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Oky Wila Lomi


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Critical Value of Students Distribution (t) df Two-tailed test level of significance Onetailed test level of significance. 0

5 1 5 1 1 1 0 6 5 5 3 1 . 8

. . .

0 0 0

2 . 7 6 3 . 7 6 . 4 3 1 2 1 2

4 9 2 6 3 2 1 3 1

. . . . 3 5 2 4 4

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of October, 1985 in a small village, Lancirang, Sidrap regency.

He lives at Jl.Handayani No. 93 RT.02 RW.07 Parepare 91112. He is thefirst son of his parents, Drs. Andi. S Rifai, S.Pd, and Nasirah. He

went to kindergarten at Aisyah 2 Parepare in1990 and finished 1992. And then, he continued his studyat elementary school

at the SD Negeri 48 Parepare in 1992and finished in 1998. He continued his study at SMP Negeri 2 Parepare in 1998and finished in 2000.

And then, he continued his study at SMA Negeri 1 Pareparein 2000 and finished in 2003. And then, he continued his study the S1

program of English Education Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare (UMPA R) in academic year 2003/2004.

He was active in many parts of organizational background namely the main secretary of English StudentsAssociati on Universitas

Muhammadiyah Parepare (HMJBahasa Inggris UMPAR)in 2005-2006, The chief of English Satellite Study Club Universitas Muh

ammadiyah Parepare (ESSCUMPAR) in 2005-2006, The chief of organizingcommit tee at Aksi Intelektual Anak Bangsa III Se-

Ajatappareng UniversitasMuha mmadiyah Parepare in 2005, Students Village Coordinator at KKN UMPAR 2006 in BuluE village

Soppeng regency, Instructor and pioneer of EnglishCampUniversitas Muhammadiyah Parepare (UMPAR) in 2006, The local

guide of Dinas Pariwisata Seni dan Budaya Parepare in 2006-2007, Secretary of Technology and Sciences Department of

Muhammadiyah Students AssociationBranc h Parepare (PC.IMM Kota Parepare) in 2006now, etc.


COMPOSITION AT SMA NEGERI 1 PAREPAREA THESISSubmitted to the Department of English Education Faculty of TeachersTraining

and Education of Muhammadiyah University of ParepareIn part Fulfillment of the Requirements forThe Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd)



2007PERSETUJU AN PEMBIMBING Skripsi dengan judul: Using Pictures in Increasing the Students Ability toWrite

Descriptive Composition at SMA Negeri 1Parepare Atas nama saudara: N a m a : ANDI ASRIFAN

N i m : 203 110 463 Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Fakultas : Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Setelah diperiksa/ diteliti ulang, maka dinyatakan telah memenuhi persyaratanuntuk diujikan.Parepare, Juli 2007Pembimbing:

1.Prof. Dr. Muhammad Amin Rasyid, M.A (............................ ............) 2.Irvan Al Rajab, S.Pd, M.Hum (............................ ............)

PENGESAHAN UJIAN SKRIPSI Skripsi atas nama: ANDI ASRIFAN, NIM: 203 110 463 diterima oleh panitia ujian skripsi Fakultas

Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (FKIP) UniversitasMuha mmadiyah Parepare (UMPAR) dengan SK Nomor:

1805/KEPFKIP/II.3.AU/D/1 428/2007 tanggal 5 Syaban 1428 H bertepatan dengan tanggal18 Agustus 2007 untuk memenuhi sebagian

persyaratan memperoleh gelar Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) yang dipertahankan di depan penguji pada hari

Kamistanggal 23 Agustus 2007. PANITIA UJIAN 1.Ketua :Dra. Rafiah Nur, M.Hum (.......................... ..........)2.Sekretar is :Ammang

Latifa, S.Pd, M.Hum (........................... .........) PENGUJI 1.Penguji I:Prof. H. M. Asfah Rahman, M.Ed, Ph.D(.................

...................) 2.P enguji II:Ammang Latifa, S.Pd, M.Hum(.......... ...................... ....) 3.Penguji III:Muzakkar Hanafi, S.Pd,

M.A. Tesol(............... .....................) D isahkan oleh:Dekan Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu PendidikanUniver

sitas Muhammadiyah Parepare (UMPAR) Drs. H. Ramlan, M.Pd NBM. 798 572

Mengetahui:Ketua JurusanPendidika n Bahasa Inggris Dra. Rafiah Nur, M.Hum NBM. 954 821

ABSTRACTAndi Asrifan , 2007.

