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Happy New Year, Today we look forward to a new year and the excitement of how God will move

us, stretch us, and grow us as disciples of our Lord. As we look into 2012 we will see some changes. With Gods help, we will see a new Music Director leading and growing our choirs. What we will not see is Amanda leading our Discipleship Ministries. Amandas departure means there is a large void in our ministry which means, what we need to see in 2012 are more people stepping up to serve on different ministries, and more people volunteering to help with certain projects around the church. The Session has agreed we do not have the funds to fill Amandas vacant position so it will be up to this church family to help when needed. Friends, we each know that times are tough, but we cant stop doing the ministry God has called us to do. You and I need to continue to be daring! We need to try new things, reach out to new people, look for ways to share and fulfill the message of the Gospel. This church was not founded, nor has it ever been a church filled with people who sit back. We need to remember our foundation as we look to break into 2012 with new energy to serve God, proclaim the Gospel, and seek to serve the marginalized. May this be a year that our sovereign God moves you and me to be a congregation involved in new ministries and on the forefront of mission in Ocala and around the world! Happy New Year,

Pastor.........................................Andy Gans Visitation Pastor (Ret.).............Tom McNeil Executive Assistant....................Chris Muramatsu Nursery Attendant ....................Tammy Keeslar Proofreaders..............................Susan M. Jensen and John Stewart

Contributors...............................Members of Ft. King Assembling.................................Dorothy Decker, Judith Simonin, Joyce Gauntt, Kay Dahlen, Eleanor Hayesmore, Carol Primm, Pat Merrill. Roselle Pringle Bulk Mail Handling..................John Stewart

694Office: (352) 694-4121 694FAX: (352) 694-5226


www.fortking.org fortking@earthlink.net


Fort King Presbyterian Church Financials Effective 10/31/11
Monthly Budget Actual Oct 2011 Delta Budget - Actual Budget Year-To-Date Actual Delta Jan - Oct Budget 2011 Actual 2010 Delta Jan-Oct 2011 YTD Actual -2010 YTD

Income Estimate of Giving Mortgage Reduction Other Income Total Income Total Expense Net Surplus/ Deficit Endowment 26,639 3,610 45 30,294 27,680 2,614 21,100 (1.102) 475 (3,135) 80 35 276,957 22,220 (3) 299,175 269,880 2,294 272,431 7,825 483 280,738 279,350 1,388 (4,526) (14,395) 485 (18,436) (17,530) 276,957 22,220 57 299,175 269,870 2,304 (4,526) (14,395) 359 (18,436) (17,530)

21,655 (3,639) 21,558 (6,122) 97








Financial Peace University at Ft. King Presbyterian Church

Get Control of Your Money Stop Struggling to Make Ends Meet Tell Your Money What to do Change Your Familys Future

In Financial Peace University, the average family eliminates $5,300 in debt while saving $2,700! Learn More: Sunday, January 8th 3:00 p.m. Fort King Presbyterian Church


Presbyterians for Earth Care http://presbyearthcare.org

Some people, in order to discover God, read books. But there is a great book: the very appearance of created things. Look above you! Look below you! Read it. God, whom you want to discover, never wrote that book with ink. Instead He set before your eyes the things that He had made. Can you ask for a louder voice than that? Augustine (354-430) De Civitate Dei, Book 16 Earth Care is a program sponsored by the Presbyterian church to encourage local churches to adopt practices that honor Gods commandment to be good carers for creation. It urges individual congregations to find new ways to be good stewards of the church and its surroundings. A group is forming within our church family to explore how we might better use and care for Gods creation at Ft. King. If you are interested in joining the conversation, contact Anne MacKay or Lucy Tobias. We give you thanks, most gracious God, for the beauty of the earth and sky and sea; for the richness of mountains, plains and rivers; for the songs of birds and the loveliness of flowers. We praise you for these good gifts and pray that we may safe guard them; for our posterity. Grant that we may continue to grow in our grateful enjoyment of your abundant creation, to the honor and glory of your name, now and forever. The Book of Common Prayer (1549)


Picnic By The Bridge
Picnic By The Bridge usually is enjoyed on the first Sunday of the month. However, since the first Sunday in January is New Years Day, lets Picnic By The Bridge on January 8th immediately after worship for our informal picnic. This picnic is a way to bridge generations of our church family with food, fun, and fresh air on our new church playground. Please bring your favorite snack lunch and enjoy relaxing with those who love worshiping with you!

