we dont believe in this, then we should
try to observe this phenomenon around us and we will find the Truth. So, one
should continue working with same pleasure and hard working nature without any
worries or thinking about the result. To confirm this idea, lets look at an example
given by Guru Jee H i- 51 \-i l-m I\ i=l-m H= 3U1
lmll-m 3 li \I lU1 11salok mehlaa 5. udam karaydi-aa
jee-o tooN kamaavdi-aa sukh bhunch. Dhi-aa-idi-aa tooN parabhoo mil naanak
utree chint. ||1|| Goojree dee Vaar Mehlaa 5, 522, or in English, We should live
our life while doing an effort and through the earnings/results we should enjoy the
happiness, and by loosing Haumai and remembering One True Lord, we should
reach our destination of merging in One True Lord; thus, all of our worries will
terminate or cease to exist.
We have already seen that True and Eternal Happiness doesnt depend on any of
the materialistic things, but here Guru Jee says that we should always do an effort
and through the earning/result of which we should enjoy the Happiness. What is
this effort, the earning and results of which will give us Happiness? I suppose that
we know by now, that this effort is of becoming a Gurmukh, i.e. killing Haumai and
remembering One True Lords Gun at every instant of our life, which can achieve
the True and Eternal Happiness. Lets confirm this through Guru Jee mH i 51
\-i \ = c = H HlJ1 l l i U= Jl m I 3
lJ1 11aasaa mehlaa 5. udam kara-o karaavahu thaakur paykhat saaDhoo
sang. har har naam charaavahu rangan aapay hee parabh rang. ||1|| Aassaa
Mehlaa 5, 405 or in English, O One True Lord, please bless me that I want to do this
effort of becoming a Gurmukh (pekhat Saadhoo sang is an effort of becoming a
Gurmukh: Saadhoo is referred to a True and Perfect Guru; pekhat meaning
watching/looking not with these human eyes but with Surat (perhaps
understanding and/or consciousness); and sang refers to the effect of absorbing
the effect of a company. In other words, absorbing the effect of the company of
a True and Perfect Guru by Surat (understanding and/or consciousness)) and
please color this Mann with Your color (Mann is submerged in the without end and
infinite depth ocean of Gun of One True Lord).
Now, all this effort is that of the Mann and completely internal, but what about the
effort of the human body. Do we need to do an effort of this human body
because our (souls) goal is achieved by doing internal effort but what about
external effort? Do we start living in a forest or in a secluded area and continue
with this internal effort, fruits and fresh water etc of forest can sustain this human
body if we dont do much of an effort with this human body. Guru Jee answers
these questions in a very simple example i ilm ilm lU iI1
I l i = UI1 2121 i lU i= i Hil1
\ l i H3 UI l l1 2131 naamaa maa-i-aa mohi-aa
kahai tilochan meet. kaahay chheepahu chhaa-ilai raam na laavhu cheet.
||212|| naamaa kahai tilochanaa mukh tay raam samHaal. haath paa-o kar
kaam sabh cheet niranjan naal. ||213|| Salok Bhagat Kabeer Jee, 1375-76 or in
English, Bhagat Kabeer Jee in these two Saloks give example of a probable
discussion between two Bhagats: Bhagat Naamdev Jee and Bhagat Trilochan Jee
most probably based on the understanding the Shabads of these two Bhagats.
Bhagat Trilochan Jee is saying to Bhagat Naamdev Jee, my friend it seems to me
that you are attached to Maya and lost in it because all I see is that you are
printing designs on the sheets and not focusing your consciousness on the Lord.
Bhagat Naamdev Jee replies, O my friend Trilochan, we should do the physical
effort, which is required to sustain human body and to meet our responsibilities,
using hands and feet, but at the same time One True Lord should always be kept in
our chit (consciousness / Mann); thus, we should take care that our external
actions are a manifestation of the One True Lord (it is only possible if One True Lord
dwells inside, then automatically all external actions will be a manifestation of One
True Lord), such as while speaking (Samhaal refers to Sambhaal (keeping safe /
taking care)).
Through these Saloks, the idea that is being conveyed is that we should never stop
physical hard work whether we have merged in the One True Lord or not. For, if we
have merged, then we are instruments of One True Lord and all of our actions are
based on the Gun of One True Lord, i.e. we will never deter from doing hard-work
no matter what the situation is and what the outcome will be, etc. If we are
moving towards our goal of merging in One True Lord, then we should be very
careful at each instant of life till carefulness becomes an automatic part of our life
in every sphere. Being careful implies correcting of all the actions which are based
on the Avguns of Maya till 100% correction is achieved, i.e. 0% Avgun of Maya and
100% Gun of One True Lord and off course, this correction is being done by
listening, understanding and implementing the Shabad of Guru in our lives. We
can only be careful if we dont forget the Shabad of Guru or stray away from Guru
because the time we will stray away, we will get lost in the wilderness of Mann, we
will become careless and in carelessness many mistakes are done which can be
small mistakes to very serious ones. In case, we have not merged in One True Lord,
nor are we doing any efforts towards this goal; then, we are 100 % Manmukhs and
completely wasting away our lives, and we should act as soon as possible before it
is too late.
In other words, focus of our lives should be of merging in One True Lord by
correcting ourselves from inside with the Help, Blessings and Grace of One True
Lord and True and Perfect Guru. We have to understand that any external action
is based on the internal matter. If internally, we are full of rubbish (Avguns of Maya)
then all external actions, no matter what (even donations (donating eyes, huge
sums of money, land or whatever one can think of), giving away life to save
someone or for country etc) will never be accepted in the court of One True Lord;
whereas, if internally, Mann is clean and is submerged in the immeasurable ocean
of Gun of One True Lord then all (even sleeping, eating, walking etc) external
actions will be accepted in the court of One True Lord.
Now, we should feel capable of answering the question about doing a physical
work to sustain human body and fulfil responsibilities given to this Human body as
father, mother, son, daughter, friend, brother, sister, husband etc. Our answer
should be: 1) that One True Lord is Giver of everything to us (all physical
(materialistic) and mental (Shabad of a True and Perfect) resources); 2) that we
should do hard work without thinking about the outcome and any kind of worries
because One True Lord is Just and we are his sons and daughters and He will take
care of us as a Father and Mother, off course as per our file of Karma, His grace
and His pardoning (one has to ask pardon first to be pardoned) nature of our most
of sins, mistakes, errors etc.; 3) While doing any physical work we should
consciously (Surat, Chit and Mann) always be connected with One True Lord by
being careful about each and every action of ourselves whether it is a
manifestation of Maya or One True Lord (In case we find that it is a manifestation
of Maya, then Listening, Understanding and Implementation of a True and Perfect
Gurus Shabad should be done to correct ourselves from inside until 100 %
correction is achieved); 4) that we should always remember that it is the Grace
and Pardoning nature of One True Lord that we have received something or
anything whether materialistic or spiritual and he can take any materialistic things
back at any time (to understand that all the materialistic things are temporary and
will be gone so that we do not attach ourselves with them); 5) One True Lord
Grants us the Power and capability to achieve any Physical (any work done by
Human body) work and He is the one who will and can make us sustain our Human
body and fulfil the responsibilities of this human body and without Him we can
never achieve anything.
6.3.3 Types of Profession
Now that we understand the importance of a profession, another question starts
puzzling our mind: Is any profession alright or are there some professions which are
not good and should not be practiced etc? I suppose everyone knows the answer
to this one that not all professions are acceptable: If some professions involves
forcing others to ones will, then it should not be practiced (for example, an army
under a dictatorship forces all the citizens to follow the rules set by the dictator
otherwise they will be put in Jails or killed or whatever); If some profession involves
fooling others to make personal profits then such professions should not be
practiced (for example, selling fake thing as a original one); any kind of burglaries,
forgery (for example using fake currency knowingly) etc. In order to understand
better, lets take a look at a Salok of Guru Jee I- lI iI l J i=
l=Hl1 i Hli- I=I HI - -Ul1 5v1fareedaa jinHee kammee
naahi gun tay kammrhay visaar. mat sarmindaa theevhee saaN-ee dai darbaar.
||59|| Salok Saykh Fareed Jee, 1381 or in English, Guru Jee through the Baanee
of Bhagat Fareed Jee says that any kamm (deed/work) that do not bring any
merit should be forgotten, so that we do not feel ashamed in the court of One True
Lord because One True Lord is everywhere and he knows everything (He knows us
from inside (our Mann, Chit and Surat) better than us). So, any work that hinders
our goal of merging in One True Lord should not be practiced at all, or if possible it
should be corrected such that it is not a manifestation of Haumai, Duality, and
Ahankaar etc.