Using Pictures in Increasing the Students Ability toWrite Descriptive Composition at SMA Negeri 1 Parepare. Thesis, FKIP Universitas

Muhammadiyah Parepare. Supervised by Muhammad Amin Rasyid and Irvan Al Rajab. The objective of the research was to find out

whether using pictures wasable to increase the ability of the students of SMA Negeri 1 Parepare to writedescriptive composition.This

research employed Quasiexperimental method that applied experimen tal and control class. The population was the second year

students (XI)of SMA Negeri 1 Parepare in 2006-2007 academic years. Total number of population was 322 students and two classes

of them were taken as sample byusing random sampling technique, class XI exact 1 as experimental class and classXI exact 3 as control

class. The number of each class was 37 students. Theinstrument used in this research was to write descriptive composition.The

result of this research showed that the experimental group got themean score (70.95) while the control group got mean score

(64.46). This showedthat there was significant difference between the students who were taught byusing pictures and those who

were taught without pictures.The result of the t-test value (2.63) was greater than t-table (

= 0.05: 72= 2.000). This means that H


was accepted. The study concluded that teachingwriting by using pictures

increased the students ability to write descriptivecompo sition at SMA Negeri 1 Parepare. ACKNOWLEDG EMENTS

Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin, without the blessing of the almighty AllahSWT, the researcher would have never been able to begin and

finish writing thisthesis. The researcher realizes that this thesis could have never been completedwithout the assistance of a number of

people. Therefore, the researcher wouldvery much like to acknowledge them.Drs. Syarifuddin Yusuf, M.Si, the

rector of Universitas MuhammadiyahP arepare.He is grateful to the Dean of FKIP (Faculty of Teachers Training

andEducation) Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare Drs. H. Ramlan, M.Pd for hishelp, advice and encouragement.Hi s deepest

gratitude is due to his first consultant Prof. Dr. MuhammadAmin Rasyid, M.A, to his second consultant Irvan Al Rajab, S.Pd,

M.Hum, who patiently guided and supported by providing his suggestion, motivation, andcorrections.Th e lectures and the

staff of Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare for their guidance during the years of his study.His endless gratitude goes to the

headmaster and the teachers of English of SMA Negeri 1 Parepare for their permission that the researcher could carry

outresearch in this school. His deepest thanks are due to the students of the first years students of SMA Negeri1 Parepare,

especially for class XI exact 1 and class XI exact 3 whosanctified their activities and time for being the sample in this researcher.Many

thanks also for friends, Sawal, Tajuddin, Nirwana, Satriani, Nurjann ah Idris, Mursal, Irwan, and for all who have given their help to

thewriting of this thesis.His endless thanks go to my valentine Haryanti and all the executive boardof English Students Association of Universitas

Muhammadiyah Parepare (HIMABahasa Inggris UMPAR) who always patiently support, motivate and pray for hisachievement.Hi

s loveliest appreciation goes to his beloved father Drs. A.S. Rifai, S.Pd,his mother Nasirah, his sister Andi Putri Nurhidayani, and

all his relatives whoalways expect for the best of his and pray all the time for his success.May the Almighty Allah SWT bless us now and

forever.Parepare, 2007 ANDI ASRIFAN TABLE OF CONTENTS PageHALAMAN JUDUL ................ ............................. .............................

................... iPERSETUJUAN PEMBIMBING ... ............................. ............................. ............ iiHALAMAN PENGESAHAN .. .............................

............................. ...................iiiAB STRACT ............. ............................. ............................. ............................. ...... ivACKNOWLED GMENTS ............

............................. ............................. .............. vTABLE OF CONTENTS ........ ............................. ............................. ................... viiLIST OF

TABLES ............. ............................. ............................. ..........................ix LIST OF APPENDIXES .... ............................. ............................. ..........................

xCHAPTER I :INTRODUCTIO NA.Background .. ............................. ............................. ............ 1B.Problem statement ............. .............................

.................... 3C.Objectives of the research .............. ............................ ........ 3D.Significant of the research ..............

............................ ....... 3E.The scope of the research .............. ............................ ..... 4CHAPTER II:REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A

.The previous related research findings .............. ................ 6B.Some pertinent ideas ................... ............................ ...........

81.Teaching writing skill at senior high school across thecompetency based curriculum 2004(The KBK 2004) ................... .............................

...........82.Writing ............................ ............................ ............... 102.1Descriptive composition ......... ............................. 152.2The principles of

writing descriptive essay ..........162.3 Characteristics of a descriptive writing ................. 172.4Developing description ........... .............................

.183.Pictures ....... ............................ ............................ .........19 3.1The concept of pictures ................ .........................19 3.2The feature of pictures ................

..........................1 93.3The advantages in using picturesto teach writing ................. ............................. .......20C.Resume . .............................

