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Pornified? Complicating debates about the 'sexualisation of culture': An International Conference

Institute of Education, University of London, UK December 1- 2, 2011

Three Decades From Then to Now

UK Prime Minister: End Child Sexualization But UK Health Sites, Sex Educators, Media Sexualize 4 Yr. Olds

Playboy Was Never Playing; Now Grooming Teens

Judith A. Reisman, PhD Visiting Professor of Law, Liberty School of Law, Lynchburg, Virginia Mary E. McAlister, Esq. Senior Litigation Counsel, Liberty Counsel, Lynchburg, Virginia
http://www.ioe.ac.uk/Study_Departments/SIG_Gender_SexCulture_Abstracts.pdf 1



'Get them early' We want to get them early, because then you can get them for the rest of their lives. Advertising Age, July 21, 2008.

1994: I Won a Dutch Libel Lawsuit Proving Playboy Pedophile Training Got them early
The Dutch judge ruled against Playboy, citing "the uncontested factual findings of Dr. Reisman, verifying Playboy deliberately sexualized children in cartoons, photos and text since 1954.
http://www.drjudithreisman.com/reisman_won_playb oy_libel_suit.html 3 4

1977: After Take Back the Night, in Wales I Meet Global Leaders of the Academic Porn & Pedophile Political Lobby. They Want Child Pornography and Pedophilia legal for Sex Traffic (MAP) 5

1986 I am Principal Investigator of U.S.

Department of Justice, Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Study:

Images of Children, Crime & Violence in Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler Kids? Southland 7-11 Stores Stop Selling Playboy, etc. The Backlash Begins US Grant No. 84-JN-AX-K007 (1986,1989)


1953: First the history of mainstream, hardcore adult and child pornography and Playboy Grooming Tweens, requires that we stop off at Indianas Kinsey Institute. Why? Hefner, a college virgin, read Kinsey and said hed be Kinseys Pamphleteer.

As Kinseys Pamphleteer, Hefner Would Have to Popularize Teen/Child/Toddler Sex Abuse in Playboy. Thousands would make a fortune expanding on his basic paradigm.

Dr. Kinsey: Guru for Hefner and the Rockefeller Funded Sexual Revolution


Kinseys Table 34: A Population of One 5 Mon. Old for No. of Orgasms
1990 Phil, tell the American people how a 4 yr old has 26 orgasms in 24 hours!.

And Actual Observation of Orgasm tests on a 2 mon. Old

DONAHUE Transcript #3092, 12/5/90


Table 31: Based on Actual Observation of 317 males, Kinsey p. 176



Laura Linney (Mrs. Kinsey) in Kinsey, a Fox Searchlight film (2004) Any sort of sexual education that anybody has had in the past 50 years came right from the [Kinsey] Institute.... So his impact is enormous and in ways .impossible for us to completely grasp ....Kinsey.changed our culture completely. Indeed.
ABC News Primetime Live Kinsey, October 14, 2004.

Post WWII Black Propaganda

Hefner-and the world--believed Dr. Kinseys child sexuality frauds And his data claiming wild sexual license with no public harm among Women, and Men, The Greatest Generation of World War II.

Kinseys Canon Creates Need for New Legal-To Health Infrastructure

1959 Kinseys Pamphleteer

Playboy, June, 1959, page 25



1950: The Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry Wants Kinsey Data in Law

1953: The Illinois Commission on Sex Offenders warns:

The cultural tendency to overprotect women and children [is often]... more detrimental to the victim than the offense itself.

Full responsibility for sexuality

should begin at the age of 7. Kinseys data were the points by which we steered.
Psychiatrically Deviated Sex Offenders, Report No. 9, Committee on Forensic Psychiatry of the Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry, February, 1950. Manfried Guttmacher David Allyn. Private Acts/Public Policy: Alfred Kinsey, the American Law Institute and the Privatization of American Sexual Morality. Journal of American Studies 30, 1996, at 3, 405-428.

[T]he Kinsey findings permeate all present thinking on this subject.

Report of the Illinois Commission on Sex Offenders to the 68th General Assembly of the State of Illinois, Springfield, Illinois, March 15, 1953, p. 8, 9, 36, 11. 18


1962 The Vanderbilt Law Review

Even at the age of four or five, [her] seductiveness may be so powerful as to overwhelm the adult into committing the offense.

