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Student ID# 1011309


Introduction: The Human Resource Management has become the integral part of the overall operations and management of organizations all over the world. Today, the success of the organization is not merely measured by the profits that they generate. It has been noticed in the recent past how the brand value of a reputed organization gets badly affected when there are issues between staff and the management. The employees today has become the brand ambassadors of the organizations worldwide and they are the harbingers of the organizations success. So everything that an employee does and doesnt is very closely monitored by the organization. For instance, employee absenteeism on a regular basis without any serious health issues was normally tagged as a careless approach earlier but its now viewed from a different perspective by the management. The zillions of minor or major internal issues the employees experiencing went unnoticed in the past. The old fashioned and the conventional organizations never had the will or vigor to look in to these issues. But now, the issues are observed and monitored religiously. And the results have proved the previous belief of organizations that to control the ability of an employee to attend the work is beyond organizations limitation wrong. An employees motivation to attend work which includes the variables such as compensation and job satisfaction factor are very much within the control of the organization. Employee absenteeism is one of the most common issues associated human resource management within an organization.

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Research Finding: The growth and satisfaction of employees is one of the key contributors towards the prosperity of organizations. The immense amount of work place satisfaction surveys conducted globally proves this point. The key decisions that we take these days, such as whether to accept a job offer from a prospective employer, whether to buy stake in a company or do business with a vendor is determined by how the way the organization treats its employees, precisely the value of an organization is very much related to the way an organization treats its employees. Employees absenteeism is one of most visible employee dissatisfaction indicators too. The major factors that contribute towards employee absenteeism are namely incompetent compensation, non challenging role, lack of effective supervisor, work life balance and poor performance evaluation. This essay emphasize on the factors affects that affect the overall performance of an employee and what the human resource management can do to effectively tackle and resolve the issues. Most of the contemporary organizations globally seem to understand and acknowledge the adverse effects caused by stress at work and its impact on employees health. Hence the management realizes if the employee is absent, its not always due to physical illness and most of the time its due to stress. Arnold & Silvester (2005) had explained the source of stress are factors intrinsic to job, role in the organization, personality and coping strategy, relationship at work, career development, organization culture and climate, home-work interface. Factors intrinsic to job are sometimes the physical surroundings such as noise, lighting or the smell, bad seating arrangement itself might disturb the mental state of a human being. Poor design of the workplace also contributes office stress. It could be as simple fact that the ambient temperature is too high for someone who is sitting next to window in a humid place like in Middle East. To help employee provide effectiveness to their performance, organization realizes, facility