............................. ...................22D.C onceptual framework .......... ............................ ................22E.Hy pothesis ............... ............................. .............................

25CHAPTER III :RESEARCH METHODA.Rese arch design ................. ............................ ...................26B. Research variables and

operational definition of the research variables .............. ............................. ............27C.Popul ation and sample ................ ............................

..........28D.Instru ment of the research .............. ............................ .......28E.Procedur e of collecting data ..................... .........................2 9F.Technique of

data analysis .............. ............................ ......32CHAPTER IV :FINDING AND DISCUSSIONA. Finding ................ .............................

............................. 37B.Discussion ... ............................ ............................ ..........47CHAPT ER V :CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONA.

Conclusion ......... ............................ ............................ ... 49B.Suggestion ............................. ............................. ..........49BIBLIO GRAPHY ............ .............................

............................. ..........................5 1APPENDIXES .. ............................. ............................. ............................. .............54DISTRI BUTION OF t ...........................

............................. ............................. .....99CURRICUL UM VITAE ................ ............................. ............................. ...........100 LIST OF TABLES

PageTable 1. The rate percentage of the score of experimental ........ .......................... 36Table 2. The rate percentage of the score of control .................

........................... 37Table 3. The mean score and standard deviation of the students pretest. ...........38Tabl e 4. The t-test of the students pre-

test ....................... ............................. .......38Table 5. The mean score and standard deviation of the students posttest. .........39Table 6. The t-test of the

students post-test ............................. ............................. 39Table 7. The sample result of the students writing for the control class...............39T

able 8. The sample result of the students writing for the experimental class.....39 LIST OF APPENDIXES

PageAPPENDIX A. The Pre-Test and PostTest ...................... ............................. .....47APPENDIX B. The Application of TTest Formula for

PreTest ...................... ..49APPENDIX C. The Application of TTest Formula for PostTest ...................... 52APPENDIX D.

The Raw Score of the Students Writing on PreTest.................55 APPENDIX E. The Raw Score of the Students Writing on PostTest................56A

PPENDIX F. Rencana Pengajaran ........... ............................. ...........................5 7APPENDIX G. Teaching materials .............. .............................

........................73 APPENDIX H. Sample students writing on Pre-test and Posttest(Control Class) .................. ............................. ...........................

79APPENDIX I. Sample students writing on Pre-test and Posttest(Experimental Class) .................. ............................. .................. 84

CHAPTER IINTRODUCTIO N This chapter deals with background, problem statement, objectives of theresearch,

significance of the research and scope of the research. A.Background Basically in the early of 2004, Indonesia embraced the

Competence BasedCurriculum (the KBK) which was oriented to develop the discourse competencespecif ically: ability to communicate

and leading the students to practice it everyday for instance in teaching writing skill through pictures that taken fromnatural

resource. Descriptive writing is one type of texts which must be applied inladder of SMA / MA which written in the Curriculum Based

Competence 2004(KBK 2004). The understanding of descriptive writing is that writing that usesconcrete and specific details

those appeals to one or more of the reader's fivesensesWriting as a language production is considered a difficult subject for students.

Usually, students have many ideas and experience but they cannotexplain or describe into the written form.Many ways have been used by

the teacher in teaching writing especially indescriptive composition. However sometimes he/she does not much attention tothe

students interest in and purpose of writing. Sometimes students write only for assignment purpose not for communicative

purposes. This indicates that students are not interest in their writing. One type of writing that sometimes makes thestudents difficult to

compose the topic is descriptive writing. Allami andSalmani- Nod oushan(2007) state:Descriptio n is another type of writing. It is often suggested

that description be presented after narration. Description is a little moretroublesome for students because it is, in fact, the first step

towardsreasoning. In writing descriptive paragraphs the students need to think of the important details they want to put into their

compositions. They should be informed as to which pieces of information are needed for their specificcompositi ons. Pictures can still be used to

provide the students with thetheme of their compositions. After looking carefully at the pictures, thestudents should judge what is

essential to put into their writing.This problem appeared at the students of SMA Negeri 1 Parepare wherethe writing skill of the

students was still low especially in writing descriptive.Some techniques and approaches have been employed in teaching writing,neverthel

ess it was still less to give interest to the students in teaching writing.This problem was found by the researcher when

teaching at SMA Negeri 1Parepare through teaching practicum 2 (PPL 2) for 2 months (eight meetings).Drawin gs and illustrations

were a very important part of beginning writing. Beside that, they liked to describe something through pictures comparingothers. Illustrations were

a way for the students to understand new concepts or vocabulary in a context that made them meaningful and more readily internalized by

the learner. Illustrations also enabled the students to link new concepts andvocabulary to prior knowledge by visually showing the

connection betweendifferent concepts. I had had many students who had had a love and talents in artwhich help them develop their interest in

writing because they could see the connection between the ways writing could influence art and the way art

couldinfluence their writing.Based the explanation above and the survey, the researcher was interestedto research about writing entitled

Using Pictures in Increasing the StudentsAbility to Write Descriptive Composition at SMA Negeri 1 Parepare.