Profession is important but a profession which hinders our goal of merging in One
True Lord should either be corrected, if possible or should not be practiced at all; it
could be anything from farming to driving an airplane to engineer to doctor to
whatever the method may be. Although, we have understood that doing a
profession is important, the type or kind of profession is not important because any
work that we will be doing is just a part of this Play/ Puzzle; Actual work, which is
continuous and non-stop, that we have to do is that of becoming a Gurmukh. In
any case, as said earlier, we are only doing that work to which we are assigned by
One True Lord: whether we know it or not; whether it is a manifestation of One True
Lord or Maya; whether we think that I choose it or I was forced into it; whatever it
could be. One True Lord assigns us to a certain family, friends, religion, race, color,
jobs and whatever we can imagine. If we can understand this, then we will find
out clearly: that, whether we are working as doctors or engineers or scientists or
teachers or social workers or thieves or criminals, murders etc, we have assigned to
these parts by Himself as part of His incredible play; and that only work that we are
doing is that of becoming a Manmukh or Gurmukh (We cant even become
Gurmukhs on our own, for we need a True and Perfect Guru whom we only meet
by the Blessings and Grace of One True Lord Himself). Moreover, we know that
One True Lord is Just, so if someone is rich or poor by birth / choice / Any Reason or
if someone is King / beggar / Engineer / Doctor / Social Worker / whatever by birth
/ choice / any Reason; then, it is just a different sets of constraints for our evolution
and / or just a part of this incredible play created by One True Lord Himself.
Therefore, we should be capable of saying, understanding and implementing that
no matter what we do as a profession, it doesnt make us better or worse than
anyone else or any other profession; thus, everyone should be treated equally
(whether a CEO of a company or a sweeper of a company) with equal rights,
equal Pay scales, equal health and social policies, equal benefits of all kinds and
whatever we can think of.
Now, lets have a look at some of the professions that exist in todays world and
observe what is happening and what should be happening. Army and Police Officers Present Aims
Lets try to look at the two important aims of an Army or Police Officer Keepers of the law or consitution of a country
An important thing to understand is that any Law or constitution present in the
world at the moment is made by people like us who are themselves Manmukhs.
We should have understood by know that any work done by a Manmukh will have
inherent properties of errors and mistakes. To confirm this, we can observe any set
of laws or constitutions of the world in any country and we will find a lot of
mistakes, errors and loopholes. All this is due to the simple fact that, an imperfect
person can never achieve perfect work in any field due to inherent properties of
imperfectness residing within the imperfect person. So, it can be observed that all
the consitutions etc around the world have seeds of inequalties in them and we
can, therefore, clearly observe various inequalities existing in all different kind of
socities existing in the world. Hence, any person (Army or police officer) working to
upheld such a constitution is also working to keep the inequalities alive; in other
words, All the Army or police officers around the world are, in a way, working to
keep the inequalities alive.
Moreover, we have seen that many attrocities have been committed by Army
and Police officers as well around the world. These people have used, are using
and will continue to use the power given to him for personal gains; thus, the law
keepers have themselves become breakers in many instances around the world,
no matter which country, city etc. Why and how does this happen? Simply,
because these people are Manmukhs themselves and like any Manmukhs, these
people are driven by the Mann. As seen with the case of politicians, when
someone gets some power to do something, then that false power creates a
sitution of uncontrolable Mann which leads to such situtions in which law keepers
themselves break the law. For example, USA is considered to be the most powerful
country since second world war. We all know their actions, how many countries
they have invaded and/or supported for a dictatorship in order to implement their
point of view which they consider is superior to others Protectors
They are paid to protect citizens from people doing bad actions (selling drugs,
murders, rapists, money laundrers etc). However, we must have understood by
now that anything that happens in the world has a reason behind it and One True
Lord is the reason behind all reasons. One True Lord does everything and makes us
do everything. On our own we are capable of doing nothing, simply because we
dont exist; its One True Lord working in different colours, shapes, sizes, costumes,
etc around the world and in Universe, yet we do feel that we are doing it or
someone else is doing something because of the illusion of Haumai and Duality. In
reality, if something is supposed to happen, it will happen and nobody can protect
anyone from it. If someone or something is supposed to be protected, it will be
protected and One True Lord is the reason behind all reasons. Do we need them?
Now, first of all, all the present constitutions and laws (because of the inherent
seeds of inequality present in the them) needs to be replaced with a constitution
based on a True and Perfect knowledge. This will make sure that there is equality
for everyone and everything living under that constitution. Once the constitution is
true and perfect, offcourse, it will be needed to be upheld from the Manmukhs.
The persons working to upheld the True and Perfect constitution needs to
understand the True and Perfect Knowledge themselves and implement in
themselves, in other words, they need to be Gurmukhs or working towards the
state of a Gurmukh. Beauty in this way is that nobody needs to be payed to act as
a soldier or police officer. Anyone who is a Gurmukh is automatically a soldier
and/or police officer because, its a utmost necessary for a Gurmukh (or a person
trying to become a Gurmukh) to always act against any kind of crime and injustice
even if that means losing the personal life (death of body because soul never
In any case, it should be clear that we dont need to pay anyone to protect
ourselves because in reality, it is One True Lord who will protect us and nobody else
or nothing else. One True Lord will create a reason, whatever it may be, if we are
supposed to be protected. So, we dont really need a special profession termed
as Army or Police officers. Infact, every individual needs to become a trained
soldier and/or police officer themselves. Self Defence should be known to each
and every individual present in this world; In addition, if everyone is working
towards to goal of becoming a Gurmukh, then there should not be any problems
because all such people will always be ready to fight against any kind of injustice
and/or crime anywhere in the world.
This confirms us that any person who is trying to become a Gurmukh or is a
Gurmukh will also need a military and/or police training in order to be physically
capable of fighting against injustice and/or crime. This aspect is in direct relation to
the formation of Khalsa by Shree Guru Gobind Singh Jee. A Saint who is a soldier
when he needs to be and such soldier are not taking orders from any person but
only from a True and Perfect Guru, and offcourse, they are not paid by anyone to
do it because it is considered to be a moral duty of every individual to act in Self
Defence of oneself or anyone else in need. Sports Players
We all know that anyone doing any kind of sport (whether of mind or of body,
whether as individual or as a group, whether for personal reasons or to represent
someone or something else (such as, countries, buissenesses, etc)) as a profession
to earn his/her living is a sports players. Their only aim is to be better than others in
order to earn more and gain more name and fame, a direct signal of inequality.
Being a sports players, one may earn million of dollars because of the gift given to
such a person by One True Lord (Everyone can play anything, Best are those who
are naturally gifted (offcourse by One True Lord)); whereas, there are others who
are working 16 hours a day or more to bearly earn their living. It is but normal that
becoming a sports player is one of the most seeked after profession in these days:
1) easy to get name and fame; 2) quick way to become rich; 3)doing something
that one likes the most (following ones hobby to earn living). Who in this world
would not want a life-style of a sports player? A Gurmukh, would not want any of it
whereas a Manmukh would want all of it.