1969 Law Review Journals Still Push Kinseys Legal Changes

Child molestation is a relatively minor crime. absurdity of enforcing most sex lawsshould be obvious to the most prudish NeoPuritans. (U of Ga)
, University of Georgia Law School, E.C.R. Jr., Pedophilia, Fall 1969, Vol. 4:149 at 151,158.

The affair is therefore not always the result of the adults aggression; often the young female is the initiator and seducer.

Pedophiles should be released on probation or pay a small fine. (U of Ga)

Georgia Law Review

(Emphasis added) Ralph Slovenko, & C. Phillips, Psychosexuality and the Criminal Law. Vanderbilt Law Review, Vol. 15, 1962. at 809.


1973 Missouri Law Review

1983: New Jersey Law Journal [T]he older term rape is unrealistic for this era Thefemale is [not] harmed in some unique way by untoward sexual behavior.
C. Nemeth, How New Jersey Prosecutors View the New Sexual Offense Statutes New Jersey Law Journal, May 5, 1983, at 6.

Rape and child abuse carry extremely severe punishment. Those few who are punished are dealt with cruelly, to the satisfaction of no one.
Missouri Law Review, Vol. 38, 1973, at 372.



Research Finds Playboy the Primary Sex Information Source for Youth Post the 1950s

College Virgin, Hefner Sex Educates

Joe College

First issue: 12/53

USA Today: 9/27/85


. Pushes rape, child pornography, recreational sex and drugs. 24


2 Year Study: Content Analysis of Images of Children, Crime & Violence in Playboy

Trained 20 Analytic Coders, Over age 21




16,000,000+ CONSUMERS 1979-1980 Playboy sex cartoons had 16m Global men, women and child trainees for its sexual violence as Kinseys Pamphleteer.
(Source: Images of Children, Crime & Violence in Playboy, Penthouse and

1979 :Aaron Hass, Teenage Sexuality

By 1979, in a survey Pornography of over 600 boys and provides teenagers girls aged 15 to 18, with a sexual psychologist Aaron education, said Hass found almost Hass. He wrote that 100% of boys and children largely over 90% of girls believe the erotic "looked at sexy books or magazines images and almost 60% of boys information and and over 40% of girls that many engaged had seen a sexual in copycat sex acts. movie."

Hustler, 1989, US Dpt of Justice, Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Grant No. 84-JN-AX-K007, P. 40-43)


Growth of Erototoxic Child Images, Adult Crime and Violence 54-84

Readers Guide Citations Charts Progression of

Sexual Revolutions Love Not War Copycat Crimes Found First in Sex Magazines
1977: "incest, "child abuse appear (flood of pornography magazines, film Pretty Baby) 1973 "pornography" appears Playboy, Penthouse & Hustler early 1974 1945-1969 "sex crimes only heading, Playboy only mainstream pornography 1975 "child pornography" 1982 "child sex rings appear 1980 "lust murder

1984, "serial rape" (murder/mutilation) Ted Bundy syndrome 1986 death by "autoerotic asphyxia, masturbation-to pornography) 1988 "ritual killing" (Satanic occult) "erotic sex asphyxia" (death by friend choking, "rough sex") POST 88, child sex traffic, hookup, teen sexting, etc.

1969 Penthouse, child molester major heading

1969 1971 1973 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987

Mirroring Child Molester Crimes Begin in 1969



59 Cartoons Are the First Line of Attack to Desensitize, Condition

Hefner approved every cartoon, checking 200,000 submissions a month to select those that fulfilled the Playboy mission

Cartoons as Historic Change Agents

Anti-Muhammad cartoons create international Muslim violence, over 100 people killed

3/59: 3

A used 60s Playboy Coloring Book insert with pages colored in by a small child. 31


USA: Anti-Womens Vote Cartoon Circa 1910

Anti Japanese cartoon WW2

Historic Anti-Jewish/Black Cartoons



1953-85: Playboy Cartoons DeForm the Western Psyche

Cartooned/Ridiculed wives with dogs; women happily raped by bosses and teachers, doctors drugging patients, priests, police, senators raping children: Playboy conditioned with cartoons, then move to photos
See also: Cartoons of Early Turkish Republic, The US Library of Congress, June 1, 2101 35

1954: Playboys Year One panders children in 3 prostitution and 1 Implied incest scene. Playboy suborns boys as lusting for sex with women. Viewers see sex with adults as a childs desire from the earliest age & issues.