B.Problem Statement Based on the above problems background, the researcher put forward problem statement as follow:Can the

use of pictures increase the ability of the students of SMA Negeri1 Parepare to write descriptive composition?

C.Objective of the research The aim of conducting of this research was at finding out whether using pictures was able to increase

the ability of the students of SMA Negeri 1 Parepareto write descriptive composition D.Significance of the research

The results of the research were expected to be valuable input in learning-teaching process of English as described as follow:1.For teachers of

English to use it in their teaching method. 2.For students to give motivation to improve their English, and as a technique in learning

English.3.For the next researchers as a contribution of opinion that can be takenas references in research concerning in the same area.

E.Scope of the research This research was focused on the study of the students achievement onlearning writing descriptive

composition through pictures at the XI year studentsof SMA Negeri 1 Parepare in 2006-2007 academic year.1.By discipline, this

research was limited to the field of applied linguistic s which talked about the teaching subjects in term of writingskill.2.By

content, this research was restricted in one genre of the Competency Based Curriculum 2004 (the KBK 2004) that

is descriptive writing. In this case, the social function was instructed todescribe a particular person, place or thing. It is generic

structure waslimited to identify phenomenon and to describe parts, qualities, charact eristics (Depdiknas, 2003: 81). The

basic competence for writing was to put forward the various meaning by the developingsteps of rhetoric correctly in the written text of

descriptive, narrative,anecdot e, analytical exposition (without recommendation) , andhortatory exposition (with recommendation)

it emphasis of the manner of written language. One of indicators attainment of linguistic competence which printed in

the competency based curriculum 2004was; writing various texts particularly in descriptive form. The researcher would teach descriptive

writing, in this case; descriptivewritin g through picture. In this research, the researcher limited thecategory of

pictures was photographs with consideration of teachingrequirem ent namely which related to the glimpse of Parepare thatdivided into

four topics specifically Tourism objects, markets, educatio nal institutions, and hotels. Beside that, using photographswere easy to get and

accuracy for the topic given.3.By activity, the researcher used two ways in teaching writing, they are:a.For the experimental group, the

researcher taught writing by using pictures. The researcher gave pictures about the glimpse of Parepare in four different

topics and then the students are instructed to write a descriptive composition through those pictures. b. For the control

group, the researcher taught writing by using conventiona l way. The researcher gave only the topics and then

thestudents are instructed to write a descriptive composition throughthose topics without any pictures.

CHAPTER IIREVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE This chapter deals with previous related research findings, some pertinentideas,

conceptual framework and hypothesis.A. The previous related research findings There have been some researchers done related to

this research some of them are stated below:1.Kasman (2003: 25) in his research on using remedial teaching to improve

thewriting ability of SLTP students finds that based on the data there is asignificant difference between pre-test and post-test. It means that

remedialteaching is effective to improve the students writing descriptive composition.2.Aw aluddin (2006: 37) conducted a research on

improving writing skill on thesecond year students of SMP Negeri 1 Duampanua Kabupaten Pinrang byusing spider web. It is

concluded that if the second year students are taughtwith writing material through procedures prescribed to a spider

web technique, so their writing skill will improve. It is proved by the mean scoreobtained for their pre-test only (47.96) after the students

were given treatments, the mean score of post-test was (80.51) and t-test value (54.08) isgreater than ttable value in level 5% =

2.0213.Nakhdah (2004: 23) in her research on the ability of the second year studentsof SLTP Negeri 9 parepare to write guided

composition in English finds that the second year students of SLTP Negeri 9 Parepare have ability to writeEnglish guided composition

which is fairly good. It is proved by the result of test I and test II. The result of the both test show, the total average is 204, sothe mean score

of both test is 6.8 which is classified as the fairly goodclassification .4.Subroto (2003: 31) who reported in his research the ability of the

third year students of SMA Negeri 4 Parepare to use irregular verbs in writing narrationconclude s that the third year students of