For Your Health Sleep Problems Hampering Your Enjoyment of the New Year?
Its tough enjoying your life in 2012 if you are not getting enough sleep each night. These tips from the National Sleep Foundation, can help. Set and stick to a sleep schedule. Go to bed and wake up at the same times each day Expose yourself to bright light in the morning, and avoid it at night Exposure to bright morning light energizes us and prepares us for a productive day. Dim your lights when it is close to bedtime, and put night lights in your hallway and bathrooms for nighttime awakenings. Exercise regularly. Exercise in the morning can help you get the light exposure you need to set your biological clock. Avoid vigorous exercise close to bedtime. Establish a relaxing bedtime routine. Allow enough time to wind down and relax before bedtime. Keep a worry book next to your bed. If you wake up because of worries, write them down, with an action plan, and then forget about them until morning Source: National Sleep Foundation. Taken from Health Marts Health Smart newsletter December 2011 Selected by Bonnie Schulze, Health Ministry

The Nurse Is Back and In!

Beginning the 3rd Tuesday in January The Nurse Is In Office Hours will begin at 1:00 p.m. until 2:30 p.m. Remember to call the Church Office to make an appointment and call Bonnie at 352 624 1364 to share the topic you wish to discuss with her. Remember that If no one calls for an appointment, hours will be cancelled. Use this opportunity to have your blood pressure checked, discuss new medications, or have questions answered about a new health condition.


Perk Up
Every Wednesday at 10:00 a.m., Congregational Care offers a new form of church family enrichment. It is called "Perk Up", as coffee & tea will be served and small programs on varied subjects will be discovered. This is a place for adults to gather and share their favorite topics and ideas. Favorite topics could be: the ocean, baseball cards, art projects, folk music, classical music, trees, birds, gardening, car maintenance etc... Please contact Joan Woods if there are questions or ideas to make this opportunity better.

Library Corner
After the busy holidays, you may be ready to relax with a good book or perhaps you want to start off the new year by learning something new. Your church library is full of books to entertain and/or instruct. Check out these very recent additions to the library: Re-Claiming the Bible for a Non-Religious World by John Shelby Spong Speaking Christian: Why Christian Words Have Lost Their Meaning and How They Can Be Restored by Marcus J. Borg Just Peace: A Message of Hope by Mattie J.T. Stepanek and Jimmy Carter Messenger: The Legacy of Mattie J.T. Stepanek and Heartsongs by Jeni Stepanek Mighty Be Our Powers: How Sisterhood, Prayer, and Sex Changed a Nation at War by Leymah Gbowee (this author is one of three women recently awarded the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize) 7. Language of Life: DNA and the Revolution in Personalized Medicine by Francis S. Collins 8. Living Beyond Your Feelings: Controlling Emotions So They Dont Control You 9. by Joyce Meyer 10. Gabby: A Story of Courage and Hope by Gabrielle Giffords and Mark Kelly 11. The Message (The Bible in Contemporary Language) by Eugene H. Peterson 12. Florida Gardens Gone Wild by Lucy Beebe Tobias In addition to the books listed above, about 100 others were added to the library in 2011. Some books were purchased but many were donated by church members. We always appreciate your donations of books, DVDs, or CDs which are appropriate for our library. If you haven't stopped by recently to browse, you dont know what you are missing! The library is located just down the hall from the staff office and is open every Sunday morning from 9 a.m. until 15 minutes after the end of the worship service. You may access the library at other times upon request. Check the bulletin board just outside the library door for information about new items as they are added to the inventory throughout the coming year. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

DISCIPLESHIP (continued)

Thank You Adults!!

