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Causative Verbs Jack had his house painted.

This sentence is similar in meaning to: Someone painted Jack's house. OR Jack's house was painted by someone. Causative verbs express the idea of someone causing something to take place. Causative verbs can be similar in meaning to passive verbs. Examples: My hair was cut. (passive) I had my hair cut. (causative) Both 'make' and 'have' can be used as causative verbs. Make 'Make' as a causative verb expresses the idea that the person requires another person to do something. Construction Chart Subject + Make + Person + Base Form of Verb Examples: Peter made her do her homework. The teacher made the students stay after class. Have 'Have' as a causative verb expresses the idea that the person wants something to be done for them. This causative verb is often used when speaking about various services. There are two forms of the causative verb 'have'. Construction Chart: Use 1 Subject + Have + Person + Base Form of Verb Examples: They had John arrive early. She had her children cook dinner for her. Construction Chart: Use 2 Subject + Have + Object + Past Participle Examples: I had my hair cut last Saturday. She had the car washed at the weekend. Note: This form is similar in meaning to the passive.

Causative verb menunjukkan bahwa seseorang/sesuatu secara tidak langsung bertanggung jawab terhadap sebuah tindakan. Subjek tidak melakukan tindakan itu sendiri, tetapi justru menyebabkan seseorang/sesuatu yang lain melakukannya. Contoh: - Yesterday I had my hair cut. Pembicara pada kalimat diatas tidak memotong sendiri rambutnya, tetapi justru membuat orang lain melakukannya - Saya menyebabkan mereka memotong rambut saya.* Have Have merupakan causative verb yang umum. Ketimbang melakukan sesuatu dengan diri kita sendiri, kita menyuruh orang yang lain untuk melakukannya. Bentuknya sebagai berikut: Kata kerja to have + objek + past participle (verb 3). Contoh: - I had my jacket cleaned yesterday. - Did you have your computer fixed? Terkadang kita menggunakan have sebagai causative verb ketika kita ingin melakukan tindakan oleh diri kita sendiri. Contoh: - When will the report be ready? Ill do it by tomorrow morning. >> - When will the report be ready? Ill have it done by tomorrow morning. Dengan menggunakan causative, kalimat ke-dua diatas mengalihkan perhatian dari pelaku tindakan, dan lebih memberikan perhatian kepada tindakan yang sedang dilakukan. Ini kedengaran sopan dan profesional. Get Get sering digunakan ketimbang have. Contoh: I got my computer fixed - I had my computer fixed. Kedua kalimat ini maknanya sama. I got my jacket cleaned. - I had my jacket cleaned. Kedua kalimat ini maknanya sama. Causative verbs sering digunakan bersama dengan pengalaman-pengalaman negatif. Pada situasi-situasi ini lebih umum menggunakan have. Contoh: I had my wallet stolen. (Saya sebenarnya tidak menyebabkan dompet saya dicuri - seseorang mencuri dompet saya dariku) She had her window smashed. Let

Let digunakan untuk membolehkan seseorang melakukan sesuatu. Bentuknya adalah let + orang + verb. Contoh: John let me drive his new car. Will your parents let you go to the party? I dont know if my boss will let me take the day off. Make Make digunakan untuk memaksa seseorang melakukan sesuatu. Bentuknya adalah make + orang + verb. Contoh: My teacher made me apologize for what I had said. Did somebody make you wear that ugly hat? She made her children do their homework.

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