SMA Negeri 4 Parepare are not quiteable to use irregular verbs in writing narration. This can be proved by meanscore 5, 64 which classified

fair score.5.Sitti Rahma (2005: 61) in her research on improving the students ability towrite descriptive paragraph through

direct observation. Based on the data, theresearcher concluded that write descriptive paragraph about anything especiall y the place through direct

observation can be improved the studentswriting English. Because the researcher compared with the students writedescriptive about the place

without direct observation has very difference.Based on explanation of previous related findings above we can say thatthe ability of

students in writing still need deed process. So, the teacher shouldfind out another technique to make this subject fun to be learnt particularly

for thestudents in order that they were easy to understand in writing. Therefore, theresearcher believed that the use of pictures

was effective in increasing the students ability in writing descriptive composition. B.Some Pertinent ideas

This sub-chapter contains some pertinent ideas that are related to thisresearch, which cover: teaching writing skill at senior high school

(SMA) acrossthe 2004 Competency Based Curriculum (the KBK 2004), writing, descriptivecompo sition, the principles of

writing descriptive essay, picture, the concept of picture, the featured picture, and the advantages in

using pictures to teach writing. 1.Teaching writing skill at senior high school across the Competency BasedCurriculum

2004 (The KBK 2004) Hornby AS (1974: 886) defines that teaching is the way to show somebodyhow to do something so that they will be

able to do it themselves, and to givesomebody to learn something or to tell or show somebody how to do somethingthat they can already

do well, and probably better than oneself. Anonim (2007b)defines the meaning of teaching are:a.The profession of a teacher; "he

prepared for teaching while still in college";"pedago gy is recognized as an important profession". The synonyms of teaching term

are instruction and pedagogy. b.The activities of educating or instructing or teaching; activities that impartknowledge or skill.Anonim

(2007c) states about teaching namely: In education, teachers arethose who teach students or pupils, often a course of study or

a practical skill,including learning and thinking skills. There are many different ways to teach and help students to learn. This way is

often referred to as the teacher's pedagogy.When deciding what teaching method to use, a teacher will need to consider students' background

knowledge, environment, and their learning goals. Smith(2007) proposes operational definitions of teaching i.e. the

action of a person whoteaches; the profession of a teacher, teaching is imparting knowledge or skill.The competencybased curriculum

or also called CBC was a new curriculum in educational system of Indonesia and have been applied since 2004although

there are some schools had begun to apply it before. By materials, in factthis curriculum was not different with the 1994 curriculum; it is

difference wasonly seen at the students way in learning at the classroom (Anonim, 2007f)Teaching writing at the senior high

school (SMA) is one of the basicsubstances that must be applied for the attainment of students competence.Actu ally in practice,

the students must have a specific competence after learning.Thus the learners competence is the learners description of a particular perfor

mance in combination between knowledge and ability which can be observed and measured (Rajab, 2005: 18-19).This issue is relevant to

the standard competence which is effective for lifeand long-life study and must be reached by the students for their experience.Teach ing English

especially in senior high school (SMA) at the class XI, PuskurBalitbang Depdiknas (2004: 16) affirms the standard

competence namely: tocommunicate orally or in written form by using various language forms fluentlyand accurately in

transactional discourse and monologue; especially in thedescriptive dialogue, narrative, anecdote, analytical

exposition (without recommendation), and hortatory exposition (with recommendation) which flangeto variation of interpersonal

meaning. The basic competence in teaching writing insenior high school (SMA) at the class XI explicitly is to put forward the

variousmeaning by developing correct steps of rhetoric, in the written text in the form of descriptive, narrative, anecdote,

analytical exposition (without recommendation), and hortatory exposition (with recommendation) by emphasizing at the manner

of written language. In this case, the teachers are given the policy in looking thevarious different sources for different text in the

Competency Based Curriculum2004 which will be taught at the classroom; for instance, the use of pictures inteaching writing

process that flange for the descriptive text. 2.Writing Writing is a continuous process of thinking, organizing, re-

thinking and reorganizing. Writing involved a number of steps or activities. The writers sometimes go through the same process,

whether they are writing a short letter toa friend, an assignment from their teacher, thesis until a dissertation for a doctorate

degree.In this study, the researcher would like to explain the students ability towrite descriptive composition. Talking about

composition we will come to discussthe point in writing paragraph.Paragra ph is a series of sentences all relating to the same topic or

centralideas. The aim of all paragraphs is to communicate to the reader that idea clearly and effectively. There is no hard and fast rule

about the length of a paragraph; itwill depend on the topic and what the writer wants to say or the instruction fromteachers/ researcher. The

paragraph should be long enough to develop the ideaexpressed in the topic sentence sufficiently. It should do what it sets out to do inthe topic

sentence. If the topic sentence states that will be explaining the view of Parepare city, without forgetting about the tourism object, local

government,mark et, educational situation and many things about Parepare city. Regardless of length, the paragraph should contain only one

idea. Any irrelevant sentences must be eliminated from the paragraph to ensure that it maintains unity.Anonim (2006) defines

the paragraph structure in academic writingnamely:a. Main idea: The point/issue of the paragraph is expressed in the first sentenceof

each paragraph b.Expla nation: A further explanation/clarif ication of the point/issue is providedin the next sentence or twoc.Illustration:

