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AIDS is bio-terrorism created to kill billions some doctors and
scientists sa
By I D Admin on January 18, 2007 12:29 AM Permalink
b Peter Trembla
Is AIDS an "accident of nature", or bio-terrorism created by a hideous intelligence? The cure to
the worsening AIDS pandemic may lie in appreciating its origins. Are we as human beings, still
such a self-destructive and barbaric species, that individuals or groups among us, would resort
to such a prospective Crime Against Humanity?
Let's hope not, but a growing constituency of doctors as well as scientists are expressing alarm
at statistics which suggest that AIDS is a "bio-weapon" designed to target population groups.
A striking feature of AIDS is that it has ethno-selective characteristics. The rate of infection is
twice as high among Blacks, Latinos and Native Americans as among whites, with death coming two to three times as
swiftly. And over 80% of the children with AIDS and 90% of infants born with it are among these minorities. "Ethnic
weapons" that would strike certain racial groups more heavily than others have been a long-standing objectives of
eugenics movements. (See - A Higher Form of Killing: The Secret Stor of Chemical and Biological Warfare by R. Harris
and J. Paxman, p 265, Hill and Wang).
The incidence of AIDS infections in Africa coincides exactly with the locations of the W.H.O. smallpox vaccination
program in the mid-1970's (London Times, May 11, 1987). Some 14,000 Haitians then on UN secondment to Central
Africa were also vaccinated in this campaign. Personnel actually conducting the vaccinations may have been completely
unaware that the vaccine was anything other than what they were told.
Indeed, "AIDS has an uncanny knack for attacking people the dominant society considers "undesirables": gays, injection
drug users (IDUs), prisoners, and people of colour", says David Gilbert, who has been an AIDS activist and educator. Mr.
Gilbert disagrees about there being a "conspiracy" associated with AIDS. However, his valuable insights are consistent
with background evidence and allegations used by doctors, scientists, and other activists who say that AIDS is apparent
Indeed, Mr. Gilbert corroborates accusing doctors and scientists who also recognize "The commonly cited US statistic
that African Americans have twice the AIDS rate as white Americans understates the problem because it is based on the
total number of cases since 1981. While white gay men constituted the large majority of cases in the early days, by the
early 1990s the rate of new cases among Latinos was 2.5 times higher than among whites, and the black : white ratio
was even starker at 5-1 for men and 15-1 for women. By 1993, AIDS had become the leading cause of death among
African Americans between the ages of 25 and 44." Furthermore, "Internationally, the racial disparity is even worse:
About 80 percent of the world's 9 million AIDS deaths through 1995 have occurred in Africa, where 2 million children
have already been orphaned."
An almost perfect fit...
Mr. Gilbert also documents that the correlation between AIDS and social and economic oppression is clear and powerful.
What is more, the pattern meshes neatly with an extensive history of chemical and biological warfare (CBW) and
medical experiments which have targeted people of colour, Third World populations, prisoners, and other unsuspecting
individuals. In the first North American example of CBW, early European settlers used smallpox-infected blankets as a
weapon of genocide against Native Americans. A few centuries later, the US Army conducted hundreds of tests that
released "harmless" bacteria, viruses, and other agents in populated areas; one was to determine how a fungal agent
thought mainly to affect black people would spread. Washington also subsidized the pre-marketing tests of birth control
pills before a safe dosage was determined on Puerto Rican and Haitian women who were not warned of the potentially
severe side effects. "Since the 1940s, the US has conducted 154 tests on 9,000 people soldiers, mental patients,
prisoners many of whom had no idea of the risks involved", further elaborates Mr. Gilbert. "On another level, the drug
plague in the ghettos and barrios whether by intent or not has the effect of chemical warfare against these
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1/27/12 AIDS is bio-terrorism created to kill billions some doctors and scientists say
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The four decade-long Tuskegee sphilis stud
StartIng In 19J2, under US PublIc Health ServIce auspIces, about 400 black men In rural Alabama were subjects In an
experIment on the effects of untreated syphIlIs. They were never told the nature of theIr condItIon or that they could
Infect theIr wIves and chIldren. Although penIcIllIn, whIch became avaIlable In the 1940s, was the standard of treatment
for syphIlIs by 1951, researchers not only wIthheld treatment but forbade the men from seekIng help elsewhere. ThIs
shameful experIment was stopped In 1972, only after a federal health worker who was Involved blew the whIstle, |r.
