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public class Device { private private private private private String m_szDeviceName; String m_szDeviceAddress; int m_nDeviceType; int

m_nDeviceStatus; int m_nDeviceID;

public Device( String deviceName, String deviceAddress, int device Type, int deviceStatus, int deviceID ) { this.m_szDeviceName = deviceName; this.m_szDeviceAddress = deviceAddress; this.m_nDeviceType = deviceType; this.m_nDeviceStatus = deviceStatus; this.m_nDeviceID = deviceID; } public String getDeviceName() { return m_szDeviceName; } public void setDeviceName(String deviceName) { this.m_szDeviceName = deviceName;} public String getDeviceAddress() {return m_szDeviceAddress;} public void setDeviceAddress(String deviceAddress) {this.m_szDevice Address = deviceAddress;} public int getDeviceType() { return m_nDeviceType; } public void setDeviceType(int deviceType) { this.m_nDeviceType = dev iceType;} public int getDeviceStatus() { return m_nDeviceStatus; } public void setDeviceStatus(int deviceStatus) { this.m_nDeviceStatus = deviceStatus;} public int getDeviceID() { return m_nDeviceID; } public void setDeviceID(int deviceID) { this.m_nDeviceID = deviceID; } } While Device.java defines the DATA for each listview item, we need another class to define the View of each item, meaning that we need to construct the items us ing standard interface components (imageviews, textviews, etc). For this, we'll be using another class, CustomAdapterView: class CustomAdapterView extends LinearLayout { public CustomAdapterView(Context context, Device device) { super( context ); /*setOnClickListener((OnClickListener) context); setClickable(true); setFocusable(false);*/ setId(device.getDeviceID()); //container is a horizontal layer setOrientation(LinearLayout.HORIZONTAL); setPadding(0, 6, 0, 6); //image:params LinearLayout.LayoutParams Params = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams (LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); Params.setMargins(6, 0, 6, 0);

//image:itself ImageView ivLogo = new ImageView(context); // load image if (device.getDeviceType() == 0) ivLogo.setImageDrawable(context.getResources().getDrawab le(R.drawable.logo1)); else if (device.getDeviceType() == 1) ivLogo.setImageDrawable(context.getResources().getDrawab le(R.drawable.logo2)); //image:add addView(ivLogo, Params); //vertical layer for text Params = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); LinearLayout PanelV = new LinearLayout(context); PanelV.setOrientation(LinearLayout.VERTICAL); PanelV.setGravity(Gravity.BOTTOM); TextView textName = new TextView( context ); textName.setTextSize(16); textName.setTypeface(Typeface.DEFAULT, Typeface.BOLD); textName.setText( device.getDeviceName()); PanelV.addView(textName); TextView textAddress = new TextView( context ); textAddress.setTextSize(16); textAddress.setText( device.getDeviceAddress()); PanelV.addView(textAddress); addView(PanelV, Params); } } As you can see, this class builds a nice item made out of an imageview, and two lines of text: Now we only need to build the Custom Adapter class, that will use the CustomAdap terView private class and implement the getView method: public class CustomAdapter extends BaseAdapter /*implements OnClickListener*/ { /*private class OnItemClickListener implements OnClickListener{ private int mPosition; OnItemClickListener(int position){ mPosition = position; } public void onClick(View arg0) { Log.v("ddd", "onItemClick at position" + mPosition); } }*/ public static final String LOG_TAG = "BI::CA"; private Context context; private List<Device> deviceList; public CustomAdapter(Context context, List<Device> deviceList ) { this.context = context; this.deviceList = deviceList; }

public int getCount() { return deviceList.size(); } public Object getItem(int position) { return deviceList.get(position); } public long getItemId(int position) { return position; } public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { Device device = deviceList.get(position); View v = new CustomAdapterView(this.context, device ); //v.setBackgroundColor((position % 2) == 1 ? Color.rgb(50,50,50) : Color .BLACK); /*v.setOnClickListener(new OnItemClickListener(position));*/ return v; } /*public void onClick(View v) { Log.v(LOG_TAG, "Row button clicked"); }*/ } Using these resources it is trivial to build and use a listview. This code in ou r main example class: ListView ls2 = new ListView (context); // clear previous results in the LV ls2.setAdapter(null); // populate ArrayList<Device> m_Devices = new ArrayList<Device>(); Device device; for (int i=0;i<10;i++) { device = new Device("Network Device "+i,"13:B4:5C:0D:AE:67", i%2,0, 100 + i); m_Devices.add(device); } CustomAdapter lvAdapter = new CustomAdapter(context, m_Devices); ls2.setAdapter(lvAdapter); Creates a simple but nice Listview: Get click event on Custom Adapter Listview Ok, there are a few ways of handling this. Method 1 In CustomAdapterView constructor, you make each item clickable, set an id (that you can use later to identify the item), and set a click listener (in the main c lass, using the context): public CustomAdapterView(Context context, Device device) { super( context ); setOnClickListener((OnClickListener) context);

setClickable(true); setFocusable(false); setId(device.getDeviceID()); ... Then in the main example class you catch the click event: public void onClick(View v) { int cmdId = v.getId(); if (cmdId >= 100) { //first listview id int nIndex = cmdId - idLV1FirstItem; Log.i(LOG_TAG, "LV2 click "+nIndex ); } } This method works good, but it has a major disadvantage: because you've used "se tClickable", the items will not show any change when clicked: they won't be draw n as "clicked". But you receive the click event. Another disadvantage is that the listview will not react to key presses (enter) on items. Method 2 The correct way of doing this, is to use the setOnItemClickListener method, with out setClickable. ... ls2.setAdapter(lvAdapter); ls2.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() { public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> arg0, View arg1,int arg2 , long arg3) { Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), "You clicked on "+arg2, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } }); ... This way you have the animation when an item is clicked, and you also get the cl ick event. And it works with key presses as well. All in one, this is the method to use for getting click events on custom adapter listviews. Change row colors You can have one row of a color, and the next in another color to read the conte nt easier. In CustomAdapter, method getView, simply use v.setBackgroundColor based on posit ion: v.setBackgroundColor((position % 2) == 1 ? Color .GRAY : Color .BLACK); The result looks like this:

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