Its human beings ignorance and stupidity being lost in Haumai and Duality which
has led to a profession of sports players. Sports is an activity to keep ones body fit
physically and to learn to behave in a community / group. Playing sports could be
important for ones physical fitness, i.e. personal reasons, but no sports contribute
anything towards humans basic needs of food/water, shelter, transport, clothes
etc. So, in reality, this profession has nothing to offer to the society except some
time wastage (any time spent thinking about anything but One True Lord is a
wastage of time) in terms of watching the game or sports to see who wins etc. If
we, humans, have free time, then it should be spent to achieve our human goal of
merging in One True Lord with more concentration. Sports players representing
courntries and busisseness etc is stupid idea in itself because they are representing
some fake identities which have been created by us, humans, as a manifestation
of Maya. Spending time, effort and money (although money can be earned, but
wasting money on stupid activities is like wasting the time and effort spent to earn
that amount of money in the first place) in watching some one play is a clear
indication of lost objectives.
Every human being wants to do a work which he/she likes the most is the basic
reason for which the sports activities has become a profession from a leisure
activity. This profession is in existence because of the attention (time and effort)
that we humans are spending in order to watch and enjoy the way some gifted
people play the games/sports. Watching a sports match is considered as
amusement for oneself without realising that it is an amusement for only the human
body and has got nothing to do with ourselves (souls). It is not the fault of the ones
playing the game because they are doing something that they like the most as
their professions, but it is the fault of the ones who consider it amusing to spend
their time, money and effort on watching someone playing a game or sport. The
time humanity realises who they are and their goal, they will stop wasting their time
in watching any kind of sports or games and rather use free time for the souls
objective of merging in One True Lord; thus, automatically, slowly and slowly,
everyone will realise that playing a sports or games could be a leisure activity for
physical or mental fitness only and not as a profession.
As said earlier, only a Gurmukh understands that playing a sports could be only for
physical or mental fitness and sharpness etc and has got nothing to do with it
being a profession; thus, never practises a sports as a profession and will never try
to represent any country or buissness etc for name/fame, money etc because
everything that a Gurmukh does is a manifestation of One True Lord and can only
represent One True Lord and nobody or nothing else. On the other hand,
Manmukh, doesnt understand any of it, and for a manmukh, name/fame, money
etc matters the most and if it can be achieved by simply playing a game which
he/she like the most, then he/she will try his/her level best for that. Hence, by
becoming a Gurmukh, one can understand that being a sports player as a
profession is useless and need not be practised except for the reason of physical
and mental fitness as a means to sustain the human body. Politicians
In yester years, existed the system of Kings and Queens who owned a certain
amount of land and made everyone living in that piece of land follow their order;
in addition, they tried to increase their territory to increase their force, money
(gold/silver etc) and offcourse to increase their rule and order over higher number
of people. Though, Kings and Queens still exist in certain countries, most of their
power (authority) have been taken away and given to a new system of politicians
in democracy, socialism, communism, capitalism, dictatorship etc. Except in the
systems of dictatorships, where the ruler imposed personal (or someones) rules
and regulation by force, mostly politicians are elected representatives of the
people. Politicians as a group form public policies, amend constitutions, have the
right to declare war and priortize objectives for a nation/state/city; however, a
single politician has very limited reach and effect until he/she can influence others
with their ideas and form a group representing those ideas. So, the power which
used to be in the hand of single individuals, as a Kind or Queen, has been spread
among a group of people called Politicians or still exists in the hand of a so called
Dictator, which normally people do not accept in the present Modern society.
Why dont we accept Dictators / Kings who alone has all the power to change
rules/ amend constitution etc? How come we accept a small group of people
and hand over that power to them? To answer these questions, we have to go
deeper and find out what is this power behind which everyone is running around,
and what is True Power? Why do we want power? Do we need politicians? Lets
follow our procedure of answering these questions one by one. Power
If we search for the definition of power on google, we may get confused due to its
implications in so many different fields, but we are looking at the philosophical side
of the power and as found in wikipedia: Power is a measure of an entity's ability to
control their environment, including the behavior of other entities. It seems
acceptable as power is ones ability to control. Now, if we look at a king or a
dictator, he/she is trying to control a certain number of people in their respective
territory and there were times when Human kings wanted to become Kings of
Whole world, such as Alexander and Genghis Khan. Now the politicians are trying
to do the same thing but not as individual but as a group or most importantly as an
Idea, probably they understood that a person or a group of person can be killed
but not an idea, yet they failed to recognize that the power they are running after
belongs to no-one and is false. Off course, if something is false, it will belong to no-
one. So, now we have to try to answer, how come the power that we know of is
Every human wants/desires to exhibit their control / superiority over others (be it
kids / family / friends / colleagues) in terms of muscular or political or intellectual,
but no-one wants to be under control, which is the main reason of becoming a
king or a warrior who listens to no-one, who does whatever they want, onto whom
nobody can force anything etc. However, we should be able to say that it is never
true whether we are Manmukh or Gurmukh, because we are always listening to
someone else, i.e. Mann in case of being Manmukhs and a True and Perfect Guru
in case of being a Gurmukhs. When we are Manmukhs we are living in Haumai
and Duality, false identities, and our actions are manifestation of Maya and when
we are Gurmukhs we are manifestation of One True Lord and living in Truth without
any Haumai or Duality. In case we are Gurmukhs, we know that One True Lord,
control everything, He is the reason of all reasons, He does and/ or gets us to do
everything; thus a Gurmukh know that power belongs to only One True Lord and
only He is controlling everything (whatever it may be) and not any individual or a
king etc. In case we are Manmukhs, we dont know anything being completely
ignorant and blinded by Haumai and Duality, and whatever we see with these
eyes we believe it; thus, we believe that a King/dictator can impose his rules on
others or that he has the power to do that and therefore we do whatever he says,
yet we do not realize that he can only impose if we let him impose. For example, if
a dictator says that every citizen should pay 70% tax or become a part of certain
religion etc, then there may be a revolt and people may stand up against him and
say NO to his rule, which clearly indicates that a King/dictator has no power
whatsoever, if people dont listen to him. But being scared or being bribed we do
whatever the person is saying thus giving him so called power which he actually
doesnt have. We can often see around us, people breaking up the rules set by
such and such people/idea/political party, clearly indicating that the power is only
there until others submit to it and as we submit to such a power due to our
weaknesses such as fear or greed, everyone starts thinking that someone has such
and such power and He can do this or that which is completely and utterly untrue.
Another way of explaining that Human dont have power is that we cant become
Gurmukhs on our own, i.e., we cant control our Mann on our own. When,
someone becomes a King/Dictator, they feel that they have got some power due
to the illusion of Haumai and Duality and they start giving orders that I want this or
that (from small things as cars, food, clothes etc to murdering others). When others
cant take these orders anymore, they throw him away from that position and start
looking for someone else who can control this power. In other words, a normal
human being tries to fight against the desires and wants of Mann due to limited
resources, but when huge amount of resources are given to use, we completely
forget to control our Mann and let Mann rule completely with its desires and wants
created through Tarisnaa. This is just an indicative of the fact that we are under
control of our Mann and others are listening to us mostly due to fear or due to
greed, i.e., even the one who says I am controlling this or that is lost in the illusion of
Haumai because he himself is being controlled by Mann. We have learnt earlier
that Mann has to be under our control in order to achieve our Human goal of
merging in One True Lord, and if someone can control his Mann, then he has True
power, as said by Guru Jee mI I HJ iI il I J I1aa-ee
panthee sagal jamaatee man jeetai jag jeet. Jap, 6-17 or in English, see the
brotherhood of all mankind as the highest order of Yogis; conquer your own mind,
and conquer the world.
Now, we have to understand what true power is and how come conquering our
own mind implies that we have conquered the whole world. Firstly, True power is
the power: 1) which doesnt require to be forced or feared or which cant be
bought, being priceless, by any item or money or land etc, i.e. people will submit
to True power without being forced or due to fear or being bribed, but with their
own Free will; and 2) which is always true, i.e. it is eternal as well or in other words, if
someone has power today then he will have the same power tomorrow and day
after tomorrow and so on. Secondly, if someone has learned to control his Mann,
then automatically he is capable of controlling everyones Mann which is not
under control because Mann is the same no matter which individual have it and
the method is the same, i.e. through a True and Perfect Guru. The thing is anyone
who can control his Mann has reached the stage of a True and Perfect Guru, i.e.