CIlbert further documents.
Nor Is experImentatIon on people of colour a thIng of the past, says |r. CIlbert. 8egInnIng In 1989, 1,500 chIldren In
West and East Los Angeles and nglewood were gIven an experImental measles vaccIne as part of a government
sponsored trIal. |ost of the subjects were LatIno or AfrIcan AmerIcan. The parents of these chIldren were never told
that they were part of an experIment wIth an unlIcensed drug, and thus had a less than adequate basIs for gIvIng theIr
consent. The EdmonstonZagreb, or EZ vaccIne, was also tested In Senegal and CuInea8Issau and HaItI, CuInea, and
more than a dozen other ThIrd World countrIes. TrIals In Los Angeles, conducted wIth the cooperatIon of KaIser
Permanente, the Centers for 0Isease Control (C0C) and Johns HopkIns UnIversIty, were stopped two years later after
questIons were raIsed about the vaccIne's relatIonshIp to an Increased death rate among female Infants.
Most African Americans believe HIV virus/AIDS was created for bio-terrorism polls suggest
n lIght of thIs gruesome pattern and pervasIve evIdence In every corner of socIety that the lIves of blacks are less
valued, there are good reasons why so many prIsoners as well as a sIgnIfIcant portIon of the AfrIcan AmerIcan
communIty belIeve that government scIentIsts delIberately created A0S as a tool of genocIde.
ndeed, a Washington Post artIcles reveals that 8lack women In the U.S. made up 7J percent of new H7 cases among
women In 200J, and black men represented 40 percent of new cases, accordIng to the most recent federal fIgures
0IsburbIngly, Western governments have even been workIng to prevent AfrIcan natIons from manufacturIng theIr own
protease InhIbItor A0S drugs. WhIle these drugs are by no means a cure, they do offer sufferers an extensIon of lIfe,
whIle a cure Is sought. ThIs kInd of Covernment level Interference Is consIstent wIth the enforcement of an apparent
'depopulatIon' agenda.
|r. CIlbert dId not, however, mentIon a 10 mIllIon dollars fundIng approprIatIon campaIgn In 1969 on cancer toward
the followIng:
"A new infective microorganism which could differ in certain important aspects from an known disease-causing
organism. Most important of these is that it might be refractor to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon
which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease."
Russian warnings?
n 1976, eIght years before the dIscovery of the H7 vIrus, the FussIans called for a ban on exotIc arms an expansIon
of the 1972 8IologIcal Weapons ConventIon. AccordIng to thInktank specIalIsts AlvIn and HeIdI Toffler In theIr book War
and Anti-War:
Notably, The FussIans warned of the hIdeous possIbIlIty of racespecIfIc weapons genetIcally engIneered to sIngle out
and decImate only the members of selected ethnIc groups the ultImate genocIdal weapon for race war.
f the perpetratIon of A0S Is premedIated genocIde, then It would be a CrIme AgaInst HumanIty, perpetrated by a
hIdeous IntellIgence, and subject to natIonal and InternatIonal laws. A0S has caused paIn, excrutIatIng sufferIng,
sIckness, and death for hundreds of mIllIons of people. ndeed, fIndIng the orIgIns of A0S, may crItIcally help secure a
cure or antItode for A0S, whether It Is a natural mutatIon, or a manmade dIsease.
