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We must try to remember, deep inside, far away from modern society, what we are. What we once where. Primal beings with primal feelings of being connected with N ature. We have made ourselves into ego beings, individuals all trying to be orig inal and unique, disconnecting from others. Lost in man made world of supperfica l needs and wants. Always needing more from outside ourselves. We take trips out to nature instead of realizing that nature is our home. Nature is all. It is ou r mother who keeps us alive, feeds us, heals us, gives us visions, beauty and an swers. We are so far on our quest for freedom we forget that wilderness is the p urest form of freedom there is and that we must protect it! Little of it is left and yet simply by decreasing our everyday consuming and production, by recyclin g, reusing, sharing and creating community we can start to change our current si tuation one step at a time. By not being lost in a buy your happiness society tr aped in the Internet, saturated by wifi lines and cell phone interferences. By r eturning to our true selves. The ones who listen to the russtleling of leaves, t he wisper of the wind, who feel the oceans spray and wade in its foam and let th emselves be cleansed by it. The ones who take the time to walk and look and obse rve the sounds and smells of the forest. Today it is a luxury to be able to do s uch basic rituals. Even to feed from wholesome crops and organic foods has becom e too expensive for most, becoming again a choice only the wealthy can make. I f ind myself a traveler forced to go between both nature and man made madness. Rea lizing I had a choice to make, I chose the solitude of nature where I am never a lone to the loneliness I find myself in when in the city. As we enter new eras w e can see many changes with new problems and new solutions. I threw out my TV, s topped reading the papers, moved away to the country. I don't believe the hype. I seem to know more since. I have hope somehow while I face the reality of a no future generation lost in cyber space, understandably nihilist faced with such s ocial and environmental problems that we as children of the earth can start chan ges by making these shifts within ourselves. Symbolically I see hope as a big fi re circle bringing together different peoples from different backgrounds, identi ties, who finally see that gathered in this new community we are stronger and mo re alive. Humbling ourselves, remembering that there are greater importances tha n a twitter post or buying our way through life. That we have a right to be whol e and a right to breathe clean air, drink clean water and feel the earth at our feet. A right to grow our own food, build our homes and our lives in harmony wit h the land. I find beauty in many things and I myself have worked in the art wor ld, designing, working in fashion, consuming, being lost in a world where my val ue was driven by a market run for and by the rich. I chose to leave that world d irectly, yet to work within the system in order to change it. I still design and work at my crafts. I don't think going to war with them will change anything. I have no enemies but I know those who do all the wrong doing will get served. I' d like to speed up the unveiling process. In nature I am free of influence, insp ired by my surroundings and focused. I have the chance to collaborate and work w ith many different amazing artists and researchers working on the same causes, n eeding something real, something pure and deeper or who are just plain sick of t he leaders, markets and the way artists in general are being forced to sell thei r souls... We wish to incorporate our work into these causes that in the long r un look into caring for the earth and for humanity in general. We use these skil ls to teach and care for elders and children, from whom we learn so much as well in the process. In studying how to build from not much or from what you have ar ound you in your environment spaces, to plant, to garden, meditate and eat healt hily we can restore in a big way the damage done. Little by little as we study a ll of these life shifts we are drawn to share them with others and especially to start focusing on low income groups of people who don't have access to this typ e of information and lifestyle. Urban farming and meditation groups are being se en more and more. Both have shown a huge positive influence in general and have had a wonderful impact on what society would label as hopeless cases, who are le

ft out and abandoned. We have to change our whole perspective and sacrifice this so called comfort which we mistake as our right to freedom. We forget that we a re slaves to this dependency created to control us. We crave un-natural things. We search for balance yet we cannot listen to our intuition which will always le t us know how to truly care for ourselves. We have lost our magic, lost our ears , our souls to machines and middle aged white men. How can we find it again? We must loose ourselves in order to find ourselves aga in. Loose ourselves in the woods. Rid ourselves of all the excess. Only then can we find answers. As the hopi tribe prophesy along with many other sacred people around the world tells it is time for the great return and we can no longer tur n away from the truth. This truth rings louder and louder. It unveils all the li es, takes off all the masks and leaves us with a huge mess. So get your mops rea dy children cause' it's time to clean this shit up! We shall overcome someday... Alice Springs. O Love, O pure deep Love, be here, be now, Be all worlds dissolve into your stainless endless radiance, Frail living leaves burn with your brighter than cold stares Make me your servant, your breath, your core. Rumi Over many years this dirt has taught me a lot. I have a relationship with this liv ing organism. At times I m Dirt s father because I take care of it. At times Dirt r because she feeds me. And at times Dirt s my lover because we share a loving relat ionship. I take care of it and it takes care of me. I feel the life within it. Pierre Rabhi

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