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HOUSE IN THE JUNGLE 1. One day, you go to a jungle.

After walking around the jungle, you see a small old house. In that huose, you see a door. What do you thik about the door, is it closed or opened? a. open b. closed 2. after that, you go to that old house and enter it. You see a table. What the shape of the table? a. spherical b. rectangular c. triangle Okay, now it's time for you toknow what the meaning of your answer For the question number 1 if you choose opened option, it means that you're extrovert.You're friendly and outgoing if you choose closed option, it means that you're introvert. You're a shy and less outspoken in large groups . For the question number2 if you choose spherical, it means that you want have a friendship with any kind of people. if you choose rectangular, it's means that you're selective to have a friendship. if you choose triangle, it's means that you're very selective to have a friendship.

Blue Bird
One day there was a bird suddenly entered your house and caught up in it, you are going to maintain it, but there is an oddity that occurs in these birds. On the first day the bird changes color from blue to yellow, the second day changed again from yellow to red light, the third day changed again to black. What do you think of the bird color in the next day? choose one of the option below: 1.Still Black. 2. back to being blue bird. 3. become white bird. 4. become a golden bird. And let's check what the result IF YOU CHOOSE 1. STILL BLACK

It means that you're a pessimist person. Do you tend to believe that once the situation becomes worse, it will not be back to normal? maybe you should try to think, "if the situation was very bad, it will not become worse. Remember there is no rain that never stops. and no night that kept the dark where there is no dawn. " IF YOU CHOOSE 2. BACK TO BEING BLACK It means you yourself are an Optimist. You believe that life is a mixture of good and bad. There is no point in fighting reality. You accept a loosing with calm and let things run according to the track without the stress and worry. Hope this makes you undergo a wave of misfortune without drifting inside. IF YOU CHOOSE 3. BECOME WHITE BIRD If you choose the option become white bird, it means that you're a calm person and you can make a decision under pressure. You don't spend much time just to think about unclear thing or to take a decision when the condition is so bad. If the condition is worse, you think that it's better to say nothing for yhe losing and take a new method to get the target than spend your time to think that you're a loser. IF YOU CHOOSE 4. BECOME A GOLDEN BIRD. If you believe that on next day the color of bird is golden, it means that you dont have feel of fear. Underpressure is nothing for you because you still can think well and do something just like no underpressure. You're very confident. But, be careful. Dont make your confident be a something that would kill yourself. GARBAGE You're walking down the street, thinking of other things when you stumble into a garbage can on the sidewalk and knock it over. What comes spilling out from under the lid? 1. Nothing comes out - the can was empty. 2. A pile of loose trash spills out onto the street. 3. Apple cores, chicken bones, and other raw garbage. 4. A well-tied black plastic garbage bag. Key to You're only human In your carelessness you overturned a garbage can, dumping out something that had been neatly shut away and exposing it for all the world to see. Your image of the can's contents reveals things inside you that you try to hide from public view. 1. Nothing comes out, the can was empty. People who gave this answer tend to live their lives without making displays or false pretenses. What you see is what you get. It's this simple honesty that gives them their charm. 2. A pile of loose trash spills out onto the street.

Those of you who said the can was full of loose trash may seem to be straightforward and forthright to others but actually have a pile of unexpressed feelings locked up within. You may notice these feelings only as a general sense of frustration, but when you think about it, aren't there places where you've been holding back from saying what you really feel? 3. Apple cores, chicken bones, and other raw garbage. People who imagined a pile of kitchen waste are suppressing their appetites and the natural desire for food. Maybe you're on (or just avoiding) a diet. Or trying to save money by cutting back on eating expenses. Whatever the case, it's taking a toll on you. 4. A well-tied black plastic bag. People who saw a neatly tied garbage bag have a strong sense of selfcontrol. Maybe too strong. You hate to show weakness or make complaints - your pride won't allow it. But letting others know how you really feel is no sign of weakness. Loosen up the drawstrings and let some air in before all that garbage goes bad and starts to smell.