Mann is submerged in the immeasurable vast ocean of Gun of One True Lord.
Conquering of Mann implies that one has killed Haumai and Duality, till Haumai
and Duality exists, Mann cant be controlled. Now, if Haumai and Duality is killed, it
directly implies that Mann has become a part of One True Lord or in other words
one becomes a Gurmukh. Gurmukh being a manifestation of One True Lord
exhibits True and Eternal power. True and Eternal power only belongs to One True
Lord and it can only be achieved by becoming a Gurmukh, i.e. by killing Haumai
and Duality and controlling Mann which in turn only happens with the blessings
and grace of One True Lord Himself. Seems complicated, but it is not so lets try
again: Controlling ones Mann means becoming a Gurmukh, when one becomes
a Gurmukh, all the thoughts, actions etc or everything is as per One True Lord and
we know that One True Lord controls everything or in other words everything is
under His feet, i.e. He is the conqueror of all and everything.
Lets take an example to understand the meaning of True power in our lives
because one might be asking: how come someone will submit to someone with
Free Will and how come that power is Eternal? A very simple example is that of
Shree Guru Nanak Dev Jee; people submitted themselves to Shree Guru Nanak
Dev Jee without being forced or bribed or due to fear etc because He shared the
True and Perfect Gyan which gave them True and Eternal Happiness and only
when they offered themselves in return (without killing Haumai and Duality nothing
perfect can ever be achieved and off course True and Perfect Gyan cant be
enShreened in ones Mann), and it is Eternal because people are still doing the
same thing; now, in the shape of Shabad Guru present in Shree Guru Granth Sahib
Jee. When people become like Nanak through submission and by listening,
understanding and implementation of Shabad Guru, they receive the same True
and Eternal Power in them. It is a continuous chain and can only continue by
becoming Gurmukhs, and each Gurmukh is like a leave on the Tree of Shree Guru
Granth Sahib Jee / a True and Perfect Guru. Another very good example is that
One True Lord has created a Law with his True power that everyone that has been
born will die eventually, and this law is eternal, or else we should find someone who
has broken this law. We can find many such examples everywhere around us; on
the contrary, we can also find many examples in which we have broken each and
every law that was made by a human being in Haumai and Duality.
Now, if we have understood what True Power is, we can clearly see that no
Politician or King or Dictator or any such person have such a power. Infact, they
have nothing because what they think about power is only a mirage created by
Haumai, Ahankaar etc. Politicians etc dont have control on their Mann; as
Humans have given them special privileges they use those privileges to manifest
their Mann which is infact a Manifestation of Maya. Because Manifestation of
Maya is manifestation of its Avguns or qualities like Ahankaar, Pride etc, actions
based on manifestation of Mann / Maya will never be accepted by society as a
whole due to the inherent errors and mistakes brought in by Avguns, in other
words, Inequalities will continue to exist. If we dont understand what we have said
until now then still most of us would still want to be the president of our respective
country without understanding that politicans are just the biggest beggers and the
most corrupt among all. They are biggest beggers because a begger is one who
begs for money (mostly), food (rarely), or clothes etc(very rarely), so the basic
function of a begger is to beg to make his living; now, politians also beg to make a
living. They beg for votes, going from door to door, from millions compared to a
begger whose approach is limited to thousands; thus, politicians are the biggest
beggers. Infact in reality, each and every individual present in this Universe is a
begger; Politicians beg from millions/billions whereas Gurmukhs beg from only One
True Lord as said by Guru Jee Hlc i 11 3 - -l il i
3=I I\1 i lm iJ\ l l I l -I i lmI I\ 111
sorath mehlaa 1.too parabh daataa daan mat pooraa ham thaaray
bhaykhaaree jee-o. mai ki-aa maaga-o kichh thir na rahaa-ee har deejai naam
pi-aaree jee-o. ||1|| Sorath Mehlaa 1, 597. Why do we want power
Whether we are Manmukhs or trying to become Gurmukhs, we are running behind
a certain power; though, in both cases we only become a part of the power and
power is never ours. Gurmukhs lose Haumai and Duality and thus they become a
part of True Power, a direct representation of One True Lord; whereas, Manmukhs
due to the presence of Haumai and Duality becomes a part of False power, a
direct representation of Maya. A Gurmukh knows that power is not his or as a
matter of fact nothing (Mann, Body and Soul) belongs to him; whereas, a
Manmukh due to Haumai and Duality believes that Power is his and everything
should be his. But the question is why are we running behind a certain power? The
answer is pretty simple and we all should know: to control. As we saw in the
definition, the power is to control. Now, a Gurmukh is able to control his Mann by
the grace of One True Lord and True and Perfect Guru and he is satisfied with it
and doesnt want anything, yet people submit to him with their Free Will to also
become capable of achieving the same state. On the other hand, a Manmukh,
cant control his Mann, so he is forced into fulfilling the desires of Mann which
normally collides with desires of others, and the only way out of getting ones way
is by force or causing fear or by bribe. Manmukhs idea for attaining this false
power is only to fulfil all the desires and wants created by Mann. Although, it may
seem that a Manmukh has been able to fulfil some of desires due to certain
power, he is never satisfied due to newer desires cropping up each time. Ultimate
power for a manmukh is the submission of each and every individual and/or
species, but a Gurmukh will never submit to anyone else but One True Lord or
another Manmukh searching for Ultimate Power will never submit either which
coincides with the fact that ultimate power can never be achieved by any
Manmukh, i.e. complete satisfaction can never be achieved. However, Ultimate
True Power is achieved by each and every Gurmukh thus achieving True and
Eternal Happiness and Satisfaction.
So, we can see that we want the power in order to control and to achieve
Happiness and Satisfaction. A Manmukh lives in the illusion that he is controlling
because in reality he is being controlled by Mann and never finds True and Eternal
Happiness and Satisfaction; whereas, Gurmukh knows the truth that he is being
controlled by One True Lord completely and he finds True and Eternal Happiness. Do we need a politician / King / Dictator?
Now that we have understood that a politician/ king/ dictator etc has only false
power and this power is only used to manifest Maya, we have to decide whether
we need such a person or not in our society or in other words, we have to find the
usefulness of this profession in our society, otherwise they are just a waste of our
time and effort. So, lets start looking at various objectives of this profession. Politicians make policies, participate in the making of the constitution etc
Offcourse, they do so. But do we need any policy or Constituation which has seed
of inequility sown in them due to the presence of Haumai and Duality in the
creators of the policies. A very good example is of a law of Quota in India in which
special Quotas is given to certain castes which used to be considered low by
Hindus or perhaps are still being considered low. In a way, the ones who used to
be considered low are now recieving special treatments, an iequality in itself.
Indian government, instead of bringing equality, has created a different kind of
inequality for general people especially for those who are from different religions.
We have to understand that any law or policy etc made by Manmukhs will always
have seeds of inequality in them due to the Ignorance of Manmukhs. Offcourse, a
Constitution is required, so the best way is to replace all the constitutions in the
world with the Constitution of One True Lord as preached by a True and Perfect
Guru such as Shree Guru Granth Sahib Jee. Any Gurmukh should be considered as
the one to implement such a constitution or study in deep to go as far as possible
to create a constitution of One True Lord for everyone to follow, understand and
implement in order to achieve Ultimate Equality. Politicians represent sentiments of people, needs of people, ideas of people etc
Yes, but do we need to represent our sentiments. We have to understand our
sentiments and find out what is wrong and what is right, which can only be found
through a True and Perfect Guru. Only a True and Perfect Guru in reality
understand everyone in the best possible way and thus can help everyone. We
have to understand that we dont need some people running after false power
and lost in the illusion of Haumai and Daulity to represent ourselves. All of our needs
will and can be fulfilled by One True Lord, our father, our mother, our friend, our
family, our everything. This can very easily be achieved by letting a True and
Perfect Guru representing ourselves by giving up Haumai and Duality through the
Shabad of such a Guru. Doctors / Vayd Who is a doctor
Mostly, there are two kinds of doctors: 1) someone related with humans body
health care; 2) someone holding a PhD or a doctoral degree. First of all, no matter
how many doctoral degrees we may have, we don not need a special title of
doctor or Dr., or in any case, we do not need any special titles such as Sir, Lord, Er.,
or whatever it may be. Simply because all these special titles are projections of
Maya and these only increase the effect of Haumai, Ahankaar etc in ourselves. It is
explained very clearly by Guru Jee in Aassaa Dee Vaar H i- 11 l= l=
JI -Iml l= l= 3Iml H1 l= l= U=I Im l= l= JIml
=1 =Iml UH UH =Iml iH1 =Im I m =Iml
HH1 = l J \i = =1 11salok mehlaa 1. parh parh
gadee ladee-ah parh parh bharee-ah saath. parh parh bayrhee paa-ee-ai parh
parh gadee-ah khaat. parhee-ah jaytay baras baras parhee-ah jaytay maas.