African governments fighting societal collapse
Stephen LewIs, a CanadIan, who Is the UN SecretaryCeneral's specIal envoy for H7/A0S In AfrIca, delIvered a dIre
message In February 200J that, the InterlockIng H7/A0S and hunger crIses are causIng a breakdown not only In
agrIculture, but throughout all sectors. Some government offIcIals have saId It feels lIke an overall socIetal collapse and
that they are fIghtIng for survIval, he told reporters followIng hIs joInt tour wIth |r. James |orrIs, executIve dIrector
of the UN World Food Programme.
AsIde of allegatIons that suggest A0S could be bIoterrorIsm, Stephen LewIs adds lack of the resources to fIght the
H7/A0S epIdemIc Is mass murder by complacency.
|any, many, tens of mIllIons of people are dyIng from A0S In AfrIca alone, whIch Is havIng a cascade effect on whole
socIetIes. Some estImates claIm that nearly 50 of South AfrIca alone, Is already Infected wIth H7 vIrus/A0S. The
South AfrIcan government has also been accused by many doctors, actIvIsts, and others of collaboratIng wIth U.S.led
multInatIonal corporatIons to prevent to the control of the spreadIng and treatment of the H7 vIrus/A0S. Some South
AfrIcan polItIcal leaders attrIbute A0S as sImply beIng created from 'poverty', as If poverty Is some kInd of vIrus In
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Disinformation campaign associated ith "Patient Zero"
The Idea dIssemInated In maamedIa, that a young, gay CanadIan aIrlIne steward named Caetan 0ugas fIrst Introduced
the A0S vIrus Into the homosexual populatIon of |anhattan was fIrst advanced by the late San FrancIsco wrIter Fandy
ShIlts and gIven further credence by coverage on the C8S televIsIon news program, 60 Minutes.
n hIs book, AIDS and the Doctors of Death, Hollywood dermatologIst and cancer researcher 0r. Alan Cantwell states that
a large number of homosexual men In New York, CIty had the dIsease before 0ugas was ever dIagnosed.
As evIdence for thIs, we know that Cladd Stevens and her group from the New York CIty 8lood Center have traced the
fIrst and earlIest known 'posItIve' A0S vIrus antIbody test back to young |anhattan gays who were Injected wIth the
hepatItIs experImental vaccIne at the 8lood Center begInnIng In November 1978, Cantwell wrItes In hIs book.
FeexamIned blood specImens taken durIng 19781979 show 'posItIve' A0S vIrus antIbodIes In 6.6 of those men
Injected wIth the experImental hepatItIs vaccIne (Journal of the AmerIcan |edIcal AssocIatIon, 7olume255, pp.2167
2172,1986). n 1980, the year 0ugas was 'dIagnosed wIth A0S, twenty percent of the |anhattan men In the
experImental hepatItIs vaccIne study were 'posItIve' for A0S vIrus antIbodIes! There Is no conceIvable way 0ugas could
ever have Infected such a large number of New York CIty gays, as early as 19781979
WHD offIcIal admIts to apparent vaccInatIon program trIggerIngoff A0S pandemIc
Not long after the Segals released theIr report, the front page of the London Times carrIed a headlIne whIch receIved
vIrtually no coverage In the UnIted States. The |ay 11, 1987 edItIon of the Times declared Smallpox vaccIne trIggered
The A0S epIdemIc may have been trIggered by the mass vaccInatIon campaIgn whIch eradIcated smallpox, the London
Times artIcle states.
The World Health DrganIzatIon, whIch InspIred a 1Jyear campaIgn, Is studyIng new scIentIfIc evIdence suggestIng that
ImmunIzatIon wIth the smallpox vaccIne 7accInIa awakened the unsuspected, dormant human Immuno defence vIrus
InfectIon (H7), the artIcle contInued.
