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PS Syntax - Cognitive Grammar - Fabian Kunz - 7th of january Formulas: [ ] Unit status ( ) Nonunit status / symbolic relationship between

two structures, symbolization integration TRIANGLE semantic structure triangle phonological structure full schematicity/sanction partial schematicity/sanction [TRIANGLE] semantic unit [triangle] phonological unit [[TRIANGLE]/[triangle]] sanctioning structure, unit status of the symbolic relationship between two units TRIANGLE or triangle is a more specic variant of TRIANGLE or triangle ((TRIANGLE)/(triangle)) target structure ([[TRIANGLE]/[triangle]]((TRIANGLE)/(triangle))) categorizing judgement with full schematicity/sanction ([[PENCIL]/[pencil]]((PENCIL)/(pencil))) categorizing judgement with partial schematicity/sanction [[[THING]/[...]][[PL]/[z]]] schematic integration of two symbolic units [[[PIN]/[pin]][[PL]/[z]]] elaborate integration of two symbolic units [PIN] and [PL] semantic units [pin] and [z] phonological units [PINPL] composite semantic unit [pinz] composite phonological unit [[PIN]/[pin]] and [[PL]/[z]] symbolic units

Ex. 1: Explain the term unit status and give an example for a nonunit expression.

Ex. 2: Write down the formula for a full sanction, including sanctioning and target structure, of (BOOK).

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