The Sunday School children and youth would like to thank the adult class members for providing the fruit that was needed to construct twelve fruit baskets for our shut-ins. The children and youth added small gifts they had made to the baskets when they constructed them at their Jesus Birthday party on December 18th. They were delivered by the Youth Group and High Tide children when they went Christmas caroling on that night. We gave the extra fruit to Interfaith where it was gratefully appreciated by the staff. We expect to increase the number of fruit baskets next year because of the many adults who brought in fruit this year. A big thank you to all who participated!

Adult Education - Session Room 9:15 - 10:15 January 8 - February 12

Presbyterians, with less than 2.5% of Americas population, cant determine the outcome of elections. But, with a disproportionate level of education, wealth, and influence, we can bring about changes in corporate behavior. What happens to the world our children will inherit will depend less and less on political parties, and more and more on corporate behavior. In order to make our influence felt, we have to first understand what is happening. Some hypothesize that humankind is now the largest single force influencing the earths geology, and much of our influence thus far is negative. Without explicit mention in the Bible with how to deal with these climate changes, Christians are left to determine what it means to care for God's creation. This class will explore the implications of how the church is called to respond and our influence for change.

DISCIPLESHIP (continued)
January High Tide
Join us for High Tide in January. Our meeting dates are January 8th and 22nd from 5-7pm. We will start the year talking about New Year resolutions and how this type of ritual leads us into the year. Plan to eat dinner, play games and create a winter craft.

PYC Happenings January

All you PYC'ers need to mark your calendars for January 6-7th as we will be kicking off our PYC year with a campout! During the month of January Joe and Brandon will be leading discussions and fun surrounding Spiritual Gifts (gifts that God has given us all!) We will be planning an act for the talent show and having some great times! So please join us every Sunday in January (except for the first!) at 5:30 for PYC!

PYC Camping Trip

When: Leaving from church on Friday, January 6th at 4:30PM, returning back to church on Saturday, January 7th at 4:00 p.m. Activities: bonfire, smores, games, New Year kick-off celebration, music

No Cost

Suggested Items to bring: Sleeping bag, pillow, towel, fishing pole, snack to share

Telling Your Story
Over the past few months I have presented information from the Engage Conference I attended in August. We know we are to go out and spread Gods word. Each of us has a story to tell, but how? How do we reach non-church people in todays culture? The most important part of sharing faith is building relationships and praying for the people in our lives. But it is helpful to know that there are a variety of ways to share the faith. As you walk through six styles of evangelism from the book Becoming a Contagious Christian, by Bill Hybels and Mark Mittelburg, you will encounter your own style for sharing the faith. You will also realize, depending on the situation, that you will find yourself using any number of these styles. CONFRONTATIONAL STYLE: Acts 2:38-41 is an example of this style. Peter tells people to repent and be baptized. He is in their face with the gospel. Billy Graham is an example of this style. He paints a clear picture of Gods plan for life in Christ and leaves a person with a decision to make. INTELLECTUAL STYLE: Acts 17:16-34 is an example of this style. Paul is in the Areopagus, a place of debate and conversation, and he tells the people about God. He uses their desire for truth to introduce the nature of God revealed in Jesus. He uses a statue to an unknown God to tell them about the one true God. Lee Strobel is a modern example of this style. Lee was an atheist, and came to Christ through his wifes Change-of-life transformation through the Christian faith. He had many doubts about the faith, but once he claimed a relationship with God through faith in Christ, he started to see how the Christian worldview made sense. He now writes and speaks about how a relationship with Jesus has changed his life and is changing the course of creation. TESTIMONIAL STYLE: John 9:134 is a biblical example of this style. The blind man is healed by Jesus, and his testimony is about how Jesus has changed his life. What he knows about Jesus is that before he met Jesus he could not see! In an encounter with Jesus, his sight is restored. INTERPERSONAL STYLE: Luke 5:2731 is an example of the interpersonal style. This style is conversational. Matthew, the tax collector, finds new life in following Jesus and invites his friends to a party where they can hang out with Jesus. INVITATIONAL STYLE: John 4:132 is an example of an invitational style. The woman encounters Jesus. She is a person who goes to the well in the heat of the day so that no one is around. She is the topic of conversation around the well because of her lifestyle. However, in Jesus she experiences the love of God. She experiences being loved as she is, but being loved way too much to be left as she is. Out of the change in her life, she bears witness to people in her village, both those who supported her and those who were against her.