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management as important aspect of human resource management. As number of people working has increased, the principle of ergonomics has also become important. As Slack et al. (2004) explained understanding how workplaces affect performance, fatigue, physical strain and injury is all a part of the ergonomic approach to job design. Ergonomics is how the office space is designed to make employees comfortable. The design of the building is also equally important when it comes to healthy work environment. The design of the building gives the primary comfort which allows them to perform the task in a more effective manner. Ease of movement, communication, privacy is all the important factors of the design of the building. Hence if office spaces are made without taking care of these fundamental necessities of a work space, it is less likely that employee find the office space suitable to work. Therefore the design of the building is crucially important for the organization to perform well. Hence the facility manager must take care of the office layout such as make it more personalized, that employees do not get distracted by people moving around them or if the place itself would be noisy with photocopier. Devices such as photocopier or printers which make a lot of noise could be moved to a corner or to a different room to mitigate the noise produced by such devices. There should be sufficient light in the work space, providing antiglare on the computer screens etc are certain things which can bring up the basic requirements of the work space. With the customer service industry becoming so popular with youngsters to earn high remuneration, they dont realize the occupational stress factor due to shift work hours. It has been verified that shift work affects blood pressure, metabolic rate, mental efficiency & work motivation. Holman (2002) demonstrated a survey report that call center has a negative impact on employee wellbeing, mainly attributed to four factors: job design, performance monitoring, HR practices and team leader support. Job design has demonstrated that control, variety and the demand placed on employees are important predictors of wellbeing, Karasek and Theorell (1990); Spector (1987); Terry and Jimmeison (1999). Some call center customer service
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representative (CSR) has control on what they say and how long they can talk to the customers which contribute to job satisfaction compare to where the CSR has to go according to a call script which becomes a monotonous task. The lack of freedom to do other tasks such as administration and operations related tasks also lead to job stress. Performance monitoring is achieved using call management system to check the average call handling time, first time resolution provided etc. It is almost monitored with the help of the supervisor can listen to quality of the call and attitude of the CSR, if he/ she were social by remotely logging into the call with or without their knowledge. The use of constructive feedback and clarity of performance rating is always considered positively to the job satisfaction. On the other hand, excessive performance monitoring may lead to give a negative impression. HR practices which leads to fair payment system, effective performance appraisal, training and coaching facility etc. Low - cost HR practices such as cheaper labour, less skilled employee may also lead to lower levels of wellbeing which may increase the absence and labour turnover rates which in turn increases staffing and training costs. Batt and Moynihan (2001) explained that efficiency of a team leader to what extends he or she can support and understand the concerns of the employee minimize the workplace stress. Employees often perceive their supervisors as representatives of organization, Eisenberg et al. (1986); Levinson (1965) and since they act as the agents of the organization in directing and evaluating employees, subordinates tend to attribute the supportiveness of their supervisors in part to the organization rather than exclusively to the supervisors personal inclination, Shanoc and Eisenberger (2006).If affective commitment is low, employee may terminate their employment, although absenteeism might be an alternative to quitting work since it provides workers an approach to express their objections to an unfavorable circumstance in the organization Gaziel (2004). Interestingly, when supervisor handle conflicts in a controlling way, their subordinates affective commitment does not change and they are no more likely to be absent. Hence such absenteeism can be controlled by focused attendance

