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Tiempo Verbal

Expresamos hbitos, lo que hacemos con cierta frecuencia. Este tiempo verbal tambin se utiliza para expresar hechos o verdades generales. Se forma con la forma base del verbo del infinitivo sin To; a excepcin de la 3era persona singular a la cual como regla general se le aade s. Esta regla tiene algunas excepciones: - Verbos que terminan en s, ss, ch, sh, o, x; se le es - Vebos que terminan en una consonante e y; eliminamos la y, y agregamos ies. - Verbos que terminan en vocal y y; simplemente le agregamos s. El pasado simple es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para hablar sobre una accin o algo que tuvo lugar en el pasado y que ya no tiene relacin alguna con el presente.

I study English once a week. (Estudio Ingls una vez a la semana) She works in a hospital. (Ella trabaja en un hospital) He studies Biology everyday. (l estudia Biologa todos los das) The doctor teaches his techniques to the class. (El doctor le ensea sus tcnicas a la clase)

Para negar utilizamos el auxiliar Do (I, You, We, You, They) y Does (He, She, It) junto con la particula Not Do not= Don t I don t study English once a week. (Yo no estudio Ingls una vez a la semana) Does not= Doesn t She doesn t work in a hospital. (Ella no trabaja en un hospital)

Do you study English once a week? Yes, I do No, I don t What do you do once a week? I study English. Does she work in a hospital? Yes, she does No, she doesn t Where does she work? She works in a hospital

Simple Present

I studied English last night. (Yo estudi Ingls anoche) She worked in a hospital. (Ella trabaj en un hospital) The doctor taught his techniques to the class. (El doctor le ense sus tcnicas a la clase)

Para negar utilizamos el pasado del auxiliar Do/Does junto con la particula Not Did not= Didn t I didn t study English last night. (No estudi Ingls anoche) She didn t work in a hospital. (Ella no trabaj en un hospital) The doctor didn t teach his techniques to the class. (El doctor no le ense sus tcnicas a la clase)

Did you study English last night? Yes, I did No, I didn t What did you do last night? I studied English Did she work in a hospital? Yes, she did No, she didn t Where did she work? She worked in a hospital What did the doctor teach to the class? He taught his techniques.

Simple Past

En la formacin del tiempo pasado hay que distinguir entre verbos regulares e irregulares: los verbos regulares forman el tiempo pasado aadiendo -ed a la forma infinitiva, mientras que los irregulares no siguen un patrn determinado, hay que estudiarlos individualmente.

Es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para describir acciones que se van a desarrollar en el futuro sin necesidad de aclarar en que momento se producirn. Para formar el futuro simple solo necesitamos el auxiliar will seguido del verbo principal en infinitivo sin To. Tambin podemos utilizar la forma contrada del verbo: I will = I ll You will = You ll He will = He ll She will = She ll It will = It ll We will = We ll You will = You ll They will = They ll

I will study English next year. I ll study English next year. (Estudiar Ingls el prximo ao) She will work in a hospital. She ll work in a hospital. (Ella trabajar en un hospital) The doctor will teach his techniques to the class. (El doctor le ensear sus tcnicas a la clase)

Para negar utilizamos el auxiliar will junto con la particula Not Will not= Won t I won t study English next year. (No estudiar Ingls el prximo ao) She won t work in a hospital. (Ella no trabajar en un hospital) The doctor won t teach his techniques to the class. (El doctor no le ensear sus tcnicas a la clase)

Will you study English next year? Yes, I will No, I won t What will you do next year? I will study English Will she work in a hospital? Yes, she will No, she won t Where will she work? She will work in a hospital What will the doctor teach to the class? He will teach his techniques

Simple Future

Question words (Wh- questions) - What - Where - When - Why -Who - How

Tiempo Verbal

Se utiliza para describir acciones que se estn desarrollando en este mismo momento. Tambin se utiliza para describir acciones que se estn desarrollando alrededor del momento en el que se habla, aunque no necesariamente en ese preciso instante. Asimismo, se utiliza para describir una accin que va a tener lugar en el futuro prximo y sobre la que se ha tomado una resolucin firme. En este caso, siempre se tiene que mencionar el tiempo en el que se va a desarrollar la accin. Otro uso del presente continuo es para describir acciones que se vienen repitiendo con frecuencia; en este caso, la oracin viene acompaada del adverbio "always" (siempre). El presente continuo se forma utilizando el verbo to be como verbo auxiliar mas el participio presente del verbo principal (ing). El pasado continuo se utiliza para describir una accin que se estaba desarrollando en el momento del pasado al que nos estamos refiriendo y que continu despus de ese momento. Tambin lo utilizamos para referirnos a dos acciones que suceden en el pasado pero una es completada mientras que la otra continua sucediendo.

Subject + to be + main verb + ing + complement I am writing a letter now. (Estoy escribiendo una carta ahora; en este preciso instante) She is studying Medicine (Ella est estudiando Medicina) I am traveling to Europe next August. (Viajar a Europa en Agosto prximo). They are always working. (Ellos siempre estn trabajando)

Subject + to be + not + main verb + ing + complement I am not writing a letter now. (No estoy escribiendo una carta ahora; en este preciso instante) She is not studying Medicine (Ella no est estudiando Medicina) I am not traveling to Europe next August. (No viajar a Europa en Agosto prximo). They are not always working. (Ellos no siempre estn trabajando)

To be + subject + main verb + ing + complement + ? Question word + to be + subject + main verb + ing + complement + ? Are you writing a letter? Yes, I am No, I am not What are you writing? I am writing a letter.