8ut an advIser to WHD who dIsclosed the problem, told The TImes ' thought It was just a coIncIdence untIl we studIed
the latest fIndIngs about the reactIons whIch can be caused by 7accInIa. Now belIeve the smallpox vaccIne theory Is the
explanatIon to the explosIon of A0S. the artIcle stated, addIng, The greatest spread of H7 InfectIon coIncIdes wIth
the most Intense ImmunIzatIon programme... The artIcle saId about 14,000 HaItIans who were Involved In the
vaccInatIon program then brought the dIsease home to the CarIbbean.
The London TImes artIcle went on to quote 0r. Fobert Callo, the AmerIcan codIscoverer of the A0S vIrus, The lInk
between the WHD programme and the epIdemIc In AfrIca Is an InterestIng and Important hypothesIs. The artIcle
further quoted Callo as sayIng, ... If the hypothesIs Is correct It Is a tragIc sItuatIon and a warnIng that we cannot
Ignore. ThIs tragIc sItuatIon may have been predIcted In 1981 when, accordIng to Los Angeles pathologIst and
gastroenterologIst 0r. Fobert Strecker, the publIcatIon |IcrobIologIcal FevIews carrIed an artIcle declarIng bovIne
vIsna vIrus was a known contamInant of fetal calf serum, from whIch smallpox vaccIne was made.
Also lIttle known Is the WHD's call In 1972 for an examInatIon of the possIble effects of a vIrus on the Immune system.
The request Is stated In the WHD's annual bulletIn on page 259 of the artIcle, Virus-associated immunopatholog:
Animal models and implications for human disease:
An attempt should be made to ascertaIn whether vIruses can In fact exert selectIve effects on Immune functIon, e.g.,
by depressIng 7S versus 19S antIbody, or by affectIng T cell functIon as opposed to 8 cell functIon, the WHD artIcle
states. The possIbIlIty should also be looked Into that the Immune response to the vIrus may Itself be ImpaIred If the
InfectIng vIrus damages more or less selectIvely the cells respondIng to the vIral antIgens.
A study reported In the 1976 edItIon of Cancer Fesearch may have a dIrect bearIng on thIs call for experImentatIon. An
artIcle tItled A 7Iral mmunodepressIve Factor AssocIated WIth ExperImental |ouse Tumors cItes the 1972 WHD
bulletIn, InferrIng that the scIentIsts conductIng the mouse tumor study were actIng on the suggestIon from the WHD.
t Is Important to note that the modern A0S vIrus or Human Tcell LeukemIa/ Lymphoma 7Irus (HTL7) acts In
precIsely the fashIon called for: It selectIvely demolIshes human Tcell functIon, thereby pavIng the way for opportunIstIc
InfectIon, such as KaposI's sarcoma and pneumocystIs carInII pneumonIa.
A large part of the genome of the A0S vIrus Is almost IdentIcal wIth part of the genome of the 7Isna vIrus, a pathogen
whIch causes serIous braIn dIseases In sheep, 0r. Jakob Segal of Cermany wrote In hIs 1986 report.
At some poInt HTL7 was saId to have changed Into the sImIlar form of HTL7. The dIfferences between them were
not of a magnItude to be explaIned by mutatIons. Segal wrote. t was rather a matter of a complete restructurIng, the
dIsappearance of Important structural parts and the emergence of new gene groups.
The A0S vIrus, Segal concluded, accordIngly, must be an artIfIcIal product, the 'result of genemanIpulatIon.
n the complex world of retrovIrology, It Is crucIal to understand that, accordIng to Strecker, HTL7 Is actually bovIne
leukemIa vIrus In man.
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We have seen that the A0S pathogens Is lIkely to result from a gene surgIcal combInatIon of the HTL7 and the 7Isna
vIrus or forms very sImIlar to these, accordIng to Segal. Who, If not the mIlItary, should come to thInk of couplIng the
pathogenes of two deadly and Incurable dIseases.
Segal acknowledged that, In the UnIted States at least, the A0S vIrus fIrst appeared In groups of homosexual men.