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system, benefit and wellness program. In addition to that, organizations need to generate more committed workforce, Anderson (2004). Supervisors must be able keep everyone up to date with the management proposed changes, respond to the suggestions provided by the team, treating every team member fairly, must also be able to coach and guide team improve the performance, Beardwell et al. (2006) It has also been noticed that a person who is working in day shift for 12 hours makes less mistake compared to the one working in night shift or in rotation shift timing for 8 hours. Research study claims that there is a link between long work hour and coronary heart disease. It has also been noticed that long work hour reduces productivity and create ill health. There are many developed countries which has understood the ill health of the people due to long work hours, hence reduce the long work hour much compared to developing nations. Most of the time managers or the executives will be overloaded with task where as others who do hardly any work. Human resource management system should organize well by prioritizing work, allotting task equally to team members by doing a job analysis. In order to determine the key task and role requirement and so specify the kind of person most likely to be successful in that job. Different methods of job analysis are person specification, job description and competency model Arnold et al. (2004). These days job analyses are based on competencies which are behavior indicators that have been identified relevant to the context, Boam and Sparrow (1992). Competencies can be mapped in so many ways but all have a common factor which is the output. How an individual can give achieve and produce effective output, Sparrow and Bognanno (1993). So this way it is easier to identify job over load which is one of the reason for stress. Without prioritizing the task, sometimes employee land up doing less important task. Hence prioritizing the task will help employee focus on key task and achieve maximum returns from the job and mitigate the work load. To prioritize the job requirement employee needs to understand the key task assigned, understand strategic goals of the organization and
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department objective. Employee also must identify if any training requirement to improve the knowledge, skill and ability to perform the task effectively. Ensure with the supervisor, the deliverables on priority when in tight schedule. This way supervisor is aware of who is doing what task and if it could be allotted to other team member. During an interview about long work hour culture, Cary (2008) said in industrial revolution people worked long hours, since 1970 the number of hours started to decline and then from 1980 it started to increase. This is because of the globalization, by reducing labour force to compete, overload people with more electronic overload such as emails and reports. During recession, it has been noticed that people work longer to show commitment which in turn increases occupational stress and ill health. Hence better lot of employers are trying to do something unlike many others by introducing flexible work hours, work from home etc. Tyson (2006) has explained when technology has developed so much in terms of laptop, fax, internet connection facility it does not matter the way the work is done or when it is performed. There are potential gains in working from home, avoiding travelling to and fro from work in the heavy traffic congestion, more productive hours are available, some eligible people whose contribution are restricted due to child care or care for the elderly or through disability, more creativity is encouraged. But at the same time this will reduce the socializing benefits of team members. An agreement must be made between the employer and employee on flexible work hour which can be monitored with the help of electronic monitoring equipment to keep the track of time in and time out. When an employee more than his agreed working hours for a day a credit should be given to carry forward to a week or biweekly or maybe a month. Same time if employee work less than the allocated duration for the day, a debit also be marked. At the end of month, Administrator can calculate the credits and debits to know the hours of work performed by the employees. Flexible work practices are non- established workers which include part time, job share, temporary, contractual employee. Extended hours which are weekend working, shift
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work, overtime etc. Flexible hours include job share, flexi time. Remote working is also one of option which is work from home, tele-working. Hence flexible working condition reduces absenteeism, reduce staff turnover, and improve recruitment from a wide pool of labour all of which are tangible business benefits of companies who are looking at new challenging markets. Another work life balance practice is compressed work week schedule. Here employee might be working for say 40 hours or may be working days are reduced to 4 or may be less, Baltes et al. (1999). Looking at an example of a study conducted by Ivancevich (1974) explained the satisfaction level of two groups who were working at a US manufacturing company. First group was working 4 days for 10 hours per day whereas the second group was working 40 hours a day for 5 days a week. The study shows that the first group was working more hours than the second group was showing higher job satisfaction. The compressed work weeks positive effects have not diminished over the period. Work life balance is about giving control and choice over their working lives, and helping companies to perform more effectively and productive to generate more happy workforce, (Chartered Institute of Personal Development, 2002). Derek (2005) has listed down few stressors of an individual, such as physical condition, job design, role overload, role complexity/ conflict and role ambiguity. According to Derek (2005) pointed that role ambiguity is highly significant among all the stressors that he had listed. Role complexity happens when a person has one or more role which is equally competent. So it has been noticed that role conflicts can be highly stressful. Role conflict can lead to low job satisfaction, lack of confidence in the organization, lack of commitment towards job as well as the organization and poor social ability. Role ambiguity is another stressor which is highly significant according to Derek (2005). Role ambiguity is when an employee is confused what he or she should accomplish in a job and what needs to be accomplished according to the expectation. Ambiguity can be stressful and is inevitable due to economic downturn, employee seem to extend his or her capacity to live with the situation. This again points out job insecurity
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that employee extend his role to multiple responsibilities and long duration of work to show commitment towards organization. During such situation human resource management must arrange for stress management programs to equip people with skills and attitude to cope with the situation by training them for time management or relaxation. Human resource team should be able to handle counseling for the employees to listen to their grievances or an employee assistance program, Thompson et al. (2002). Line managers should initiate such counseling as they are the first one to observe the changes in the team member to see how it can be resolved to the benefit of both the employee and the employer with the help of human resource management if require. When a persons role in the organization is well defined and when expectations set are clear, stress can be kept at its minimum. Occupational stress today is caused not only by task overload, job insecurity and management style which punishes than praises. Again this could occur when the employee has a monotonous pattern of task also leads to low job satisfaction, low motivation to work, high reason to leave the job, depression, lower self esteem etc. Another major factor where employee seem to be dissatisfied is when the employee is not paid enough for the task that is been performed. This dissatisfaction in turn turns out to be the frustration and which leads to stress related ailments. Arnold et al. (2007) had emphasized the importance of the organization in bringing out the employees motivation constructively by enabling reward policies to bring out the best in them. The steps to implement reward management are explained in terms of achieving the business goals of the organization by improving performance. There must be a policy of having basic pay and grade structure. Continuously research should be done in terms of employee getting paid on par with market standards. Pay progression must be done based on the performance, competency, service and market standard. Along with employee benefits such as medical insurance coverage, travel