Present Continuous

Past Continuous

Subject + past of to be + main verb + ing + complement I was reading the newspaper at 9:00pm. (Estaba leyendo el peridico a las 9:00pm)

Subject + past of to be + not + main verb + ing + complement I was not reading the newspaper at 9:00pm. (No estaba leyendo el peridico a las 9:00pm)

Past of to be + subject + main verb + ing + complement + ? Were you reading the newspaper at 9:00pm? Yes, I was No, I wasn t What were you reading at 9:00pm? I was reading the newspaper.

El pasado continuo se forma utilizando el pasado del verbo to be mas el participio presente del verbo principal (ing).

They were watching TV when Matt arrived home. (Ellos estaban viendo TV cuando Matt lleg a casa)

They were not watching TV when Matt arrived home. (Ellos no estaban viendo TV cuando Matt lleg a casa)

Were they watching TV when Matt arrived home? Yes, they were No, they weren t What were they doing when Matt arrived home? They were watching TV Will + subject +to be + main verb + ing + complement + ? Will you be reading the newspaper in the evening? Yes, I will No, I wont What will you be doing this evening? I will be reading the newspaper.

Future Continuous

Este tiempo verbal se utiliza para describir una accin que va a tener lugar en el futuro y que en el momento del tiempo al que nos referimos an seguir desarrollndose. Este momento del futuro puede mencionarse o no en la oracin

Subject + will + to be + main verb + ing + complement I will be reading the newspaper. I will be reading the newspaper this evening

Subject + won t + to be + not + main verb + ing + complement I won t be reading the newspaper. I won t be reading the newspaper this evening

Verb to be
Personal Pronouns I You He She It We You They Afirmativo Am Are Is Is Is Are Are Are Forma contrada Afirmativa Im Youre Hes Shes Its Were Youre Theyre Negativo I am not You are not He is not She is not It is not We are not You are not They are not Forma contrada Negativa 1 Im not Youre not Hes not Shes not Its not Were not Youre not Theyre not Forma contrada Negativa 2 Im not You arent He isnt She isnt It isnt We arent You arent They arent Interrogativo Am I? Are you.? Is he.? Is she? Is it.? Are we.? Are you.? Are they.?

Tiempo Verbal

El Presente Perfecto es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para referirnos a acciones que suceden en un pasado reciente y que guardan alguna relacin con el presente.

Subject + to have + past participle of main verb + complement.

Subject + to have + not + past participle of main verb + complement. Have not= Haven t Has not= Hasn t I have not studied the Anatomy lesson. (N he estudiado la leccin de Anatoma) She has not lost the keys. (Ella no ha perdido las llaves)

To have + subject + past participle of main verb + complement + ? Have you studied the Anatomy lesson? Yes, I have No, I haven t Has she lost the keys? Yes, she has No, she hasn t What have you studied? I have studied the Anatomy lesson. What has she lost? She has lost the keys.

Present Perfect

I have studied the Anatomy lesson. (He estudiado la leccin de Para construir oraciones con Anatoma) este tiempo verbal utilizamos el presente del verbo To have y el She has lost the keys. (Ella ha perdido las llaves) Paticipio pasado del verbo

Past Perfect

El Pasado Perfecto es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para referirnos a una accin que tuvo lugar en un momento anterior a otra accin, aunque ambas hayan sucedido en el pasado estableciendo un orden entre ella. Para construir oraciones con este tiempo verbal utilizamos el pasado del verbo To have y el Paticipio pasado del verbo

Subject + past of to have (Had) + past participle of main verb + complement. I had studied the Anatomy lesson before you came here. (Haba estudiado la leccin de Anatoma antes de que vinieras) He had seen that movie twice before he came to this city. (l haba visto esa pelicula dos veces antes de que viniera a esta ciudad.)

Subject + past of to have (Had) + not + past participle of main verb + complement. Had= Hadn t I had not studied the Anatomy lesson before you came here. (No haba estudiado la leccin de Anatoma antes de que vinieras) He had not seen that movie before he came to this city. (l no haba visto esa pelcula antes de que viniera a esta ciudad.)

Past of to have (Had) + subject + past participle of main verb + complement + ? Had you studied the Anatomy lesson before I came here? Yes, I had No, I hadn t What had you studied before I came here? I had studied the Anatomy lesson

Future Perfect

El Futuro Perfecto es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para expresar situaciones que se estn produciendo o que se desarrollarn en el futuro y que imaginamos que habrn finalizado para cuando llegue el momento al que hacemos referencia. Esta forma verbal suele ir acompaada de una expresin temporal. Para construir oraciones con este tiempo verbal utilizamos el auxiliar Will, el verbo To have y el Paticipio pasado del verbo

Subject + will + to have + past participle of main verb + complement. By this evening I will have done my homework. Before summer you will have sold your house

Subject + won t+ to have + not + past participle of main verb + complement. By this evening I won t have done my homework. Before summer you won t have sold your house

Will + subject + to have + past participle of main verb + complement + ? Will you have done your homework by this evening? Yes, I will No, I won t What Will you have done by this evening? I will have done my homework.

Verb to have

Personal Pronouns I You He She It We You They

Afirmativo Have Have Has Has Has Have Have Have

Forma contrada Afirmativa Ive Youve Hes Shes Its Weve Youve Theyve

Negativo I have not You have not He has not She has not It has not We have not You have not They have not

Forma contrada Negativa Ive not Youve not Hes not Shes not Its not Weve not Youve not Theyve not

Forma contrada Negativa I havent You havent He hasnt She hasnt It hasnt We havent You havent They havent

Interrogativo Have I? Have you? Has he? Has she? Has it? Have we? Have you? Have they?

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