1: Boy Scouts seek sex 5/54: 34; 2); Boy in reserve for sex, 6/54: 24; 3) Hef implies sex w/sister, 8/54: 20; 4) Toddler seeks sex with prostitute, mother?, 11/54: 24. Women resistin a few years they will initiate sex w/children. These cartoons will degenerate yearlypeer sex, then girls in sex with adults, incest, violence and then photographs justifying and encouraging child sexual 36 abuse.


12/85: PLAYBOY NEVER HAS AND NEVER WILL Dorothy 68 Implied to 78 Gang Rape
One doctor wrote of my charges of child sexual abuse in playboy: I have been reading PLAYBOY for years and know that to be untrue. . . . I think your magazine should force those folks to print a retraction. Playboy wrote: If other magazines are publishing

Priest Rape Jokes75: Implied Incest, Prostituted child redacted, First of all we have to ask Teddys permission, and that costs $40. 3/75

cartoons of gang rapes of children, fathers sexually abusing daughters, benevolent or father figures raping or murdering young girls, PLAYBOY never has, never will. Our readers know that. And lying with statistics is still lying.
37 38

Little Boys Wanting Sex (70-71)

71-72: Playboy Does Sex Abuse by Men, Women, Neighbor, Coach

Playboy child sexual abuse propagandists Interlandi & ffolkers

3/58: 70





72: Wee Girls Seek, Joke About Sex With Molesters

6/73: Playboys Foster Care

Mr Graham! Im afraid that you and Mrs. Graham have grossly misinterpreted the whole idea of the fosterhome program.




73 Mums Prostitute Daughters

1973: Playboy child sexual abuse propagandists are Murphy & Smilby

Playboy Continues Its Baby Sex Campaign 12/74




This Same Sexualized Infant Issue Trains Consumers "How to Cast a Porno Film and Not Get Too Nervous"


74-Playboy Artists Create Junior Breasts on Tween Girls

1976: Playboy Fairy Tales Desensitize

Playboy child sexual abuse propagandists are Mal & Madden

6/54: 10, Playboy (above) describes 2 underage female bodies. These Miss and Junior size breasts are drawn by Playboy child sex abuse propagandists on scores of their tiny girls as at right.
45 46

1979 Playboy never has and never will! Child sex abuse artist is Dempsey

This Playboy child sexual abuse artist is Sokol




Saul Alinsky

1971: Playboy Cartoons to Child Photos; 16 Child Images Per Issue



Naked She digs forceful father figures, Come on strong Big 50 Daddy.

1971: Playboy Norms: Kidnapped Daughter, Chained INCEST

1976: Child-Woman, Incest, Siblings to Play House?





96 Teen Sex-Violence Spreads

Canada: Two Catholic Schoolgirls Kidnapped, Forced to Strip for Camera, Brutally Sexually Tortured, Murdered. Months After Court Conviction This Cover Appeared.

2007: Is Playboy Lobbying to Prostitute Children? Remember Brooke Shields?

Age 9



Ridicule of Boy and Man (Consumer as) Too Small & Impotent

Impotence: Playboy Creates Men Without Power





Playboy Threats to Male Potency, Undated

Playboy Threats to Male Potency, Undated



Even Youth Cannot & The Only Men Who Do Are Super Hung

Playboy Ridicule of Phallic Size Undated





Impotence Pandemic

Young men think impotence at 20something is normal

[O]verstimulation of dopamine [from] pornleads to loss of libio.


Playboy Ridicule of Boys and Men (Consumers) as Too Small & Impotent Leading to Viagra Profits
Sex is loaded with anxiety, even for ten-yearolds....[Pornography] cartoons that poke fun at impotence or other male inadequacies would outweigh any supportive things said in the advice column....Any....impotence themeplant[s] the seed of worry in a male's mind.
Bernie Zilbergeld in Thomas Weyr, Reaching For Paradise, NYT Times Books, New York, 1978, p. 218.

Psychology Today

1979 historian, Christopher Lash in The Culture of Narcissism:

The fear of woman ... reveals itself not only as impotence but as a boundless rage against the female sex. This blind and impotent rage, which seems so prevalent at the present time...when men still control most of the power and wealth in society yet feel themselves threatened on every hand-intimidated, emasculated-appears deeply irrational ... even Mom is a menace. p. 204.