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allowance for self and the family, pension scheme there should be some non financial rewards such as recognition, career development opportunities, provide training to improve the knowledge skills and abilities. Armstrong et al. (2007) has discussed the talent management as another policy for an organization to retain and motivate employee other than giving monetary aspiration. Talent management is the notion of bundling, i.e. linking HR policies and practices together so that they are mutually supportive, in action. Armstrong et al. (2007, pp 46). But it is not about having always rare skilled people, it is about having talented people of different facet of job. Organization should make enough efforts to make it a great work place by conducting survey and working on the weak points. Human resource recruitment team must hire people who are of good quality and would stay for a reasonable time, provide career development plan to help them reach their career goals. Organization also must provide healthy work environment to give employee exhibit their skill set and develop leadership skills of managers and believe to have a positive psychological contract. Companies should have recognition program to keep employees motivated and conduct talent audit to retain potential people. As Thomson (2002) has illustrated managers should be able to help employee plan his or her career and assess the strength and reduce weakness through training. Having a good impression by the reporting manager also can generate a happy working environment. Since reporting manager is the one who does the performance evaluation and who helps in the employee career growth even for reference checking. It is good to be in good working relationship with the manager. A good manager will give employee involvement in decision making, treats fairly, delegate job and communicate effectively. Human resource management must initiate manager a training program to develop their skills in assessing the competence of his or her staff and set objectives which can be measured. Managers must also be trained in giving constructive feedback on their performance and help them work on their weakness and appreciate their strength time and again. Keep the employees motivation high and act quickly when the team spirits go low.

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Manager should realize the importance of training the employee when they are not competent enough. Well trained staff increases the performance of the team, hence training need analysis must be done accordingly. Employee who is competent must be given training to improve the skills to move to next level. Those employees are performing beyond the competency level must be given challenging role, increased opportunities or to be promoted. Organization should promote working environment where employee can grow that way organization can build trust and commitment from the employee. Training can be provided simple and inexpensive way such as by assigning work colleague as mentor, work rotation, secondment (an employee performs the task of someone who is ill or away from the task for a short period), special project, coaching on job. Organization must engage employees in employee welfare or for a social cause such as charity in order to have team building activities so that employees do know cross functional team. Management has a responsibility to create and maintain a healthy working environment in which people are motivated to work, Laurie (2010); an environment which helps employee have a balanced work and family life. A healthy organization exhibits a combination of organizational and personal goals; Human resource management to create equal opportunities for an employee centric company; to consider employee as a valued member; to respect, trust and believe in each other. A healthy organizational climate shows how committed the employee are towards the company. The extent of their commitment will have major influence on the level of work performance, Laurie (2010). Organisation culture and climate also explain the work behavior that if anyone works for 60 hour week only then he or she gets promoted, which gets cascaded downwards and becomes forced to people who are looking forward to grow in the company, Derek (2005). Artifacts are the way the organisation building is designed, the office attire employee wears and the way they talk.