HUNG OUT TO DRY You are back in the era when everything was washed by hand and hung out to dry. The dirty clothes have started to pile up, and you really need to do the laundry today. But when you look at the sky, you see dark clouds threatening rain. What goes through your mind? 1. Oh no, youve got to be kidding! You mean Ive got to wait till tomorrow? What am I going to wear? 2. Lets wait for a little while and see if the weather clears up. 3. Well, I guess I wont have to do laundry today after all. 4. Im going to do this damn laundry whether it rains or not. When you add unexpected bad weather to the drudgery of household chores, you get a perfect example of the kinds of little stresses we face in our everyday lives. Your answer to this bad laundry day is a meter reading of the stress level you feel in your own life. 1. Oh no, youve got to be kidding! You mean Ive got to wait ill tomorrow? What am I going to wear? Stress level: 80. Youve been letting all the little things that can and do go wrong in life get to you, and now the stress has built up so much that even the smallest annoyance can send you into a funk all day. Its time for you to take a break and relax before it starts affecting your health.

2. Lets wait for a little while and see if the weather clears up. Stress level: 50. You arent overwhelmed by stress in your life, and you manage to keep a good perspective when things dont go as planned. Keep working on those problems you can solve as they arise, and youll be fine. Remember, not all stress is bad. Let the stress in your life motivate you. 3. Well, I guess I wont have to do laundry today after all. Stress level: nearly 0. You dont let small problems bother you and dont see the point in worrying. You may be on to something with your easygoing philosophy; you cant stop the rain by worrying about it. 4. Im going to do this damn laundry whether it rains or not. Stress level: close to 100. You feel so much stress in your life that you ignore reality and try to achieve the impossible. And when you fail, you end up with bigger problems and more stress than before. If youd just take the time to relax and think things through, youd see how much effort youve been wasting. Slow down and take things easier. It wont kill you to war that same pair of socks one more day. PAGES OF A MAGAZINE You've just bought a copy of a popular weekly magazine and taken it home to read. How do you go through the features inside? 1. Read the whole magazine in order from first page to last. 2. Jump straight to the articles that you know will interest you and read only them. 3. Flip randomly through the pages and read anything that seems worthwhile. 4. As long as the format hasn't changed, you'd read the features in the same order you always do. Your magazine reading style reflects on how you confront a diversity of choices. In particular, the way you budget your reading time reveals your approach to handing resources, especially money. 1. Read the whole magazine in order. You're the type who knows where every penny of your money is and what it's being spent on. It's not that you're all that concerned about your budget or financial planning; you just feel more comfortable when you know exactly how things stand. You hate the thought of missing something, so you keep all your accounts in order and know the current balance of your checking account, including interest, as a matter of course. 2. Jump straight to the articles that you know will interest you. Money burns a whole in your pocket. If you have it, you use it to buy whatever catches your fancy and think, 'maybe I'll start a savings account next month', as you spend your

last dime. If you have managed to save something, it's not unusual for you to make a trip to the cash machine and make a withdrawal just to give yourself something to do. 3. Flip randomly through the pages. You'd say you're economical. Some would call it stingy. The fact is, you don't spend frivolously or waste your resources, preferring to save it for a rainy day. You'll never get carried away with impulse buying or max out your credit cards shopping on cable TV, but you might want to loosen up on the purse strings on occasion. After all, money is there to help you live well. 4. Same order as you always do. You keep spending according to habit regardless of changes that take place in your life. If you hit the lottery, it would be hard for you to stop shopping at discount stores. Alternatively, if you were facing bankruptcy, you might still insist on designer label clothes. You can't be bothered worrying about the vagaries of fortune, which would make a good idea for you to hook up with a partner who can, and let him or her handle the finances. ERASER If you have a magical eraser that can erase anything: a. Erase yourself b. Erase your lover c. Erase the third party The question stands for how you handle the problem in your love life If you choose a. You always run away from the problem in your love life b. You respect love and see it as a beautiful thing c. You don't like to let the problem goes on and effect with your life. You love to solve it right away PAINTING Again, you are in the art gallery, the same one as before. While you are looking at that picture, a guy standing next to you is about to say something. What is that might be? a.) "What a beautiful painting, you think?" b.) "How do you like this painting?" c.) "Excuse me; do you know what time is it now?" d.) "You know, I'm the one who painted this picture" The question stands for the way you act when you met someone for the first time If you choose a. You are friendly and love to get to know and have new friends b. You will consider carefully before get to know someone

c. You are independent and see no importance of getting to know new friends d. You always get excited to know someone and try to make them impressed in you

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