parhee-ai jaytee aarjaa parhee-ah jaytay saas. naanak laykhai ik gal hor ha-
umai jhakh-naa jhaakh. ||1|| 467or in English, We may read so many books that
we can: fill up trucks with those books; create many huge piles with those books; fill
up huge boats with those books; fill up pits with them. We may read through many
years, year after year and all the months of those years. We may spent our lifetime
and each breath of our life for just reading books, yet all this effort will be
considered as only the effort for supporting Haumai and Duality and will count as
nothing for our objective of Merging in One True Lord which requires giving up
Haumai and remembering Guns of One True Lord; in other words, the effort of
reading books, doesnt matter how many, is an action of Haumai, and will be a
waste if Haumai, Duality, Ahankaar etc are not killed or nothing has been done to
kill these to achieve our goal of merging in One True Lord. In this way, one may be
illiterate, but if he kills his Haumai etc through a True Perfect Guru, then such a
person is way better (A Gurmukh is always better than any or all the Manmukhs of
this world/ Universe for obvious reasons) than anyone else, i.e. It directly implies
that being illiterate or literate has got nothing to do with our goal of Merging in
One True Lord.
Now, the other doctors, who are related with humans body health care are the
ones related with this topic. There are many types of doctors such as Physician,
dentist, veterinarian, optometrist and physical therapist etc based on the
specialization. This is a very ancient profession and the idea of this profession is to
study, diagnose and provide appropriate treatment for the disease or injury. As a
disease can only be treated by a doctor, this profession has made a special place
in the society. Such a doctor can only give treatment to certain known diseases to
which One True Lord has made us capable of treating, there are many disease
which can not be treated by any doctors in any kind of medical field; in addition,
such doctors cant treat Haumai, tarisnaa either: the biggest and most chronic
disease which is within all the Manmukhs (most part of the humanity) because
these can only by treated by a True and Perfect Guru through his Shabad as we
have seen earlier. We have also confirmed earlier that Haumai, Ahankaar,
Tarisnaa etc are diseases and needs to be treated as priority, yet no such doctor
can treat it.
We may ask a question, why a doctor cant treat Haumai, Ahankaar, Tarisnaa etc.
The answer is simple because they are not studying it, so they dont know how to
diagnose it and thus, they cant treat it. We know that Haumai, Ahankaar, tarisnaa
etc are diseases of Mann, but we should remember that most of the disease
present in the society are a result of the diseases of Mann, such as high blood
pressure, the Persistent hypertension is one of the risk factors for stroke, myocardial
infarction, heart failure and arterial aneurysm, and is a leading cause of chronic
kidney failure. Guru Ji explain this concept extremely well as i i 11 -=
== l -= 3=1 l -= H= i-1 l -= J J l l1 =-
3 - l1 11 =- 3 - l1 -- = -= HI1 mH - J
UI1 11 \1=Hi l=Hl I H 3J1 l \lc = J1 i m \
li Hl1 =- 3 - l1 21 U- U- =H1 iH
il HH1 HlH Jlm lm l l1 l =l1 31 U
lm li H1 lH il i l mH1 -= J Hl3 Jlm J=l1
lH HU l1 41 21 71 malaar mehlaa 1. dukh vaychhorhaa ik dukh
bhookh. ik dukh sakatvaar jamdoot. ik dukh rog lagai tan Dhaa-ay. vaid na
bholay daaroo laa-ay. ||1|| vaid na bholay daaroo laa-ay. darad hovai dukh
rahai sareer. aisaa daaroo lagai na beer. ||1|| rahaa-o. khasam visaar kee-ay
ras bhog. taaN tan uth khalo-ay rog. man anDhay ka-o milai sajaa-ay. vaid na
bholay daaroo laa-ay. ||2|| chandan kaa fal chandan vaas. maanas kaa fal
ghat meh saas. saas ga-i-ai kaa-i-aa dhal paa-ay. taa kai paachhai ko-ay na
khaa-ay. ||3|| kanchan kaa-i-aa nirmal hans. jis meh naam niranjan aNs. dookh
rog sabh ga-i-aa gavaa-ay. naanak chhootas saachai naa-ay. ||4||2||7||
Malaar Mehlaa 1, 1256.
Guru Nanak Dev Jee in Raag Malaar says that listen O my brother-like ignorant
doctor, there is no point giving a medicine, the application of which doesnt take
away the pain and unhappiness (dukh - suffering) continues to dwell in the body
||1|| rahaa-o. O brother-like Ignorant doctor, your medice cant cure: the pain
of separation from One True Lord; tarisnaa (bhookh - hunger) of materialistic
objects; fear of powerful death messenger (everyone dies, nobody (even though
he may have all the armies and may be the most powerful person alive) has ever
been spared); diseases of the Mann which continues to create newer and newer
diseases for the body and thus consuming it in pain ||1||. O brother-like Ignorant
doctor, your medice cant cure because all the diseases of the body are a result
of consumption of bodily pleasures (based on the Avguns of Maya such as
Ahankaar, Pride, etc) having completely forgotten One True Lord, and newer and
newer uncontrolable diseases will continue to come until we realize that these
bodily diseases are due to the Mann being blind folded with Haumai, Duality and
considering itself to be Body and lost in Ahankaar etc rather than as the object to
be used to merge in One True Lord ||2||. A wood is considered to be of
Chandan (Sandalwood) till it has its frangrance; similarly, a human is only
considered to human till it is breathing. When breathing stops human body
becomes a part of dust and nobody gives any kind of medicine to a dead body,
i.e. when the soul goes out of this human body, then no medicine or nothing can
cure the diseases of Haumai and Tarisnaa etc which leaves with it; thus, the
medicine that any human being should be taking is the one which cures these
chronic but curable diseases of Haumai, Duality, Tarisnaa etc ||3||. The human
body in which dwells the Naam/ Gun of Prabhu (Gurmukh) instead of the Avguns
of Maya (Manmukh), that body shines like gold (without any kind of bodily dieases)
and the soul (hans) is also completely pure of all Haumai, Duality, Tarisnaa etc.
Thus, by becoming a Gurmukh (by obtaining the Guns of One True Lord from a
True and Perfect Guru), one completely loses all kinds of diseases whether related
to the body or to the Mann ||4||.
This Shabad clearly explains that the disease of the Mann are a cause for all the
diseases of body as well. If disease of Mann can be treated than all the diseases of
body will vanish as well. If we do not agree with this statement, then we should just
try to observe the various diseases that are present in the society and we will find
the truth ourselves. We can take the example of one of the uncurable disease that
exist in the human soceity at present: HIVS AIDS. Everyone (in present times,
practically everyone) knows that this disease is spread due to the human desire of
lust which is a disease of Mann. When Lust is completely out of control of the
human, it causes the person to have intercourse with other men/ women (anyone
apart from ones wife / husband (we wont say girl /boy friend because these days
humans have tons of girl / boy friends at the same time and they keep on
changing, as if they are changing clothes). Society has only made rule of One
Wife/ Husband in most cases (Muslims dont athere to this law because they have
created a own law of multiple wives) but there is no such rule for girl/boy friend)
willingly or un-willingly (Rape, sexual assult) or by paying someone (most commonly
used method and one of the biggest reason for the spread of this dieases,
someone who is selling his/her body is more prone to have and spread HIV AIDS
then anyone else).