The point or issue is supported with indirect quotes/paraphrase s inthe remaining sentence or sentencesActually a paragraph is a unit of writing

that consists of one or moresentences focusing on a single idea or topic. According to Anonim (2007g) proposes the paragraph

structure include are:a.Topic Sentence: This sentence outlines the main idea that will be presented inthe paragraph. b.Support Details or

Examples: This is the part of the paragraph that presentsdetails, facts, examples, quotes and arguments that support the main idea.c.Conclusio

n Sentence: This sentence summarizes the main idea of the paragraph. It may also lead the reader to the topic of the next paragraph.Rajab

(2005: 28) proposes there are three types of paragraph namely;introduct ory, body and conclusion. The introductory paragraph lets the

reader know what the essay will be about. An essay has body paragraph, which developthe topic stated in the introduction, in the same way that

supporting sentencesdevelop the topic sentence in a paragraph. The body paragraph usually the longest part of the essay, contain support for the

thesis (sentences). An essay contains aconcluding paragraph, just as a paragraph contains a concluding sentence.

Theconcluding paragraph summarizes the information in the essay or many containthe writers opinion or prediction of the topic. Heard

& Tucker (2007: 92) statesthat a concluding paragraph may involve:a.A summary of the main points b.A restatement of the ideas in the thesis

(sentences) statementc.A final comment about the topic d.A prediction e.A recommendation f.A possible solution g.The

writers opinion Anonim (2004a) proposes some methods to make sure the paragraph arewelldeveloped:

a.Using examples and illustrations b.Cit ing data (facts, statistics, evidence, details, and others)c.Examini ng testimony

(what other people say such as quotes and paraphrases)d.Usi ng an anecdote or storye.Defining terms in the paragraph f.Com

paring and contrast g.Evalua ting causes and reasonsh.Examin ing effects and consequencesi.A nalyzing the topic j.Describi ng the

topic k.Offering a chronology of an event (time segments)Seven steps in writing process are offered by Heard & Tucker (2007) i.e.assessing the

assignment, generating ideas, organizing ideas, writing the firstdraft, revising, editing, and publishing. The illustration the writing

process above,the researcher would like to explain through diagram below: Figure 2: The process in writing. The writing process series

contains an ordered sequence of four stages,associating, outlining, drafting, and revising. The four stages, seemingly comingone after

another, virtually come together during the writing process. This is because the brain keeps working continuously during writing.

During the associating stage, writers generate ideas and sort out the useless ones by means of background knowledge, i.e.

personal prior knowledge and experience. Practically,a little bit imagination can actually help generate ideas. During the outlining

stage,writes organize the ideas to draw up an outline in ordered arrangement. During thedrafting stage, writers use grammatical items (e.g. grammatical

rules and patterns)and lexical units (e.g. words, phrases, and idioms) to make sentences and paragraphs. During the

revising stage, writers proofread, correct and improve thedraft. AssociatingOutlini ngDraftingRevisin gFinished Work The writing Process

2.1 Descriptive composition One type of text presented in the competency

based curriculum 2004 isdescriptive text and must be passed by the students in senior high school (SMA).In this case, the students are expected able

to describe and dispense their idea andknowledge into written text.Descriptive composition is perhaps one of the most difficult skills for students

to really master. Particularly in senior high school have great difficultydetermi ning what information someone else might need to

know in order todescribe an experience accurately. Still, descriptive writing is foundational to allother forms of writing.

Descriptive writing paints a picture in the reader's mind; ituses words to describe feelings, sights, sounds, taste, scents and touch.

Commonexample s include the pictures of their city, school, their classmates, etc. Wishonand Burks (1968: 322) states:Descriptio n gives sense

impressions the feel, sound, taste, smell, andlook of things. Emotion may be described, too feeling such as happiness,fear, loneliness, gloom, joy.