Strecker and Hollywoodarea dermatologIst and cancer researcher, 0r. Alan Cantwell, have an answer for thIs.
WrItes 0r. Cantwell In hIs book AIDS and he Doco of Deah, To my surprIse quIckly dIscovered that much of the
scIentIfIc knowledge that has accumulated on the spread of A0S In AmerIca has come from the surveIllance and blood
testIng of large groups of gay and bIsexual men who volunteered as human test subjects In the orIgInal HepatItIs 8
vaccIne trIals whIch took place In sIx AmerIcan cItIes durIng the years 19781981.
7olunteers In the program were requIred to be homosexual or bIsexual men under the age of 40, healthy and
promIscuous, Cantwell and Strecker agree.
After screenIng, the blood of almost ten thousand men, a fInal group of 1,08J were selected to partIcIpate In the fIrst
HepatItIs 8 7accIne Study. The experIment took place at the New York CIty 8lood Center In |anhattan, durIng November
1978 Cantwell stated In hIs book
n November 1978, the fIrst gay man was Inoculated at the New York CIty 8lood Center. 8y Dctober 1979, all the men In
(the) study were Inoculated. WIthIn a decade, most of the men In the experIment would be doomed to dIe of A0S,
Cantwell wrote.
AccordIng to Strecker, the appearance of A0S In New York CIty In 1978 coIncIdes exactly wIth the HepatItIs 8 vaccIne
trIals conducted there. The fIrst appearance of A0S In San FrancIsco and Los Angeles In 1980 closely follows a sImIlar
vaccIne program undertaken In those cItIes, Strecker saId.
Strecker and Cantwell are quIck to recognIze that most people cannot easIly accept the Idea that the government would
play cat and mouse wIth theIr lIves. 8oth doctors poInt to the experIments conducted on unwIttIng vIctIms by the
PublIc Health ServIce In Tuskegee, Alabama durIng the 40 years from 19J2 to 1972.
More on Dr. Cantell's book...
n the experIment, Cantwell wrote In hIs book, AIDS and he Doco of Deah, about 400 black syphIlItIc
sharecroppers were examIned yearly by the PublIc Health ServIce doctors In Tuskegee. The purpose of the study was to
record the destructIve effects of untreated syphIlIs, and to follow closely the medIcal progress of the group untIl each
man dIed.
The black men were never told they had syphIlIs, nor were they told theIr dIsease could endanger theIr famIlIes . . .
Even when a penIcIllIn treatment cure for syphIlIs became avaIlable In the 1940s, the men In the Tuskegee SyphIlIs
ExperIment were not allowed to receIve the antIbIotIc.
UnbelIevably, the dIabolIc Tuskegee ExperIment was sanctIoned by the AmerIcan scIentIfIc communIty for fIve decades.
Cantwell wrItes. Even the black doctors at Andrew HospItal kept quIet about what was goIng on rIght under theIr noses.
Nobody: wanted to cause trouble.
When the government fInally ended the experIment after 40 years, It was dIscovered that fIfty survIvIng wIves and
twenty survIvIng chIldren were Infected wIth syphIlIs.
The Tuskegee ExperIment Is covered In detaIl In the book 8ad 8lood by author James Jones (S8N # s 0029166705
and 0029I6690X ppbk).
The mentalIty behInd the Tuskegee ExperIment may be especIally Important In lIght of the fact the experIment was
supervIsed by the Centers for 0Isease Control, the same government agency that now oversees the A0S epIdemIc,
Cantwell stated.
The apparent "Wall of Silence" against critical debate on the origins of AIDS
n every genocIde program, who talks: No one, Cantwell told thIs wrIter.
No Cerman doctors spoke out agaInst HItler's FInal SolutIon, Cantwell saId, and no doctors protested the Tuskegee
just refuse as a professIonal person to be a part of thIs madness, Cantwell stated. just thInk It's terrIble that
doctors are sIlent on thIs Issue.