EVANGELISM (continued)
SERVING STYLE: Acts 9:3643 is an example of the serving style of evangelism. People come to know the love of God because Dorcas cared about their human condition. Pray that you will be more aware of the opportunities around you to share your faith. Pray that you will have the courage to share your faith. More to come next month. Randy Butler

Discovery Class
Sunday January 8th and 15th at 1:00 p.m. Are you interested in becoming a member of the Fort King Presbyterian Church family? Would like to learn more about us? Everyone Welcome

13 9


Tapas and Talents A Celebration of God's Gifts

One and all are invited to share their God given gifts with the Congregation (and their culinary gifts as well!) When January 28th (NEW DATE!) at 5:00 pm Where Fellowship Hall What FKPC Talent Show How Sign up in the Narthex with your talent (try to limit time to 5 minutes or less!) For those of you with more artistic type talents bring a painting, sculpture or pottery work that you would like to donate to the church on Sunday January 22nd. We will have a silent auction, and all proceeds will go to the general fund for the church. For those whose feel their talent lies in the preparing of delicious food bring a Tapas type dish (finger food) to share!

I hope to see you all there! This church has a lot of talent so be prepared for a great show!


FELLOWSHIP (continued)
The Dinner Crew
Come join The Dinner Crew, Fort Kings newest fellowship group! Our first meeting was great, we had a group of 18 come to Outback and enjoy a great night of Fellowship! I hope everyone will come in January as the group will be meeting at 6:30 pm at Braised Onion on January 7th. This is the new restaurant located at 754 Ne 25Th Ave Ocala, FL 34470, so, everybody come out and check out the new place! Sign up in the Narthex before the 4th so I can confirm the reservation please. Our babysitters and I will be attending a retreat that night so if anyone wants to bring kids to the church please let me know ASAP so I can find alternates. Thanks, Joe Strawder


Presbyterian Women
Circle Meetings All women of Fort King are Presbyterian Women and are invited to participate in all the activities of Presbyterian Women. If you have not attended a Circle meeting before, come join us in January and participate in the spiritual experience and fellowship that Circles provide. Our Bible Study this year is Confessing the Beatitudes. Esther Circle will meet at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, January 9th at the home of Joyce-Ellen Horne. Cheryl Gans will have the lesson. Deborah Circle will meet on Tuesday January 17th in the Session Room at 10:00 a.m. Prudence Pritz will have the lesson.



Presbyterian Women (continued)
Domestic Violence Rape Crisis Center Thank you to the congregation for all the donations you have provided for the Domestic Violence Rape Crisis Center. Their needs are so large and Fort King Presbyterian certainly has contributed to those who come for help. Please continue to place your contributions in the box in the Narthex. Presbyterian Women have made individual tote bags for the women that come into the Rape Crisis Center. They were filled with shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, brush and comb and many other toiletry items that may be needed. If you would like to help with this project, please contact Anne Hill at 368-2491 or talk to any member of a circle.

White Elephant Sale

White Elephant Sale February 25th. As you clean up after Christmas, keep donations to the White Elephant Sale in mind. We will be collecting donations the week of the 25th.

Crafts Group
Please join the Crafts Group on Thursdays from 1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. We work on individual projects and joint projects.



Mens Night Out

Mens Night Out will meet on Monday, January 9th at 6:30 p.m. at the home of Jim Johnson. Please call Jim at 694-6449 to RSVP.

The Widows Luncheon

The Widows Luncheon Group would like to invite all single ladies to their monthly luncheons. Luncheons are the third Wednesday of the month at 1:00 p.m. January 18ths luncheon will be at the Horse and Hound Restaurant.