Big Porn Effect Emotional images stimulate fear, gut reactions in teen amygdala, not cognitive, frontal thinking lobe. [N]eural connections we use are kept. Those we dont use are lost...
National Institute of Mental Health No, 01-4929


Agent for New Labours Chris Bryant M.P. Stephen Carnell -JAILED FOR SERIOUS CHILD POROGRAGHRAHY
Sesame musician/producer arrest for child porn. Prestigious CDC lady scientist, raping a 6 year old. U of Penn coach rapes boys, protected for 15 yrs. 5,200 US Pentagon officials/staff buy child porn.

Yet people thank the sexual revolution, say its just more reporting, kids need more explicit sex ed! No, its not just more reporting. As one police chief said, we lower rape rates with an eraser.

The FBI defines grooming as seducing: Just as one adult courts another, he seduces children over a period of time by gradually lowering their sexual inhibitions.





Playboy as the Brothel Brand

Playboy grooms adults and children to adopt its Lifestyle: morals, values, and conduct. In 2008 research reported Playboy is one of the most recognized and popular consumer brands in the world. [T]he Playboy brand appears in more than 100 countries on a wide range of consumer products, entertainment locations, and retail stores.
http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m4PRN/is_2008_May_6/ai_n25384494/pg_2?tag=artBod y;col1, PRNewswire, July 18, 2008.



Playboy Targets UK Tweens (8-12) Under Cover of a 16-Year-Olds as Teenagers Market.

The author of The Kids Market and The Great Tween Buying Machine says marketers often target aged 4-7 and tweens aged 8-12. He says, It is a Myth that We don't target kids. All of our customers are adults.Reality: The firm must have a secret source of new customers only it knows about [T]he latest hot item for adolescent girls is clothing emblazoned with the Playboy bunny logo.girls see the famous image as a way to attract boys...Hefnersaid, "I don't care if a baby holds up a Playboy bunny rattle, his bunny is OK to wear at any age. See: http://www.sherpastore.com/related-page-205.html, July 18,
2008.See The Washington Post, Monday, Apr 28, 2008, http://dir.salon.com/story/ent/col/fix/2003/06/17/tues.

Early Exposure Recruits Future Addicts & Sex Industry Employees

Adolescents create a "rush" or flood of euphoric chemicals in their brains--by fantasizing, by viewing visual stimuli like partially nude bodies at the beach or hardcore pornographic videos etc. Sexual fantasy and activity, because of naturally produced brain chemicals, has the ability to create brain tolerance to sex.
Eric Griffin-Shelley, Adolescent Sex and Love Addicts, Praeger Publishers, Westport, CT, 1994, p. 22. Holman W. Jenkins Jr., Pornography, Main Street to Wall Street, Policy Review, 2001, p. 3.



Marketing children is big business Big Tobacco got caught

360-degree understanding of youth target groups. Mainstream interest and adoptionoccurs at the point of media saturation when they see something everywhere i.e. at 360 degree media coverage.It is this.360 degree coverage that drags the Mainstream out of their filtering attitude.
Channel 4, The Guardian and Observer, EMAP Advertising and OMD UK. http://www.roar.org.uk/press52.htm, July 5, 2008.









Hello Kitty Marketed as Hello Bunny Pencil Cases/Erasers for School Girls!

Childrens Bunny Note Books


1985: USA Seventeen magazine, cells a bunny mark: Recruiting tomorrows Sex Workers 7



Childrens Bunny, Weed, Tattoos, Tween Playboy Bunny Bedding

Playboys Bunny Films to Recruit Youngsters For its Sex Service Industry



Playboys Copycat Hello Kitty, Spensers Selling Porn and Drug Paraphernalia

Kinseys Canon Creates Need for New Health Infrastructure



Shakespeare (SONNET 29) on Porn/Sex Addiction

The expense of spirit in a waste of shame Is lust in action; and till action, lust Is perjured, murderous, bloody, full of blame, Savage, extreme, rude, cruel, not to trust, Enjoy'd no sooner but despised straight, Past reason hunted, and no sooner had Past reason hated, as a swallow'd bait On purpose laid to make the taker mad. All this the world well knows; yet none knows well To shun the heaven that leads men to this hell.

Training Materials
The Kinsey Syndrome The Kinsey Cover-up Kinseys Paedophiles

Predicting the Cruel Reality of Lust, A.K.A. Pornography

Sexual Sabotage Kinsey: Crimes & Consequences Soft Porn Plays Hardball, etc, etc.

83 84


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