Strecker saId he produced hIs 97mInute vIdeotape In an effort to get hIs message out to as many people as possIble, as
rapIdly as possIble. However, accordIng to jack Carpenter, marketIng agent for Strecker and Cantwell, they are generally
refused advertIsIng space to market the products. EarlIer In 1990 Strecker produced a J0 second radIo spot whIch
mentIoned alternatIve A0S therapIes, but saId nothIng of the possIble bIowarfare connectIon.
t's been refused by everyone, Strecker saId. No one wIll run It. t just shows you that there's clearcut suppressIon of
our InformatIon. They don't want our vIewpoInt beIng out there at all.
The they Strecker referred to may be the offIcIal government sources of A0S InformatIon: the Centers for 0Isease
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Control (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Doctors or scientists are not willing to challenge the inconsistencies in this country's AIDS policy, Strecker said, because
they know the CDC or NIH will withdraw their research grants if they don't tow the "party line.
As a result, "it's been an uphill battle getting Strecker's story out to the public," said Carpenter.
"We just can't do it. We've approached everyone. I give a lot of credit to Tony Brown."
Carpenter said, citing four installments of "Tony Brown's Journal" that ran on PBS a few years ago.
Carpenter said he has discussed the matter privately with journalists who are interested in the story, but their editors
invariably prevent the story from seeing print.
"The biggest job in the editorial game is omission," according to Prouty. "Reporters will write the truth; their editors
won't print it."
In an interview ironically conducted inside the National Press Club in downtown Washington DC, Prouty told this writer,
"It's the machine that won't take the truth - and the machine hires the editors. If you could sit in this building for two
months and listen to the distinctions (between what COULD BE printed and what IS printed), you'd be astounded."
Prouty would not have to convince Carpenter.
"It's just been a real impossibility to get this into any kind of a mainstream publication," Carpenter said. "It's been a
nightmare basically. But that just makes me push harder. We keep hoping that we're all proven wrong, but until then we
aren't going to give up on this thing." "We don't ask people to believe anything," Strecker said, "just take some time
and look."
The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) was originally designed to enable ordinary citizens to look into the actions of
government agencies. But in practice, according to Prouty, government agencies have a tendency to stall FOIA requests.
"You just cannot tell what a bureaucracy will do." Prouty said. "If I'm working for the organization, they put it (the
requested information) on my desk in minutes. But if I m on an FOIA request, it might take forever."
Judge sas Compelling Evidenced Warrants Investigation
In a signed statement, a former Washington State Supreme Court Justice has recognized "compelling evidence"
surrounding the case for the artificial origin of the AIDS virus and has declared it warrants an immediate official
In September, 1990, retired Justice William C. Goodloe of Seattle was confronted with much of the material cited in the
accompanying article, "AIDS: Biowarfare Experiment Out of Control" Goodloe declared in his written statement: "I have
heard and seen reports of the possible artificial origin of the AIDS virus, but until this report have not seen such
compelling evidence of its truth. Mr. MacKenzie has assembled a remarkable documentation of heretofore unpublished
data . . ."
Goodloe ended with the statement "... an immediate governmental investigation at the highest level should be
It is significant that Justice Goodloe used the word "evidence" in his: statement. When asked in a telephone
conversation if the documents cited in the article could qualify as circumstantial evidence, he replied, "Certainly!"
In a court of law, Justice Goodloe said, circumstantial evidence carries as much weight as direct evidence. For example,
fingerprints and eyewitness testimony placing a suspect at the scene of a crime, though circumstantial, are considered
as important as if the suspect had admitted committing the crime.
Justice Goodloe's comments seem to support the contention of Jack Carpenter, the marketing associate of Dr. Robert
Strecker and Dr. Alan Cantwell.
"We have more evidence on the manmade nature of the AIDS virus than the State of California has on some death-row
prisoners," Carpenter has said.
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