Now then, if no doctor can treat any disease of Mann, or permantely cure the
human body that no disease occur in it, then how come they have got this special
status in the society, they are just doing a job to sustain their human body or to fulfil
the desires and wants of their Mann by choosing such a profession of being
considered valuable etc; whereas, in reality they are not because they cant
prevent humans from any kind of dieseas because of being unable to study,
diagnose and treat Haumai, Duality, Ahankaar , Tarisnaa etc. So, how good and
important are these doctors to the soceity? Lets try to answer this question
whether we need them or not. Do we need a Doctor?
Its a very important question cause we have to be very sure of our decision, for
we will run to the nearest doctor when we have pain and when our body is not
well. An unwell body restricts our options of the activities that we can do, so a
doctor seems a very viable option that cant be neglected easily. However, we
have seen that a doctor is not capable of treating any disease of the Mann which
are the underlying cause for all of the diseases of the body, including any genetic
disease, and physical and mental disabilities. Now, the genetic diseases and / or
any phsyical and mental disabilities raises a big question that is why it exists in some
and not in other? Is One True Lord impartial? We are sure or we should be sure that
One True Lord is not impartial, because He is just and His decision is the wisest of all
and everything happens in His order, as said by Guru Jee in Jap i m-l H3
Ul i l1 i U \i l121Hukmai andar
sabh ko baahar hukam na koay. Nanak Hukmai jay bujhai ta haumai kahai na
koay.2. Thus, if someone has any kind of disease, than it is a reminder that
something is wrong inside and needs to be corrected in order to be well again
and if all the problems can be corrected inside ourselves than there will be no
diseases and if there are no diseases than who needs a doctor for physical
diseases if there are none. Guru Jee says HlJ U =- I1 m ml
l HI1 HlJ lilm i i- = lJm UIUI I\1 41satgur
baajhahu vaid na ko-ee. aapay aap niranjan so-ee. satgur mili-ai marai mandaa
hovai gi-aan beechaaree jee-o. ||4|| Maroo Mehlaa 3, 1016 or in English, Apart
from a True Guru nobody else is a doctor who can cure the internal disease, such
as Haumai and Duality and take away the pain of separation from One True Lord
and make us capable of seeing, feeling, believing and realising that without One
True Lord there is no one else. That One True Lord is in everyone, yet not effected
by the Maya. When ones Mann stays in the presence of the Shabad Guru all the
time, then all the Avguns and Haumai Duality etc will be killed and We, Humans will
become capable of thinking about a higher spiritual level, i.e. Using the Mann to
Think about, distinguish and Implement the Guns of One True Lord within ourselves,
It is clear that Once we all have become Gurmukhs, then there will be no place for
any such profession as doctors, but untill then, there will be diseases cropping
inside us all the time and which will act as barriers to our goal of merging in One
True Lord because in pain, we will be less able to concentrate, although the pain
of different diseases is just a sign for us to remember One True Lord and our goal of
merging in Him. So, perhaps, in our initial journey, we may need the help of a
physical doctor to sort the body, but we should never forget that we need to
correct ourselves from inside to completely get rid of all the diseases, until the
complete correction is not done within ourselves, we will continue to suffer from
diseases. Whereas, in case, we are moving towards our goal of submerging in One
True Lord, then even from the diseases we will not feel any pain, no matter what is
happening to our body, we will not feel any pain; instead, we will be merged in
the True and Eternal happiness and Satisfaction irrespective of the things
happening around us. Very good example for this is that of Sikhs of early Sikh
History such as Bhai Mani Singh Jee who was being cut alive into pieces finger by
finger, yet no remorse or sign of any pain on his face or body but only complete
peace, tranquility and True and Perfect Happiness and Satisfaction was being
manifested from his body. Taking certain medication or not will not have any
effect (i.e. nobody who takes medication is less likely to achieve the goal
compared with someone who doesnt take medication, both are equal) on our
goal of merging in One True Lord until unless one is working on killing Haumai etc to
achieve this goal. This is because doing what is required for the human body
doesnt impede the actual Goal. One True Lord has been providing to us and will
continue to provide us with the things necessary for this human body, we should
not be worried about this, but just concentrating on our Goal of merging in One
True Lord.
In a summary we can say that if we need a doctor then we should go to cure the
human body, but at all times, we should be Thankful to One True Lord: for giving us
that disease as a sign of our inner disease which we tend to forget, so that we can
start working to correct ourselves through a True and Perfect Guru; and for giving
us the knowledge and required resources to cure all such diseases. Until, we all
become Gurmukhs (a Stage where there are no diseases of any kind), we may
continue practising this profession but remembering that without One True Lord,
we would never be able to do anything, find any cure or have the right resources
to treat a disease. If we dont have a cure, then we should be looking at: firstly, to
erradicting that disease through-out humanity by correcting ourselves from within;
and secondly, to ask One True Lord to show us the Cure, if He wills so. In any case,
we should remember at every instant that no human doctor can save anyones
life or cure any disease, If something happens, we should always be Thankful to
One True Lord for that instead of getting lost and believing that some Humans
have saved ourselves. Otherwise, the same doctors come and say that it is not in
our hands to save us or they dont have the required resources or knowledge or
whatever the reason may be. The Important thing to remember is that One True
Lord gives us the knowledge and the required resources to save ourselves from the
diseases, so we should always be thankful to Him and nobody else, We should
learn to see, feel, observe and realize One True Lord everywhere and in everyone
from a True and Perfect Guru and offcourse, correct ourselves from within to get
rid of the diseases of the Mann which are the underlying cause of all the diseases
of the body. Guru Ji summarizes beautifully H i- 51 m =- ml l1
l =- Im -= l1 J HU- mli H =l 1 lH il =H
lH Hl3 -= lil1 11salok mehlaa 5. aapay vaid aap naaraa-in. ayhi
vaid jee-a kaa dukh laa-in. gur kaa sabad amrit ras khaa-in. naanak jis man vasai
tis kay sabh dookh mitaa-in. ||1|| Raamkalee Mehlaa 5, 962 or in English, One
True Lord himself is the doctor who can treat the disease of our Mann, the human
doctors (Manmukhs who learn how to study, diagnose and treat only body) rather
burden the soul with pain (they can only kill/try to kill/subdue the manifestation of
the inner disease (of Mann), but inner disease only becomes stronger with time
causing more severe and persistent problems). One True Lord has blessed us with
the Shabad of True and Perfect Guru (One True Lords manifestion) which is
capable of killing the disease of Mann if and only if someone listens, understands
and implement that shabad inside to receive His eternal Guns. If through the
Shabad of a True and Perfect Guru, one kills Haumai etc, and merges the Mann in
the immesureable vast ocean of Guns of One True Lord, then One True Lord starts
dwelling in such a Mann, and a person with such a Mann doesnt have any kind of
diseases of Mann or Body or unhappiness in his life. Engineers and Scientists
Engineers and scientists are considered by the present society system as the base
for this substancial technological advancement that humans have been observing
over past few decades. This technological advancements has not only enabled
the mankind to go far and wide and shorten the distance but have also created
resources to sustain huge amount of population which has doubled (from around
3 billion in 1960s to around 6 billion in 10s) over the past 50 years, yet all this
technological advancement has not been able to provide peace, equality etc in
the society. Wherever we may see (Americas, Asia, Africa, Europe, Oceania), we
only find increase in violence, crime, drugs, hatred, racial discrimenation, diseases
etc no matter how advanced is the country. This is one of the common reason that
Engineers and Scientiste are considered as a valuable asset compared to
beggars. In case of a Tragic event, No country will bother saving the lives of
beggars, cleaners (whether working in hotels, houses or roads), taxi drivers etc, but
important Engineers, Scientists, Doctors etc will be given the priority. Why this
discrimenation? What is this technological advancement for? Why the most
brilliant brains in the world are running after this technological advancement?