Card Making Ministry

Come join us on the 2nd Friday of every month at 10:00 a.m. until about Noon. Januarys card making meeting will be on Friday, January 13, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. For information on this ministrys work, please contact Prudence Pritz.



Thank You For Giving Blood

It is always good to start the New Year on a high note. In 2011, The Big Red Bus came to Fort King Presbyterian Church on three different occasions. Those three visits resulted in over 40 potential donors. As a result we collected over 30 units of blood. All blood collected is for the use of Marion County. This year, 2012, we have tentatively scheduled the Bloodmobile for April 15, August 12 and December 9. Please mark these dates on your calendar. Also, remember a valid ID is required to donate. Thank you for your prayers and support. May God bless you and keep you in the year to come. Mission Ministry Bill Reed

A Big Thank You To:

All of you who took an angel from our angel tree and purchased gifts to fill the wishes of Marion County children! You are indeed angels! Your generosity speaks to the true meaning of Christmas giving. All of you who participated in the Alternative Christmas Fair. Over $3,000 was contributed to Ten Thousand Villages, The Heifer Project, Fair Trade Coffee, First United Methodist Homeless Outreach, The American Diabetes Foundation, the Marion County Kidney Foundation, and Camp Sozo. Your gifts will go a long way toward the furthering of Gods Kingdom on this earth.


Thank You For The Staff Gifts
The staff at Ft. King Presbyterian Church wishes to thank those who contributed to the staff gifts this year. We appreciate you thinking of us. It is a pleasure to serve the good people of Ft. King and we appreciate the thank yous that we receive in many forms. We wish the Ft. King family blessings in this New Year.

Session Notes December 15th
Celebrations 1. No memorial services this past month. 2. The Christmas Pageant and Dinner were well done. 3. Randy Butler has a new great-granddaughter. 4. The Alternative Christmas Fair and Angel Tree were both successful. 5. Appreciation expressed for Amandas ministry here.

Motions 1. Motion to adopt a flat line budget funding for salaries to include up to $15,500.00 for a Music Director, administrative, and property costs. 2. Motion to approve the rollover of funds designated for the Youth ($1325.00) into the budget for 2012. 3. Motion to approve Bob Henry as a member of the Childrens Discipleship Ministry. 4. Motion to not hold a congregational retreat next year. 5. Motion to adopt the Holiday Schedule for 2012 as proposed by the Personnel Ministry. 6. Motion to allow Debbie Pangrass to preach and officiate at Communion on Sunday, January 1, 2012. 7. Motion to allow Cheryl Gans to preach on Sunday, January 22, 2012. 8. Motion to approve with regrets and per her request the removal of Marilyn Campbell from the membership roll.


WORSHIP (continued)
Something to Think About
We are accustomed to reading the Bible from our own perspective, to meet our own needs. However, it is important to read the texts from their own historical and social contexts in order to understand what human realities were being addressed at that time. Youre invited to participate in this adventure. Genesis 1:1-5 is understood in Hebrew: In the beginning of Gods creating the skies (heavens) and the earth, when the earth had been shapeless and formless That is, there was a pre-existing matter in a soupy-stew, an undifferentiated mass. Gods act of creating was one of making distinctions, of separating, and of naming. The creation of time occurred when God called the light Day, etc. The creation of light is the only act of creatio ex nihilo, i.e. creation out of nothing (R. E. Friedman 2001 Torah 5-6). Contemporary physics notes that after the Big Bang, the moment of creation, it took about 400,000 years for the soupy-mix to cool so that PHOTONS (elementary light particles) could break free: and there was light (M. Munowitz 2005 Knowing: The Nature of Physical Law 295). Indeed! And what does Genesis mean? Man lives in a universe not subject to lapse into chaos. Nothing is outside the range of Gods governance of the Universe. God is the sovereign reality to whom all of the created order is eternally subject! (W. Harrelson 1964 Interpreting the Old Testament 50-51), and, There is a radical break from * all forms of polytheism, * the subjection of human life to FATE, DESTINY, KARMA to which we must be subject/obedient, and, * the belief that human life is ultimately meaningless. Creation by God affirms that our life is meaningful and purposeful, which may seem to fly in the face of the facts as we may see them. But, this is precisely what declaring God as Creator intends! We live beyond the go-with-the flow attitude, even in the midst of horrific adversity, to discover God, our Creator, in our midst. The meaning of the Cross!!!! Psalm 148, along with Psalms 146 through 150, is a HALLEL + YAH(WEH) proclamation: Praise to God!= HALLELUJAH! Psalm 148 is unique because of its perspective! Verses 1-6: all heavenly entities, i.e. the sky (heavens), all entities above the sky, (angels), and all waters join together to proclaim HALLEL TO GOD, for He alone is Creator of all that is. For those of you who remember Jose Olivares, FKPCs astronomer-in-residence, he never tired of making this proclamation (see Psalm 19:1). Verses 7-13a contain a most uncommon listing of earthly entities, 23 in all, beginning with sea monsters (v. 7) and ending in vv. 11 and 12 with kings, princes, all rulers of the earth, young men and women alike, old and young together. (Ah! But not religious leaders? Hm?) The text is packed: there are no social distinctions: HALLEL-YAH(WEH) is by the whole cosmos. The point: the entire universe and all the inhabitants of earth are The House of Praise (E. Gerstenberger 2001 Psalms II 452), a house not built with human hands! For His Name alone is exalted (v. 13b): a procla-