Description helps the reader, through hisimagination, to visualize a scene or a person or to understand a sensationor an emotionBreston

in Rahma (2005: 7) proposes two types of description which willfind most useful namely description of a place and description of the

person. Inthe same page, Rahma states that how to organize and write the descriptions,follo w these steps below:a.Begin the descriptions

with a topic sentences that introduce the person, placeor object and if it is possible the general impression of the object.

b.Present the supporting sensory details and logical order using chronologicalord er, or order importance if we use chorological

order, present the details inthe order in which they exist in space. For example: from left to right, top to bottom, or from to back. If we use order by

importance we may start with leastimportant details. Continue with the most important details. With east detailsthe other hand, we must

capture the readers authentic by starting with thestrongest details and continue with less striking details reinforce the impression

created by the first details.c.Use the transitional words and phrase and emphasize the order of the description.d.P lace each group

of related details in a paragraph if the details contain manydetails.e.Co nclude with a sentence that restate the general

impression or indicates theend of description. 2.2 The principles of writing descriptive essay Anonim (2004b) proposes three principles in

writing descriptive essay:a.A descriptive essay has one, clear dominant impression. The dominant impress ion guides the

author's selection of detail and is thereby made clear tothe reader in the thesis sentence. b.A descriptive essay can be objective or subjective,

giving the author a widechoice of tone, diction and attitude. c.The purpose of a purely descriptive essay is to involve the reader enough so

heor she can actually visualize the things being described. Therefore, it isimportant to use specific and concrete details.

2.3 Characteristics of a descriptive writing: Anonim (2005) proposes some characteristics of a descriptive writingspecificall y:a.Vividly

descriptive details Elaborate on sensory details including how it looks, sound, feel, smell b.Figurativ e language may be usedUsing words, phrases,

symbols, and ideas such as simile, hyperbole, metaphor,symboli sm and personification in such as way as to evoke mental images andsense

impressionsc.Sho wing , not telling Use vivid and precise adjectives, adverbs and verbs when describing the topicAnonim (2007d) defines

characteristics of good descriptive writingnamely:a. Good descriptive writing includes many vivid sensory those paint a pictureand

appeals to all of the readers senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell andtaste when appropriate. Descriptive writing may also paint pictures of

thefeelings the person, place or thing invokes in the writer. b.Good descriptive writing often makes use of figurative

language such as analogies, similes and metaphors to help paint the picture in the readers mind. c.Good descriptive

writing uses precise language. General adjectives, nouns,and passive verbs do not have a place in good descriptive writing. Use

specificadjectives and nouns and strong action verbs to give life to the pictures youare painting in the readers mind.d.Good descriptive

writing is organized. Some ways to organized descriptivewritin g include: chronological (time), spatial (location), and

order of importance. When describing a person, you might begin with a physicaldescriptio n, followed by how that person

thinks, feels and acts. 2.4 Developing Description Description creates a word picture, a clear image in readers mind is

thecommon denominator in all writing specially, for instance in the topic of tourismobject in Parepare in this case Lumpue beach; description

questions like these:-Where is the Lumpue beach located? How far from the Lumpue beach to the central of the city?-How can we go there? -

Why is Lumpue beach attractive? -Is there as attractive place in the beach?When are there visitors in the beach? -Why that

is called Lumpue beach? E t c 3.Picture 3.1 The concept of picture Anonim (2007a) proposes four

definitions of picture, they are:a.The art of painting; representation by painting. b.A representation of anything (as a person, a

landscape, a building) upon canvas, paper, or other surface, produced by means of painting, drawing,engravin

g, photography, etc.; a representation in colors. By extension, afigure; a model.c.An image or resemblance; a

representation, either to the eye or to the mind;that which, by its likeness, brings vividly to mind some other thing; as, a childis the picture of his

father; the man is the picture of grief.d.To draw or paint a resemblance of; to delineate; to represent; to form or present an ideal likeness

of; to bring before the mind.According to Hornby in Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of CurrentEnglish (1974: 631),

picture is painting, drawing, sketch of something, especiallyas a work of art.3.2 Thefeature of picture Anonim (2007e) states there are

eight features of pictures criteria namely:a.It is of high quality. b.It is of high resolution. It is of sufficiently high resolution to allow

qualityreproducti ons. Images should be at least 1000 pixelsin reso lutionin width or height to be supported, unless they are of historical

significance or animated;even larger sizes are generally preferred. c.It is a photograph, diagram, image

or animation.d.It has a free license. It is available in the public domainor under a free license.e.It adds value to an article and helps

readers to understand an article. The encyclopedic value of the image is given priority over its artistic value.f.It is accurate. It is

supported by facts in the article or references cited on theimage page.g.It is pleasing to the eye. It is taken or created in a

manner which best illustrates the subject of the image. The picture makes readers want to knowmore.h.It has a good caption. The

picture is displayed with a descriptive, informativeand completecaption.i. It is neutral. An image illustrates the subject objectively and

does not promotea particular agenda or point of view.3.3 The advantages of using pictures to teach writing

Culham (2000) states the advantages in using pictures book to teachwriting as:Picture books can be a highly visual and

motivating means to teachstudents about quality writing using Picture Books in Middle and HighSchool to Teach Writing.