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The language people speak also indicates the office culture. Derek (2005) gives an example, that the approach manger has and vice versa indicates the status values at work. Giving farewell and retirement party shows the organisations caring values. Same way when a new employee join, he is taken around the office and introduced shows a quick integration process. The employee assistance program (EAP) is introduced mainly when stress related issues are identified evidently in an organisation. Hence EAP can be utilized to train employees to overcome or cope with stress. It also helps them to with stand even higher stressful environment. Conclusion: There was a strong correlation between employee perception of organizational justice and organizational commitment. Positive perception leads to increased job satisfaction, career planning, career commitment, career satisfaction with the manager. Flexible work timing has shown a strong commitment to the organization, Saunders (2007).The observations and findings undoubtedly prove that absenteeism is a serious issue and its not just related to the attitude or behavior of an individual. The extrinsic as well as intrinsic factors such as physical surroundings, poorly designed office space, noise and adverse climatic conditions contribute immensely towards this issue. Well designed and ergonomically brilliant office space can almost solve the issue. The issues such as shift and long working hours and excessive performance monitoring and controlling measures adversely affects the performance of the employees. Many employees use absenteeism to express their objections to an unfavorable circumstance in the organization. Flexible working hours and working from home are some of the solutions that were found effective to tackle this issue. Overall, the observations and findings indicate that an effective performance management system, focused personal development plan and proper work life balance can resolve the issue and prevent employees from skipping work on a regular basis or

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turning them to committed employees to drive the strategic goals and take the name of the organization to the next level. References: Anderson, E.L. (2004), Whats absent in absence management?, Employee Benefits Journal,Vol. 29 No. 1, pp. 25-30. Armstrong, Michael; Murlis, Helen. 2007., Reward Management: A Handbook of Remuneration Strategy and Practice. [online], pp 6-9, 46 Arnold, J. and Silvester, J. (2005) Work Psychology: Understanding Human Behaviour in The Workplace (4th Ed.) Harlow, Prentice Hall; pg.137, 396 Barrett; Baldry. 2003., Facilities Management: Towards Best Practice. [online]. Blackwell Publishing, pp 197,208 Batt. R and Moynihan,L (2001) The viability of alternative call center production models. Paper presented at call center and beyond: The human resource management implications, King college London, November. Beardwell, Ian; Claydon, Tim; Beardwell, Julie. 2007., Human Resource Management: A Contemporary Approach. Pg.53,67 David Holman Eisenberger, R., Huntington, R., Hutchinson, S. and Sowa, D. (1986), Perceived organizational support, Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 71, pp. 500,7. Gaziel, H.H. (2004), Predictors of absenteeism among primary school teachers, Social Psychology of Education, Vol. 7, pp. 421-34. Human resource management journal; 2002; 12,4; ABI/INFORM Global pg.35 Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. Leicester: Dec 1997. Vol. 70, Iss. 4; pg. 391, 18 pgs Karasek, R.A and THorell, T.G.(1990). Healthy Work; Stress, Productivity and the reconstruction of Working life, New York: Basic books. Kate Sparks, Cary Cooper, Yithak Fried, Arie Shirom. Laurie J. Mullins. 2010., Management and Organisational Behaviour. [online]. Pearson Education UK. pp748,749 Levinson, H. (1965), Reciprocation: the relationship between man and organization, Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol. 9, pp. 370-90. Rollinson, Derek. 2005., Organisational Behaviour and Analysis. [online]. Pearson Education UK, pp 275,540

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Saunders, Mark; Lewis, Phil; Millmore, Mike; Thornhill, Adrian; Morrow, Trevor. 2007., Strategic Human Resource Management: Contemporary Issues. [online]. Pearson Education UK, pp 398,486 Shanock, R.L. and Eisenberger, R. (2006), When supervisors feel supported: relationships with subordinates perceived supervisor support, perceived organizational support, and performance, Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 91, pp. 689-95. Slack, Nigel; Chambers, Stuart; Johnston, Robert. 2004., Operations Management. [online]. Pearson Education UK, pp.289 The effects of hours of work on health: A meta-analytic review Thompson, Paul; McHugh, David. 2002., Work Organisations: A Critical Introduction. [online]. Palgrave Macmillan, pp 285 Thomson, Rosemary. 2002., Managing People, CMI Diploma in Management Series. [online]. Elsevier Science & Technology, pp34, 35, 145-150 Tyson, Shaun. 2006., Essentials of Human Resource Management. [online]. Elsevier Science & Technology, pp 304

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