What is the use of this technological advancement? Can the world survive without
it? What are the aims behind technological Advancement?
Anything that exists or is in use is because of a definative reason behind it or in
other words, a definative aim behind it. Earlier, we have seen that human species
have a definative aim as well which is to merge in One True Lord. Through the aims
of technological advancement we should try to observe if we are working towards
our aim of merging in One True Lord or not; in other words, the aim of
technological advancements should help humans in their goal to merge in One
True Lord. So, lets try and look at some of the aims of an engineer and scientist: Making life easier
Making life easier is perhaps one of the aims of technological advancement; for
example, robots are being made to decrease work-load, fully automatic cars are
being researched and are in testing to make driving tension and hazard-free. Why
do we want to live an easy life that someone or some machine should: clean our
house for us, wash our clothes, dry them, cook for us, clean the utensils etc. It
seems that we want an easy life to spend most of the time with activities that we
like to do: our hobbies, partying, drinking, travelling etc. All such activities are only
for the body and not for us (soul), so in reality life never becomes easier because
we need to have enough money (to pay someone or buy the machines and pay
for the energy and other requirements of the machine etc) to have an easy life
and along with having enough money comes a whole lot of problems, worries,
tension and thus diseases etc. Life only becomes more hectic and we, in reality,
are never Truly and Completely Happy and Satisfied no matter how rich we
become, no matter how many appliances we may have or people may be
working for us. We know this because True and Perfect Happiness and Sastisfaction
can only be achieved by fulfilling our human goal of merging in One True Lord
through a True and Perfect Guru. Until, our human goal is not achieved, life will
never be easy no matter how much technologocally advanced we may be
because all this so called technological advancement is for the human body only
and nothing is for the soul, and soul will never become happy with these
advancements. So, it should be clear to us that the aim of making our life easy
with technological advancement will never be achieved. Hence, any work done
with such a aim is waste of human time and effort and need not be practised. Increasing production and decreasing expenditure to Increase Profit
This is one of the most common aim of an engineer in an Industry to find the
optimum conditions for a process, either by simulations in super-computers or by
experimentation, in order to increase production at same expenditure or find ways
to reduce expenditure as well in order to incease Profit, or anything or anyway to
increase Profit. Any Industry or corporation it may be, the main idea of an industry
or a Corporation is to: increase its size; increase its profit; develop new techniques
and make new patents (Its false in itself because by patenting we are
acknowledging that knowledge is ours and is not of One True Lords) for those
newly developed techniques; become richer in general sense anyway possible.
Why these industries and corporation do that, simply to show that they are a step
ahead of the rest of the world and that they are better because of their
innovations, or richness (in terms of profits, assets, shares, land, number of people
working in that company etc) compared to others, i.e., all these industries and
corporations are directly projecting this idea of Inequality in the society and have
we ever stopped to notice this or have we done anything against it. We have seen
earlier that being rich in terms of money/ land/ shares etc has got nothing to with
ourselves (souls) because all this will be left here when soul will have to leave the
human body. So why is our main idea to increase profit or make more money,
when it has got nothing to do with ourselves, a sufficient amount of money is
required in present times due to system of exchange in the society which should
be converted to the system of sharing which will directly imply that no more
money is required. This is so because, in system of exchange something is given
and something is returned of equivalent value as decided by the society; whereas
in system of Sharing, no price tag is added and things are just shared with the rest
of the society without obliging anyone to return something in place of the same or
different value, because everything is priceless (How can we judge that Apples
are more costlier than oranges or something else (we do judge based on the
availability, total amount, quality etc which is completely stupid as it implies
variations in the price all the time, a system of complete instablity, or in other
words, availability to certain and not to others because of price range)). Create more jobs by creating newer and innovative research techniques
Newer and newer researches are being started each day through-out the world
by post-grad students or post-doc students or research assistants or researchers or
scientists etc. All these newer researches are in a way creating new jobs and thus
a way of earning ones living. So, engineers and scientists in a way are creating
ways for people to earn their living, yet at the same time most of the jobs which
are repetitive in nature are being automated by the same engineers and scientists
and thus, taking away a lot of jobs from humans by installing a machines.
Important point to be observed is that the newer jobs that are being created are
for people who are engineers, scientists and researchers themselves and not for
the common person; whereas, the jobs that are being taken away are from the
common people forming a vast majority of the population compared with
engineers, scientists and researchers. Hence, it can be clearly observed that
although some newer jobs are being created, a lot more are being taken away
due to automation and machines.
Usage of automated machines is simply due to the idea of creating a bigger
margin of profit, for machines can work 24 h with higher efficieny and can replace
many persons for the same work done. In addition, automated machines, apart
from the initial investment (which is easily recovered within few years time due to
far superior efficiency and accuracy compared with humans and ability to work
non-stop), need not be payed wages, etc. So, the basic idea behind automation
is only generating more money and that is it and nothing else. By Now, we have
seen many times that generating money has got nothing to do with the human
goal of merging in One True Lord, instead such a goal of generating more and
more money is taking us farther from our True Goal. We humans have to correct
the idea of working for only money; therefore, we have to be very careful in
observing that the idea behind any research (no matter how innovative or so
called advanced) is not only to generate more money or profit. In any case,
advanced researches implies that older technology is obsolete and thus we are
only creating a huge amount of waste (electronic waste is growing at an alarming
rate, we dont know how to dispose off toxic or Radio-active waste (which was
being thrown in oceans)) which we dont know how to treat. We should be
researching about how to make ourselves self-sufficient (which can only be
achieved by merging in One True Lord). Humans need to start researching
themselves in order to achieve the humanl goal and should not think about any
other research, We should have enough faith in One True Lord that He will fulfil our
human needs and give us all the technology and research that is required to fulfil
our human needs. We should let One True Lord decide what technology etc is
required by us. Search for Life elsewhere
Humans have this desire of searching for life elsewhere most probably for two
reasons (Perhaps, there are many more reasons such as Becoming the first person
to find life elsewhere and thus, establishing ones name in the history books (this
goal is completely a goal based on Haumai, Tarisnaa, Ahankaar etc and doesnt
even need to be considered for discussion because of its uselessness in the True
goal of Humanity of merging in One True Lord)): in case we need to shift to anothe
planet due to the destruction of planet earth (naturally (by the force present in
Nature) or artifically (by the impact of humans)); or in order to be prepare
ourselves from becoming slaves to another higher species (like we have made
other species present on earth as our slaves). Lets look at these two goals:
What will we do when this planet will become inhabitable due to all kinds of
pollution that we are creating in the atmosphere or in case of a natural calamity
such as meteor striking, or if some other higher evolved species (in terms of
technological advancements and not spiritual advancement) attacks us and
wants us for slaves. This is just a very big worry in itself, how will i save myself. Now
that if we have learned something then we know that a Gurmukh has no worries,
he believes that everything happens for good, One True Lord is the reason behind
all reasons, and only One True Lord can protect us (No human being, not even
Super-man, bat-man etc and No technological research (which we are able to do
because One True Lord has given us this knowledge)). Guru Ji says i \-
il l H l\ i l=HIm 1maataa kay udar meh partipaal karay
so ki-o manhu visaaree-ai. Raamkalee Mehlaa 3 Anand, 920-18 or in English, why
we forget the One True Lord in our Mann when He is the one protecting us, taking
care of us even in the womb of a mother, or One True Lord has created us in such
a way that we gets a protection in the womb of a mother until the human body is
developed for ourselves and food is automatically given to us (No mother can
stop the supply of food on her own whether she eats it or not). This is just to show
that One True Lord is capable of protecting us and taking care of ourselves
anywhere and everywhere, so we should only concentrate on merging in Him
rather then worring about the destruction of planet or whatever. When something