WORSHIP (continued)
mation of Jews in worship after the horrors of Exile! And how do some contemporary Jews respond to the Holocaust? As a Jew, I am confronted with that mystery and I cannot close my eyes to it. Whatever I see, I see through that event, not just for Jews but for everybody (Elie Wiesel 1977 The Holocaust as Literary Inspiration 17). And, Mans relationship to his Creator, to society, to politics, to literature, to his fellowman and to himself has to be re-examined. The event robbed man of all his masks (op cit. 6). Indeed! All creation conspires together for the HALLEL-YAH(WEH); but in our human relationships on this earth and in this community, what is our conspiring? In Jonah 3:1-5, 10: we read that God had called upon Jonah to go to the large city of Nineveh (Assyria) to proclaim the destruction of the city. The people overwhelmingly responded to Jonah (the Assyrian Spring?); they called for a fast and the putting on of mourning clothes, i.e. sackcloth. This reached even the king himself, so that God repented (i.e. was sorry for in Hebrew) rather than carry out the punishment. However, what cannot be overlooked is chapter 4 in which Jonah becomes petulant: he would rather die than carry out his mission, especially to Assyrians who were well-known for their barbarity; their chief god was a war-god, Assur! The last verse of Jonah puts it all into perspective, one to which we must pay attention: And should I not pity Nineveh, that great city, in which there are more than 120,000 persons who do not know their right hand from their left, and also much cattle? Indeed: who do we think we are questioning Gods love and mercy being extended to a bunch of foreigners, especially when theyve been misled by their leaders and priests? The earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof! (Psa. 24:1) Such a confession is a direct challenge to the leadership of a society! He who has ears to hear Shalom, Tom

Choir Notes
The Choir would like to thank all of you for your expressions of appreciation and support during the past year. If anyone would like to blend their voices with ours and help us lead the congregation in worship through music, please come to the choir room at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday nights. Warm up for worship service is at 10:00 a.m. on Sundays.


WORSHIP (continued)

