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Term 3

Immanuel and St. Andrew CE Primary School Year 6 Class Bulletin January 2012

Dear Parents, Carers and Children, I hope you all had a good Christmas and that you are looking forward to the year ahead. With secondary school visits and tests out of the way, we are now fully focussed on preparing the children for SATs. Homework should be completed to a high quality and returned on the specified day. Some of the children have been selected for extra support and they will be required to do additional homework, please come and see me if you have any questions about these groups. I was very pleased to see how many children signed up for Homework club this term. It is essential for the children to realise the importance homework has to their learning. Important Dates Class Assembly 10.40am on Thursday 20th January Year 6 Maths Workshop for Year 6 Thursday 26th January at 8.50qm Class Trip to Lewin Church Friday 28th January (in the afternoon with Mrs Turner) Parents Evening Wednesday 1st February (1.45pm to 6.45pm) End of Term 3 Friday 10th February I will be available in the playground each morning before school if you would like to talk to me or you can email me on: npike@immanuelschoollambeth.org.uk Many thanks, Natalie Pike

Year Six Timetable Term 3 2011-12

8:50-9.25 Lesson 1: 9:25 10:00 Lesson 2: 10:00 10:40 10:40 11:15 Lesson 3: 11:15 12:00 Lesson 4: 12:00 12:30 12:25 1:25 Lesson 5: 1:30 2:30 Lesson 6: 2:30 3:30


10.4011.00 Assembly Literacy 11.1011.15 Playtime 10.4011.00 Assembly 11.00-11.15 Playtime 10.4011.00 Assembly Literacy 11.0011.15 Playtime 10.40-11.00 Assembly Literacy 11.0011:15 Playtime 10.40-11.00 Assembly Reading/ Spelling Test Literacy 11.00 11.15 Playtime Numeracy Numeracy Numeracy Numeracy

Science (taught by Mrs Hoare)

Class Registration & Handwriting

Guided Reading




Extended Writing Lunchtime

Indoor P.E.

PSCHE Creative Curriculum


Creative Curriculum


Creative Curriculum

Outside P.E.


Creative Curriculum


Literacy In literacy this term the children will be studying a poetry unit called Finding a Voice. The children will look at poems that evoke emotions and will be writing their own poems using all features of poetry as well as imparting a message to the reader. The second unit we will be studying is Macbeth and looking at play scripts and the conventions of play script writing. Remember to keep practising the weekly spellings with your child. R eading Please continue to ensure your child reads at home daily. They should be bringing their class reading book home and returning it every day for our daily reading sessions. Your child should complete their reading record books every time they read, please encourage them to do this. Every Thursday your child will receive two reading comprehension sheets to be completed for homework. They MUST have completed these and have them in school on the following Monday as we will be going through the answers in Monday mornings literacy lesson. This terms class novel continues to be The London Eye Mysteries. M aths Children will complete units based on calculating, using number facts, partitioning, problem solving and reasoning, shape, measures and mental arithmetic. We will be looking at past SATs paper questions and we will be doing another SATs paper this term. We will be doing weekly mental maths tests on a Friday and a times table test every Thursday. Creative Curriculum (Geography, H istory, A rt, M usic, IC T)

IC T This will be used throughout this topic to help research, compile and publish their work. Science This will be taught by Mrs Hoare on a Monday afternoon, PSCH E The Collective Worship focus is based on the seven Olympic and Paralympic values; respect, excellence, friendship, courage, determination, inspiration and equality. We will also be using the SEAL unit Going for Goals. R .E This terms topic is Worship and Prayer. This will be taught by Mrs Turner during my PPA time Indoor PE - D ance Tuesday afternoons. Within these sessions the children will devise, choreography, find relevant music to accompany their dance and perform in groups. Their dance will depict a sporting event in the Olympics. K it required: navy shorts/tracksuit bottoms and pale blue t-shirt/dark sweatshirt. Trainers are needed Outdoor PE N etball Thursday afternoons. Once again, the children will develop ball handling skills, passing and receiving the ball but more importantly working as a team. K it required: As above but as the weather is now much colder please ensure your child brings tracksuit bottoms to wear. Punctuality Punctuality continues to be a problem in Year 6. They need to start taking responsibility for themselves as lateness will not be tolerated in secondary school. It causes disruption to the rest of the class when your child arrives late and also it has

On Your Marks, Get Set, Go!

Our Creative Curriculum Topic this term is a school-wide focus on The 2012 Olympics. In Year 6 we will be looking at the countries where the past Olympics have been held and look at their geographical features. We will also look at the 2012 Olympics and places where sporting events will take place, generating a brochure on these with relevant information. In history we will be creating a time line for past Olympics games and key events that took place during these Olympics In Art the children will design, make and evaluate their own Grecian pot depicting the story or event in the Olympics. In Music the children will learn and perform Games Rap and then compose their own rap or song related to any part of the Olympic Games.

an adverse affect on your childs education. Please ensure your child arrives at school by 8.45 at the very latest, in time for the 8.50 bell.

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