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How satisfied Are You With Your Job?

In responding to each of the 15 items below, rate each statement according to how strongly you agree with them. 1 = Completely Disagree : 10 = Completely Agree
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Q1. Q2. Q3. Q4. Q5. Q6. Q7. Q8. Q9. Q10. Q11. Q12. Q13. Q14. Q15.

I am provided adequate facilities to do my job. I believe that the work atmosphere is friendly. I am given adequate freedom to do my job efficiently. I know what is expected of me at work. In the last 7 days, I received praise for my good work. My superior that is the person I report to seems to care about me as a person. My superior encourages my development. At work, my opinion seems to count. In the last three months, my superior has talked to me about my progress. The purpose of my company makes me feel that my job is important. My associates are committed to doing quality work. I have a best friend at work. This last year, I have had opportunities at work to learn and grow. The best people in my profession are keen to work with my organization. I am kept informed about the activities that go on in my organization. Your Score

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Interpreting Your Score

> 130 = Working conditions are acceptable or better. You are highly motivated and engaged in your work, with confidence that your contributions to goals are significant and unique. You are likely to be a part of a highly effective and cohesive team and have close professional friendships within the work place, as well as more broadly in your field. Most days you are "rarin' to go" to work. Don't forget the therapeutic benefits of some time off now and again! 100 - 129 = Working conditions are acceptable or better. Your job is rewarding and your contributions to goals are significant. For the most part, you believe the team to be functioning effectively. Work is a positive aspect of your life and you probably enjoy a high degree of camaraderie within the team. You may want to explore strengthening unique areas of expertise to increase your influence on work outcomes. 70 - 99 = Working conditions are acceptable. Your job is rewarding and your contributions to goals are recognised. You may have a sense that you could be replaced reasonably easily with someone else, if you "let the ball drop". Work is "O.K.", but those weekends or days off look pretty good. You may want to consider strengthening unique areas of expertise to increase your influence on work outcomes. Do you signal (by your words and actions) that you value opportunities to increase your influence on achieving positive work outcomes? < 70 = Working conditions are probably between poor and just acceptable. Your job priorities and methods are likely to be determined by someone else and you may feel completely dispensable. Getting up on working days is a chore and you are counting the days to better times or retirement. There are many possible reasons (both external and particular to you as an individual) that your job does not attract the autonomy you would like. Consider upskilling, through training or seeking opportunities to diversify in the workplace, and let management know if you feel ready for more responsibility and autonomy. You may need to seek these opportunities with another employer.

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