The 20-minute video shows actual students using picture books as models to help organize their thoughts in meaningfulways, to explore new

topics, and to share multiple viewpoints about asimilar topic. Using picture books, students can try out effective writingtechniques

(such as interesting leads and conclusions), examine how anauthor uses specific and precise word choice, and see how an edited

and polished piece of work should be presented While Werff (2003) defines those pictures from magazines are a source

of varied classroom activities in the areas of speaking, listening, writing, vocabularyand grammar. With pictures we can:Teach,

practice, or review new vocabulary; do guided practice (drills);Practice grammatical structures; Practice listening comprehension;

dowriting activities; do semi-guided or free speaking practice such as problem solving activities, role plays, discussions,

etc.Brinks (2001) assumes the importance of using pictures in his articles intitle Round Robin Writing Using a Picture File. He states:collect

the stories and pictures, and we read and write them together.Students love to see while describe what happened to their character andhow

the stories ended. We usually laugh at the conclusions another producti ve way to use the file is to teach writing paragraphs

of descriptions. After detailing the characteristics of a descriptive paragraphand reviewing the importance of adjectives, each student is again

given a picture Following his articles, he formulates some questions in teaching writingthrough Round Robins pictures file

namely:Who is this person?Where is this person?What is this person doing?When is this person doing this?Why are

they doing it?How did it end?Picture can be found almost everywhere like in magazines, album , textbooks, outdoor either as signs, at

billboards, on cans, or even just somewhereon the walls. Picture as visual aids can be helpful to the teachers of foreignlanguage in a number of

different ways. It can brighten up the classroom and bring more variety into language lessons. Pictures give students motivation

todevelop their ability (Andriani, 2006: 18) C.Resume Based on some findings and pertinent ideas, the researcher concludes

thatdescriptive writing is one of the skills at the KBK 2004 (Competency BasedCurriculum 2004) which must be applied at senior high

school (SMA). Picturesare media in teaching descriptive writing at the classroom. Sometimes pictures arereally worth a thousand

words. Sometimes it is easier to express an idea through a picture. The explicative role suggests that pictures can express ideas better thanwords

in certain situations and make the students interest to describe their ideas,imaginations , experiences, knowledge, etc in purpose

supporting their descriptivewriting .The students can be motivated and interested to use this written productionin English. Teaching descriptive

writing by using pictures can make the Englishteachers and the second year students of SMA Negeri 1 Parepare easier to increasethe

teaching and learning process of writing subject.D. Conceptual Framework The psycholinguist Lenneberg as in

Rajab (2005: 26) once noted about thewriting skill in a discussion of species specific human behavior that human beings universally learn to walk and talk.

He compared this skill with swimming and writing that are bound to culturally specific, learned behaviors. He argued thatthis skill would only

be achieved if we enter such a literate society of which weshould be a part. And since it is a specific and learned behavior, there should

besomeone to teach the skill. In short, this skill can only be achieved throughlearning. A student will face difficult problem to keep

in an idea if he/she does notown knowledge and large experience in learning it. It means that to describe anidea in a composition, it

needs an impression in order that the topic which will becomposed is easy to describe by their mind. Occasionally in course to concept

anidea that will be poured in a composition, the student will feel difficulty without being supported by pictures in each discussion. Jarvis

(2002) says that:Many of the ESL students I have had in my classes have preferred todraw pictures first because they can include many

concepts that theywould not be able to express verbally. Drawings and illustrations are avery important part of beginning writing"The

conceptual frameworks in this research were systematically explained below:1 . I n p u t In this research the researcher used some teaching

materials as the independent variable of this research, and the teaching material would be setin the lesson plan.2.Process

The research conducted in the classroom by giving treatment to the students.Then, the researcher taught two different classes which are

taken randomly byusing conventional technique and by using pictures.3 . O u t p u t The treatment that was given in the process of the

research was evaluated bylooking at indicator of the students achievement in increasing their writingskill.The conceptual

framework could be described in a diagram as follow: ProcessOutputINP UTTeaching WritingExperimen tal ClassWith picturesControl

ClassConventional techniqueThe Students Writing Skill


Based on the conceptual framework, the researcher put forward the hypothesis, namely:1.The Alternative Hypothesis (H

): there was a significance difference betweenthe students who were taught by using pictures and whom were not

taught byusing pictures (conventional technique).2.The Null Hypothesis (H0): there was no significance difference between

thestudents who were taught by using pictures and whom were not taught byusing pictures (conventional technique).
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