will be required, he will give us the knowledge to create and move to another
planet, He will show the way Himself, we should not under-estimate his capability:
He is the creator of this Universe that we see, feel, hear etc around us and He is the
one taking care of every species present in this world. So, anyone who is working in
this field should re-consider his-her aims either to correct these by becoming
Gurmukhs or completely leave this field if found that these cant be corrected by
becoming Gurmukhs. State of the art weaponary for the defence of a country
A huge amount of human brain power, effort and resources goes in the
development of latest weapons, fighter jet, sub-marines, and what not, and all
these things are used to protect a fake and false identity of a country or a state or
a person (in terms of body-guards). We have already seen that we humans dont
need an identity of a country or a state or city or whatever because these are
useless and only impeding in our goal of merging in One True Lord. All these fake
and false identities need to be killed in order to Kill Haumai and Duality which will
never let us achiever our goal. However, someone may argue that we may need
to protect ourselves (people living in earth) from being destroyed by Meteors or
another higher technologically advanced species, yet we have seen that it is just
a fear to die. This fear can only be killed by finding the truth through a True and
Perfect Guru. We have to remember every second of our life that our only mission
as Humans is just to become Gurmukhs and that is it, If One True Lord wants make
the excuse of death in terms of a meteor or anything else, then so be it. The
separation of soul from a human body, commonly known as death, comes in
many ways (diseases, old age, accidents, natural wonders, etc), but a soul can
can never be killed it only leaves the body and that is it. What happens after this
separation is different for Gurmukhs and Manmukhs: a Gurmukhs soul stays
submerged in the One True Lord as before, whereas, a Manmukhs soul continues
the cycle of birth and death until it achieves the objective of merging in One True
Lord. So, we humans, those who are working in the field of a making weapons,
needs to give a serious thought to their profession, to the usefullness/uselessness of
this profession in the goal of merging in One True Lord etc. If we all humans are
basically only brothers and sisters who have been born in different families, places,
cultures etc, then we dont need any weapons at all; rather, we need to find a
way to leave in peace and prosperity and achieveing this human goal together
without being hold apart due to the differences of cultures, religions, families,
professions etc. Developing machinery, techniques and medicines for Diseases
Although, we have already disscussed about this topic in the profession of doctors,
lets try to remember the main idea to strengthen our thoughts. The diseases are
illimited and newer diseases are being found everynow and then; moreover, all
the diseases of the body are a manifestation of the diseases of the Mann, such as
Haumai, Tarisnaa, Ahankaar, Lust, Anger etc. No doctor, no machinery, no
techniques, and above all no medication can see, diagnose or treat the disease
of the Mann, and untll the disease of Mann exists, newer diseases of the body will
continue to come forward. Therefore, the idea of spending most of our time and
effort on observing, diagnosing and treating the diseases of body will never solve
the problem. The only solution for permament disease-free life is that of becoming
a Gurmukh, each and every step taken towards the goal of Merging in One True
Lord is more worthwhile than getting treated by a Doctor or a medication. It
doesnt imply that we should stop giving are effort to this profession completely,
but to rather start shifting our attention to our goal of Humanity slowly and slowly
with a lot of care. At the same time, we should be extremenly thankful to One True
Lord for giving us diseases as a sign of our inner diseases, and offcourse Thankful to
him for providing us with the knowledge and resources to cure most of the present
diseases. At no point, we should be acknowledging any human body for saving
our life or finding the cure for such and such disease. No cure can be found if One
True Lord doesnt give us the required knowledge and resources, and no body can
become a Gurmukh either on its own without the Blessings and Grace of One True
Lord and a True and Perfect Guru. Our goal should be shifting towards disease-free
life (both Mann (Mind) and Tann (Body)) slowly and slowly with extreme care by
killing Haumai and Duality completely everywhere within ourselves.
Looking at all the above mentioned aims, it is clear that what ever the
technological advances that humans have achieved over the years are just for
the human body and has got nothing to do with ourselves (soul). The biggest
problem is that we dont know who we are, being Manmukhs and completely
blinded with Haumai and Duality and though living in Ignorance and Stupidity we
consider ourselves Smart, Intelligent, Powerful etc causing all sorts of inequalities in
the society. Until, the humanity realise who they are in reality, it will continue to
work for the human body and continue running after the latest techonological
advancements for this human body without ever stopping for a second and
thinking who we are in reality. We should be capable of understanding clearly that
all this technological advancement is only for the human body and we should
decide to only choose those technologies related with the basic needs of the
human bodies and not with the desires and wants of the human bodies; moreover,
we should let One True Lord lead us the way to the technologies that we may
need because all the technology is based on the knowledge granted by One True
Lord only and everything is His only and He should be credited for all the
researches that are successful. Guru Jee explains very well JI i 51 i
i I U I 1 l= il l \ m l i1
11 lHm li m1 ml\ cl i l I \ U 111
\1 goojree mehlaa 5. mataa karai pachham kai taa-ee poorab hee lai
jaat. khin meh thaap uthaapanhaaraa aapan haath mataat. ||1|| si-aanap
kaahoo kaam na aat. jo anroopi-o thaakur mayrai ho-ay rahee uh baat. ||1||
rahaa-o. Goojree Mehla 5, 496 or in English, ||1|| rahaa-o: cleverness is of no
use at all. Whatever One True Lord deems to be right - that alone comes to pass.
||1||: We plan to go towards east but we end up in the west (in other words, our
effort of making plans to do this or that is a wastage of time). One True Lord is
capable of creating or destroying in an instant and the decision for anything to
happen is only in his hands. What should be the Aims
The only aim of humanity is to merge in One True Lord, and we have seen that our
thought processing should only be concerned with this objective while doing all
sort of work with the human body, as said by Guru jee i ilm ilm
lU iI1 I l i = UI1 2121 i lU i=
i Hil1 \ l i H3 UI l l1 2131 naamaa maa-i-aa
mohi-aa kahai tilochan meet. kaahay chheepahu chhaa-ilai raam na laavhu
cheet. ||212|| naamaa kahai tilochanaa mukh tay raam samHaal. haath paa-o
kar kaam sabh cheet niranjan naal. ||213|| Salok Bhagat Kabeer Jee, 1375-76.
Our mind needs to concentrate on achieving our goal of merging in One True
Lord, while our human body should be doing all the necessary tasks required to
sustain it. Any other desire except that of Merging in One True Lord is for the human
body, and human body and mind working for any other desire is wasting its time
and effort which is very precious and limited. So, if there is any technological
advancement happening in the world it should be concerned only with basic
needs of the human body to sustain it with a better way so that our major effort
and time is being spent in attaining our goal of merging in One True Lords. Hence,
in order to understand the necessary technological advancements, we need to
understand our basic needs and the necessity of any technological
advancements in that field.
An important point to be remembered is that becoming a Gurmukh is very
important, no matter what we are doing. It will not only create a society based on
equality but will also eliminate any kind of wastage. Because a Manmukh is
blinded by Ignorance, He will not understand the difference between necessities
and personal wants and desires (for example, using water to make alcohol and
thus wasting a lot of food, water, energy, time and effort); whereas, a Gurmukh
clearly understands these sutle difference and thus will never do anything to waste
anything. As discussed earlier, Tarisna has merged in the basic necessities and
created wants and desires for the body which we, souls, dont require and is taking
us away from our goal of merging in One True Lord. But, a Gurmukh is not effected
by Tarisnaa because he is concentrated only in his goal of Merging in One True
Secondly, any technological advancement that should be practised should be: 1)
related with our basic needs only, such as Treatments and Purification of Water,
means of storing rain water, utilisation of natural and renewable energy energy
sources, such as wind, sun, etc as much as possible; 2) Completely replacing the
use of artificial materials with Natural materials, i.e. replacing Fertilizers based on
petro-chemicals (cause of pollution) with natural manure produced by bacteria
etc; 3) Transportation should be reduced as much as possible and if required then
those means should be used which are based on renewable energy sources, for
example, food (Meat, vegetables or fruits etc) used should be grown locally as
much as possible, and transport of food should be used only based on the basic
necessity and not just to taste a different type of food resource; 4) housing should
be as less energy intensive as possible, for example, greener housing systems; 5)
clothing (clothes and shoes) should be as per requirements and not as per liking,
for example, there are people who wear a piece of cloth only once (too much
wastage), people wear sport shoes to look funky, cool, yet they never play any
real sport in their life.

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