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CARROLL, SS. Town of Bartlett.NH



L,dFurlong-lII dlbla Lil' Man SnowmobileRentals Docket No. 09-CV-003 TOWN OF BARTLETT'S REQUESTSFOR FINDINGS OF FACT AND RULINGS OF LAW NOW COMES the Town of Bartlett(the"Town"), by and throughits attorneys. Donahue. Tucker& Ciandella. PLLC andrespectiulll, submitstheseRequests Findings for of FactandRulingsof Lau'. F'ollowing hearing the scl"reduled January fbr 18.2012, Town the respectfulll'requests Courl find and rule as follolvs: this Requests Findingsof Fact for l. The Delbndant. EdwardFurlong("thc Defendant") the ownerof the propertl,at is

1455Rte 302 in Barllett. NH ("theProperty"). 2. During thc lail of 2008.the Def-endant renovated structures the Propertl,. l'hese on

renovations includedthe construction onto an existingstructure, o1'alean-1o internal modifications includingdrywall and finish work. re-sidingof a structure. replacement and of windowsand doors. 3. Followingthe observation renovation of work on the PropertS,' Town b1,

personnel. BartlettBoard of Seiectmen the ("the Selectmen") clearlyand unequivocally advised the Defendant that he needed buildingpermitfor the renovations was commissioning the a he at Property. The Defendant $'asadvised that he needed permit by letterdatedOctober17,2008. a b-vcease and desistnoticedatedNovember7, 2008and by the Selectmen their meetingof at

November 2008. 7. 4, The Selectmen's cease and desistnotice of November7. 2008advised the

Defendant that he violatedthe BartlettZoning Ordinance. that he was to cease construction. all andthat he had the rieht to appeal decision the Bartlett ZoningBoardof Appeals. the to 5' In additionto the foregoing express notice.the Def'endant clearlyawareof was

the requirenrent a buildingpermit.Prior to the fall of 2008,the Defendant for soushtand obtained buildingpermit to screen a porchat one of the propeft1,'s a in structures. 6. After beingadvised the needof a builclingpermit,the Defendant of thercafter

submitted two (2) incornplete applications a buirdingpermit. for 7. Afier receiptof eachincomplete application. Boardadvised Defendant the the in

rvritingthat thc applications wereinsufflcient. The noticesof incomplete application also specificalll"explainedthe Defendant to whatadditional information rvas needed. 8. The Defendant neversubmitted an-vfurtherapplication materials infbrmation. or

and completed work u,ithouta permit. his 9' The Selcctmen issued LandUseCitationon December 2008,which advised a 12,

the Delbndant finesof $275for the first day and $550 for everyday the violatio' continues of thereafter. 10' To date.the Def-encianl hasnot obtaineda buildingpermit ibr work still

accornplished the Property. at Requests Rulings of Law for I I. permitwhen " ..'(2) intendingto build, construct modifl,'(internailyand/orexternally) or and structure or taxablepropertyin the Town of Bartiett(internalmodif-rcation requirea buildins will The Town of BartlettZoning Ordinance requires residents obtaina buildine to

and usepermitunlesssuchchanges will not change legallyassessed the valueof a structure will not resultin increased or daily florv of septage, addinga bathroom, e.g. bedroom. fireplace, etc.).or (3) intending change to aparcelof land or buildingfrom one category use.includingunused of land.to anotheruse [.]" Town of BartlettZoning Ordinance. Article XVII (B). 12. Article XVII (B) requiredthe Defendant obtaina buildingpermirprior to to

accomplishing work don on the Propert,v the fall of 2008.The Defendant the in commissioned significant external remodeling. includingnevn siding.new windows.new doors,and a lean-to. The Deicndant's internalmodifications were also significant. modif'rring shedinto a cabinthat a he rents1othe public.Not only was the internalfinishing significant. the structure now but is produces incomerathcrtiranmerelystorage. Under the circumstances. inlcrnalmodifications the increase valueof 1hestructure. are not de minimus. the and 13. The Defendant was awareof the needto obtaina buildingpermitprior to making

his renol'ations. additionto havingexpress In nolice of the buildingpermit requirement lrom thc Sclectmen. Defendar-rt an application a buildingpermit.and in the pasthad sought the filed for and obtaincda permit for similarwork. 14. 15. The Def'endant therefore violationto the Tou,nof BartlettZoningOrdinance. is in The Defendant's violationof the zoningordinance goneon for a totalof f .i32 has

days.calculated frorn the dateo1-the land usecitationto the dateof the final hearinsonJanuary I 8 .2 0 1 2 . 16. Ner.v Harnpshire statute RSA 676:17provides statutoril.v for mandated finesof

$275 for the first da1'ofviolation.and $550for everyda1,1h.r.ut-er the violationcontinues. that S e e R S A 6 7 6 : 1 7 ( I )E a c h d a y t h a t t h e v i o l a t i o n c o n t i n u e s i s a s e p a r a t e o f f e n s e . , . 1d. 17. This caseinvolveda lengthl,appeal. The Courtwill providethe Defendant a

creditagainst da1's violationwhile the appeal the in u,aspending. The Town assents this to

credit. 18. To that end,the Court finds and rules that, as this case\\'as on appealfrom August

17.2009(the dateof this Court'sinitial dismissal) until January' 201I (the dateof the New 5. Hampshire Supreme Court'sOrderand remand). Defendant entitledto a creditof 506 the is dat,s. 19. 'fo that end.this Court finds andrulesthat the Defendant violatedthe Barllett

Zoning Ordinance a total of 626 days.constituting for 626 violationspursuant the to prescriptions RSA676:17 I). ( of 20. Applying the statutorily mandated fine pursrnntto RSA 676:17. Courthereby' the

inrposes civil finc of $275and&fcivll on cor-rditions below. 21.


finesof $550.rotaling sub.ject thc $344.025.00. to

Of the $344.025 civil fines,$10.000 shallbe paidby the Delendant thc Town to

lr'ithin sixt,v(60) da1's the dateof the Clerk's noticeof decisionfor this order. of 22. The balance the fines shallbe suspended of upon the Defendanl's removalol'all

improvements madeto the Property and permission the appropriate for Town agcnts onto the Propertl'toconllrmsarnc within sixtl'(60) da1,s thedateof thc Clerk'snoticeof decision of for this order. 24. Neu,Hampshire statute RSA 676:17alsorequires Courtro assess the the

Defendant atlornevs'fees.costsand expenses all associated with the enlbrcement. RSA ( 6 76 : 1 7 I l \ . 25. To that end,counselfor the Town shallsubmitan affidavit of attornevs' fees.

costsandexpense u,ithintwent)'one(21) da1's the Clerk'snoticeof decision of forthis orderfor the court's revieu'andapproval. The amounts approved so shallbe payableb1,theDefendant to

the Town within sixtv (60) daysof the dateof the court's approval. Respectfullr. submitted. TOWN OF BARTLETT. Bf its attomevs, DONAHUE, TUCKER & CIANDELLA. PLLC Date: anuary 8,2012 J 1


(--'L Ch 225WaterStreet Exeter. 03833 NH ( 603) 778- 0686 chilson lawSzcrs. com @dtc NFIBA 17116 #

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CERTIFICATION SERVICE OF I herebl'ccrtifi' that a copy of tl"re foregoingRequest1br Findingsand Itulings has this . ,.,,., 18"'dayof .lanuary'. 2012.beenhanddelivcred the pro se def-endant. to


Christoplier LIilson, l'. Esq.

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