Flower Calendar
Please note: I am trying to work ahead on the flowers, so if you would like to provide flowers to commemorate a special event/occasion/memory etc. for a specific date, please call Nancy Hall at 694-3221 as soon as possible. Please also note: It is never too early to call to select your chosen date. As of this mailing, the following people will be providing flowers in January 2012, February 2012, and March 2012. If you can provide flowers for a date in 2012, please call Nancy Hall. Thank you. Thank you to these people as they share in donating the flowers for the following worship services. January 01, 2012From Jim and Donna Johnson in celebration of their 27th wedding anniversary January 08, 2012From Dennis and Joyce-Ellen Horne in memory of Joseph and Alice Fuller January 15, 2012In loving memory of her niece, Erin Pelton, from Carole DeLucian and family January 22, 2012From Anne and Buddy MacKay January 29, 2012From Harold and Roselle Pringle in celebration of their 17th wedding anniversary February 05, 2012OPEN February 12, 2012In celebration of our 56th wedding anniversary on February the 11th from Steve and Janet Mitchell February 19, 2012In loving memory of her father, George Penso, on his birthday from his daughter, Bonnie Penso Schulze February 26, 2012In celebration of Nan Andrews 90th birthday from Bruce, Gouley, Cody, Tom and Linda March 04, 2012OPEN March 11, 2012OPEN March 18, 2012OPEN March 25, 2012From Jean Brown, Hal, Douglas, Bruce, and Lynn in loving memory of husband and father, Halowell E. Brown


January 2012
Italicized items are non-FKPC activities using FKPC facilities 1 2 3 OFFICE CLOSED 10:00 Prayer Shawl 4 5 6 10:00 PW Council 1:00 Crafts 10:00 Perk-up 4:00 Fellowship 6:00 - 8:00 Ministry Marions United 6:00 CWW-Safe Class (FH) 6:00 Evangelism (CE) 7:00 AA (CE) Ministry 6:00 - 7:45 7:00 Discipleship Community Ministry Dance (Narthex) Adult and Child 7:00 Choir Practice 12 13 11 10 10:00 Perk-up 1:00 Crafts 10:00 Card Making Ministry 7

9:00 - 11:45 Library 10:00 Choir Practice 10:30 Worship 5:30 TOPS (FH)

6:30 The Dinner Crew (off-site) 14

8 9:00 - 11:45 Library 9:15 Sunday School 10:00 Choir Practice 10:30 Worship 11:30 Picnic Lunch 1:00 Faith Sojourners 1:00 Discovery Class 3:00 Financial Peace University 5:00 PYC 5:00 High Tide 6:00 Congregational Care Ministry (off-site) 15

9 7:30 Mens Bible Study

5:30 TOPS (FH) 6:00 Mission Ministry 6:30 Mens Night Out (Off-Site) 7:00 Ester Circle (Off-Site) 16

6:00 Finance Ministry 6:00 Awake the State (CE and FH)

6:00 CWW-Safe Class 6:00 Worship Ministry (CE) 7:00 Adult 6:00 - 7:45 Bible Community Dance (Narthex) Study (off-site) 7:00 AA (CE) 7:00 Choir Practice


9:00 - 11:45 Library OFFICE CLOSED 10:00 Deborah 9:15 Sunday School Circle 10:00 Choir Practice 5:00 Property 10:30 Worship Ministry 1:00 Faith Sojourners 5:30 TOPS (FH) 1:00 Discovery Class 5:00 PYC 23 22 2 Cents A Meal and 7:30 Mens Bible Study Food4Kids 9:00 - 11:45 Library 9:15 Sunday School 10:00 Choir Practice 10:30 Worship 5:30 TOPS (FH) 1:00 Faith Sojourners 5:00 PYC 5:00 High Tide 30 29 9:00 - 11:45 Library 7:30 Mens Bible Study 9:15 Sunday School 10:00 Choir Practice 10:30 Worship 1:00 Faith Sojourn. 5:30 TOPS (FH) 5:00 PYC 24

19 18 10:00 Perk-up 1:00 The Widows Luncheon 1:00 Crafts (Off-Site) 3:00 Pastoral Care Team 6:00 CWW-Safe Class 6:00 Session (CE) 6:00 Community Dance (Narthex) 7:00 AA (CE) 7:00 Choir Practice 26 25 10:00 Perk-up





6:00 CWW-Safe Class 1:00 Crafts (CE) 6:00 - 7:45 Community Dance (Narthex) 7:00 Choir Practice 7:00 AA (CE) 31

5:00 Tapas and Talent Show


FORT KING PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 13 N.E. 36th Avenue Ocala, Florida 34470

Non-Profit Organization US Postage Paid Ocala, FL 34478 Permit #376



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